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tv   News  RT  December 5, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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ah, ah ah, the 1st you western balkan. some it is that they kicked off on tuesday as countries in the region of peer to pool in their intent to join the european blog. these are the kinds of things that are absolutely everywhere here. this is, and they to a made grenade launcher, western supplied weapons are found as are to get the clues of access to ukrainian positions recently taken over by russian troops. the south african parliament rules to postpone a long waited vote on president ranma folks as impeachment by weak as the scandal continues to divide. the nation with kenya's largest ethnic group fights
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for its heritage. with the leaders calling for britain to return artifacts taken from the country decades ago. our artifacts were stolen by the british are being stored in english museums next time we get them back so that we can build our own museum. we lab for the generation with hello and good morning for moscow to wherever you may be, catching the program. welcome to the hour's top news stories from around the world . i'm fiorella, as well as some balkan nations, apparently begin to lose hope, enjoining the you and start to look for alternative future partners. the block is taking a closer notice of its allies in the region with the 1st ever summit between the you and western balkan states. to kick off later this tuesday, r t contributor rachel mars then looked into the political lay out ahead of the
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events. so the european union is waiting back into one of the west historical mine fields this week. nato's war in yugoslavia comes immediately to mind and are holding a summit. the kicks off today between the blocks leadership and the balkan states. now the main purpose of the event is to keep these countries waiting around for the e. you to call them up and make a commitment of membership dangling the carrot. but like someone who sits at home waiting for the phone to ring and hoping that, you know, it's there crush, asking the mote on a date. finally, while these countries are getting a little tired of just sitting around, it is true that polls in the last 18 months, both in our country and in our region, show decline and support for the you. we objectively do not see that the european integration process is moving forward. to make matters worse, the balkans had to contend with the spectacle this year of the you gushing over ukraine and falling all over it sell, talking about how badly it really wants. keith,
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can you imagine even waiting years for brussels to make a commitment put a ring on it, or even to show signs it's serious about the relationship. and suddenly it only has eyes for keith and can't talk about anything else. so it's not exactly surprising that the citizens of these countries feel that maybe the block simply isn't marriage material. 55 percent of north macedonian have a negative view of the you just 21 percent of serbs see that you positively with the majority of them against joining the block for the 1st time and confidence in european institutions has dipped in the view of citizens and albania and bosnia and herzegovina as well. so why is that you running over there now, for a big summit? it basically comes down to the fact that they're worried about another guy stealing their gal, specifically china or russia. the ease, lack of engagement and credibility over the past few years has created a vacuum,
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thereby opening up space for russia, china, and other malign 3rd actors. i was a week with the russian hill to the woodson. welcome. we need more euro and the wizard will get so this is the new we thought yes, lefrederick will be more presently. there was a survey as a big ally of russia and it's president alexander who kitch said recently that the countries ties with albania and north macedonia. in particular, have never been better. even though albania in particular has been viewed over the past couple of decades by the west as one of its staunchest allies, including militarily, by committing troops to american efforts in afghanistan and rock. and serbia is not on board with the you and its anti russian sanctions. and agenda, serbia could change its position on imposing sanctions on russia. only if the sword of damocles literally hangs over us right now. that is not the case. so the e,
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you could be concerned that other balkan countries that followed the western sanctions could start comparing their economic and energy challenges. this winter to serbia situation as serbia imports about 85 percent of its gas from russia. and maybe these other states will start wondering if they'd be better off splitting up from their fair weather suitors. moscow says several russian service men have been killed and others wounded after ukrainian drones exploded at 2 russian airfields after they were shot down by air defense systems. the incident happened deep inside russia. hundreds of kilometers from the ukrainian border. moscow says you have used soviet era long range drones to carry out the attacks about doing him. 3 russian military technicians who were at the air fields were fatally wounded. for other service men who were wounded were taken to medical facilities,
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where they received all the necessary treatment. despite the temps of the key regime to disrupt the combat activity. the russian long range aviation by means of a terrorist act, a massive blow has been built to the ukrainian military command and control system and related facilities of the defense complex, as well as communication and energy centers. villa searching now to the latest from the don bass were at least 4 civilians are confirmed dead and 3 more injured in the latest ukrainian strikes on the city of john yeske. that's according to local officials. here you can see one of the residential buildings, head official said that ukrainian troop hughes, nato subscribe weapons, who attacked densely populated areas of don. yes. shops than a hospitals are also said to have been targeted. local residents shared their feelings of despair, shows you how can i describe my inner state african built with are no efforts has been destroyed. well fed up with you. why should civilians suffer children?
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the elderly art he gets exclusive access to former ukrainian army positions recently taken by russian forces roman closer have brings this to report. a warning . you may find some of the images disturbing. here in the front, sir line. right next the city hall for my your so that was the liberated by the next army, just a couple of weeks ago. ukraine positions are not that far away. well, we'll infer, re, we're now at the former positions of the ukrainian troops. they had a strong line of defense here. the area around the railroad was heavily fortified. supposing him new mosca. now we've taken this position, it will be more difficult for ukraine to supply its troops in our new musk. they can't move ammunition food our troops using this road as it's now under our control . as we're walking along these trenches, the soldier told me to be very careful and looked down all the time because as ukraine retreated from this positions they mind the entire territory. in addition
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to that, there are many prohibits anti personnel mines as well, so called petal minds. once a person steps on one of those, he may lose a limb and take a look there also unexploded weapons like this on the ground as well. so we have to walk very, very carefully. this looks like a jacket that used to belong to the ukranian soldier. bodies of ukrainian soldiers are absolutely everywhere here on the front line. they're not being claimed by ukraine, and we'll probably, they're probably considered as a missing in action. but there are literally dozens of bodies all around these trenches. when you're roughly li abandoned, they're dead and left. this happens often you to ongoing fighting in as this area is still quite dangerous to give them a proper burial. but i've been assured by the next republic or soldiers that sir,
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all of these are men from the crane and military. how will be buried? ah, well, according to orthodox sir christian law and all the necessary dna also will be taken so that says their relatives, if they want to find them and to reclaim them, we'll have that opportunity. now this used to be a former checkpoint all for ukraine in the town or for my yours can. these are the kind of things that are absolutely everywhere here. this is a nature made grenade launcher, still intact is still a workable, and the soldiers here are prepared to use it at any time against their enemy.
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ukrainian military have been fortifying these positions for the last 8 years. they've been using this town of my york to regularly fire against a civilian c. this is jo gourd gorelick, which is not a far away well at the moment, everything years been destroyed and stray dogs and cats are the only inheritance. oh, these trenches had the moment from one quarter of arte desk republic, a photographer, an soldier in ukraine's neo nazi as of battalion has been on a tour of the u. s. visiting pro ukraine events. during his chair, dmitri kosicki was pictured with hollywood actors, sean penn, as well as a u. s. law maker, and is even reported to have visited the state department. dmitri cars dot sky
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became known in western media after his photos of the as of style. still factory with neo nazi as off battalion soldiers inside gain popularity. but more recently because that's key posted multiple images featuring nazi symbols on his twitter page, which were later deleted the images showed neo nazi t shirts in his wardrobe. a tattoo of a double arm swastika. similar to those warned by german concentration camp guards and a swastika inspired pizza. human and labor rights lawyer dan caballo believes the poor for the far right has been a part of us foreign policy for decades. i mean, i think we have to go back to the reality that the u. s. has been supporting neo nazis and even nazi's hardcore nazis in crane for about 80 years. these are the friends of the u. s. these are the folks that the u. s. is using it's world 1st against the soviet union and now against russia. so really,
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it's not surprising at all. this is part and parcel of us for policy for decades. what i guess is knew about it is that now you've been have celebrities like sean penn embracing these people, i guess that's what's really do. people have been programmed now to view the as all battalion as heroes of ukraine and the fight against russia. it's an incredible thing that really we witnessed only since february, right? i mean, so the media campaign has been a meant using way affective ad to convincing the population of the us. ironically, particularly the liberal population, right. the rank and file, the democratic party at the as all battalion or the good guy to kick says that once more concessions from sweden following last week's extradition of a kurdish man suspected of terrorism. as part of a deal for took care to unblock the ascension of sweden and finland to nato. this
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is a good start from sweden that shows their sincerity and good will. we hope new extradition will follow. in line with the trilateral memorandum with sweden and finland, they should lift all embargoes on turkey, changed their legislation for the fight against terrorism and extradite all the terrors wanted by turkey. all of these conditions should not be reduced to expeditions. sweden and finland applied for nato membership back in may, which requires the approval of alliance members. the move with block by trickier over what it calls the nordic countries support for kurdish terrorists following tough negotiations. stockholm, and how think you agree to extradite a number of suspects on congress as the countries haven't been handing the kurds over the last over fast enough. meanwhile, finland has submitted a bill to parliament on the country's ascension to nato. hungary has pledged to
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approve the finish and swedish beds next year, with turkey declining to offer a time frame for its decision. political ellis use of aram has told us nato, the ascension process has some wiggle room for child care, to request suspects. any of the people that are requested for extradition on the list all have a very big case file saw they've lost some of them have already been tried. they ah flayed a sentencing. why are they so fleeing to sweden, finland up england as a very lac sa asylum laws. they believe that they can take advantage of these loss, a slip through the gray areas and use visa asylum laws to protect themselves from the long arm of the turkish. a justice system, but as we can see that this on nato accession process has created a space now for to get to be able to request them and apply some pressure on sweden and finland. and that's exactly what they're going to do. these people should not
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be able to obey turkish law. they crook, committed crimes. in some cases, acts of terror. truth is gonna not forget these issues. it's going to continue to follow and chase after the suspects is going to continue to apply pressure until it's needs are met. there is no way that jerk is gonna allow countries that create a national security concern to join and collins themselves to his trans atlantic. alice, at the end of the day, a security and defense alliance is built on trust. and how can you trust ah, another country if they are harboring individuals who posed a national security threat to yourself. ah, the south african parliament has postponed a long awaited vote on impeachment proceedings against president cyril ram of fossa . last week, the leader found himself in hot water after a prob, revealed he may have been involved in serious misconduct. our correspondence in johannesburg has more dark clouds loomed large over the johannesburg skyline,
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matching the cloud looming over president, settled on my partner and his ruling african national congress. today the parties tom brought the seas national executive committee, which is the highest decision making body between conferences, met here in nazareth south of johanna's back to decide whether or not to dub the racial report that found that president obama porter has an impeachable case to answer this follows a robbery. a drama has private game farm. in february 2020 way an estimated 500000 us dollars in hot currency was stolen. raising many questions as to the president's conduct and why the sped move was not reported on to the police. now report that stood here today on the day of his political idol, nelson mandela's passing some 9 years ago as he's our life fought for his political
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life. this is also the eve of parliament, last thing for the year, and is a day where political parties, opposition, political parties are expected to either vote for impeachment proceedings, all a vote of no confidence against precedents settled on my part. but as the n e c said here to decide on the future, they themselves were not unanimous as to whether or not to support president obama puerto following about a hour of a meeting that was really expected to be a formality. and that is really how paul must be the treasure. a general of the african national congress battled to some of the sentiment of the 80 that meets year to decide on important issues. the president of the amc comedy settled my, my post attendant, special. anything meeting and made the remarks after which he
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was allowed to recuse himself, the anything resolved that the end if he will vote against the adoption of the report of the section. 89 putnam given the effect that their report has now been taken on review by the president settled on puerto, is legally challenging the findings of the independent panel report by applying for direct access as we understand to the countries highest court. and despite the acrimony of on the fence that was achieved here by the national executive committee, it still remains to be seen whether the parliamentarian of this party will told the party life a thumb have voiced their interest to vote with their punishment and less following
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of the party lied. gotta be helpful. out of p, south of georgia is back in can yeah. kicky you community leaders are fighting to reclaim relics of their cultural heritage taken by the british during the colonial era. oh museum. yeah, you k. and if you happen to visit museums in england, you will find more than $500.00 artifacts belonging to the crew community, which were forcefully taken by the british. these cultural artifacts are worth close to $81500000.00. and honestly they are ours. they were mostly taken from cuckoo you leaders. i'm talking about cuckoo, you traditional outfit, spears, arrows, shields, ornaments, cooking utensils and other things which were used by respected leaders in our culture. right now you cannot find them anywhere unless you travel to england. are artifacts were stolen by the british and are being stored in english museums. it's time we get them back so that we can build our own museums and cookies land for the
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generations to come up. because some of the cook, who you are, the largest ethnic group in kenya and have lived in the area for centuries, much of their cultural heritage was stolen by the british. the natives have appealed to the kenyan deputy president for the return of the stolen artifacts in order to build their own museum again. so does he call you in museums? i won't be any here in kenya in all alt affectionately stolen by the british should be brought back immediately near dawn at all. if all government is capable of working things out, then it will be good news. we would appreciate if a lot of folks come back to our motherland, what, what is the white man disrupted our way of life? our traditions and culture were totally affected and to make matters worse, they stole our cultural artifacts. africa is not alone in its outrage. at british, plundering greece is also demanding the return of ancient parthenon. marbles stolen by the brits. the country's government refuses to return cultural objects despite
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the public support. you can read this ad much more on our website at archie dot com, military and civilian leaders. and so don, have agreed upon a preliminary deal that would see the army step away from political dealings. the agreement is an attempt and a crisis sparked by a military coup that has gripped the country for over a decade. o. ready the withdrawal of the military institution from politics has become necessary to establish a democratic regime. this requires banding political parties from using the military institution to seize power as has happened several times before. in order to build a national professional army which is independent from politics. to achieve this, serious reforms must be conducted. negotiations were held in the presence of un officials and foreign diplomats. the framework agreement lays out a plan for establishing
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a transitional civilian authority. in the upcoming weeks with assigning comes months after to dance, president pledge the military with a side and make way for other parties. the to was he added to the french radio station r f. i has a post, a burkina faso government's decision to suspend its broadcast. in the country, officials accused a broadcaster of spreading misleading information about terrorist organizations and fakes about the intern president of the country. a local reporter brings us more details. new grant between booking for so and for is for a radio price, international officially forbid. air is program. it will kill reason last weekend and if i will trust the height of brains, i, leader jeff article that said a warning me phase 2 civilians, a book enough for decided to get me wrong. as volunteers to 5 were booking an army
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against this is kayla to suspend the program or edify him? not surprised people here was that? yeah. i agree with the government because for me there is a risk that are a fi spread. fake news. so if our fi aires information that is not true or goes against homeland security, i think it's bad law money or bank the way the journalists of all or if i treat information, there is no quality, no violence, no professionalism, everything or if i says is against this decision should be taken early. the existence of r f, i in africa is a crime or western media should go home because there are more stories and more news to be covered back that we support our government. we ask them to keep going further. the new card will and reason it's one of the solutions to fight terrorism because there are secrets that cannot be published. and we need to stay discrete to achieve our goals. because we know terrorists are everywhere. they are on social
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media. i fully endorse the decision. there are decisions to be taken, and this is the beginning of these decisions. if the departure of frances are f, i has to happen, it has to be because we know that our f, i is an instrument of france. the stuff off at if i his expressed his disappointment, it bode with the seizure of the properties of fossil to cuts, the signal away. this fisher with fossil fuels this purple money where i am friends really fall off since april 27th. the chairman of britain's rolling conservative party has been accused of insulting the countries health workers by claiming that a strike called for later this month would help vladimir putin. her comments have been labelled ludicrous using russia's war in ukraine as a justification for real terms. pay cut for nurses in the u. k. as
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a new low for this government. the public does not believe this kind of rhetoric and wants ministers to address our dispute to ask for 90 percent pay wise, which costs just 10000000000 pounds. i think it's, it's the wrong thing to do. we have to come together. this is not a time to be divided 2, i hope, and a very clear message mister fusion, that he can't use energy as a weapon in this way. and we will remain, you know, which is why was accepted accepted the pay review, but use like an address. i guess i go schools, you know, 20 grand a year. you would think that maybe there are other ways of sending putin a clear message on your credit. this statement comes as a nurse, as an ambulance drivers plan to strike for 2 days later this month with inflation running at 11 percent. the royal college of nurses has asked for raise higher than the 3 percent offer. have sheen rotten see? host of going underground says the chairman's comments show how low the british government is prepared to go to push their narrative against russia. the fact that
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the chairman of britons, the ruling conservative party, is telling the nurses of britain this striking is helping putin in ukraine, shows how low, according to the royal college of nurses. the british government has sunk. they want to cut the pay of nurses only a few months ago. they were saying we should clap the nurses as they existed on their low pay to save human life during the coverage pandemic. today, that's all but forgotten. as is forgotten, the importance of infrastructure. this winter, huge swathes of british industry will be going on strike from the mail service communication services to transport infrastructure, but it doesn't actually matter to those elite that perhaps exist in the echo chamber, which they use only media in britain, which is kylie restricted. some people call it or tele tarion, with the banning of any kind of descent,
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which believes that putin is losing the war in ukraine. the de minsk agreement to un security council resolution 2202 doesn't exist. and that nurses, if anything or living is, are gone for too much money. ah, indonesia, mount samara, erupt it on saturday, causing almost 2000 people to be evacuated from the surrounding area. no casualties were reported. clouds of ash speed 15 kilometers into the sky with authorities raising the volcanoes warning status to the highest level. locals have been relocated in shelters and provided with mass to protect them from dust clouds. samaria mountain also erupt that last year, 50 people were killed and 10000 evacuated in that incident. the new york times has re written an article about it on disbanding the morality police since coming out with an article that the guidance patrol in iran had been
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abolished. the new york times published an amended story the next day, claiming the decision was merely hinted at by a government official. the tone of the article was also changed. clarifying that it was unclear if the suspension of the police had actually been officially confirmed, or denied. radio host and political commentator, steve gill, believes the u. s. media st. silence is part of a larger reoccurring pattern of misinformation. unfortunately, this is becoming consistent with the new york times. we're now about date for of you on bus releasing all of his twitter insider information that shows that the mainstream media, the department of justice, the by the administration were literally coordinating stories that were negative against their political opponents and protecting joe biden and his family. and the new york times the washington post abc, nbc, cnn, the major media outlets and us have not even reported it if at all or just
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mentioned in passing. a it is just again, a pattern of misinformation and information that has to go beyond mere incompetence to i think, intense. i think that's why you're seeing the major media outlets here in the united states. again, whether it's cnn, whether it's the major networks, see their viewership slip and their impacts as well. but they are in the business of propaganda. not in the business of news reporting anymore. that's are up on the hours most pressing new stories from around the globe for more up to the minute coverage had over to r t dot com. and don't forget to follow us on odyssey. rumbling, we'll see you again next hour. ah, ah
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ah ah 1960 the walls had been over the same time, and the country was returning to peaceful life, new factories and plants as such in the birth race. but most soviet citizens were unaware that tom gangs was still killing people in the ukrainian sr. it went unreported in the newspapers and on the radio there were only rumors, according to investigative reports. these.


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