tv News RT November 19, 2022 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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laura doesn't want that extra mom a minute or ah, the headlights are on r t. as moscow demands an international investigation into an alleged massacre over russian soldiers who are being held in captivity by ukrainian forces. it's off the chilling footage, suggesting a mass execution emerges on the line. also ahead for you this hour. be driven here, 5 minutes away from the block. the job here is to stabilize patient to stop leading . get them to see if it's at the front line hospital in the new guns republic, russian volunteer doctors fight to say the lives of wounded soldiers. also, protest as in burkina faso set fire to the french embassy of escalating grievances against enduring quote,
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powers influence in the west african next some people who don't need the french army here. they say that they are here to help us. i don't trust them. it is time for them to go. our goal today is to make them with covering all corners of the globe from moscow, with your news on our t international and a variable. welcome to you. a quote, barbarous killing of russian prisoners of war. that's what the defense ministry has accused. ukraine of, of the videos emerged on line report, showing russian troops being killed while held captive by key of forces. the m. o. d. u went on to say it's actually a common horrific practice typically overlooked by ukraine's western bacchus. the intentional and methodical murder of more than 10 immobilized russian servicemen by the degenerates from the ukrainian army would direct shots in the
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head, cannot be presented as a tragic exception by the key regime as the claim to preserve the rights of all captured combatants. the brutal murder of russian prisoners of war is not the 1st and not the only war crime. this is a common practice of the armed forces of ukraine, actively supported by the key of regime and ignored by its western patrons. zalinski and his henchmen will have to answer before the court of history, the peoples of russia and ukraine for every tortured and killed prisoner. we are about to show you part of the footage in question. though i should warn you, you may well find it disturbing. the 1st video is said to have been filmed by ukrainian troops showing captured, and ultimately, unarmed russian soldiers, apparently being told to lie on the ground as they cannot from that cover. the 2nd video from a drone appears to show the very same group of soldiers in the same place now lying dead on the ground. while the russian investigative committee has opened an inquiry
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into the alleged massacre, it says at least 11 soldiers were killed on the foreign ministry says it will push for an international probe into exactly what happened. we have repeatedly drawn the attention of the international community to the cruel and inhuman attitude of the ukrainian side towards the detained russian service. men. we demand that international organizations condemned this egregious crime and conduct a thorough investigation into it. just last month, the united nations identified 2 cases of russian prisoners of wall being tortured and executed by ukrainian soldiers. one of the most gruesome incidents was filmed by video went viral. i should warn you, you may find these upcoming images disturbing. a 3 russian soldiers of shown here getting shot in their legs, but portly by ukrainian soldiers. there are also been reports of foreign mercenaries participating in similar war crime is. meantime, the russian defense ministry emphasized that all ukrainian soldiers upon being captured are in fact treated in accordance with international treaties. moscow and
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key of also swap prison several times now during the ongoing conflict. now i've mentioned moscow has stated it will demand an international investigation. but we spoke with former cia analysts, larry johnson, he says it's unlikely to happen. he things global organizations have long been silence about ukrainian atrocities committed. for example, in don bass. going back all the way to 2014. there will be no justice from the international organizations or the international community. they are corrupted. this was, this is reminiscent of what the nazis did to the jews during world war 2. was reminiscing of what isis did to siri and soldiers. they captured where you just line him up and shoot him in the back of the head. you know, this is, this is criminal activity that should be condemned by the international computer. but it's not, i don't, i hold no hope out that that will in fact take place. this war started in 2014 and
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it has gone on nonstop with civilians and done that skill hans been killed and the world being quiet, being silent about it that has not been an uproar. there's not been the demands for association of those kinds of activities. multiple explosions have been heard in russia as belgrade region after a ukrainian attack. that is, according to the local governor, a shell to the area of a residential apartment block and an industrial facility. we understand the power lines that also sustained damage. meanwhile, russian strikes, targeting industrial infrastructure have been reported again in the ukraine, controlled city of stuff. what are you? local officials claim and i mean nation depot was set in the past as well as workshops for aircraft repair and drone production. i emergency services have been working at the scene, but also relentless battles across the front line. and don bass continue to fight
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for the lives of russian soldiers in local hospitals. our senior correspondent, but our gas, the visited one such clinic. i should warn you. you may find parts of morocco report troubling. it is late in the evening. a car horn blair's outside in warning. get ready. it says new arrivals are coming in with me. he's the operating theatre in the hallway. medical station. so the engine driven here, 510 minutes away from the front block. there stabilized here. and then they are taken to evacuated to medical institutions, hospitals further away from the front flood, further away from the frontline, for proper treatment. the job here is to stabilize patients to stop leading,
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get the, the safe. they cool all the doctors here, doc. they appear calm, collected exactly what people need. the c p is finished physically. it's difficult . we're just humans. we feel the pressure and the emotional strain, but we fight it. we can't show weaknesses to our soldiers. a deal with all of these doctors are volunteers. they used to work and well equipped hospitals, with the latest technology and science, have to offer comfort and careers. it was good, and yet they came. i've been a surgeon since 2002. i volunteered. if not us with our experience, than who i followed my heart to be here,
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i came to help the doctors and the troops. what's happening in the world is scary, but that's the reality. i came to help house and i will 5 doctors work here. there are no shifts, it can't be, sometimes they are all needed, a rest. only when the cries died down them and the nurses who are also civilly and volunteers. we could do something that we're proud of follow girls and proud of myself. i'm going to cry. when you, whether we're going, we came to help our compatriots. are you scared? now it is, it's difficult psychologically. sometimes midway, girls who can cry sometimes i think it's hard for the man with, for you know, that was when you have deep wounds from small pieces of shrapnel,
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it's sometimes best to leave them alone. it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. you can do a lot of damage, try and find the shrapnel. tweezers, scalpels and needles. can treat the flesh, but it is not enough. when the soldiers come here, they are at their most vulnerable medicines. won't cure the mind. dickerson for the rest of your word. merciful, we know perfectly well the conditions our troops leave in, in forests, in trenches. when we take them in, we support them. they need to be brought back their senses after war. they've been through. we all help them psychologically. battlefield medicine, he says chaotic, his war. there are never enough doctors, not enough time, never enough sleep. you just keep going. and eventually it pays off just which of which mercury, lucia, leap away, patched up and evacuated or coming back here. they come in and they say thank you. alive. healthy with their arms and legs,
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there is no greater reward. the ocean view slash for yoga. so i look to so the can . yes, i believe i did my part. i'll have the memories and i have something to tell my kids. i'll be proud of what i did because i did choose wherever we fill on this sec for the front line. we have to pay special attention nor to show any for example, military positions because all of that information can be used against them. and we would have set them up, but the irony here is that it is the same case with this hospital. so we've been asked to delay this report. and bill dave moved to a new location. i shifting gears on the program to an angry book in a foster protesters who attempted to, who stole the french embassy and why the ducal, they were demanding. the french ambassador be expelled, a place fy take after dispersed the crowns. they were a people, they were throwing stones on setting fires outside the compound. a locals accused
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paris to being the route of booking a fast as problems in particular, failing to help deal with the rising islamist insurgency. people also demanded cooperation with other countries, including russia on issues of security. so we hit the streets and spoke to spoke to the locals, right? that i don't wanna say, look, we don't need the french army here. they said that they are here to help us. i don't trust them, it is not accurate to for someone to accept your help. they say they are here to fight terrorism. we know they have the equipment to win this war and they are not winning. they should go now. it is time for them to go. our goal today is to make them i know me in about. they have been silence and ask for 60 years. 60 years you have been helping us and nothing concrete. we ask him them to disappear. francis game is over. they killed our grandparents, all mothers and fathers, and they still want to stay to kill us. we say no. our eyes on our opens enough is
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enough. often our a journalist in the capital recorded a piece for us, perhaps showing signs of waning western influence in the region at large. however, have a listen to this. here in west africa releases is loud and clear. the open countries. i've been dawning beside region, living the west africa leaders to take care of their home security phrase has shut, tao liber candle felicia. the radishi loom is pulling out for money. now, joe, money, as i know, it will leave you in studies ish and leisure in my life. i likes you. but to put things in perspective, nap mats has changed from with time. i'll strong with them into prism in west africa. dear hi, these are still up talking. oh no, absolutely cool. i'll hop sing in vis a hell all due to
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a poor citizen of security. and now the lead a nation is warning it, but more with, for the paper in the region. because of the i'm conflict as well as global warming . in this a hell, the climate crisis is combining with increasing and stability and the low level of investments in development to create a disempowering mix that is heavily taxing st helen communities with the added risk of jeopardizing the attainment of sustainable development goals. but there are some signs of here in west africa, countries in religion. od thank you, model it to well have 5 west african countries been looking up front so i will cons gone. i am to have met last week to read the united aqua in cfc from 2017, which means they want to team up against violent extremism in virginia.
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we will sustain confidence to the efforts to we're making and closer collaboration between the member states of the acura initiative. fighting terrorism is a collective effort. so we need to work together and we shall succeed in whatever we're trying to do. deborah on reagan welcome. besides that, west african countries are joining for shady in chile jobs and helping it's our to secure the region m sides till this as the cannot relay any more on west lockers. who took long term advantage of african horde, the kids. this nation must loudly on their home forces whatever we can help their ok to work with him, including russia within li wurrell oddity would have to woo hoo kit of us
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lubbock kenneth fafsa was not the only country where the public is currently opposing a possible military intervention by external players, patients have taken to the streets of their capital to speak out against crippling poverty, as well as reported government plans to invite the u. s. military to stand out that protest movement. a local correspondent that sent us this brief report. on the occasion of 219 anniversary of the battle of valencia, the battle that allowed have you to become the 1st independent black people in the world. what was in david's of the political movement pizza. this eileen took the sweets of the capital of what was to put this begins the military head that quite minister, how young has with breast it is sent a message in one of the office of b. to say that haiti does not want cleans canada and united states, they are asking for corporation that who held the crunch, the 2 crossed la growing energy crisis, gang violence and well and overall,
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very tough economic situation, sparking outrage among the locals is brought into a national crisis with massive and sometimes violent demonstrations all across the caribbean republic. now the acting president who critics accuse of assassinating his predecessor wants to resolve the stand off, but not by stepping down as the protest as demand. but instead, by inviting us lead nato troops to essentially occupy photo prince and pacify citizens by force is while some haitians at the se, grandmother, we see that the country is sinking in chaos. insecurity, high living costs. we have leaders who do not take decisions for the good of the country, but rather for their own personal gain. with what we see the misery of the hate and population current lead the cross rows. there is no peaceful area in the city. the subway for prime minister says it justified the presence of foreign military aids
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and the country violence has erupted on the streets of paris after police clashed with another wave of protest organized by that of the yellow vests. oh, no, the pitcher speak for themselves. a police using fools to dispose of protesters, is thousands of union workers to send it on the french capital demanding a pay rise of the cost of living crisis. france has been suffering from fuel shortages and soaring inflation ever since the sanctions was stopped on russia. hungary is foreign minister, meanwhile, is accused and criticised the e u sanctions claiming that they are undermining the entire loss economy. the u once new sanctions only to somehow justify its misguided decisions that are harmful. it will be necessary to name those responsible after declaring that
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sanctions were a dead end, the leaders who supported the sanctions would have to come forward say that because of them, the european economy is close to recession and resign. that would be a normal reaction from those who did damage to europe by imposing sanctions or the russian. the foreign ministry spokeswoman also chimed in, claiming the use policies are only deepening divisions within the block. however, the european union's foreign policy chief, joseph burrell claims at sanctions against moscow and not intended to hurt any one but russia promised to help other countries adversely affected. susan, hey, gaines in russia? i specifically target to weaken the capacity of booting of russia to find engine war the and not that bridge again, anyone else? also, the consequential changes to certain countries have to be careful to measure it.
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again, not address to the economies with certain countries. and if there is any collected on effort that could have damage, a movie amended sanctions have had an effect not only on or europe, but also on the african continent as well, with a rising food prices and a reduction of russian exports of fertilizer. a south african motorists have been complaining about record fuel prices. although a price capital in russian oil set to be imposed by the g $7.00 group is intended to break down costs. but mechanism kicks off. on the 5th of december, we spoke with central asia expert. i d t by duty who isn't convinced that western leaders will be able to help 3rd world countries as well. at the end of the day, they'll just be too busy dealing with a damage being inflicted on their own citizens. that i think these are very selfish normal. these are double standards because you know, europe continues to, to lie gas export gas. japan continues to but they want other
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countries to, to, you know, to capt oil prices. and so far. yeah. so they want other countries, you know, countries like, like india, i mean, you know, the fuel prices are escalating and it is very difficult for the common person, the common man, the common woman to, to, to keep pace. so if there is a cap on oil prices, it is people like this who will suffer the most right? so these are double standards. they want to have, you know, to do, to put the blame on, on, on, on rush, alec, you know, it's a good to make russia the way, think by and, and to, to absolve themselves of all the mess that is around. well, it's good to have you with us for this program. so britton's new prime minister re, she soon made his 1st visit to kiev on saturday, the place to continue the firm support for ukraine. that was
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a focus of his predecessors and provide new advanced air defense systems. the grading president posted a video of the to meeting of the ukrainian capital, and he welcome the continue support from london. a sue not and said britain would provide a new $60000000.00 package. it includes anti aircraft guns and radars, as well. of a new prime minister also said his country would increase the training it provides to ukraine's armed forces. meanwhile, the united kingdom has fallen into a recession, which will last more than a year, according to the government's financial watchdog living standards set to drop to historic lows with inflation rising to just over 11 percent and recent tax increases. we'll see the money raised for the government coffers, setting one trillion pounds for the 1st time ever as authority to attempt to pay off spiraling government debt. well, that's cross live now. it's a political analyst from the u. k. anthony webber. joining us here on this saturday evening,
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great to see you. thanks for coming on the program. so you've seen it yourself soon . not is following in the footsteps of forest johnson with his visit to kiana a fresh pledge of aid. do you think? i guess the end of the day was there any doubt that london would continue with its assistance to ukraine? well, i'm the, the d prime minister. indeed, his predecessor, this trust, they both had the opportunity to review the policies of our songs. and i really should have changed them, but i often breakout on with them. and it does seem that sobbing globally specified interests brought them very so big u. k. citizens a it's, it's amazing that richey, st. microcosm would go to a gun visits, ukraine an off a $50000000.00 pounds worth of additional way because remember, are the u. k. as provides drop, which took about 10000000000. ready so far and sounds of odd to say to and our
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upper cervical grade, and this is with no transparency, no accountability as to how the money is spent. suddenly where it ends up. because of course, a lot of allegations that some ukraine is very much among eagle and greg operation about so it's going to be very difficult for richie say not to turn down. the last is having a 17 percent pay rise just to keep price with the cost of living in the carrie. if he's got money like confetti he to, ah, give out to you, craig nicole's. it's not in awe of the united kingdom interest to get involved in this conflict. it never has been. we've never had me on treaty or strategic interest in being involved in the secret and conflict. so i leave it to where i do apologize. forgive me for champion, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but, but,
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but hold on a 2nd. i mean, look at all this money that the u. k is sending down south and just give me a 2nd. all right. considering all the toll from the british government about how dia, the current economic situation is inflation, energy crisis, people paying. she huge amounts more for the energy bills these days, and millions of pensioners who essentially are kind of freeze over the winter. how can you justify sending millions, tens of millions of pounds to ukraine when the u. k. is in dire straits economically? well, i don't, i don't think you can justify rory. so to be honest, and this is why is completely oregon's answer continue with this policy. because ah, richie said, i kissed all and no man break from the british, but he hasn't even got a mandate for conservative policy. his. so he's sort of her tendency, prime minister and something as drastic as this should be. approval of the precious
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baby. certainly should be a referendum. ah, because this policy is impoverishing the united kingdom and i think the government is sort of making right play. they sort of say all this energy tri cities caused by our president paintings war in the ukraine. but the reality is, is all being cool was by the policy of the government. under date, you can come trees it miss pat said of how they deal with the russian ukraine called things. i'm the father of the matter. all. if the u. k became ne truell ended 8 sentences against russia. we would have an eating at the recession entity, isis with gary down on the holy economy position for the u. k. would continue, but you wouldn't save us in the old mainstream media because for some reason the government has got
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a grip of thought media. i'm to open debate and discussion on their city is as good as benz. ah, hi, this the latest. ah, it's all. ready world reckless behavior barbara, she say mac will at last get people to question ah, this crazy you frighten policy. ah, would she's running the commentary, reading people's likelihoods. so i hope maybe he's just gone a little bit too far on people will say no mold. well, mr. webber, certainly, you know, you mentioned the mainstream media if you might, ago, i was talking to a colleague here at alta earlier today and just saying that the mainstream media is barely showing a, just a touch of these protests. we're seeing all over europe right now. inflationary crisis, the major drop in the standard of living as well. the mainstream media is barely touching it. why is that? well, because the macy media, i guess, is complicit with its owners and investors. you mentioned a moment ago, mr. weapon i'm, i'm running low on time here, but you said that richie soon act giving 50000000 pounds to key of you said he,
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he's working with global interests. globalist what, what do you mean by that? yes. what is that? there is a, there is a border perspective for it in the united kingdom model, but it's never been in the united kingdom and trust to be involved in the ukraine on friday. so wor regarding press it and trust iron to are greg miss press press it in tress ah birdies, which could dominate in, in, in terms of the decisions of the prime minister and the conservative government. but we have to bear in mind we haven't even had approval from palm and or in france conservative. i'm fees. this is some language st. ritchey, j market stone, almost like a dictator. i bought that, but the problem is we, we've had allegations that there's a money long ring operation going on. ah,
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both in the united kingdom and the united states, a grave concerns about what is going on. and of course, ukraine is rich in resources, and it seems our battle full days resources, which we went up again to be excluded from in the 1st place or for the united kingdom would be. so why are we going into this, this bottle? i'm going needs to be a proper investigation, was the wolf is in the best interests of the british public and the british nation . but certainly we've seen that our prime biggest is expecting us to make sacrifices for cycled freedom and democracy in the ukraine, which oxy doesn't even exist to make sacrifices full. i just sent all this money to to a country where as you just said, mr. webber, there's essentially a suspected to be an enormous money laundering operation that all of our viewers to all you have to do is check the f t x story and all the money that was sent to keep
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getting washed. and then getting sent back to democrats in washington dc. i mean it's a scandal that should be seismic seismic having seismic reverberations yet the mainstream media barely even touch, get anthony webber. wish we could talk more political analysts. thank you so much for your time. always good to see you are okay. it's great to have you with us today. poland will not allow russia's top diplomat sort of a lab for off to attend the meeting of the o. s. c e, counsel of foreign ministers in warsaw next month. masika was slammed the unprecedented restriction as an erosion of the organizations, foundations throughout the year. instead of strengthening the o. s. e. warsaw enthusiastically has been destroying its foundations. did everything it could to erode the culture of consensus that was fundamental to the organization and has created dangerous tendencies. the unacceptable attack against russia in relation to the council of foreign ministers is the culmination of the
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entire anti chairmanship stance that poland takes in the organization. so that leaves the russian permanent representative to the o. s. c e. alexandra, look, a chavez to represent moscow in the talks of the development has come as poland now holds the organizations rotating presidency and is the host of the annual ministerial conference this year. earlier, the polish foreign ministry denied visas to a russian delegation which was aiming to attend a separate o s. c e parliamentary assembly. next week. moscow has sent a request to all participating states to evaluate and consider what poland has done . and i spoke earlier with independent political analysts to gilbert doctorow who believes the destruction of political dialogue and today's world as a wire awesome short sighted measure. the point is that poland is using this act for, for internal political reasons on the one hand and to ingratiate certain ratio itself more.
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