tv News RT November 22, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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idea that everybody is deserve it, and that's just that virtue of your being here with headlines is our can your son's almost a 1000 for the democratic republic of congo to quote an insurgent uprising in that countries recipe. neither one of them, a body brands, all activities of a, of the many years of the present in the region. i know various claims of having some of the poll on my with also whistle blows, claims of the field,
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green credentials. i've been a good evening wherever you are the world. welcome to all t international is just past the hour here in the capital moscow, and it's great to have you with us. i'm more of a mommy. let's take a look at today's top stories. kenya has stepped into ongoing peace negotiations between the democratic republic of congo and the m. 23 militia. as the m. 23 violent insurgency near the real, one of border continues to shake the region with thousands of people, display st. jude spiraling crisis. all these correspondence kind of been a tucker has the story. then rising escalations, a tension between neighbors, the democratic republic of congo, as well as his neighbor to the east. rwanda. m a u, an office boy,
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human italian as that is in the b r. c. as in today's, over 13000 people with this place, the entrance, the 3 rebels who that the us, he gonna choose the london government or some point he has taken over there at to town in gore, in the eastern part of the d r. c. and they moved subsequently to close trade routes that linked the v r c to uganda, as well as to kalia king as new president william rudolph. when, as i say that king out will use us in order to maintain peace in the region. we're committed under the east african community to do whatever it takes to support his excellency the president to support the government of the d. r c. and the people of the dear see, so that we can achieve peace in this country. it's in our interest collectively and individually that we have
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a peaceful region. so 218000 people have been displaced in areas in the eastern part of the r c. as a result of the resurgence of the m 23 rebels. kind with the congolese soldier that you know from the democratic republic of congo, the international community should step up efforts to ensure that vulnerable populations in the democratic republic of the congo are protected, including women and children. and to ensure affected populations are able to access humanitarian assistance. now, oh, need others? paul tagami over one law as well as phillips and the katie of the r c. have lamented what they call the role of international players when it comes to the situation in the area. but the united states, which saw i see as long lines as it was, that the r c is trying to be seen, have an honest broker between the 2. recall on countries in the region to use all
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means available to them. to urge an immediate cessation of hostilities and immediate resumption of consultations on concrete steps to deescalate cur intentions. but on can lead us, i'm not really going to count house to the west and empowers or as they would have them. a b 2 leaders are expected to bring heavy delegation. but what makes this interesting is that maybe i know african leadership may have been to piece processes if you will. then looked into the situation in the d r c. namely, been a while and r p process which facilitates peace between the, the us the and grammar. and we also had that narrow review process, which was really looking into the piece facilitation in 5 that the us he had. so as you know, the, you estimate, they are more than 100 rebel groups in the the r c which has been waging and not as
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if i gay is the comalies on marley's murphy government has banned french funded endears amid the deepening route between paris and the marco to transitional government has decided to been effective immediately. all activities carried out by n g o z operating and molly with funding, material or technical support from france, including in the humanitarian field. a molly and primer 3rd justified his mood quality is as a risk forms the parson recent holt in development. 8 for by marco earlier, french from emanuel macro ended his countries, antiques, harris operations in the fire zone, in africa with no improvement made insecurity for the region. we spoke to principal alice ali kara, who says the current tension can lead to unpredictable results in relations between the 2 states. hulu today, relations between the 2 countries are extremely tense,
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almost at the point of no return when there are such loud attacks in the media. the purpose of both the french and the molly and authorities, all the points that po mako and paris are gaining today have nothing to do with it . and at the same time, the strained relations between bama cohen paris make it clear to ask how much we should expect to return to normalization of cooperation, normalization of partnership between molly and france. and this can go on for a long time. so it is obvious that by marco and paris to day or any contradictory dynamic in terms of mutual cooperation and partnership. however, paris is at hand to say it, africa are not limited to molly, but also go beyond that. the entire saw her region research by the african center. the study on terrorism shows that french attempts in show security in the region of not succeeded as one for the old terrace. in fact, in africa are in this region bring death to the 2000 people. just in the 1st half
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of this year. another country looking at fossil is also fighting a terrorist threat. i am. crowds of volunteers have gathered in the country's capital to defend is with a government of the west african nation, seeking to recruit 50000 troops to fight against a persistent she had this insurgency. thousands of people being killed by the insurgent group over the past 7 years. the country's previous president was overthrown by the murphy 2 months ago on allegations, but he failed to properly deal with the hottest 30000 troops of or would have been proven. they just drive to eliminate the insurgent forces. we heard foam local residents who expressed their willingness to fight for that country. one was even 80 years old 1000 years and nobody took
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a square centimeter of our territory. i was 16 and i decided to join the army to learn if one day my country is attacked, even if i am 80 years old. if i can raise my little finger than i will join the army by volunteering and bringing my stone to the construction of foreign nation, a nation under threat under terror. it is true that 40 percent of the territories and terrorist control would. i hope that with this recruitment together will be able to restore the whole national territory. i think that everyone is asked to contribute to the work. this is a national cause we have to fight for that. it doesn't mean that every one will carry a weapon, but what we can do to help we will do for going to burn coal. australia has some of the cleaning on the planet mats that play in the countries been making for years. but now whistleblower has thrown suits all over those supposedly clean credentials with little detail hes on seeds contributor rachel madison. you just
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may be shocked to hear that this clean cool that we keep hearing about could be a scam. and at least that's what a whistleblower is alleging in australia, a member of parliament. andrew wilkie took the leech whistleblower documents into parliament yesterday and demanded an inquiry into some green shenanigans did icebreaker. i'd bring to the parliament to attention another bribe, whistle blow, and executive from the astray and coal industry, who has provided me with sales in some documents that prove australian companies have been long for years about the quality of the call. and that's important because the fraud is environmental vandalism, and mike's all a toll of net 0 missions by 2050 a fiction. it could also be criminal, trashing corporate reputations, as well as our national reputation. the scandalous fact is that this called executive whistleblowers allegations have already been put to the australian federal police. the new south wales police destroy insecurities,
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an investment commission, the department of industry. so it's energy and resources, and even the form of federal government, and sofa, no authority, not one has been willing to act on this alleged criminal behavior. despite the fact that select evidence has already been presented in australian courts. proving what this whistleblower says is true. big brained, western leads had been brow beating the entire planet in recent years about the need for everyone to reduce their carbon footprint. flying around in a private jets while telling all the little people to ditch their gas guzzling cars ride their bikes more and even cracking down on farmers. these flatulent cows are supposedly blowing holes in the earth ozone layer all because these same western leaders became obsessed with this idea of controlling the rise of the earth. atmospheric temperature to less than $1.00 degrees celsius above free industrial levels. they never really provided any proof of how the average joe living stone
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age lifestyle was to actually accomplish that. but it did give them the opportunity to extract endless cash out of everyone and to use environmental sins for profit by slapping carbon taxes on everything that moved or breathed, but least if it didn't have flatulence law was sitting there. and because fossil fuels like cool result in more carbon taxes, of course it makes sense that if a country could just come up with the idea of a clean, cool that reduce the carbon tax that the customer would ultimately have to pay the government. well, then they could justify selling that cool for a higher price. so for many years now, the australian coal industry has been promoting this idea that is coal exports, which it sends to countries like japan, south korea, india, and china are cleaner than the coal exports of other countries. basic corporations making pledges of net 0 emissions are also taking the public for a ride that's according to a new united nations report released just earlier this month at the cop $27.00
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climate change conference that accused these entities of promoting a green agenda for marketing purposes as a strategy to gain more business, all while failing to back up the claims in practice. all this has to really make you wonder how much of this green washing is really going on out there among all these virtu signor's. who are so quick to tell the rest of us how to live on the 2 years of claim a la hon. to buy them. a lot of story was a product of russian disinformation. cbs news. so suddenly done about face and now admits the thought. a rudy was real author, all the laptop data we had analyzed showed no evidence. it was faked or tampered with. cbs has now verified the authenticity of the 100 biden laptop. and this comes after the new york times in the washington post. already
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verified it, but we're still rating to see if there's going to be a retraction of their claim that was widely circulated at the time of the 2020 elections. this was all just some kind of russian. this information operation works as, as was said in the interview they did with president trump, that this couldn't be verified. let's recall it's this. i think it's one of the biggest scandals i've ever seen. and you don't cover if you want to talk about well, because it can't be verified. i'm telling you of course it can be verified. wrapped up leslie? leslie, what can be the laptop? why it even the family has the family on the left. she's got a job hiding to 5 day she's got to prepare for your most taken 5 days to prepare. i know that interaction was edited out of the interview that cbs news did with donald
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trump. during the 2020 election, they completely removed that interaction. i've now been leaked is available to the public, the white house provided it, but the laptop essentially links hunter biden and the job id, rather jim biden, to a, an influence peddling operation in which there was access. and basically there were foreign deals going on. and the details of this story and the story itself were censored by twitter and facebook. it was impossible to send links to the stories by the new york post and other outlets that we're covering it via the social media outlets. they completely prevented the story from spreading at the time mainstream media dismissed the entire story. to me, this is this classic textbook, soviet russian, tre, corrected work. we do know that it's a very active russian campaign that's according to the us intelligence community.
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who do you think is behind this? well, the russians would be my number one guess. so now we understand this story is not russian, this information. it is in fact true. that's the message that we're getting. so in the white house finally now answered questions about the biden family and their business connection. can you address whether the president was involved in any of your fun hunter or for other foreign business? so, you know, there's, there's some, a little bit of interesting, you know, kind of on brand thinking here with republicans that take control of the us house of representatives that appears there will be some investigation of the topic by congressional committee. and at this point, people are wondering if we're going to hear an actual retraction from us, mainstream media that seems to be working very, very hard to cover up and suppress what turns out to be a very true, an authentic story about the us presidents,
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son and his international connections in deal, and one is reminded or viewers should be reminded of the hillary clinton e mail scandal and how it seems like. certain us officials are above criticism and protected by mainstream media when it comes to their activities and possible fall out of their actions. laughlin, employee who science i see believes 100 buying a laptop story has lost its potency since the dog has lost control of the house of representatives. it is one of the most shocking media scandals of our time because it shows that the media narrative is controlled by the deep state for political purposes. there's no other way to describe it. the mainstream media not only withheld the story of the laptop which was discovered before the election campaign that led to the victory of joe biden. they also withheld it in
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the run up to the mid term. so if you're asking me why they released this confirmation now it's because the midterms are over and they democrats, more or less managed to limit the damage in the, in the mid terms. they've, of course, lost control of the house of representatives, but they didn't lose control of the senate. so the withholding of the story has subbed its purpose and now the story can indeed be released on russia. atomic energy agency is helping to build the 1st nuclear plant. it says the construction of slides on the mediterranean coast is the largest in the world. the new, the energy industry in playing thousands of workers bows. amounts are made of a major international energy form wrapped up in the southern russian city of sub g . but he crassness us on the breath. this is a wonderful project. the elder bar nuclear power plant. it's an immense
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construction site, was huge potential for energy blocks or plant there. and just this november we finished the basic foundation work on the 2nd blog. 4500 people are working there now and over 3000 of them are rejections. and we can see how egyptian business and government are starting to reap the benefits of a big and serious multi year project, which will create tens of thousands of jobs. and in fact, establish a new atomic city in egypt, north. yeah, it will soon become the world's biggest atomic construction site. the 2 day long nuclear marathon has officially come to closure here in the russian town of such delegates from more than 70 nations descended upon this one single venue. and while they did, of course, took mingle and rub shoulders with each other. still, most of the conversations they did for orbits, they did gravitate towards one very hospitable host, rushes atomic energy giant ross atom. this time in the limelight words, projects all over the world. after all, they have been sprouting truly from chile to china. for instance, the ceo of ra,
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sat and proudly brought forward. it's project in africa where the company is helping build the countries atomic power plant. now i did also have a chance to talk to someone from egypt, who knows why the country is so much in need of clean atomic energy making the sources of images clean and green. zabeda. so is that is what nuclear energy we franco, easy air because we have a solar wind and also aside from fossil fuels, then at spine po, or will i need larry energy as that lead and green source of phoenix. but surely, egypt and africa weren't the only focus of ross at m. c. o. for instance, he talked extensively about the project in turkey were in the south of the country . what expected to be a while? the country's biggest nuclear power plant is already nearing completion,
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but apparently moscow and anchor are going to stop there. again, according to ross adams, chief, they are in the talks with the turkish side to build a 2nd nuclear power plant. and now they are already sourcing out the technical details and other technicalities. well, that's turkeys, one thing, but really again, ross adams projects. they are global and again, more than 70 nations. they have descended upon this venue. so really, the main focus here has been not just on atomic energy, but rather how to weave it into the global going green policy. and they haven't reduced somewhat, trying to promote the term that has existed already, but has been so far on the industry's fringes until king about the so called blue economy. and that is again into twining atomic energy into the green agenda because, well, according to every single expert that i've talked to here, not only nuclear energy is extremely safe, it is always, it is also very ecologically friendly. so going carbon neutral is another aspect of
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this form that a lot of experts and we'll activists that i've spoken to here. they have really put forward and they have been really excited that these issues are being discussed on such a global level before all the broader is in asia. we heard from a member of egypt, foreign affairs council use. roy i was study, he says the country had trouble embarking on such a project with western piles. but with russia, the dream was going to be achieved. g on company is actually today is the best, the company in the world for constructing nuclear power plant. it has all the elements where she measures added extra heat, all traditional nuclear power plant. in fact, even if you leave a design a well,
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actually about 17 companies know dealing with them. egypt is definitely a 2 or 350 years or more of having nuclear power plant. and unfortunately, we were looking more to the west. every time there is always political problems. there always something preventing merely so in the nation. and now we have a home and you start it will be allies the world cup hosted by thought has been at the center many and politically ties. conversation now adding to the list of controversies has been a show support for palestine. include inventories say providing television, gaza towards the event and muslim football fund, shutting is really repulsive in doha. it's palestine. lebanese
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fans refused to be interviewed by an israeli tv reporter after he said that he is from israel at world cup 2022 and guitar. public broadcaster from easily what israel is you are from missouri. yeah. it is. okay. no. why? because oh, what's the name moisten, moisten. what do you do for leaving lic? actually, i didn't want to know myself. just. are you a cathartic fan? yes. and what is it from witcher to viola with his room? if we circle you a few words for the game, paula seniors in garza gotten all pets in energy just to join in on the celebrations as the cathartic government sent them big screen t. v. 's for free tours. the votes. ah,
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that god, we thank guitar and think it's a mirror. shake time him for his sponsorship of the world cup. he has allowed us as arabs and as palestinians to watch the world cup. i can describe my happiness that the 1st arab country to host world cup is a small arab countries that has done what other countries could not do. this is a historical period for us as we will have a name in history escort her is hosting the world. come with many european countries have tried to criticize guitar and tarnish, the image of that country and the arab community. europe in general, if it wants to apologize for what it has done in the past, would need 300 years to apologize. well, i wrote up this news. our is always great to have the you with us check out off
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a . we have which are ours we make, you know, i'm not know, let you to really care about me if you care about to play. i wish somebody could just tell me why they're all treat, lynching, beating poverty twice. a plain mistake is for disgusting ambulance. the people in mississippi voted on a wire, and 65 percent of the people voted to keep the car and why?
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our purpose is to, to fan the good name of the confederates held because of these monuments, the t c everywhere are not, can, they're not monuments to the can better go there monuments to the, to the soldiers, to the data. you know, if we're going to be offended by everything, every negative part of our history, we have to get rid of everything with . ah, with
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shackled to medical bills for ailments, so old they could have their own student loans, their default. they know it's an oppressive. this heartening state of affairs. that leaves people doing whatever they can just describe by because they don't have any other choice. and that's not freedom, but a universal basic income can give you freedom, lots of freedom for them to go back to school, to learn new skills for them to take care of it. aging parents, the freedom to start a small business, the freedom to leave an abusive relationship, the freedom to just not have to worry about money. every single 2nd of every day. ah, plumbing. up until literally last 2 years. and my life has been like one emergency
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situation away from complete financial catastrophe. basically, i just live in paycheck to paycheck, not having any extra money for any thing at all. and you know, things happen. my name is tre crowder. i got attention on the internet for these videos i made featuring a character called the liberal read tray crowd, or little red tri crowder long time, no scheme. i want to talk to you about something. it's deeply personal to me. pales lot. people have asked me what to think about bio matter. well, put simply i find that they do for a long time when i was a young adult, i didn't have health insurance. you know, until i, i wouldn't do i enter mural sports and stuff like that at college. sincerely because i was like, well, you know what, i blow money out or something. i'm screwed. and those just those types of things just knowing that you're on the precipice of flag ruin all the time. yeah, it's extremely stressful and.
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