tv Documentary RT November 26, 2022 12:30am-1:01am EST
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[000:00:00;00] a pretty flag that's about the extent of it. it does not replace what we have now understand, you know, the 20 stores the significance and what the meaning of that supposed to be, but nothing about it. honors confederate, veterans of the soldiers. nothing. this cemetery that we're going to go and i say cemetery, it's not much of a cemetery, just
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a few grades. but to me this is what our state flag is about. this is why our flag should remain the sign in this was originally just a small family cemetery. bell railroad tracks are in the same place. those are and i ran from meridian to jackson and owned vicksburg. soldiers died on the train right up here. they didn't even know the names of the soldiers. these are some of the files ins who fall and died and their families never heard from them again. didn't know where they were buried. what happened to
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them? this one right here, it says a 6 brave soldier. sleep here. that's kind of ha, feel about it. they were brave. they were honorable by didn't fight to preserve slavery. they fought because their home was invited because their, their site ask them to and it was honorable thing to do in, ah, how can you say that when that caused that you say that they fought so nobly for
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was girded up by slavery in the whole reason for mississippi getting into the civil war, they say very plainly, it's about preserving slavery. this, it goes back almost to our founding in this country, that the belief that america is a white man. and anybody else who comes, you has to back down to the y b as rules. so it's about white supremacy. it's about power and control. it's about maintaining the status quo. and any kind of change occurs in this country where those progress made towards diversity is responded to as it is a threat to the white man. if we're going to change display. and then some brave white men going to have to stand up and step up. and it's got to happen in the
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midst of the legislature a last legislative session. there were 19 bills related to the flag this session there 2002. all of those bills related to change or a means by which we can change the flag has been introduced by african american legislators. they bill for in support of the current state flag have all been introduced by white male, conservative legislators in 2001. the people in mississippi voted on a flag and 65 percent of the people voted to keep the current flag. well, i don't think we as elected representatives, have the right to overturn their decision. now, whether you like it or not, we can argue about that. but the decision was made by the people of mississippi to
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keep the current flag. so do you have a personal feeling about the flag? i personally believe that we should keep the flag. i think that the narrative that any m lorine thing there that harkens back to the civil war is somehow racist or in support of slavery is just wrong. what we have to do is spend the time to educate every one of what the real history with the belief that the flag issue will be settled when we all understand the real history of the civil war is attractive, but which part of the history confederate heritage supporters argue that the civil war was not fought to free the slaves because abraham lincoln himself said, so it is original inaugural address. he said,
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if i could preserve the union free and all the slaves, i do that i can preserve the union, but free and so miss life that i can preserve the union afraid. no slight pat key was reserved and though lincoln was morally opposed to slavery, he held common racist beliefs. and then there's the core when amendment colon name, it was proposed to actually legalize leg. and i tried to propose it to the southern people to get them to not to join, get back in the union, but they denied they didn't want to have any part of it. all had a better bile with slavery than the court amendment would fix that. because it stated that the south to perpetuate key is peculiar institution which referred to as labor. if they would not succeed from the union. the corps one amendment passed both houses of congress in 1861 lincoln in his 1st inaugural address,
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said he would not interfere with it. and the corps would amendment been adopted before the civil war began. it would have provided a constitutional protection for slavery in the united states. and it would have been the 13th amendment but mississippi made it clear that they seceded to protect slavery, in part because they believed that black people were better suited to work in the oppressive heat. a requirement for picking cotton and some white mississippians feared that emancipation wouldn't just mean economic ruin. it would lead to something they fear, even more racial equality. this was made clear when a commissioner name william l harris was sent to georgia to persuade them to join mississippi in seceding from the union and form a southern confederacy of slave holding states in an address to the georgia general assembly. he said, our fathers made this a government for the white man,
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rejecting them as an ignorant, inferior barbarian race, incapable of self government. he concluded his speech, saying, mississippi would rather see the last of her race. men, women and children immolate in one common funeral pyre, can see them subjugated to the degradation of civil political and social equality with a race. georgia joined the confederacy. 3 months later, when our previous president was, there was nothing but a big hey. and it seemed like there was more of a, a war of rice war more speak on the why does really what it was, this isn't a racial, they not my enemies will say for anything racial at all. we're, we're out here where stand for southern pri better. why knows?
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heavily with his friends with judge rule about believe that will they will be able to come out and everybody finally uses rested because it's like don't stay in for i said it was just our heritage was set on a table and hash out to play a clump don't understand that this is the way we feel, regardless how you feel, you know, the way you feels while you feel would change. what i'm asking you to change that. we're asking you to come to placing your last word. you can excel what we do as we say up what you do, what the odds of that happening are slim and then i honestly believe we get freedoms down low. i'll be late. people were relaxing anymore. it's all rosy. religion with her sake flag the flag of
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18. $94.00 is the symbol of the mississippi that adopted the constitution of 18. 90 mississippi. as governor. at that time, james arden unabashedly stated, mississippi's constitutional convention of 1890 was held for no other purpose than to eliminate from politics. like the world know it just as it is. governor of argument also said, if it is necessary and every oh in the state will be lynched, and it will be done to maintain white supremacy. sometimes you'll hear people say, oh mister sidney is such a better place or not from him. quite frankly, very big. that's fine, they can stay wherever they are. i'm white this bush. if i didn't, why this is sybil lee? if you don't white mississippi where you're leaving, i invite you to do the same. find some place where you can be here. i've been raised in this state and i love mississippi. if i would be one of the and say,
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if you don't like it, you can go on with my family and be here for more than a century in that playing a deal when it is to me. no, i was going to take the flag away from you. can we add on your body on your travel, your car in your yard? that's what the 1st amendment gives you. but without, without these date play, they represent all mississippians in that flag that represent all this the boy, ah, them, we can pull it with them, put it to the state of celia, was this because they get to school, you need to give you the got to the new year for him, i teach the way. no, i me teaching should to school and you have to get a little bit of a, sheila, it's a wish that she let me put the award ramon and i'm
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with bush not to not slip putting them on. they're glad to boot me. what they can think that i'm just, i get, i use one low scholarly, i'm all that i would need someone to study to live the carson brought. i used to wish i had finished. this is just those are for the nation. important to come thing to do friday, the material ordering a shirt and tremendous tyler and whistles good condition. isn't this a a low one. it talks about how good to walk again unless they agree, as we'll say, oh, we're taking us, then we'll go there is protocol to 37 percent of the people in your own
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bar. i show a last in the summer of 2015, the where with the assistance of compromising republicans laws can attack all samples representing the confederate states of america. after guillory loss, donald trump was elected, arrived from july angry protestors mostly mar a city 5 into that. and my, what do you think? what about the answer is obvious. for the did the numbers for you? probably for a little boy with very what about people?
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they're terrible boys, a feminist, a b, y, please. why, why is the press? because there's a point of view that says we should keep the y a name. i met re shores once before. and he said something to me in that conversation, i'd heard from other confederate heritage supporters. but ray was the only one who set it on camera. you'd said that slavery was it was, it was a natural condition. well know exactly what i said them. but i remember the interview,
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the relationship between the slave and the master wasn't accepted thing and it was there was a love between them. i want them to understand what you're saying here is that that, that the matter will arrange. and you're saying that in the united states in mississippi, that it was a natural flavor, was natural and that the relationship could be a natural thing, could be yes, it could be no, there could be people who felt like it was under like the slaves. some of them perhaps so you think it was not um yeah, i don't think it was already approved for. okay. what the position? yes. i just accepted it as a as their station in the line. do you see a situation where blacks could be masters to white? would that be that? would that be now? and yeah, i think in some cases a very well, you know, i had a, a supervisor when i worked at
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a department store one time that was bought. and i took orders from him and did what he told me to do. yeah. but you had your freedom of use, do you had your liberty? could you imagine situation where you were looking to slave a black master? well that, let me just say that that's not something that i can just fully comprehend. and imagine right here here in your question, but i'd be happy to think about it. yeah, i'm just curious. i basically told him, i said, hey, i'm one of those new age, young black such a peer. you sent me to a war. you made me notice how much i love america. you made me come back to my state. i got my education. and now what you've done is you created a monster. someone who isn't afraid of someone who is going to come at you every house, bread there. and we're going to make sure we get that flag that i will go to the state. you know, we are 40 percent and we can make that not be afraid of these guys because i'm the biggest house in the world. i asked, are you a veteran? did you ever start the say?
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no. well, you're here because of the sort of funny man refunded me by the spring of 2017 cities and counties throughout the state had renew mistake flag from government buildings as well as all 8 public universities and the rallies and public meetings are becoming more confrontational. oh, now with make remove before with me, and you get a hold of 1 may or june and takes it upon his sale to take it to devote to the people in mississippi pending claim,
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the shredder j a is our home. these are our symbols, that way, that i might what appears to be assigned, but it's also she take a liquor to only give you an opportunity to wrong with a nearby morland's, a city with a 60 percent black population, the court to just to prove the city council's plan to remove 4 prominent confederate statues from public property, including the monument to jefferson davis, president of the confederacy for confederate heritage,
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supporters like george. their fears were coming true. confederate monuments were now under attack. their argument is this, these statues in the symbols of the southern people are racist and promote y supremacy. that is, there are you, we got this guy walk around with the communist flag here and he's going around just talking smack, just walking up people and just colonist white supremacists and racist and everything like that. well, we're all willing to protect ourselves. if we feel threatened, we will use our weapons. are you off right now? yes sir. would you? would you feel about threatening my life? you're starting your day and right. i would really and you're willing to be shot on it now and this is a cause. i'm willing to give my life or do you think that comes from for years and years,
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any time i'll walk around with my state flag. this is the flag of my state. and i get very sick and tired of being called a racist. and i'm big it because it because i'm proud of poor up front and it's getting to a point then we're not gonna take it in. we've given we've compromised. we've lost a lot and we're not gonna lose any more. when you're on the right side of history, it's always worth fighting for. if you don't know about reality dice this, otherwise you'd realize that this isn't like monuments my supremacy. i would fit a lot and i would just because you say that job,
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it may be the most prejudiced i've ever heard of my life. you don't know any of these people in your car. why supremacy not prejudiced on a tower? they're looking for trouble. so they can get us really kicked out of here, arrested break our spirit. but we're not gonna fall for you guys. please get them over there and separate them before hits the fan, if you would, we would greatly appreciate. can i not go over on the other side of the street? there's grass over there. they're going to have a cookout over there, but there are over here trying to instigate us. you see this is rolling the window up on me. he's rolling the window. you see that he just rolled the window up on me
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all rolled the window. i went, what's your name and your badge number, sir. what's your name? your badge number. what's your name? your badge number is alma, may i get your name and your badge or more not citizen? i asked you for a name and your badge number. you're supposed to give it your public servant. you say they roll the window, they rolled the window up, they don't care. there won't trouble. there was a mm. we are going with, [000:00:00;00]
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a group of self identifying white supremacists and neo nazis gathered at least circle in new orleans. white civil rights organization. with they were there to protest the planned removal of a statue of confederate general robert lee on this day. it wasn't possible to separate confederates symbols from racist beliefs. you ah, 4 days later the jefferson davis stature was taken down. mm. and robert e lee was removed from his pedestal, at least sir,
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ah, ah, ah, in the least come to russian state. little never, i've side as i'm phoning most landscape div. uh mm hm. and i'm not getting calls all sons. i'm up with within the 55 when. okay, so mine is 2000 speedy. when else with we will van in the european union, the kremlin community up machine, the state aunt, rush up to date and school r t sport mckibben our video agency, roughly all band on youtube
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with me. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms. race is often very dramatic and development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk. ah ah, 3 with water is thrown in to the old hon and the snow falls about, oh, stuck on this done to the last dance. have been able to deal us when sprung from dodger. ours from them to lower the do it in bt dufrane. you could keep the way in
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the pals teacher skills on the edge on the brown asia. so was to let them know the up against him because a little bulk them in the crucial chest middle school. the lesson was leading us wookey bone is not as good p t d still not off what you could a little but you do that? well, they need, they will live up, she is, we, can you video pics that will be good to go with when you go see she'll be missed, missed anything, and that'll suffer more than you can give us his net. but did he thought he is a little south of miss dempsy? this material, but he lost phone social even though so gray unit should update those. slight elvis, you still open it. it doesn't help at all with them. yeah, yeah, i mean, she go, she returns the country, isn't it please then you'll have to learn this man yet. so to handle most of his
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emotional, specially choosing a globe with lisa. there's openings and you took a little of doing piecemeal. mm. in 2020 to the italian government approved a package of military aid to ukraine. coordination with you and nato to help ukrainians defend themselves and fight back about 150000000 euros. well, i make a week, almost even atomic bombs are here. even on the same naco and the u. s. with you and want that people will die just for make money. the one that i have i have been yes. because while you must you go through on it. if you go through, i'm not sure complete. i mean, there's water damage. you thought if you do, you need to be done to get i will put them in those will door more saw me my show a tool or a volvo exec leila. lesser opinion polls show that over 70 percent of italians are against military support for ukraine. campbell,
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i landed in confront with the day after 5 to don't a letter was yet a skit out and was home and do not she then the, the daily data going to log lucille my last to book a lot. you this little things and we're not returning fund theater, that i got a disturbing images that i had to civilians are killed in the latest ukrainian bombardment i've done. now. it's true shaw, the russian region $39.00 times in the past 24 hours. we report from the scene of the attacks with i, u. s. military race and syria comes under attack and then rising tension between nato allies, turkey and the us. and, and the latest news from africa gonna analysis as
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