tv The 360 View RT November 22, 2022 11:30am-12:00pm EST
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industry has been promoting this idea that its coal exports, which it sends to countries like japan, south korea, india, and china are cleaner than the coal exports of other countries. banks and corporations making pledges of net 0 emissions are also taking the public for a ride. that's according to a new united nations report released just earlier this month at the cop 27 climate change conference that accused these entities of promoting a green agenda for marketing purposes as a strategy to gain more business. all while failing to back up the claims in practice. all this has to really make you wonder how much of this green washing is really going on out there among all these virtues, signal ours, who are so quick to tell the rest of us how to live. i was just about to wrap up this live broadcast from moscow on auto international. thank you so much for joining us here. and in all seriousness, some massive stories in the program tonight. if you have the time, have a look at our website ot seattle to call, make sure you catch up on all the latest that is moving and shaking in the world
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today. ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race move is on often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very critical time. time to sit down and talk with ah,
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america has made nationalism back demonizing up putting a your country 1st. even though it was built on the basis of it has now become a political fell off. which kid even land, someone in the same category as being racist, homophobic prentice medic, at the formation of groups like nato or the world health organization are leading the world down a very familiar path. one which could possibly in world war 3. but this is not the goal of all countries. china is believe himself and seeing their country grow. switzerland refuses to become involved in world affairs breaks. it was the outcome of the u. k. trying to put themselves 1st. now leading into the movement is a scotland. he was actually trying to re establish its own identity or the push for independence from the u. k. even though some would argue it,
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could it so that it can rejoin that you, you. i'm sky now huge on this edition of 36 of you. we're going to find the answer on its nationalism, deserves the bad names. and if the goal of reducing pride in one's own country, is more about preparing the citizens to accept their global play. ah, is nationalism being taught as evil in today's society? what turns out it just depends on who you ask or international correspond. roxana solano finds out. if nationalism is dead or save in, the countries embrace it. study to begin to discuss nationalism. we had to start with explaining globalism. in world war 2, we saw the negative effects of nationalism as nancy. germany use it as an excuse to eliminate the use it alice wish to unify the country with nationalism in the 19
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hundred's lead to the dictatorship. rule of mussolini nationalism is defined as a support for your nation's interest. even if it comes at the detriment of other countries or people. however, in world war 2, hitler in nazi germany and rosaline in italy turned the idea of nationalism into believing one race or people of one country are superior to another. what was once having pride in your country became tainted by war and general sight countries fell to fight discrimination. they had to adopt a globalist identity. we saw the implementation of organizations like nato, w, h o, and the united nations. globally. some can be defined as the banding together of countries to share ideas, medical advancement, trade of natural resources,
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and homogeneous immigration policy, has their world overreacted trying to make up for the sins of the past. now we're seeing the united states and that you go in the opposite direction with globalism that us open border policy has led to political rift in the country. that european union precedent uh, by sampling refugees from anywhere has put britain to a breaking point. according to peer research, this led to the rise of leader, a slight bore as johnson and donald trump as people began to feel left behind. the research also did a study showing western countries in europe and the united states feel in order to combat racism and discrimination. they must at that a more inclusive identity during their surveys fear research found many people mislabeled discrimination as nationalism lead in many countries to not only adapt
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a more global east approach, but also have less pride in their own country. but these views mainly the fur along party lines. when comparing the u. k, u. s, france and germany. those identify as conservative, are 3 times more likely to say they are proud of their country. most of the time compared to those on the left who lean more liberal on the other side of the world . people in india were surveyed to high attached religion and language to their feeling of nationalism. while india has dozens of different languages. here research found 2 thirds of hindu indians felt not only practicing the hinder religion, but also speaking hinder, are very important to be truly consider. indian other groups including 47 percent of muslims, also agree speaking. kindle is what makes a person indian chinese taking many steps to teach nationalism in schools. not only
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are student learning to love their country, but china's education ministry has made up plan to ramp up physical education classes and hire more male teachers to give boys a masculine influence. china is trying to educate boys in hopes of aspiring a new generation of soldiers to protect them in an invasion. meanwhile, the polarized lack of nationalism in america is actually attributing to rec, or law recruitment rates in all branches of the u. s. military. while some countries are running from nationally seem others are embracing the idea of food in their countries need 1st, for 360 view and brooks and a salon. all history shows the dangers of nationalism in the past. germany and italy has the world over corrected. now, china is putting themselves 1st at all costs and reaping the benefits. meanwhile, the us who for 4 years did have in america 1st policy,
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is now aligning with organizations who go against everything. the united states was actually built on america joined as a founding member of the north atlantic treaty organization, or nato, all back in 1949 during the cold war to form alliance with other countries seeking protection from the soviet union. now nato was originally supposed to be disbanded after the fall of soviet russia in 1991. as ukraine looks to join nato, this could very well lead to world war 3. americans now vowing to protect a country. most americans couldn't even point out on a map. 6 months ago, ukraine's bed to join nato has garnered animosity from turkey and russia all to launch an attack. as united states pours itself into conflict, should we actually be taking the lead from other countries like china, and putting ourselves 1st. robert ross is a professor of political science at boston college and associate at the center for
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chinese studies at harvard university and joins us to talk about nationalism in today's world. thanks for joining us, professor ross. hi, pleasure. ok. let's start with an organization like nato, as a whole. have we learned nothing from the former ally and access powers and history? well, i do think that we are facing russian intentions, important intention to use force to advance russian power in europe. the question is how we respond is the appropriate way to respond as to be thought. the american presence of ground force present in europe is the appropriate way to respond to expand a to, to you, to the issues at the bay. but there is no question that russia is changing the map of post code where you are to the detriment of nato allies that caused some response, at least some response to russian activities in the ukraine expansion russian power . but is there a reason for nato today? i mean, originally when that union was formed, it was meant to disband,
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and yet we have seen that not only not happen, we have seen more and more funds be poured into it. with united states having the most china actually has continued to grow by not being involved in those types of partnerships. so who hasn't? right. and who has it wrong with the kid responding to the ukraine there where we can be grateful that nato still exists, or there is an organization with the united states to participate in to respond to russian activities and ukraine. whether united states should be taking the lead in nato, whether it should be the frontline and resisting russian activities or whether it be front answer germany or great britain or other country. that is a bait that's in question the united states should the united states be focusing impact hillary in europe, the detriment of its presence in europe are. tendonitis says you 2 fronts at once. you're right, the chinese certainly are more restrained in international affairs. they are focused on the stage public and expanding your influence and undermining american
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presence in the states. do that and they're building a very large navy with one focus in mind. and that's the stage. the challenge united states is we're so active in civil wars, syria, yemen, who at the middle east, and now were involved in activities in europe to resist, so beat activities, new crane, can the united states be involved in all these hostility and focus on hated simultaneously? that's the fundamental question facing american security policy. one that's very interesting because, you know, after this disastrous pull out that we've seen in afghanistan, it seemed this administration was going to focus on putting american 1st. i mean, did we learn our lesson and not get involved with other countries? politics, as you mentioned, there's multiple theaters that the u. s. is involved in right now. that doesn't necessarily have a direct correlation with american security. so it is, america really gain more from being part of nato than to stand our own. i mean, do we actually think nato would come to the u. s. as defense on our soil, if ever challenged,
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they are certainly came to american defense quite with great commitment falling on the web. so yes, if they went to say that was in afghanistan, when we know the saudi arabia was the one that was behind 911. so was that really target offense? if you're asking about neo and would it america wonder under attack when they come to our defense and they did come door defense. they did fight not garrison. so yes, and the answer to the question is yes, they would. so can, the question is not much leather, the russians to pose a challenge to american security because of course, since $776.00 american security is dependent on developments and you're as much as they have. and then the question is, how forward should america be in the more forward america is less likely you will see the french, the germans, the british step up and defend their interests in europe by themselves, america, seeing who it cannot do multiple wars and multiple regions simultaneously. the fundamental challenge is trying major. now understand we have an interest in asia
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to is not is stronger than our contemporary interest in europe. but the russians are less powerful and less of a threat to america. so it's america 1st for what is 1st for america. it is defending american interest in asia and our relationship with japan and other countries there who are vital to american security interest in the state will be interesting to see if china does decide to go an aggressively in a stage. if they decide to go in and how nato will respond, if they'll consider them to be an ally. but it's not only in regard to the military . it's also a regard to the pandemic. because another organization, the world health organization really botched the way and handled the cove in 1000 pendant across the globe. it did not properly, i think, investigate china's claims initially. the disease could not transfer between humans . surprise, we've learned a can and advised against restricting travel from countries which actually could have slow the initial spread. and there seems to be this lack of transparency about finding the origin covert itself. labs are looking more and more suspect president
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donald trump sever ties with who present bite and rejoined on day one and office should america continue to pump money into an organ? is this organization that some say actually exist really just to serve china and it's interest? well, we should not be surprised that the w t o is a political organization for obviously they operate in international politics. and if they want access to other countries, whether it's in africa, whether it's south asia, whether it's latin america, to promote health, global health, which america has an interest in, they are going to have to work with local governments, with the local government to find a w t o hostile to their interest, they can't get into those countries. so it's a w t o political of course they are no more, no less than any other international organization, whether it's the un, whether it is the map, whether it's the w, t o or international organizations or political, including the world health organization. now you're absolutely right, the chinese were less than parents. they were slow to respond. in those
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circumstances, we want the w t o in trying to learn as much as they can, even though it's not as much as we like. it's core more beneficial. so i'm active, which i rather have no accidents, so that any circumstances should be part of the w h l. absolutely, because they're not only involved in china, they're involved in africa, as we well know. we don't want americans to become sick from cove. it must prevent the spread of cobra around the world because there's 1st occurs in africa or india or japan or china. it will ultimately end up in united states. merican health is a global issue and the w h o is far better to deal with global health is simply the united states acting alone. well, that is, one thing that we have learned from the pandemic is how quickly one thing can spread and how quickly can come over. but obviously, transparencies important. now, china is a country, i think that we can, university gree puts themselves 1st. the government cut all the red cape for buildings and continues to cities really honestly without much care to the
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environment, even though they say they do. china continues to gain a larger influence in the world as it takes over america spot as a world power. but also their education, they are taught to love their country is one of china's main goals right now is to raise the next generation, not only of citizens, but soldiers. is china success with nationalism something that other country should mirror or is this potentially going to far? well, the unity of the chinese people behind their government, affiliate strength. and the last decade or so, united states become increasingly polarized, with many people believe in the american democracy in the united states. americans believe this, there are democracy, illegitimate. and so we have to ask ourselves, what is causing this polarization in america rather than coming together to address national problems? and to some extent, this polarization reflects us government policy, leadership, policy, leadership, speeches, long speak to some members of congress, members of the senate,
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who are resisting, creating a unified perspective and legitimacy of american institutions. so you can say part of the prominence china and have a user propaganda system, but don't promise us leadership congress in the senate who disparage american democracy, you undermine our institution. and that creates as much polarization and the absence of unity as anything else in this country. well, professor ross, i just hope that we could actually encourage more unity encourage the good it's in this united states where so many times we focus on the bad, i think that would play a good role in a future society. thank you so much for joining us. and sharing your insight. thank you. now after the break, we're going to look at a brack said and the current status and if the boat without the day where the nationalist is still have the power to pass that when we come back, ah ah,
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ah ah . couldn't is the aggressor today? i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions today. russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. and um, but as constantly growing, i think go switch us, look almost a cosigner as we speak on the believe senior most in mind the we're will ship,
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we're banning all in ports of russian oil and gas. new g. i always suffering. i mean, i know they plenty of those lower temperatures. you're fed said the super bowl whitaker can get away pretty good regarding joe biden and imposing these sanctions on russia. jo has destroyed the american economy. you. so there's your boomerang. ah, ah, needs to come to the russian state co. i'm calling the santini. d vestos from them. okay. awesome. and of a group in 55 with the state. okay, so 9 is gonna be the one else go ahead with we will van in the european union,
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the kremlin media machine. the state aunt rush up to date and school ortiz spoke next. even our video agency, roughly all bands on youtube with school nutrition, did you think even close with sulu? welcome back to 360 view. i'm a scotty now. he's now brooks. it took over national headlines as a britain tried to sever ties with the european union. now it looks like scotland is following their lead. so discuss we want to bring an economist, dr. richard. well, thanks for joining me, dr. wolf. glad to be here now. thank you. ok, well, i want to hold off on scotland for a moment. i want to start with rex it, you know,
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this was the original. i'm putting my country 1st plan as a britain voted to exit the you. now this would prevent the united kingdom from having to pay the european union as was limit who can easily travel between the countries. now the sentiment was jumpstart by a string of terrorism attacks in england. and this form of nationalism allowed britain to protect themselves. so do you see this form of nationalism leading other countries to break out of packs, such as the e, u, nato, and even the united nations? absolutely, nationalism can go both ways. it always has, historically, it has been progressive, assuming we all agree on what that means roughly, and it has been regressive or reactionary. it depends on who's making use of it for what purpose. so for example, with briggs. ringback there you had a group of politicians, a conservative party that had been in office for a while and that was looking that it was going to lose its position. england's
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situation since 2002008 has been declined by every important measure. and so a winning of the conservative is led by mister boris johnson decided that kind of nationalism would allow the conservative party to hold on. and they were right. they guessed, politically correctly. they went on a chair and they forced the vote, which they decided to have. and then they were often broke, broke away from europe. i don't think anyone, including most of the people who supported it, would today tell you with enthusiasm that they were right. there's a lot of debate in london to say the least about whether that was and a political mistake. and by the same token, on the other side, you have ukraine or places like that, that are trying to goal in
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a very different political direction. but seeing nationalism in their context as a way to do that. so scotland is pushing again yet in another direction. located not so many days ago, the republican party meeting in texas insisted on making a statement that they reserve the right for texas to secede from the united states . so the notion of a nationalism defined at various different levels. whether it be a region like scotland or texas or a whole country, i think you're going to be seeing nationalism played with by all the political sides over the immediate future in lots of ways we, we will find surprising, you know, dr. wolf, i love that you look at this and both ways. on one hand, you have nationals and causing people to separate from the bigger organization. on the other hand, you have it causing to want to join the big organization. it's amazing to think if
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the present time situations between the pandemic and obviously the war in ukraine if that same vote and breakfast held today, if it would have the same results. but i do want to look at the scotland rolling all of this, 52 percent of people in britain voted in favor of brag it back in 2016, 38 percent of scotch voters actually wanting to join their british counterparts and breaking away from the usa was not scotland and supportive this now scotland once or population out of control of their own future, and is planning a vote on becoming an independent country. all this is scheduled for october of 22003. what does scotland have to gain by declaring independence? and do you see this vote being more about having to join the you as the number one leading factor? i think what you're seeing in scotland is 2 things coming together. the and i'll try to be polite here, the animosity felt by large portions of the scottish people toward the british,
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the english is very old and runs very deep. so all the politicians in scotland have known for a long time their whole lives that this is a very powerful reality that could be tapped in the past. it was kept under wraps because the british empire would not allow their to be the thing to go anywhere. and the pressure from london was always weary economic center. you could never make it on your own, given the size of scotland, given where england's holy economy is developed without scotland, having its own reality within it. what has changed now? is that brags it opens up the space to break away, and what the scots could do is cut a deal with the rest of europe. go the other direction. and then you'd have the
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irony, that part of the british united kingdom, expressed its nationalism by breaking away from europe. whereas another part of the united kingdom, scotland expressed it's nationalism by reconnecting and becoming part of the e u. that kind of a scottish break away. well, that's a very different story and could be imagined economically in a way that kind of going it along. literally, that's a hard sell to get even to the, to the people they're knocked off as the economic environment continue to decline in europe becomes more strain. it will be interesting to see when countries going to self preservation mode for themselves rather for the entire entity doctor up always great to talk to you. thanks for joining me. my pleasure. thank you. then so when has it become wrong for the people of
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a country to not have pride in their homeland? now granted, having too much pride can be just as dangerous as germany showed us in world war one and 2. however, if you tell a good person that they are bad enough times at some point, they begin to believe it and even act like it. the same can also be if you turn entire nation, they should not be proud of their history, their present, or what their future looks like. they eventually will believe it. even more convincing is a fact that it is coming from the leadership of that country. and ironic part is what a society should do when they're being told by their leaders that they are not good is hold those leaders accountable. and ask why the leaders are not motivating or creating an environment for the people to be their best. but this is the only way the world a lead can get the strongest of nations to agree to a global agenda. why else would you want to involve yourself unless you were being deceived? to think you were less,
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and you were at the mercy of others for help. a country being its very best does not automatically cause it to be a detriment to another. the more self sustaining and successful country can be on its own, the better it is for everyone else. moving forward, it might be, does a nationalist to exist within a country who might be the best and only hope for preserving its existence in the future. it has been part one of our series on nationalism come back next time to discuss how nationalism is specifically affecting economies around the world. i'm say now here's if you're free to give you up today's world news. morales. thanks for watching. ah huh. ah ah
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ah ah ah oh there is no such a thing as the cup everybody spoke. no, you're not gonna. ringback come from china, it's impossible they. oh, can you, can you diminish here? did you say yes or no, but that group because these are the currently americans the little box have they are christmas the rock date given that is that. ringback to the how are we tar ah, a,
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with the headlines on, on the international cementing friendly ties, cube was president, has been meeting with vladimir putin and while on a special visit here to moscow, he has already addressed the russian parliament as europe prioritizing political issues ahead of its energy needs, china takes a more pragmatic approach, striking on historic 27 year deal with cutoff gas delivery. australia is claims of having some of the cleanest cold on the planet up here to go up in smoke. after a whistle, blowers claiming that the fuels green credentials have actually been faked for years with.
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