tv News RT November 22, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EST
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so huh, but yes, with the headlines on off you international cementing friendly ties. there were the pictures for you. cuba president had been meeting with vladimir putin in a while on a visit here to central moscow. we understand he already addressed the part the problem with europe prioritize is political issues ahead of its energy needs. china takes a rather pragmatic approach and strikes on historical 27 year deal with cut out of gas delivery. australia is claims of having some of the clean. if coal on the planet appear to go up in smoke, altura whistleblowers claims the fuel green credentials have actually been faked for years. and iran strikes kurdish opposition. groups across the border in
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iraq, ultimately accusing them of inciting ongoing protests. and one investigative reporter we spoke to jules, parallel to the situation. iran has learned a lesson being involved in a government. so of course, it's trying to ensure that it is secure that tall, tall a. well, we've got them real heavy hitter headlines. here are the stories tonight on this program for moscow. a lot of moves being made on the global chess board. it's good to have you with us tonight. so cuba is lita miguel diaz con nail has been meeting with the russian president today at the kremlin. earlier in the day they both participated and unveiling a monument dedicated to fidel castro and also use it fiorella. isabel joined me throughout the day here on our tea international to bring us the latest on the
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visit of the cuban president. he earlier address the russian parliament basically thanking russia for their support during the carpet pandemic, thanking them for denouncing the 60 or embargo and also reiterating that the sanctions against russia are completely unjustified. and of course, right after that, there was the unveiling of the monument of human revolutionary leader, fidel castro, which at once again strengthens his bond between the 2 nations that goes back to the soviet times. and this was emphasized once again, during the most recent meeting between the 2, where they both said that they had each other's back. let's have a listen to what putin said. they used to say that i see the u. s. i saw always supported, and russia continues to support cuba and it's people in their fight for independence and sovereignty. but we always stood against the restrictions, embargoes and blockades, and so on. we, we supported cuba at the international platforms. and we see that cuba shared this position towards us and also during the monument unveiling a president pin,
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also stress sat. cuba will always be a strategic partner and ally. and that these 2 nations will never be driven apart. and this is something that is important, not just geopolitically for this moment, but also to say out loud to the rest of the world, particularly to the united states. and of course, in response to that cuban president, yes canal reiterated the support for russia and said that the 2 nations have a common enemy will do, is even this visit comes, is both russia and cuba under unjust unilateral sanctions and have a common enemy the united states which manipulates a huge part of humanity. we've felt the pressure for more than 60 years will. so we keep condemning the sanctions against russia. we want people not. could you misled? not to blame russia for this conflict, stating that the u. s. is a common enemy is a really big deal. i wonder how the u. s. and the west are going to respond to these statements. again, these are 2 of their signals at were serious here,
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experimenting this strong bond that they have. and of course are going to be developing economically trade wise. and again this, this goes back to the relationship that has been ongoing since soviet times. then they could be perceived as threatening to the why center the nato partnership. and it's also important to talk about how these 2 nations will come to develop further . i know that the cuban parliament will come to visit with russia as well, the leadership. and they're going to continue to talk about the type of cooperation that will be happening between these 2 nations that have both been sanctioned by the west and have had to develop different ways to deal with those sanctions. and ironically, the actions by the us and the west have brought these 2 nations closer together. so often turning their back on russian energy in protest of the war europe spin, scrambling to make up that shoud, shore,
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fallen supplies needed to get through the continent. i guess get through the winter, the officials have been going cap in hand to alternative gas suppliers ultimately begging for sport deals. and one they've been desperately trying to court. it's cut out, but it's just announced it's signed it's longest ever. contract with china. his reporter isa ali, against the backdrop of this wild cup in a cutter, is of course a number of issues to do with geo politics and energy security. now, of course, cuts out is one of the world's biggest energy exporters. and at a time when european nations have essentially sanctioned themselves because of their policies towards russia, they've gone with the backing bowl in hand for the past few months to cut off in order to try to get them to give them supplies. that would replace the roughly 40 percent of energy needs that they previously had been getting from russia. in spite
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all of these, you know, delegations of european leaders from micron and even to see via your official, all of them going again with the banking ball and had to the custody year as far as the countries are concerned. and they're not in a position to be able to replace the gap left by rushing gas because it's a huge logistic issue and a huge supply issue that will take simply years for them to fill immediately. i don't think we can help and nobody can replace. i've seen this very clearly, the volume that we're talking about 30 to 40 percent of gas coming from russia to europe is not something that can be replaced overnight. it needs time. now another question which has been asked of the cutter is, is whether they will be able to read direct supplies from asia to europe. now, of course, this deal between the chinese and the countries is
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a 27 year deal. multi 1000000000 pounds worth of gas to be exported to of course, manufacturing, power house of the world, china. but as far as the company, the concerned, their contracts are bond and then we're going to break them just because europeans throw that. so he's out. the problem wants to get more gas supplies, redirected from asia to their own guitar is absolutely committed to the sanctity of contracts. so when we sign with an asian buyer or european buyers, we stick to that agreement. so the volume that will go to europe is what has been assigned, but as far as taking from asian buyers to send to europe, that will not happen against the backdrop. again, like i said, of this company really is strange that europeans who are facing a very cold and unstable winter coming off, of course, with those high energy prices, you have the political instability that, that could potentially be to rather than coming to the custody with some humility
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and with some respect towards the property during the fall. instead they've launched a mass media campaign, hysterical media campaign with extremists, from the l g c movement. and others really taking a at what is a very fringe issue at the top and seemingly insulting the host again and again and again. while european are playing that you're signaling games and insulting of one across the world. the chinese are getting down to business. and at least for the next 27 years, ensuring their energy security is secure. stephanie was a good chat about it. let's do it now. of course a lot to journalists option returns you to discuss this further option. good evening to you. always good to see my friend a big story here is you, have you been following it here on our t and national when it comes to what china and cut off with their energy deal or the europeans on cost. but i mean, you tell me action, who are you going to respect more? somebody ready to buy billions upon billions, worth a product over 27 years,
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or the guy shaking his hat, asking if you could spare a bit of gas next month's know where to start. i mean, respect, your obviously is not a british football association. thank. and i'm not sure i should just tell you before we get under this because it is so complicated in terms of the interconnections here. i know that all day when reporting about the fact that britain has secretly been in boarding russian oil and not telling its people at the same time. but just making the papers here in dubai, across the u. a is a denial by the u. e. energy and infrastructure minister, el missouri denying a murdock wall street journal report that said that to buy the opec plus we're going to increase oil output that somehow russia together with the other members of opec. plus we're going to do that. so are you a denying that i think saudi of denied that you must remember, they're not watching a r t necessarily in the you and,
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and the united states. and they might be reading the wall street journal, which is publishing, seemingly fake news as for who to respect, which it also remember that this field is widely in the west called the north field project. well, you know, in iran it's, will the south bars project cut as a deal with a ron. i don't really understand how shell exxon mobil total any and can i go phillips, the different players in this project from which china is buying it, is evading us sanctions? is it a matter of her record now that the global south, when it really fights has to say, you know, you can't, you can't put the sanctions on. of course iran gas is involved in this deal somewhere along the line. there's a division line, but it's a deal between cutter and iran, just as, as a deal between iran and gas, roman russia. this is a deal, arguably between saudi arabia and parts of the arctic,
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very close to russia right now. yeah, i did as you say, there are so many angles to this and the story that is affecting just about every part of the world as we speak right now. option is so. so good to have you on the program with us to discuss this. now what about, i mean, do you think there's any custody political pay back in? it's perhaps a quote lack of supply for the e. u. perhaps after so much woke suffering and condemnation of the world cup by professional partners in the west. oh, i mean the b, b, c had to boy caught all coverage of the opening ceremony of the world cup. why did it cover the opening of the russian world camp last time round on the bay jingle and kick olympics? that's what some in britain are saying about the that b, b, c. as for carter. interesting. it's playing this game because we mustn't forget the largest us warships and base is our lu dade air base in kata
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11000 us soldiers, according to some of them in li, saying they're occupying parts of catch are. so quite a courageous move to sell all this ellen g gas are the longest contract in history 27 years to the communist party run sign of back. just as a bloomberg surveys quoting japanese officials are saying that's it. no more long term contracts in the global energy market now are available until 2026. and while some in the global south may be a smiling a little bit, we've got to remember that just in britain alone, the expectation of excess mortality because of lack of heating. and of course, as the most vulnerable will be tens of thousands of, of the most vulnerable people. i don't know how many i try to look for estimates of how many excess debts are to be expected in the european union as it sanctions, itself. and britain simply doesn't actually, itself actually says it's actually it's other than secretly in boarding loads of
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russian oil. while on television, they talk about selling missiles to kill russians. after you talk about this are 27 year deal that china secured with katara to get all these are gas applies to what is the king pain of the world economies these days. we've just heard that the u. s . secretary of state anthony blank and is currently in doha. he reckoned he's there for the world cup or could it be something to do with energy? laundry needs 11000 soldiers. it aller data base to protect him. i mean, i have to say there must be so many perceived enemies as they call them visual enemies of the united states and cut today. so i think given that the denials about the opec story refusing and in fact quite angry if you think about it, the saudi ministers that carries the u. e. as i said about the need to not over politicize. the need to cut or raise production of oil
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because the important thing is the people of those opec plus countries, including a russia and as the kataria minister said, i think a few months ago, no one can replace russian guess he's on the record for saying that so i don't know what they're going to say to blink in some i some might think is not a great place for and to be blinking to be right now. the journalist option read tansy, always good to have you on the program. thanks. option will see us like you well, poland, military chief was called on western countries to unite in the fight against russia and support key f efforts in the war. okay. no surprise that it's all it, but that the, i guess the next point is worth certainly paying some attention to because the following comments from the polish defense chief basically said that when it's all finished and wrapped up in ukraine, everyone should turn their attention. ben to china. if we lose in ukraine,
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we lose beller roofs. we lose credibility. china is watching the conflict closely and since b ging is a more serious, longer term threat, success in ukraine will have effects in the endo pacific as well. it's a matter of synchronizing our efforts if we do not fulfill the mission 1st in ukraine, we will not be ready for mission number 2, which is china. what of course, are those words mirror concerns about china that you hear from us politicians? the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff recently said the us military should never allow china to replace it as the world's leading military force. and while republican congressmen kevin mccarthy, is accused of aging of stealing technology in bel, interfering and out of the u. s. economy. meanwhile, following his recent meeting with the us, president, china's leaders, gigi pings said the asia pacific region is not someone's back yard to stage a power struggle. and victor gao from the center for china and globalization, i was speaking to him earlier. he believes that basing just wants to deal with
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international partners on an equal level. that's the exactly craziness i would call or you madness. that's about completely disregarding the fundamental interests of the people at the all and the, any of the european countries or in the world at large to talk about a wall with china. why should anyone, any country, having a wall with china? china is a peace loving country. china wants to deal with every country people's fault as an equal trauma has no desire and no intention of replacing the united states as the top dog in the world channel does not see in the fog. you become in the next the superpower, we were the founders of the international security order. and we have been fully engaged with international security all the up to today. so don't expect that china will rock the volt. charlotte wants to keep the international order as it is
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portugal the prime minister has question whether the e, you will be able to fulfill the expectations of those, hoping to join the block in particular that of ukraine. when you would pay thing, could it? that is your opinion, has very clear criteria for the session of new member states. but unfortunately, it does not have criteria for its own capacity to receive new member states that the european union does not have the conditions to meet the locations about. now create an inch and the rebound effect of expectation will be a huge drama short term. they are now the remarks commerce, ukraine's president once again cold, for his country's membership of both the european union and nato. speaking of the us parliamentary assembly zelinski said ukraine should be a full member of both. as he claimed it would boost the regions security. among other nations currently waiting for e u membership r i turkey a serbia and mold dover will at cross live now to g. o for the ex,
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but peer and manual come on. joining us here for this tuesday evening program from moscow, a very warm welcome to you. so what do you make of it? portugal as prime minister has questioned whether the european union can fulfill the high expectations of the blocks applicants. i ask you, can it well, i think the, you're a proposition to enlarge european union to ukraine was making a rush under pressure of from ver, the must or atlantis to a member states. but earn your been union, you will not be able to, we're a take or, or ukraine in the block. why, 1st of all or oh, according to be in town, our structure of a european union, the main budgets are a regional party, sees an or so common agricultural policy. and ukraine is larger than
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france. and or, or it's or so 40 median sophie knobby tense and do it to make explode the european union budgets. so are we voted in enormous reform or european union, which adopts a totally duct could do it because between every meal member states, this is just impossible, according to a budget of each on a structure of a european union, but to more or silver is a joke whichever rivalry between member states and we remember over to france, propose vis european political community. a 20, a future of members. ford european. no. the ukraine, but it's precisely to, oh, torpedo,
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you enlargement because with ukraine in the block, it will remove solver with joe persaco, center of gravity of european union to the east. more towards germany. and do you will, there is a stronger or a geopolitical rivalry between france and germany since german unification. an enlargement of european union to we're east. so herb, herb, you know, are not cheating under media. onion, union member states, france, italy, probably greece or are poor to guard. spain are very, very, they are suspicious of be serve you enlargement. forgot to put east under. we are gonna block it p r. i wanted to ask you, we're just working quickly here at our t to just make sure we can establish a proper connection with you. you are dropping out just for a couple of moments. but i think we have established the connection. now. i wanted to ask you when it comes to ukraine, for example, joining the e u. of course ukraine does enjoy a lot of a political support from the
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e. u. what about the average european citizen? i mean, is there a consensus in the european union suit to embrace ukraine to the european bosom nato or not only there is a disarray between nerve e. u, a governments, as i said, because or very 0 herb, a fracture between earth, eastern, a european union member states and the more mediterranean union member states because very different perception of security on or saw or, or different interests and or member states to of a soft they would like to put more money on the median issues unless to were east under poland and barbaric states would like to put more money on the east and dirt germany is in between and or so in weaving the population of a european union. herb, actually many people believe it should be solidarity, refer ukrainian people, but not acknowledgements and are already for example,
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in france under than germany. many people resented to burg, chris fred, use e u enlargement to new countries because they pay for it. and there are so very easy and natural fatigue, which is gonna prevent vcu enlargement. i figured that out illusion i, pierre emanuel tom on a geopolitical expert. joining us live on artie international, a pleasure to have you on the program. thank you for your time. ah, and good to happy with us as well. an iranian strike against the code is your opposition. group based in iraq has left at least one person dead, a bag that condemned the attack, but tara said it was protecting its border against what it considers to be a terrorist group. now iran accuses the democratic party of iranian code. is dawn of alms trafficking and inciting, ongoing protests in the country. and the group denies all that. protests spots in
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september by the death of a young woman in police custody or the many others said she did not die in police custody. she died later of a preexisting condition, and a lot of people accused their western powers of attempting to incite a qu. we spoke with a damascus based journalist of an s a b lee. she actually drew some parallels with that. and what happened in syria in 2011. how about this incident worry clear indication that the wrong through the for the very familiar violence. any comments or again are soaking protests? of course, this is exactly the same script that we saw play out in theory or in the very early days. resolution 2011. when in fact, for the 1st 6 months, the security forces were on arms and the majority of an injuries were among the security forces and late. and we're seeing something very similar in iran where
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we're saying individual killing security for during before. but also we have one son, that one is the reason that serious war last long were the insecurity, not for any area of it or does when on her, as for entering through jackie from libya through jordan, even for lebanon, iran, a lot of less than being involved in the defend sure. here again, the western plot to talk over the syrian government. so it is trying to ensure that it's secure that paul from was on the rock, curtis separatists areas into iran. well, so it was both the iran and syria. western governments openly supported protesters
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and sanctioned deals, warranties, demonstrations, and syria. eventually, that's what the u. s. and nato called a civil war, but that mainstream narrative was quickly, quickly tossed out. it was never a civil war in syria. while in iran, washington being providing web services to basically help people get around the internet restrictions back in 2007, even a retired us general suggested both countries were already in america's cross has among others have a list. he said, i just got this down from upstairs, meaning to circulate events office today. and he said, this is a memo that describes how we're going to take out 7 countries in 5 years, starting with iraq and then siri 11 on libya, somali sudan, and finishing off iran. i think it definitely affords the western nickel, right, or change according to the environment they're working in. iran has definitely been a target for some time. let me forget that i'm the ministration say
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a lot on the general money, but also the leader of the year. the only militia in iraq were genuinely fighting isis and prevented the century and more how much more is also a long so you know that the writing has been on the wall some time. and it's like that now with a more aggressive nature. and it's really the government for me. i think we will see a push for the war to say we're going to isolate to of course, introduce further function. and to further. busy weapon i funds and reports that they consider will be hitler killed in at least the stabilize the era. if not trying iranian government.
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if you're going to burn coal, australia has some of the cleanest on the planet. well, that's the claim. the countries we make me for years if indeed you're buying what they're selling, that is. but now a whistleblower has left a big city mark on those supposedly clean credentials. you know, some details. it's all contributor rachel marston. you just may be shocked to hear that this clean cool that we keep hearing about could be a scam. and at least that's what a whistleblower is alleging in australia, a member of parliament. andrew wilkie took the leet whistleblower documents into parliament yesterday and demanded an inquiry into some green shenanigans did icebreaker bring to the parliament's attention? another bribe was hello, an executive from me astray and coal industry, who has provided me with sales and some documents that prove australian companies have been long for years about the quality of the call. and that's important
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because the fraud is environmental vandalism, and makes all a toll of nit 0 missions for 2050 a fiction. it could also be criminal, trashing corporate reputations, as well as our national reputation. the scandalous fact is that this called executive whistleblowers allegations have already made put to the australian federal police. the new south wales police destroy and securities, an investment commission, the department of industry. so it's energy and resources, and even the form of federal government, and sofa, no authority, not one has been willing to act on this alleged criminal behavior. despite the fact that select evidence has already been presented in australian courts. proving what this whistleblower says is true. big brained western elite had been brow beating the entire planet in recent years about the need for every one to reduce their carbon footprint. flying around in a private jets while telling all the little people to ditch their gas gasoline cars ride their bikes more. and even cracky down on farmers,
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he's flatulent cows are supposedly blowing holes in the earth ozone layer all because these same western leaders became obsessed with this idea of controlling the rise of the earth. atmospheric temperature to less than $1.00 degrees celsius above pre industrial levels. they never really provided any proof of how the average joe living stone age lifestyle was going to actually accomplish that. but it did give them the opportunity to extract endless cash out of everyone and to use environmental sins for profit by slapping carbon taxes on everything that moved or breathed, but least if it didn't have flatulence. lot was sitting there. and because fossil fuels like coal results in more carbon taxes, of course, it makes sense that if a country could just come up with the idea of a clean, cool that reduce the carbon tax that the customer would ultimately have to pay the government. well, then they could justify selling not cool for a higher price. so for many years now,
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the australian coal industry has been promoting this idea that it's coal export, which it sends to countries like japan, south korea, india, and china are cleaner than the coal exports of other countries. banks and corporations making pledges of net 0 emissions are also taking the public for a ride that's according to a new united nations report released just earlier this month at the cop $27.00 climate change conference that accused these entities of promoting a green agenda for marketing purposes as a strategy to gain more business all while failing to back up the claims in practice. all this has to really make you wonder how much of this green washing is really going on out there among all these virtu singers who are so quick to tell the rest of us how to live. i was just about to wrap up this live broadcast from moscow on auto international. thank you so much for joining us here. and in all seriousness, some massive stories in the program tonight. if you have the time have a look at our website ot seattle to call make sure you catch up on all the light.
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