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tv   News  RT  November 29, 2022 1:00am-1:31am EST

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heard my story did not seem to challenge with with headlines this hour may seem less of a day. i was cool of washington to stop posting these units on the back track on the years on may campaign. again, there was a book just 0 cohen policy dislike with certain social media uses, have been just still think backs up protests. and there are high hopes piece in the phone as it's close, allied kenya host the new round of to thinking to devastating. thank
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a long conflict with hello, welcome to our teams and i feel like the russian capitalist was 9 am here and it's a pleasure to have the list. i'm ready to mommy. let's take a look at the top stories this out of the ears of smearing wookey, the co founder julian, i saw several made. the western media outlets have made abrupt youtube, they now call for the us government and its case against him. this group of editors and publishers, all of whom had worked with the sancha, felt the need to publicly criticize his conduct in 2011. but we come together now to express our grave concerns about the continued prosecution of julian, a sorry for obtaining and publishing classified materials. this indictment sets a dangerous precedent and threatens to undermine americans 1st amendment and the
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freedom of the press. well, it certainly makes sense that major news outlets would speak up about the fact that a journalist who published information has been stripped of his human rights as being threatened with extra dishes and prosecution under the espionage act in the united states. but what many have note it is that this statement seems to very much contradict the town of these publications earlier. and we will note that when julian assigned was being held up in the ecuadorian embassy and when he was dragged out of the ecuadorian embassy, these publications weren't speaking up on his behalf. rather they were helping to build the case by bas marching, his character running him through the mud. he has proved a highly problematic even embarrassing champion for the principles of press freedom in the public's right to information. even mr. sanchez friends have described him as difficult a narcissist with an outside view of his importance. it's probably too late for his
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sons to recover his former glory. but if you could give up his futile struggle against extradition and show a little respect to the swedish justice system, that would at least be a 1st nas through step. now it's also important to note that these words from these publications that now say they support mr. sam's, ah, they echoed a full blown media campaign to essentially demonize your innocence to justify any state repression levied against him. it was a full blown mainstream media assault to justify what was happening. let's review what was being said on television at design for a decade. go and some of the worlds have tried to shut. we can leaks down and sedate juliana sanchez, the head of wiki leaks, and draco malfoy, biological father has finally been arrested. you could tell that, living inside the embassy for 7 years, has taken its toll. here he is back in 2012. yeah. that compare that to today. i
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mean, amazing. the guy went in looking like draco malfoy came out with like double door. a weekly founder julian assigns was also arrested in london where he was dragged out of the ecuadorian embassy, looking like santa claus with a manifesto. you're all not a i haven't on my look. look at him like in just a few years. he went from bond villain to crowd surfing hobbit. now while focusing on obscure criticisms of his on his personality or his appearance, mainstream media seemed to have forgotten what he reveal review. the revelation is about real crimes and real scandals that came to light due to work a wiki leaks ah, ah,
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a now the biden administration has given no indication that they have any intention of dropping the charges, or the expedition case against julian assad. the u. s. department of justice says they continue to pursue extradition and that they will continue to pursue extradition for the time being. now the you carry home secretary did approve the extradition of julian assange because u. s. officials have promised to treat him humanely,
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whatever that means. so at the moment julian assigned his legal team is appealing that decision that he would be extradited to the united states. we heard from legal on media analyst lionel, who says he supplies were high, luasa media is now changes shewn about the song. if you listen to this, absolutely imprison feckless commentary by today's canoe shanty, just making fun of the way he looks, you know why he looks like that. let me tell you, it's called torture. that's why you look like that. and i like to see any of those brave journalist see if they can withstand a week of this. this is something which absolutely galls me. julian assigned whether you like him or not, whether you care for his personality is a hero. something must be happening. why all of a sudden, what changed? what information are they privy to?
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what sensibility were they exposed to that made them say, wait a minute. oh, by the way, all collectively, simultaneously is some kind of a choreograph fashion. they all decided, i think that maybe there is something to be said where he was actually a journalist. i haven't the foggiest but i will tell you, there should be a follow up better tauriel as to how, how just how imprisoned these people were. i can't believe how these journalists and they do the new york times high and mighty, and dare i say if you go back in your read what they said, their actual statement, it doesn't even provide a bill of particulars as to why it's almost like a oh come on, enough's enough. i guess he's a journalist, it was rather look warm and tepid at best. china has affirmed staying with 0 cove and policy does one lesson criticism as waiting so
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that certain social media uses have been liberal leaders. still thing facts to stir up protests in the country to von china has always been following its general 0 covert policy and has been making relevant adjustments in the light of the actual situation. we are now actively implementing the 9th version of the prevention and control plan centralization, processes of in demanding of freedom from anti covey, low thousands, the poor outs into the threes. but the government has insisted that the policy is effective in preventing this word of the disease somewhere. some countries and privacy clamped down on the domestic empty lockdown rallies are now condemning china's approach as they speak out in support of the chinese protesters. are message to peaceful protesters around the world is the same. and consistent people should be allowed for the right to assemble and to peacefully protest policies or
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laws or dictates that that they take issue with the western mainstream press has been gushing with sympathy for victims of government coven crackdowns, and they're cheering on protesters spilling into the streets and referring to the quote remarkable bravery of the protesters fight against draconian state loc downs . well, you know, just as long as the people protesting against these, coca crackdowns are in china. but if the citizens demanding to preserve their basic freedoms, to assemble, to work, to move around and to decide you know what to inject into their body or not happened to be in the west. well then the western media treats them like a bunch of nut job conspiracy theorists who are a threat to society and deserve to be suppressed and marginalized for having the absolute gall to resist government policy. what was the last time the any one witnessed a massive, nearly unanimous outpouring of support in the western mainstream media for anti
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covet mandate protesters in europe, for example, who took to the streets every weekend in places like here in paris for weeks on end . where was there support for the freedom convoy in canada, who supporters wanted nothing more than to restore equal rights? as the federal government engineered a 2 tiered society with travel and work prohibitions for those who failed to comply with government job mandates. all while prime minister just intruders government declared martial law to stop these protesters from taking to the streets and ordered the freezing of their bank accounts. when their own fellow citizens are standing up to government oppression, the western press is quick to denounce them as lawbreakers. we have a robust functioning democracy and protests. public protests are an important part of making sure we're getting messages out there. and kenny's are getting messages out there and highlighting how they feel various issues. but using protests to
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demand changes to public policy is something that, that i think is, is, is worrisome. but when the same phenomenon is unfolding in china, well, you know, you can't stop the spread of freedom, right? just ask german, stay, broadcaster, deutsche valley. this is an extraordinary moment in china on its spreading further . i'm wider in cities right across the country. hundreds and taking to the streets, angry and fed up with the government. they wrote cobra policy protests which for the most part or illegal have become more militant in recent weeks. restrictions on public life have been increased for those who are not vaccinated. what a brilliant example of objectivity in reporting the same sort of protests in 2 separate places, maybe opponents of western authoritarianism, should go waves some signs denouncing their own governments,
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proven crackdowns over there in china. if they want the western press to help them denounce locked downs while pretending to objectively report the news. victor gao, vice president of any sort of focus thing. thank says west swain's, bold time, folks young china than his own domestic problems. protests, i'm not common in china. our progress are common in many european countries right now in many european capital, cities, et cetera. there are huge protests strikes of all kinds, for example. and in the united states, you have massive kimmy compilers is really a curse. now they do not talk a lot much about these disturbances, for example, and they focus on the protests in china. now i do care about the protest in the chinese cities, and i do hope our countrymen will suffer less inconvenience as a result of the imposition of the dynamics. 0,
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call the policy. but i also hope the protesters each other will realize that there is a higher good to be achieved for greater stability, greater house and less deaths among the chimes people, because other adamic attention. and so africa a kenya has begun hosting yet another run a piece also try resolve a conflict in the democratic republic of congo nearest border with rwanda. delegate from rwanda and several other countries within the east african community are participating in the tools scheduled for the duration of the sleep. but notably the major surgeon group fighting in the confidently. m 23 was not invited to this round after a previous acord clenched in the ang gillian capital. no wonder failed to take hold local divorce. armando kiana, st. of this report about the gathering in nairobi. it's an integral when he's done
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on a mac, restore increase of security, either east than b or c as just kicked off in little bit this down to the wiggle defending and hopefully gretisca fees and opposing of a threat to the sustainability of the into east african community the is he had the fear of committed to walking to get into that piece and do of in the region. meanwhile, the country that i've seen them on a piece i thought of committed to walking together to ensure that conflict escalate in the east than yet. see the m t m b 3 level group avoidance of expressed interest in weekend if one president or another inmate of missouri. and we have never attacked the state armed forces at all times. it has been the coalition of various military groups. there has attacked our positions, we are respectful of the ceasefire. we want a peaceful outcome for this crisis. and we take note of the summit in lawanda. we must tell the government to respect the ceasefire because we have taken note of this road map. we ask the facilitators to come and communicate with us because we
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want to communicate with them was we demand that they also listen to us. the people in the grandmother hoping that the sort of unity by their leader would just make it to peace in the eastern vfc in houston. we heard from carol, i one dearie, a conflict man who and international policies expert at kenyana university in nairobi. she expressed high hopes for the talks. we are christopher without going to be quite substantial. lot of all the development of the business process and we, well that of course they will need to be some positive cheese. now it is a member that they suffer corporation based on the ed who is to speak to the member in a moment. you know,
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some of the left up to see will be on. so that's a big strong brock. yes. the lake as a member, because this is the way that they suffered under region. can you put to say on the continent and the movie and authorities of paul dallas, that children 19th century german military leader, the activists had slammed as a symbol of colonial impression. but the landmarks who have elicited and makes feelings from local residents. i personally feel like you're good for french. i was supposed to be taken down please. so we back in independence. when will be again, independence, $900.00. 82 reasons do in the power the minority in the people that suffered and the zip code for friendship. i don't personally think
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it's a good idea to remove statues and things that remind of i've only history. but i can understand the viewpoint of people who feel that it's been dropped into the countries and it's not what you want to portray. so i can see that point of view. and you know, if it gets removed to probably go somewhere we, where we go to view history like i'm like a museum. we should still have a place to for people to see those to see what the past was. jeremy garcia is in ms. hill to committing genocide in namibia during the colonial air. i'm promised to pay more than a 1000000000 euros as a gesture of atonement. but the country has been trying to negotiate the deal saying is insufficient. local journalist jim, my member, says germany has not yet made adequate payments in the movies over deserve who deserve restitution. is an overwhelming demand from young people, wanted the colonize the street, and they feel that especially given that germany has not played or is refusing to
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pay it, as is to modify the effect to mean that is and to communicate directly to the effect of communities. they feel that he says, just need to move the youth in particular, feel that all set, all colonial figures need to be moved. people need to understand why this taken down, because it, when it was taken down, it started and people started asking why, even some people didn't even quite understand good when friends it was. so people started to ask for some friends or was those that, that you know, and those who didn't know that he was responsible for the death of many now women and children. and then maybe you do not need any form of reminder in the and your reminder in the form of a step, 2 of a german or colonial commander to be the mind of the genocide that to place us republican lawmakers who recently won control the lower house of congress,
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one by the administration to provide oversight of it on support. you claim washington has already sent nearly $20000000000.00 worth of weapons to give but only 10 percent of those shipments. i've actually been monitored by the americans. the fact is, we are going to provide more oversight, transparency, and accountability. we're not going to write a blank check. we have a voice now, and we're going to do this in an accountable way, which transparency to the american people. these are american taxpayer dollars going in while the republicans of not call for an end c u. s. army deals, ukraine. they say most of the weapons are not being accounted for. the white house claims it simply has a very limited budget for providing enough oversight. however, according to the washing post, joe biden has a resistance sending an increasing number of american spaces deeper into ukraine,
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supposedly out of fear of provoking at toughest bonds from russia. escalating the conflicts some of the weapons sent to you and they are being sold to the black market where they can be acquired by terrorist that's according to a top law enforcement official from the u. k. which has also been sending guns to keith. ukraine had been well known as a notorious hub for arms trafficking even well before russian ministry operation began in february for the pentagon security policy, alice, michael maloof says the boiler ministrations reluctance to thoroughly track the weapons. it says the brain can lead to drastic consequences in europe. they cannot keep track of what is being sent and they have no intention of it. so good luck to the republicans, or when they get into the house to get any kind of information. yeah,
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they could use the budget as a weapon, but ok, so a little bit will be eked up, but they're not going to get the satisfaction they want. and this is what we're going to have again, we break which this is the scheme we send in the advisors and, and before long, it escalates and biden may for once have some ability to understand that that concern and may be reluctant to do so. when you have contractors in there, you are u. s. trained contractors from the united states. great. let's say retired military out of the iraq war. busy out of afghan war and they have that it, that they had that experience, they could be going in and actually providing training of ukrainians within the country. and of course that makes them at u. s. government expense, i my that and as a consequence for the europeans,
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as well as the u. s. are going to suffer in the u. s. is actually profiting from there from the european misery. and that's what we're seeing right now. but as we use them, we'll cup related use. now a camera rude in football. a has responded to the western media, scathing criticism of his decision to have boots berryanne depiction of the russian flag of the world cup amended. the conflict in ukraine made a field. busy gale endure, has pointed out that he grew up in russia and the spain the flag has long been a tradition of his. that's often a weakened commentator laughed out over the choice of attire. shows a complete lack of tact and tone and understanding of the strain situation that europe is in the stands out as a provocation for an extremely large number of people. i want to emphasize that the russian flag depicted on them is a sign of respect for the country in which i grew up and received my football education. i've been playing it boots with the russian flag for many years,
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and i am not going to break this tradition. the bursey has both a flag of russia and the football is native cameroon, and could be seen during a match against serbia. wonder has maintained the russian flag was not a political statement. and despite the western media criticism, fee for officials have decided not to step in. in other world cup controversies, the u. s. soccer federation has come under fire for briefly all during the rainy and flag in the social media post to support a process movement in the islamic republic that was ahead of the match between the 2 countries. measures taken regarding the islamic republic of iran flag, or against international law in morality, and we'll pursue this. defeat is morality committee. they must be held responsible . obviously, they want to affect their rounds performance against the u. s. by doing this,
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it comes from the usual american arrogance. they feel that they are exceptional and that they can decide for the rest of the world. there are many protests in the united states, whether it's black lives matter, or the 6th of january protests that we're in washington. and the iranians never use that opportunity to change the american flag in solidarity with any particular group. if you're writing in the right hand side or something, rushes to something they'll be punished for westerners. they say, well, you can don't that. i mean, when it comes to iran, that sort of thing doesn't happen. all americans do is they just remove that tweet or they change the flag again. and the problem is, if it's, if they buy the western, violate the rules. nothing happens if non western countries are moved, but they become disliked by western,
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they can be expelled altogether. the us national team has apologized for the controversy and try to smooth the situation. my principal 1st check out the story and many others around the world on our flight. i'll see, don't call but in other news that iran has hosted a form of strengthening economic ties. will russia with numerous officials i'm business need is an attendance advisor to wrong neighbor ministry has said the trade between these countries have increased to 100 percent in the past. 6 years, despite heavy western sanctions horse and him k, along on him had we're grateful to declare that the tree turnover between iran and russia has increased from $1500000000.00 in 2015 to $4.00 billy last year. and it is expected to increase up to 10000000000 and to thought of it. so i've only
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already robust economic size, and 2 in the country is this might, the western sandals are made. the topical, the forum we heard from an iranian business leader who had a positive outlook on the future of bilateral trade. whether it's been longer countries that have been severely sanctioned, but we have good geographic, social, and cultural relations with each other. we cooperate in many areas, including agriculture, we call production and resource extraction, which we can provide ferocious needs. what? well i rosa. this is all son bo boyd cove is up next on the world's apart, my colleague. and he'll be here with you in a few days at the top of the hour. i'm like how mommy wishing you all a terrific. mm. ah,
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what he's got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic, development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk with ah
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mm mm mm. mm hm. welcome to worlds apart. and old adage has her dad, who rebel lee has no ears, but a full one. apparently has little for side as rising. twould prices increased suffering around the world. the most excellent countries continue restricting food and fertilizer experts in the efforts to penalize their adversaries is hunger. indeed, the best sauce for geopolitics when to discuss that i'm now joined by no. ron and shake professor of political science at cairo university professor. it's great to talk to you. thank you very much for your time. thank you for you on to for your invitation. now let me start with your quite unusual academic experience, which includes having sanchez for both russian and american studies. given your
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understanding of both cultures. why do you think the russians in the american south so stock and i laugh, hey, dynamic. do you think we are destined to be each other's dark doubles? oh, i think both of them are great po, worse than that, this normal because united states unfortunately won't be the only great power in the whole board. but now russia is a parking sensor. that's very important to speech your wrist important to so them a 7 in the me on the conference and a multi lecture and multi pooler system is norma. it's is the norm of the globe is to have different powers, different culture difference velocity since. oh, so i think what is united states doing is that is this than the norm of the whole global. so it is unlocked, and i think that it is very interesting for the whole globe was the lightest this
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doing. and i think that is also a south globe, a voice, a supporting crusher in moving toward the multi electoral and multi polar for system. because it is, sir, norm won't answer to that. what should be done, and that is fair and justice for all of us. are you wrote recently that on the policies of the west, for example, western sanctions. are there also hurting not only russia but the entire world, and more specifically, even the western populations themselves. and i wonder how do you take a gee thing that saw the arrogance of western decision makers discounting this type of hiring? not only are her to the rest of the world but to their own population, or do you think that's deliberate? i think i, you visited to russia many times by the way, from flip up to the data.


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