tv News RT November 8, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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a i'm with the fact that i'm here today with a delegation to review cooperation, to see how we can pick it forward a to long term sustainable basis. i think she is most of all russia and india focused on energy stability as well as a multi polar approach to global security as well as go hosts, india, foreign minister, keith americans take the polls, the crucial mid term elections with the country. they can only crisis the main concern for many, for take, say, the ruling democrat, the more worried about dishing out the big bug. you craig, says washington,
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on the you accuse each other profits hearing from the global energy crisis. we investigate how us protectionism is alienating some of its allies in europe and asia with very well welcome. this is ought to international what the latest world news updates. good, happy with this out. oh, india is foreign minister, has called for close the cooperation with russia, amid what he calls a stressful situation on energy markets, ortiz donald court, and was at the ministers media conference in moscow. what do you see as the intent of the west, specifically the united states in pressuring india for these relations? what stance will india take in the future towards russia as a result of this pressure? the fact that i'm here today with a delegation to review of cooperation to see how we can take it forward to
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korea, to long term sustainable basis. i think says most of all, i think you can see the obvious in christian commitment. i would hot in keeping that relationship strong. instead, that clip we just saw was the indian foreign minister's response to a question that i was lucky enough to ask at the press conference that came after his meeting with russian foreign minister, sir gay, laugh rav. i wanted to know what india was planning to do. in the face of increasing the western pressure for its friendly relations with russia. and if new delhi would, i join in on the western calls for a price cap on russian oil exports. but based on the indian foreign minister's response, it looks like india is not really buying into that. he reiterated that russia and india have long, had very close relations and that new delhi relies on moscow to provide the indian people with affordable energy as regards. ah, you know, or the, or the coil a supply issue. you know, that is, that is a,
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an festival that is a stress on the energy markets. it is odd fundamental obligation to ensure that the indian consumer has the best possible access on the most advantageous terms to international market. an indicator aspect, ah, quite honestly, we have seen that a d as in dog rashad relationship has worked to advantage. now we also heard from the russian foreign minister, circ a laugh, rob, who said that the talks were very successful. he said that he talked a bit about plans on the russian side to provide india with clean atomic energy, as well as plans to increase the trade volume between the 2 countries in the future . let's take a listen. we put, we have welcome to the positive dynamics of our bilateral trade. by september, the turnover had increased more than 130 percent. the provision of a new site for the construction of a russian designed nuclear power plant will allow india to provide clean,
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unsafe energy in the future. we discussed in detail the state of the prospects for military technical cooperation, including the joint production of modern types of weapons. so it looks like what foreign minister circ a laugh or offset about these talks about them being successful was correct. and the decades long friendly relations that russia and india have enjoyed will continue to persevere. despite the fact that around the world, there's quite a tense geopolitical landscape right now. the us treasury secretary has accused india of trying to capitalize on the global shift in energy market and the g 7 nations and for the price cap on russian oil shipments. and use ex foreign secretary con was about a new delhi as committed to with this thing. western pressure to join the sanctions . you know, i don't know why yellin has said this again. i don't mean it was in, in washington just a few days ago. and he said very clearly on television that we will buy oil
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wherever we can get it. the cheapest price possible, because we are energy hungry country, 85 percent of energy is important. and we have a moral duty to our own people. and therefore, we are going to be forced to buy or from visual that country will buy. where did that, what it is, the most advantage is because that is one. the other thing is this gap is not going to work because you've got it. all market is highly integrated and they can be double price. and if you want to have a price cap on russian oil, right? not a slice cap on, on all other producers, even though beckett cents, i mean this is what eventually do. and we will, we will get, why not the gap in the gas prices. we are buying oil and gas from united states. why not a gap on, on both prices? why not a gap on other commodities? so this is an unending game. so i don't know why united states is playing this game
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. now. it is, this does not apply to gas and oil supplied by 2 pipeline. which means that europe can get loyal jain i can get is loyal. japan is exempt from one. so the hungry, the exempt from from the price guy. so there we are in built discrimination discrimination in the battle in which we can see. so we're going to look at the mid term elections in the united states. get on the way biden's, public approval rating, plummets to in their historic low. as according to a poll conducted on the eve, i think we've done the correct concerns that they will lose the majority in congo, while the election could see around a 3rd of us, congressional senators voted out all in the lower parliamentary chamber, the house of representatives, all 435 seats are on the ballots. new governors for 36 states will also be chosen
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on tuesday, as well as new secretaries of state who are responsible for further elections. major domestic issues such as abortion, access, and the gun, and those who writes all very much in focus on many u. s. media have been echoing biden's claims that us democracy is at risk prompting phase. and republicans could take control of congress and drawing parallels with a possible red wave masses u. s. citizens that seem not to share such concerns when asked what motivates their vote? as most americans say domestic problems are their top concern in the election possible . always the guy drives everything. i think that that is probably the factor that most directly influences people's day to day lives. so definitely a prominent decision in voting. i think the economy is an issue, but i think abortion is a huge issue, especially in this city. i think the economy is definitely a big issue right now. i think a lot of people will be motivate, motivated by it,
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but i don't think the economy is like the biggest issue that happening in our society right now. well, one you could take a look at the condition of everything, the jobs, the unemployment, people are struggling. i can't even get so security and the benefits that they offered me when i was paying taxes. i don't get. so there are hundreds of thousands of people that are really crushed under false economy. now, according to recent polls, 79 percent of americans say that voting decisions will be driven by economic issues . naming domestic problems is their biggest concern. however, the white house and democrat run congress seem to have different priorities as they've 100000 of the 400000000 dollars in age to ukraine, on top of billions, already sent. crane ukraine. ukraine. united states will never, never, never recognize russia's claims on the ukraine. we demonstrated the united states commitment to the government and to the people of ukraine. club, ha,
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crana in washington. it's all ukraine, ukraine, ukraine, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. and it's not just costing time. it's also costing money over $18000000000.00 already. spent no surprise that with washington's big names all focused overseas. many americans are feeling left behind. it seems ukraine 1st america last according to the latest polls, at least when it comes to the issues that americans are concerned about. ukraine is nowhere near the top of the list. america's working families are getting crushed by inflation. the high gas prices are squeezing them dry. the cost of living keeps going up and up. mortgages are also rising. but yet, the government of the united states continues writing checks to kia with prices surgeon and american. struggling to keep up. the federal reserve takes a bold step to chain what seems like relentless inflation and raises interest rates
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by 3 quarters of a percentage point. it's biggest hike in nearly 3 decades. food prices, up, 13 percent rent up more than 6 percent. if you're in the market for a car, new or used, you're paying more about 9 percent more than this time. last year. we've never seen drastic actions like this under janet yelling. we never saw this under member nancy, or even allen greens when you actually go back to the early 19 eighties under paul volcker. and i think this says a lot about not just how high inflation is, but how stubborn raytheon and other military contractors are making a killing. but the american people are suffering. is anyone now shocked that the public is fuming? is argued by money to ukraine. i have every way to disrespect you because you're the 1000 equation with 80000000 grey dad. i'm sorry, bill, in my mistake that you are a fraud. now, some would say that heckling public officials is certainly not the way out. but what exactly does one do when the president himself seems to be somewhat out of
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touch with reality? not concerned about with i'm concerned about with when the people who are lack did are focused on a country overseas. while things in your community, just keep getting worse and worse. you might think that it's time to be a little bit less polite. maybe it's time for some unconventional politics. the polls are now swinging to the right, regardless of any shouting at town halls. my republicans aren't exactly peace does either. and no one's expecting that if they come into office, they'll pull a complete 180 and reverse u. s. foreign policy in europe, ukraine in particular, but unlike their rivals, they seem to have at least picked up on the widespread public opposition to prolonging a foreign war at the expense of the american people. nation building didn't work out too well in iraq and afghanistan. i don't think we should be doing it in ukraine. so targeted military assistance. one thing i favorite that, but yeah,
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this kind of nation building where it's less about our national security. it's more about nation building, i think is a problem with ukraine and everywhere. right now, our country for our borders had a control human trafficking that know we have inflation, gas prices out of control. i mean that for 3. now, such words from republicans have sent the democrats into a tizzy. joe biden is now talking about nuclear armageddon and saying he's not interested in any talk of the escalation or negotiation. biden is declaring roughly half the electorate to be here, redeemable right wing extremists, and he's also taken actions to cause an energy crisis that is certainly not unrelated to u. s. foreign policy. now it's little wonder that even for some long time democrats, this is all gotten to be a little bit much. now i believe in a government that's of the people by the people and for the people. unfortunately, today's democratic party does not. instead, it stands for
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a government that is of by and for the powerful elite. now in the mid term elections, americans don't vote for a president. they vote for representatives in the house and the senate. but these mid term elections are turning into a referendum on one man, a man who is not on the ballot, but does live in the white house. and so while biting goes on with his democracy is at stake mantra, it looks like a lot of americans are just not thrilled with his performance. and they may be recalling a few things that his predecessors sad about america 1st. caleb martin, r t new york. during your recent publicity tool, by them was heck called and asked if washington is ready to negotiate with russia and help and ukraine conflict the you as president russian of the questions and have people demanding on says what school is out of the media events. and i hope. 7 you don't see
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a lot of the one. the room is a joy political on a list on talk show host the most book says this dana clients end up losing the elections . they can only blame themselves on the white house for pushing the wrong agenda. think the republicans have a darn good chance of gaining control of both chambers that the house and the senate. i think it means that joe biden lane, dog and you know, it's their own. all the kids don't fall. first of all, their agenda has been horrific. they keep talking, they keep denying that, that people are suffering and they've been doing that right along. joe biden has been doing that right along. joe biden stood and pennsylvania the other day at
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a senate rally for the democratic candidate and said, no more drilling of oil, no more drilling, no more, no more racking. now that's, that's the death wish doesn't always say the right thing in the white house always has to walk it back. so while people are worried about inflation, cost of living in crime, the democrats have been talking about abortion. and joining up this big issue, we have to save democracy because of the republicans when it's the end of democracy . and brock obama was involved in that too. that's terrific kind of campaigning and the american public's not buying that. as western energy market flood permitted, the global power crisis, the us and europe are increasingly criticizing each other for caching in on the financial turmoil. the french president is accused american companies of profiteering while so i think that europe deserves a preferred price for natural gas. washington has hit back, claiming european firms are the ones making all the money from the lucrative l. n.
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g trade. what's happening is the companies that hold those long term contracts with u. s. l n g producers. they're marking that up and earning that margin in the european market. it's not the u. s. l n g company. it's basically european, headquartered international oil companies and traders. remember when u. s. president joe biden came here to europe, back in march to plotted the european union sanctioning russia cutting off its own russian energy source, the process, and promised to help europe replace that source with american energy. well, apparently european leaders didn't read the fine print or fully consider the implications of what they were signing on to, which was basically european dependence on american energy and whatever price they want to set that at the u. s. government is now denying responsibility for the high gas prices of their exports, blaming european energy company markups. and now fed up european officials want to speak to the manager, but don't really seem to know who that is. maybe it's uncle sam. maybe it's the
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world trade organization. here are the french and german finance ministers venting their frustrations. we must react fast. i'm calling for a united, strong and coordinated response from the e u to our american allies. there is a risk of a major shock for french and european industry either they will be resolved there, and we hope they will. that's why we have the task force to discuss this. or we will have go to the w t o and envisage retaliatory measures. i have not been assured that the american side has completely crossed. how great all concerns about the consequences all in everyone's interest. we will not enter a tit for tat, but raw the strengths from the sources of wealth and growth together. so the use trying to figure out whether biden's inflation reduction act, which has a buy america component to the detriment of european cars and gives tax in energy incentives to companies to the disadvantage of any that might still want to remain in europe and deal with skyrocketing energy prices, while they're trying to figure out whether that violates global trade rules. japan
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is also upset that americans could be dis, incentivize from buying jap, these cars. meanwhile, the u. s. is busy dodging the very same rules is egging on its allies to a dot. taking a careful step back from the cliff after allies have taken of flying leap right off it. earlier this week, us ship maker and video said, for example, that it has a new ship ready for the chinese market that will meet the new u. s. export control rules, which are meant to essentially blockade china economically. washington's trying to get allies, japan, and you countries like the netherlands, for example, to follow these new export rules in an effort to economically blockade china. here's what the chinese foreign ministry said about those efforts. this is not the way in open and honest major country would act. the world sees clearly what the u. s. is up to anyone who tries to block others way, we'll only have his own path blocked. so the u. s. isn't really playing by its own
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rules, it's imposing on allies or would like to when it comes to china, or when it comes to russia. either the u. s. is already refused to impose a low price cap on russian oil, which the e wanted for fear of deregulating, the global energy market even more than it already has been. and now we're learning from the western press that the state department and us treasury have been asking us banks to maintain services and ties for certain key russian companies like gas prom or russian fertilizer producing companies. for example, remember how zalinski top economic aid was demanding that u. s. bank stop doing business with russian companies, or else he would see prosecution of their executives for war crimes. while it looks like he's not going to be able to clean up wall street after all, what it seems like here is that zalinski you allies and whole lot of other people are just being led down the garden path. while the french president is apparently
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prepared to make some concessions when it comes to securing more fuel imports as a monument crohn house shied away from a friendly chat with oil which venezuelan precedence nicholas maturer on camera, just by phone, still refusing to formally recognize loop, the legitimacy of the elected latin american leader and supporting a sanctions against his government. know that if they don't mean that, that a good way to go by that. well, that conversation comes in stark contrast to the french president tweet a 3 years ago. back when western countries recognize us back to position figure one grey doe is the president of venezuela who had tried and failed to seize power in
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caracas, following the disputed election with madeira. which madeira officially one? let's discuss this with august. george tommy was now a senior research fellow at the global policy institute things and thank you very much for joining. going to show george always nice to see you. now. the opposition in france has already reacted to that effect to give macro guessing friendly with maturer, left wing presidential candidate, showing newcomers showing sarcastically said that quote, needing oil makes you polite, was the take on why the french president has made such a huge turn when it comes to dealing with the venezuelan government. what i think sean is absolutely correct. i mean obviously europe is about to experience an extremely unpleasant winter, very serious energy shortages. and venezuela was obviously a major producer in the world. and therefore, it is time for a major you turn the encounter was extraordinary because it was,
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it was very, very friendly. i mean, it was a, it loved about a minute and none the less very warm. and clearly those and macros knew everyone was listening in. he was saying, yeah, going to me, i'm going to give you a call. so he was delivering a message to the rest of the world and particularly to the united states were abandoning your policy. you know, we went down the primrose with the, with the trump and tried to overthrow madura but we're abandoning this and we're going, we're going into a different course now. so what's my cousin? because political integrity and credibility following this incident? well, he's a politician. i may have to adapt to the circumstances. european leaders, macro included, made an absolute disaster decision in following the u. s. lead on ukraine
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of getting involved in the war that was basically not about any european national interest in the brain is not a member of nature, you'll raise on the member. the european union was really no reason whatsoever to go all in for ukraine against russia. when the alternative was to work out some kind of a mutual security framework with russia that would have guaranteed security for everybody in europe, including russia. that a little tentative macro chose not to go down that bob dad followed the americans just as he did. donald trump, back in 2019, when he declared that one guy go was never been elected to anything. was the legitimate president of venezuela or mac. i don't see any way to be at least forging some kind of a sensible but you know, with macro and you never know. i mean, tomorrow he may do something different. as you think madeira will be willing to
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forgive and forget and make a deal with mccrory know what could be in this for venezuela? well, the removal of sanctions, the acceptance of legitimate by the european union and of course, trade in the sell oil. and he would probably almost macaroni, can you put in a good wood with a british, we'd like to get a gold back because it goes to british, stolen away and his goals. and then i really would like it back because without the gold and it's very hot to conduct the trading relations with the rest of the world . so absolutely, i mean it been as well as the diary economics trade and will love to normalize economic relations with europe. george western leaders, they always say how they want to preserve a liberal well doctrine that they stand for democracy. but is it really a liberal?
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well go that when western countries selectively support whoever they decide to call a democratic government, it was an absurdity because my daughter had won an election. i mean, you were being asked to say, we don't like this election. we can say, you know, to the heart of that, oh, it wasn't, it wasn't bad. i wasn't that. but he won the election. he will, he was accepted by the venezuelan people. there's none of the business. you know what the election procedures are in venezuela. what this is, what it means by the world, or is sovereign states get to decide their own internal affairs. you know, that is one of those need to fear in friendship done all that. and you know, likewise that his will should expect ronald to interfere in its own a general purpose. but he said it was decided, oh, we know who is best to lead venezuela. so they picked on this character one way though, who hadn't been right to do anything. there was no basis whatsoever,
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but claiming that he was the legitimate leader of venezuela. that goes, how does that come across to the rest of the world? well, that this is the old fashioned colonial arrogance of europeans to still pursue colonialism dominating the use of the world that they held back in the 18th or 19th century. and i say parson, correct has trying some sort of deal on the oil supplies. that whole thing washington is going to say about that. washington will be unhappy, but there's not a great deal that they can do about it. you know, they can so often pop. but as i'm macaroni has pointed out, and of course, other europeans pointed out that a quite screwed over by this liquefied natural gas of the americans of the supply europe with which is where the europeans pay for times as much will they, i guess, as the americans do so, i mean, already, you know, micron himself has said, hey, you know,
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this is on the europeans and macaroni particularly only themselves to blame and there's no point in whining about the americans. the americans drive a ha, getting a little late with their agenda. the, it's the europeans who foolishly go against their own interest and follow the americans, and then find themselves a stock with massive inflation and with no energy drug blaming the americans, the europeans have to look for themselves and say, well, we need to pursue our own interests and not just blindly follow washington so much . thanks so much for joining us on the program. that's george tony with a senior research fellow with a global policy institute. thank time. thank you. ah, let's go see, wash has done yes for public now where i need to to, to finance. if being counted him a wounded off ukrainian forces showed civilian areas of the campus. so according to local officials who say nathan supplied on hillary was used in the attack. my camps military on monday, 3 civilians including a child,
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was killed by ukrainian shelling with 7 more wounded. we had from some of the la cosa, came on the fire booty. it was that it the 1st shall fell and i am the 2nd land directly under roof at the neighbouring house. we wanted to run there to help it here. and then 3 more. chas landed, we huddled in the corner, were afraid to even breathe than the roof began to burn, and all the vendors glue out for 2 years or will we woke up when the 1st explosion occurred. then there was a 2nd in a fire broke out blown, we counted, a total of 5 hits was up. we jumped out and pulled the elderly man next door from his house. he is 85 years old and was lucky to be alive. cut through yearly papa, when the korean troops fired, they heaved the houses during the shelling we prayed at home and wait for everything to come to an end. what else could we do on the old people in small children loop here from we're more than also in the republic. local official say, russian forces have taken full control of don yet scare port,
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ah, russia is the gross? no. is your much about, we have any quality for russians. we are actual racism, bigotry, against russians. it's now dangerous to be russian than europe. so i work for rosa phobia con no. soon as possible. it a nation suddenly be disliked full was the hotel it he always there and only now come to the full remorseful we're showing the most form for so for the is.
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