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tv   News  RT  November 14, 2022 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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yes, as a warning of what's going to happen soviet's this year with america's post war plan . ah ah ukraine bounds journalists for reporting focused phone, which has been locked down by k of the military, may wall and non t washing purge leaks to some people being harass. i'm with a killer being 1st to show up at the crime feed, and that's what turkey has called washington's condolences. i was a deadly her i've talked, it's stumbled, encore, a blame on allegedly us fact. kurdish with the u. s. president gets friendly with his chinese counterparts. despite joe biden earlier pledging to act tough with shadeen pink eye was so called red lines in relations
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between the rival country with a very well welcome to you. this is alta international with the latest world news update is great to have you with us. well, keith has revoked the work permits of journalists who violated rules, binding them from entering the city of san without talk to you. cranium troops arrived following russia that withdrawal, not a ukrainian meteor since at least 6 journalists, including from c. and then i'm sky news. we're among those targeted, we got the details from our correspondence told quarter these reports of journalists having their work permits taken away, including those from cnn and sky news actually started coming after our quite disgruntled statement from the ukranian military's leadership. key of top brass claims that these journalists began working in areas of care song that are now occupied by ukrainian forces against the order of lot of years, the lensky,
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that they actually wait until they get the ok from kiev. and interestingly enough, this news actually comes alongside the accusations from zelinski himself of hundreds of a legit russian war crimes actually. and the western media has widely reported on these allegations, of course with a small disclaimer that they haven't been able to verify any of them. given the fact that they haven't been allowed to go to these areas in the course on where these are legit war crimes even took place. so on top of that, these journalists who are apparently have, have allegedly had, there are reportedly rather had their work permits taken away. they were actually working there to try and frame the entrance of ukrainian forces into her son is something that the locals welcomed with. open arms, let's take a look at their coverage. i know you said you're going to be liberal ation.
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looks like this is what liberation. feels like one really has to wonder why cnn gave so much attention to seems like that. and so little to the actual ukrainian nazi salutes that somehow found their way on to cnn's coverage of the entry of ukrainian troops into here saw really something shocking, but perhaps, i mean it's just easier to make it look like everyone. welcome the ukrainian military with open arms because before the russian military withdrawal russian troops took weeks to evacuate civilians from there. so it's very likely that the vast majority of pro russian carson resident, he left the ukrainian authorities are calling these repressions basically so called filtration methods. and this is something that's really that we've come to expect from areas that have been taken can that the ukrainian military is taking control of because we've seen it also in areas in the heart of as well. but the western
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media is already published a lot of pictures of basically her song citizens facing abuse from pro key of citizens. citizens facing abuse are accused of being pro russian without any sort of trial. and there you can see in the pictures that they're tied to polls and just basically phase facing mockery from pro key of residence there. and like i said, there have been no court trials. and as i said earlier, most of the pro russian residents from this area likely already left. so who knows who these people that we're seeing tied to these polls actually are. many of them may be actually supportive of the key of regime. and actually what we've heard from ukrainian officials is that this is something that doesn't really matter too much to them. if the law enforcement system fails and does not successfully deal with the traitors than the military will deal with them, there is no other way have talk to the military and they have sat say they will just ship them like dogs. after we eat,
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we'll be looking for the demons who voted for rushing the referendum a night hans awaits us. so it's definitely interesting to see how key is basically given a blank check to carry out these extra judicial, military lead punishments of people who haven't been put through any sort of court process. they're allowed to take the work permits away from journalists, western journalists, and after of course, they already banned their own domestic opposition media. and at the same time, the western media still continues to call. you've created democracy across in the us as being a fresh candle in new york, the notorious ukrainian, neo nazi who's on a publicity tool that the me tree causes sky was heckled and pulled out for his views by an activity during a media event with the accuser herself was booed and kicked out of the whole by some of the other americans who were there. a
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knox blumenthal at his head off the grays, and say the western narrative of ukrainian troops fighting for democracy doesn't stuck up to the reality on the ground. now we see the ukranian authorities actually banning cnn and sky news from her son are because they said i need to complete their stabilization activities, which obviously includes disappearing, torturing, and possibly even killing those accused of collaborating or sympathizing with russia or being flooded with waves of lurid accusations only targeting one side and in the side we, the us taxpayer supports is being presented as fighting for democracy in these images. stand completely at odds with that there are people who understand on social media that something deeply disturbing is taking place. when members of the
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openly neo nazi as of battalion which was identified by the new york times bought by the german broadcaster deutsch avella previously by jewish groups like the anti defamation league. as neo nazi, are now touring the united states. and this shows something deeply sick that is taking place in the united states, where the established elite culture is tolerant of naziism to the extent that those nazis, they were useful foot soldiers in u. s. empire mosque as envoy to the un has warned the general assembly against supporting a resolution urging russia to pay reparations to ukraine, which has called a western attempt to legalize the theft of frozen russian assets. his aunty can of more been with more from new york, the main criticism we've heard of the resolution from pantries that are taking the
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floor of the general assembly to how's it is that it is simply not within the powers granted to the un general assembly. now the u. n. is led by a 15 member body called the united nations security council. that is the entity that has the ability to authorize the use of military force to authorize such action. un general assembly does not have the authority to force russia to pay money to ukraine, and it was pointed out by the russian ambassador and danza. ah, that this is basically an attempt to not only take rushes resources and re distribute funds that are already been used assets of russia that have been confiscated. but on top of that, this is an, an attempt to create a body that doesn't even real have to really have oversight in properly doing so. this is what new benzine said when he took to the floor of the un general assembly . the un will play no role in the process as the suggested mechanism will be
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created outside of the when and no one has plans to accounts to the general assembly for its activity. let me underscore that most of the members states will have no rights of vote or any control over this mechanism. at any stage, we have no doubt where the funding for so called damage compensation will come from the west is doing everything possible to start spending billions of dollars of stolen frozen russian assets on ukraine. there have been a number of countries that have spoken against this resolution. however, the united states and its allies seem pretty. you're not solidly united behind the resolution. now the countries that are opposing it have also pointed out that there are many countries around the world that have been wronged by a decades and centuries of colonialism by illegal wars and invasions and attacks by the united states that rightfully deserve reparations, and have never received the. busy representative nickel rod were took to the floor of the general assembly and pointed out that international bodies of ruled billions
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of dollars should be paid to nicaragua as compensation for the fact that the united states backed and armed extremist contra terrorists and worked throughout the 1980s to violent the overthrow their government, i was responsible for the countless gas of civilians, yet they have never received such reparations from the united states. and so this notion that while so many countries that have suffered so many wrongs and never received justice or compensation, this notion that in the middle of this conflict of some kind of body that's not even accountable to the united nations itself, should be created to oversee forcing russia to pay reparations crane. and this, this, this notion is being widely repudiated and reject it. so while there are a number of countries speaking in favor of an echo, in the words of the united states in the united kingdom, there have been a number of countries that oppose such resolutions. and suppose such oppose such notions see them as laced in selective outrage. and hypocrisy,
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so the un general assembly meeting will continue in the un general assembly. every country does have the right to get up and speak. but when a vote comes down, we shall see where countries line up on this resolution. tech he is interior minister has rejected washington's condolences over a weekend tower attack and he's stumble and which at least 6 people died did in as soon as it knows that we have received the message sent to us, we do not accept the condolences of the u. s embassy. we reject them for turkey a. these condolences are really like a slap in the face because it's been accusing washington of supply and weapons to kurdish fighters in northern syria and according to turkish authorities, it was a member of the p k. k. the cur, the some people's party. now the p k. k has since come out, denied any responsibility saying that they would never target civilians directly and that they have nothing to do with the blast that we saw and assemble. however,
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earlier we heard from charter school towards the sides, a woman from syria was detained, and she apparently confessed to everything and said that she was working on the orders of the p k. k. that's why when the white house press secretary released the statement saying that they stand shoulder to shoulder with our nato allies, turkey encounter and terrorism. naturally this rob them the wrong way in the countries and serum ministry. by the way, the further saying this is like a killer return into the scene of the crime 1st, and that there will be announcer and not everyone will soon see what that is. decision. we clearly understood the message that we're trying to deliver to as will be called the terrorists will give this act a strong response. of course, our alliance will state that supports terror regions and sends money for that development should be up for discussion. he said that they ca betrayal, and that this will, of course, that they are running out of patients that sits,
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it remains to be seen what they exactly mean by that of course. but it's important to mention here that the kurdish issue has become a thorn and relations not only between turkey, a and washington, but also sweden as it tries to join nato, the military alliance. because turkey has said before that it will veto we then membership as long as they continue harbor and what turkey considers terror and protected them. so i am sure that we'll be hearing about the issue with kurdish fighters in northern syria in the months to come as sweden continues to try and join nato. let's not discuss with turkish political scientist, sonata gonzales and many thanks for joining us on the program. so i'd love to get your take on the turkish theory minister's criticism of the condolence is expressed by washington. what do you think a source to follow? i am completely agree with things to solar, the industry for interiors that i think all, i think also the churches nation,
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almost the entire churches nation. agree with him. because we know that united states providing veterans tool to p k k r, who organize this terrorist attack in the middle of the stumble against civilians. we know that united states is a financing p k. k. not just in north of syria, but also in the, in the different, the different countries even inside of turkey. and it's just not known that they start to financing these organizations. there's organization almost 4 for to years now. now on that they are sporting military li, financing, and politically to stay with this organization. so i think you, mr. sola statement is the correct statement. and i think the turkish people purchase nation are also thinking, you know,
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on the same day with their solely against the portal for united states to the stellar's organization. the ticket. let's be clear on what we know for sure. turkish police are holding a suspect. they say it's connected to the p k. k. the code is time work is party, but the party has something nice responsibility for the class. the investigation is still ongoing. of course, that's kind of pretty much the statement from the turkish interior minister d u x. what does this leave relations between ankara and washington a she and the united states only the best i can say bed relations are for different reason, as i told you that they are supporting the terrorist organization like b, j. and secondly, for example, for to laughlin the, the chief of the military attempt of 2016 is still living in the united states. and united states is the sporting his organization. not justine,
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in the landlord for him in his van, but also in turkish lens. and another example in east mediterranean sea, united states is trying to create an antique turkish law l, which, which organized greece, the not the greek cycle for cyprus is right. so we're trying to create ante turkish look in eastern mediterranean sea. so i can give you many examples like that. so this, this, this for the pitcher is just an example. but like 40 years, or maybe more, that united states is attacking to the, to the unity and also the existence of church and talk to states. let's talk about ne time, because we know the turkey has previously blocked the accession of sweden and finland. so nate had us, i were to speak regarding kurdish nationals. you expect this latest to terror
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attack to affect our situation in any way. be exceptional. phase 2 countries tonight or look nuttall is united states was leading natal and without united states. nicholas and it doesn't exist. so i think that it's sure that it will affect also the relation between church and day and mental because not just united states, but most of the nato's country. they are supporting the stairs organization, p k, k y, p g for to lock lin, for example. and i think it will be more clear in next test that this federalist tool who organized will made this attack in a stickler street. and some will probably she got her military training in the me that it comes which, which, which are, which based on, on greece. and everybody knows that teacher to her military comes in greece and greece. is that what this is natal constantly. so it's normal,
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that's tokyo is the name in actual content. it's normal that in natal country that so called like the elias turkey. i get training committee training to the terrorist who are acting against a turkey and we're, we're, we're attacking the torture civilians. i really appreciate your, your, an opinion and your comments on this, but just to clarify, for our viewers at home, the investigation into sundays, tara talking to stumble is still ongoing. and so we'll wait for the final and developments in that investigation. now, in other developments, i'd love to get your thoughts on what we found out today was that moscow and, and moscow's russian and talent in foreign intelligence chief as how talks with the c. i director. and i'm cara. so talks between moscow in washington there, what do you make of that development? and it's timing it's,
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it's interesting that these terrorists terrorist attack to place just one day before the meeting between the, between the rush and intelligent and the american intelligence that i think that i also also knew that it just happened to be on kara. and as you know, took me getting between between russia and green and also churches member of natal. so it is important saying that this theory, the terrorist attack that from just one day before this meeting, it could be a message to the mediation role of turkey. that the turkey playing between between united states and russia, between green and russia. so it could be a message also to the turkish authorities. and i want to add that one for get that
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to keys in an election process in, in may or june that the possibility that people have the potential elections in church. so i think also the attack could be the type of attack could be this double vision of the church in this election process. and also last point that now the negotiation between 2 pieces and efficient and for the normalization between the between countries. so this one off to tell you that this, this could be also this negotiation for assistance, normalization process between turkey, anterior mills. thanks for sharing your thoughts with us on our t international land for our view is at home to stay tuned for the latest on that investigation into the terror attack in turkey for now, turkish political scientist, owners and angles,
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and many thanks. thank you. with officials from around the world set to take their seats at the g. 20 summit on tuesday. western delegations of pace would be more focused on how to snub russia, instead of finding common diplomatic ground with london pushing for a collective cold sort of shoulder. prior to the meeting, we will absolutely use every opportunity to confront russia about their continued illegal actions. we will speak with our allies in one voice on this. at the same time summit house, indonesia is said to be against trying to confront russian senior indonesian politicians are reported according on western leaders to make concessions in dealing with moscow. journalist actually returns he said western leaders appeared too busy trying to drum up more support for their proxy war in your train. well, i think we've heard comments from european leaders, notably the british. of course, one of the great american vessel states of this century, saying they want to use the g 20 summit,
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not to encourage peace and harmony in the world and cooperation, but use it as a platform to attack russia. and that's it. i hear there are these rumors going around out there that the american delegation in the british delegation will walk out when survey lever of the russian foreign minister addresses the g 20 summit. and you just go by the questions and the press questions that were allowed merely one saying, come on, fight with china, fight with russia, presuming that we won saying fight with iran fight with venezuela. the g 7 countries represented the g 20th showing themselves up as being hopelessly out of church, the head of a winter where europe and european g, 7 nations face freezing temperatures and darkness because of their self sanctioning . it's clear that what european union and britain and the united states one is
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not a peaceful outcome of world war and ukraine and if anything, and enlargement of war to encompass the greatest threat to the last century superpowers. china, amazing between the american and chinese presidents has ramped up on the fringes of the g. 20 summit in bali with both the leaders say there is plenty of room for improvements. ah, the china, you must relationship is in such a situation that we all care a lot about it. because this is not the fundamental interests of our 2 countries and peoples. and it is not what the international community expects from us. as leaders are the 2 major countries, we need to chart the right course for the china u. s. relationship. as a leader or 2 nations, we share responsibility my view to show the chart and the united states can manage or different years. prevent competition from becoming anything or really mere conflict, highly,
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if not the most anticipated in person meeting at these years. d 20 and probably in the last 20 months after joe biden became president, the american leader finally met his chinese counterpart here in bali. and it seems hate has been anything but an easy conversation by the was coming here expecting to try to find out what the red lines between washington and b gene are. and now after the tutor is almost 4 hour long maintain, we hear that china itself names, at least one that america should not cross and that is taiwan. the chinese leader are appointed to biden, that there is no, and there can be such thing as independent. taiwan, and that america better stops interfering, but america denied any interference. she's dressed at the taiwan question is at the very core of china's core interest, the bedrock of the political foundation of china, us relations, and the 1st red line that must not be crossed in china. us relations, one china policy, or one china policy has not changed,
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has not changed. we oppose unilateral change in this fetters crowbar either side, and we're committed to maintaining the pieces to berlin. taiwan trades was also curvature on united states should be able to work together where we can well, quite ironic to hear that tough to write a big number of american politicians visited taiwan on de biden and all the war and military wrath. or we could rhonda attend all the warnings about potential invasion and open threats to increase your asses, milt, or insecurity presence in the region. also following the meeting, we hear that china hopes that regarding ukraine, the u. s. navy, in the you will be able to have a comprehensive, an adequate com dialogue with moscow, and that is just days after we heard joe biden saying that the u. s. is military aid to ukraine will continue uninterrupted. and that any territorial compromise between moscow and key of ease up to ukraine. well, there is at least another one,
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this agreement between the 2 superpowers. washington's relations with china have recently been very tough tens and problematic with the bite and administration, maintaining it's sharp edged policy towards china. with almost everything, joe biden came here to bali. after another summit, he asked yon summit income board where he's may max a gen, much of his agenda was to demonstrate resistance gains, china, and he even offered america's full commitment to southeastern asian nations to help spend against china's growing dominance in the region. while despite the fact that the 2 leaders started their meeting here in bali with smiles and hand shakes before they sat for homeless for hours, it seems it will take much longer for the relations between the 2 superpowers. to actually start improving. germany's chancellor has claimed that
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russia's operation in ukraine is a precedent, but i left shoulder so seemingly forgotten about some similar conflicts in other countries. in the past, it is a question of the russian war of aggression being a breach of international law with a dangerous precedent. small countries can no longer be safe from the behavior of their larger, more powerful neighbors. when it comes to us days after the un general assembly adopted a resolution denouncing israel's occupation of the golan heights, internationally recognized as syrian territory. it was the spine, tel aviv, after a brief war, back in 967, and then annexed in 1981. the un resolution also stated that the transfer of civilians to the occupying territory was a breach of the geneva convention. or let's discuss there's that with the vice president of the various a f d party raina warfare. many thanks for joining us on the program. it's nice to see you. what do you make of the german chances statements on russia's action and
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ukraine being setting a dangerous precedent? well, seemingly ignoring the story with the syrian golden heights. if you want to interpret what it can't, the chancellor shows is saying you have to take into consideration that germany is very dependent on its western allies. so to say shows and also for a minister bear book act a little bit like stokes persons of washington's interests. and of course, on behalf of washington. this is a president that russia has acted in a way which the west would have been interpreted as the doctrine responsibility to protect, to stop the atrocities that have been going on in eastern ukraine for, for over 8 years before russia intervene. so in my view, the president is that it's not for the western actors which have interpreted
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international law in the way. they found it reasonable, but it was an opponent of the west. and this is what charles, in reality is expressing how consistent has generally been when it comes to such cases, especially considering germany's own history and invading and occupying some very neighboring countries during the last century. i mean, we don't have to go so far back. we can stay in the federal republic of germany in its recent history in 1999, for example, germany, its 1st unlawful military intervention in yugoslavia in serbia. and this was also a president for further action which has not been properly backed by international law. like for example, in the activity of germany in syria and also enough galleys town. so
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if we go further, i mean germany kept out of iraq in 2003 and of libya, and 2011, but many western countries. and that by the united states into william, they're in a very brutal way, which was not backed by international law. and so we have to see that we get out of those double standards and look at those things as they are. and what kind of reaction do you expect to these statements by the gym and chancellor from the public? i mean, does it look like jim cox pe, the vote is a concern that ukraine is allegedly being used as an excuse to dig into that as well. in the end, the whole country who germany is losing the economy of losing ground in germany and is looking towards shifts of employment.


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