tv The 360 View RT November 15, 2022 3:30am-4:01am EST
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ah, ah, no, they did the united states for the united kingdom and had the slightest interest in ukraine itself. shebaway something to mobilize people around. i think that ultimately their goal is to undermine the russian federation and to gain dominance over russia itself. oh no. what used to be considered an easy answer and the scientific community has become quite complicated and modern day society? well, at least to those who exist in
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a politically correct woke environment, a new documentary, a dares to ask the question, what is a woman? what is a woman? a woman is not anything. in particular, there is not one particular thing. it could be many things to many people. some women have penises, right? some men have vaginas. however, while the debate over the present day place and role of the transgender community is not new, the concept is not. but what is the catalyst for this? a recent aggressive call for acceptance and every aspect of american life. and how is the issue being handled and other countries who have dealt or currently dealing with the same push for acknowledgement. i'm sky now hughes in on today's a 360 view. we're going to look at the call for accepting a trans gender identity in almost every aspect of daily life. and is it causing the sexualization of children and an inappropriately young age?
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ah huh. in 2021 of the olympics, we saw the 1st trans gender competitors. and now starting in the 2022 games, the international olympic committee hasn't changed their standard for trans athletes to compete in games. now the 6 page document states athletes should be allowed to compete in the category that best aligns with their gender identity athletes will no longer be presumed to have an advantage for competing or sport that does not align with their gender and will never need to undergo any kind of medical procedure all to be eligible. we've also seen the rise of american summer lea, a thomas born as a male, thomas competed up until sophomore year in college on the male team. now then, after a year offer cove, it came back all to swim for the women's team, launching a career and dominating the competition. now going from ranking and $400.00 place
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to end c doublet national champion. after all this, an outcry from title ex supporters and women athletes international a swimming a federation has ruled to no longer allow trench under participants who didn't begin their hormonal suppressants and transition before the age of 12. we are now joined by carly webb, who is a trench under athlete. welcome, carly, thank you for joining us. and of course we're going to take on the most controversial issues 1st. so 1st i'll talk a little bit about yourself and what for you play, and what have you been able to do to be able to participate in that sport? well, for stars, i've been working journalist for 28 years. i've worked at the local level. i've worked at network levels. i've worked in both print and broadcast, so i've kind of gotten around a little bit as far as sports goes, the name of sport, i'm going to play it right now. marathons and tri up lines have been kind of like my obsession so that those have been the things i've been mainly working towards.
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although i'm looking to hit the football field again, this fall. i mean, after all, i am a mid western girl. so you know, football as part of the dna, it's like oxygen, and maybe even a little bit more important. i understand about the south. we can contemplate on actually who's going to be better at the sport. that being said, let's put on your boarder hat 1st. how does this ruling from fin actually impact the olympic standards for participants? well, when it basically told leah thomas is kid, enjoy law school because you're not setting foot in an elite, a went a leak competition and swimming any time soon if ever. but let's talk about what this is really about. why is this rule in place? and why is this rule directly contradict the new i o c framework for fairness that went in effect in march. and mainly this was due to his theory and fear signifying absolutely nothing. this was done as a response directly to one person, namely leah thomas. this was done under the quote unquote threat of lia thomas. not
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the reality of the fact that lee is just going to be one in the scrum. if she does show up with the olympic trials in 2024, it was the mere threatened also. the simple fact that been up and the you see i the cycling world governing body. you also put up a rule 2 weeks that new rules 2 weeks ago. they don't want to deal with the smoke of what happened at the n. c double a swimming championships in atlanta where you had 2 groups of protesters. one came from 4000 miles away across the atlantic. strictly to do one thing harass and hound one person. that's what these governing bodies are really afraid about. that's why these rules exist. ok, so you say it's not the partners that i want to actually focus on the person is leah tom thomas. you have to admit they came out sports illustrated interview and said she only competed for fighting. had nothing to do with winning. but you look at her past history competing as her biologically born male didn't do so well. j
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stop, stop right there, burst the word you're looking for assist gender? not biological, says gender. well, she was born biologically born, but she was for black biological. she, he, she was born a male and the competing that goes into it. i mean, you have to look at that and go the record on tuesday. the problem saying is, says gender and transgender. it's, it's, it's scientifically more sound, it's scientifically accurate. it's medically accurate and you know what else it doesn't make you look like a transpose. that's all, well, it's respect, but i wanted to human human nice trans people please. let's try doing that. i guess as far as talking about the competition though from 400 thought to the layout it, i get it. they're trying to avoid that happening. god. but at the same time body, i know you respect that god, i know you worked for trump, but let's get a little trim. actually. i never worked for job. i never was paid a dime for tribe. i never worked form well, but you but you supply my journal,
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it'll just like you. i always worked for journalism companies. ok, i know you're and alternative batch, but here's the real facts on lee thomas. first off that the foreigner and 62nd raking thing that sound in hysteria signifying nothing. let's take a look at her sophomore year at pin when she was also number 2 in the ivy league in 3 events. ivy league champions. you're saying this is all been twisted. you're saying this is all been twisted to demonize late on. oh, oh absolutely. it's been towards the ever. leah thomas has been demonized this entire plas past season. let's be real about that. this one kid has been demonized in so many circles. now let's bring the truth in the let's bring the truth and let me ask this question. let me ask this question. let me pause here. here's the question. well, how about her teammates, though? because her teammates were put pressure on to say to sign this letter saying they agree with their competing now that they've graduated no longer under their coaches, they came out to guess what we were pressured into agreeing to,
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or we never did. if this was such a legitimate situation, wire coach is having to put pressure on that they don't face the backlash of the public relations. that seems to be happening now. now years to number one, where was that reported one, there's letter, they've all come out, assigned a letter saying it. fortunately, training came out and said and published the letter of all of her teammates and we were pressured to accept her as a competitor on our side. we didn't agree with it and asked about, they said, oh we did that, but we can't give her a name to it. see yours? and like i said, the bio because of the, the mass hysteria there where it would attack them out. mass hysteria. let's talk, no, the real mass hysteria was, was give, was placed on the person can't caught. if it was really that much of a matter. you know, i'm like, i believed in the herman edwards rule, which means it's really important. put your name on it. don't door rock behind a tree. you had a lot of you had a few kids who said i was silenced, but they weren't silent. going to fox news now kick now weren't the it media allows
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it demonized. if it was, if it was that important, put your name on it. if it was that important, put your name on it. and i think that response to the mom mentality that these women felt like they're going to be pressured. but that's my, don't know. the mob mentality was 2 sets of protest. do that, no other connection to an event, like all the way down run as you know, the women there was probably, they would protest these women's coming out. as you said, looking to just they know want to look for a road. they were, they were protesting. one kid and around and harass and now we didn't know when in her life who did every, who did everything by the rules and regulations in fact read, did not actually not written a check out. check that, but let me ask this question. here's my thing is to help me i really want to be a fema, she's not gone through the full transition. she is not and, and this and that surgery is required and be a woman. and scotty and, well, 1st off surgeries are not required according to get normally it's god and how
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you're born place. but in this case, if we're going to try to play with science, she's not being with godaddy and, and you know that how are you her, her doctor, her or her endocrinology. you still had the males who are doing male body parts. yeah. you know, and again, you know that how are you her doctor endocrinology uses gender. people really have to cut it out with this fixation about people's genitals. it's kind of creepy. well, you really, it's because how we get an idea that let's move on. it is a calling names. no, i want to talk about. no one looks at anybody hands. scotty. no one does really do you. do you actually do a past check on somebody when you're out in public? when i'm not, i will out in the locker room when, when a boy mail is walking around with mail gina tell around other women and they are wanting to be modest in the pin any longer. and these women felt awkward about it, but they weren't allowed to tell coaches these, the women that were on her swim team, her customers. what about they are right now today?
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not are they not allowed to have rights? first, the 1st one woman, everybody always been out of the way, who's that know who is saying that the team is assigned to the letter of sports illustrated that they could not him why he made the teammates were sign this letter that they can't put their name one, but leah thomas has nowhere to hide. really. okay. we're obviously, i was that important. if it was that important, you put your name on it. and in fact, because nobody wants to be labeled, we ran on mo, when they're going into the career world that we are looking for jobs. they do not want to be labeled that because they know how bad it can be. they can run them when they're not really friend. oh, they're just don't want a man competing against them. no, no. what you're really saying is you don't want people accountable. i don't know about you, but i am, i will. i love the kind of building when they're born with and that's the why we're having this question. but you know, it gallop poll, found 2 thirds of adults actually think transgender athlete should play for teens, matching the gender on their birth certificate that gallup not
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a conservative organization. do you believe that this is a fair ruling to uphold the scientific differences between men and women? or do you also agree on this idea of creating a 3rd level of competition for this category? well, i'll put it 2 ways. number one, the fina rule. once again, was a response, the hysteria and fear that has no medical basis, no scientific basis or competitive basis. that's my feeling on that one. as far as the, as far as a 3rd category, really with the current, with the rules that were in place before fear and hysteria changed them. it was, it was were if it would be useless to have them. they were not necessary. we already had solid rules in place and salad regulation in place, but because, but because a group of trans folks went, went to a swim, meet and said blue, we have these rules now. now we have this, this knee jerk response, the fear. now as far as the gala, as far as the gallup poll, a lot of the quote that i have a lot of question that in terms of methodology,
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look, a lot of these polls, because i've, i've read these polls up, down, right, left and center. the last 2 years, and oftentimes you point a question, some in, in a certain type of way where you lead people in that direction. ultimately, i look at results of sporting events. and i look at largely what competitors, who don't, i'd, their names are saying. and most of those competitors, including some people that leah was in a pitch battle with in the 500 free at those at the n c double a championships. who all said a, lia competed by the rules were ready to swim against her. let's do this thing and they did m, we a won a national championship and is a 3 time all american. and again, did a, did natalie by the rules that were put in place, but by rules that changed 3 times during the season. now you want to talk about fairness, gaudy, where was lia thomas's fairness and all this. where was the fairness in this kid? now remind you a college kid granted a college senior who took 6 months of vitriol getting smacked around every day by
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a number of media outlets who took, who took teammates saying i was silenced and en route, but they worked way, but they were opened in their mouths to every body with a microphone, as long as they kept the names out of it and then has to go to a national championship. it has to walk into a nut atoria with protesters all over the place. and with protesters even bringing their vitriol into the venue, where's her fairness and that would you what if it was your daughter, would you want that for her? well, i would know if my daughter you can put me down or there like that. but listen here, calling me say this in the end, we might disagree on this topic in the perspective of, but let me say, i respect you and i respect you for coming on and sharing it. and once again, i always trust the viewers to make up their own mind, and i appreciate you sharing your perspective. thank you for joining us. carlie web, thank you. thank you for having me. we should do this again sometime any time. oh, i would just say right there, i'm sky now hughes, and we're going to be back with
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a ah, the suffered because women business and you cleaned with that are suzanne. yeah. americans, graham, old euro, who did go through it, is just such, not critical for the ceiling in for the wedgwood. so such insurable image names, author of the additional pseudo influential wishing that you use her own the with them, the prone in just a little that was true. i wish you the rules, theos, our circuit yesterday. a suit up city, yours are brought in love the study stem cells was to leave or to flourish. so it was for me to on, on the whole things thought it was sure which in the longer it will show us the new
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social not political push to sustainable mon because look, lose new or universal jew school coast. i don't know who is for your, you know, for the don't know as much as to do given me other than that. yeah. so you used to play in philosophy. come over with. uh huh. well, go back to at 360 view. i'm your host is scotty. now he's here. the influence of the trans, at gender community transcend beyond at the sports world. we are now seeing a doubling of people who identify as part of the l g, b t q plus community and each generation. and this is leading to schools, politics and entertainment, to integrate these conversations and to not only everyday life, but also younger and younger ages. the discuss if this is leading to the over sexualization of children who want to bring
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a visiting fellow at the lauren burrow university. joanna harper. joanna, thank you so much for joining me on this. you're welcome. yeah, there's this big debate going on right now. and children under 18 and it's about puberty blockers and undergoing irreversible gender changing surgeries. and some are even going as far to call it as child abuse. as someone who's actually transitioned, do you think it's appropriate for children to start transitioning as young as 2 years old and is it their own mindset or is it more the influence possibly of their parents? you know, when you say transitioning, no one goes, undergoes any medical procedures at age 2 or even at age 7 or at age 8. and if they change their mind, it's not a big deal. so when did those, when, when is the encouragement right now, why are we seeing this talk? where is this conversation coming from? that there are sort of puberty. brocker blockers being offered to children at a very young age. what age is that? are you seeing?
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well, there's no point in blocking puberty till it starts, and that's usually about 10 to 12 years old. and so that idea and having that conversation about period buggers, do you believe a 10 year old is knows enough at that point on their own to make that decision? are we still seeing the influence of not only society but their parents? well, the reason that puberty blockers are initiated is because they are entirely reversible. and so it gives children a chance to mature and get older and make informed decisions later in life. okay, so that being said, you're right and but that, that puberty blockers, we know, surgeries for children to transition are not reversible. so what are some of these irreversible effects and side effects of puberty blockers the parents should be aware of before they give them to child children. what consideration conversations
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need to be happening in these households? so again, puberty blockers are reversible. surgery does not happen before 18 and so there's, there's no irreversible surgery in minor children. so these decisions are not made lightly, but they should be made the child, the parent in the physician. what sort of our other conversations about mental health going on? i mean, i have teenagers and they are confused about everything from what outfit to where to what friends are hanging out with confusion just lives in being a teenager. what about the mental health, though? especially considering we are in a post corona virus society that we're finding these children are go, or these actually teenagers, or children are going into is their concern possibly for the mental health ramifications if this conversation is not being handled properly? well, it does most important mental health consideration is that transgender
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people face huge rates of depression, suicide attempts, and if they are allowed to access puberty blockers, hormones surgery later in life, this is shown to reduce depression, reduce suicidal ideation. so yeah, there are important mental health considerations and transition generally improves the mental health of transgender people. i. so i have sent and this is obviously a conversation has been relatively new, also social media involvement in this. and i don't know if you're familiar in fact, and probably pretty sure you are of there was a, there's a to count on tick tock called the lives of tick tock. it's on international fame because of twitter. she was docs, the creator takes videos that were posted by far left showing how they are influencing and basically grew in children and schools and bringing them to light, leading some teachers to be even fired by their school districts. you are seeing an
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uptick of quote, family friendly drag shows for children and lives of tick tock of exposed publicly those funded libraries and schools, hosting field trips to night clubs and bringing in drag queens to perform for students. do you believe that this is appropriate, adult entertainment, for our students in, for a curriculum effort, kids at a young age? that's not my here of expertise. and i would recommend that people spend less time on social media. oh, well, that's always a good one, especially if we're talking about mental health. that's always helpful. but, you know, i mean, this all incorporate in this conversation, that is happening not only on social media, but also in the streets of america junior pride month, many praise our host and sees across america. there was a washing post article. it was getting rip for saying kink and nudity to go hand in hand with these celebrations. should be seen by children and i get it. it's not your expertise, but it's also just as, as a human, do you believe that we are introducing sexuality and sexual acts?
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to children across the board, so young, and it is a positive thing for society to be doing well. being transgender isn't about sex. so by talking about transgender issues, we are not introducing sex, but b yeah. i agree that we shouldn't be introducing high sexualized content to, to, to young kids. ok, so then why, how do you not introduce the concept of sex when you have a transgender it trent gender library reading time and kid that a young age? how do they go, why is this person different from this person? and that conversation happened. how is that not introducing sex? 2 children, a young age, you might not understand the full picture of what all is involved. it's talking about gender and not sex. so it isn't introducing sex, we are just talking about people who are uncomfortable,
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living as they were assigned at birth and are more comfortable living in a different way. okay, so then let's bring it to another part of this because there are, there is a difference. i do a group believe in the transgender situation as well as the l g b. situation. and there's obviously conversations that happen between the 2 groups . they are not hand in hand. many, many actually disagree with one another and, and the approach that it's doing. but now we're seeing this rise, a teachers were coming out to students and the addition of a wide range use of pronouns along with teachers. encouraging heidi a students gender identity from their parents. how is this a healthy thing for society? and do you not only see people, you know, choosing pronouns based off their personality, not their gender. do you think this is causing teachers straight or trans to look for validation from their students and explain themselves to students. they're being forced because of this, and we're seeing this on social media. you know, i'm an expert in physiology, him transgender athletes, and you haven't asked me
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a single question about that. and so i'm afraid i'm going to have to leave, but, but have a bye bye. thank you for joining us. you know, i think that's a part of the conversation. so many times when you do ask these questions about it, they run from it. i think that is why we're seeing such a confusion on the issue today. that doesn't help the situation, but i definitely respect our guest for actually coming on and having the conversation with. uh huh. now, before i guessed, was terminated a conversation. i wanted to point out that women's rights prior to being established men often had to play the role of a woman in the arts and athletics ever that was just about playing the role. not established really establishing this permanent new identity or taking into this next level and complete competing against their prior gender. these recent changes
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which are being discussed are not a positive step 4 forward for society. we're not talking about a quality for race, gender, even sexual discrimination. rather, the modern day push in society for transgender acceptance and many aspects which has been counterproductive for the historical accomplishment. for minority writes, transgender writes are more about blurring these lines of identity and selling confusion and doubt. and what is the natural born standard? because those lines are not respected, it should be of no surprise. the lines of what is appropriate for our children is often disregarded by transgender advocates, and the conversations are not allowed to be had. this hurts their cause, as those on the outside are repulsed by the concept of introducing anything sexual to most innocent. as it so often leads to exploitation. it is impossible to establish non discrimination policy regarding transgender individuals without discriminating against another, putting others at
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a disadvantage or possible endangerment nowhere, and this various fight for quality and history. have we seen this scenario presented? and yet those who care to point this out, or do hateful until science evolves, there is no other aspect of human life which is absent of influence than the gender we're assigned to birth. if we allow this to be blurred, then everything else is negotiable and nothing and society will be sacred. i'm sky now he's and this is been your for 60 view of today's news. around the clo news lou needs to come to russian state will never be as tight as on the northland scheme div. asking him,
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i'm not getting. our son signed up for a group in the 55 with the speed anyone else with ben in the european union, the kremlin community up machine, the state on to rush up to date and support r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all band to on youtube and pinterest, and with only one main thing is important for naziism, internationally speaking, that is, that nations that's allowed to do anything, all the mazda races,
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and then you have the minor nation. so all the slaves, americans, proc obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves american interest. if it doesn't, that those are the groups. by turning those russians into this dangerous go, you man, that wants to take over the world. that was a conscious strategy. so some golf out of it on your own, i not leashed off tim zip on and tablet block. nato said it's ours. we moved east. the reason us had gemini, is so dangerous, is it? the law is the sovereignty of all the countries, the exceptionalism that america uses, and it's in national war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nature, what is founded, shareholders in united states and elsewhere in large obs companies would lose
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millions of millions or is business and business is good. and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fashion with russia, that's true, right? to participate in international multi lateral negotiation, china's foreign minister baths rushes international position on the 1st day of the g. 20 summit at western members call to further isolate russia over the conflict in ukraine. the un general assembly adopt the resolution on russian war, reparations to ukraine, although dozens of member states abstain, are voted against the initiative if the biggest fall is support for ukraine related resolutions since the start of the war. the dr.
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