tv News RT November 9, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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[000:00:00;00] a with russia says it is a will drawing true from the city has on, i mean is that you could any, in fact local dime could cool catastrophic flooding plastic if you really quick that in fill out a land and the ocean and landfills like that. all of the world leading recycling organization is to take part in the co op 27 to raise again. the issue pollution of western countries is africa dumping ground, putting millions of tons of plastic father, national leaders by chrome,
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promote the confirm the agendas with joe biden. refuses to compromise on his controversial policy, making this public outrage within to, to support his political rivals in the mid term elections. hm . by evasive right. and then the prices of lead to a new protest in greece and belgium, large greek cities. so violent crashes with protested riot police. a rule coughing alive from the russian capital is just policy out. my glad to have you with this. i'm roger mommy, let's take
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a look at the top stories this out. you saw with the latest news from the ambassador has on region said it is with bill insurance, from original capital and other locations on the right bank within the river to avoid potential unnecessary losses among its forces. breakups, boy, my boy is sitting somewhere else. nobody of them the enemy is firing randomly at the city. for this reason, it was decided to evacuate the population from the right side of the river. we provided everything possible to ensure the evacuation the plans of the enemy to create flooding of territories can lead to dangerous consequences. this is confirmed by the constant shelling of the co hob sky hydro electric power station. under these conditions, the most appropriate option is to organize defenses along the line of the denise river. when you category funding could occur if the crating forces succeed in destroying critical damn near the city. the high water would also complicate supply routes, which are used to bring food to the russian army,
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as well as local residents. eliminating the di would also jeopardize fresh water supplies to the neighboring crimea region. to reduce the dangerous videos for 3 weeks in our sober early november, russian authorities evacuating tens of thousands of local population and the troops with drool was revolted by the rushes defacement as we sang, a sugar who also order the creation of a new line of defenses. the situation was much of the front line has been reported, is increasingly stable with the russian forces intercepting on 80 to 90 percent of incoming quinn rockets, the commander of russia. the military operations says that the for any army lost around $12000.00 soldiers last month alone, about 8 times more than the russian losses. as for the civilians in reclaim to aries and combat,
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as they continued its 1st support for russian authorities. and that fight has been recently confirmed even by the opponents. several. as of the time fighters who admitted to blogs of an media outlets, the majority of the population of the dumbass and especially of cities like marrable, are pro russian. does this at the center of the day, 60 percent of people were pro rusher and they wanted to go to russia the same as in donors and logan square. there has always been a large pro russian part of the city and 20 percent. were those who supported us and said guys, thank you for protecting us and things like that. yeah. so truly only thing i know is that 70 percent of people of mary you, paul, supported the russians. then he wrote her angels have an approximate population. 7000000 people and figures show almost 3000000 have left this area for russia since the south of the war. the chief editor of m a v media has put couldn't it is worried that the western media narrative is based on glorifying the actions of as
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of fights as in dog bus, even though they would never welcome there. certainly it's good that they admit that they were there not well, but my charity of to people really didn't want them there in the 1st place. and as i was the key natalie on there for a long time. and certainly that's the good that there is some truth in it. and, but the horrifying thing is that these as of fighters are glorified in the western media. what we know about the shelling of the cities from already she's 2014 up to this day is that when the cranium troops has losses. when they are beaten in the front line, they revenge not to the front line of the russian troops, but they will shoot and they have been shooting and they will keep shooting very far behind the front line to the civilian reaches. so that the soldiers in the
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front line positions feel themselves guilty for the destruction of the sea really and populated areas. and that is the punishment strikes what we have been speaking for over 7 years. that is what's happening now in the don't was reach and they are punishing from their losses to the civilian population. and so situation on the ground is local residents in the city don't ask have reported renewed overnight showing by you couldn't even forces this on verify. it is said to show civilian air is being targeted with a teenager report and he kills over his have not yet commented about this attack. and they to the many actually with the cleaning forces in the region. ah, i said our session to the mid toes in the us job, one has refused to even consider changing the direction of his presidency. despite
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admitting that the american public is dissatisfied with the part of washington has said that as while sharing his relief that the projected red wave didn't happen. lisa spoke clearly about their concerns. they are still frustrated. i get it. what in the next 2 years you intend to do differently? nothing. i'm not going to change the direction. i said i ran for 3 reasons. i'm going to continue to stay room. i know. last night, when came as a vote counting in the nation's high stakes, medium action continues with a razor thin race taking place for the control of the senate. meanwhile, the republican party is projected to win a slight majority in the us house of representatives. there was live labs la neil correspondent, caleb boom, open caleb. good to see again. what did the president joe biden have to say about
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the elections and what was the highlight of his speech? well, he certainly changed his tone the day after the big mid term election. that's what it was did when he spoke to the media today. and of course, there was not at this point, he did not feel there was any foreign meddling in the election. no foreign interference, he did say that the majority of republicans are good guys that he says he could work with. and it appears that he believes he's not going to change course. but it's important to note that the context of the election is very key to understand. now the big red way, the sweep that was predicted for republicans doesn't appear to have materialized. however, there were substantial victories for republicans. one wonders if joe biden would be talking the same way. if that redway had indeed materialized,
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he seems to have tell him things down from before the election when he was talking about democracy, being at stake, et cetera about how he still has is. and on the veto pan, now it's important to know that despite the fact that joe biden seems to be turning things down, old in the united states indicate that 74 percent of the us public is still unhappy with the direction the country is moving in. 71 percent believe that democracy is at stake and in question and under threat in the united states. these are some ohio voters that we spoke to. i think the climate extremely right across the board. again and kind of area where we fan, unfortunately, a 3rd country doesn't care about the facts, the truth, the honesty and never going to get in the way of what they want to believe. now, it's important to know that many races are at this point. still in question, male in bows were very predominant,
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and it's male and valid that have been the primary concern of trumps supporters who believe that there was fraud in the 2020 election. now it's important to note that with problems that happened in arizona as well as detroit related to computer glitches and voting machines. we have many in the trump wing of politics that are crying out. this is what donald trump had to say in the aftermath of the vote. this country is going crazy to view support the decline fall of america. then you must absolutely must vote for the radical left crazy people, the radical left democrats. now we've also heard from the democratic side complaints about what they call voters, depression and voting regulation, they say were intended to suppress the vote. and we've heard some pretty shocking rhetoric as well. for example, alexandria how's the cortez?
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the representative from new york recently accused prominent tv host, who's been critical of us foreign policy tucker carlson of being a terrorist. here's what you said. your news channel that is fueling political violence. one of the largest sources of death threats that i get is tucker. karl's in this is like what's to catholic terrorism is now paul show that on both sides of the political spectrum, americans have their doubts about the electoral process. there are concerns among trump, supporters about possible fraud. there are concerns among supporters of the democratic party and borders abiding about the issue of what they call voters, suppression and danger, quote unquote election deniers. so we have a widespread polarization within the united states, as well as an overall feeling among the public. the country is moving in a bad direction. that however, has changed his tone. no more. is he talking about an emergency in the country
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under threat? he's simply talking about the, the possibility of reconciling things. but even though the u. s. public is deeply dissatisfied with buying policies. he made clear he's not changing course. now he also indicated that alon must, the billionaire in the united states, recently acquired twitter. maybe the subject of some kind of investigation were alleged for and ties and the manner in which he's been running twitter in the short time since he's doing leadership. joe biden said there may be some kind of investigation launched against the alon mock so white, an interesting day in the aftermath of the mid term vote, of which there was a lot of heavy anticipation and nervousness among the u. s. ready political stablish men and the public ok as always re solving g thanks by flooring us up to speed. right, we heard from a former vice chairman of the libertarian national committee, who's a booth. the major policy is
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a demo. 500 republicans are guilty of suppressing american voters. the problem is a specific legislation that by the showing that he disagrees with, that definitely those that involve less government cutting taxes, getting government out of the way, or the very viewpoints of the vast majority of the american people who agree with. so it's not that biden's trying to veto congress, and that's what the president supposed to do as part of the constitution. but rather he's vetoing the views held by the vast majority of the american people. what has been a recent trend and this is been some that both the democrats and republicans have been doing, is finding elaborate ways to engage in voters depression, specifically targeting independent candidates, 3rd party candidate by creating huge, valid access hurdle. i don't know that the republicans are any more of a threat to democracy and the democrats have been both have actively, again engage in ballad suppression. so the idea that that, that democracy under credit absolutely true. but the idea that it's more under
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threat from republicans and democrats is absolutely laughable. the world's leading res. so i think when i was asian, the plastic bank is to take part in the ongoing 27 conference in egypt to once again raise the alarming rain to global pollution. the content is the hardest hit becoming ads i guarantee dumpsite plastic waste sights sent from the western countries. obscene correspondent caribou, subtler as the story, plastic is ubiquitous. it fills our air, land, and oceans and landfills like this, ah, full of it from my this current tooth brushes, shoes, clothes, t, v remote, you name it, if the plastic world but africa is faring better than is global counterparts. and according to the u. n. environmental program,
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the continent produces the least amount of global plastic ways, and most of our ways is also organic. so where does this come from? reliever, people talk about placing input, the decision to south africa, the only being economic benefit that it has for the cancer environment. and that is not even be discussed at the stage. 20 companies as they are to be responsible for more than half of the global single use plastic waste. and none of them are in africa. and according to the 2021, plastic waste makers index in the global north that produces and creates the global plastic use crisis. an average american or a united kingdom citizen will produce about a 100 kilograms of plastic waste annually. now what response ability do they bay
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to this global wasteland they've created? this is mainly supposed to be in effect the county. oh, because we don't have most of the blessed exams we supposed to have in south africa to make products. some africans have come up with a plan. then i'm with sarah. works with can sign is collections and not for profit company in the education space. they turn plastic into briggs and the softness, plastic, from where everybody can get it and times the room. but having with locals in exchange for stationary and such items, plastic that would otherwise be filling the air, polluting the water systems, and causing diseases. when people been plastic in the community because they've got no way to damp it, it causes in people breathe it. it causes type 2 diabetes,
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it causes cancer and it also causes aging. so those are the main hazards that one can think of. but besides that, it, when it goes into our water, it also causes our problems is fire is water. animals are contained like your fish and things like that. and then when they eat the plastic, we end up eating that fish and they did end up affecting as his well from hill to point of your plastic is cut into smaller bits and is put into a 2 liter bottle and the must all way between 550 and 600 grams. and before you know it, viola, you have a school, and soon there will be a bigger one here with a science lab, as well as toilets. and it will all be run on solar power, all in an impoverished community. but also billed by that same community for, for as what is important is plastic is going to affect every one in the world. so what we're doing here is we're inviting different communities from different areas
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to come in live what we are doing, give them the same skills that we have got and then they go back in, they do the same in their own areas. so far we've got 5 communities that we've identified that will be training and then helping them also to set up a similar environment like ours africans as solving their own problems. and the mess that was caused by the global not. and is these kinds of solutions that must be echoed at the you and club, $27.00 climate change conference. and maybe just maybe those who pollute must pay the lute. for the clean bill carmel is had to 40 in johannesburg. the call 27 conference has been long with unexpected and all would mean things. us envoy, john kerry, had a warm encounter with nicholas to ro my the us justice department put a $15000000.00 bounty on is
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a video that appeared on social media showing murder and kara is brief meeting which appeared to be friendly, cool deal. and plenty to undo the venezuela present, paid on america is wanted this with $50000000.00 offered for his arrest, is will accuse of not code terrorism, king conspiracies, weapons and so on, so forth. ned price, suppose 1st of the us state department tried to explain to carrie's cordial, meet and greet. will, missouri suggesting carrie was taken by surprise. this was not, and they said before planned or substantive. and in the way he was caught by surprise. i understand that nicholas monroe has done this to a number of world leaders, certainly not an interaction that was jump out now was that was that was planned for french for him. i cotton has also been looking to salvage relations with he didn't shy away from a friendly chat with
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a leader or ridge of spite from still refusing to fully recognize the, to the see of others presidency and continue to enforce you sanctions against caracas. a with that conversation came and saw control also what the french present tweeted 3 years ago. back when the western countries recognized the us backed opposition, figure one quade, quade doug as the president of venezuela. that was off the glade adroit and failed to seize power in caracas for a disputed election that madura officially one. independent journalist been also
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says, certain policies this the have their eyes on a venezuela's oil when a country has something that you need and you try to organize crews and regime change operations and those fail, you have to be polite and ask for it right now. technically, on paper, the bided administration still recognizes one y e, though this completely unelected fringe politician. i suppose it interim president of venezuela. but of course the situation has drained changed. i mean quite no controls nothing in venezuela. madeau clearly has the support of the majority of the venezuela people who voted for him. unlike why you though, and also the u. s. need venezuela oil and the illegal unilateral sanctions of the u . s. has imposed on venezuela and on iran, and on russia, 3 of the world's largest oil producers has resulted in energy crisis and huge skyrocketing energy prices, which of course, is hurting europe very hard. but it's also hitting the, the average american who needs to pay more if the gas pumps so divided
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administration, trying to have it cake and needed it to it's trying to claim that it doesn't recognize madura but still trying to get access to venezuela's oil. while the whole world has been hearing about says, of nuclear war for the past few months, it seems as a ray of hope. now as the us state development person says, most of washington should hold a meeting on reviewing inspections with comic weapons sites focused on risk reduction. we have a number of channels for communication. that is a good thing. it demonstrates our commit you to strategic stability something we remain committed to something profoundly in the bilateral invest. the tracy follows a decade on effort to reduce nuclear also on both sides at expires, in 2026. earlier was into the analysis. rudy has to work with russia on the
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creation of a new nuclear arms control system that will replace the start treaty. but both parties face challenges by them demanded that these negotiations take place with china's participation things. such discussions require an interesting interested partner. i'm putting in good faith, according to russian. the form is the 2nd level. it is objectively impossible to maintain a dialogue with the us. now put the out, the us withdrawal from all previous treaties on missile defense, intermediate and shorter range missiles. meanwhile, the earth is already, well, he, on a brand new strategic weapons, the counter rushes nuclear. also, i'm bypass the treatise limitations. but according to russia's defense ministry's magazine, in the medium term, the united states seeks to possess strategic non nuclear weapons, with
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a short flight time. to the target and not formally subject to any bilateral or international restrictions. we heard from a former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, who said is difficult for russia to believe that the u. s. would indeed. busy adhere to its commitments. i think one of the big obstacles that will be necessary to overcome from the russian perspective is trust. can the united states be trusted to adhere to its commitments? i'm given what happened with the i n f treaty, where frankly speaking, we lie to the russians about the ages of shore system that we said was only so surface that you know air anti missile system. but in fact, less than a month after the treaty at we got out of treaty, we tested a ground launch cruise missile from the system. something the russian set was always a capability. that's what ours reduction in our control treat her about. it's about getting rid of weapons, not trading the conditions where weapons and continue to exist,
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or expands rushes. very concerned, for instance, about the he 61, a thermal nuclear weapons at the united states, currently maintains in europe, under the nato nuclear umbrella. a russia would very much like to find a discernment vehicle that included these weapons. um, it's something the united states has been hesitant or reluctant to do, but may be going forward, given the absolute order of reducing tensions between the 2 nations. it's something i'd states my consider it in full on prime as the giuseppe con, to is being slammed for cool infant end menchie 8. it's you playing with criticism coming from his countries con defense. samantha, who last out of his lack of support for keith county's behavior seems to be more like a neighborhood bully than that of one attempting a dialogue between people respectful of institutions. paula gulliver unanimously adopted a resolution that obliges the government to come to parliament in case of new
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weapons shipments. the government must come to parliament and show its face to explain to us why it wants to follow this strategy that offers no way out. well, that's really interesting framing there. so apparently now, dissenters to the establishment agenda are a problem and they're bullying the establishment. that's definitely a new one. so italians were out in the streets over the weekend, protesting his weapon shipments to ukraine. better for long about the conflict itself and also the energy and cost of living crisis here in europe, despite just having elected a populace. right? coalition government to power in italy, prime minister, georgia, maloney's new government ticks, all the usual european populace boxes. but aligned establishment stands ho, when it comes to ukraine. her new foreign minister, antonio ta jani, just met with u. s. secretary of state antony blinking to coordinate their positions on ukraine. and he also previously bragged on twitter that his 1st call
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was to the ukrainian foreign minister to quote, reaffirm is elise full support to ukraine in defense of freedom. ah, what about the freedom of italian citizens to afford the costs of daily living and energy prices? i guess that a little bit further down to the priority list. so there's clearly a tug of war going on in italy over more weapons for ukraine, which is already resulted in suspension of a 6th arm shipment. i made concerns that rome could be compromising its own defense capabilities. it's kind of a principle that you learn when you're 3 years old. it's one thing to give away hand me down close to your little brother, or in this case weapons. it's another thing to give away your entire stash a wardrobe and be less naked, walking round as result. and yeah, this is sierra people are pretty lax of, of, that's where a thing walking around naked. but, you know, even though you don't feel insecure, you may wanna keep round. a few missiles,
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italian officials have also cited the need to ensure that they aren't used to attack russian territory. those weapons. and other time politicians are echoing county sentiments when can only dialogue and diplomacy will give us peace involving the international community, the united nations, the united states and europe. parliament go with the european parliament with an incredible resolution passed on october 6th poured gasoline on the fire without ever seeing the word negotiations alive. so despite a new italian prime minister, who has fallen into line on the western narrative, when it comes to ukraine, descent is nonetheless percolating lake, a pot of fine italian coffee. but expect to be slant pretty quickly if you're a european politician like county who dares to complain about the establishment cooking up and this war in ukraine. poland has said it
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will support wold though was all known efforts. wally, you korean empty, suggest to the way to quote how to make it into history as a quote from hamlet to them. although the president by seizing neighboring territories of an unrecognized breakaway state, if a sufficient contingent of the ukrainian armed forces enters transistors from the eastern side, as well as police forces from the moldova side to restore law and order in the de occupied territories. not a single person will oppose that for its part. russia won't be able to prevent this in any way. there is a dispute is a narrow strip of land between the dentist river and ukraine's border trans. dennis, there's declared its independence from mode of and 990. the response to rise in nationalism however, is the sovereignty is not recognized by any un member states and intense fighting
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with moldova erupted before si fi bro. could in 1992 with russian support. the conflict of the state of this area remain on resolved. we heard from a former german lawmaker, martin dozer, who says thomas to heat up this frozen conflict about to an escalation against russia. a escalation, the population of my go and off trans list, you know, for sure. they wanted peace and they don't want to be in a wall, which is less mainly by the u. s. and it's again, awesome escalation against russia. it's a dilemma because if you don't buy your own and you have contact us, which address which one to further for that escalation, we have
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