tv News RT November 22, 2022 6:00am-6:31am EST
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renew sewerage, no secret code. ah ah, but british law enforcement official in charge of fighting organized, crime warns that masses of weaponry being sent to you. crane could find their way back to the u. k. in the hands of terrorists. also coming up with the code list provided by, by sport, an rti cru observes russian artillery positions within close range of ukrainian forces, amid persistent the military in the loo, gallant republic. with nuclear to be essential because it's still going on actually speaking in thought, she hungry, foreign minister say ideology doesn't heat from coleman,
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he pushes back on you and you as pressure over was confused with the russian. mueller sector with dr. 2 in the afternoon here in moscow. welcome wherever you are counting the program from today, i'm going to need the head of the british national. a crime agency has expressed concerns about the weaponry western countries are sending to ukraine. end up in the hands of terrorists. you care thorough tease as well as european and global policing organizations, helping attempting to uncover black markets. as with any conflict, when weapons pour in, there is a risk blow back. at the end of the conflict, there are surplus weapons that get into the hands of criminals. or terrorists will indeed, tracking weapons sent ukraine is proving difficult task. despite previous assurances in washington, the u. s. alone house sent more than $20000000000.00 of lethal
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a key since the start of the conflict. and according to the secretary of defense, help will not stop there as washington, unless allies are committed to sending more weapons to ukraine, quote, as fast as possible. but we heard from former seattle is down current, host of the whistleblowers and rti, john curry, aka. he sees up the cause of the lack of accountability from the u. s. it's no wonder so many groupings are able to obtain american made weapons. this is the true shane of this policy of unlimited weapons to ukraine. i don't think anybody's doing anything about it. i don't think interpol is involved because no crime has yet been committed. i think that the british are stating the obvious it's, it's not that they're doing something about it. and if you look historically, that's what always happens when the united states or it's, it's allies,
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provide unlimited weapons with no accountability to countries around the world. look what happened in afghanistan and pakistan. and as i said earlier, libya look what happened in somalia is another example. and in yemen, these, these weapons, how is it that everybody ends up with american made weapons? it's because of this failed policy of providing them and then not having any oversight after the fact. there is no accountability or transparency at all while a lack of tracking of american weaponry and awareness. so where the deadly arms and all became obvious following the u. s. military polite from afghanistan last year. according to recent government reports, the pentagon doesn't know how many weapons were seized by the taliban, and washington house and attempted to retrieve them either. but john kerry acco
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again says the worry for europe with this lack of accountability goes beyond guns and bullets. once these weapons are delivered, that's the end of it. for the united states, they wash their hands of it, they have no idea what happens to these weapons. nobody is going to take responsibility for this. they'll just keep on doing what they're doing. knowing that no one will ever have to pay the piper at the very minimum, many of these weapons will end up in the hands of organized crime gangs. europe would be very worried about making sure that they have at least some way to keep tabs on who is taking delivery of these weapons. and you know, it's not just guns and ammunition and we're talking about armored personnel carriers and tanks and anti aircraft weapons. so it's not just guns and bullets that we need to be worried about. right now. rushes defense ministry has said its
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troops repel the recent series of attacks by the korean army in these up arrows she had done yet scandalous council regions are senior correspondent, but off gals. d of he's been visiting artillery positions on the latter's front line within close range of key ebs forces. he filed his report in these conflict. geography does no one and he favors fields and planes, villages, and cities, lakes and forests, all are unforgiving or have their pitfalls. ah, we were here to meet a mortal team which took a while to find their experienced and always moving. ever ready for new targets. where there ah coordinates are in enemy infantry movement. ah, 10 rounds,
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the going to be launched that the code was provided by, by supporters. they work up close at maximum range is just over 4 kilometers. often enough, they work at half that it is an endless game of cat and mouse. they're dropped on the modem is being covered so and we drums are unable to detect it and the entire battery goes into cover. and we along with them more towards our priority targets, they can suppress and stop in ta offensives, which is why both sides are always on the lookout. drones punish the complaisant other santa threatened they are ever present. always searching for tell tale signs of hostels. movement tracks,
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equipment. only bad weather offers relief. fog grounds drones. heavy rain can render rockets tanks and artillery useless. there's enough moisture in the air. fuses on shelves can death in a prematurely. but this was just a drizzle. it on it's tense here, but we're coping the enemy won't pass through here. lena. for the last few days we've been firing nonstop. there's just a lot of them. oh, that's just winter will be here soon. will that change things? yes, no, no seasons don't matter for us will. when this, regardless of the season nato was parliamentary assembly has passed a resolution urging the blocks member nations to label russia a state sponsor of terrorism, and also to continue providing care with lethal military 8 ortiz,
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kill my pin is across the developments. sure. well, the nato parliamentary assembly passed a resolution calling for member states of nato to designate russia as a terrorist state. now, it's important to note this is a non binding resolution, so any actual fall out from it remains to be seen. it's not clear this will have any definite results. now this comes as the check lower house of parliament did recently pass a similar resolution. there has been a similar resolution put forward before the european parliament. now, the russian foreign ministry has designated these kinds of statements as xena phobic and essentially spreading hatred for one contrary. and it's important to note the details of the resolution because in addition to calling for russia to be designated as a terrorist, stay the language of this resolution. it was just passed by the nato parliamentary assembly. it calls for giving more weapons and more support to the government in
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which would essentially lead to prolonging this conflict and more debt and more suffering. some of that language, welcoming the strengthened, comprehensive assistance package for ukraine and the commitment by nato to help you crane transition to modern equipment, boost inter operability and bolster further ukraine's defense and security institutions and applauding the crucial military economic and humanitarian assistance that individual allies and partners are providing ukraine. now, in his remarks before the nato parliamentary assembly, we heard the president zelinski of ukraine. he went ahead and called for speeding up the applications of ukraine in order to join the european union, as well as to join the nato alliance. now it's been pointed out in other remarks by the leader of portugal, the portuguese prime minister, he said,
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when he spoke that it didn't seem like such a thing was very likely referred to the fact that it seems like the european union and nato aren't looking for new members, any time, so when you go to faith and get it, that is the european union has very clear criteria for the session of new member states. but unfortunately, it does not have criteria for its own capacity to receive new member states that the european union does not have the conditions to meet the expectations it is now creating. and the rebound effect of these expectations will be a huge drama in the short term if they are dashing zalinski called for a long term cooperation between europe and ukraine. and when this assembly resolution was being discussed, there were a number of countries that did emphasize that regardless of the situation, ukraine, geography isn't going to change, and russia will be their neighbor regardless. and some kind of relationship with a country right on their border will be a necessity. i mean, declaring russia,
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terrorist face essentially places that beyond the pale of civilized discourse and makes negotiation much harder. it makes things like, like trade deals to facilitate the shipment of rain from a black seaport to makes that harder as well. and makes all kinds of medical relations more difficult using the terrorism label. and this way is completely arbitrary and will undermine whatever fight there is against terrorism. it is just monstrously hypocritical. i mean these, these european invasions nations, back invasions of iraq, iraq and afghanistan, which caused untold suffering lead to incredible levels of violence. they back the arm arming of g hardy pro l. g. hardy's in, in syria, which, you know, who tor,
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the country apart. and he spread terror from one end of the country to the other. and they have also back the saudi war on yemen, which has resulted the greatest humanitarian disaster in the modern world. so who was calling, who a terrorist to another of a headline, stories today hungry foreign minister has spoken in defiance of e. u and u. s. pressure over his countries tides with the russian nuclear sector, saying quote, ideology, doesn't he toms? he made those remarks as he attended international energy for him in the southern russian city of such the 1st signals of a european wide energy crisis i have appeared on the horizon. now we on gears, we look at the energy issue as a physical issue and not as a political one or another is an ideological one. because according to the current,
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let's say situation of science, it is impossible to heat your flat. we died eulogy or crate or whether with political statements. the atom expo international for me is one of the main events for the global nuclear industry. representatives from 17 countries have gathered to discuss topics stemming from the current energy crisis. how to increase international cooperation and ways to help the nuclear industry, tackle energy poverty and under developed countries. the form brings together key industry executives, international organizations, and government officials. peter c. r 2 again spoke with r t about his country's continued cooperation with russia. is a physical issue and it's obvious that the nuclear is the cheapest safe us than more environmental. you're generating energy than that. that's why it's is our national interest to continue the nuclear cooperation,
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the rest of them and to make the to you reactor walks operation was on 2014. that was the reason why you had, you expect to deal with the potential backlash from the, from the e u and the u. s. we always fighting for the exemption for the nuclear when it comes to listening to regime so part of your successful. so i have a good hope that you will be successful in the future in just regard as well. maybe you'll never let benevolent nuclear to be essentially because it will go against our national interest. peter c. r 2, while we also spoke to india based international relations specialists, r p problem, not the forum. he says that moscow on new delhi are working together on maritime development, particularly new shipping corridors for trade. india has been active participant in america and processes more than the sustainable palmer and that's what the blue economies are coming him. housing as a team. india is excited to experiment more than tom,
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so sustainably sustainable use of disease connecting with people, countries and dos. economic go and all variables, and that's where we're very, very happy that does and all of us and scientists also taking interest in this. we're also equally involved in the smart board when sitting on the puddle. it that that's where in the economic tom supplies and called it of this circular not sipping moment and a circular sipping quoted or that happens. that would be fantastic and guesswork that thing that was shown india. good friends, great friends, sexually, both in time so far, good times and crisis times. also. i think we have a great black form and opportunity now after months of declaring that they would highlight gay rights out, the world cup and guitar, the england team capitulated will not promise just hours before their opening game with iran. captain hurricane was to wear the rainbow arm bond symbolizing the l g
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b t movement, but a fear of fee for punishment, namely just a yellow card for the english. as striker, the football association relented, people online reacted with fury, calling the move cowardly and hypocritical, saying the f a loves to protest, but only when there is no price to pay. meanwhile, british tv viewer, as they were unable to watch the tournaments opening ceremony in doha, the 1st time the offense has been held in the arab world. thus because the b b. c shows instead to show a discussion on the host nations human rights record, leading to much criticism from fans who demanded the politics be kept separate from sport. journalist, the isa alley has more, 1st time ever in their history that they didn't show the opening ceremony. instead, they were showing yet again, more many of described as political propaganda against could talk talking about things like l g, b, t, right,
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for people to drink. this kind of hysteria. and this kind of out pouring of propaganda lead to outreach, even in england with people saying it that you signaling b b. c should show the opening ceremony like they do for every other bed are regionally disrespectful to guitar, that the b, b. c didn't broadcast the world cup opening ceremony and instead put out more virtue, signaling guff about how awful it is. if the that appalled they should bring home their vast army of employees and, and spare this absurd hypocrisy the fact the bbc haven't shown the world cup opening ceremony on the terrestrial channels is so disrespectful. i get why the b, b c. have opened their world cup broadcasting with a condemnation of cat on human rights record. but i don't remember them doing that when china hosted the olympics. britain doesn't have much more standing to be judging others, considering its own colonial history. the united states, mexico and canada are going to be joint hosts of the 2026. walcott will be c,
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be during world war coverage of the united states is atrocious. human rights record re system, brutal police. deeply corrupt political establishment. will they be focusing on canada, which of course, earlier this year launched and i'm trusted into virtual cracked out on distance banning peoples and blocking people bank accounts and taking away the truck is in short time to keep this double standards. and these of many see is frankie, race this politics out of sport the be interesting. see if the b c. have the exact same energy they do, it seems forecastle at least one person is reported to have been killed in iranian rule. and missile strikes against the curtis opposition group based in iraq by dad has condemned the attacks. but around said they were necessary to protect its border against water. considers a terrorist group to round that uses the democratic party of iranian curtis bell of
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arms trafficking, and inciting, protest, and around the group denies the claims protest where sparked in september by the death of a kurdish indian woman who had been detained for allegedly violating the strict, small mach republic stress boat officials said the woman died because of an existing list. alex use western powers of attempting to inside a crew. vanessa bailey, an independent journalist based in damascus safe. there's parallels between the situation in iran. what happened in syria when you were saying very clear indication that it's wrong for the, for the very familiar violence. any comments or again, circle protested, of course, this is actually the same script that we saw play out inferior in the very early days circle revolution. 2001 in fact, for the 1st 6 months, the security forces were on arms and the majority of an injuries were among the
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security forces and waste. and we're seeing something very similar in iran where we're saying individual killing security forces during the for us. but also we have to understand that one is the reason that serious war long was the insecurity. not for any area of it or does one arms and terrorists for entering through tacky from libya through jordan, even for lebanon, iran, less than from being involved in the defense exterior against the lot to the syrian government. so of course it is trying to ensure that it's secure that pass from north america kraidish separatist areas into iran.
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while in both roman syria, western governments openly supported protesters, unimportant sanctions on their respective governments. the protests in syria eventually brought the country to civil war, was washington supplied. i'm trained opposition. groups there and, and around the u. s. created loopholes in its current sanctions to allow certain western web services to be used there. apparently, to help citizens evade surveillance and remain anonymous and had rallies in the country or back in 2007. a retired us general suggested that both countries are in the crosshairs of washington. he should, i just got this down from upstairs, mean circulate events office today. and he said, this is a memo that describes how we're going to take out 7 countries in 5 years. starting with iraq and then siri 11 on libya, somali is sudan and finishing off iran. i think it's definitely something that we have to take into account of for the western natural right or change according
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to the environment they're working in. iran has definitely been a target for some time. let's not forget that. i'm the president trump administration say a lot on the general money, but also the leader of the year, the only militia in iraq that was genuinely fighting isis and prevented this entry . and mohammed also makes it a long money. so you know that the, the writing has been on the wall for some time. and it's like that now with a more aggressive mixture. and it's ready for me. i think we will say a push for us to say we're from the nuclear deal, to isolate or on to of course introduce further sanction. and to further weaponized funds and the groups that they consider will
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be hidden in at least the stabilizing era. if not, are trying to, we are government. the north korea is foreign minister has blasted the united nations secretary general as a puppet of the united states. the strong words came after the u. n. chief's decision to join us led condemnation of young young's intercontinental ballistic missile test launches. i also take the un secretary general for a member of the us white house or a state department. i express my strong regret over the fact that the un secretary general has taken a very deplorable attitude oblivious of the purpose and principles of the un charter and its proper mission. this clearly proves that he is a puppet of the us. will north korea's latest launch of a miss? silent friday cause another story globally. as the next day, g. 7 diplomats issued
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a joint statement condemning the test and calling on the un security council to take strong measures while the organization then held an emergency meeting yesterday in which officials on representatives from 10 member states including india on site korea, condemned the launch. now, according to the deputy secretary general of the united nations, it is the 1st successful test of the d p r, case largest, and most powerful missile capable of reaching any part of north america. pyongyang, officials say that such launches, prevent aggression from the u. s. unsold under defensive in nature or washington has taken the opportunity to accuse moscow of inspiring other countries to pursue their own nuclear arms programs. it's an invitation to an increasingly insecure world. haunted by the shadow of nuclear proliferation hooton's fro autocrats are watching and they could well conclude that getting nuclear weapons
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would give them a hunting license of their own. and that could drive a dangerous spiral on of nuclear proliferation. we got the thoughts of former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, who sees america is trying to pin the blame for its own problems anywhere and everywhere except at home. i couldn't think of a more absurd statement. it wasn't. russia withdrew from the anti ballistic missile treaty. it wasn't russia that withdrew from the intermediate nuclear forces trade. it's not russia that's actively violating the new start treaty. it's not russia the promulgated a nuclear posture, which allows for preemptive use of nuclear weapons and non nuclear situations. it's not russia that's threatening to field a new generation of nuclear weapons into europe that threatens you 8 moscow within 5 to 7 minutes. so, you know, from launch, it's the united states,
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it's fueling. this is lloyd austin is trying to say that the situation in ukraine is fueling, you know, an increase in nuclear tension. then the united states should have thought about that when you refuse to put pressure on your crane to implement the minster course when you have a problem rather than acknowledge your problem and seek to fix this problem. you simply throw that problem at the other side and try to put them on the defensive. ok, so, you know, that's, that's what's happening here. we're, we're literally mirror imaging our mistakes on to russia, in an effort to divert international attention from the reality that it's our fault . can something else to tell you by today vladimir putin house congratulated the engineers on constructors who built 2 new nuclear power, ice breakers that are set for service to pave the way in the far north. during the ceremony, be russian fly was raised on the euro. on the bunch of like,
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tricky ice breaker into the sea was conducted. president putin pointed out the importance of. busy such vessels in the russian fleet saying and strengthens the abilities of the country in the arctic environment. there some size aren't they? he also added that ice breakers will open new ways of international cooperation, research, rough grain, russia, supply chain disruptions and ups appears to be the order in which the western seized the global food prices, extra documentary breaking bread looks and how justified those accusations are this ah, so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be in arms, race is on offense, bearing dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how
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ah myself are they only like wait on hold. the young woman was in network that i was getting myself was probably not a little bit of a little below vanessa. this is an upcoming college, so glad a shift love to get a support system phone with abilene that i see is question there. ok, so what is the best time to actually do that if you don't, can be come up with and the communist somebody mp community that the coma a lovely nod is all like it's supposed to be set up. the keys affected to clean the
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5th level. to close this, open the door. what are some of the host for a pretty complicated with a male. see, there's a serious. this is a look i made is so go macy bhaskar is what peak is. and if you see there met life resources in the mushroom and yeah, for private knows i'm not sure what it is when you're ready for the door fully out of the choice meeting with us. that's a disclaimer. but how much the building does to clean it right? now well it was, it was casual and amazon and then you build us to work for you go from.
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