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tv   News  RT  November 13, 2022 11:00am-11:19am EST

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ah, with breaking news with our own off the internet as we understand now at least 6 people are killed and more than 50 wounded, the powerful bloss to rob, so crowded central street and it's accountable. western policies are trying to weaponized the region up still warning to asian and pacific countries. probably russia's foreign minister as the axioms so much wrapped up on the storage shape that we care on our t a p seal up to 2 years of violence achieve through dialogue. officials from ethiopia and the te gray region agree on a ceasefire,
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and agree to open the door to me. the humanitarian with good evening from moscow, worse now, just off to 7 pm here on the russian capital and 7 pm. it is where we do stop is how and i with breaking news coming out of turkey were an explosion in the central office down bold has killed at least 6 people and wounded more than 50. the turkish president or the one has said, the blast wasn't active, tara 2 g. the vin attempts in the past to subjugate turkey using tara, but this is never led to any thing. the citizens of turkey can be sure that the organizers of the attack will be punished. 6 people have died in the attack for at the scene and to later in hospital 53 people have been injured. all of them are receiving the necessary medical care unit. now although it's a fairly tough to make out exactly what's happening in the upcoming videos,
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i should warn you, you may find some of the images disturbing. ah, so it's videos like this one circulating on social media showing the moment of the blast, which happened on a very busy thoroughfare. one of the main tourist streets and the popular text him area over stumble. the number of casualties has been confirmed by the turkish president and we heard from a russian tourist who was in the area at the moment of the blast. we saw on the street next to us, a bang was heard. and a few minutes later, there was panic. the lease arrived and blocked the streets. when they got home, helicopters appeared in the sky, helicopter saw still fly actually, in general, everything is very scary, intense. a. video's a show, for example, right here, people running away from the area shortly after the blast occurred. emergency services have been at the scene and video show multiple la police vehicles heading to the area, including at least one helicopter hovering in the vicinity as well. for the street
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a, as i described earlier, the where the blast happen is a very busy thoroughfare. it's been sealed off and evacuated. i spoke to as a short time ago with political analysts to oh, no, to adam. he believed the perpetrators of the attack were intentionally trying to hood his many people as possible in 2nd gear and made explosive. it's probably a low impact explosive. if it is that it was it to hurt it. well, if it was done as such, because that area, it's a very, very highly dense. you know, that's 3 way you actual literally have to rub shoulders against one other to get to that. it looked like it from the videos. it was very, was packed as well. as good w others for this program. so i see i see in summit concludes in cambodia. there is this code among top officials on what the traditional final statement should sound
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like. and russia's foreign minister, 30 left off. explain what people are calling a stand off. excuse me, but no collective decision on a joint statement has been made because the united states and its western allies insisted on absolutely unacceptable language regarding the situation in ukraine. either that washington or nato allies are seeking to weaponized asia to contain russia in china rather than support such regional organizations, such as as young of the statement came as a number of western countries including orcus allies, australia, new zealand, attended the se in groups meeting to discuss the various forms of international cooperation. well, we can learn more commonwealth civil india's former foreign secretary and former ambassador as a toki, egypt, france, and russia. now joining us live this sunday evening, a very will welcome to us. so i thank you for joining us here. on the international know joint statement following the east asia summit as the russian foreign minister
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themes, a declaration on the ukraine conflict. inappropriate for a conference on cooperation is see if you right or wrong about that. what do you make of his position? i think is right, and this happened to have the d. 20 meetings also the the, the finance ministers meeting the g t foreign minister meeting. other meetings are under the g t. the shuttle g 20 shop could not issue a joint statement for the simple reason that the western country wanted to introduce a harsh language on your case, which was not acceptable to russia. reach mendera or that indonesia, as president as jet issue would be you 20 medium d, 20 segment. now the same thing has happened in the summit and where the rest of the countries as before, wanted to obviously condemn russia in hushed tones. which on which there was
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a note on which they couldn't be consensus because i made has other country members including china and india so they won't have accepted this. consequently, i think at the end it would be the statement by combo dea, which would i think as has happened in the case of g. 20 declarations have found language on ukraine, but also gave the nation counter to that here. so you think the main premier of this is going to have to try and walk a fine line of appeasing perhaps both sides of this debate. i want to ask you for off was a, he was actually welcomed by by many in attendance. why do you think certain western professional partners wanted to get this statement regarding ukraine out into the press and out from the members of the conference? no, this has been objective all along and all international conferences. and they want
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to introduce very harsh language on the us intervention. and you can and this is a very concerted effort by the united states and your producer, and they will do it. in fact, we're going to have the g 20 meeting from january on. we're going to face this problem all also because if they fail to get something introduced in the statements and the rest will look at, look at it as a political defeat and be the inability to master enough of all from the non western countries to condemn russia. therefore, they will go in for it and, and the only answer to that, as i said, is that the issues statement over the phone read. they like to would have gone with the views of both sides with the civil sort of a laughter off says and the fees are pretty strong, was the level of the us and nato were trying to militarize the asia pacific region
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by seeking to involve japan new zealand and canada in the orcas security pipe, pretty strong words must allow for of you'll take, you'll take on that. i think from the russian point of view, it is normal. that he said that because as you know, august involves united states transferring nuclear propulsion technology to australia and building a nuclear. somebody's golf course, they're not going to become functional or operational for the next 2030 years. but, but along with that, they are going the intent to transfer to australia a lot of advance where from the messiah technology and everything else. so clearly, this is going to militarize this area. and the target is china because united states is what it about. china's expansion is in east asia in the south china sea.
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and of course this is stephanie taiwan eventually with military action. if it comes to that. and there's an open confrontation between united states and china. united states had declared shinine is national security study to give you address to the national defense start the new as, as john i, as agular city. and they have taken lot of steps as you know, who denied technology including semiconductors in order to slow down china's advance and in advance technologies. so this is part of that and they want to expand it by bringing in japan and also and you and canada. let's see if those countries come in in the way that the united states once or not much, certainly this is a pressure point on china, which is civil. i wanted to ask you, there have been a lot of stories in the media as of late, particularly here on our see about certain parts of the world who are really trying
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to push towards a sovereignty that of a living in an independent state. although with mutually beneficial contracts with, with other international members, i mean whether we're, whether it's the african continent people, they're complaining about external players with domestic affairs, latin america as well, even parts of asia as well. i wanted to ask you, how independent would you say all the se in countries or are they able to keep their policies free from, from foreign interference? do you think? not really, you know, sean is divided and cambodia and laos, a little more independent in the thinking. indonesia, for example, sync up thing up all plated both ways. it wants it position to really manage the security any be some stability in the, in the pacific region. but we know that doesn't have security issues that are emerging in olaf shoulds, the german chancellor of a multi poder world,
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olaf. so i would like to say that i didn't not say that the us young not solve it on the actual the countries. but the point is they don't have the power to assert their sovereignty in the face of a very powerful country, like china. now i'm going to show, you know, the united states doesn't like the, i don't want people entity because it knows that the release. so the 1st thing to do is to promote your sample, india for my, for a secretary, and i'm billions and ensuring their on beyond that, 13000000 in health care of 4 and a half asians, the start of the decade, the violence originally erupt. when government troops with deploy to fight the so named people's liberation front, near the border with a trail, hundreds of thousands of people involved with conflict. but if you leave process a, you really, really late at gray,
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marsh, down the streets towards the city center a demonstration. the morning, the resignation of president maya found due on her government have been ongoing. now over a month 27 climate conference. africa is hardest hit by that haven't become basically, a dragon feels our a late payment. it's not something that does not even be discussed at this stage. 20 companies as sad to be responsible for more than half of the global single use plus big waste. and the 9 to king of citizen, well, pretty juice about a 100 kilograms of plus people waste and really, wo wasteland they've created. this is mainly supposed to be enough at the county or in south africa to make products, some africans aging. so those are the main hazards that one can pink off or so causes. our problems is fire is water i knew from hail to point or fuel plastic is
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cut into smaller bits all in an impoverished community, but also if the one in the world. so what we're doing here is we invite him different communities from different areas to come in, lynn, what we are doing, give them the same communities that we've identified, that we will be training and then helping them also to set up a similar environment like ours africans as solving their own problems and the mass that was caused by the global not. and is these kinds of solutions the you ends climate summit, her cop 27 has been taking place in egypt for a week. now. those nations been trying to negotiate an agreement to compensate developing states hit hard by craft indicate the of not only from his you t isn't. if you move into do greenspace, the green energy for century to rely on your, on our all induction that leverage in
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a way that will make this compton and miss blowing. this week's midterm elections as a key race in nevada is set to be called for the party with 96 percent of the votes counted. so that's up republicans who look set to gain a majority in the house of representatives, meaning things have just gotten tougher for the bi limits. so this is a very narrow victory for democrats with 5249 in the senate. are 50 for democrats. now this is be adam lags ult giving the zone of victory and the victory of course of john feather, men in pennsylvania. this now made say it's less important for the georgia race which will take place in december to determine any sizable difference. because b, p harris can actually cut longer as though we have still a the races going on, both being counted in california, arizona, and oregon. and of course, neither party has reached the 218 majority that is needed. and many are questioning why this red wave that was supposed to happen according to republicans did not
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happen. and according to many, it has to do with inflation. it has to do with the fact that perhaps voters voted against the trump in discourse. and also abortion issues were very high, young voters said come out to vote, jen z did. and of course, the other accusation is election fraud as well, even before the election freleigh defense of joe biden. i recall kim mike, he said that whatever happens essentially that he's got the answer in his office to push through certain policies that that v were the veto. democrats have, for a long time, been accusing half of the country of being deplorable republicans all being involved in january 6, have been really going against a vast majority of the country and even accused rush of having hackers to undermine the election. yet when democrats, when, then that means everything is good, and joe biden talked about exercising his use of vito power. if we lose the house
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and senate, it's going to be a horrible 2 years. the good news is i will have a veto pen. this is of course, with the fact that joe biden's approval rating is in the tank. i mean, according to a c, b, s. pull 46 percent of people think that joe biden policies have actually hurt the economy. 52 percent trust republicans better on issues like abortion and inflation and 79 percent of the country. think that the country is out of control, which says a lot about why people don't have trust in the system. and of course, for some this has been enough to question the integrity of the us elections. let me get this straight. 72 percent voters say america is on the wrong track. only 42 percent say they approve of the job. joe biden is doing 58 percent say they feel more worried that america's best years, mail ready be behind us, yet? no read wave. congratulations to president biden. his rate on trump's home. the
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rest of pro lifers his illegal intimidation campaign against the supreme court. his censorship of opponents and threats to jail and harassment of any one who questioned his election helped steve off red wave. so we're talking about long lines. we're talking about machines that didn't work. the fact that we are still counting ballots here and of both i mailed her as well. there is no paper in the same player in many other countries. you get the results, the day of and or the day after at least. but democrats of trying to normalize this, say, well, this is because we have so many vote by mail ballots. so obviously, the vast majority of people are not trusting in the system because they have, they have questions as to why this is happening now. the democratic party says this is a victory for the american people as a whole. however, they have been largely accusatory of anybody that thinks differently. anybody that has been questioning this, there's been intimidation tactics. there's been all sorts of things in the electoral process in the united states. so
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a lot of people are saying this is chaotic that this is embarrassing. and it seems that democrats promote democracy abroad while still having these sorts of issues at home. and what this does is it's going to lead to a tug of war in congress, both in the santa and the house of representatives were little policy work actually gets done. wrapping up some of the highlights of the week here in ot see international thanks for joining us for the sunday weekly program. when we return to the top of the, i will have more updates on the breaking news out of a stumble and what's being called a terrorist act and explosion. one of the main pedestrian thoroughfare streets. we are back of the top of the blue. ah, what he's got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation,
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let it be an arms race. it is on offensive, very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk i wanted to go and pay my respects hon. all those who lost her life. the hands of the 3rd. right. and i wouldn't want to do it with anybody other than john honestly, you know, horrible atrocities.
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