tv News RT November 15, 2022 7:00am-7:31am EST
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ah, with while the west pushes its own agenda on ukraine, some other countries want a peaceful solution. that's a message from russia foreign minister at the ongoing g. 20 summit. the un general assembly adopt the resolution on russian war, reparations to ukraine, although dozens of member states ab saying, or vote against the initiative. it's the biggest fall in support for ukraine related resolutions since the start of the war. with dr. with dr. reaching less and less important, the united nations. it is being shaped as a resolution long ukrainian subject. what everybody understands that this is about
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stealing, rational asters. what must take responsibility for its role in global pollution? that's the call at the top 27. you and climate change conference with africa blaming industrialized nations for the continents by mit prices with hello and welcome from our teacher national studios in moscow. from wherever you may be watching, we're bringing you the ours. top news stories from around the world. i'm fiorella is about pleasure to have you join us, overshadowed by growing tensions. the g 20 summit opened in indonesia on tuesday. the world is watching to see if leaders can agree on a closing joint statement as divisions, deep and over the conflict and ukraine. ah,
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ah, most of the world has not cited with the west on the ukraine conflict. that's the message from the russian foreign minister, who's leading moscow's delegation at the g 20 summit and bali r t 's, maria for notional. is there right now? first of all, i have to say that all day 20 plenary sessions were held on tuesday. behind closed doors, so actually there was no information on how it was going. what exactly and how was discussed. so the press conference of the russian foreign minister said again, la grove gave here at the end of the 1st day of the summit, was a very good chance for, as journalists to find out more well, men expected to and you are right to save as her this here is the 20 to be very tough for russia and had of the global gathering here in barley. london, for example, said that the venue could be used to confront moscow and call out put in we are also expected some more moves towards even deeper isolation of more sco,
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both political and economic. that was the german chancellor as appeal again before the summit officially started, and there were clear indications that the u as wanted to turn this event gee 20 here into an anti rushing platform. but as mr. law group said that the press conference, not everybody actually far from everybody, is ready to support this rhetoric. let's take a listen. you're pushing for a story and the answer is very simple. no one except the west and it's close to satellites joined. the anti rushes sanctions. it is impossible not to touch on this topic because the west makes it a priority to fro the ukrainian situation into any discussion. for 3rd world countries or calling for a peaceful settlement, for agreements they know perfectly well with this processes hindered by ukraine, which is legally been negotiations with russia. but it seems the reason deep
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division within the west itself, the raw indications of that happening as well. because they weren't such as peas and negotiations, we hear them more and more often in some west and politicians, and official, the 4th and the you seems to run and out of sanctions. i had a chance to ask mr. law of whether we should take it as an official, she said, so what can we expect from that job shop at georgia? you know, the know what's going on in someone else's mind. short periods of mutual understanding with the european union evaporate quickly. just today i had a brief conversation with president micron. we reaffirmed his intention to maintain contact with vladimir potent to find some kind of agreement and resolve the whole situation. as he put his voice, i told him once again that all the problems are on the ukrainian side, which categorically refuses any negotiations and put forward obviously unrealistic conditions such are inadequate in this situation
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and actually remains. a lot of the members will be able at all to come to a consensus over the final declaration as the group which brings together 19 of the world's major economies. am i supposed to be unprecedented? a corner card? a with these are the raw divisions on how to approach russia, ukraine conflict, the document is to be signed on wednesday and the survey lobrado. the press conference shared that some western countries wanted it to be politicized. and wanted to include condemnation of russia's special military operation in ukraine on behalf of the entire group. but that would mean russia included, which is nonsense sort of a lover of sad that he had to insist and convinced his t 20 colleagues that that is not right. and that old turner to point of view should be included in this document to well, let's wait and see the end of the summit. how balanced the final edition of the
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declaration will be back to you. ah, russia and china have voted against a un general assembly resolution calling on moscow to pay reparations to kia the western backs vote received the lowest international support of any ukraine related draft out the line with almost half of the countries there either abstaining or voting down the motion, $94.00 officials chose to support the initiative to quote whole moscow accountable for violating international law. while 14 nations including china, voted against the resolution saying it lacks sufficient legal basis. $73.00 states including india and brazil, chose to abstain russia's deputy ambassador to be un, dimitri pollyanna. he told us the resolution doesn't hold water. the nature of these initiatives, it's not about you crate. it is,
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it is being shaped as there is a national, ukrainian subject, but everybody understands that this is about stealing russian assets about some illegal move which is being contemplated in the hands of some western politicians. and it's very difficult to conceal these tools. that's why all the countries that we're considering these drafts are they were absolutely mindful of these double layers of these resolution. and of course, they were understanding that by prioritizing ukrainian crisis, once again, a risk to put all the other issues on the agenda of united nations in kind of the same yup. lead them. and this is a very dangerous trans, which is not a upheld by a lot of a member states, as you see from the results of the voting. while some un member states consider the
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move illegal, others were called western interventions and colonial exploitation which failed to lead to reparations or justice artes kayla mop and explains is certainly significant because sense the ukraine conflict escalated. there has certainly been an effectiveness on the part of the united states and mobilizing the world to condemn russia not today. as the boat took place, it became very clear that a number of countries just were not comfortable with this resolution. there were 16 countries that signed a statement pointing out that there are a number of countries around the world that have suffered illegal invasions, sanctions, attack, slavery, colonialism, and that those countries are certainly entitled to reparation. i can talk about iraq. you can talk about vietnam, korea. 2 other countries and those countries have not yet received any reparations for the crime committed against the, by the united states or its western allies. that however,
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the reparation should be carried out on a sound legal process. not simply through these resolution that are just presented randomly to the general assembly. now, the russian ambassador to the un that he took to the podium and pointed out that a number of countries simply don't want to go along with what appears to be an attempt to justify the outright daft of russian assets around the world. he also pointed out that the entire basis through which this is being carried out doesn't fit with un procedures. decision like this should be made by the un security council, not the general assembly body where the united states took this resolution. here are some more of what the russian ambassador had to say about the dave resolution has to do with the inferior already of this initiative is obvious from a legal point of view, the provisions of the draft to not stand up to any criticism or legally no and void,
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it's an attempt to legalize what can't be legalized from the point of view of current international law. this is a classic example of the concept of rules based order when a group of states does not act on the basis of international, but seeks to sanctify lawlessness using the authority of the general assembly and positioning it as a judicial body, which by definition, it is not in this just coolness to now the rustling bastard also pointed out that one of the key deceptions from those supporting the resolution was this claim that somehow the money that was being used would go to help the ukrainian people when in reality the money was going to be used to prolong the conflict to supply ukraine with more weapons, to carry out more military action than in for along the conflict lead to more killing lead to more dep. it was a moment where it became clear that the support the united states has had for his efforts to isolate russia or. 3 russian assets and unilateral sanctions on russia
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attempts to push russia off of the international economy. that support may be faded as the economic consequences of this effort from the united states and this prolonging of a conflict. as the economic consequences become more and more apparent, many countries around the world are starting to ask questions and not have the enthusiasm they may have had once before. dmitri poli on ski rushes deputy ambassador to the us again, believes western attempts to isolate russia are seeing less support among un member states. what happened today. ready in the year might be a very serious warning for western countries, and they are allies that drive. there was a big dr. reaching less and less support than the united nations. they might be disappointed and discouraged by the result. results of today's voting. not only the voting, it's necessary to point out that there was also very unfavorable for them of the
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beads where developing countries where pronouncing their grievances against western countries that they were reproaching to them. lack of constructive approach. in other cases, we show where we could involve reparations and the remedy for their actions. so they were seeing quite directly that this is a clear example of double standards that the rush they, the western countries to prioritize ukrainian crisis. and to forget about all other crisis situation in the world. so there was a lot of very, very passionate speeches where as simply not the music to the western years today. and the general assembly, whole secret talks between moscow and washington have taken place and tre, kia, according to reports, confirmed by both countries. the meetings were held between high level intelligence
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officers, including the director of the c i and his russian counterpart. according to the us, the subject was the rising risk of a nuclear conflict. and discussion did not directly involve the conflict in ukraine . a u. s. national security spokesperson added that ukraine was briefed in advance and negotiations on the conflict would not be held without cabs participation. a spokesperson for the kremlin also confirm that bilateral talks took place, adding that they were initiated by washington. for mercy, i analyst and host of ortiz, new show, the whistle blowers, john carrie. aka says such communication isn't us interests as americans can't afford to give back blank checks? ukraine talks are always good. it's always better to have a channel of communication open than it is to ignore one another. we can't afford in the united states to just provide
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a blank check for weapons and weapon systems and materiel indefinitely for the regime in key f, because people don't ukraine. i think that we will see a push for basic talks, both from pressures inside nato and the european union, as well as here in washington within the congress. i think this is a very big deal. and bill burns, the c i, director is far, far more experienced in these kinds of issues than is the secretary of state himself. tony blink. and he has spent a good part of his career working with russians. the russians know that they can trust him and take him at his word and vice versa. so this was a big deal to send burns and not to send tony blinking. it tells me that the u. s. is serious about keeping this channel of communication open. even if it's indirect through the turks, ah, the industrialized,
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last month's answer for the global emissions problems we face today. that's a message from the cop 27. you and climate change conference entering its 9th day. we spoke to mohammed dow, director of the power shift africa, think tank, who said that the continent needs support from the west. if it's to become a leader and green technologies to, since we need to understand our continent has the greatest population in the world that it's got into energy. we have 650000000 africans currently don't have access to electricity. close to a 1000000000 africans don't have access to clinical care. and so it's in our interest to address with limited energy access chunks, but do it in a way that is climate compatible. if you look at the climate change phenomenon, where the continent that is suffering and fussed on lost, and so a transition to renewables and africa becoming a green leader and effectively helped in the world to limit global warming to below
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1.5 to can interest only sure way, talk to them to secure a welding and our future prosperity is by transition to renewables, not just in africa, but i close to was included in the historic pollutant countries. i think what we shouldn't mind of the stutter colutus is for finance and clean technology. i think we should demand that they actually assume responsibility for the hands of the cost . the climate problem that we're dealing with was largely caused by the historic emissions in the current so called industrialized countries until in london, that they actually pay the climate debt. we shall use duct opportunity to help paula our sustainable energy access, but also our future development. so that we attract finance on clean technology and use that to help after the explosion, the incredible potential for renewables in our continues. while the west is at the center of cop $27.00 talks and pushing a green agenda,
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it seems to be sidelining problems on the african continent. the question of clean water access remains one of the summits most pressing topics as around one and a half 1000000000 african still live in areas of high water won't ability. our cheese? cromwell. it's hotline reports. despite the many bodies of waters peppered across the continent, the dams, the rivers, the legs, the valleys, africa continues to suffer from water shortages as well as water borne diseases. water scarcity effects one in 3 people in the african region and is getting worse with population growth, urban ization, and increases in household in industrial uses. water scarcity often encourages people to store water in their homes. this can increase the risk of household water contamination and provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes. mosquitoes or carriers of dank, a fever, malaria, and other diseases. the impact of climate change on water resources from past and current emissions is as clear as mud because water does not fall under the 19 lang
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to, to treaty of the united nations framework convention on climate change. but africa and much of the developing world will be arguing that it does and it should very much form part of the formal agenda. the white water rarely appears in international climate agreements, even though it plays a key role in issues such as food security, energy production, economic development, and poverty reduction. this potential of water must be explored, given that our actions to reduce global warming a currently lagging behind our ambitions. water does not need to be a problem. it can be part of a solution. water can support efforts to both mitigate and adapt to climate change . from the floods in nigeria to the drought in somalia, in the millions of displays, people will be looking upon this conference asking themselves why it seems to serve
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the interest of the global north and turning a blind eye to the true realities of climate change on the ground because more often than not the true impact of climate change is measured through the ability or inability to separate glass of clean drinking water. the problem with africa is said that it's inability to turn its natural resources into a beneficiary to a value add product. this is a universal problem across the african continent when it comes to war to use the all parts of africa that extremely well watered, just as the parts of africa that have got very little water like namibia. for example, at the moment the buying issue seems to be agreement around what the temperature increases in weight, what the acceptable temperature official is. that way we forget about the fact that as your temperature changes, so does the ability of b atmosphere to absorb water or for water body change. oh,
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thing about climate when it comes to water is about how does it change in ambient temperature over time, influenced the distribution of fresh water resources around the planet who benefits? who loses? who pays? this is really what, what the politics of this whole things about. the u. s. treasury secretary is struggling to reassure e e partners after washington past a landmark climate law that left europeans, the less than thrilled. we are consulting widely with affected groups, including europeans and other countries that have concerns about the law. we are willing, within the limit of the kind of law that congress has passed to work with them to address concerns to the extent that we can. and also to explain the ways in which the law will benefit them. though the white house in the western press keep referring to biden's inflation reduction act as a climate law. so within the u. s,
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it's mainly being framed as something to help americans with inflation, which is pretty much their main concern right now. but overseas, they're really emphasizing the climate aspect because who would dare to complain about the so called climate initiative, right? certainly not europe, but french and german officials have caught on to the fact that the new law incentivizes the purchase of american electric vehicles through tax credits and discriminates against european cars. the car batteries also have to be sourced and made in america. so now europe's talk to economies, france and germany, are not only facing an energy crisis after washington successfully tormented, cutting their own cheap brushing gas supply off. but now washington trying to use the climate change projects to take a whack at european car manufacturing. maybe u. s. officials figured that europe would be a little more passive. they were certainly led a long way down the garden bath by washington when it came to the ukraine conflict
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. former french army chiefs of staff general pierre de via, has been publicly saying this recently, basically pointing out that the big beneficiary of the ukraine conflict is the u. s . and not europe. the war in ukraine is not in the interest of the europeans. certainly not a france sold, but perhaps of the americans shifted more by just going along with washington lead initiatives, whether on the climate or in ukraine, europe, risks becoming a vassal german weapons manufacturers seemed to be well aware of this. they are worried about germany serving the american defense industry by funding weapons purchased from the u. s. instead of funding weapons to be manufactured in germany or in europe. with regard to german sovereignty, we must ensure that we will not put ourselves completely in the hands of the americans for the next 30 to 50 years. the weapons industry wouldn't be the 1st
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german industrial sector to take a hit to americas benefit. western sanctions have already hit germany's manufacturing sector to the competitive advantage of the u. s. on the global playing field, as some german politicians have pointed out on these exclaim horn and ag costs. now these extremely high electricity prices have a positive side effect for the us, while our competitiveness is falling. but the, exploding energy costs are not the direct result of the ukraine war, cause they are the result of the sanctions package, which then started an economic war to which russia responded and built shafts. so if you, us treasury secretary j jaelyn thinks that the biden administration is going to try to convince europe that there's some kind of benefit in all of this. for them, they may succeed in hoodwinking european officials again. but good luck trying to convince the average european citizen 8 countries have agreed to
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introduce new sanctions against it on following months of protest in the country. meanwhile, terran has accused the german chancellor of undiplomatic behavior as berlin continues to express support for the protesters appears to european union has already adopted a number of sanctions packages. we want to continue to step up the pressure on the revolutionary guard corpse and the political leadership, my message to the demonstrators and to citizens with iranian roots. here in germany as this, we stand for everything that you are calling for, for human rights and women's rights. we stand shoulder to shoulder with the iranian people. karen has repeatedly accused the united states and israel of beam behind the countries unrest. iranian officials have also blamed the german foreign minister for taking an intervention is stands on protest. after the official sat, berlin would not let up in pursuing sanctions over
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a crack down on protesters. protest erupted in the country last september following the death of a young woman in cuz city her family claimed she was severely beaten while authority say she had a historical condition that led to a heart attack. over 2000 people have reportedly been taken into custody. political analyst and researcher christopher holly, thanks western countries will support anyone regardless of ideology in order to promote their self interests. this is part of the hybrid warfare that the u. s. u and nato on leaching on the run. this current batch of her sanctions not only targets individuals and those connected, for example with your i r g c. but also it targets press tv, which is a media outlet. so it goes to show how bankrupted the european ideas are of freedom of speech and freedom of expression and the media independence. this is the natural
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reaction to support anybody who's against the governments that are, you know, supporting liberation struggles that are supporting a self determination in the global south against western intervention and western regime change operations. so ultimately, you know, they'll support anybody regardless of the political ideology. we've seen that in their covert support, for example of islamic state and al qaeda and aldosterone in syria. we see that the west, over and over, doesn't really care about anything but its own interest. its own financial gain and its own power and the supremacy in all the regions of the world. so they will support. now any protesters godless of what they are demanding. those are the stories, top new stories world wide, be sure to head over to r t dot com for 247 coverage. and don't forget to follow up on odyssey rumble. and gab, thanks for tuning and we'll see you again next hour. ah,
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ah, don't they said the united states or the united kingdom had the slightest interest in ukraine itself. should play something to mobilize people around. i think that ultimately their goal is to undermine the russian federation and job to jane dominance over russia itself. ah, mousy. well you, while you easy while furnace us? ah. young boys in it's
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a fun flight yet. if south thrash a south with a new dock. awesome voice. now watch. done. up all mutable. upright beaten the. is emily up full of goody, of whom shall i be? skimmed? room should thoughtfully assist the watch. eula. any billing? yes. my thought was an invalid. again. the lord. fortune. pity up my bill at about this morning. esther searched financially. ah shush ah
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huh. what used to be considered an easy answer and the scientific community has become quite complicated and modern day society? well, at least to those who exist in a politically correct woke environment, a new documentary a dares to ask the question, what is the woman, what is a woman? a woman is not anything. in particular, there is not one particular thing. it could be many thanks to many people. some women have penises rights and have a china however, while the debate over the present day place and all of the transgender community is not new, the concept is not. but what is the catalyst for this? a recent aggressive call for acceptance and every aspect of american life. and how is the issue being handled and other countries who have dealt or currently dealing with the.
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