tv News RT November 5, 2022 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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ah, ah, with a school in the russian city of don't, yes, comes on the ukrainian shelling with locals reports and get the 3 explosions electrically caused by us supplied weapons therapy. an official thing called about resigned and outrage over what they call a blatant discrimination of sub to find the pool forces. partition military intelligence have plans to set up a group of ukrainian saboteurs in crimea to attack russian target bounce according to leaked documents obtained by investigative news out at the grey zones. we hear from the websites chief as a construction of this secret ukrainian terror army mirrors the kind of
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tactics that we've seen play out in crimea in the past several weeks with very well. welcome to my team here in moscow. this is ancy international with the latest world news update is great to happy with. ukraine has allegedly shall the civilian bus station in the ambassador, russian city of hassan, no casualties have been reported in that attack. a constant on yes, 3 civilians were killed in care of strikes on the russian republic in the last 24 hours. as according to local officials at school, it was just a one that don yes, building that came on the fire with eye witnesses reporting that 3 shells hit the facility, official se fragments of you estimate ordinance have been found at the scene. the new russian territories have been coming on the increasing ukrainian shelling our war correspondent ramon concert for port residential areas of the
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city of the girl of god. not far from the nest. the capital of the republic is under constant fire by the ukrainian military. and that's been happening over the last 8 and a half years. on friday, at least 30 houses had been destroyed by ukraine and artillery fire. these houses were destroyed in this area by these grad raucous. thank for the no one was killed during this attack. however, at least 2 people were wounded. i spoke to 2 women who told me that sir, firing against their houses, has been happening nonstop all these years. this is this life. what kind of my fitness we flee every day we hired every day.
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when will it all stop with good news? it's been like this for the last 8 years, but we haven't been here before. when will it and what, what yesterday be on goes in the yard with my granddaughter. when the neighbors were heavily hit, my granddaughter is on the sex. she was very scared it quickly into the house and then came another strike. i thought to myself, this is it, we're going to die while working in this district or for a girl. of course i saw many damaged houses and nearly every house had one of these in its back yard. this is a 122 millimeter grad rocket is my multiple rocket launch system. and these things are absolutely everywhere. vermont costs for a marty goal of good. the next republic sir, be an officials in a self proclaimed republic. of course though, our resigning that positions and government nothing, protested a ruling. that force is ethnic serbs to use local carlisses' place. wondering who
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to clear an irrevocable resignation of our positions as m. p. 's and the pristine of parliament, a volleyball officials above all, the local leaders of the militia. also, police forces in the north and resign they around noon after the meeting with the serbian government officials and with the service provision in the, in the north of course. so, so we know for a fact that this is not just the trick to try to convince the console side seat to the negotiation. they both as a full free hours ago. basically, you don't have any so be and police officers in causal and mentor here because all of them resigned with new today or disagreements with the moon regarding good luck . not only cost of order station for it, but that's being the current issue that mainly about everything. resolving the
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current policy of the prime minister. and it will be followed up with some of further action because of the sort of been what if there are some, you know, the boss or the candle, the municipalities which are been majority already said that they will begin their peaceful protests and they're gathering the causes communities and then the other places to show their disagreement and to show their willingness not to withdraw from this option. and from this question, because they said the themselves, they have tried every, every other terms, every other democratic, peaceful way of mincing finished enough to sit down and negotiate some compromise. such thing is not possible from their perspective. so now newton, their english ations with the serbian inside with the, with the sort of government they can, they can briefing with them last week and they said that they will be together on this question. and they will forget and tried to call me at least enough to
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peaceful and democratic solution to this current prices. don't come down to that one place. then i decide then of course, when you say, you know, we don't mean the cost of authority themselves because, you know, they have very little to say on this or any other matter because they're or surround by the western power that still have several 1000 troops in kosovo and kevin need to mason bond, feel as we know when they're basically effective control of every possible government since the war ended through today. so it's all come down to that. what's the western ambassadors course all say to the cost of government? then what would be decided in western capitalism will prevail in these prices like several times in the last you not for years but months. these crisis keeps occurring in different form every 2 or 3 months, unfortunately. so it all comes down to that's what's on the western powers. the fact that when so a lot of we're so called console and decide when this prices are not ended. but for
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longer british military intelligence reportedly plans are organized a secret army of ukrainian saboteurs in crimea to attack crushing targets on the peninsula. that's according to leaks, documents obtained by the investigative news outlets. the grey zone, the report would say the private british defense contracting firm prevail partners was supposed to form the militant group to conduct sabotaged operations on behalf of the ukrainian security service. allegedly, the company signed a deal with ukrainian officials in the portland city of the desk. 6 and the influential oligarchy was involved in funding the scheme prevail, partners has not yet commented on the allegations. we spoke to the grey zones, chief editor, who said western media has turned a blind eye to such activities. well, these are primary documents that were distributed between a cell of british military intelligence operatives,
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both operating in the public and private sector, overseen by chris donnelly. we obtain documents within donnelly's group which presented a blueprint for attacking the courage, bridge, just months before the bridge itself. was attacked, so we verified the metadata of these documents and we spoke to many of the figures involved about them. and we can confirm that these documents and the planned behind them is an indeed authentic. we haven't seen any british official reaction to these documents. we've obtained and we are unable at the gray zone to verify that this cell of british military and dot military intelligence operatives responsible for producing these documents was directly involved in any of the ukrainian sabotage attacks. we've seen. all we can say is that the blueprint for these attacks and the construction of this secret ukrainian terror army mirrors the kind
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of tactics that we have seen play out in crimea in the past several weeks. this would seem to be a massive story. and yet, british media has totally ignored it, like raising previously reported that british military officials were involved in a plan to blow up the crimean bridge using specially trained ukrainian soldiers. that was 6 months before the bridge, it was ultimately bombed in october, killing several civilians. russia accused the head of ukraine, the military intelligence of orchestrating the strike in crank denies involvement in the attack. some european officials, including serbia's presidents, have called out western governments for failing to condemn attacks on russian infrastructure. political, you said to queen asthma, there was no politician in the world who doesn't know, but we all play dom and remain silent, so as not to harm the country's interests. what can i say?
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that's the kind of hypocrisy that is everywhere nowadays. even if it were to happen to the balkan stream, we would survive somehow. i don't know if others would be with us. the grey zone has also uncovered thought is that said the wife of ukrainian president the landscape was the one who pushed for the news on that to be banned from an important global tech conference hosted by each member state portugal. ukraine's 1st lady elaine as the lens guy was the keynote speaker at the web summit conference. she had supposedly threatened to quote, a play, a significant influence on sponsors. if the greys own wasn't banned. the news outlet was initially granted a press pass for the event which was then canceled, the res ends that chief editor again phase the move to ban the outlet is yet another example of ukraine's fight against freedom of the press. the ukrainian government's war or on the free exchange of ideas and free expression . moving into the heart of western europe with the direct personal lobbying
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campaign of ukrainian 1st lady or lena zalinski to ban the grey zone from a major tech conference to which we were invited web summit in lisbon portugal where we had the grey zone. are one of the few english language us based outlets that is reported on the ukrainian government maintenance of a defacto hit list that contains the names of over 400 journalists. we have reported on this list, mirrored for ads as well. a as the domestic repression under the watch of ukrainian president vladimir zalinski of the ukrainian media. and this is especially significant because ukraine and specifically the zalinski is claim to be fighting on behalf of democracy and to preserve a democratic west. but what they are doing in practice is crushing speech and a free press at home. and now, in supposedly, in,
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in the heart of supposedly democratic nations. the pentagon is building a new commonsense, etc, train and equip ukraine's military amidst the ongoing wool. the headquarters will be stationed in germany for want washington calls a long time nation. this headquarters will be similarly scaled and scope to our current footprint, but it will ensure we are postured to continue supporting ukraine over the long term. well, this new base appears to be just a staff that the what the pentagon calls the big one, american admiral charles richard, whoever sees the countries nuclear navy says the conflict in ukraine is just the warm up. the senior us officer went on to identify china is the real challenge fully us? i think the paintings military is getting stronger and more capable than the americans. meanwhile, ukraine could have already made peace with russia if only kid had agreed to
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a cease fire deal with moscow back in march. as, according to american economist and you and advisor, jeffrey sachs, who says ukraine's western allies have possibly persuaded the country to keep fighting. well ukraine even said in march of this year will be something like austria in other words neutral. and then one day the ukrainians came and said, we stop the negotiations. we can, we can't continue. some people say boars. johnson carried that message from the u. k. i don't know, but what i do know for a fact is ukraine walked away from the negotiating table, i think with huge detriment from a us air force lieutenant colonel karen clear how sky has that america is sacrificing ukraine for its own agenda. and china is the ultimate goal. it's not really a good model, but it's a well worn model. you know, it actually makes me think back to how we got involved in viet nam, you know,
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it was so it's just training officers. it's just a little bit of help here and there. it's humanity and, but it's not, it never is. there is an american agenda, and ukraine will be utterly, i think, unfortunately, destroyed the people and the country. what's left of it before the americans quit the united states? foreign policy believes to china is the big, near peer competitor. china is the challenge. china is the ultimate target of even what we're doing in ukraine, which looks very much to be an anti russia operation. there certainly the ukranian people themselves waking up to the fact that they are being sacrificed at the altar of a great power conflict. the manager of a night club in western russia in which 13 people died at an early morning, blaise has been detained on charges of violating fire safety rules, and of the suspect has reportedly pleaded guilty to firing a flag gun inside the building.
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ah, the massive fire was reported in the city of castro met just after 2 30 am on saturday. or the venue polygon was hosting a weekend event. more than $250.00 people were evacuated from the building, which was around the size of half a football field. local prosecutors say that some of the clubs emergency exits were blocked in violation of safety rules. it took fire fighters around 90 minutes to put out the blaze, one local who knocked out one of the doors and helped others evacuate tony what he saw emotionally. when i knocked down the door, i was acting on an instinct. when i kicked it out, lots of people stormed through. i've never done anything special like plants in the tree raising the sun or building a house. but if i managed to say someone's life, that means i need it for something. people were in panic. my wife still hasn't recovered. when i stepped outside, i've never seen such fear in people's faces in my life. some were sitting on the
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road, groin and screaming after the blast, the smoke appeared literally, moments and seconds. before i came down the door, we were already swallowing smoke. we were standing in clouds of black smoke all around us. the fireman rose quickly, but they did not go inside. it was impossible to go in. what the un has warned. there is no hope of slowing down global warming, with the admission flying in the face of western pressure on african countries to cut down on emissions at their own expense. aunties caribella title reports from south africa. as the world years up for the united nations cop 27 climate change conference in char muskegon, egypt. so 2 of the negotiators and proponents of reducing the levels of carbon dioxide, dinner atmosphere. but true to capital is venue. western nations have created a treatable monetary market out of the and reduction of the st. covered. it's
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a market that only rewards manufactured means of carbon emissions and it's a reduction. and it almost completely ignores earth natural cobblins sponges where the carbon markets are very chaotic. i would put it to the quantitative easing, especially since 2022 european market. the biggest has gone up and down and up and down. it crashed after the russian. a conflict with ukraine began. it crashed with the energy crisis and becoming evident in september. so it's very unreliable markets, the kyoto protocol brought to life the mechanisms behind the carbon credit trading as it were. a carbon credit is a piece of tradable certificate that gives the owner the right to emit a set amount of carbon dioxide or the equivalent in greenhouse gases. it is tradable just like in a stock exchange with buyers and sellers. and it's also verified by an independent
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3rd party carbon dioxide emissions. i said by governments throughout the world. and if emitter ones to exceed the levels that have been fed, they must go and pay case a carbon credit from those that have been reducing carbon emissions. so technology, if you'll bank balance sheet allows you can pollute all you want. this is the dilemma of our century of our times really the degree to which the government, especially in the west were historic emissions, are, will force emissions cuts or to instead privatize their so the right to pollute. it's that dilemma where the rich have got it's $130.00 trillion dollars according to our party, to flushing iran. and they're putting it into this kind of gambling casino, or betting all over climate crisis. it's expecting the financiers to solve a problem when they can't even run their own market. gabon has become
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a leading advocate of payment for preservation. the central african stayed was the 1st african country to be paid for reducing emissions and combating forest degradation in 2021. galvan is part of the congo base and otherwise known as the lungs of africa. and its massive trees can capture a 127000000 tons of carbon dioxide. and really that's equivalent to removing 30000000 cars of the road. but the inherently flawed common credit market, only rewards manufactured carbon capture and emissions efforts. mostly because that's what the market will pay for, but what about places that have preserved their forests from the very beginning, developing countries? do you have a legitimate reason to feel aggrieved by the fact that you're the developed world is sitting there saying, oh, you should exploit your natural resources. meanwhile, in developing countries in europe decimated all of their forests. in the 161718 hundreds carbon markets will help to pay countries like the barn and countries like
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brazil, jude not destroy the rain force that they have. carbon credits could be a game changer for africa and the developing world. they will also offer a quick, a path to the target of net 0 emissions as well as the painting economies. but western countries are not keen to pay countries with huge forest than trees to do what forest than trees would do anyway. but it's, we've seen in recent years, forest do not keep themselves through the questions whether we've got the technical fixes that can sequester, you've got a bigger deliver, can't be used, but her natural system, caesar questions of nature versus technology. and unfortunately, finance gets more profits from technology. so that's where the carbon market funding is going, rather than for land reform. and for our natural restorative systems, the developing world is largely the key bar of the earth natural ecosystem that
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continue to gobble up. most of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and at the head to the united nations climate change conference. they will make a case for the existing forest to be included in the tree double credit cover market. because long before lead view roll became a buzzword, the forest we're all ready absorbing, cobbling if the world is serious about reducing the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. forests like goblins must be a priority, and monetizing them will be beneficial to all. and historic polluters like western countries have us dug choice. facing them my head of cop 27, even increase their coven budget? or give up all hope of ever getting coven dioxide levels under control. got ability to have a lot of t in driving africa continues to move towards
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a digital future with a south african grocery giant. now allowing payments in bitcoin. that's also authorities classified trip. so i said said genuine financial product allowing their regulation, they to platform at chain allison, the reports that africa contains some of the most well developed crypto currency markets of any region with small retail making up a majority of transactions, a block chain, and crypt i researcher from nigeria, essays africans to see the crypto market as the primary way to build wealth and preserve savings. africa had a lot of retail activity going on. so i think that's one like anywhere else in the wall, even though the market. now we've just quit the wind over the last 12 months, right? people are willing to try and think differently. thing. you have a little you maybe on the light and then be a $20.00 to $50.00 per and a to, to read and make some money. i mean, you,
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people were shocked on the currency to save money right now because it's probably one of the easiest ways in africa. capital deficits in operate guy here, according to the i maybe it's a lot for andre and billy on those unworthy right. we need africa to find ways to grow up gap and put the car and defy death. decentralized finance can be very useful to ah, and over to kenya. now when school children were mowed, parts of the east african nation not being taught i t skills in an effort to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. unsecure. a brighter future. oh i
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i realize that if i can actually bring those resources to my community, to teach people how to do that, then it's gonna be really easy to just have someone walk remotely for any company that was here in the village to fix. well, what do we need to fix the system? well, the systems are very hard to fix, but i found that digital info such as the easiest to deal with and then yes, when i brought up with
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my phone with washington's embargo on cuba has received a strong rebuke of the un general assembly with 185 countries voting in favor of a resolution to condemn the blockade. and only the u. s. into israel voting against it is the 30th time the assembly has voted on the american embargo, which has been in place for more than 6 decades. the obama administration had previously moved to relax some sanctions back in 2015, but president trump and later joe biden renewed efforts to isolate the socialist nation, justifying the measures as a struggle for human rights. washington's narrative has been strongly rejected by cuba was if the knowledge says government really didn't care for the world being human rights. and so the termination of the cuban people it could lift the embargo
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glory at larry by the coordinator of the keyboard and venezuela solidarity committee, say the u. s. on bongo is a hypocritical violation of human rights. us has implemented this blockade since 1962 officially because it wants to make the people suffer and force overthrow of the government that hasn't happened. and that's not going to happen. but it's still an absolutely cruel. and i say genocidal policy by washington against the people of cuba. the banks in the world are sanctioned by billions. if they try to accept cuban transactions, it's the greatest human rights violation. 60 years of this, that's the human rights violation. and the u. s. can talk all at once about democracy, but i think it's shown to the world that is absolutely hypocritical. i mean,
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people know this, that's why a 185 countries voted for cuba. so it's really up to the people of the u. s. and the world, the governments have spoken, but the people have spoken also here last week in the united states, from new york to miami, to san francisco and cities in between. people have been rallying cro tessin lat cuban lamb. a new york times ad published a few weeks ago said let cuba live, lift that false label. let cuba buy goods to recover from hurricane indian for at least 6 months. in the interim. at the ultimate, the men is lifting the u. s. harmful, illegal, cruel, and genocidal blockade. everyone i don't agree with is a russian boats. that's how american whistleblower, edward snowden, monks, the blame russia. trend on his twitter page mimicking an iconic children's book
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fairies. oh you are i peas suspects mister snowdon? oh. where do i order this? i do you know what year was these printed? i kinda like the 60s. the while really doesn't change that much to be honest. i many thanks for keeping his company here on our t international. as always, you can find all the latest news updates on our website, r t dot com. and also that gets join our telegram channel to thanks for joining our transactional. ah, ah
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ah . is 2 days we love in this country its cache and freedom. but anybody, it's ever been poor here can tell you that in america, if you've got no cash, got no freedom shackle jackal. do a job that explored you shackle to get interest right? this app she draw shackled to medical bills for ailments, so old they could have their own student loans, their default. they know it's an oppressive and disheartening state of affairs.
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that leaves people doing whatever like a and just described by because they don't have any other choice and that's not freedom. but a universal basic income came give you freedom, lots of freedom, freedom to go back to school, to learn new skills for them to take care of and aging parents. the freedom to start a small business, the freedom to leave an abusive relationship, the freedom to just not have to worry about money. every single 2nd of every day, ah . forming up until literally last 2 years of my life has been like one emergency situation away from complete financial catastrophe. basically i just live in paycheck.
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