tv News RT November 22, 2022 3:00am-3:31am EST
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he priscilla sevalla, but yet with ah ah, this ours headline stories, a british law enforcement official in charge of fighting, organized crime, warns about masses of weaponry being sent to you praying could find their way back to the u. k. in the hands of terrorism, also come with the coordinates provided the but i sport. an r t crew observes russian artillery positions within close range of ukrainian forces. i mean, persistent, attacked by yet military in republic, a nationalist
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speaking to this channel, a hungry foreign minister is se id. ology doesn't heat homes and speaks out in the u. s. pressure rates, country ties, but the russian youth converse with just after midnight in san francisco, falling in the evening, and singapore and 11 am here in moscow this tuesday. welcome to the global news. drawing on harker. the head of the british national crime agency has expressed concerns weaponry. western countries are sending to ukraine could end up in the hands of terrorist u. k. authorities, as well as european and global policing organizations, are on the lookout for potential locked markets. as with any conflict, when weapons pour in, there is a risk blow back. at the end of the conflict, there are surplus weapons that get into the hands of criminals or terrorists,
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while tracking weapons sent ukraine a proving difficult task. the spy, previous assurances in washington, the u. s. alone has sent more than $20000000000.00 of lethal aid to kiev. since the start of the conflict and according to the secretary of defense, help will not stop there as washington um, its allies are committed to sending weapons to ukraine, quotes as fast as possible. we heard from former seattle is the current host of the whistleblowers in rti, john kerry. i a say that because of the lack of accountability from the u. s. it's no wonder so many groupings are able to obtain american made weapons. this is the true shane of this policy of unlimited weapons to ukraine. i don't think anybody's doing anything about it. i don't think interpol is involved because no crime has yet been committed. i think that the british are stating the obvious it's
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. it's not that they're doing something about it, and if you look historically, that's what always happens when the united states or it's, it's allies, provide unlimited weapons with no accountability to countries around the world. look what happened in afghanistan and pakistan. and as i said earlier, libya look what happened in somalia is another example. and in yemen, these, these weapons, how is it that everybody ends up with american made weapons? it's because of this failed policy of providing them and then not having any oversight after the fact. there is no accountability or transparency at all. la la. gov. transparency over american weaponry b came all vs following the u. s. military policy from afghanistan last year. according to recent government reports, the pentagon doesn't know how many weapons were seized by the taliban,
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and washington hasn't attempted to retrieve them. with john kerry arco again, sees the worry for europe with this lack of accountability goes beyond just guns and bullets. once these weapons are delivered, that's the end of it. for the united states, they wash their hands of it, they have no idea what happens to these weapons. nobody is going to take responsibility for this. and calls for an audit are really little more than lip service to transparency. you know, the pentagon in, in the entirety of its history has never been audited, never, they'll just keep on doing what they're doing. knowing that no one will ever have to pay the piper. at the very minimum, many of these weapons will end up in the hands of organized crime gangs. europe would be very worried about making sure that they have at least some way to keep
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tabs on who is taking delivery of these weapons. and you know, it's not just guns and ammunition and we're talking about armored personnel carriers and tanks and anti aircraft weapons. so it's not just guns and bullets that we need to be worried about right now. nato secretary general has insisted on increasing arm supplies to key if he's the only way to end the conflict in stilton berg made those remarks at a meeting of the alliance in the trade. he also expanded on earlier statements that nato has been training ukrainian trips for the past 8 years since the conflict in dawn bus broke out. i'll not to praise those alice that actually helped unsupported ukraine since 2014 do not the states canada. ah, but also, but also not the kingdom of providing extensive training to ukraine enforcers. and of course, this trading has been extremely important now often mation. so if anything,
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we need more support for georgia, more support for affordable, don't more support for older partners at risk. at now, where russia is foreign affairs committee chairman house, condemn, mister stonebridge remarks, konstantin cottage, off, safe, peace and weapons supply our mutually exclusive actions as quote, more deaths for peace will bring negotiations and a closer. that's as for me, you printing president petro port shank. oh, also demanded western countries supply yet more arms wars and in peace every time. without a doubt, how can we achieve peace? the shortest way is to supply more weapons, not a paper for signing a piece agreement, not pans or pencils for signing a piece agreement. but more ammunition well, i co director of the anti war group, the international action center essays, nato countries are violating international law by continuing to pump weapons into
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the ukraine. complex ulton learned really said it that support for ukraine comes at a price. so they knew from the very beginning that these sanctions would create enormous hardship for the average working person throughout the entire nato membership countries. and yet they go ahead with it, because for them, the possibility, the potential to loot russia to bring it down to impose a regime change was so tantalize and that they were willing to create this enormous hardship on their own populations, clearly of nato. when's a war? the world is much more dangerous. not one step of this war is legal, has nothing to do with legality. as i say, ukraine isn't even a member of nato, and yet natal is in ukraine training, equipping,
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and so on. and the same thing with stopping ships. it's the same thing with mining the waters. all of this is illegal. it's the same thing with, with blowing up north stream pipeline is really criminal. every step of it rushes, defense ministry has said its troops, av repel. the recent series of attacks by the ukranian army in this upper rogia done yet lou ganske regions are senior correspondent. murat garcia has been visiting an artillery position on the latter's front line within close range of caves, forces by the way, on file this report. in these conflict, geography does no one and he favors fields and planes, villages, and cities, lakes and forests, all are unforgiving. all have their pitfalls. ah, we were here to meet a mortal team which took a while to find their experienced and always moving. ever ready for new targets?
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where there ah coordinates are in enemy infantry movement. ah, 10 rounds, the going to be launched that the code was provided by by supporters. 3, they work up close at maximum range is just over 4 kilometers. often enough, they work at half that it is an endless game of cat and mouse. their job done. the motto is being covered so and we drums are unable to detect it and the entire battery goes into cover. and we along with them mortars our priority targets. they can suppress and stop in ta offensives,
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which is why both sides are always on the lookout. drones punish the complaisant. other than that if they are ever present, always searching for telltale signs of hostels, movement tracks equipment only bad weather offers relief, fog grounds drones. heavy rains can render rockets tanks and artillery useless. there's enough moisture in the air. fuses on shelves can detonate prematurely, but this was just a drizzle. but it's on it's tense here, but we're coping the enemy won't pass through here senior for the last few days. we've been firing non stop this, just a lot of them. oh, let's just winter. we'll be here soon. will that change things?
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yes, no, no seasons don't matter for us will win this regardless of the season. nato is parliamentary assembly has passed the resolution calling on the blocks member states to label russia a state sponsor of terrorism, and continue providing he have with lethal military 8 ortiz, killer. my pin is across the developments sure. will. the nato parliamentary assembly passed a resolution calling for member states of nato to designate russia as a terrorist state. now it's important to note this is a non binding resolution, so any actual fall out from it remains to be seen. it's not clear this will have any definite results. now this comes as the check lower house of parliament did recently pass a similar resolution. there has been a similar resolution put forward before the european parliament. now, the russian foreign ministry has designated these kinds of statements as xena
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phobic and essentially spreading hatred for one country. and it's important to note the details of the resolution because in addition to calling for russia to be designated as a terrorist state, the language of this resolution, it was just passed by the nato parliamentary assembly. it calls for giving more weapons and more support to the government in kiya, which would essentially lead to prolonging the conflict and more debt and more suffering. some of that language, welcoming the strengthened, comprehensive assistance package for ukraine and the commitment by nato to help you crane transition to modern equipment, boost inter operability and bolster further ukraine's defense and security institutions and applauding the crucial military economic and humanitarian assistance that individual allies and partners are providing ukraine. now, in his remarks before the nato parliamentary assembly, we heard you president zelinski of ukraine. he went ahead and called for speeding
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up the applications of ukraine in order to join the european union as well as to join the nato alliance. now it's been pointed out in other remarks by the leader of portugal, the portuguese prime minister, he said, when he spoke that it didn't seem like such a thing was very likely you referred to the act that it seems like the european union and nato aren't looking for new members any time, so when you go to faith and get it, that is the european union has very clear criteria for the session of new member states. but unfortunately, it does not have criteria for its own capacity to receive new member states that the european union does not have the conditions to meet the expectations it is now creating. and the rebound effect of these expectations will be a huge drama in the short term if they are dashing zelinski called for a long term cooperation between europe and ukraine. and when this assembly
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resolution was being discussed, there were a number of countries that did emphasize that regardless of the situation in ukraine, geography isn't going to change. and russia will be their neighbor, regardless of some kind of relationship with a country, right on their border, will be necessity. i mean, declaring russia terrorist stace essentially places that beyond the pale of civilized discourse and makes negotiations much harder. it makes things like, like tre deals to facilitate the shipment of grain from a black support to makes that harder as well. and makes all kinds of medical relations more difficult using the terrorism label. and this way is completely arbitrary and will undermine whatever fight there is against terrorism. it is just monstrously hypocritical. i mean these, these european invasions nations,
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back invasions of iraq, iraq and afghanistan, which caused untold suffering lead to radical levels of violence. they back the arm arming of g hardy, pro kid argee hardy's in, in syria, which, you know, who tor, the country apart. and he spread terror from one end of the country to the other. and they have also back the saudi war on yemen, which has resulted the greatest humanitarian disaster in the modern world. so who was calling, who a terrorist finding on done those remarks? you can read more about what's preventing ukraine from being accepted into the you on our website. and while you're there to check out, the artsy documentary section to our team goes in depth on the conflict, including an explainer and how the situations today in
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at least one person is reported to have been killed in iranian drone and missile strikes against the kurdish opposition group based in a rack, baghdad has condemned the attacks, but around said they were necessary to protect its border against when it considers a terrorist grouping. terran accuses the critics opposition, group of arms, trafficking, and inciting, protest in around the curtis group, the nice those planes. the protests were sparked in september by the death and custody of a kurdish really a woman who had been detained for allegedly violating the stomach. republics, dress code, western governments, and media outlets up condemned to run over the incident to run. officials have said the woman died because i've been an existing illness and i was accused western powers of attempting to incite a qu, me less trust live. now, to vanessa believe in us as an independent investigative journalist based in the
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mosque is always good to help you in the program. vanessa will these really in attacks on the kurdish opposition group and iraq escalate into something larger? what's your view on? what's ahead? oh, i mean, that depends very much on how much the west is wanting to push for regime change in her on with saying worry clear indications that it is going. the anti and iran through the protests were the very familiar violence in inverted commas or in speech marks against are so called or test those. of course, this is exactly the same textbook or the resource script that we saw play out in syria. and the very early days of the sun cooled revolution in 2011, when, in fact, for the 1st 6 months, the security forces were unarmed, and the majority of deaths and injuries were among the security forces and lace. and we're seeing something very similar in iran where we're saying armed
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individuals killing a security forces there during the protest. but also we have to understand that one of the reasons that serious war lasted for so long was the insecurity not through any for syria. i'm all bits for dance when our arms and terrorists were entering through tacky. i'm from libya through jordan, even for lebanon. and that is, you know, iran has lunch. it's lesson from being involved in the defense exterior against the out west and lot to jump over the syrian government. so of course it is trying to ensure that it's borders to secure that arms on pause from or within iraq. the kurdish a separatist areas into air on it to run accuses the kurdish group of smuggling
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weapons and inciting protests in a run. the kurds deny it. where does the trip lie? her? well, i mean, we have to look at history and the amount of times that the kurds have been, let's say, are manipulated into the following western centric agenda. as we've seen that in syria in the northeast, of course, the kurdish sap protest brought up not only collaborated with various terrorist groups, including i says they are occupying syrian oil resources and trading it across the iraqi border. one assumes, in collaboration with the coder separatist and or iraqi kurdistan. and it is a known fact that the west has been supporting those kurdish separatist words and factions and also embedding emmy dates are in there is kurdish how the areas in or controlled areas in iraq. so, so from my perspective i,
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i haven't visited the area so i can't personally say one way or the other. but i think in all these places we have to look at the history of the groups involved, their connections to the west and to israel. of course, um, and whether or not they are now being weaponized against iran. and it seems burly a day goes by where there's not headlines about in the west, but mosse protests, the inner rum clashes with the police. we saw it been spoken about at the world cup as well in iran, replaying and why have these rallies if they have turned so violent? well, i mean, you know, we have to again look at the timing, the timing where iran is demonstrating solidarity with russia in ukraine, whereon has steadfastly provided a defense systems to syria since the beginning or more lightly. but it has provided military support to, to syria, against the west,
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or by the western cabal. since 2011 wesley cloud curb. oh, obviously pointed out that they were on was among the 7 countries targeted for destabilization regime changed by the west. and what we're seeing now, of course, is the typical and hijacking of legitimate concerns by women's rights spurts inside iran, but as a young women's rights activist told me very recently, she said western interference does all help the cause of women's rights in iran. the case, the majority of these diaspora activists are funded either directly or indirectly by the us state department. ah, what are they doing? of course the same as with syria. they're calling the sanctions. i'm quite sure that soon we will see a price for a no flies, thine typical western interference and inflammation. oh, you know,
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a situation which is under the control of the women's rights activists inside air on actually this is during breaks of damage to women's rights. then just leaving iran alone, that external opposition, it's very well coordinated, isn't it? we even saw that car to fight in western news reports. i read an article in the sunday times talking about the sunni and emmy k in albania, with a with headquarters there. so well, fine on state of the art p, r, media training, all that going on with a view to toppling at the, the government in iran. so this isn't coming out of, of thinner. this is actually what the west is seeing as well without in context as well. vanessa, how unstable is the current situation in iran? look, i think iran has been well aware that they are in the process for some time. iran in or it's not syria,
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rather like i would say russia are either on and off of course they're all dangerous for on because there are huge numbers or multiple ethnic minorities that could potentially be or tons against the government by the west, which is, you know, they have huge expertise and during the se, attempt, sorry, but aaron is a different situation. iran is. iran will affect the borders and militarily, iran is a powerful country. so in my view, these protests which by the way, are being hugely amplified when i speak to iranian colleagues, telling me, look at not. iran is not on fire. there are random photos here in there. but the majority of the problems are coming from the gangs that are being on the outside or entering the country with some carrying out of security forces
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finesse. as always, thank you so much for your time and giving us an insight into that vanessa. bailey, independent investigative journalists based in damascus, agrees foreign minister has spoken light in defiance of e u and u. s. pressure where his countries ties with the russian nuclear sector. same quote, ideology does not eat homes. he made those remarks to r t, as he attended on international energy for him in the southern russian city of searching. the 1st signals, all the european wide energy crises have a theory on the horizon. now we areas, we look at the energy issue as a physical issue and not as a political one or not as an ideological one. because according to the current, let's say, situation of silos, it is impossible to heat your flat. we died eulogy or crate or water with political
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statements. the atom expo international forum is one of the main events for the global nuclear industry. representatives from 17 countries have gather to discuss topics stemming from the current energy crisis. how to increase international cooperation and ways to help the nuclear industry tackle energy poverty in under developed countries. the foreign brings together key industry executives, international organizations on government officials. peter c. r to again also told us about his country's continued cooperation with russia. a physical issue and it's obvious that the nuclear is the cheapest safe us, the north environmental, you're generating energy. and that's why it's is our national interests are to continue the nuclear cooperation rosabelle. and to make the to you reactor walks operation was a funny story. that was a reason how'd you, how'd you expect to deal with the potential backlash from the, from the
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e u and the u. s. we always fighting for the exemption for the nuclear when it comes to listening to regime so far, we were supposed to have a good hope that we will be successful in the future in this regard as well. maybe i'll never let benevolent nuclear to be essentially because it will go against our national interests. we also heard from the chief editor of the energy industry, focus, new side geo, energetics. he sees that while europe is dealing with its fuel crisis, eastern countries are using reliable nuclear power broberg or the rules. europe has forgotten how to build nuclear power plants and he can deal with its problems as much as it likes. but all of the countries that are thinking about developing reliable, stable, low carbon energy, are here with representatives from turkey, egypt, bangladesh, and whose pakistan with whom we hope to sign binding contracts. the hall of the east is here. we are glad that egypt joined us as they are the gateway to africa.
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now at this sight of the ceremonial signing, you hear more and more new names. nuclear power is not only energy, but an opportunity towards nuclear medicine and many other spheres. of course, this reorientation has been smooth and it has long been completed. well, additionally, egypt this soon to possess its own nuclear power plant with rossi, some doing the construction, the foundation for the site. second power unit was made this week. the al debarked nuclear power plant is a joint russia egypt project. the building of the 4 reactors station started in july or corresponding eager sit down of have a chance to speak with ross are tons, director general to learn more about the project, but it correctly so. so in the prayer for the dumber is a wonderful project. i would gladly invite you to have a tour of the place. it is really big. it has potential for further development.
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there are 4 power units planned. we have already started 2 of them. what we really hope was rejection friends to start the 3rd and the 4th in the next 2 years. now after months of the carrying, now they would highlight l g b t, right? so the world cup and guitar, being the football team, capitulated on the promise just hours before their opening game with around captain hurricane was to wear the rainbow armed band symbolizing the gay pride movements. but i fear a fee for punishment, namely a yellow card for him. the english f relented. meanwhile, british tv viewers were unable to watch the tournaments opening ceremony into the 1st time the event has been held in the art of world. that's because the b b c chose instead to host a discussion on the host nations. schumann writes record leading to much criticism from fans who demand that the politics be kept separate from sports during. this is
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ali, that's more 1st time ever in their history that they didn't show the opening ceremony. instead, they were showing yet to get more for many of described as political propaganda against could talk talking about things like l g, b, t, and right for people to drink. it's kind of hysteria. and this kind of out poor propaganda led to outreach, even in england with people saying it's that you stigma. b b, c should show the opening ceremony like they do for every other outrageously disrespectful to guitar. that the b, b, c didn't broadcast the world cup opening ceremony and instead put out more virtue, signaling guff about how awful it is. if there are that appalled, they should bring home their vast army of employees and, and spare this absurd hypocrisy the fact the bbc haven't shown the world cup opening ceremony on the terrestrial channels is so disrespectful. i get why the b b
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c have opened their world cup broadcasting with a condemnation of cat on human rights record. but i don't remember them doing that when china hosted the olympics. britain doesn't have much of them all standing to be judging others, considering its own colonial history of the united states. mexico and canada are going to be joint hosts of the 2026. walcott will be c, be during world war coverage of the united states is atrocious. human rights record re, system, brutal police, deeply corrupt political establishment. will they be focusing on canada? which of course, earlier this year launched and i'm trusted in to virtual cracked out on discipline . finding people's blocking people bank accounts and taking away the truck is in short time to keep this double standard. these of many see it's frankly racist. politics out of sport, the be interesting speak is to be.
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