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tv   News  RT  November 14, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EST

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ah, a ah ukraine vons journalist for reporting from her phone which has been locked down by k as the military, as some people are showing being harassed and abused and an unseen russian purge. also this out with a kayla being 1st to show up at the crime scene, not one turkey has called washington's condolences over the deadly tower attack and is bull which onqua blame on allegedly, usaa bats. kurdish medicine on the u. s. president gets friendly with his chinese counterparts despite joe biden earlier pledging to act tough with shadeen pink eye,
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the so called red line, the relations between the bible countries with a very well welcome to you and just to and 5 pm here in the russian capital. and this is all see international with the very latest world news update is great to have you with us. ok has revoked the work permits of journalists who violated rules, binding them from entering the city of has song i thought the ukrainian troops arrived following russia withdraw, while ukrainian media says that he's 6 journalists, including from c and then on sky news or among those targeted we got the details earlier from our correspondence donald quarter. well, these reports that started these reports of journalists having their work permits taken away, including those from cnn and sky news actually started coming after our quite disgruntled statement from the ukranian military's leadership. key of top brass claims that these journalists began working in areas of her song that are now
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occupied by ukrainian forces against the order of lot of the lensky that they actually wait until they get the okay, from key f. and interestingly enough, this news actually comes alongside the accusations from zelinski himself of hundreds of a legit russian war crimes actually. and the west for media has widely reported on these allegations. of course with a small disclaimer that they haven't been able to verify any of them, given the fact that they haven't been allowed to go to these areas and so on where these are legit war crimes even took place. so on top of that, these journalists who are apparently have, have allegedly had, there are reportedly rather had their work permits taken away. they were actually working there to try and frame the entrance of ukrainian forces into her son is something that the locals welcomed with. open arms, let's take a look at their coverage. i know you can afford
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your liberal ation. looks like this is what liberation. feels like. one really has to wonder why cnn gave so much attention to seems like that. and so little to the actual ukrainian nazi salutes that he somehow found their way on to cnn coverage of the entry of ukrainian troops into here saw really something shocking, but perhaps, i mean it's just easier to make it look like everyone. welcome the ukrainian military with open arms because before the russian military withdrawal russian troops took weeks to evacuate civilians from there. so it's very likely that the vast majority pro russian car, san resident already left. right. and we've been seeing also images of report and reports of repression from people in her on of the people that have been accused as being russian collaborators. can you tell us a bit more about that?
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right, well the ukranian authorities are calling these repressions basically so called filtration methods. and this is something that really, that we've come to expect from areas that have been taken can that the ukrainian military is taking control of because we've seen it also in areas in the heart of as well. but the western media is already published a lot of pictures of basically her song citizens facing abuse from pro key of citizens. citizens facing abuse are accused of being pro russian without any sort of trial. i'm there. you can see in the pictures that they're tied to polls and just basically phase facing mockery from pro key of residence there. and like i said, there have been no court trials. and as i said earlier, most of the pro russian residents from this area likely already left. so who knows who these people that we're seeing tied to these polls actually are. many of them may be actually supportive of the key of regime. and actually what we've heard from
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ukrainian officials is that this is something that doesn't really matter too much to them. if the law enforcement system fails and does not successfully deal with the traitors than the military will deal with them, there is no other way. have talked to the military and they have that so they will just ship them like dogs. so it's definitely interesting to see how key is basically given a blank check to carry out these extra judicial, military lead punishments of people who haven't been put through any sort of court process. they're allowed to take the work permits away from journalists, western journalists, and after of course, they already banned their own domestic opposition media. and at the same time, the western media still continues to call ukraine a democracy. independent journalist, shay bowes, that says the western media prefers to turn a blind eye to any ukrainian violations while focusing on blaming russia. instead. the narrative is that ukraine are the good guys, regardless of any sort of crimes they want to commit. so it's what we want the
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message to be from cnn, bbc, all the mainstream media, you have to look very hard in any sort of stage or american media to find any wrong doing, but ukrainian forces. so i think that's the issue here. it's about portraying a narrative, and anyone who descends from that narrative will will face the full readers of the law in some cases. so i think that's really what we're looking at is it's an hour card. we will pick what's good and what's bad. and we will ignore and we'll turn a blind eye to some re punishments disappearances. and i actually saw a very disturbing video. yes. the of a child, you know, basically take to and post being beat on the street ukraine. so it's what we want to push forward is the narrative. any other truth is, is an anti truth on his face, the sponsored by russian propaganda. so that's where we are in the west right now. it's very important. people understand what it rushes and bounds, hold it against public now, which is coming on the increasing ukrainian shilling,
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hitting some residential areas. local authority said the village of both can was hit by us, supplied hyman's missiles, leaving several houses on the stool. damaged, no casualties. have yet been reported at defense systems, also activated in the city of la guns, though no details were available on the aftermath of the attacks now as ukrainian force his bond targets across dumbass, which recently became part of russia. moscow's army has repelled a tax and that against republic, where in 10 solitary battles are under way report thing from the front line. his ortiz at north garcia. i made the fields and forests of the gods countryside. some of the fiercest fighting rages, day and night. miss owls and shelves crisscross the sky. these ceaseless at this point right now. oh no, to far a salvo, a distance in rockets,
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the sea where they lab to judge precisely how to correct artillery far. what will follow? he's the artillery does not rest in multiple shifts batteries of launches and how it's as far as ukrainian positions. they are most often the deciding factor in whether an attack failed or succeeds along the criminal aisle. smart about rock plot is still very much tense. russian, the defense is here, are stable. the frontline has stabilized but nationalist elements as well as you can military predominantly or many sect as far mercenaries haven't stopped. efforts haven't seized efforts to find the weak link to pro ration defenses in order to find a weakling to push their offensive,
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which is stalled across the la guns for blood. ah with yellow alicia were assigned the task of shelling a to enemy soldiers. the grad rocket launcher, did the job and covered them with artillery fire ukraine. you sparing nothing. neither resources, nor lives in an effort to reclaim momentum and break through russian lines. they know they're on the clock. ah, tens of thousands of fresh troops trading across russia. preparing for deployment, the military industrial complex is kicked into overdrive and the russian economy
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and society a gradually preparing for a conflict unseen since the 2nd world war war at gazda. r t from la guns region. thank ethan terry. i'm in the sands, rejected washington's condolences. i had a weekend terror attack in istanbul, which in which 6 people died did the limits. and it means that we have received the message sent to us. we do not accept the condolences of the u. s embassy. we reject them for turkey a. these condolences are really like a slap in the face because it's been accusing washington of supply and back to curtis spiders in northern syria and according to turkish authorities, it was a member of the p k. k, the cur, the some people's party. now the p. k. k has since come out tonight and your responsibility saying that they would never target civilians directly and that they have nothing to do with the blasts that we saw and symbol. however,
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earlier we heard from turkish authorities that a woman from syria was detained and she apparently confessed to everything and said that she was working on the orders of the p k. k. that's why when the white house press secretary released the statement saying that they stand shoulder to shoulder with our nato allies, turkey encounter and terrorism naturally disrupt them the wrong way in the countries in syria ministry. but went further saying this is like a killer return into the scene of the crime 1st, and that there will be announcer and not everyone will soon see what that is. and this is clearly understood, the message that we're trying to deliver to us will be called the terrorists will give this act a strong respond of course, our line for the state and support tara region and sends money for the development should be up for discussion. he said that they ca betrayal, and that this will, of course, that they are running out of patients that sits,
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it remains to be seen what they exactly mean by that of course. but it's important to mention here that the kurdish issue has become a thorn and relations not only between turkey, a and washington, but also sweden as it tries to join nato. the military alliance is turkey. i have said before that it will veto sweden's membership as long as they continue harbor and what turkey considers terror and protect them. so i am sure that we'll be hearing about the issue with kurdish fighters in northern syria in the months to come as sweden continues to try and join nato. a meeting between the american and chinese presidents as wrapped up on the fringes of the g. 20 summit in bali with both ladies saying there is plenty of room for improvement. o the china, you must relationship is in such a situation that we owe a lot about it. because this is not the fundamental interests of our 2 countries and peoples. and it is not what the international community expects from us as
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leaders are the 2 major countries we need to check the right course for the china usaa relationship leaders or 2 nations. we share responsibility and my view to show the chart and the united states can manage or different years prevent competition from becoming anything or conflict or last class. last to our chief maria financial and now it joins us from barley where the upcoming g. 20 summit is taking place that. maria, thanks for joining us. what do we know so far about that sidelines meeting between the u. s. and chinese leaders. well, hi nikki. i have to say that it has been among the most anticipated face to face meetings at this year's g 20 and probably in the last 2 years after joe biden became president, the american leader finally meets the chinese counterpart here in bali. and it
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seems that it hasn't been an easy conversation. we now, after had almost for our meeting here that see explained to bide in that there is no such reality which taiwan is independent and also the china hopes that the u. nato and the u. s. will have a comprehensive dialogue with moscow from its end, the white house following the meeting between the 2 leaders. the reports that president biden pointed to see that the u. s. will continue to compete vigorously with china, including by investing sources of trends at home, and aligning efforts with allies and partners around the world. this is quotation washington relations with b, gene har, now arguably more problematic and ever we've been biden ministration, maintaining a sharp edged approach and policy towards china. with almost everything from expert controls on high tech chiefs to warnings about the potential invasion of taiwan and
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open threats to increase the u. s. s. military and security presence in the region . warren china. a lot of course does they've before they summit before common here to bali, joe biden said that he's going to find out what the red lines are between the 2 superpowers. during his meeting, we see he came here after another international gathering and come to the meeting where he's messaging facts and much of he's agenda was to demonstrate resistance to china. he even offered full american commitment to se in asian nations. to help send against china is growing dominance and influence in the region. he actually didn't mention the other superpower, china by name, but it was clear for everybody, including in bay gene, how, who these message was destined to. so the 2 liters started, they maintain here in bali, wave shades and smiles, but now 4 hours later,
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we can see that the relations between the 2 nations will take much longer time to improve back to you. we have many thanks for the update and thought have maria the notion of speaking to his live it from bali while with officials from around the world said, take nancy to the g. 20 summit on tuesday. western delegations appears to be more focused on how to snub russia, instead of finding common ground, well ahead of the event reports. and most of the traditional family photo being scrapped to see it. that's due to some members, concerns about standing alongside russia's foreign minister, aliya london, and some of it's your penalized report to the encourage other members to leave the venue during a speech from moscow delegation with the u. k. prime minister himself vowing to call out russia its military operation in ukraine. this g 20 summit will not be business. as usual, we will call out putin's regime and laid bare their utter contempt for the kind of
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international cooperation and respect for sovereignty forums. like the g 20 represent, at the same time, say not criticize vladimir putin for not attending this by calling for him to be banned from the events back in august. let's go live to political financial analyst angela juliano. to discuss this further many thanks for joining goes on the program angela. now joe biden. prior to the meeting with john, we talked about how he was going to get tough for us to get tough with china. he talks about be the us red lines, but it seemed quite woman friendly when they met. as together on the sidelines of the summer, what do you make of this problem? you there is no use turn. i think we need to look at the long term plan. focus not on words, but on actions are chinese attacked by the us since the 1980s. remember the tenement square was a, was didn't happen. he was not an organic movement. that was the 1st one of the 1st
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column revolution instigated by the us. you had in 2014 in hong kong. you had in 2014, also in high one, the sunflower revolution. and then you had in 2019 the right as the hong kong, without, without saying there's a saw, a movement that has been financed by to see a bet you have or so we go. a terrorist movement that has been finest in, in the young you had lots of terrorist attack. so chinese beans attacked all over again. and still, no, you have many action done by the us to actually divide and control the current situation. when you look at the time when the current president, i'll tie one, she has been selected by the u. s. already in 2005 the cables by, you know, that were exposed by the lease that she had secret meetings with the i t, which is the fact or i went to u. s embassy and i won
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a she was reporting already back then to the us. so they have a puppets there that is working for us, interest in the for i want to interest. so we need to look at the long term gained . i. so there's one thing, a few things that are really important to understand is that right now it is the present moment. you have us marines training. i would nice army. so we learn about what happened in ukraine. there was a glad you did the fact to you quite and being in need to know the us actually call tie one a need to strategic our life. so what do you, as he's doing when he comes to china, is slowly pushing further further and being vague cost you the red lines of china, which is mainly related to tie $1.00. well, it's quite interesting, isn't it? when speaking of us that red lines job find it, made it clear that he will not accept anyone else's. so i took out diplomatic. does
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that sound to you? i was in china and those they, well, the game, they actually, chinese money a lot from your queen, queen the question on russia to ukraine using ukraine to the last equation to fight russia. they knew they were how the u. s. is playing. so they learned a lot from that, and they know that after russia, if russia, i mean, it won't happen. but you know, the u. s. is hoping that for a shop would, there would be a balconies ation of russia and maybe a regime change. and after that, that would be china, so they know the game and they've been paying for a long time. china is gone, is being extremely cautious the last 50 years, not you have. you don't use this meddling that you could. you could see not many other countries. china has been preparing for what is happening now. and
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how one question is only a civil war. this is unfinished since 949. they know that the, the strategies always divide in control. so i didn't seeing taiwan and pushing for one for, for confrontation. i want a gauge, china. following this brief meeting between she and biden, both the leaders acknowledge that as much to improve in bilateral relations. but can we really expect any progress on them to find any common grounds here over the next few days? just p r. i think by then he's going to talk to see him being to gain to gain support internally, domestic audience. because because by demonizing china you are, you, there's one thing that actually pleases both democrats and republicans, is the china,
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chinese bad soul. so basically it's more like talking to domestic audience and just the p r. just telling the world how democratic, how good, how exceptional the u. s. whole body is china. thank you so much for speaking to us today. we, it's been great. you're inside the political and financial analyst, angelo julia and i, thank you. russia cannot be cancelled as, according to all stress talk, diplomatic. speaking ahead of me, think of the use foreign affairs council. so i boom to the it's impossible to change geography and history for this reason, that can't be cancelled culture against russia. nevertheless, it's also impossible for relations with russia to stay the same. while joining goes now are to contribute to rachel monson. rachel, nice to see you. it seems like we are seeing at the volume here when it comes to the e. u, especially in terms of, you know,
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military support to ukraine is the one particular i'm talking to. so all countries fighting their own corner well, this european politicians are acting and talking like they're having a fight with a neighbor and they can't afford to move. they talk about how a relationship with russia is inevitable because while the right next door and until recently, things were pretty good between those neighbors. you know, they were dropping by russia to ask for some gas for the law more, or, you know, to power the entire e u economy. but then washington drop by for coffee and started bad mo thing, russia and encouraging brussels to get another of its neighbors. ukraine to go through, exit rushes, garage door, and now brussels is so deeply invested in that fight that they're now going to run it out of their own kitchen. because this tuesday, the you is set to launch a training mission for the ukranian army out of poland and germany that set to cost
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another a 107000000 euros, and another 16000000 for ammo and weapons. now, up to 20 of the use 27 member states are set to be involved with the command based in brussels, under the leadership of the you, general staff admiral ever. they bless y'all, and here's how the use chief diplomat yoseph burrell is describing the operation. the day important decision is due to launching all day training mission for the ukranian army. and some lot of countries who are willing to participate on these trend new mission, which will be training about 15000 your credential dish. you think that burrell job as chief you, diplomat, would have been to avoid e u military involvement through diplomacy rather than come out bragging about military action. so, you know, another banner moment for you,
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diplomacy. there's also the question of the resources from member states being funneled into training ukrainians at a time when generals, like, for example, former french army chief of staff, kiana the v j, have long complained that the military budget leaves his own country vulnerable. the same general has been making media rounds here in paris denouncing france in europe's involvement in this pricey conflict loop. eventually, we are an estates of clement escalation since february 24th through this god, it's time to return to a peaceful approach. the ukraine conflict does not suit european interests scholars, especially the interests of france. but that would, if, as the general says, the ukraine conflict is of greater benefit to washington than to europe, then why isn't brussels telling washington to pay for it? it seems that the u. s. is getting the best of both worlds when it has managed to
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get both ukraine and brussels to do its dirty work against russia all getting brussels to foot. the bill for conflict that even this prominent french general describes is having diminishing returns. quite so many thanks for that bounce saw t contribute tat racial monster. now thank you and thank you for joining us. hey, artie international will be back at the top of the hour with more of the latest. well news we'll see them. ah, ah ah ah
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ah ah. ah ah
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ah ah hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered. i'm peter labelle, the conflict and ukraine has demonstrated tactics can wind propaganda and narrative points while strategy will ultimately determine the political outcome of this conflict. kid in its western backers excel a tactics. it keeps the conflict going. is this enough to trump moscow's long term strategic goals? ah, discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my guess, jordan m u l e. in budapest, he's a podcast or the goggle which can be found on youtube and locals. and here in moscow we have maxine switch off. he's the director of the center for advanced american
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studies and moscow state institute of international relations. for a gentleman cross that rules and effect, that means you can jump any time you want and i appreciate it. well, let's start i with georgia in budapest and george over the last few days we've had this real flurry of, you know, is a negotiation is going to break out, you know, we had sold in and then we have general milly, they joined, cheapest out saying this is a good point and before the winters that's in for negotiations, i think he said, any time there's an opportunity, you should seize it. ok, i mean, are they talking among themselves? are they making overtures? how do you read this? well, it is very difficult to discern what any of this about. it's hard to see how at this stage, any serious negotiations are possible. because what, what is that to negotiate about having said that,
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it's also hard to figure out exactly what is going on without question. the russian with roll from harrison city is politically a problem for russia. because now you can think of russia's initial objectives when it launched the special military operations, which is demilitarization denot, if occasion and deliberation of don't ask and look guns, not none of these as it has yet been achieved. now this is what we've seen when the withdrawn may well be just a, a strategic was role in preparation for the an offensive sometime during this winter or may be delayed, maybe into next spring. but at the same time, it stopped immediately clear what this offensive will be about, what, what's the, what the strategic objectives.


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