tv Cross Talk RT December 2, 2022 1:30am-2:01am EST
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now is whether the u. s. will succeed in cutting europe off from china, eat history, sweet talking, or coercion, or if europe will finally just stand up for itself and say enough is enough that though for me today i met pitiless. val is on cross. so here are the see, do you neil will be with you. i'm was a mommy mission you or a fabulous friday. ah, ah, i hello and welcome to crossed out. were all things considered? i am peter lavelle because of nato's insistence to expand eastward. we have the conflict in ukraine and ukraine is quickly becoming a failed state and to humanitarian crisis. nonetheless,
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nato is undeterred. this alliance continues to be the biggest threat, japan, european security, is also indifferent to the damage it does to the international system. with cross talking nato doubling down, i'm joined by my guess, daniel nick, adams, and lake jackson. he's the executive director of the ron paul institute for peace and prosperity in washington state. we have on 3 month round of he is a writer as well as a military and political analyst, and in loan's we cross too young oberg. he is the director of the swedish independent transnational foundation for peace and future research, or a gentleman cross stock rules and the fact that means he can jump any time you want . and i always appreciate, daniel, let me go to you 1st and like jackson here, nato is double down, you know, it's a, it's a, they met in bucharest, you know, they, they're doing it all over again. the door is open. so how is ukraine done over the
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years, with the open door to nato hasn't really benefited nato at all. has it benefited nato? who has it benefited? go ahead, daniel. well, who would benefit? it is, of course, the beltway. then that's the u. s. weapons manufacturers, raytheon who's representative is now our secretary of defense, or who made bracey on missiles the big beneficiaries of this whole project. it's now been 14 years since the 2008 declaration that georgia and ukraine would be welcomed into nato some day. and we saw from the foreign minister statement at this nature meeting that despite the rhetoric of jen salt and berg, which is always very heated and very turgid, the actual invitation. if you read the declaration is just kind of weak just as kind of in the future as it always has been. yeah, so under the, the, the,
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the status quo over the last 14 years is just fine for salt and bergen, nato ok is a matter fact. it is, it is actually highlighted. i mean, all of us growing up nature, which is kind of backwater alliance. but soviet union never had any intention been invading, and all of a sudden stole burg, feels like, you know, he's like somebody like zalinski. somebody important in the world. ok. but actually, this whole, the whole, all these events being played on ukraine has shown that nato is the biggest threat, japan, european security. nobody wants to talk about it. but it's obviously true when you have pan european security against russia in, without russia. this is what you get andre. yeah, there's me in the morning. you are wanting america. fine. mr. long, we're all exactly the same now. are there will be all security in euro without russia and bill arms just reading. ever them in dan,
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oldest given lions you there. i want to be sure that without united states make or is not you know, basically a year old is reduced with the status of the lap dogs. and yes, as john, you know, your boss. oh, sorry. and nothing will change until they denied it. states completely defeat there ever sounds across the board, the comic only because i want to call a day awesome standing actually will office or additional last? yeah, i mean huh. you know, you know, the rhetoric, i'm, obviously nato wants to exist. ok, it's a big graft. it's a big bureaucracy. there's a lot of nice. oh, sounds there positions here is that you have all this elite capture, but young. i mean, what is it you have to show for itself, except for this time around? it's not, afghanistan is not iraq, it's not siri. it's not libya,
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it's ukraine. and europeans are paying a pretty high price for something that has nothing to do with their security whatsoever. so nato, i'm agreeing with andre. i'm hoping for a category, a categorical defeat, for nato in ukraine, and it's, it's in the cards. go ahead young. well, yes, thank you very much for having me here. i'm just saying that they are under 50 or 60 pages book on mine on trans national, but live with 30 arguments to why i think nato should be abolished it has. it was set up in 1949. the purpose was to create peace. its own treaty is a copy of the united nations charter added article 5 mutual aid. but it has said that he should be should be created by p. one's according to one of the un, etc. nato has done nothing of that. it is violated with the bombing time on $99.00,
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for instance, on violated his own treaty. and it has not, in spite of, i don't know how many trillions of dollars tax pay is in the nato countries are contributed. it has obviously now because of the expansion and i agree with that with those who say that this crisis is caused by the underlying conflict, which is nato expansion and asked that he is against or rob is, is given to work much off. and while the war is something russia is responsible for. but what i'm saying is an organization that has exist 73 years and not managed to do anything come to talk to him about it. it's, it's primary goal should be evaluated, shouldn't be discussed, should be reformed. completely or abolished and something there, but daniel, that's never going to come into play. i. i agree with much of what young to say
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here. it's not worth it is not working. why continue it here? and again, i'd like to point out to our viewers ever since this 2nd ration was made in 2008. haven't you noticed, daniel, that ukraine get smaller and smaller in smaller, the more nato helps in, in injects itself as a co belligerent in this conflict. daniel, it gets smaller and it also gets colder for a, it's a disaster. i mean, imagine having friends like these, you know, they take you to a party and they, they steal your wallet and they buy drinks with it and they leave. you rolled up in a corner somewhere. but you captured it, peter very well at the beginning. this is a massive grist. we send ukraine billions of dollars in weapons. russia blows them up and we say, oh gosh, these weapons have blown up. we need to said more. mean, literally, the military industrial complex is on russia side, in this fight as well. and we're going to spend, i think, $100000000.00 rebuilding their energy sector and russia is going to blow it up. and
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we're going to do another 100000000000. i mean, this is incredible. you wonder how long i mean in the mainstream media there is only one voice that i've seen and that's tucker carlson who calls this out as the griff that it is. and he had a, a young conservative woman on who called zelinski the welfare queen of the world, kansas owens. yep. and she's absolutely correct. that's the only person who's really calling it out. this is the griffith or griffin. this makes the coven griffin look like an honest and honest endeavor. it's just unbelievable. and i just, it's hard to believe that the american public. and if you look at a recent poll, it shows that ukraine is way, way, way down on the scale of priorities. but nevertheless, it's way, way, way up when it comes to spending tons and tons of money. so at some point the american public we would presume, will connect the 2 dots and realize, oh my gosh,
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why am i so poor? well, all your money went to ukraine. you idiots. well and andre, i'd like to finish a daniel say it went to ukraine to whom. okay. because we know that equipment doesn't all get to the front. the, the, the money transfers, i mean, got, knows where that money goes. okay. i mean, there are rumors, i'm not gonna confirm them here, but plenty of allegations of real estate deals in switzerland and all these. 1 other places far, far from the battlefield here. i mean, it's really quite interesting. have you noticed that over the last few months, a 10 year plan to rebuild the ukraine. net to rebuild that, that the nato countries have, at least their leaders have no intention of ending this thing anytime soon. they have grandiose plans. go ahead, andre. well, they may have whatever blast they won. bach august aware channels for gats bear
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pure military industrial art on this bold spectacle. and ask one of their users or posters on my blog yesterday. beautifully commented on on that you show all the shortages over there. for example, our tunic charles for the united states were getting your brain by the states and yes, as bobby our project out dysfunctional an o business. you and there are people who are in charge. they say that are, you'll all, it takes about 4 to 5 years through united states. do you want begin, produce shouts into one that is necessary. and what we see with c, r o, to remind us failure on late us bar to be at work will dash our requirements on the more their own walk with the peer, which tells you from the again oh, specially when you see there are decline and deterioration if not presented,
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digit narration or maybe live rekey by religious or maybe in the last 20 years. oh, good because august that it's all about skimming. and yes, you're right. so mean you seen yours there. i bought so many positions which made wow, you know why you won't bother song militarily name. don't use only crater. find the 3rd world small nations like e b, i and they are, oh, well yeah. i mean, you have someone leica own me stilton berg and others, burrell saying that if, if a russia prevails in ukraine, it's a defeat for the weston defeat for nato. well that's i, i agree with that and i look forward to that because it will, this will come to an end. and then we'll have cooler head sitting down and say, let's have a charity arrangement for the entire continent. would probably wouldn't need to be that all that much militarize if you think about it at the last 30 seconds before
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we go to the break. yeah. i completely agree will even be latrice time. everybody is intoxicated with weapons and weapons, weapons, all kinds of problems. we should have done long ago that what was needed at the time. and gorbachev suggested and you security start your bill on common security, defense, defense companies, military and civilian defense, civilian country, as a european, united nation as or something like that. we did not do that, we're trying to expand it. the only risk nato to maybe out agent organization is expand. yeah, that's a lot with new members in it right now. it's a, it's a, it's an alliance that exists to exist. gentlemen, i have to jump in here. we have to go to what hard breaking up about hard break will continue our discussion on nato doubling down. stay with r t ah
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ah, ah, my name is franklin origin, philadelphia got in the movement in 80 age 13 going on 14. we were violent towards those people because we believed there were this race were here 1st . and this is our country being part of that movement. i got your sense of power. when i felt powerless, we got attention when i felt invisible and accepted when i talk to level the life after, hey, is an organization that was founded by for a skinhead, the on, on the white supremacist in the us and canada. and they found each other and they knew that they wanted to help other guys get out is 2 parts to getting out of a violent extreme was the 1st part is disengagement, which is where you live, the social group. and then the next part does d, radicalization, work belief systems. audiology are removed. it was very impactful. when someone
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finally came along with no fear, no judgement, you heard my story did nothing to challenge it with our own. look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence at that point, obviously is to great trust, rather than fear. i would like to take on various charlene with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with
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awe. welcome back. across stock, where all things are considered. i'm peter labelle. to remind you, we're discussing nato doubling down with . okay, let's go back to daniel lake jackson. i me of stilton bergen. he's. he's very pissy . i would say when he speaks, he and i know if you notice is this kind of nato ease that he's always talking about. it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. a lot of it is circular reasoning, but this is what he had to say in bucharest, on his anniversary visit from 2008. he was there, he right, whom reminds us, president putin cannot deny sovereign nations to make their own sovereign decisions . but i guess that doesn't apply to russia. thoughts, daniel, sovereign peoples, you know, y'all made a great point about nato's existence. it's only to expand. it's kind of like the
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sam bank min, free of military alliance. i was just, i was wondering who is going to come up with a connection in this program. you were the 1st one going to keep going. you have to keep pulling in new suckers to keep surviving. and, you know, i mean, nato is the home of failed scandinavian politicians, and that's the case. and when you let these people of the baltics in the scandinavians make your defense policy, you've got a big problem because you have a problem of moral hazard. the people in the poles as well, the people who have it in for russia are sucking everyone else into fighting their fight for them. and it's a huge, huge problem. nato should never expand that. a good friend of mine at the state department. the time was chief in charge of promoting need to expansion the ninety's. he sent me a note saying how much he regrets the role that he played in arguing for the expansion of nato to poland and hungary in the 1st round. and i think
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a lot of people are feeling that way, but nevertheless, the u. s. is going to train $2500.00 cranium soldiers. we've heard now it's going to be a massive increase that's about like 3 days on the battlefield. exactly. when they let me let andre react to that here, because you know, when they talk about a 100000 rounds, are going to be sent in 1500 troops in the andre, in the scheme of things on a battlefield. what kind of numbers to this really mean? because it looks more like p r to me, i'm not a military person and someone says, 100000 rounds. maybe i'll be impressed. you're a military person. does that? you know, does that get you to your breakfast? go ahead on that. i yeah, they are being the one, all the battle right now. again, i entirely agree most will be more we for the problem solving, all the internal political problems bought this scale all dare so to speak. 8, in reality is looking praising is actually
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a decrease of repose. there's very little laugh to supply your brain with enough force. are you in this book? was kind of mcgregor. i'd love to have an independent numbers. so i'd have to refer under here, or russia has now about $540000.00, with troops along their borders of the former ukraine. and we can only guess war capitals wants the ground freezers. so progress often brought all said in congress throws. i'm in big old making a difference more sure. wow. now are seen saw warner alliance. and she was old using she. sally spoke the tools, at least she gave the pearl or, or order. or there are you pretty again, multis, boesky i a's and wounded. we can deduct about boys from there, so we're looking at about a 405 or 500000. unfortunately,
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brain are general just with more than 100000 killed and another 3 before 800000 wounded. ah, yeah, that's pretty much it for real armed forces for crane and wish out this feedback bulls something with the brain young on a soldiers complaining that they've been thrown into their frontline without any preparation any. so yeah, we're lucky them for any $4500.00 or whatever. if you 200 are there. so now i don't know will they can wrangle all their floor. so it just, you know, rather again a graph and money making as much as they can. yeah, i me, yeah, this is one of the things it's really kind of perplexing. if you look at it from a common sense point of view, we do know that in, in march there were maneuvers to, for some kind of a termination of the conflict. it is stem bull, i take those reports very credibly. and but you have an elite that wants to
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continue the war. and i'm sorry, maybe i that it sound like a broken record. but it's about the griff that keeps the money coming in. everything is a fundraiser, like fundraising, take another farm. they take another village fund, raise fundraise, because they know the jig is going to be up eventually. and they just want to a care as much wealth as they possibly can. maybe, you know, selling stuff off on the black market, which there are incredible reports of that as well. i mean, i'm trying to understand the mindset of this elite here because what, you know, using your own people as fodder on such a massive scale shows, at least there's a disconnect here. we know that it's a one party state right now. there's no freedom of speech and the west. it sees this image of ukraine that doesn't even exist. so it seems like it's a real money making event here before you know, the, the, the, they, they have to cross the rubicon and say, well,
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there's not much crane left. go ahead young. well, i don't really know how much economy is driving this. what we're hazing is all over the world and in most countries of the world is one nuclear isn't. that is part of something else called me mac, the military, industrial media, academic complex. it's much more than ice now. i talked about the military industrial complex and the least you talk about are characterized with russia, whether in nature, whether in you, whether in, you know, any country with the military. they are all conflict resolution and peace, illiterate. there is no, i do, i, i do have to push back a little bit there. i don't think there's any indication russia wanted to have a military conflict in ukraine. if you look from 2014, particularly with the qu in, in care of russia, born,
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that the very existence of ukraine was at hand. here. we have been december of last year to say almost exactly a year ago, warnings that if you do not change direction, we're gonna all be in trouble. so i do have to push back on that. ok. the military industrial complex as it existed. russia is nothing like it is in the united states . okay. because russia doesn't look for foreign wars. the u. s. does daniel react to that was very interesting. i was not saying that i will, i do what i'm saying there isn't parody on that one issue. that's all i'm saying. okay, daniel, go ahead. that's not what i said. i ok, i'm correcting myself. ok, i did, i'm correcting my. so go ahead. i think you should my just did for the 2nd time. go ahead, daniel. i'm just going to say, what's interesting is that when i met with these mothers of soldiers, recently he issued kind of a very rare self correction,
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which you don't often hear from you. he's a very confident leader. doesn't often in public say that he was wrong, but he admitted in so many words that he was wrong in 2014. yeah. when he decided to pull back into not accept the don bass into russia to not accept the please of the russians in the area to be freed of the torture that they had suffered from kiev all this time. and i think that was very telling the understands he understood, and he said it out loud. that his reticence to enter into this military conflict at the time, caused a lot of pain and suffering of the people in the best. and i think he must feel very acutely the, the pressure, the, the, the, the sense that of that he's let people down. and i think that probably drives a lot of what he's doing right now. yeah, i mean, on day one of the things that western audiences don't understand because they're so propagandized. but, you know, the eastern part of the dumbass crimea,
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these are domestic political issues in russia. they're not foreign issues. ok. and, and there's that there is a very strong connection right there. and i agree with daniel, i mean, there's an interesting on the, there's an interesting juxtaposition here. nato can never admit that it's wrong. vladimir putin, it admitted that he was wrong on something 8 years ago. go ahead, andre, well, when you do you've, they're all business to the fact that the iraqi gents actually are one which in a few months and, and now that he stayed there. he was speaking from the human heart, michelle from das, including for example, if you'll remember his musical douglas on our, during our, at the, and the grocery store was people, the invasion of a, the national paris in 1999 saw air. he's drinking this, you know, shovel walk, that's human speaking. in terms of there are real situation in full 1014,
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irrational, wasn't ready to face water will. how far inevitably and which have bought it. she wasn't writing and in this case, yeah, it's both of me shocked that people come down better, but it wasn't human that mission as the states ran. ah, i agreed that it is that windows dime and many state of this, russia hasn't been already. if a $1015.00 it's populate a different case now. and yeah, it is a human emotion of the spark. and he is going to be a very emotional, an honest man, especially with speaking to them. august was better. and i mean, if nato doesn't change course, than what we're going to see is more conflict in this, in this part of the world in the, on the european continent here. because it's very clear to me that the only way this conflicts and is that russia gets what it wants. it's about. it's black and white. to me, go ahead young one minute, you young and wellness and mixture. that's
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a mixture of the 2 things. the walk around the mile in some of the weapons on symptoms alonda lying conflicts. it's my 1st patient who goes to a doctor and say, i had a year and the doctor owned. it discusses the pain and doesn't, does to a diagnosis to find out where and come from. and unless all russia you cry and nate o, d u n, et cetera, begin to start talking about weapons and warfare and be obsessed with that. then and go to the discussion of underlying conflicts. you can never solve the conflict. if you look at sin and weapons and the violence only, then that becomes the rest on that type of continuing this for years. but if you want peace and that's my professor, you have to look and do a diagnosis of the underlying conflicts and then discuss who can be a mediator who could sit with wait with which tables,
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which issues to discuss how to eat sure, a little bit every day to watch something that or parties can live with. there is no future for europe, neither know east or west. if we continue focusing just on the on that dynamics that was dynamic, so weapons, militarist thinking, that is in everybody's mind. ok. we've run out of time, but i don't think i can't think of a better way to end the program than onions. words, very, very wise words. this all the time we have many thanks them i guess in like jackson luna and in washington state. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r t c. you next time. remember across huffman with ah, the 1st time in history, i mean time countries,
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culture has been canceled to the very modern weapon. cancel, culture. really desperate wonderful language cecile mala so little william fraud kit, just me fit in the one you put the clue. the phrase now particularly refers to counseling russian culture. yet them no secret that she was yet to william, i was sure which will be all that is chill out of it. so that go with them. we what russia is created over the past 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and rejected. just sort of like a bullet, but there's a lot closer on a whole college. anytime i guess, it'll show all the list. joining total condemnation gross daily and now enclosed does dance gauge to cascade shostakovich that i need to talk.
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in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, ah, rti gets exclusive access to the training base for the private military company wagner, while all brushes most successful units in don't also head on the program. this our moscow and p f. conduct yet another exchange of prisoners of war. this time releasing 50 soldiers from each side of africa as president faces spiraling corruption, accusations with the national parliament soon to consider whether to begin each process against the u. s. congress over.
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