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tv   News  RT  November 16, 2022 12:00am-12:31am EST

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a nope, with a pull and says it cannot confirm who is behind an alleged missile attack on his territory. this, that moscow denies any involvement building that the fragments are not related to what russian weaponry was in ukraine. meanwhile, the u. s. so this unlikely it's a missile was russian due to its trajectory. while some native states have already called to implement the alliances article 5 triggering. i collected military response. as cop $27.00 continues, africa uses western countries of exporting trillions to pay for global pollution,
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which the continent is least responsible for africa has. i don't want to be a lead. i'm really the only economist without following the store to cope with. plus, while the west coast of this new crane agenda most of the world wants a peaceful solution. that's the message from russia's foreign minister at the ongoing to 20 some and with a month out of the world. this is our international. i'm rachel blevins here with the top stories of be our welcome to the program. poland says it doesn't have any evidence to confirm who might have launched an alleged missile attack. honest territory. moscow says the fragments which have reportedly been found at the site do not resemble any rocket currently used by the country's military. that's all despite a different narrative being pushed by polish media. statements by polish media and
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officials about in the legit russian missile strike our deliberate provocation aimed at escalating the situation. the russian military has not conducted any strike on a target near the ukrainian polish border. the fragments shown by the polish media do not pertain to russian weaponry in any way. these are unverified images, reportedly from the same were 2 local farmers have been killed. you can see damage vehicles in the rural area. missile fragments reportedly found at the side are also visible. the polish foreign ministry said the projectile was quote, russian made not stating who exactly launched it. that's as some reports alleged that the fragments are from a soviet as 300 air defense missile. i type currently used by the ukranian armed forces and nato aircraft, conducting surveillance above poland, reportedly tracked the missile, though it did not share where it was fired from former us marine corps officer scott ritter says the missile that fell on polish territory likely came from
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ukraine. this is a tempest in a teapot. i think any forensic investigation is going to clearly show that this weapon was a ukrainian weapon. and not only that nato has the definitive proof that russia was not involved. natal tracks the missile contracts of every russian strike in there. they know where the missiles hit, they know where the ukrainian air defenses were positioned when they fired at the trajectory of that. so nato knows, with 100 percent certainty, that the missiles that hit on were fired by ukraine and what kind of missiles they were. this is just a political game being played right now. the polish military, as on high alert, with the country's leadership and contact with fellow native members about the incident, while poland nato allies in the baltic have accused russia of directly attacking the block and called for an immediate reaction. as war saw, as part of the alliance, a military attack on that country could trigger direct involvement from other
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allies. now, nato's article 5 states that an attack against any member say is considered an attack against all member states. this could lead to a collective military response, one of the alliances core principles. article 5 has only been invoked once before following the terrorist attacks against the u. s. on september 11th, 2001. what is considered an attack is decided by the member states. however, nato's top military power, the u. s. has tone down its partners will to invoke article 5 jo, bite. it says the missiles were unlikely to be fired by russia, with the pentagon. admitting that washington can not confirm whether they were used by the russian military. well, i think we want to deal with facts, and so again, we've seen the press reports. and as i mentioned before, i walked in here no information to corroborate these reports at this time. but
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again, we're taking them seriously and we're looking into them. and so i think it's incumbent on, on all of us to get the facts before we start speculating or jumping to conclusions . and then we'll go from there. now it appears so far the united states has given a somewhat measured response, while some members of nato seem to be calling for an immediate escalation. we are hearing washington say that they need time to investigate and determine the truth. here's what we heard from the state department, just after what we heard earlier from the pentagon. i don't want to speculate about hypotheticals, and we're working with the polish government and our partners to gather more information and assess exactly what will happen. we're going to do that, we want to determine what will happen in permanent or written next steps. now, joe biting is currently in bali for the g 20 summit. however, we understand that he has been briefed on the events on what has taken place. now, as we've heard from the nato chief himself, the question remains, if this is
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a situation which article 5 would be involved in that would mean an immediate military response, or rather that this is a situation in which article 4 would be involved in which it would be important for countries to consult with each other. we understand that the nato countries are at this point in touch with each other trying to determine what happened and it appears the pretty solid position of washington. at this point is that more investigation is needed to determine exactly what happened while there are voices that are speaking loudly and calling for escalation the position of washington at this time from what we're hearing in their statements is that they need more information before making a solid decision nato has scheduled an urban summit to be held later today. it is also said the international experts, including from the u. s. are going to investigate the incident. these off the record, so called government spokesman, could get us engaged in
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a war and res hysteria. it already has got the, the corporate media all fired up, claiming that it's all the components were russian, russia, we don't know that we have no idea what, what they are and what they're to. it could be some piece of equipment from something that the ukrainians got from the west. who knows, we got to be very careful because the next step in this is. ready something that could, ah, in it involves a world war and that's what we're trying to avoid at all costs. this thing could easily mushroom, this is a, a, we're, we're at a very rece important crossroads. and we've got a tread very, very carefully on this. and this should go before the you, when the u. s. should appoint examiners of the equipment, ensure that that the debris rather to ensure a some objectivity so that both sides can accept certain conclusions. and that's
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what right now you don't have either side trusting the other and their so called experts say, so we really don't know. the only thing we do know is that some debris that fell into a foreign field that was not an intent to aim at military targets. where's the military target? so this, this is hysteria on steroids. now all of this cons as ukrainian cities remain without electricity after russia has reportedly conducted around 85 strikes on ukrainian infrastructure data according to authorities and key f r t correspondence moran garcia has more details on the block, also affecting the country. ukrainian government has described the situation with electricity as desperate evil, bordering on catastrophic in tar regions in ukraine have been plunged into blackouts, outages of being observed,
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observed all over the country. lowball network operators limiting services in the bid to keep others rubbing, such as basic phone calls. in t f half the cities said to be with our power in oil. this is, this is as a result of a massive a volley of cruise missiles and other strikes. of course, ukraine launched by the russian military of the euclidian sa. good said the claim that 85 various strikes, most of them cruise missiles launched at various critical infrastructure such but you claim claims that 70 of those missiles what was shot down. these should be of course taken with a grain of salt. all of this information goes through military censorship. across the border in the russian region of belgrade is that he have sha backing out has been, shall be ukrainian forces the bugger at region remains one of the main targets of ukrainian shelling. and i should warn you that the falling images may be disturbing
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for some viewers. you can see bloodied bodies of civilian victims, lying near a local pharmacy. the regions governor has reported at least 2 to us and 3 more wounded in the attack. a new uh, deals with as caught, 27 continues. there seems to be more bad news for africa. the continent news debates, millions of dollars to fulfill its nationally determined contributions under the paris agreement. now, according to the world economic forum, african countries will need $2.00 trillion dollars to meet their obligations under the paris agreement, minimizing emissions. the african consummate produces less than 4 percent of global emissions, which pell's in comparison with the 19 percent produced by the u. s and 13 percent by the european union. the demand sparked protest among ecological activists with
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comp $27.00 gas saying that other solutions must be found for africa. can we be paid for the damages so far caused by extraction? before we've been to leap down to see that we need to fedex drunk, which was benefiting in this for me to not africa. so if africans to develop, let africa, they don't look for solutions that are african and decide this other solutions we are going to take africa miss to go there. we africa has an opportunity to be a leader on build their own economies without following the store capaluto spots worries. because if we start competing with historical polluters, their systems are a bit well developed. we might not be to them, but we can bid them by going great, we can bid them by being from your book where me us are cheese corolla, thought le, explains how the west helping hand is actually damaging south africa economy and putting the countries energy independence at risk, an $8500000000.00 pledge made at last year's cop 26th climate change conference in
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glasgow is finally coming to life rich nations of the west, who through their own industrial development, created the climate crisis. and now giving other loans to south africa to get it off of coal. it's called the just energy transition plan is a deal between south africa and 5 other governments. the united states, the united kingdom, the european union, germany and france. but what's in it for south africa? we are using the transition to produce so in debt, in circumstances where we're not even using the transition to creating the best out of renewables. we just want to get one on a weston money. the, the, the, the, the equipment is gonna come from china and we're just going to be of assistance of the debt and the image. so i'm sick, i'm, you know, i'm still skeptical about the strategy chem, so the benefit,
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the lumpkin benefit of 97 percent of the $8500000000.00 will be loaned, while 3 percent will be grant protest in germany have already kicked off the process by depositing $300000000.00 euros each to the south african treasury. this will be a 20 year loan, 5 years included of grace period. and they will be at an interest of 3.6 percent for france and 3 percent for germany. but south africa says more grants and less loans would work better. while south africa welcomes low interest or concession loans, a substantial portion of this funding needs to be in the form of grants. the move towards lower carbon emissions is imperative as the toll will begin to weigh heavily on south africa's economy. the list of interest rates rising is the one. the issue of south africa had been taken. the loans in foreign is only going to exacerbate the problem because the currency, the south african brand,
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will continue to we can i east all and all major currencies. but europe is essentially a fossil fuel addict and cannot currently survive without them when russia reduced this natural gas supply to europe. leaders of italy, france, and actually germany came rushing to africa seeking the same fossil fuels they used to buy from russia. europe wants to turn african to its gas station. we don't have to follow the footsteps of the rich world that actually caused climate change in the 1st place. and also so seen those who am, i mean, cold from south africa and guess from the rest of the continent, that's the focus that i think we need to be looking at and see what does it mean depths of this loan. so this touch the bulk of this $8500000000.00. 19 percent of it will be used to the commission,
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south africa's coal fired power plant, while $700000000.00 is here, month for the green hydrogen projects. $200000000.00 will be used to what's the electric vehicle industry over the next 5 years? it's taking into account that they chose them. technology itself is inefficient and there's no body of evidence in europe in north america that that is actually doesn't work. now what is about gusting for me is that they're going to insist that we use wind turbines from germany, and we use solar panels from other parts of europe, including france. when russia actually has developed a solar panel with 42 percent efficiency, whereas the solar panels that they are going to be provided to. so that's again, results from this deal only of what an energy efficiency of 19 percent. barely 2 weeks ago, the world bank approved a 497000000 dollar concessional loan facility with south africa state utility ask
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them to repose the commodity corner fired power plant using renewables and batteries. escal can barely keep its life line and it's $23000000000.00 dead remains a liability to south africa. so it's up to the close down it base loot source when you are currently sought. i mean we've been in rotating for, for, for, for 4 months now. but we closing down, you know, based on so that does not, you know, it's not even an expend. we're not exactly, we're, we're making our break even much more under western nations, apparently taking a huge gamble in the south africa being a successful model for how developing countries can transition from high to low cupboard. while south africa is itself taking a huge gamble on the west, then green agenda, and some commentators say it is being done at the peril of risking energy
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independence and sovereigns. gabriella sat on 4 out of tea and join his book, overshadowed by growing tensions. the g 20 summit opened in indonesia on tuesday. the world is watching to see whether leaders can agree on a closing joint statement as divisions deepen over the conflict and ukraine. ah, most of the world has not cited with the west on the ukraine conflict. that's the message from the russian foreign minister leading moscow's delegation as the g 20 summit and bali ortiz maria phenomena is there with more details. well, many expected this year is d. 20 to be tough for russia ahead of the global gathering here in indonesia is bali longdon, for example. sad that the venue could be used to confront moscow hand,
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call out booting. also, we expected to see some extra moves towards even deeper isolation, both political and economic of moscow. that was the german tense was appeal again before they summoned officially started on the u. s. also had plans to turn this event into an anti russian platform. it's picking up the press conference that he gave at the end of the 1st day of the 20 here, a foreign minister la rog, sad that far from everybody's ready to support this rhetoric pushing for a story. and the answer is very simple. no one except the west and it's close of satellites joined the anti rushes sanctions. it is impossible not to touch on this topic because the west makes a priority to fro the ukrainian situation into any discussion. for 3rd world countries, a calling for a peaceful settlement for agreements the know perfectly well with this process is handed by ukraine, which is legally been negotiations with russia. and i have to say, we're heard
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a lot here proving that the indonesian president, who is the cost of the j 20 summit, has asked the western leaders to tone down their rhetoric against russia. well, china said that russia too important to be excluded from global formats. in for years we support russia and it's worthy role in the g 20 summit, russia has strong influence in various spheres of cooperation of the world's community. no one dares to deprive russia of its true right to participate in international multilateral negotiations. it seems that the razor division within the west itself, we more more often hear words such as peace and negotiations from different west and politicians and officials. the new now seems to run out of sanctions imposed on russia. i had a chance to ask for minister la rog, whether we actually can take this as an official shift and if so, what could we expect? let's take a listen, julia lucia. but julia,
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you never know what's going on in someone else's mind. short periods of mutual understanding with the european union evaporate quickly, just to die. i had a brief conversation with president micron, who reaffirmed his intention to maintain contact with latimer potency to find some kind of agreement and resolve the whole situation. as he put his voice, i told him once again, all the problems are on the ukrainian side, which categorically refuses any negotiations and put forward obviously unrealistic conditions such are inadequate in this situation. record degrees, the man intrigue of this year's to 20 was and still remains whether hates member is will be at all able to come to a consensus over the final declaration as the group which brings together 19 of the world's major economists. philosophy you is torn apart by internal divisions over how to approach russia, ukraine conflict. the document is to be signed on wednesday instead of a lover of russia's. foreign minister said that some western countries wanted this
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document to be politicized, and they wanted to include condemnation of russia's special military operation in ukraine on behalf of the entire group. that would mean russia included in that as absurd, of course was india, china. saudi arabian brazil refused to move in, and they refused to accept this condemnation. so now we have to wait for the end of the summit here to see what the final edition of the declaration will look like. former us president donald trump has announced he will be running in the 2024 presidential race. this and speculation that he could face fierce competition from florida as governor randi santos, to become the republican party's next nominee. 2 years under joe biden have been a time of pain, hardship, anxiety, and despair as we speak. inflation is the highest in over 50 years. gas
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prices have reached the highest levels in history and expect them to go much higher in order to make america great. a glorious, again, i am tonight announcing my candidacy for president. ah. the actual announcement itself was almost would you be considered to be the same things that you would hear at a trump rally? he went down the long resume of everything that he did when he was in office, everything that he accomplishes. while he was an officer and obviously he took some very hard knocks at what he believed that president joe biden had done and how he's hurt this country. not only domestically, but internationally, since he's coming off, it's just 2 years later, however, there was something that even the political commentators on both sides said that it was kind of not the normal energy that you would have expected from donald trump that you'd heard in the past that he was trying to, as you said, make it very elegant in his speech. and because of that, he only attacked the media, the fake news. once in his speech,
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how are we seeing a tramp going into 2024? you mentioned a little bit of a different tune from him, but what do you think that his race is actually going to look like when it comes to the points that he's going to be heading on? and the places where he's going to try to once again went over the american people . president trump can to run and win without the support of the establishment republican party. in fact, them not getting behind you will actually encourage and engage not only the road conservative base, but also those independent voters who initially voted form and pushed him over the victory line in 2016. however, one of the appeals to trump was that he was an outsider, that people thought that he was going to be able to work the miracles. i'm to find out, he did it, and that's one of the reasons why he lost in 2020. so now not only does he have a win, but he has a loss on his record, which can be very damaging for any candidate, but especially a presidential candidate. going into a 3rd run. it will just depend on how well he gets out there. how will it conveys
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his message? how will he tries to make people remember the hope that he inspired in 2016 as opposed to despair that he gave us in 2020 a senior iranian human rights official has slammed coverage or protests in the country by u. k. based media calling in an unlawful anti iranian campaign and comparing the persian language outlet to terror groups. the official also claimed the british government is responsible for the negative coverage. this comes as the western media claims that 15000 protesters have been sentenced to death in iran during the past 2 months of demonstration. to iran says, these reports are baseless more than $220.00 members of the iranian parliament have asked the countries court to punish those responsible for the protest. however, the lawmakers have denied making any calls for mass executions. taylor on has also slammed what it calls, unsubstantiated claims on social media,
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where some activists are condemning alleged crime against humanity while calling for iranian officials to be held accountable. and american democratic congresswoman has also weighed in with her criticism of tehran and despite some previously violent crackdowns on protesters and several western countries. some european officials now claim that a ron's handling of its rioters is somehow out of line. something unprecedented is happening. the grand children of the revolution are carrying out a revolution and are devouring it. the e u strongly condemns the unacceptable violent crackdown of protesters. we stand with the iranian people in support, their right to protest peacefully and voiced their demands and views freely. the iranian people could not be clearer, it's time for the regime to stop blaming external actors and start listening to the voices of their people. university of tehran, professor sayed mohammed mirandi says that the western media would have treated
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such protest very differently as they were happening in their own countries. so this is, this is how it works in the west. they can say anything they want about iran and get away with it. imagine what would happen in western countries if this was happening there. and if the western media, english language of media was encouraging violence and the murder police officers in england off come would immediately shut down the t. v station, the tv channel. and they would put these people on trial. we know how huge a protests are taking place across europe right now. because of the energy and economic crisis where they're not reported in western media. a series of explosions have erupted, and the turkish city of ist and bolt, just 3 days after a terrorist bombing. they killed at least 6 people and wounded more than 80 others . there are still no official information about the casualties from the most recent incident. local media said 5 vehicles are roughly in flames, along with
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a nearby building firefighters. i reportedly contain the blaze will keep you updated with any new developments on this story. the canadian security intelligence service has rolled that the countries freedom convoy protest movement did not pose a threat to national security. or revelation which clashes with the government's earlier decision to invoke the emergencies act. at no point to the service, assess that the protests in ottawa or elsewhere constituted a threat to the security of canada. canadian security intelligence service did not assess that any foreign state supported the protest through funding that foreign states deploy disinformation techniques or that any foreign state actors attempted to enter into canada to support the protest. last february convoys of truck drivers, located streets, and ottawa,
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protesting against cobra. 1900 mandates and government mismanagement and calling for those resignation. the prime minister then invoke the emergencies act and the bid to end. the protest move extended the government's powers and was questioned by legal activist canadian lawyer and legal commentator david fry. hi says that the police response to the movement was too violent, especially given the lack of practice from basically ur day to the very last day when the police came in heavy handed holy, militarized police force. so by don't be surprised. this protest. everybody knew it was an overreach at the time. the justification at the time was that there was a blockade of being back to the bridge critical infrastructure for anybody who's been watching this for public emergencies commission. we all knew it from the time . b emergencies act was invoked. the ambassador bridge blockade had been resolved, would be a court order. by the time the market act was invoked,
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there was no national threat, threat to infrastructure, threat to overthrow the state. what we're seeing through the inquiry is that even by true, those own recognition, the provinces had all of the resources they need to put an end to it. but it went on for a little too long embarrass, just intrude on the national scale and his underlining 10th behind all. this was what prizes and punishing the protest. this what they did, which is why a lot of people think he invoke the act on the one hand to punish them. but on the other hand, to try to trigger a violent response from them to sort of retroactively justify in boca yeah, that's all for now. the share jack at r t dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates. we'll see right back here at the top of the hour. mm. ah ah
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ah ah, who suffered because we're getting the business and you could be in the area de robbie.


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