tv News RT November 9, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EST
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ah, ah ah, it is breaking news, the dollar on odds he international, according to one of our sources saying that the deputy head of the song region of kia dealers that will solve report li dies and what is believed to be that of a car accident. a life report is coming with a robot caused a wreck and just to mark those. when the program author joe biden had to claim the midterm elections were a fight for democracy. the president now says, if the rival republicans get full control of congress, he'll just be wielding his veto powers the block bed legislation. and cut out lashes out at fronds for cozying up to the country while at the very same time,
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allowing the publication about controversial costs soon. you see it right there effecting katara football players as a terrorist with i think for joining us. but as i was program live from moscow, i'm rural research to show analogy international. who saw this, how without breaking news for you right now from iraq shows how to song region where according to a naughty source, the local deputy head has are portly died and what is being called a car accident. let's cross live now. it's while corresponding ok. he's a romano culture of joining us. this breaking news, updated roman. what do we know? can you bring us up to speed please? or so far, would you know that marty source within the law enforcement had confirmed the death of kills to most of our however, reports are emerging now from the pearson region. according to the local health ministry, his death is not yet officials hung at the moment said,
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there are ambulances at the scene or for what was supposedly ad car accident. but so they said that they cannot confirm his death yet, and they will say they said to watch their telegram channel, and they will come out with the fresh, updated information as soon as possible. but they're not confirming the death of carols for most of now, kills from o sofa. it was a, is a deputy head of the her son. our region is a 45 years old. he's a, a native of a girl of cannot far away from her dentist. can said we recently, he was known for a making daily video blog blogs regarding the situation in her son. and one of his latest blogs was this wednesday morning where he said that the ukrainian army are launching an offensive across the in, sorry, here, san region. he says, he also said that there were many of for
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a mercenaries within the ranks of ukrainian military as well. he said all attempts to storm here on region by the ukrainian army are few, fell at the moment. and she said that the entire region is currently under complete control of the russian military. alright, room. i appreciate the update on that breaking news room and cause a ref, we'll see you soon. the republican party is projected to win a slim majority in the us house of representatives that leads and the initial vote count in the nation's very high stakes midterm elections. while in a preliminary exit poll conducted by cbs 74 percent of americans say that this satisfied even angry with how things are currently going in the country. now 35 seats in the senate and all 435 in the house. they're all up for grabs and it's intense rice. a new governors for $36.00 states are also to be chosen. republicans had hoped for a huge or red wave victory by capitalizing on inflation and gas prices,
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but things appear tighter than that for now. a president wide and while advocating for their ma chrissy says he'll be using his veto powers to counter republicans if indeed they gain control of both chambers of congress. if we lose the house and senate, it's going to be a horrible 2 years. the good news is i'll have a veto pan. now a series of a technical glitch glitches or even issues disrupting valid counting reported on tuesday at about one in 4 of the voting centers. some examples, for example, pennsylvania election officials filed and emergency petition to extend the voting hours off. it was discovered that well, a lot of the machines were low on paper. i wouldn't really call that a technical glitch. but nonetheless, in arizona, a poll work reportedly informed a line of voters that to tabulate the machines, were not working properly to my ballot. and so didn't misread, but then what was happening. put it in there. yeah. and tonight,
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a republican democrat will sit and go through all of the misread belts all over the county and count them and it will get counted. okay. and okay, and both interests not working. you know, nothing to work in the last half hour. thank you. now the integrity of the midterm elections, well, one might not be entirely surprised. it was heavily questioned even way before they began with accusations coming from both parties or the other would attempt to commit that of mass voter fraud. many of us were warning about the fact that the democrats unilaterally fundamentally altered our voting system. inside 90 days. we warn of the state of nevada was just simply not ready to give us a fully fair and secure election. there's no question and it's been right, widely reported that there was widespread fraud and irregularities across this country. it's really important for us to get accurate information about the
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election process in pennsylvania. so voters in the public know that, you know, when there's delays and counting, it doesn't mean that there's anything areas happening. it's just what the law is in pennsylvania. the male in voting has been one of the main sources of controversy. trump supporters who do not accept the results, the 2020 election and maintain it was stolen from donald trump largely point to mail in balance that became popular due to the pandemic. they blame that for what they alleged to be fraud. now it's important to note that in a number of states, they've actually extended the deadline for balance to be counted in michigan and other states. the certification will take much later. now it's important to note that one hotly contested and widely watch rate as b n in arizona. where today there were some issues regarding the voting machines and such donald trump made a special message to the voters around the country. but specifically in maricopa county, arizona. don't leave your line state where you are. they say that the machines are
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warranty, and they say that they're running out of paper in different locations throughout different states. there's a lot of bad things going on. stay on the line, do not leave. i know you don't want to be there as long as they're going to try and force you. they want to delay you out of voting, and you can not let them delay you out of legal action taken by the republican party in arizona to keep the voting booths out to keep the poles open, was rejected by the court. so the poles in arizona did clo, there's been a lot of a lot of contention and outrage as there are a number of republican candidates who are on the ballot were considered mag republican. make america great again. republicans who don't like the result of the 2020 election and this is prompted biden, and others just say that essentially american democracy is somehow under threat by the distance of these conservatives and their statements regarding 2020 something
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else. the stake, democracy itself. i'm not the only one who sees in recent polls have shown that overwhelming majority of americans believe our democracy. it really is at risk that a marker sees under threat. they to see that democracy is on the ballot this year. and they're deeply concerned about the important to know that joe biden is not on the bout. however, the vote is largely seen as a referendum on bite and his performance at this point. many. busy please indicate that the economy will be a primary factor, and many people will go to the polls to cast their ballot in relation to how they feel about the white house and how they've been managing things over the last 2 years. now joe biden did speak to supporters, he assured them that if there is major losses, if they lose control of the house and senate, he said he still has the veto pat. and he will be able to block much of the
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legislation, but congressional republicans might put forward public opinion polls show that jo biden's performance is largely unappreciated by the us public. they feel he's not doing a good job. the economy is causing a lot of outrage and upset, so we shall see who has won around the country and the various races taking place north crossing live now to the big for let's join a independent candidate for the us senate in the state of new york there's diane said, joining us from new york rice just about 10 past 9 in the morning. a very good morning to you, diane. thank you very much for coming on the program today. it's great to see you today what it's used for. having this straight off the bat, if i may die and just how, how are you reading the midterm? and so far, what's your immediate reaction to the poll numbers at this point? what do you, what do you thing? well, as has been said already on this program, the republican look like lead to receive a small majority in the house, not in the senate. and i'm not surprised because i think there was actually
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massive evidence of fraud in 2020 and going back over many years in american elections. and frankly, it was not addressed. so i don't consider the results particularly surprising. you meant you mentioned fraud going back a few years. are you suggesting that fraud this time around diane? sure. i, i, i would say that's almost guaranteed. and i, and the point about this is we have a secret ballot. so it's very hard to do anything about it after the fact. i think the point of playing january 6, the way the media did was to cow anyone from speaking about it or addressing it before the fact. and i think that is likely to change after this election. so actually, i'm rather optimistic. i think there are very urgent issues that were not largely addressed. for example of whether we're going to end up in a major war with
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a nuclear super power. russia almost immediately, or china, down the road and the collapse of the economy. so you, i mean, you think john, so, so what are the biggest issues though, for the everyday average, joe, in america who's going to the pulse today is that ukraine inflation? is it the, the price is that the gas pump, diane, i think the inflation is probably number one and the related violence. i think people don't feel secure. there's an upsurge in math shootings and single shootings and drug overdose deaths, which really indicate that people are not happy with the direction of things. and there are too many people who feel that they are looked on as, as useless as not needed by society. but this, as you were saying a few moments ago were not really getting the red wash that many had been predicting. however, the republican certainly are making their gains. what would you expect?
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i know it's a very general question. dian, forgive me for asking this, but the general direction of america, the republicans at the helm, so to speak. what would you see? the washington zeroing in on? well, frankly, i would forget the parties. i think what's more significant as a new movement that's emerging. i saw this around my candidacy with a growing number of young people associated with myself and the late statesman linda mcgrew, issues folks who are speaking out at town hall meetings everywhere. we nearly got 30 cowardly democrats to stick by a letter demanding negotiation in ukraine that wasn't effected by an election that was affected by 2 young people. speaking out of the town hall meeting and then went to millions of americans indicating that contrary to the media narrative, the danger of nuclear war is on the mind of many people in
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a big way and they don't want it. so i think, i think there's also a fair amount of the blame should be a portion to that of the worldwide media because there's an awful lot of media fe mongering at this time. as the, as you know, when it, when elections happen, it's always useful to have some kind of bogeyman to kind of get people in lock step on line and to get them to voting at the polls, i guess. but i wanted to ask you, we were talking about some of the new polls. diane c, b. s news that a new poll recently suggesting that well, nearly 2 thirds of americans, if not more, are really on a happy with the way the country's going right now. under, by just how bad is it under by no, or perhaps it's not that bad. maybe i'm reading too much of the pro. no, no, no, it's terrible, but it can't just be under biden. look, my point is that people still anyone who has studied shakespeare, who read julia seeds there, we'll see how people can be easily swayed. so we the supreme court overturning roe v wade. well, wasn't that convenient because it made everybody hysterical. and that was the point
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on a small issue, relatively small compared to the survival of the human race compared to whether your child is going to be able to afford to go to college and pay rent. these are the things that people wanna address and this is a crisis that's been in the making for a very long time. i mean, we don't have time here, but i would go back to the death of franklin roosevelt shift at that point that's. that's what we're seeing and it's coming to a head and we need leadership, which i and some others are trying to provide to get the people to actually demand what is needed and to break from these left, right, conservative liberal, you know, partisan kind of division. i'd like how you bring in the idea of leadership here, of course is at the end of the day, you just want the cooler heads to prevail and the, and the adults to be driving steering the ship appropriately concerning inflation, gas prices. all these are the, you know,
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the blank check state for ukraine at the moment. getting billions and billions and 8. it almost seems every, every other week or so when you, when you mentioned leadership, diane, you know, what about the big elephant in the room? what about, what about that of the president's mental cognitive state? i mean, is there a general understanding among the voters the u. s. president perhaps is not in perfect mental mental health these days. i don't see how people could not notice that to tell you the truth. unfortunately, i think it just makes many people terrified and therefore they prefer not to address it. but also we have an enormous problem of spencer shipped in the united states right now and, and again, that's why leadership is important because we have to liberate people from their fear so that they can dare to tell the truth. and then we begin to change. we begin to change the trajectory that our nation is on our independent candidate for the us
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senate in the state of the of new york. that is, dion said, joining us later on, asi international. really appreciate your time. thanks for letting me pick your brain and good luck with your candidacy. thank you. thank you. thanks for joining us here for the program on archie international. so just weeks before global focus will be on the gulf state of cut out, it's going to be playing host to the world cup. the kingdom is actually now lashed out of europe for being happy to do business with the nation. but at the same time, making fun of it and no recent controversial cartoon. we are annoyed by the double standards on the one hand, the german population is misinformed by government politicians. on the other hand, the government has no problem with us when it comes to energy partnerships or investments. we can't understand that. it is ironic that this tone is used in countries in europe that call themselves liberal democracies. all right, have a look at this. a recent edition of the weekly look car with a newspaper dedicated to cut out on the world carpet run this cartoon right here to
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pick thing the national guitar team dressed as terrorists. well, you can imagine cut out his anger stemming from the fact france has been doing increasingly more business with the country as of late the french all john total, the energies became the country's 1st foreign power. there. a reason, the $30000000000.00 liquefied natural gas project cut out has been taking a lead in europe's race for gas. is the confidence, 2nd largest supply off the russia meeting around 20 percent of europe's energy demands last year. the cutout world cup chief believe that europe's recent big's at the country because they don't like anyone threatening that dominance over a sport. well. have a listen to this european countries feel they have a monopoly over the world cup. europe has hosted 11 tournaments out of 22 tournaments. of course it refuses that a country like guitar or an arab muslim country host to tournament. like the world cup. it is archie international, a court case, and kia has been investigating the mass shootings and killing scene during 20
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fourteen's infamous protest to get some of the more sensitive details and find a points. here's marina cause her over. how do you bring a country to it, sneeze? well, you use a disagreement between locals, throw some fuel to the fire and then blame the government for it. a classic western bo, this is it. in ukraine's case, these protests broke out in early 2014. after the government chose closer ties with russia instead of europe, the beginning of the end, according to many experts who believe those protests would have died down, had there not been accusations of police brutality mixed in with some cookies of encouragement from though west. of course, the government's riots, police was quickly accused of shooting, unarmed pro european activists. and all hell broke loose. ah
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a perfect recipe for a coo and that's exactly what they got. but who actually did the shooting for on the top to bottom direction of his wounds. his position in the video and findings from a forensic medical examination about the location of entry, wounds in his right side and back, indicate gunshots from that hotel, and not from the bare crude ukrainian special forces in front of him. that testimony is part of an 8 year investigation to the massacre, which resulted in numerous trials, hours upon hours of interviews, showing that the absolute majority of $49.00 killed and a $157.00 wounded on february 20th were killed by snipers in my dan controlled buildings and areas not by government forces. legos, izzy, several other eye witnesses including other my don protesters, america and a german journalist also said he was killed by a sniper from the hotel ukraine,
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in particular from the 7th floor videos and thought i'll show that the absolute majority of those killed and wounded were facing the bar could police, but forensic evidence shows that people were mainly shot in their backs and sides. 40 out of 48 protesters were shot dead from significant vertical angles bought the berg, who was on the same ground level as time. also 3 were shot before the berg had even arrived. and here's some more. i witness testimony for those who prefer the western media conservancy built several 100 meters away, was firmly in the hands of the protested erection. just after 8 o'clock that morning, a news photographer managed to get into the building with his camera. when i come inside, i will saw the guys one come after me. jumps hunter gun hunting rush,
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talking about rifles according to the official investigation. most of the protesters killed were shot with pellets from hans and rifles. that's not the weapons the berg could see which can be seen in various photos. the bullets extracted from protesters didn't match the assault rifles which they normally use them to do. there were people with weapons on balconies of the conservatory from that distance it was clear that one of the weapons was a hunting rifle. another looked like a kind of air gun. you know, who did have haunted rifles, the protesters said holding them in hotel grain up. it's been 8 years charges against the burke which were dropped. it's insufficient evidence, but no one's been punished. it's one of the most documents of cases of mass murder and no conviction. no public outcry, the west has ignored them. i dun mastercard trials and some really important forensic evidence says magically disappeared. all the shields and the helmets of
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the killed and wounded, extracted bullets trees with bullet holes torn down, recording, so blind streams of the bloodiest. they have disappeared. c, see the from places like hotel crying from where there were shooting. gone. somewhat surprising to say the least, especially considering that you officials were aware of the real situation on the grounds. old baby didn't chose the people who were killed by snipers, from both sites, among policemen and people from the streets that they were the same snipers killing people from both sites. and it's really disturbing that now the new new coalition that they don't want to investigate what exactly happened so that there is a stronger and stronger understanding that behind my purse they were. it was not core which, but it was somebody from the new coalition, european parliament rejected 17 requests, so launch investigations into the my don and just some last occurs. no one seems
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interested in the truth. otherwise someone would at least mention that this trial is still ongoing. but once again, know this version doesn't suit the western narrative. so i guess it's best that you don't talk about it. this is arthur international, great, the happy with us today. well, believe it or not, you, you states are returning to burning coal. despite the blogs, profess green energy goals, now of course it follows sanctions against russia, which of course, is that the sky rocketing prices for natural gas. and while western leaders keep urging developing countries to adopt so called environmentally friendly green policies, germany chancellor sent during an address of the ongoing un climate summit that his own nation will not be following the green agenda right now. porcelain spill tyler and russia's gruel. war of aggression on your crane is forcing us to reconnect to colon fired power plant to the grid for
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a short time. but we are firmly committed to the cold phase out. so as germany continues to portray itself as a leader in the war on climate change, in reality, it arrives at the conference losing its reputation as a fighter for renewable energy. back in september, germany's cabinet made a u turn, passing to decrease to prolong the operation of sizeable heart whole fired power generation plants up to 2024, and to bring back brown coal capacity up to 2023, to boost supply. former british p. m. boris johnson, meanwhile, claim the world need to double down on the net 0 admission goal uses. i am the spirit of glasgow. some people have drawn the conclusion that the whole project of net 0 needs to be delayed, and we need to reopen coalfields and frack the hell out of the countryside. this is not the moment to abandon the campaign for net 0 and turner back on renewables,
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but that's not exactly what johnson said before. in fact, under him as prime minister, britain returned to burning more fossil fuels. and back in may of this year, he was singing a very different tune. i don't think we can turn our backs entirely on hydrocarbons . the u. k. actually has a flourishing sector in the northeast of scotland. it's very important. we've got to keep that going. and consequently, african leaders have called out how western countries continue to dictate how they must switch to green energy and fight climate change. despite the fact that africa produced this the least emissions, but faced as the most consequences, against this backdrop, the lengthy discussions at cops with its stalling delaying tactics and procrastination that have hampered, implementing, and delivery is simply cruel and unjust. we cannot afford to spend more time skirting around the real issues and break out of the open ended process focus
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discussions. we are trapped in africa, contributes less than 3 percent of the pollution responsible for climate change, but it's most severely impacted by the ensuing crisis. and all the was sens, virtues they know about fighting climate change yet relies on developing nations in africa to bear the burden of it. all. europeans are going back to burning dirty coal while blaming everything on russia. some critic said, that's the very definition of hypocrisy. well, me tell him south africa and it's western investment partners have launched an $8500000000.00 program for the countries. lord, it is a potentially landmark deal for the transition away from fossil fuels, but many, including central africa and political and economic con, comments that will car diaz believe the move could actually lead to some kind of a new type of colonialism on the continent. however,
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listen all over the country are running for the weekend conjugate in maybe it can install the new colonialism in the continent off the can leader can open our eyes and maybe you can corp, together with the african continent. because this the corporation in the african continent or in the afternoon, the other countries around doing hiring development. we need maybe we can created this one in the past for developing our, our practice because we had so many quotes fashion. so it's very important for us, it's very important for the african leaders. know about the negotiation or tar the condition, because sometimes it's not on our bennett b. now i just remind you is a bit of a midterm madness right now in the united states of america. republican party projected to win a slim majority in the us house of reps that lead to the initial vote count and the
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nation's very high stakes midsummer. that means we're back with more up with only one main thing is important for knox. ism internationally speaking, that is, that nations that's allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the mind, the nations who are the slave americans, brock obama, and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, it doesn't exist by turning those russians into this danger is boy man that wants
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to take over the world. that was a culture strategy and walked out of it on your own. i not leashed off to exhibit in tablet block. nato said it's ours. we move east. the reason us, hey jim, it is so dangerous, is it? the law is the sovereignty of all the countries. the exceptionalism that american uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nato, what is bad shareholders in united states and elsewhere in large obs companies would lose millions and millions? or is business and businesses good and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fascist. ah, ah
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ah ah. hello and welcome to crossed out. were all things are considered i'm peter level. the conflict in ukraine is turned into a test of wills and endurance and of such escalation as part of the calculus. this is what makes this conflict so dangerous. when nato escalates. russia reacts accordingly. and we know now american boots are on the ground. what could go wrong with
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