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tv   News  RT  November 4, 2022 1:00pm-1:10pm EDT

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i this with 2 large extent, the level of prosperity achieved in colonial countries is based on stealing from africa for such as in europe. do not hide this amazing calls out western countries for exploiting that former colonies and his latest take on global developments. as russia celebrates its annual unity day with the international energy agency, warns europe have huge challenges in refilling basic gas bolts due to the new sanctions against russian fuel and courts. but i think we will
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never be a cash cow for america. runs president, shoots down jo biden's pledge to bring washington's version of democracy to the islamic country and made mass protests that ah, it's just sunday 8 pm here in moscow, and this is all the international with the latest world news update is great to happy with us robbery, slave trade on the suffering of african people. that's what helped shapes the prosperity of western countries. that's according to vladimir putin, latest statements on how the world is changing as developing nations pushed back against their former colonial masters. was that she still is stephanie to a large extent, the level of prosperity achieved in colonial countries is based on stealing from africa. researches in europe do not hide this. they say the prosperity of the colonial powers is largely built on the grief and suffering of african peoples.
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this is an obvious fact robbery, the slave trade. this is a significant part of world history, and it is impossible to turn a blind eye to it. the europe yeskis, their leases of sim you, european capitals, have recently been the centers of the universe, but this is already in the past. great britain was such an influential power. but there are now 67000000 people in the u. k. while in one indian state alone, there are 241000000 in the largest country in europe, germany, and there are 84000000 people. and in china's going dong province alone, 126000000. these are the countries that were once great superpowers, but of turned into medium or small countries. was named as we know about polish ideas to create a great state from see to see before world war 2. there has been a lot of talk about this. now we see hugs between the leaders of poland, ukraine,
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but the idea remains alive, and the idea of poland absorption of ukraine. it has not gone away. your opinion studies professor steven guy edge sees eggs colonial power is a, using ukraine to try and maintain that had so many the old masters will not give up to power so easily. i do believe is that the west will try to hold this neo colonial group for as long as they can and they will invest more. busy as much as they are able to, the western powers will do everything to drain as much of, i mean, it sounds horrible, but as much blood as possible from russians from both sides of the aisle for russia is now defending the emerging multiple world order upon the results of this battle, and we will see you in want to world we live in the g 7 country say they will
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finalize a price cap on seaborne shipments of russian oil in the coming weeks. as if the international energy agency was the year a pull face major challenges in refilling askance reserves next year, or to contribute to rachel marston explains. so the international energy agency, based here in paris, has just put out a report warning that the worst of the energy crisis for europe could still be to come next year. people here in france and elsewhere in europe are already in a panic, over gas and electricity costs, which are also exacerbating inflation. the french government is paddling a mixed message on one hand, they're promoting what they call quote, energy sobriety, which i guess sounds better than energy rationing. sobriety implies that the government is staging and intervention on a bunch of drunks who are, you know, pounding energy like beer at pub. and apparently that supposed to be a good thing. that's how they're framing it. if they were honest,
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they called an energy found instance energy is required to literally put food on the table, which people are struggling to do as a result of europe on sanctions. but on the other hand, french officials are trying to calm people down by insisting that the country's energy reserves are nearly full for the winter. oh well, what a surprise. it's been over 20 degrees celsius here for the last several weeks. we haven't even begun to come into winter home eating consumption hasn't started yet. and we have no concrete idea how long those reserves are actually going to last. once that consumption starts. and now the i. e. a is saying that 2022 could be a walk in the park for europe compared to 2023. why? because europe had been dragging their feet on cutting themselves off from rush and gas, which enabled them to stalk up trickle by trickle for a good part of the year. but next year with their own anti russian energy sanctions now firmly in place. they won't have that same luxury,
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so the serbian president is warning the gas prices will only serge, as those european reserves get used up, called the weather will start in $5.00 to $7.00 days. and then europe will thoughts of bonus gas reserves where the 1st batch starts. leaving the stockpile and there is nothing to replenish with the price will rise. there will be a hell of a dish cold winter. yes. so the european union wants to pay less for the gas that they're going to have to buy a. yeah. and i want to take a vacation to the mall div, maybe i should just barge into a travel agency and demand that they lower the price for me. gas producing cutter is outraged by your self center behavior, underscoring that the you doesn't seem to give a toss about what they risk doing to the rest of the world. you're going to scale away investment or putting in place caps. free markets is always the best solution and, and if you try to fix the market, you're going against all the anti competition laws and the europeans will try
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to put on by owner on synonyms and now they're doing it themselves. so saying that have a critical thinker, it's not their booth, it's a lot of a consequence to give you a concrete idea at this sort of global energy deregulation that the qatari minister is talking about. here, there are ships carrying liquefied natural gas lined up like cruise liners and peak season, off the coast of spain that are waiting for the prices to rise before they unload it in europe. but hey, it's all worth it to punish russia, right? the use kind of like the guy dumps his girlfriend thinking that she'd have no other options and then gets upset when he notices that her date nights are all booked. russia just moved on from europe to asian countries, notably redirecting that european gas to china via the power of serbia pipeline. and there's also another pipeline project plan through mongolia called us so use vos doc. meanwhile, the you is acting like an ex, sitting around plotting revenge while trying to project that they're totally in
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control. but now here is a western lead agency sounding the alarm. i'm just not sure if anyone hears or he wake a ron's president has blotted j. biden's claim that a radians will be free quote, pretty soon stressing that turan will never be a prisoner of america. and the u. s. president has said he wants to liberate around . iran was freed 43 years ago and is determined not to be america's captive. we will never be a cash cow for america dorm room for room. so for each o. biden's comment comes amid protests in iran following the death of a 22 year old woman in police custody monster immediate family has blamed the authorities for her death while to wrong, has denied responsibility. oh, biden is not alone in his efforts to intervene in ron's domestic affairs. just last
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week, counted as prime minister took to the streets of all to her in support of protesting iranians, vowing to oppose the countries regime. i was to leave you to say a know is i know this house to stop, but we will continue to do everything we can ah, profess aside mahonnan mirandi of the university of to ron, say that the western leaders comments actually reveal their true agenda. the iranians believe that i didn't when he says that the united states is going to free iranians and exposes the united states for what it really is. the united states is an oppressive and brutal regime that tries to dictate terms of the rest of the world. and revolution and iran was about independence, freedom and dignity. and over the past few weeks,
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the united states has been supporting riots and iran. they've been supporting terrorist organizations. it's astounding that western countries consider themselves are put to portray themselves as the defenders of human rights. ironically, today, there are huge anti american protests across the country, including a ron where millions of people participated across the country. and you don't see any of that in the western media. there were waiting for.


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