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tv   News  RT  November 8, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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what, in fact, every, especially against russia, if the sanction they have imposed has shown as on the line, how much they don't with the fact that i'm here today with a delegation to review our cooperation to see how we can take it forward to create a long term sustainable basis, i can say is most of all russia and india focused on energy stability, as well as a multi polar approach to global security. and moscow has to cindy as foreign minister for key americans take to the poll for crucial mid term elections with the country, the economic crisis. the main concern for many, well, critics say the ruling democrats are more worried about dishing out the big bugs to ukraine. use economic powerhouse germany admits it's being forced to burn
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more cold due to cutting down on russian fuel in pools. while western countries keep lecturing developing nations ongoing greed also a have a value for the french president gets friendly with the oil, which venezuelan counterparts, despite a manual micron earlier, refusing to even recognize the legitimacy of nicholas with a very well welcome. see you. this is alta international with the latest world news updates good to happy with it and is a foreign minister has called for closer cooperation with russia amid what he calls a stressful situation in energy markets. i'll say,
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is donald course. i was at the ministers media conference in moscow. what do you see as the intent of the west, specifically the united states in pressuring india for these relations? what stance will india take in the future towards russia as a result of this pressure? the fact that i'm here today with a delegation to review of co operation, to see how we can take it forward to korea, to long term sustainable bases, i think saves most of all. i think you can see the obvious in christian commitment, i will type in keeping that relationship stronger. instead, that clip we just saw was the indian foreign minister's response to a question that i was lucky enough to ask at the press conference that came after his meeting with russian foreign minister, sir gay, laugh rav. i wanted to know what india was planning to do. in the face of increasing western pressure for its friendly relations with russia. and if new delhi would, i join in on the western calls for a price kept on russian oil exports. but based on the indian foreign minister's
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response, it looks like india is not really buying into that. he reiterated that russia and india have long, had very close relations and that new delhi relies on moscow to provide the indian people with affordable energy. as regards the, you know, the or the coil supply issue, you know, that is, that is a, an festival that is a stress on the energy markets. it is odd fundamental obligation to ensure da da indian consumer has the best possible access on the most advantageous terms to international market. on induct respect. ah, quite honestly, we have seen dot a d, indiana shad relationship has worked to advantage. now we also heard from the russian foreign minister survey laugh rob, who said that the talks were very successful. he said that he talked a bit about plans on the russian side to provide india with clean atomic energy,
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as well as plans to increase the trade volume between the 2 countries in the future . let's take a listen. we produce reports. we have welcome to the positive dynamics of our bilateral trade. by september, the turnover had increased to more than 130 percent. the provision of a new site for the construction of a russian designed nuclear power plant will allow india to provide clean and safe energy in the future. we discussed in detail the state of the prospects for military technical cooperation, including the joint production of modern types of weapons. so it looks like what foreign minister circ a live or offset about these talks about them being successful was correct. and the decades long friendly relations that russia and india have enjoyed will continue to persevere. despite the fact that around the world, there's quite a tense geopolitical landscape right now. the us treasury secretary, how the key is india of trying to capitalize on the global shift in energy markets . as a g 7 nations and forth a price count on russian oil shipments,
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india is exploring secretary commonwealth about a new delhi as committed to with this thing western pressure to join the sanctions . you know, i don't know why yellin has said this again. i don't want mister was in, in washington just a few days ago. and he said very clearly on television that we will buy oil wherever we can get it. the cheapest price possible. because we are energy hungry country, 85 percent of our energy is important. and we have a moral duty to our own people and therefore we are not going to be forced to buy lawyers from before that country will buy. where did that, whatever it is, the most advantage is because that is one. the other thing is this gap is not going to work because you got it, all market is highly degraded and they can be w pricing. and if you want to have a price gap on why,
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why not applies cap on on all other producers even will pick itself. i mean, this is what a lead. eventually do. everybody has to be very careful. why not a gap in gas prices. we are buying oils and guys from united states. why not a gap on, on those prices? why not a gap on other commodities? so this is an unending game. so i don't know why that states is playing this game. now, if this does not apply to gas at oil supplied by 2 pipelines, which means that you can get a loyal jain not going get is loyal. japan is exempt from one oil. so the hungry is exempt from from the price gap. so they built the discrimination discrimination in the battle in which we completed. so i'll go, we're going to look at the midterm elections in the united states. get on the way
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biden's, public approval rating plumbing to win the historic low. as according to a poll conducted on the eve, i think it's, he doesn't quite concerned that they will lose majority in congress. the election could be around a 3rd of us, congressional senators voted out what in the lower parliamentary chamber, the house of representatives, all $435.00 seats on the balance. new governance for 36 states will also be chosen on tuesday, as well as new secretaries of state who are responsible for further elections. major domestic issues such as abortion, access, and gone on vote wise on very much in focus. many us media happening, echoing bindings, claims us democracy is at risk plumping phase that republicans could take control of congress and during power. those were the possible red wave losses us it's and seems not to share such concerns when asked what motivates their vote? as most americans say, domestic problems and i top concern in the upcoming election bathroom always
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drives everything. i think that that is probably the factor that most directly influences people's day to day lives. so definitely a prominent decision in voting. i think the economy is an issue, but i think abortion is a huge issue, especially in this city. i think the economy is definitely a big issue right now. i think a lot of people will be motivated, motivated by it, but i don't think the economy is like the biggest issue that's happening in our society right now. well, one you could take a look at the condition of everything, the jobs, the unemployment, people are struggling. i can't even get so security and the benefits that they offered me when i was paying taxes. i don't get. so there are hundreds of thousands of people that are really crushed under our false economy. according to recent polls that 79 percent of americans say that voting decisions will be driven by economic issues, naming, domestic problems as the biggest concern. however, the white house arms,
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democrats run congress thing to have different priorities as they pounded out. another $400000000.00 in aid to ukraine on top of billions, already sent out during the recent publicity to bind him was had called and asked if washington is ready to negotiate with russia and help end the ukraine conflict. the u. s. president brushed off the questions and see people demanding answers were escorted out of the media event. oh, oh, that's a political analyst on talk. show host, steve, most books. they said, if democrats end up losing the elections, they can only blame themselves on the white house with pushing the wrong agenda.
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the republicans have a don good chance of gaining control of both chambers, that the house and the senate. i think it means that joe biden, the lame dog and you know, it's their own all the kids don't. paul, 1st of all, their agenda has been horrific. they keep talking, they keep denying that people are suffering and they've been doing that right along . joe biden has been doing that right along. job by the students can still bain you the other day at a senate rally for the democratic candidate and said no more drilling of oil, no more drilling, no more, no more racking. now that, that the death wish doesn't always say the right thing in the white house always has to walk it back. so while people are worried about inflation, cost of living and crime, the democrats have been talking about abortion. and joining up this big issue of, we have to save democracy because of the republicans when it's the end of democracy
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. and barack obama was involved in that too. that's terrific. kind of campaigning and the american public's not buying that. despite the e, you've previously stated green energy goals. the block has now been forced to go back to burning coal for its power needs of the cussing down fuel imports from russia to, to europe's own sanctions. and while western leaders keep telling, developed countries to go green, germany's chancellor has confirmed his own nation will not be doing that right now . most plans for tyler and rushes, brutal war of aggression on ukraine is forcing us to reconnect coal fired power plants to the grid for a short time. but we are firmly committed to the coal phase out. germany. things are going to open up the call, agreed for some time because owing to what is happening between russia and the thing that they've got a few weeks they were using before can not be access full. so i think that's,
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this is the time to go back to the call so that they can minimize the team, the people at the moment. but this looks like people, critics who have been forced to know to use if you will, being asked to come up with new generation energy, especially green energy and. 3 sustainable energy, but all you see already europe is like shifting from the energy i'm going to use this is becoming a problem to africa. countries. we're saying that it's like double standard and the plain game is not right for everyone. only those in europe who developing countries already called the pollution of 90 percent in the climate. now we're going back to you and i live in africa with justin knology. we'll see them to go back to snore. to use investigative journalist smith even gave us says that the western
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green gender is being imposed on african countries while european, the simply exploiting the continents resources. i think the u. b, l u, the will realize that as a content, she's not going to hold the target. and this notion that they have to stick to green energy, african kinds of just like becoming powerful stuff because one of our benefits in form on coal, everything comes up in the only source, you know, because i think it's all good energy for that quality. just been imposed by the way, you know, it's, it's, that's that, so that african country is going to exploit them. you know, sources that african countries don't go, that comes in industrialized that their countries know, think many different countries a tied with. because of course, you know, because of the industries that we have, so this whole for the green energy is just another way of colonizing that people does. another way of keeping us put another way of exploiting us so that we don't
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industrialize our economy so that we now have to follow up there by the way. and i think it's just another reading tactic on the ways always want to put our economy is always wanted to change what happens. so i think that doesn't look really check from the you and the wasted less than energy market from permit the global power crisis. the way from europe are increasingly criticizing each other if i caching in on the financial turmoil, the french president has accused american companies of profiteering, while stressing that europe deserves a fair price for natural gas. washington has hit back, claiming european funds are the ones making all the money from the lucrative l. n. g trade. what's happening is the companies that hold those long term contracts with u. s. l n g producers. they're marking that up and earning that margin in the european market. it's not the u. s. l n g company. it's basically european, headquartered international oil companies, and traders. remember when you, as president joe biden came here to europe,
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back in march to plotted the european union sanctioning russia cutting off its own russian energy source in the process. and promised to help europe replace that source with american energy. well, apparently european leaders didn't read the fine print or fully consider the implications of what they were signing on to, which was basically european dependence on american energy and whatever price they want to set that at the u. s. government is now denying responsibility for the high gas prices of their exports, blaming european energy company markups. and now fed up european officials want to speak to the manager, but don't really seem to know who that is. maybe it's uncle sam. maybe it's the world trade organization. here are the french and german finance ministers venting their frustrations. we must react fast. i'm calling for a united, strong and coordinated response from the e u to our american allies. there is a risk of a major shock for french and european industry either they will be resolved there, and we hope they will. that's why we have the task force to discuss this. or we
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will have go to the w t o and envisage retaliatory measures. i have not been assured that the american site has completely crossed. how great all concerns about the consequences, all in everyone's interest. we will not enter a tit for tat, but raw the strengths and the sources of wealth and growth together. so even trying to figure out whether biden's inflation reduction act, which has a buy america component to the detriment of european cars and gives tax in energy incentives to companies to the disadvantage of any that might still want to remain in europe and deal with skyrocketing energy prices, while they're trying to figure out whether that violates global trade rules. japan is also upset that americans could be dis, incentivized from buying jap, these cars. meanwhile, the u. s. is busy dodging the very same rules as egging on its allies to a dot. taking a careful step back from the cliff after allies and taken of flying leaf right off it. earlier this week, us ship maker and video said, for example, that it has a new shift ready for the chinese market that will meet the new
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u. s. export controls, which are meant to essentially blockade china economically. washington's trying to get allies, japan, and you countries like the netherlands, for example, to follow these new export rules in an effort to economically blockade china. here's what the chinese foreign ministry said about those efforts. this is not the way an open and honest major country would act. the world sees clearly what the u. s. is up to any one who tries to block others way will only have his own path block . so the u. s. isn't really playing by its own rules that it's imposing on allies or would like to when it comes to china, or when it comes to russia, either the u. s. is already refused to impose a low price cap on russian oil, which the you wanted for fear of deregulating, the global energy market even more than it already has been. and now we're learning from the western press that the state department and us treasury have been asking
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us banks to maintain services and ties for certain key russian companies like gas prong or russian fertilizer producing companies. for example, remember how zalinski top economic aid was demanding that u. s. bank stop doing business with russian companies, or else he would see prosecution of their executives for war crimes. while it looks like he's not going to be able to clean up wall street after all, what it seems like here is that zalinski e u allies and a whole lot of other people are just being led down the garden path. meanwhile, the french president is apparently prepared to make some concessions when it comes to carrying more fuel imports. as a manual mclaren haven't shown the way from a friendly chance with the oil richmond as well in president nicholas mature on camera, just by font. still refusing to formally recognize the legitimacy of the elected latin american leader and supporting you sanctions against his government.
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so that if you need to make that a good way to go with that conversation comes in stark contrast to what the french president tweeted 3 years ago back when western countries recognize us back to position figure. one way though, with the president has been his way to of the he tried and failed to seize power in caracas, following a dispute election, which madeira efficiently one senior research fellow at the global policy institute, things to some you will say the chop between mccrory madura sends a clear message to washington about to experience an extremely unpleasant winter. the very serious energy
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shortages and venezuela is obviously a major well used in the world. and therefore it is time for a major you to the counter was extraordinary because it was very, very friendly. i mean, it was a it last about a minute and a ha nonetheless. very warm and clearly lose a macro. knew everyone was listening and he was saying, yeah, we're going to me, i'm going to give you a call. so. so is it he was delivering a message to the rest of the world in particularly to the united states. we're abandoning your policy and election europeans because a we don't like this election, we can say, you know, to the hospital that. oh, it wasn't, it wasn't bad. i wasn't bad, but he won the election. he will. he was accepted by the venezuelan people after meeting the turkish president, sweden's prime minister says he's country will comply with all of the unconscious
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demands which would let me know the country. during that time. i would like to inform you that the swedish parliament has begun work on the creation of an inter parliamentary friendship group with turkey. sweden will fulfill the memorandum to the end. sweden will not enter into a dialogue with the p k. k. however, the turkish foreign minister says that sweden has taken some but not enough steps towards joining nato. sweden's prime minister visited turkey in an attempt to seek conquerors approval for nato accession. turkey has previously expressed discontent with stock clothes back and of kurdish groups, which anchor has branded terrorists. and while nato cheap stoughton burg earlier claimed that the alliance has talked to inquiry into allowing sweden to join the book, turkey was quick to reaffirm it's uncompromising stones. when sweden 1st announced his bid to join the alliance that turkish president heard one accused the nordic country of housing terrorists,
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and demanded the sweden extradited. several members of the code is done work as party. meanwhile, the kurdish diaspora has been well integrated into sweeter society for years with 6 members of the countries parliament being of kurdish origin. as not discussed this with gentleness to aram can so many thanks for joining us on the program of the kurdish issue has been a boat of contention between sweden and turkey for a number of years now. but do you really expect sweden to turn his back on the codes now that nato membership seems within reach? yes, actually because of the code, the people living in the dashboard as a whole or pulls the genocide a lot of the turkish big. everyone who supports sheet knows that they are partners in the code is genocide process. of course, she will, of course, this skeptical of those who support the genocidal aspects against a kerchief can already be predicted that it. ready will reflect this on this action
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discourse and relations. and also this we didn't can feel that auntie could demands demanded by the airline government will be there a world in the upcoming period. it is ready central that uses concepts such a democracy to put people who have immigrated from the war to their bearing table with the day. and murder is if this happens, it means that there will be radical changes in sweden's political orientation. and i know that the current public is following this very closely. and so what would it mean for what would sweden's compliance would take us to month? mean for the code is diaspora based in sweden, since it would allow the extradition of kids to take a basically the current, the free lim struggle has the bluetooth friends in sweden, radi called them across liberation, psychology, feminist supporters of human rights and freedoms. shoulder to shoulder with the
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curse will prevent this with the state from fully supporting the current this genocide process. and that means it highly reflections will be on by the kurdish community. ready against to the swedish government. do you think so comes may, could lead to a serious public discontent within the country. sorry, can you repeat that again? things stuck homes me it could lead to any sort of serious public discontent within the country. definitely definitely that will be it. that will be a really harsh process basically. and it is understood that from the elders statement that he expects support from sweden for all onto produce more policies. the statements made by the swedish or prime minister in turkey. they
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imply that they can gives the support. however, it will not be easy for as state likes. we then 2 very bad people on the trip of genocide, boy, the nato, a bare batting table. they are for air dorm will want to much more form. so either in the upcoming period, the result reach in these dirty. but again, it will also answer what there was within joints, nato or not. we will see that in the featured. definitely by so we've been effort to gain nato membership by being whole style in the world. shows that even a great weakness in terms of democrats and freedom in the same place terms basically because a current these people are under general site right now. and obviously. busy the we need to remind sweden or few issues. let me please give you
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a couple of examples. $10000000.00 people gave a natural rise documents rate that up. the larger line is they lead that even though this is a issue to be sentenced in turkey. the population of the population of sweden is 11000000, only the hasty p h d p. 's waltz in turkey, which is the p k. k. me, there's up larger lives in mansion, basic, easy call to the population of this with this with the prime minister. should think twice before labeling anyone as a terrors, those who lay wills, pencils, needles, or people as a terry's actually supporting terrorism. again, sorry to interrupt way. we're all out of time. many thanks for joining us on the program. really appreciate your insight and your tom jonas aaron's counselor. thank you. ah. as guest pakistan now where attention the rising in the wake of
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a shooting, the wounded ounce prime minister in ron con deering a rally, his supporters that demonstrating in some cities as they vent angle the what the politician is called an assassination attempt by the government. well, hundreds of people have come out to protest in the countries north, east con, support to the calling for an investigation into the shooting, which comes amid anti government rallies with people demanding a snap election to give kong a chance to attend to power. he's a local reporter with more. this is the more busiest roared in common with brandy gotten by the door. and you can see these protesters for the last 40 years dogs, these supporters of embark on hot on 6 in progress. they have locked the door, the traffic is not allowed from both sides of the door and they are forecasting because it jenman and police guess has lot being reduced or i need ema, it is our constitutional legal and democratic demand for earlier fair, impartial,
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and free elections in the county got below the order at the protest is our constitutional and democratic rights. following imran cons instructions, we will keep protesting. as enron con has said, we are not slaves. so we are not slaves of americans. pakistanis or muslims, and we only surrender to god. i mean, while the western media is not buying game line, cons claims that pakistan's government plotted to kill him. the 3 officials, he's named, including the countries prime minister, have strongly denied the claims an interview on monday. cnn demanded more evidence from cog despite him still being clearly shaken from the experience which left him wounded. even kiss pakistan's tongue prime minister, the interior minister, and a senior intelligence official for the attack on your life. these are serious allegations . what's your evidence?
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what becky, or about 2 months ago. this plot was conceived of i went on in public eye on 24th of september. i actually announced about the spot. i resume and we missed judges. i did with respect to asking for the evidence behind these allegations. i am, you will becky, and with respect, if people don't know the background, how would they know why this attempt took place? the reason why that they tried everything to somehow get me out of the way. there is no doubt about the dual standards and hypocrisy of the question we have seen in the measures of want when it was palace dying of malice, dunbar are now you can receive. so there is no doubt in all the matter better. it's freedom of speech, or whether they talked about julianna's honda, edward snowden, or the pakistan getting this been can lead kenia. so there is
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a hypocrisy everywhere we have seen in europe and americans. policy. for the latest news updates, debate and discussion, you can keep an eye on our website r t dot com. thank you for joining us. a anata international ah ah ah ah, with .


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