tv News RT November 21, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EST
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spiraled out of control. after was erroneous, lee reported russia fired a missile into poland. lensky regime and its many western bankers couldn't believe their good fortune. finally, there was justification to start off war against russia. alas, cooler heads prevailed with we informed the world community that the plant is at risk of a new killer accident. yes, breaking news say that our naughty international, as russia warns about potential nuclear catastrophe in europe as a capital g of power plant, once again comes under ukrainian. shelling over the weekend. does moscow holds night long told with a you endotomic to watch top over the precarious situation. i should warn you quickly, some disturbing images coming your way right now. and so questions. it's military presence in fucking up fast. so a mid rising tensions in the country, president micron accused us russia of spreading disinformation africa.
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ukrainian military officer posts a disturbing video on line showing the apparent torture of a captured russian soldier. a warning you may find the following image is distressing. that all the comments as the un cold for a proven to ukrainian troops filming the alleged execution of russian prisoners of war. one western news outlet says it's verified the video in a rare admission. that key forces could indeed be committing war crimes. with a good to have you with us for this i was program live from moscow. this is alta international with me roll research our choice for updates on the breaking news situation. here at r t a europe is staring a nuclear disaster in the face. that is the dia warning coming from russia over the situation at this epo, she power plant over the weekend, europe's largest nuclear power for the once again came under ukrainian shelling
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that promoted urgent talks between the russian nuclear agency ross autumn and the u . n. t atomic energy watchdog over the escalation. regarding the latest attack, the russian defense ministry claims ukrainian forces fired more than a dozen rounds of artillery shells. ukraine claims russian forces were responsible for the strikes and the head of the e. a has called for a protection zone around the plant and for an end to the shelling which risks causing a catastrophic nuclear incident. but it's time to learn more right now. let's correspond to our course woman eager donna for joining us here for the update on this breaking news. a good you see, you, can you go to so obviously look, no rational parts and eager would ever want a nuclear catastrophe across europe. that, that should really go without saying, but it seems, there are some who are potentially trying to make that happen. we will find ourselves, everyone here now, in the midst of a profoundly disturbing situation. will absolutely, rory,
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the seo of russia's atomic energy, giant ra, sat am, did held a did hold a very brief media conference here, and such, he at an event at an expo event. in fact, that is organized by ross atom itself, and the very much business like atmosphere has here been kind of overshadowed by the concerns over the situation at this approach. you nuclear power plant, and indeed the head of ross, atom whose company is right now in charge of these approach nuclear power plant has confirmed that the threat is very rail. well, but we were in talks with the i e a almost all night. we know that rafael grossi has held talks with european leaders and conveyed the concern is we informed the world community that the plant is at risk of a nucular accident. and it is obvious that kia considers it possible to allow a nuclear incident that will forever changed the course of history in europe. actually, william oak, why did you know leaders of the world new to come to their senses and instruct politicians and kia to come back to reality?
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who in their plans are apparently beginning to allow the potential of nucular incidence to further their interests? well, this ceo with his words of warning, his merely chimed in and joined the choir over world voices of concern that moscow has repeatedly, well, that could have repeatedly come out of moscow calling on the european leaders on the u. s. leader. and in general, the allies of ukraine to stop the indiscriminate challenge of the as the pros you nuclear power plant, in fact, just to day with heard reports that it came under the shelling along with the confirmed shelling of the town of america dar. this is, which is right adjacent to this approach, a nuclear power plant. now kia hasn't turned, been vehemently denying all such accusations. and in fact, pointing the finger of blame at russia. moscow in turn has been saying it's absolute nonsense cooling the idea that it's military might be shelling its own territory. the russia control territory completely preposterous. but now i
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personally did have a chance to visit these approach. you nuclear power plant, and over there we were shown a, a, the debris of a polish made drone that was shot down over the facility before it had the opportunity to deal any damage to it. and in fact, well, of course, the russian military does not have any of any of these drones, any polish may drones at his disposal in its arsenal. now i'll visit, did coincide with a visit of raphael grossey himself, was of course, the head of the international atomic energy agency. the bulan, a backed watchdog atomic energy watchdog. and he could see everything that we have seen. and we have seen the sheer scale of damage that has been dell that had been dealt up to that point to the facility. nothing critical so far, but still some the, some destruction has been very significant. whole workshops were rendered completely an operational by the shelley's and in fact, well, for example,
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a cooling workshop, or this is what happened to one of the cooling workshops. so whole sections of this approach nuclear power plant they had to be of their operations had to be put on hold. now again, the i a, it does share the concerns according to the spokesman of the russian president, mid troopers cove. they do share the concerns of a nuclear thread, but they do not appoint the blame. they don't point the finger of blame as to who's there. in fact, there has been a out small detachment of e, i. e, a present at this approach. you nuclear power plant, 247 from what we understand that since august to monitor the situation there. and apparently the reports. well, they haven't been all that bright. they haven't been optimistic at all. and these overnight talks that were held by ra satin with the i e a. these are just, well, a tip of the iceberg of moscow's effort efforts. well, that have been made and all the steps that have been taken to prevent
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a nuclear disaster. because of course, the radioactive cloud, it will not really respect and abide to any visa policies. i'd with the updates on this break, a new situation here on our t international, eager down off. thanks for that mate. we'll see you soon. well, as you go to, we're saying the i e a has condemned the recent attacks on the zappa, ga nuclear plant, after a series of more than a dozen explosions shook the facility. however, as he also said, the edges are cheaper. i fail. grossey refused to place any blame. nice, also didn't name any of the sites who conducted the strikes. whoever is behind this, it must stop immediately. as i've said many times before, you're playing with fire. frances defense minister says, has countries not ruled out a full withdrawal of its special forces from burkina faso as has tensions heat up in the west african country of the main point of, i guess the bone of contention that of
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a francis military presence in that country so with details on this are africa correspondence his catabolic tact. there is a special resentment as to the presence of french military in the region. let's not forget that the french military in the region of the presence of that started back in 2014 with operation mccaney. and that has not yielded fruits, as we've seen numerous insurgent groups rising to destabilize the for held region and particularly countries affected would be miley would be chaired and booking a fossil. and in book, in of us all, what we saw on friday was a several hundreds of protest if mainly young people who might on the capital of bettina far. so i got to go marching to demand expulsion of the french ambassador in the region, as well as the withdrawal of the french military in the country as a whole. this was not the 1st, as we noticed there was
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a much sometime last month in october. the big knob is blame the french military for the continued insurgency that we have seen in that country. and for most of burkina, faso as problems. now, when it comes to france itself, we saw the french leader coming out this weekend, really responding to some of the criticisms that he's received with regards to his country's conduct in african states. and the response of france has really been stock standard if you will. would they blame any thing and any one else except themselves. there's never been responsibility taken with regards to how the french have conducted business, and how they really moved from a position where they were the colonizers to middle colonialism that be still, you know, have, in terms of influence within these countries. considering that they still use the c f, a frank, which is really money and currency that designed for french colonies. and we're
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talking about countries that supposedly have had their independence for, for decades now. but let's listen to fresh lead of ra, a might let you land on the kron rather, as he responds to some of the criticism that the french and the french government has failed with regards to his conduct in west africa. who did a buffet? this perception is fed by others. it's a political project. i'm no fool. many influencers, sometimes speaking on your programs, are paid by the russians. we know them a number of powers who want to spread their influence in africa are doing this to hurt. france hurt its language, so doubts, but above all, pursue certain interests. the problem with emmanuel, my crime, and i guess numerous presidents are gonna be for him is that they is almost, you know, no recognition of the agency that africans want. this is not something that is happening in a once off in a said country. there is
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a wave of anti french sentiment that has really been growing in this a hell countries in west than africa. and all of these are former french colonies. that means that people feel that they are not able to relate to france as a partner, or they're not at least treated that way that they're being dictated to. and people are really looking for a new alternative. following years of colonialism and still france has a lot of vested interest in, in those said countries economies and that carries on. but i guess the most fiercest of francis critics came from if neva, you know, surprisingly enough the new italian prime minister, georgia maloney who really went to town with regards to francis failings on the continent. and that they should stop playing a political game with people's lives. so monday, you know, this is a child who acts in a gold mine in brooklyn are foster. it's one of the poorest nations in the world.
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france prince colonial money for burkina faso, which has gold in return they demanded 50 percent of everything burkina. so exports ends up in the coffee of the french treasury. that's a goal that these child goes down the channel to extract mausoleums up in the coffers of the french states. you know, so the solution is not to take the africans and bring them to europe. the solution is to free africa from satin europeans who exploited and allow these people to leave off what they have. what the french have failed to recognize is that africa is going through its own change, that every country has its own developmental aims. and they even need to quell the insurgency and insecurity that has really vest itself upon the sa hale countries, particularly in west africa, france has to re look at its relationship with it, with these former colonies and now independent african stains. it needs an interest fiction, but more than anything,
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it's very easy to blame russia right now as europe has really made the russia into a bogeyman. that's not how russia viewed here on the continent. so great to have your company today. the u. k is circumventing its own commitment of not importing oil supplies from russia. that's being reported by the u. k. sunday times. which has revealed how the russian energy source is imported, the britain, undeclared, as crossway. now, to want to contribute at rachel moss and studied by good to see you, rachel. good afternoon, the u. k. government publicly announcing the the suffering of russian energy, but secretly is still importing it. what can you tell us? yeah, this is the story of forbidden love on every level. apparently the u. k. government has been importing nasty authoritarian oil from russia while protect projecting to the public that only freedom molecules would be allowed to disembark on its pristine shores. now, the british government has been talking up this mighty sacrifice that they were
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making for ukraine by not buying russian oil, which they like to pretend goes straight into russian president vladimir putin's pockets to use as spending money. and the ukraine conflict or black friday or whatever. now, over the summer, the british office for national statistics even reported that for the 1st time ever, there weren't any russian oil imports into the u. k. and this was, despite the fact that russia was britton's largest oil supplier just the year before. and it was all, seemingly due to the hard work and iron will of british officials, since the outset of the conflict to make sure that russian oil embargo would happen . now have a listen to what they had to say at the time. the field was one of at least that a non congress of russian oil, with more than 200000000 pounds to have
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a rod at british pause soon, the invasion of ukraine. but it has been classified as inputs from elsewhere. so it turns out that that was all a big virtue signaling charade. the oil has still been coming in since at least june and july of this year. so how exactly? well, there's been some hot love, boating going on out there amongst the tankers, off shore. so, well, russian tankers are hooking up with other ships off shore. and those ships flagged under other countries, then carry on to britain and allow london to maintain its virtuous stance of not importing any russian oil. when in reality, it's just laundering it. european union countries have also been loading up on russian oil even as they talk up a pending oil. then the netherlands took in a 126 per cent, more russian diesel this month compared to last month alone. as for the notion of
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cutting off rushes oil revenues, well it's fuel exports by c r. now at their highest level since 2017 up 22 percent month on month in november alone. so despite their blow heating and virtue signalling, it looks like the west is having a tough time prying itself away from russian fuel, but really wants everyone to believe the exact opposite. just take a look at the situation right now in germany to see how bad things can yet if countries stop these imports altogether, which shortage is looming and diesel prices up 70 percent from this time last year . and it looks like the you might be fighting with each other over supply soon. the international energy agency is already saying that it's, there's going to be a really tight supply with the u. s. india. and, and a few other suppliers having to basically spread their supply between their current
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clients and these other clients which were previously using russians. now the us former treasury secretary trump's former treasury 2nd secretary steve newton said that the russian price cap was quote, the most ridiculous idea i've ever heard. sure, it's unfeasible, but that's only if you don't cheat and tell the public one thing. while the doing the opposite behind everyone else's back. all right, ortiz are rachel boston, and thank you very much. see you soon. why let's update, you are now in a natural disaster where 46 people are dead and more than 700 injured is following a massive earthquake and in an easier on monday the disaster had one of the country's main islands. java, the hardest, local officials say the 5.6 magnitude, quake rock the western problems of the territory. originating as we understand 10
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kilometers underground. i strong trembles were felt in the capital jakarta where people gathered emergency points for shelter. and while earthquakes often strike the country which sits on the pacific ring of fire at this past week, store an up tick, an activity on the island chain leading up to today's deadly events. so a russian prisoner of war shone being held captive by ukrainian soldiers bound on, placed in a casket, allegedly to be buried alive as portly. what a chilling video shows posted by a ukrainian military officer on his twitter account. you may find this disturbing what, what do you my know, what joys missouri the crew either a little in a separate case the u. n. has called on key of to investigate video that's emerged on the internet recently, reportedly showing at least 11 russian prisoners of war killed by ukrainian forces
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. a key western use artless as it's verified, the authenticity of some of that footage. in contrast to the usual narrative of the west, ultimately denying potential ukrainian war crimes, it appears the russian soldiers were executed at point blank range and warning you may find this disturbing. it looks like most of them were shot in the head. there are pools of blood that indicates that they were just left there. dad, there appears to have been no effort to pick them up. we'll help them. these episode, the mass murder of 11 unarmed russian troops face down on the ground. hawkins back to the a slam mc state's darkest videos into a conflict. already savage ukrainian troops have injected stark barbarity. already. ukrainian officials are trying to divert blame. video evidence shows that russian soldiers committed a war crime as while they were staging
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a surrender. they opened fire against the ukrainian army, this excuse his toward mockery and condemnation. the blood pooled around each soldier's head clearly indicates that they were executed where they lay various sources of also confirmed who was behind the execution. ukraine's 80th air assault were gay. we were able to locate a soldier who formerly served with the 80th which his base didn't involve. hundreds, he describes how he and other troops were conditioned to hate, to show no mercy. anything russian was to be broken. and this was years before this conflict. ready wasn't result through the fact that ukraine says that the 80th brigade is not capable of such methods as simply a lie to exculpate themselves and blame russia for this. since i served there,
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i know that this brigade can do anything either by order of the ukrainian security service, or by their own decision. they have no pity. while i was serving there, they were saying, when we come to the fight in the don bass, we will not take prisoners of war. they won't leave us alive. these soldier whose identity is concealed to protect his family. now, flights on the russian side, he had little choice. he says his father, who then also served in the ukrainian military, was executed several years ago after he threatened to fall complaint about orders he was given to shall civilian areas. the brutal murder of russian prisoners of war is not the 1st, not the only war crime. this is a common practice of the armed forces of ukraine, actively supported by the key of regime and ignored by his western patrons. this latest incident will only strengthen russia's argument that ukraine must di,
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not suffice. that doesn't mean only putting an end to volunteer armies, which march under nazi symbols. it also means an end to nationalist excess kidnappings murders and savagery which have terrorized ukraine for years. this time even the un has taken note. my colleagues are aware of the video of the mass shootings of russian prisoners by ukrainian soldiers and are looking into them. the incident must be promptly fully and effectively investigated and any perpetrators held to account. we also learned of an interesting fact that the 80th air salt brigade was closely partnered with nato forces for many years active duty us marines, trained officers and soldiers of the unit imparting upon them. the alliance is way
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of conducting war. from the very beginning of the conflict, the 80th airborne, salt brigade, was taken under the care of american troops, the marine corps. they had been training them both militarily and politically, brainwashing the brigades, military personnel. they instill this hatred in them. the u. s. military does not need ukrainians, they need a war with russia. when my father was killed, i realized that this was no active defense at all. it was completely in the interests of nato countries, and we were all just pawns. the army became even worse under zalinski. the nazi's war like this, even in world war 2, the just animals, i've made a choice. i joined the russian army and i do not regret it. perhaps they were right atrocities committed by ukrainian forces, the mud and torture of civilians and prisoners of war, gouging out their eyes or shooting them in the knees. these incidents have drawn almost new condemnation from the west, which begs the question,
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what depths can ukraine's forces sink to the food nato acknowledges just who, if he's, that they've armed to the teeth. war had gasdio odds, he the ganske region. all right, moving from the frontline, now people have been taking to the streets in the port city of odessa decrying power outages which they say have gone on for days. the blackouts come off, the russia begun targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure. if he's one of the demonstrators, we understand detained by the security services he was later actually seen apologizing on a video posted by the regional administration, though i should say is certainly possible. the postman filmed may have been speaking under duress, is in the school warranty. to power outages, i took the initiative and called my neighbors to block roads to draw attention to the problems that are apartment block by doing that, i violated public order for which i'm sorry. i also understand might wrongdoing may
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be used by russian propaganda to discredit our state for that. i'm also sincerely sorry. i also do understand that we can stand to $35.00 or more days without electricity. those protecting us suffer more and we should be patient. once again, please forgive me. the next time i'll behave more cautiously, i won't break the law and organize actions. that was mistake. that when it comes to some of these videos being posted online regarding the torturing of russian prisoners of war, we discussed with geo politics specialists and former us marine bryan ballistic. why ukrainian soldiers will be posting such atrocities on the world wide web. it's because of the impunity that ukrainian forces have enjoyed throughout not only the most recent part of the conflict, the russian special military operation. but since 2014. and we don't hear anything from the western media about ukraine. shelling the don bus region for 8 years or
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any of the atrocities that had taken place from 2014 onwards and they know that no matter what they do, they'll get away with it. i still don't think the westfall pushed the issue at all . ukraine is still lying about, well, at least one missile falling in poland, the killing to polish civilians. they're lying even when in their best interest they should be telling the truth and in an instant like this, they want to keep the barbarity going. and unfortunately, no one, no one except russia and its allies will hold them accountable. repugnant to the norms of decency and morality. that's how petitions filed in some courts in pakistan to describe the country's official oscar entree, film, joy land, which portrays a romantic relationship between a married man and a transgender woman. written complaint we received that the film contains highly objectionable material which does not conform with the social values and moral
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standards of our society and is clearly repugnant to the norms of decency and morality. the petitions followed the decision of a central board of film sensors to allow the screening, despite had governmental bond that had previously been imposed following pressure from various logic groups. we heard from some locals in the nation's capital that what they think about this non traditional script. i have seen the trailer of this movie, this would erode our culture and set our young generation back. it is wrong, and i am against this movie. it must be ban here, that they should not release the movie. and if they did it, it should be stop from screening. now, i demand that the production team be arrested and convicted. they deserve severe punishment. this is against islam and we can't tolerate anything against our religion here in pakistan. my colleague moran, her mommy, i discussed the controversy with islamabad based radio and tv host, a dr. tahira shaheed. she says that the issue is raised in the film run contrary to
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deep traditions held in pakistani society. this movie should not be screened here because this is something that we don't want our children to grow up believing. homosexuality is something that is against nature. it's just like any other versions, we should definitely stop the screening of this movie because obviously it is a part of an agenda. that's the foreign agenda that actually wants you know, to force or enforce these ideas on to us and diversions. don't stop at this today. if it's homosexuality, tomorrow it would be be sterility. and after a few days it would even be people feel that they would say, this is love. we have to understand and explain to everybody that this is not love . this is a sexual preference which goes against the law of nature. and it's in all abrahamic religions, we don't have to say, oh, it's only slumber even, but isn't for that matter. all these countries are against it for a reason because they do not want the fabric of the family to be destroyed. they
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don't want their sanity to be destroyed. the film was originally by and then it was allowed. now it's going back to the courts. unfortunately, everything is so controlled by media and the best control of the media, even our social media is so control that they call it freedom of expression. but there's one of those that you post that slightly goes against. there are no arms and it's band or restricted for unknown reasons, right? they are trying to mislead the audience, mislead the viewers, and they're trying to make them believe that you know, all these people that you see about it as a movie about them. no, it's not, it's a movie about a perversion. my, we know that i just on laws their religious country with is on being the main religion in the countries legislation upholds transgender rights. doesn't it? does, it does uphold a pro, died and intersects individuals right. that are given a certain term over here in box, but it does, it does not recognize a person as a transgender across gender is
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a person who has no defect and that to make lee. and who has chosen as a sexual preference, no box and does not recognize such people. this certain thing is not just a sin or something like that. it's a thoughtful brain wash, a total brainwash of the system. if you're thinking where your entire generation is forced to believe that it's ok to change your gender. if you're bored of it, it's an option you have. so this is what we don't want. people have different norms in different countries. we go and we respect them in the same way with no idea should be enforced on to our nation as, as such as well or that story wrapping up this our news cost here on our, to international live from moscow. thank you so much for joining us. here for this news coffee audrey dot com, the head section has a lot of interesting articles going up right now. it's where the tempest tend to flare a little bit if you're interested. all pet section of ocoee dot com. in the meantime, we are backs ah.
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