tv News RT November 11, 2022 6:00am-6:31am EST
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a trail ah, when so many find themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground. ah, the russian defense ministry saved troops helped successfully crawl space didn't yep. or river to take off defensive positions on the left bank of the waterway, following on the lights bent off strategic regrouping. we'll go through that in detail also ahead on the program. now in the vicinity of the children, up up up can you agreement? no. this is the new frontline hazard. who stabilized an rti crew is given access by a chechen battalion to see how it's successfully defending russian lines in the mood, guns, republic call. 27. hailed western countries shift to atomic energy
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despite their previous condemnation of african nations doing the same thing on initiative that could provide with the consonant with reliable power many years ago . not comes as you can. this president lashes out a criticism by western powers over its oil pipeline project with east africa, neighbor tons. and yet we hear the feasible i don't really understand wave in out president. he's writing someone telling them you are he, he let him be any book with broadcasting life from our international new center. this is ortiz, great to have your company. let's get into our top story this, or we begin with the latest from the ukranian conflict. the russian defense ministry say it's tripped, sab regrouped on the left, bank of the didn't yep. river in the, her san region. let's go through what we know here. according to the ministry,
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no military equipment or weapons were left behind on the other side of that river. all units of the armed forces are reported to have taken up defensive positions prepared in advance of villians, who wished to leave the right flank area were assisted in the evacuation to the plant. regrouping comes after an earlier announcement by the defense ministry to withdraw from the right bank of the waterway, to save troops on the ground and protect the local population. it occurred as concerns grew that they tackled sky a dumb upstream of there could be blown up by ukrainian forces on cause devastating flooding. also on a busy news, they, according to multiple media reports the unten off ski bridge that crosses the din. yep. river has been attacked, reporters out the scene say 2 sections of the main bridge were blown up, leaving the crossing inoperable. as of now,
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there is no official confirmation from the russian, m. o. d. on that when it comes in verified, we will, of course, bring it to you. mean off a chechen battalion stationed at another territories frontline the loo. ganske republic has been using a system of trenches and artillery to protect the land from ukrainian attack. our senior corresponded murat, gusty, if he saw how it works firsthand. this is, am matt battalion, thousands upon thousands of it's fighters are stationed along some of the deadliest sectors of the front lines. and these is no exception. with the gulf. we are now in the vicinity of children, pumpkin near grimma. this is the new frontline has a good stabilize the front line. there are a multiple layers of defense,
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wine fields, trenches bonkers as well as mobile reserves all over the place. rushes pulled back from havoc of region following ukraine successful counter attack only and did hear the ukrainian military and nationalist groups have been unable to break through. daniel, naturally there when we 1st arrived, there was nothing here, just a few dugouts. they attacked them and tried to cut us off to keep us hold up under cover. i don't know where they were firing from, but everything they had, they scented us little but they couldn't get through. no, they were unable to breakthrough digging a survival. how deep and how quickly you and trench dictates whether you leave or die. there has never been a conflict like these where no bomb was,
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can fly where drones rule the sky and see everything night and day guiding barrages of artillery at the nearest sign of movement or heat signature. a silent war fought between the east and the west. group of there aren't many ukrainians, mostly foreign mercenaries. for example, poles and germans are boys hear them. they mostly work in trios, tanks, mortars and drones. the shells and mortar rounds flying overhead. there's very little to do for infantry in a situation such as this other than keep watch in case ukrainian infantry decides to press forward, ah, e ina, in a mass mobilized attack from what we understand. they currency don't have the necessary manpower, the necessary vehicles,
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ammunition stores to push forward. so the situation, he has turned into something of a standstill with just artillery jewels by local standards. this was considered quiet when things heated up. however, temporarily we would rush to the closest dug out. i would know. athletes battalion has come a long way once made up almost exclusively of chechen fighters. now heat includes all ethnicities and creeds. them still answerable to check and lead of rams and could thereof a band of just a few 1000 has grown to an army of tens of thousands hardened into veterans by merciless battles in the streets of mary u pool and cities,
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fields and forests of east and south ukraine work for gordon. the enemy is well prepared. there are many foreign mercenaries. you can hear yourself. mercenaries are firing at us. but we are holding our positions. thinking ahead and we've got everything we need. thanks to kid europe in our commanders. more ad gasdio, haughty from the guns creegan, now ukrainian authorities say they detain, they suppose a kremlin propagandist publishing a photo of a person who burs an uncanny resemblance to german investigative journalists. thomas rooper, ukraine's national security service has not disclose the man's name, but instead posted a blurred photo that appeared to have been taken from an article written by mister rooper r t reached out to thomas. he replied, saying he wasn't the person who was detained. but other that it wouldn't be the 1st time key of authorities have attempted to clump, dine on free press in the country,
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ukraine. and of course everybody irrational prop again, this tool is not celebrating ukraine. and this is not the 1st journalist who was arrested in the crate since the beginning of the operation. so these are things that are happening there all the time. and we know that the ukrainian law is, well, it's prohibited to say anything which is not in line with ukrainian official propaganda and asking questions are criticizing ukraine. this is dangerous in this country. we have so many examples of journalists would disappear. ukraine. we have the french guy who told what he seen in butcher, which is not in line with ukraine, and they even tried to kill him in the stumble when he was there. now we have, we have enough examples and international reaction. you know, this, the west, i mean us ignoring this as if it wouldn't happen. so again, it's an inflammation war and, and the west and view and ukraine. ah,
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they only tell what they want to tell and everything else that they're ice is not happening. so these are the conditions we're living in already for, for a long time. you get this president has slam, quote, western double standards about green energy. as reports emerge that germany is dismantling a large wind farm to make way for a new open pit cold line. now, with europe reinvesting in its own fossil fuel power industry to bring mothballs power plants back online. in a truly perverse twist, we are told new western investment in african fossil fuels as possible, but only for oil and gas resources that will be piped and shipped to europe. this is the purest hypocrisy. will the president's words come amid a long lasting dispute over the east african crude oil pipeline? a joint project by you gander? i'm tons and the it's a big one. the pipeline pants to stretcher and 1500 kilometers,
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starting from below lisa, up here. and you can the all the way through the tons of the interior to the coast of tango here. now the project would help utilize you get this large oil reserves supply. other countries through the tons in the in c port and also attempt to stabilize all prices in the region. a big issue that the operation lawrence by french oil joined to tell energies was criticized by b e u. parliament over alleged violations of environmental and human rights. the block calls on the international community to pressure. you done the sounds and need to stop the project. the east african legislative assembly is ignoring european pressure on this calling for the project to continue the you should intervene less in african matter though others do you, parliament is over legislative. what they should do is go back to the you and focus on the issues that a fact that people of the european union will
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r t africa heard from you gummed and residents about how they feel about the issue . this has never been a better loyal list of the western concept of extractive industry like my head of state. but today screaming the french when that something of national interest is at stake. i've always had 3 questions. the issue of sovereignty. who owns it, our democracy or bears? who owns africa? is it still but new opponents of this world over the past? or today we gaining independence. i feel these guys envious of us, that we don't have to have so many resources. when they come, they really need to sub process. if we never come to an understanding of owning ourselves, then we shall always be running on someone's finger drops and tapes, you know. so we need to make that choice of moving forward. we don't have to wait for someone to tell us what to do or not to do. yeah,
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we have to leave like that as his as of leave like that, i would not really understand. wave in our placement is writing someone telling them you are hypocrite. he let him be any pl. quick 2. we also spoke to kelvin care, may south africa, nuclear power advocate and businessmen who say is europe shouldn't try and impose it's solutions in africa, which desperately needs to develop. african countries have the strength to think for themselves and do what's in their own interest for, for too long. we've been prepared to accept solutions coming from europe. that might or might not work in europe often they don't even take to work well day. and they come here on the assumption that al conditions was similar with the same as this. and then not, not only of the sizes of the countries different, they, for very long power lines in the case, electricity, long delivery lines. it's dry here. we have nowhere near the rain that they've got this numbers of things that are different. so we've got to start resisting this
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attitude of they know what's good for them, therefore it must automatically be good for us. and therefore we must do as we told in every can reproduce so little carbon dioxide. we should not be bullied into the major players in reducing carbon dioxide. we make a tiny difference in comparison, some of the much bigger place in the world. and in doing that, it would be highly detrimental to people, the people that need electrification. we need electricity to, to build the economy in advance the economy. we cannot be made to be the victims of other people's strange ideas. while the intriguing thing is, is that western countries are turning to nuclear power as an energy source. that was one of the main takeaway so far from the un climate change conference happening right now in cairo. the push is occurring despite the west criticizing africa for its own efforts to develop atomic power in its search for reliable and affordable energy r t correspondent code. i will let her can tell us more. following last year's
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united nations climate change conference in glasgow, 17 african countries expressed an interest in acquiring nuclear as a base load to support its people and economy and moved that was not embraced by the rich west the nations or their financial institutions. but as i stand here now, for the 1st time ever had a you and climate change conference, this one happening in egypt as pop 27. nuclear is not only back on the agenda, but it has its own pavilion. so what's changed? well, there was a political because we were actually told that nuclear is a no go air, you know, and it's a source and should not even be pursued under any classical sense. suddenly, we hear that the western countries are now actually pursuing nuclear viciously u. k. s. would not be on the table, nor have friends that is expanding his nuclear base. you have germany that is
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actually now looking at even building up nuclear plants and expanding its current capacity. so we're, we're seeing a hypocritical stance, but western hypocrisy is nothing new to most africans. earlier this year we saw european lead as rushing for africa, fossil fuels, while preaching the exact opposite message to africans. and in august, south africa's coal exports for europe. we're up 720 percent and they have not even picked yet. and it's the same story for the north african natural gas exports to europe. which leads many africans to ask. the question is, climate change only a concern when it suits the global, not so much as a crisis, only when it suits the you know, you know, the western congress, particularly as for certain the global not which is currently being the dominant player on pushing full time at change mitigation, but we are not seeing any aspect of actual insured in that article which is
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currently the list. meet us is actually given priority of developing a snotty asset as ensuring that we can have nuclear capacity bays, and more from all other sources. almost all africans are affected by the lack of reliable bays load energy. every single day. african countries needs to be very decisive. we need the industrialization, we need to development. and we need a really robust energy solution, which in this only case for nuclear is the only solution available right now. an african cultural should be pursuing naughtier solutions viciously and ensuring that the constant independently and because of the pollution that has been caused by many of us in congress. this would actually be making sure that african countries are not punished for something that didn't cause. and when south africa wanted to pursue more nuclear in 2015 west than financial institutions, had closed the tabs on funding it. but now, 7 years later, in themes,
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the tabs are opening again. last time we're south africa could have used to plan to has building more nuclear power stations, as well as reducing their emissions side. i think as an added country doesn't have water. when you have nuclear, then you're also answer the issue of water provisions because you can then successfully de saline. that is a direction we should be growing, but nuclear so regulated that there's an ingredient of time on how long it will take for you to commission nuclear. so the longer we delay to actually commence with nuclear installation, the more we're gonna put this country in a state of our less that development. it is not only about renewables is really about cleaner and less emitting technologies. and nuclear is, is one big source of a low cabinet, a power. so we should leave it on the table because energy demand is projected to grow by 80 percent, by the year 2040 and 4 people on the ground reliable,
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consistent, and affordable energy. it's more important before any talks of emissions, especially in the face of what themes like energy apartheid. but as they did with the south africa needed them politically. the waste is yet again showing its craft, the double speak and climate hypocrisy got up. in john, vic keller, the in the continent, because some more updates to bring you kenyan is sending troops to the democratic republic of congo to help can shelf a deal with an insurgency in the countries east. the decision is expected to cost already hard. head taxpayer is almost $37000000.00 over the next 6 months and many kenyan say there are governments move is a mistake. our country is not stable yet. we've just come from election of reason.
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we're being told by our elected leaders that we don't have enough funds in the law pressure is now the question that we are asking also, was it necessary for these guys to be sent to the sea now a time when canyons languishing in hunger languishing in poverty languish in total doubt, you know, of the country which will be in a position that we are so satisfied with what we have 1st before we hit the amount of funds will be needed to ensure that native stability, india to see congo. it is a lot of money in getting into this issue. a lot thing to be better had better had you want to manage. yeah, a lot of frustration, i think the allocated money coverage spending for equipment operations on the allowance payments. that joint decision to send troops to the d r. c was made by east african community member states last summer. but randi, and such suit don have already deployed military forces with uganda and towns in
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the expected to join soon. c those trips have a mandate that allows the use of force to restore stability in the country. we spoke to a kenyan human rights activists who country to many of his fellow citizens, supports nairobi, decision to get militarily involved. this ability of convoys, an issue that should have been dealt with the long time ago is an issue that should have salted doubts because we cannot be dealing with the same problems of the 1960s . there is nothing wrong with that skin and ducks prayer for footing. the coasts, olva u. a. u acadia deployment in the combo b cords of comb with these african progression. those are all brothers. the people in columbus, our brothers. so we do not know which particular pots the acadia, but they, they, the kidney of has been deployed. but whichever one that has been deployed in those are old people, much of the people from east africa actually come from la combo bisson. composite
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so many resources. it's going to run the aspect over the electrical, electrical energy they've within it, vickers and so on. so much of the renewal and, and even the cobbled that he's running, the wired comes from the campbell. so the idea, we simply campbell the bits and that he's white, i'm supporting that the democratic republic of congo itself has announced the mobilization of citizens to the military. it's in response to a further offensive by the name, the m $23.00 military with which 1st began its attacks. in march, the insurgents helping gaining ground in areas near the border with rolanda. since the conflict broke out, tens of thousands of people have been displaced. the d r. c. government accuses rolanda of barking the militant but could galle denies the allegations we spoke to come to louise bass, journalist feline balloon on the situation. rhonda has been saying that
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the government is supporting the lar, the who to people who flew in 1994 here in d r c. and that's why they want us to fight back re they who to people because they are lack of threats for, for their government, especially for run the future. that's what is the reason why rhonda is being supported dead m trinity officially. they are denying by waves the un mapping with prove doc ronda is supporting the am trinity rebels. and so they have been denying official lead by rhonda has always been present to negotiate. we've become believe government, the only one problem, the specially a bout day indifference of the international community. they have all the proof that rhonda is packing the d r c, but there is no political we'll to resolve this crazy.
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okay, another story to bring you to a local ukranian authorities have removed a historic monument of hungarian heritage in the western part of the country provoking backlash from budapest. the committee strongly condemned this senseless and barbaric action aimed at intimidating. the hungarian people have trans carpathia, destroying the universal cultural heritage and poisoning hungarian ukrainian relations. the hungarian foreign 1st committee went on to slum the quote, stumble as circumstances of the monuments remove all that plains by destroying the cultural psyche of violated international and bilateral agreements to protect the ethnic identity of national minorities. going further hungry said that ukraine has not upheld the democratic requirements of european union candidates, states the spite hungry being a member of both nature,
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the budapest has not joined western states in providing with any kind of military support. moreover, it has bomb weapon deliveries from being delivered to ukraine through the territory . george zamarelli from the global policy institute, think tank se ukrainian authorities have a press hungarian minorities for years. but the e u turns a blind di, ukrainian authority. they've been targeting the hungarian minority for some years now. they've been targeting their cultural institutions. they've been targeting their educational institution. and the bubble have been targeting their ability to study in their own language. and this is, of course, a violation of all the united nations resolutions, european union policy and so on. but the repeal unit as always overlooks this. so there's nothing new in the ukraine authorities targeting and gary and
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culture. it is all this the path and also of the current ukrainian policy of extreme hostility toward the hungary. because hungary has been the outlier in europe and has refused to supply any alms to ukraine, as also explicitly refused to allow its territory to be use to supply the ukraine. this of course, as infuriated the here for it is and so this is what they're doing now with this cultural institution is just part of their attempt just to stick it too long, arians, now digital currency saw their values plunge on thursday. it came after the world's biggest crypto currency exchange pulled out of a deal to rescue a smaller rival as a result of corporate due diligence,
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as well as the latest news reports regarding mishandled customer funds and alleged us agency investigations. we have decided that we will not pursue the potential acquisition of f t x. yeah, for now things when burned the collapse of the deal saw the price of bitcoin had a 2 year. lo, with other values following the industry leader at u. s. regulators have raised concerns over at exchange we just saw named f t x and the firm's mismanagement of its clients assets. the reports of the company's financial helps reportedly triggered $6000000000.00 worth of withdrawals from the online platform in recent days, crypto currency expert christopher m shared his thoughts on the current market situation and future developments in the sphere. like any nathan industry, it's an industry that's vastly under regulated, which is a very actually big issue for the industry. it's an industry that a lot of government don't understand which also causes problems because in order to
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regulate you have to understand and what we've seen here. and we've seen previously the 1st have a big trip to exchange crushed with from exchange called mountain dogs, which is monumental. this one's actually a lot bigger, but at that time people thought, well, but if you're completely right, if you've ever read this to she white paper on bitcoin, the entire idea was to build a peer to peer electronic cast system, right? so the idea is doesn't get regulated, but you do need to regulate the business and practices around running a business in this space when you consider for example, inflation, which is particularly hitting many, many parts of the world. right now you've got an energy crisis in europe in america as well. and, and people are, you know, they're trying to shift that money in many, many ways trying to preserve and, and ensure that money. what about emerging economies? i think in these emerging economies, right? let's look at africa, for example, africa is the continent with the largest amount of natural resources in the world, which historically have really been stolen from that continent. and again,
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the country that you and i come from did pretty well out of it. and what, what crypto can do, this is one of the interesting things is because i wanna get in the nuts and bolts of the technology if you like. but it does allow you to create accountability for all of those assets where they go. and what that does is that removes that leakage, that happens where, whereby you know the guy and the, that the guy in the village that's, that's mining gold and he sells it to this guy. he sells it this guy's telling this guy. he sold it over there for a dollar. the guy at the end in london in the commodities desk is probably selling it for $20000.00. so really crip, the currency and the actual technology rather than just thinking about the currencies, is what i think would transform africa for the, for the better at any emerging market. christopher m speaking to rory, sushi and the program earlier. well, that is how it been use headlines this friday are shipping up busy day. i'll be back off the top with all the developments affecting your world in just over 30. this is mark internet. ah
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ah. the news. oh when i want something wrong, when i just don't hold any new world just to shape out, this thing becomes the attitude and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. technically speaking, the g o. p can claim victory in the mid term elections,
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but that victory is humiliating. traditionally, the party out of power performs much better, particularly since now the economy is in such a poor state and by v is unpopular. these elections prove the country is as divided as ever ah, i think you've got those thoughts like we've, she and we've been a week 6. i was showing a little was recently from national notice to move center of chicago and also the will. the quinn property out there, so please some last ashley with ty this winter snow put already in putting me on the mazda 6 a short.
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