tv News RT December 1, 2022 4:00am-4:31am EST
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about the need to enhance the number of us troops for conduct an exercise in the near ballot of gorgeous defend to europe. whereas the largest exercise of what i see in a long time would you wish to mr. austin, who is now lead and pentagon eustace, could you borrow some now when asked, move in, why the, the, you as city got relocated through with the, on a temporary basis or otherwise without thinking, he answered, was right away. we in washington, haven't decided he yet. what our military presence in europe will be. he didn't tell a flight of thought to say that obviously we have to confound our european allies. now. it is not as early as today. we haven't decided yet. rob ross thomas is a person that's the answer to your question of what the security in europe will be now. but they have plans. oh, we have plans of mail 3 build up. we have
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a lend army. oh yamil. so health. john tommy, also health airborne 4th and our president am, will also attracts particular importance to place an issue. bear in mind the ongoing publications on the part of training particular and all of the measures aimed at. so we are maintaining our high readiness for any developments in, in a scenarios have been taken. and let me assure you, we will rely on our union state and he took up abilities and for the a good one for the as quite strong brochure. getting back to what i said, when i responded to your previous question, so you when made to? because europe, the european union realized the futility of the politics they are now pursuing. and the high risk without he added with his policy. we will look at what they will be ready to offer us when they come with 9 to discuss. and he says options need to put
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particular chinese media corporation yevgeny as to reconnect with them. good afternoon, this month for the joint exercise, little the nato in the atlantic ocean and in the mediterranean sea devoted as day and rolled out fort worth watching over from the u. s. participated in sam in particular in you have here what is the us, rollins in nature exercise, it's watch and the u. s. intentions when they are building up minute 3 integrations european countries. and how do these so joint exercises affect the regional security in europe or was the 30th movie. so i was supposed to get probably the scale of the exit either the crow in the are getting increasingly frequent and more personally aimed against russian. or those might be different scenarios. so different titles they tried to conceal dea and tell russian vector,
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but it sub this well and theme of clothes and closer to our frontiers at the end of the baltics in the black scenes it on a land exercises including the territory of poland, blue and does the you read the number of all the measures that actually it was you . joel con, around the country to the russian nato found an act signed in 1994 landline 2000. when we managed to negotiate the principles of partnership as it was called and it was laid down in the you found in document with us, they keep provisional said document was the clay obligation of the nature to abandon deployment of considerable combat horses in the territory of foot new alliance, members of the alliance on a permanent basis. a good legation is let's just as into case little susan,
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with the declarations of 9 to 9 to 9 of the oil theme, and 2010. it was the political obligation. the always, the obligations contains the in obligation not to thrive from the security on the, at the expense of security of neighbors and in the name of the corporation. because they throw the garage in that was the obligation not to deploy. and in the military troops should always go up from finish with not enough to avoid any permanent station in after potential combat forces over only louie will, it was now try to live, go to washington, was going to leave school. and he probably knew the naive hopes to preserve partnership to re uh, with this blog moved us moving schusters lucille, to work with his blogger, douglas in raj. from google,
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a few we would look good sources was not on russia. simply as whirlpool recognizable 3 enlargement of the nato to the east. noodles infusion couldn't watch and made or solemnly it's clear that it would avoid additional permanent station of substantial combat forces. in this new member state from sometime ago, we propose the recon further from janelle mutual confidence. so let us visit her in shepherd and the notion of additional permanent station and all substantial combat forth as the we prepared a legally binding agreement, vince usual in losing. so, within this agreement, legally sputter with proposed modalities, sir, in accordance her now firm unit itself, what we consider substantial combat forces brigades are tillery systems tanks and
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so on. and we believe that that is a professional approach. at the mil to mil level, we suggested holding consultations that need her a strong be denied to have these consultations. they said that it's up to us to decide what they said, a substantial combat forces are, and we undertake not to station them on the toad. she of new members, and by the way, was for your most li undertook not to do it on a permanent basis, but it is possible to rotate them. and currently they violated a dis pledge. they've been doing it for quite some time, and they stationed lots more serious units more than a brocade on a nonstop basis. and that is about the rotating principle local, as the old people leave, but the same day and you team cancel in greater numbers. so you represent the chinese media outlet. i've already said that up till recently,
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nato permanently was saying that there should be no security threat to russia or to any other country from the alliance because we are a defensive alliance and will protect the total of our members when there was the soviet union and where there was the war, so packed, it was clear or hulu at these so defensive alliance was protecting against because the screws, the was the line of defense, the berlin wall. and then the line of contact between nato and the war. so packed, so the wall so packed disappeared just by the soviet union. and since then, they've been 5 waves of nato's expansion since their defensive lines. they continue to defend themselves, but nobody understands from their defending against an injury during this year in
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madrid, at the nato summit, they had no qualms. and they said that we are not just her and the defensive, her lions. and they said that we need to be responsible for global secuity, primarily for the so called into pacific. and an idea was voice tone indivisibility, of security, of the euro atlantic, and the end of the civic lena, woman. so this defense line, not which not understand who they defending against and made her are moving, is moving this defense line even further east toward may be it who go near the south china sea. judging by the rhetoric from long journey process, washington from the south, china sea is becoming one of the regions where nato is
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willing to ratchet up tensions, just like they did and ukraine. li, no school or the serious attitude of the people's republic of china with regard to such claims, flatulent taiwan, and the taiwan strait. such few claim with fire by nature in this region are fraught with risks for the russian federation as well because it is also close to our shores. justin said, unlike it is close to china. that is why we are developing military corporation with people's republic of china. we are holding joint exercises, antiterrorist exercises as well as exercises to monitor to patrol at the coastal area. not so long ago. we had these exercises are that long range bombers of washer landed in chinese airfields and the same chinese
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airplanes aircraft landed in the wash and air fields that shows that we have 80 to any scenarios. but the situation here is explosive novels, just like in europe, and that is created by nato, led by the united states. and that is clear by every to every one. they wanted to drag india into an anti rush, an antique china alliance. india refused to take part in any entities that would resemble military and political blog. they participate in purely economic projects . promoted within this into pacific fixed strategies. and in this case, the united states decided to organize military and political blocks. good in the anglo saxon line. oh, yes sir. the u. k. and australia created all case. new zealand is actively invited
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just like to pan, the republic of korea and it is all done. so you know, glue just like the u. s. and the e u. c. worth. so destroying all principles of corporation in ukraine, all the principles of the o. s. c corporation. they were promoting de unilateral approaches and in broader context they are dismantling. they always see who's using for more and suggesting non inclusive navarro formats just like the european political community . by the same token, they have been destroying the universal platform for corporation in the asia pacific. i'm talking about us yon. your school for the goldman was, and thee, unfortunately, yields his to asia saw, made the hero, the asian security fall, m r c on defense ministers meeting class. and these formats
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were universally recognized as the systemic mechanisms in terms of security corporation can only corporation and other types of corporations. currently, it is being undermined, sir, actively, because the security issues have been pushed out of the us, shianna gender. moreover, half of us young members ah, targeted by the u. s, they want to invite them to other plans. the other half is considered to be risky. they don't want to want to deal with it. but the universal nature of entities grow their to seek to deal with security concerns on an equal footing building upon the balance of interest that were established both and asian, pacific and in europe. so the destructive nature of the u. s. against these entities is something that is obvious to everyone. and they pursued the policy to
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create irritants triggers, and hard beds of tension. expecting that term, it is far from the u. s. a little entered, the more crisis they instigate. the more you, as 5 also of them are, we can't and we can each other just like we see in europe. wilson that chose to follow the lead of the us recklessly and supporting their roster for big policy. and using ukraine as a means of warfare against the russian federation. you look on all on for can you a short news, saudi arabia and draco santa, if you have the floor with laurie today, minister level, thank you for this opportunity. you have mentioned in your introductory remarks, the draft security guarantee is that was suggested by marcia to nature and the u. s
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. are you in your view? is there a chance in the near future to agree on security guarantees that for sure it came up with and proposed to nita and the u. s. thank you. if ho, western interlocutors realised their mistakes and expressed their desire to go back to discussing the documents that we proposed in december last year. i believe that that would be a positive factor. i doubt that they could find strength and reason to do that. but should that happen, of course, who would be ready to go back to this dialect with them? but since they refuted these proposals, they have made a number of steps that contradict completely the prospects for resuming a di leg. namely,
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add to the foreign ministers meeting in romania. they pledged that ukraine will be part of nato, that there would be no change in that whatsoever. but 1st, as stoughton berg said, ukraine should win a war. and after that, it will join nato. these statements are irresponsible, and that is clear to any one who is interested in politics, a bits of wilson. moreover, we were ready to discuss the security issues in the context of ukraine, but also in broader terms, even after the launch of the special marriage operation. when our proposal was denounced in december and there were mil to mil contacts, i had a meeting with glen can in january in geneva, and it was all in vain. and we wanted that this statement that
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nobody except for ukraine should decide on its natal membership. this leads to a very dangerous scenario, but when the special military operation was launched in march, ukrainians asked for negotiations. and these negotiations took place. there were a couple of rounds and on the 29th of march in a stumble, ukrainians provided something on paper to us. and the principles that were included in this document. the principles for the salt settlement was something that we supported. these include source ensuring security of ukraine. you was re, by respecting it's non clock statues, from namely should not join ne toes yet. why respecting it's no nuclear statues, which that is the landscape would no longer say that it was
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a mistake to abandon nuclear weapons in 1994 and is showing you grants, ukrainian security. ensuring the collective security guarantees to it not from nato, but the p 5 member states. also, germany turkey was also mentioned and we agreed with that were useful to the rule. but it looks like you were if a malignancy for you in a day or in 2 days, 2 days after that usual ukrainians was told by their american mentors that they shouldn't do that we need to deplete the fortune army who needs to waste her property reduced as much her of for european weaponry as possible and sold their to the european countries could purchase new weaponry from the us so that they would ensure revenues for our military, warmer with industry and military corporations. so it's too early for you
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ukrainians to declare your readiness and to have this guaranteed security guarantees. also, that was what happened. we were accused constantly that we are asking for negotiations to buy some time for trouble, etc. in order to regain more forces, to condense the special military operation, all that is, sir, both funny and not pleasant because people are lying. these are blatant lies. we have never asked for any negotiations, but we have always said if somebody is interested in, in negotiations, we're ready to listen to them. and that is confirmed by the example that i have mentioned in march ukrainians asked us to listen to them and not only have we listened to them, but we were ready to reach an agreement building on the principles that they launched. and they were not allowed to do that because
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a war who did not go for more revenues are to those who mentor it, and that is done by the u. s. and the brits, of course. ria, nova city alexander, debbie shavanne, i have the floor ethridge. good day sir. j victor rich. we have a de following, questioned in your view, why does the always see misc group on dinner? go in the car box settlement? yes. like motion leveling air your horse? why does it not do any thing and are there any prospects for the resumption of its work? the answer is pretty simple. the always c mince group was established back in the day in order to ceramic will bring together those countries who have an influence in the region who can send messages to both johan and bach, who brought in this little bit and that agreed to work under the
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chairmanship of russia and the united states at some point in time, as it is always a custom of france, wanted to be part of it. and we agreed that france would also be one of the co chairs of the always siemens group. since then, and germ several decades have passed co chairs for doing a useful work. they match with the leaders of romania and dessert by john, separately. and together, they had joint events. one of the land market events, or took place in marjorie's in late 19 ninety's room. where the madrid principles saw the light of the day. and these were discussed to by the parties. they were updated and adjusted at some point in time. russia was the leading co chair that was in 20 tenths in 2008,
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2009. we had some dozens of charlotteville meetings between a washer year run and bark, who and each and every time we invited the us and france as co chairs together with us was that the oracle brochures for such virgin motion after the 44 day war in september october 2020 soon bruce. she's young and with our mediation cease fire was reached wearables doors we provide for sher continued, and is continuing to help though they are meaning. and they're there by johnny side schools in an blow. king transport communications, economic communications in this region. and of course, that would boost the development of not only a media as thereby child, but also neighboring countries, turkey, and georgia, as well as russia,
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the good that would be in our interest. we also agreed that russia would help the both sides in terms of deal imitating the border. and 3rd, we agreed that washer, this would provide assistance, new little girl, on vision, an agreement on peace treaty between armenia and reserve by john. and that was the outcome of summit, between the presidents of russia and azerbaijan, in the prime minister of a menia. at the same time in parallel, we saw some clumsy attempts of other stakeholders to get involved in this process says, problems. we have not useless seen any problems and that the only thing dodge free notate in our context with your yvonne in back halls is that the west
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after the launch of the special military operation with namely washington and for paris officially declared that they would not cooperate with washer in any formats . and by doing so, they declared the ant with all the always siemens group, national sales because just was road our a 1000000 colleagues sometimes recall this men's group and we answer them that's not up to us. that's up to the us and france, and they declared that they would not convened this group. and of course, us up to as there by john, because without the participation of azerbaijan, any mediation is futile. for groceries from fools, you know, the french and the americans, as well as the e. u at large or trying to make up for the men's group that they buried resume. they want to engage in mediation efforts. what we would do is you, they try to grab and privatize those arrangements that have reached by the parties
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with russian participation. for instance, they hold the air session of the to limitation commission in brussels while armenians. and as thereby journeys are polite people. and they go there, but how is it possible to discuss the limitation without mab sir that are only present in the boston general staff? it's hard for me to imagine. this is the same goes for the peace treaty. they went to prague, war source for this woman before them of the european political community. and they signed a document, their stipulating that the teleportation and the peace treaty mcgrew shall be built. so if you will take into account the borders are in accordance with the you and charter as well as the i am a char, declaration of december 1991, and they all my char declination stipulates that all union republics sauvage
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republics. with blue eyes, i included in the c i s, and they recognized lee and val ability of borders within their borders that existed between the soviet republics and the soviet union. in other words, and back in the day now gotten a car back a tournament switch and was part of the as there by johnny soviet socialist republic, or durham. and when it was, it was endorsed by both as there by john enter menia as well as france and mr. michelle. good. the liberal is really within a single document that we recognize. they alma ta decoration without any reservations. of course, that makes the job even easier for rob, because it address as livable program because the problem on how we should receive the status of nicole in a car box. miss a little school girl,
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amin in leadership stores. i've recently been talking not about her. they've tat of betrothal. they need to ensure the rides over a 1000000 population. in car bucklin, missouri. the other badge on his side in the ready for these. they are ready to discuss her to provide all sorts of guarantees of the rights that other than suffered, their badge on heavens. no one thinks that the means could hope any longer, while from time to time in armenia, some political figure might mention as a means troop. but the u. s. o and rural owners in europe have buried it over. marriage to not only are jesus on friend was teeth, i will on friend, listed on the question from looking. yes. certainly. look, good afternoon mr. law. that of i have a question following up papa of on the topic you just mentioned. how would you
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comment on the controversial statement by prime minister of armenian nicole bush and ian on the piece 3 d between armina and are there by john. and now gordon, a cut back. let me explain to this, lee passion yon said that a arts of ease, armenia and had said and invited to bring the car box to the negotiations table between armina and other by john better since recently after the senate in crag that he had mentioned, he made a statement that year yvonne and because he can sign and 3 day without any mentioning often i'll go on the curb. okay. and until you're 20 or 31st of october, head of the summit in soldier armenian authorities. he said as a support, the rotten proposals on the piece threading in his ear. understanding it implies the best pullman of for the issue regarding the status of non gordon, occur
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a back for later after the summit as they have been demands from armenia to moscow . she and lee affirms russian proposals to normalize the relations between armina and of that budget as if ration and had abandoned anything had refused anything to do while it was there. a good summary of what happened to begin with. i should say that in 2012 we put forward proposals once, if adopted, they could have put an end or greg move to the 3rd problem you might lease from 3rd time. do we have the 3rd concept of lift ponies, the resolution of the not going to her about the title for later? the concept was the resembled. you with a leave of 5. are they by journeyman, the regions around caraballo you and to leave gene regions under their control connect and armenia, g and carbuncle, you and the fate of these 2 regions. they belong to their badge,
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and no one deny that. but the future of these 2 are remain in what they, by johnny regions will be decided upon the same time when the state of, of now going to come back of the side. that 8 molecule is at the time when, initially for the 1st time as a concept emerged to postpone the resolution of the status of now going to come back for future, for the generations to com better than the wharf followed in autumn of 202030 for the road and it stopped and safe lage. all preliminary contacts went through lateral statements o, where been repaired. there were 3 through lateral summits with participation of well ready mail porton to in moscow. and one was held in thought she knew me. and, and 3rd time susan, when spoke of the need to launch a political process, there was an understanding that the status of non gornick hon was an issue that
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could, the solution of which could be best phone for future. and based on that, russian apropos lives draft be 3 to you that was the handed over to the parties in spring. and it contained the tradition with mentioning the other by johnny 33rd, almost. it was ready to support almost everything. but the issue regarding the 30th i required additional work, literally, so sconces and out when in late october the why the meeting in fortune something you've mentioned, we wanted to revisit this topic and see how much to what extent our partners we are reading the words of you to act on the basis of a gentleman agreement so that her, they could and settle all issues and, or leave the settlement of the issue related to non gornick or boxed out of late. hm. but when they came to russian.
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