tv News RT December 1, 2022 2:00am-2:31am EST
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has women ru alina, but of, of 11? i think it's enough of it. i mean, with paris tries to remain part of an african initiative to fight terrorism locals in burkina faso speak guy about frances continued military footprint in the region. the french are going through all the means to take control to dominate us. we no longer trust them. if africa wants to save itself, this has to be done by africans. first, while authorities in the central african republic raised concerns after a bomb that appears to have been of nato origin is used to attack and nationally significant textiles. factory nib song cuts. this was an am 9
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o 4 bomb which is used by nato countries. so if it really is a nato country, then it is a shame for them on china cues as the bbc of deliberately distorting fox and spreading rumors about the case of a reporter from the british broadcaster who was detained. another protest in shanghai with welcome to the r t news hour and this the 1st day of. busy december, i'm you know, neil, good to have your company. france insists it will keep special forces in burkina faso to fight terrorism. bounce this by growing fatigue among locals are by the continued military presence of the nations former colonial power. we all have an interest in bettina remaining standing for the whole region as long as the book and obey authorities wish france remains
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a partner of bikini fossa. last month's angry protesters in burkina, faso attempted to storm the french embassy in the capital. y good to good locals accused paris of feeling dis them arising islamist insurgency in the region and demanded the french ambassador, be expelled, bullies fired tear gas to disperse the crowds. demonstrators from stones and set fires outside the company would go several western african countries helping, seeking to form their own collective military force under the so called acura initiative, named combating terrorist groups. burkina faso has already received 2000 trips from neighboring countries, including ivory coast niger, i'm gonna to fight the insurgency. last month, france officially ended its own 8 year, a military operation that had been tasked with eradicating terrorism in the region . a local reporter us residents for their view of this security issues
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a and b. it's a bit dubious. i'm skeptical because burkina faso is not the only country in an emergency situation. i think the initiative should come through the economic community of west african states, or it should concern all the countries affected by terrorism. france could be a shareholder of the a cry initiative in the process, or who them with the french are going through all domains to take control, to dominate us, to present themselves as a god and protector. they know that since molly loved g 5 somehow that group became nonsense. we no longer trust them. people now have eyes open and in france doesn't change its way of dealing with people with our states. i would say they're not welcome. martin. i think it's a good initiative. we feel a climate of solidarity between african countries. thank god. the initiative is coming from ghana and thank god ganna is not a francophone country. so we can believe that france doesn't have a full control of gonna, and we don't have to worry claiborne. it's a good initiative because we were told that if africa wants to save itself,
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this has to be done by africans. first western countries are not done yet. with africa in the south of the sahara, no doubt, they are going to explore many ways to re colonize their last territories. we also heard from local journalists in burkina, faso, who believe that african countries must strengthen their own military forces and not depend on western partners for security. thus could it be with you when coastal countries like ghana ivory coast been in and togo, realised a terrorism was heading to the coast. they were considering burkina faso as a rampart, but this rampart was not able to contain that progress. we waited a long time for concrete things, but to day, as the fire is burning and there is the threat of terrorism, it's really time to update this project because it's a question of existence for these countries. in the 2000 soldiers are ready waiting . it's good, but will the funds come from online resources that way? if they are going to still wait for hypothetical support from our traditional
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partners? i have doubts. okay, staying in africa for another headline, stories today, a parliamentary leader in the central african republic has said, an explosive of nato origin was used this week to attack and nationally significant textile factory. let's go through what we know. authorities have accused an insurgent group of committing the overnight attack with an aircraft and have even suspected that nato members say france could have been involved. the central african countries government has said the cotton factory is of national importance on the bombing. was intended to damage that domestic economy. the leader of the nation's lower house of parliament, has condemned the attack and spoken on about the possibility of nature being linked to it. m move saw gut, according to the information i've received. this was an am 9 o 4 bomb which is used by nato countries. if indeed, a nato country dropped a bomb on this factory, which is of great importance for agriculture. for farmers who are engaged in cotton
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production in the central african republic than their lives are in danger. it is unacceptable for any country to drop a bomb on a factory. the only such factory that we have in the ca are, if it really is a nato country, then it is a shame for them. because nato countries are developed countries. meanwhile, us authorities are considering label lang, the russian private security company wagner as a terrorist with that's despite the fact that the organization help several african countries establish peace in the region. but wagner forces were officially requested in a number of african nations, including molly and the central african republic. officials from there have repeatedly stated the importance of the health that the wagner group has provided in conflict ridden areas. the central african republic parliament leader once again explains the significance of wagner's activities in his country. he had killed.
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people were killed here, the c a r's army couldn't cope with it. but now thanks to the presence of our friends, the russian army, through wanda's army, the minutia troops were able to achieve peace in the central african republic. i don't know the wagner group. i only know that when our government signed an agreement with russia, the russian government provided us with the soldiers. i'm not trying to find out which group president putin decided to send us to ensure security in c a. r for us is just russians who have arrived in the c a r. o we heard from a nigerian political and international relations specialist to say, the west's attitude to the russian present in africa is driven by their desire to police the world. this is the width is yeah, because it has not. it is addicted to what is in a one time
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a i don't know that i'm not good to keep the unit system. yes. do. and why did there one good in created of why not look on the, i didn't know what to come. if i could become a minute, it cannot be unit and it cannot be a b, b point is the, or even by the u. s. u. s. as a country, what unity, so now thinking along the line, yes, it does not lie in washington. so i see that they are likely to be done with another story where across today, china has accused a, b, b, c, of deliberately distorting fucks to tarnish the nation's perception. in the west.
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after a reporter from the british broadcaster was recently detained on the protest in shanghai. in volusia, none remarks from the british side are a serious distortion of facts and constitute a grave interference in china's internal affairs, we firmly reject it. everything was conducted within legal procedures. this bbc journalist refused to cooperate with the police, his law enforcement efforts, and then acted as if he were a victim. the bbc immediately twisted the story and massively propagated the narrative that it's journalist had been arrested and beaten by police. while actually he was working simply to try to paint china as a guilty party. ha, ha ha. china has said the reporter was detained for refusing to leave the scene as it became potentially dangerous. the authorities released them after confirming his identity. now said the journalists didn't identify himself as such until after he was taken into custody for protest,
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wrapped it in china after 10 people died last week in an apartment building fire. during an anti cove had locked up, the rally south received widespread support among western countries. on their allies, including the u. s. japan and australia. what the western governments, which previously opposed anti locked on protests in their own countries using considerable force at times, are now speaking out in support of the demonstrations in china, among the canadian prime minister, just intrude. oh, who seemingly forgotten about his own harsh stance against similar protest in his country earlier this year? obviously, everyone in china should be allowed to express themselves, should be allowed to share their, their perspectives. and indeed protests. if you join the protests, because you're tired of coven, you now need to understand your breaking laws. we heard your frustration with coven,
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with the measures that are there to keep people saying. we heard you. it's time to go home. now. major western media outlets have also been changing their stance as they protest no longer occur in western countries, but happen in china. cnn describe the chinese rallies as a cry for freedom. laughter previously accusing european demonstrators of being rooted breakers also the baby c brown that many cohen protests. as you may recall of sheer conspiracy theorists as its gotten used, which is not presenting the chinese demonstrators in a positive lights. we heard from international human rights and criminal lawyer, christopher black, he said it's common for the western media to show china and about light. they're using every pretext they can to put china in a bad light because you can be rest assured that of china had relaxed all its cove
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measures. and many people died in china. they would be accused of china doing nothing, protect his people. the fact is that china is trying to protect his people as best it can and using measures which were effective and are effective. they're trying to undermine the chinese government as they are trying to undermine the russian government by supporting any, any small protests which they can den, drive into something bigger. to try and influence people in china against the government and try and support with the domestic populations. the anti chinese policies they're adopting. i didn't see the chinese government complaining about what the canadian government did to the protest as them or since. so as i say, any, any chance they had, the canadians, g, americans, the british, and all the rest of nato. any pretext they can use to bash china they're going to use it and we can expect more of the same to her policy. it's just staggering.
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obey jane has also accused washington off presenting china as a threat to the expansion of u. s. military presence in the asia pacific region, including with nuclear forces, some multi faceted one this and we've got the lu done on that on our website r t dot com a european security organization of which russia is a member, has refused to allow several russian correspondence from covering a high level meeting in poland. this is a blatant act of political censorship and a flagrant violation of o. s. c commitments. we demand the speedy restoration of the russian correspondence accreditation and a strong response from the o. s. c representative on freedom of the media. teresa barrow. well, one of the organization for security and cooperation in europe's main principles is to uphold freedom of the press. the vienna base grouping even has
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a specific protocol saying the issuance of journalist accreditation should not be manipulated for controlling content or sanctioning and member state. moscow believes that the organization violated those rules. when the polish authorities organizing the event decided to withhold accreditation for the russian journalists, poland also refused to lie russia's foreign minister to attend the same event. moscow, full mouth decision, unprecedented and entirely incompatible with poland. currently holding the o. s. c chairmanship days earlier in warsaw also refused to ground visas to russian parliament, members to attend an o s c assembly. but we heard from radio host, then commented our curry, harrison who offered his thoughts and why some governments can be so fearful of alternative perspectives in the media. it's always telling when you block the media, the media are the only eye witnesses of any situation that is claimed to have
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happened and what is the role of the media? the media has access to places that the regular person can never get to. we can't get to the moon, so we send cameras up there. we can't get inside of volcanoes, we can't get inside of private top secret meetings. so the media is there to i witness events. so that we know whether they truly happen that way or not. it becomes a problem when there is other information that might tease provoke somebody into different thinking, asking questions. if, as everyone is saying they really want to have peace, then you have to allow that piece to happen in a public place. if you block certain people from covering it, well, then maybe what you're saying is you really don't want peace. i mean that's how else does one interpret that. close to $200.00 palestinian civil society groups have written to the international criminal court in the hague,
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demanding legal action against israel over its actions in the palestinian territories. the letters high lie, the designation of 6 palestinian organizations as terrorists by israel as well as liter rates. on their headquarters, israel accuses them of operating as part of a network run by the popular front for the liberation of palestine. revolutionary socialist group considered as militants by israel and western powers. now the civil society groups have called on the court to condemn the moves by israel. the also urged the issuing of statements demanding israel stop practices, which according to palestinians, are human rights violations. we discussed that with the head of a palestinian group that signed one of those letters when we send our letter to the cold just to encourage them to move. that's the issue because or to designate us. and it's not the 1st time to be honest with you. we have been under smith campaigns for the last 15 years. we said to them,
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you have to use also the to come out, you know, just to defend. also your partner, as i see. and you do this apart in your statute. this is called the preventive event of a statement or a preventive call or something like that. you have to do this. you can't keep silence. another think is about also the victims fall, assign has been under his attack or internationally crime scene so long. and you haven't, you know, move one practical step and you haven't taken any specific action like the water is at us for instance, against the can in the months. this is what we say. we said beautiful. her justice delayed justice denied. that's what we said present the pentagon
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has claimed china is attempting to r road u. s. influence in the asia pacific region. by drawing attention to the chaotic american withdrawal from afghanistan last year. in 2021. the people's republic of china employed multiple diplomatic tools in an attempt to erode us and partner influence, such as highlight in the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan and criticizing us backed security partnerships people's republic of china. officials and state media outlets also repeatedly condemned the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan and cited the withdraw as evidence that the u. s. is an unreliable partner and declining power. the u. s. withdrawal has been called one of the defining moments of recent world history. after 20 years of its military operation in afghanistan, the pentagon quit in the face of a telephone advance left behind thousands of people who had been helping the u. s. army over many years. a bomb attack by an ice as link group,
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but capital airports as people were trying to flee, killed at least 160 civilians, and 13 u. s. marines were western media outlets. describe the u. s. poli, from afghanistan as a disaster on republican lawmakers, said the blame ly squarely with the biden administration. the biden administration repeatedly misled the american people about the real situation on the ground in cobble issuing public statements that were in direct opposition to the internal reports being sent by the state department and u. s. military. at one point, the state department spokesperson net price was encouraging people to make their way to the airport and telling the press the evacuation was efficient and effective . but the apple gates were closed and internal med most were talking about how that were too many dead bodies at the airport. and they don't know how to deal with all of them. a former a c i intelligence analyst, laurie johnson,
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believes the u. s. is trying to justify its aggressive political stance against china. so reality as the united states can do very little to stop china. if china decided to be that kind of aggressive, let's call him an expeditionary military force. the fact of the matter is for the last 30 years, there's only one country that has consistently been involved with exploit the expeditionary military encounters sending their troops overseas to occupy other countries. that's the united states. what, what, what this document provides. you've got to have an enemy, you got to have a well defined data. but then when you look at it from an economic standpoint, what you see is that the united states is wanting to cultivate, has its embed economically with the chinese on a variety of frogs from the national basketball association. eli bus with tesla
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apple. so that's why it's, it's gets a friendly it's, it's really pulling in 2 different directions. on the one hand, china has to be presented as is the worst at ever. now, on the other hand, it's a lucrative market. the united states wants to take advantage of the brazilian lawmakers have approved a framework for using crypto currencies in the country as a payment method. let's go through what we know here. the move will still need the ramification of the president, but if i prove people will be able to buy goods and services as well as hold capital currencies investment off it. however, it won't be considered official legal, tender. brazil already has a prominent crypto economy with citizens actively exchanging digital coins, such as bitcoin that we heard from crypto currency advocate, chris m c's, but going can assist economic development in latin america and diversify away from dependence on the u. s. star. whole point of what we call the crypto economy. is
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there anyone anywhere in the welcome participate in it? really, the basis of the technology is an ability for people to transact all around the world and make it bored list and free, and also very, very cheap. which is why in developing nations like brazil, because he still has a very significant place within their economy. you know, looking, looking at every economy really in any developing nation. we've got a very big problem now, which is really the real problem is it's my problem, which is the stack nation of the us, all that for obvious reasons that we were experiencing. now, the way the crypto comes in, that is like the most well known cryptic on the big point. you know, i would say big digital gulf because there's a finite amount of big points. you know, most common teeth including the u. s. all that used to be based on something called the gold standard, right. so every dollar that within circulation, you know, there was supposed to show us that there was a bar of gold in the balls. really, it could be the saving grace for brazil. we've seen that with the american economy
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el salvador central america, in this case where you know, they've made a huge transition towards holding a lot of big coin within that government. so really, this could be a transition for the whole of latin america to really adult. adult big point is that gold standard, which, you know, with, we predict would change fundamentally the way in which those currencies operate. in the way those governments seem to be, you know, be, be liquid solvent. russian nuclear energy company ross, atom is expanding its charitable efforts to help develop educational practices in developing countries. this thursday, it will hold its global impact conference, bringing together experts from some 20 countries to discuss how to improve access to quality education around the world. that's of the company, marx, 15 years of sustainable development and leadership in the nuclear energy industry. lou
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a bit more of money earned in our office and try to head with i am, my name is frank richardson, philadelphia got in the room in any age, 13 or 14. we were violent towards those people because we believe there were a race we were here 1st and this is our country being part of that movement. i got your sense of power. when i felt powerless, we got attention when i felt invisible, him accepted when i talked to level life after, hey, is an organization that was founded by for a skinhead neo nazi white supremacists in the u. s. in canada. and they found each other and they knew that they wanted to help other guys get out is 2 parts to getting out of a violent extremely good. the 1st part is disengagement, which is where you leave the social group. and then the next part is d.
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a with a sampler guar yesterday in the older. but when the snow falls apart or stuck on this comes with it. i feel as we from the, from dijani's, from them to do it in b t. do training a good gift away in the pals teacher skills other than the ownership or was to let them know diagnosed in a little bulk. i'm in the crucial chest middle school. i was leaning. wookey loading is not good. p t d still not off with well they need to work with no gross issue. he missed his piece. they need to the middle,
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