tv News RT November 19, 2022 12:00am-12:31am EST
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because it is this idea that everybody is deserve it, and that's just that virtue of your being here with 3 people are a powerful expose in this story is part of the problem of building in with the de la, the investigation engineer. legend, mass of russian soldiers, they were being held captive by ukrainian forces that office disturbing footage suggesting unless it online or driven here
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5 minutes away from the job here is to stabilize patient to stop and get the same policy visitor front line hospital where russia volunteered to fight live with the u. s. blogs. the saudi crown prince. mom had been so much immunity from prosecution in the killing of just a show. the, despite the claim that the assassination was submitted on direct orders from looking the leader with hello, i'm the welcome to call us in line from moscow. it's just past the hour. i'm, we're on the market. let's take a look at today's top stories. we start with our top story, 3 people have been dead off for a powerful explosion ripped through an apartment building on the far east and russian island of suffer in ah,
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god sort of also go along with the levy destroyed one of the sides of the buildings as you can see, 9 people and now reported injured, some of them already transported to the hospital last year say some residents of the building may still remain under the rubble. the glass is believed to have been caused by a gas leak, although the authorities have already said the building was not connected. the gas supply, some of some roses might have been using gas tanks. and we will, of course, we keep you updated on this. ah, one of the source now moscow has lashed out that heave on accusations that ukraine forces have brutally killed prisoners of war videos, emerged online repository, showing russian troops being murdered while held captive by ukrainian soldiers.
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russia defense murphy says it's actually a common practice overlooked by cuba western bacchus, the intentional and methodical murder of more than 10 immobilized russian service men by the degenerates from the ukrainian army with direct shots in the head cannot be presented as a tragic exception by the key of regime as it claims it, preserve rights of all captured combatants. the brutal murder of russian prisoners of war is not the 1st and not the only war crime. this is a common practice in the armed forces of ukraine, actively supported by the key of regime and is ignored by its western patrons. but zalinski and his henchmen will have to answer before the court of history, the peoples of russia and ukraine for every tortured and killed prisoner. what about the use of videos in question? a warning? you may find the footage disturbing. the video of hope in film by ukrainian troops showing captured and i'm on the russian soldiers. they've apparently been told to lie on the ground as they will cut me out from that cover. the 2nd we do from
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a drone appears to show the same group of so does now lying dead. it's been a 2nd video shows the outcome of this incident. a russian investigative committee has opened an inquiry into the matter. it says at least 11 soldiers were killed. meanwhile, the russian foreign ministry says it's going to push for international analysis of what happened. we have repeatedly drawn the attention of the international community to the cruel and inhuman attitude of ukrainian side towards the detained russian service. men, we demand that international organizations condemned this egregious crime and conduct a thorough investigation into it. last month, the nominations identified 2 cases of russian prisoners, a wall being tortured. i'm executed by you can install. it is the 1st case of film . the video went viral. we must warn you,
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the following images are just giving this video report of the shows 3 russian soldiers being shot in their legs by you quine troops have also been reported for mercenary is also participating in such wines. meanwhile, the russian defense minister emphasize that all ukraine soldiers are being treated in a cool, all international treaties. crane and russia also slots prisoners several times also has the current it will push for an international investigation, but a former seattle is allow you to also spoke to me earlier and he believe it's unlikely to happen. he says global organizations of loaning silent about you player processes committed during the 8 years of war in the dom bus. there'll be no justice from the international organization or the international community are corrupted. this was, this is reminiscent of what the nazis did to jews during
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world war 2. the reminiscent of what isis did to syrian soldiers, they captured where you just line them up and shoot them in the back of the head. you know, this is, this is criminal activity that should be condemned by the international community. but it's not, i don't, i hold no hope out that that will in fact take place. this war started in 2014. and it has gone on nonstop with civilians and done at school. the hans been killed and the world being quiet, being silent about it that has not been an uproar. there's not been a demands for a cessation of those kinds of activities. now, while western powers turn a blind eye to apparent war crimes committed by you, a new forces. so washington's full and top official seem very keen on justifying their own minute interventions around the world. in our case,
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we thought saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction. you going to let that continue? are you going to take them out and then do the best that you can do? we just sit back and hope for the best or do we try to be positioned in enough places with enough support that we can be a good ally to those who are counting out that the record, democrat, a democratic countries actually don't invade their neighbors. democratic countries don't harper terrorist democratic countries don't use weapons of mass destruction and upon to us rice and since in spain, the reasons for invasions are conducted by the us. criticize rush of invading ukraine. how democratic states don't use weapons of mass destruction. all of this. why the historic atomic bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki, the body of serbia, that hazy invasion is, was the fail bay of pigs invasion by cuban exiles during the cold war in 961 fully
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financed by the u. s. government. and also the failed murphy operations, which lots of decades in iraq and afghanistan, even those countries in economic and social climate again says both of these women of war criminals in his view because by justifying us interventions around the world, they justify numerous warms, which are well documented john stewart's interview of condo, lisa rice, and hillary clinton is it emblematic of the problem that afflicts the united states of america were rotten to the core. those 2 women are war criminals and my view. they have contributed to the deaths. are you going to of hundreds of thousands of people that didn't need to die and would not have died to be had not been for their lives. places actual lies about the predicate for starting. busy right, or is it a raw started wars and libya starting wars and syria?
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you know, for those 2 to claim over the world made the world better off. that's like listening to an arsenal who's come in and set fire to a children's hospital from to, to the ground and claim. well, we've made that neighborhood better. i mean, it's really, it's sickening to listen to them. you know, in the case of con lisa rice, they absolutely knew that saddam hussein. busy did not have weapons of mass destruction. they knew it, they lied about, and they can, she continues to embrace that lie. same thing with hillary with respect to libya. you know, they like to try out what a horrible monster moammar gadhafi was. just the united states had made a deal with ca, daffy to get him to give up some of his chemical, biological weapons in exchange for better relationship with the united states in the united states. utterly betrayed and continued. psych targeting industrial
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emphasis also have been revolted in the planning, consult city of zacko ro here. local officials claim a claim i munition deco was hit in the attack as well as workshops for all aircraft repair on at the pump. where the component of such turns i as a byron juice years are currently working at the scene. now, meanwhile, in russia's look, dance republic as relentless boxes on the front line continue, the fight for the lives of russian soldiers also takes place. in surgery, ortiz, senior correspondent mud, go the reports from a local hospital, a warning for us, you may find the fine images to serving it is late in the evening. a car horn blaze outside in the morning. get ready. it says new arrivals are coming in with
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a he's the operating theatre in the hallway. medical station. we have the internet driven here, 510 minutes away from the front block. there stabilized here and then they are taken to evacuated to, to medical institutions, hospitals further away from the front blood further away from the frontline for proper treatment. the job here is to stabilize patients to stop leading. get them to say they cool all the doctors here, doc. they appear calm, collected exactly what people need to see. the skis finished physically, it's difficult. we're just humans. we feel the pressure and the emotional strain, but we fight it. we can't show weakness to our soldiers. a
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deal with all of these doctors are volunteers. they used to work and well equipped hospitals with the latest technology in science, have to offer comfort and careers. it was good. and yet they came to, i've been a surgeon since 2002. i volunteered. if not us with our experience than who i followed my heart to be here. i came to help the doctor, us, and the troops. what's happening in the world is scary, but that's the reality. i came to help out and i will. 5 doctors work here. there are no shifts. it can't be. sometimes they are all needed. a rest. only when the cries died down them. and the nurses who are also civilly and volunteers look at them. so something they're proud to follow girls and proud of myself. i'm
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going to cry the you, when you levels are going, we came to help our compatriots, such as, are you scared? no. is it difficult psychologically. sometimes midway, girls who can cry sometimes i think it's hard for the man with for you know, that was when you have deep wounds from small pieces of shrapnel. it's sometimes best to leave them alone. it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. you can do a lot of damage trying to find the shrapnel. tweezers, scalpels and needles, can treat the flesh, but it is not enough. when the soldiers come here, they are at their most vulnerable medicines, won't cure the mind more dickerson for the rest of your word. merciful rehearsal. we know perfectly well the conditions our troops leave in, in forests entrench us. when we take them in,
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we support them. they need to be brought back their senses after while they've been through. we all help them psychologically. battlefield medicine, he says chaotic, his war. there are never enough doctors, not enough time, never enough sleep. you just keep going. and eventually it pays off just with each of mishma, rochelle, leap away, patched up, and evacuated her, coming back here. they come in and they say thank you. alive. healthy with her arms and legs. there is no greater reward to sheep. you, sledge to? yeah. so you have to so that can yes, i believe i did my part. i'll have the memories and i have something to tell my kids. i'll be proud of what i did. cuz i did to say for i'd gasdio 40 look, god squeezen the earth has clarify that the leader of saudi arabia mohammed been salmone, shall be immune from birth. prosecution,
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o paternal connections to the murder just schumacher shrug. i minister, my mister, been someone is immune from suit and us courts. while he holds the office of prime minister. he is the head of government. it has nothing to do with the merits of this case. the immunity determination is a legal one. the 7 by the us state department is abrupt to reverse the previous rhetoric from joe barton, who early implicated the saudi crown prince in a case that said he would make saudi arabia, quote, a pariah state. we were not going to in fact, sell more weapons to them. we were going to in fact make them pay the price and make them in fact, the prior that they are to out to sell. it was a saudi jones, who opposed the royal family and had been working from various western media outlets. he is believed of being killed at the saudi consulate in assemble in
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october 2018. the cia has said it was an assassination committed on direct orders by the crown prince. those allegations of tensions was in washington. and yet we heard from our win a war for full vice chairman of libertarian national committee. who says biden's rhetoric is often based on what he thinks a domestic audience wants to hear. you know, he ran by saying what the american people wanted to hear in certain areas. and one, a lot of american people, i think a lot of people in the, in the world generally want to see murderers brought to justice. i think that's a normal human impulse. now all of a sudden there's a huge about face saying that because he's the head of state, we can't go after him and that has nothing to do with the reason us foreign policy . saddam hussein was the head of state who is suspected not convicted of having
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weapons of mass destruction, which he didn't have. and that was still enough for the us to go after him. so the idea that the u. s. can't go after somebody, the head of state is utterly absurd. who have flocked to the feet. so the capital cities approach unbearable policy. i'm possible us intervention intended to cost their protests against the unpopular washington by government. local journalist centers this report on the occasion of 219 anniversary of the battle of valencia, the battle that allowed havi to become the 1st independent black people in the world. what was in david's of the political movement pizza, the celine, took the streets of the capital of what it was to possess, begins the military head, that quite minister, how young has requested his sent a message in one of the office of been to say that he does not want plains, canada,
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and united states. they are asking for corporation that who held the crunch the 2 across from the global energy life is gang violence on a difficult economic situation. of sprog citizens outrage and a national crisis with massive and sometimes violent demonstrations. all across the caribbean republic, the acting president, to which critiques accuse all of fascinating his bridges as well. so resolve the staff of not life. stepping down as protests as demand bought by inviting us lead nato troops talk. employ haiti and pacify citizens by force is what some of them have to say. now, we see that the country is sinking in chaos. insecurity, high living costs. we have leaders who do not take decisions for the good of the country, but rather for their own personal gain. i see the misery of the hate and population
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. currently at the crossroads. there is no peaceful area in the city this away from prime minister to justify the presence of foreign military aids in the country. in his own, its way to the apec summit child for who has poured to the end of western had germany and unilateralism. while charles for mercer has 1st joined international efforts and needed to sol common challenges, the cold war mentality had gemini, csm, unilateralism, and protectionism, or mounting acts that distort international norms. disrupting economic linkages, inflate conflicts and regions and impede the development of cooperation are all to common. history tells us that block confrontation cannot solve any problem and that bias will only lead to disaster. the asia pacific is no one's back yard and should not become an arena for big power contest. no attempt to waging new cold war will
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ever be allowed by the people. and by our times, this is apex summit must rise above these challenges and deliver hope to the world at large that collaboratively there is room for us to prevail and prosper. however, some western ages seem not to share the chinese concept of interest. they and co operation guard to the eyes, english situation in the region as if it were quote, in the jungle and naming some nations. one can guess who as elephant posing as a threat to the order of the jungle on a jangle. and we have 2 big elephants trying to become more and more nevis, if they become very nervous and start war and to the big problem for the whole, the rest of the jungle. while the son plays the older in jungles, the u. s. continues to escalate is trade war against china,
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with american senators pushing to block fatal access to chinese semiconductors. of the panel size, it passes support taiwan to military with american weapons and training, which beijing strongly opposes. we'll discuss all of this with gal, vice president at the center for china and globalization. this is a separating beijing from the global market will only hurt american manufacturers. title tele, eat. china is one of the largest the manufacturers of semiconductor chips and the largest the importer of semiconductor jumps of all kinds from many different countries or regions in the world. if the united states really wants to separate china away from this markets, all semiconductors, it will hurt the semiconductor manufacturers interest in the united states. because after all, china is the largest market and then was china become self reliant in semiconductor
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chips. china may not need to import any semiconductor chips from the united states . therefore, i think this crazy attempt to isolate china will not result in china's isolation. it will result in greater reliance, self reliance and independence of china in the semiconductor chips. i think as a human being, it's a plaint the world needs piece, development and growth and stability rather than war or cold war or block mentality . for example, artificially dividing the well, the 2 opposing blocks. we cannot allow the apec region to be just drafted by competition rather a conflict. so want, we need to really dedicate ourselves to piece ability and development so that all the countries in our part of the world will benefit eventually
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finland has committed to sliding on 43400000 dollars to build fences along its borders. russia, while poland has already started searching, raise a wire on its border with versus enclave colon the grad survey. andrea of the russian ambassador, poland, has flounder, also decision as absurd defense that has been built on the border with cohen and grad region is a continuation of the construction of barriers on poland, borders, not only with russia, but also with beller. bruce, the idea is absurd. but presently, anything that is anti russian is sold quite well in poland. phelan, a candidate for the nato membership, announces files of barriers on his russian border back in july. this move was said to be aimed at preparing finan for possible hybrid threats with mass migration named earth. one possibility, although the bill can contradicts the
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e. the pharmacy good policy, it was passed by a super majority. meanwhile, the rotten russian enclave is not the only territory. poland decided to fence off this summer. the country finished the construction of a wall on its border with bella, ruth forcing walsall, $370000000.00. however, the flow of migrants from there has not changed. finish. jonas ers put cannon says helsinki decision defenses. border with russia is an indication that i incurs and fallen across europe once again. but this time built by the west. it seems like they did it very so morgan, national agenda of wally, but the boy russia owls from europe, which is so very alarming. and oh, what we can see very artificial agenda. i think that the main issue with this fence is that it's somehow like up politically easy agenda to
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o. boost true, because what has been discuss it in a fetal and the whole summer is fortification of the eastern border. 40 k thing, the of the borderline. no matter is it road thought as a fence for whatever it's being told should arm. that to neighbor is not thinking friendly way from you. and it's a physical on the symbolic meaning. rushes should understand that finland has chosen the direction of not negotiation. bees and the neighbor agreement, but 40 for gaping, building fences being aggressive and bringing to nato troops. he wife move over to the military is ready. fulton, have destroyed about 2000 olive trees in one of the passing villages in the west bank. local media reports the olive harvest season is crucial for the west bank,
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as it provides food for tens of thousands of families living that they have is sometimes hits on the mind due to the attacks from his ready settlers. according to the you and report is ready authority. they'll have also been reported receipt thing, palestinian farmers from accessing their own lands close to the separation wall. local farmers told us about the most recent incident the lead, the love blood, the israeli occupation with its constant pressure on farmers seeks to displace the palestinians from their land and facilitated staffed by the settlers. providing them with protection and continuous support in order to control the land. what has happened is a heinous crime against the agricultural sector and against palestinian olive trees . he, i mean, are you bab, though, and how do they claim that this land is forbidden for us to cultivate within it? as they cut down trees? the material losses, of course, are incalculable. 30 years of work has disappeared in an instant, but we,
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the palestinian people have become accustomed to these things by the israeli occupiers. but also because without pri warning, they closed the area cut through on land, bulldozed it completely, and rooted the olive trees. they have cut down many trees on this land and left us nothing. but i mean to raise ours is a service, have also destroy the house of 6 families in the west bank. one of the victims told us the details. and the, i know, i hope this situation changes. we don't pose any threats with this is not even o rhodes when he's really settlements. the closer settlements with us is 5 kilometers away. through some of the building in certain areas, parsons are required to get permission from the is very civil administration. but apparently most of those applications are denied. so if the homes are still built, they get destroyed with policy and full to pay. the definition costs for you on
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thursday or a total of almost $600.00 buildings of palestinians have been demolished in the west bank and east jerusalem. forcing people to abandon their homes, the fast indians who lost their homes of russia. the cow was, bah, again, says the demolitions apartment is ready. policy of oppression. what more can i say? how well this is the israeli policy and the crimes i should be expand and destroy this plan doesn't affect them whatsoever. well, why do they refuse to give us a permit? even if they destroy it's, the land is still mine for them. i suffered greatly and i had about 40 to 50 all the trees and i removed them to build this house to join us. well, and while our, this is our check out our t dot com for more national and global news obviously minute, going back for the top of the hours spent to have you with us. we'll see again so ah
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a business i am with business. but adam bus morisha. he has no way but galvan machine. yeah, but i'm glad what my doctor, but now that's knew my lip lip memo or business that i was about to cross anatomy sydney with this to. he's him on a big oh, i've shifted i'm i make that they base me and i see him on a bigger one time that it but i'm much bigger. i mean what i watched on the thrush, no m quarter or maturity mistake summer, buy it. there's need, you're saving them to pick up and buy it. keep up with a b, c. you go to la barnett who sat, the water was all scared up by the garage, relieved pretty from w.
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