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tv   News  RT  November 22, 2022 8:00am-8:30am EST

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how would we target the news so it did say the openings every time cuba faced challenges and situations which looked impossible to tackle it rushes generous hand has been given to us and is among the 1st to help us overcome those problems. cementing friendly ties, cupid precedent, his right now meeting with vladimir putin was on the present here to moscow when he has now already addressed the parliament. a british law enforcement official in charge of fighting organized crime warns that domestic terrorists could end up armed to the teeth. the very weapon is meant to be helping ukraine, also coming up iran stripes, co dish opposition groups across the border in iraq, accusing them of inciting, ongoing protest. an investigative reporter we spoke to draw
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a parallel to the situation. iran and gloves with less than from being involved in this apprentice here against the western floss to talk over theory and compliment is trying to ensure that for sure that all call the all right, tuesday afternoon. and your news life from moscow is so good to have you with us. but this, our program here went off into national research. so cube was lead. miguel diaz canal is meeting this hour with president putin downtown at the kremlin. earlier in the day he addressed the russian parliament unsigned moscow for its support. well, let's learn more about this right now. archie fiorella is about joining us in the studio on this tuesday afternoon. fiorella a bit of the older red carpet treatment here in moscow. and in a very snowy moscow mind you, but it looks like a really warm reception, but obviously with a lot of topic on the agenda. can you take us through what's ahead in what's
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already been looked at? yeah, just moments ago actually the, a russian president vladimir putin and cuban president miguel diaz canal were witnessing the inauguration of fidel castro. statue in moscow, which signifies a's solidarity, a show of support between the 2 nations, which are going to be the topics to of between these very important talks, dealing with trade, partnership, economics and future developments as well. and one of the reasons why russia and cuba have a relationship is because of how they've dealt with sanctions. particularly in the pandemic rush offered tons of support will quite literally a to cuba. let's have a look. so this is something to one at the height of the coated pandemic. there was an accident in a factory producing medical oxygen, a number of patients needed that oxygen reserves were coming to an end. and we urgently asked russia for help. rush responded immediately by sending
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a plane carrying oxygen reservoirs, and then the very same plane was used for 2 months flying across latin america twice a day to deliver more oxygen to cuba. so we managed to minimize effects of this dramatic situation, and we will never forget this gesture. so the president is talking about several shipments of tons of supplies that were sent to cuba during the pandemic. as we know, rory during sanctions. they do not have access to simple medical supplies that would have helped the people in need. so that was a very important gesture that clearly marked some sort of of loyalty between the 2 nations. you talk about loyalty, farrell. i mean, we're talking about a historical partnership here between moscow and havana. i mean, it goes back generations doesn't good. yes. generations. i mean from, of course, the soviet union era as well. and what we're talking about here is also a loyalty when it comes to geo politics with cuba, early on condemning western sanctions against russia,
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from the onslaught. and of course, still maintaining that position today. google leader is he going to cuba strongly condemns the unilateral in unjust sanctions imposed on russia. the reason for the current conflict should be linked to the aggressive us and noodle policy of expansion towards the russian border. hubert has more than once condemned this international platforms. we support the resolution of the conflict through negotiations. obviously, cuba has also been in an embargo for 60 years, and russia has backed this support. but it is important that a leader at the level of of president miguel diaz canal says this out loud while the vast majority of western nations have condemned to russia. you can tell that this, this position is not a popular wine with many a leaders of the world to blatantly, say, we condemn these sanctions. and also of course pointing the finger to nato's expansion and the west for the sanctions. and now of course this,
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this loyalty is reiterated once again on the big picture scale where cuba feels very much backed by russia. every level go it could go say the offering dice, off every time cuba faced challenges and situations which looked impossible to tackle rushes, generous hand has been given to us and is among the 1st to help us overcome those problems. and of course, these relationships, because of that being, you know, being to, nations that have been sanctioned by the west, particularly by the united states, will continue to develop, i mean, the, the parliament of cuba will be coming to russia. and there will be more talks about how to initiate cooperation. and the russian officials have also said that they admire q buzz austerity in navigating through the sanctions and, and also being able to maintain the integrity of their country in spite of outside pressure. so again,
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this will be developing and we look forward to hearing more from these talks that will come. you talk about this historical partnership, obviously going back many generations. i mean, it's so difficult to talk about moscow and havana without mentioning, of course, a kennedy's disastrous $961.00 bay of pigs invasion with the idea that invaded that to try and push out fidel castro, of course, the cuban missile crisis as well. some people saying that russia has a version of the cuban missile process going on. of course that was so if you miss os position in cuba, now we have american and european missiles positioned along essentially the western border of russia along those nato ally states. so farrah is about a good story today here with moscow. i appreciate that. thank you. well, terrorists in the u. k. could end up armed with the very weapons that were meant to be helping to creighton. but is the warning from the head of the british national crime agency comes as the u. k, a european and the global policing organization have been attempting to bust black, market, trade, and weapons. as with any conflict, when weapons pour in, there is
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a risk blow back. at the end of the conflict, there are surplus weapons that get into the hands of criminals or terrorists. western authority, celebrated tracking all the sent to ukraine as well, proving pretty difficult. the u. s alone has dispatched more than $20000000000.00 worth of plenty more still to come. the secretary of defense at washington and his allies are committed to sending more arms quote, as fast as possible. we spoke with former c, i a analyst on host of the whistleblowers on r c. i, john kerry, aka. he blames a lack of accountability from washington and the pentagon for this arms problem. this is the true shame of this policy of unlimited weapons to ukraine. i don't think anybody is doing anything about it. i don't think interpol is involved because no crime has yet been committed. i think that the british are stating the obvious it's,
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it's not that they're doing something about it. and if you look historically, that's what always happens when the united states or it's, it's allies, provide unlimited weapons with no accountability to countries around the world. look what happened in afghanistan and pakistan. and as i said earlier, libya look what happened in somalia is another example. and in yemen, these, these weapons, how is it that everybody ends up with american made weapons? it's because of this failed policy of providing them and then not having any oversight after the fact. there is no accountability or transparency at all the problems around the tracking of all these weapons that came into shop focus following last year's chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan. i'm sure you remember, according to recent government reports, the pentagon doesn't know how many weapons were left for the taliban because they were essentially gifted to the taliban. well,
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john kerry acu again says the worry for europe goes beyond guns and bullets. once these weapons are delivered, that's the end of it for the united states, they wash their hands of it, they have no idea what happens to these weapons. nobody is going to take responsibility for this. they'll just keep on doing what they're doing, knowing that no one will ever have to pay the piper at the very minimum. many of these weapons will end up in the hands of organized crime gangs. europe would be very worried about making sure that they have at least some way to keep tabs on who is taking delivery of these weapons. and you know, it's not just guns and ammunition and we're talking about armored personnel carriers and tanks and anti aircraft weapons. so it's not just guns and bullets that we need to be worried about right now. so good to have you with us. an iranian
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strike against a kurdish opposition group in iraq has left at least one person dead. a baghdad quickly condemned the attack with sara alan said it was protecting its border against what it considered as a terror group. now, iran accused as a democratic party of iranian coast on of arms trafficking and inciting ongoing protests in the country. the group denies all of that protests response in september by the death of a young woman reportedly in police custody. although officials said that women died later of an existing condition and accused western powers of attempting to incite a qu. we spoke with a damascus based journalist, vanessa bailey. she says that there are parallels with what happened in syria and 2011. very clear indication that it's wrong through the, for the very familiar violence. any comments or again, social protests. of course, this is exactly the same script that we saw play out in theory or in the very
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revolution 2011. when in fact, for the 1st 6 months, the security forces were on and the majority of an injuries were among the security forces. late and we're seeing something very similar in iran where we're saying individual killing security forces during before. but also we have to understand that one is the reason that serious war for long was the insecurity. not for any area of it for does when on her, as for entering through jackie from libya through jordan, even for lebanon, iran, and less than from being involved in the defense interior. again, they want them to talk all the syrian government. so of course it is trying to
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ensure that it's secure that paul from north america for the separatists are, is into iran in both iran and syria. western governments openly supported protesters, unsanctioned the authorities. the demonstrations in syria eventually led to what western partners called a civil war, but that mainstream narrative was quickly tossed out by then iran, washington's being providing web services to help people essentially get around internet restrictions back in 2007 or retired us general suggested that both countries were actually in america's cross hands should i just got this down from upstairs, mean circulate events office today. and he said, this is a memo that describes how we're going to take out 7 countries in 5 years, starting with iraq and then siri 11 on libya, somali is sudan and finishing off iran. i think it definitely will tell us
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what the need for us. right or change according to the environments they're working in. iran has a being a target for some, i won't forget that ministration. say a lot on the general money, but also the leader of the year, the only militia in iraq was genuinely fighting. i prevented that century and mohammed was also alongside so you know that the writing has been on the wall for some time and now with a more aggressive mixture and it's ready for me. i think we will say a push for the war to say we're going to isolate who of course introduced further sanction and to the. busy weaponized
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reports that they consider will be. busy in the stabilize the era, if not trying iranian government so quarter parsley. here at moscow preparing for a new era in the arctic. the engineers and builders of to new nuclear power russian icebreakers have been personally signed by vitamin food. and during the ceremony, the russian flag was raised on the euro, and your kuta icebreakers to say were officially launched. president putin highlighted the importance of such special that in the russian fleet saying it strengthens the ability of the country in the arctic and can open new ways of international cooperation. ah, russia's defense ministry says its troops have repelled a recent series of attacks by the ukrainian army in those upper orgy. danielle and lucas regions are senior correspondent, but i'd gusty,
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if has been visiting various artillery positions on the frontline. he sent this report in these conflict geography does no one and he favors fields and planes, villages, and cities, lakes and forests, all are unforgiving. all have their pitfalls. ah, we were here to meet a mortal team which took a while to find their experienced and always moving. ever ready for new targets, where they are oh, coordinates or in enemy infantry movement. 10 rounds, a going to be launch that the coordinates provided by, by sports, as they work up close at maximum
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range is just over 4 kilometers. often enough, they work at half that it is an endless game of cat and mouse. they dropped on the modem is being covered so and we, drones are unable to detected the entire battery goes into cover and we along with them more towards our priority targets. they can suppress and stop in tar offensives, which is why both sides are always on the lookout. drones punish the complaisant a little so they said they are ever present. always searching for telltale signs of hostels. movement tracks, equipment. only bad weather offers relief. fog grounds drones. heavy rain can render rockets tanks and artillery useless. there's
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enough moisture in the air. fuses on shelves can detonate prematurely, but this was just a drizzle. it's tense here, but we're coping the enemy will pass through here senior for the last few days we've been firing non stop this just a lot of them so let's just winter will be here soon. will that change things years no seasons don't matter for us. will win this regardless of the season. or let's go, well, come here after months of declaring there at highlight gay rights at the world cup and cut out. the england team capitulated just hours before the opening game. a captain hurricane had vowed to wear a rainbow one love arm band. but after fifo threatened to yellow cart, the strike of the plan was all of a sudden abandoned,
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but that did sparks an outrage on line. meanwhile, the bbc was also under fire for refusing to screen the tournament opening ceremony on his main channel. instead, choosing to our discussion on the host nations human rights record that did lead to much criticism for fans who demanded politics be kept far out of the sport. his reporter is ali with a few more details. first time ever in the history that they didn't show the opening ceremony. instead, they were showy, yet again more what many of described as political propaganda against could talk talking about things like l g b t. busy all right, for people to drink, this kind of hysteria and this kind of outpouring of propaganda led to outrage, even in england with people saying it's that you signalling and the b, b. c should show the opening ceremony like they do for every other vent. outrages lead, disrespectful to guitar, that the b,
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b. c didn't broadcast the world cup opening ceremony and instead put out more virtue, signaling guff about how awful it is. if there are that appalled, they should bring home their vast army of employees and, and spare this absurd hypocrisy the fact. the b, b c haven't shown the world cup opening ceremony on the terrestrial channels is so disrespectful. i get why the b b c have opened their world cup broadcasting with a condemnation of cat on human rights record. but i don't remember them doing that when china hosted the olympics. britain doesn't have much of the most standing, 3 judging others considering its own colonial history of united states. mexico and canada are going to be joint hosts of the 2026. walcott will be c, be during world war coverage of the united states is atrocious. human rights record, the racist and brutal police that deeply corrupt political establishment. will they be focusing on canada? which of course, this year launched and i'm trusted in to virgil cracked out on distance,
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finding people's blocking people bank accounts and taking away the truck is in short time to keep this double standard them. these of many see is franky races, politics out of sport. the be interesting, see, is to be, see how about the exact same energy as they do? it seems for north korea has hit out to the united nations secretary general as a puppet of the us. let's follow the un chief decision to join washington lead condemnation of pyongyang recent intercontinental ballistic missile tests. i often take the un secretary general for a member of the u. s. white house or the state department. i express my strong regret over the fact that the un secretary general has taken a very deplorable attitude oblivious of the purpose and principles of the un charter and its proper mission. this clearly proves that he is
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a puppet of the us. so i'm curious, the latest launch of a mess all on friday, ultimately prompted g 7 different master issue, a joint statement condemning the test. and while calling all the un security council to take strong measures. now the organization then held an emergency meeting just in the past 24 hours in which various officials and reps from 10 member states including india and south korea all got together and basically condemned the launch. well, according to the un, so deputy secretary general, it's the 1st successful test of north korea's largest and most powerful miss allan apparently capable of reaching any part of north america. john gang says such launches, prevent aggression from the united states and sol. they also say they're all the defensive in nature. washington also actually then the to the opportunity to accuse moscow over inspiring other countries to pursue their own nuclear arms programs. it seems like a bit of a tangent, but have a listen to this. it's an invitation to an increasingly insecure world
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haunted by the shadow of nuclear proliferation. so autocrats are watching and they could well conclude that getting nuclear weapons would give them a hunting license of their own. and that could drive a dangerous spiral of nuclear proliferation. as we raise the whole issue with a former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter. i couldn't think of a more absurd statement. it wasn't. russia withdrew from the anti ballistic missile treaty. it wasn't russia that withdrew from the intermediate nuclear forces treaty . it's not russia that's actively violating the new start treaty. it's not russia promulgated a nuclear posture which allows for preemptive use of nuclear weapons and non nuclear situations. it's not russia that's threatening to field a new generation of nuclear weapons into europe that threatens, you know, a moscow within 5 to 7 minutes. a, you know,
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from launch. it's the united states. it's fueling. this is lloyd austin, is trying to say that the situation in ukraine is a feeling, you know, an increase in nuclear tension. then the united states should have thought about that when it refused to put pressure on ukraine to implement the minster course. when you have a problem, a rather than acknowledge your problem and seek to a fix this problem, you simply throw that problem at the other side and try to put them on the defensive. ok. so that's, that's what's happening here where we're literally mirror imaging. our mistakes on to russia, in an effort to divert international attention from the reality that it's our fault . or that a lot just of i do it from the studio for now here on our to international, but the entire news team here in the newsroom. a doughty h q at moscow as hard work fielding your tuesday stories they are coming in by the boat load. if you can join us for ah,
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ah ah ah ah ah
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oh ah ah, ah, a ah ah lou to no one. no, sir, no, not a joke. no, no. what door? more shrill than what? the shooting of unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was
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to simply do nothing short, then build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had ever known. a production issue or sure, doug, did that. they're not good, good. good. so new rochelle, keep on more, more general martha, this is meant union from all one of our new and i got to learn much sale. i got your name. i understood. i wish enough about joy, whole new room or got more or less than a jr. let's i had to put all the sky mother and all it buddy bill, can you go out or cows? nice. oh boy festival. to go on what the on this the wow she my and new other.
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i'm all i can send more or said mom, good student. i don't the, you'll not on all of them are going to give us a lot. ah, a mutual got a denise dillard, i got the 3 will read today. share the not for sure tomorrow movable when a few that week by the sick a both are still while we're group where it was. if you got a bit of any more that i did it on the buddy boy, still by now. don't you the key addition because relish. exactly. because it was.
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now you only can neglect which moves and he's not, but i am a. ready with co ordinate i thing, yes. you just so but i'm genie dish and i was way with you. this was hoping what you're saying with the reason that i'm used to sober on the what the, what is to me ah
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ah, a i'm stomach and a a a a a able to give it to
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the top one of them. yeah. but anyway. yeah, but he knew that he needed to be go video with and yet so that doesn't come on like to be able to get so much to my knowledge without being insured as deal with on sweet lady about a question. ah a.


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