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tv   News  RT  December 6, 2022 10:00am-10:30am EST

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ah, with headlines banassi international, russia becomes india, leading oil supplier for 2nd month in a row in defiance of western pressure at the rural countries to join the functions again, most goes the energy export. also coming up, it looks like it was a rocky multiple launch walk in system grad. a flower shop was a strong one of the cars. it's also or no fire. we report on the seat of the latest ukrainian shilling of russian song. yes, we're only 3 people that killed off the ra kid in the market. is it going up with the international?
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this is clear incitement of the day. generalist right? 3rd logging, justice, we're now just there were journalists, so dead by is way before with, with the case now being filed at the international criminal court with very welcome from all of our team here in moscow. this is an international with the very latest world news update. it's good to happy with it. now we're bringing you a developing a story. this, our from cost of where warning sirens have sounded following explosions. they one of several towns in north and over the country is scheduled to soon hold elections . that's according to a local media outlets. the elections are scheduled off the cost of goods, withdrew from local institutions, and mid rising tensions with christina. the ball for her to during protests, by native of the cost of our police report and the look into the administrative
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buildings that scheduled to hope about kosovo, declared its independence from serbia in 2008. but belgrade continued to view cars as its territory. now india say that will prioritize its energy needs on keep buying more oil from russia, which is the asian countries largest supply of crude oil is defiance comes off. the western countries implemented appliance cap on russian oil shipments. moscow has drastically increased its fuel exposed to india in the past few months. when jan sharma explains why new delhi has chosen to side with russia and was summer cooling, an international energy war. moscow remains top oil supply or to new delhi. and this is the 2nd time interval detail suggest that in october, that was the very 1st time that russia have become in the else talk or in supplier . and now in november again, for the 2nd time in the, in fact has been importing oil from russia. so paul,
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seeing its traditional dominant oil suppliers that of saudi arabia and iraq years appetite, in fact, for russian crude oil. his tract has been searching since february off this eob from about one percent oil that india was in bushing now it's about 21 percent in, in dallas import basket. when it comes to the g $7.00 price cap on russian oil, which is at $16.00 a barrel, india has been very designed from the very, very beginning, despite pressure from the west force lee to not by discounted oil from moscow. and then secondly, pressurizing, india to come on board to sign up with the g 7 countries and you, as far as this price cap on the russian oil is concerned about, of course india had said no, thank you. india has been very clear that india wants to make sure of that the need
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of this country, of this developing country, the need of these, the people of this country. it's in no g requirements and it is, it's in no g security. that is number one for india. in fact, in the us, been very, very clear. india has. and so many's words said that india will not be dictated by the west who to buy from how much to buy from what to buy from. in fact, listening to what india's petroleum minister very recently said, i would say the india does not see, is that the west proposed price comp could constrain shipping and impede the flow of russian oil. i have no anxiety about that and i am sure the market will be with it. will buy from whoever we have to. so there's enough indication from the government of india that india will continue to buy russian crude oil to spite the cap which has been put in by g 7. and the you. in fact, if you remember prime minister in the movie, you know,
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the biggest on the su summit, when asked about the cap on russia include, had some very clearly that oil anyway is something that you procure from market. it's not a government to government thing really. and as far as russia concerned, it sounds oil for around $79.00 per barrel in asian market. and as far as when they are concerned, it's been very, very clear that it wants to do business with more school. as usual, veteran indian diplomat, reggie the sake receives the country will keep putting its national interests 1st. it's not the only one refusing to play along with the west and agenda. if this oil supply from russia to india continues at high levels, as has been seen over the last couple of months, it will give a tremendous boost to not only the trade relations between india and russia, but the overall relations. we've made it very clear that you can't have
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a system which is unilaterally imposed by you and we. busy you have about exceptions that suit europe, but then you insist that india should follow rules which are completely against international norms. so we also have to look off to the energy. ready secure our people, india is far too bigger country and i think we have our own place in. ready world we don't have to be dictated to by what the west necessarily wants the rest of the world to do. and i think there are many countries like india who feel the same way . this whole business of punishing countries is not on. you cannot have a group of countries which unilaterally decide that country ab or she needs to be punished and therefore the rest of the world should fall behind them. i don't think that you the world. well, there's a rules based order, which is the united nations, and we should follow those rules. there's no other rules based order in the world.
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and i think that india phone li, rejects any attempts to impose unilateral measures to impose sanctions on any country to punish any country. and india isn't any country will to find a stance from washington as there is also increasing backlash as to the u. s. approach among european nations, the hungarian prime minister is calling for a reevaluation of western sanctions against russia. and after the french leader will that he was bearing the brunt of the economic backlash. president emmanuel micron is right, the cost of the russia ukraine war is not the same on both sides of the atlantic. if we want the european industry to survive, we must address the european energy crisis swiftly. it's high time to reevaluate sanctions. he's referring to medical talking about a, quote de synchronization of european and american interests over western anti russian sanctions. the french president said in an interview last week, quote,
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europe is a gas and oil buyer. the u. s. is a producer. you don't say that someone just fill him in because what's really mind blowing about how michael and his you allies are handling all of this? is that they know you would think that the e u needs energy from other sources, including russia, and they targeted their own energy supply from russia without a viable backup plan in place. anyway. so france and other e u countries are staring down the barrel. now at gas and electricity shortages. so now they've decided to impose oil shortages on their citizens as well with this russian oil embargo, they kicked in yesterday. the e, you granted hungry an exemption to the maritime oil sanctions, hungry imports pipeline oil from russia. but that doesn't mean that it won't be impacted anyway by oil price increases that could hit the
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e u. and that could happen as a result of all this jacking around with a global oil supply. now or von basically predicted this kind of chaos that the sanctions could cause when he sent back in july that the e u has quote shot itself in the lungs. but the block is willing to impose hardship on europeans in the interests of sticking it to russian president vladimir putin. so how's that working out with this new e u and g 7 price cap and you will embargo on russian oil? well, it's russian. oil is selling at $79.00 barrel in asia this week, so far, so much for the $60.00 price cap. much like michael apparently forgot that the e u doesn't produce energy and would pay a steep price for cutting itself off of energy. it's like that you also forgot that there's a whole world out there outside of europe and the g 7 that's buying up russian
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energy. while the u puts itself on an energy, diet and stars that citizens to fulfill its ideological anti prudent fantasies. a whole lot of other countries are saddling up to the energy buffet to get their fill . great more for me, they're saying so. meanwhile, europeans are paying some of the highest prices for oil in the world with just hong kong and the central african republic, paying more than you countries. the electricity costs in the you have gone up 32 per cent year on year from last year. and natural gas prices in the block are 6 times higher than they were last year. here again, the used prices are among the highest in the entire world. now, it's not like the block was in warns of even more potential negative consequences. for example, here again, is a russian official reminding them of what could potentially happen to make things
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worse for themselves. here's the rest of the deputy prime minister trying to give the so called defenders of the free market. a lesson in free market capitalism, which seems to things to who would consider the price count ineffective as it blatantly interferes with market instruments and violates all the rules. i know we're, we're not going to implement such a practice and we are now working on the mechanisms, look, planning the price cut regardless of as this lovely limit. and we believe that such interference can leave the even greater mon can see stabilization with the room. we will sell oil to countries which will work with us on the market design also soon. unfortunately, european leaders don't really seem too interested in reason or pragmatism, or even the free market if it was about that. and if it was about what was best that are on people and their. busy buffet principles of freedom capitalism and everything else they would have adjusted their course along before. now instead of preparing everyone here in europe for harsh winter of deepening inflation and
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energy crises, canada has added to the for row over the taiwan strait by saying that it will seller for goods through the waters next year. we need to make sure that the question of the taiwan strait is clear and that it remains in international trade. we will continue to enforce the international rules based order when it comes to the taiwan strait. and that's why we also had a frigate going through the taiwan strait this summer, along with the americans. and we're looking to have more frigates going through it . cycling comes with canada, releases a new strategy, and it increasing its military presence in the in the pacific region. that includes sending more military ships on the tosh 8th, the development of a joint intelligence network with the network with the us, the u. k. australia and new zealand along with investments of almost $300000000.00 in military support for the region. well, let's discuss these developments with nelson wong,
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vice chairman of the shanghai center for impact and international studies. many, thanks for joining us on the program this evening. so what do you make of these latest statements and moves by canada? what sort of business does the north american country even have they will, china considers its own territorial waters. it's. it's actually quite bothersome to see the latest developments between china and canada, particularly since they have released the latest security paper. and also the recent remarks by the defense minister, and i think we are, there are a couple of angles we should look at while discussing about the issue here. first thing is about the sovereignty, because sings will recognize that there is only one. china and taiwan is plot of china. and china is going to clean. china has sovereignty
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over the taiwan strait. but in the meantime, china has also declared quite publicly that under the international law or china does respect the free navigation of vessels coming through the taiwan strait and as always, being the case. so this is one thing that we have to make clear right? when talking about this issue it's, it's not confusing, it's quite clear, actually. and then 2nd thing is the economic part. i think because there are actually 2 major economic circles in the asia pacific old in the pacific as you call it. one is the u. s. lead group that are developing economically throughout the asia pacific or in the
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pacific. but in the meantime, in the meantime, there is also another group that is developing very fast. and that one is that china in close relationship with oxy on and other countries in the region. so if we are all talking about national security and economic development is always part of the priority. so for country like canada, that is so far away from china and fi, but because they're bothering you know, the pacific and if they are willing to, to participate in the economic development of the region. i don't think anybody is going to say no, but they have to do it in such a way that they respect everybody when the us is interfered,
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if you like in china's business in china seas, it's business ton of how and how back in its response. so we'll sort of reaction, do you think we can expect from china to this canadian activity? well, i think the chinese government has recently made quite a few statements in response to the actions from canada. stating charles position once again very clearly and quite bluntly as well. so i hope that, you know, the canadian government will take the message, but in the meantime we do understand that not every country is absolutely independent when it comes to it, foreign policies and everything. so just certain degree, whatever canada is doing, it is kind of understandable,
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but let's do not forget that. over the last couple months, the taishan across the pie one straight was escalating quite a bit, particularly following the visit of nancy pelosi, taiwan. but afterwards, quite recently in indonesia, during the g 20 summit, chinese and american presidents met and both have declare and that they're going to manage the differences and to, to, to control the situation to, to exercise constraint without, you know, in order to prevent the situation from going out of control, that's what we have to we have to understand or having said that the situation is so confusing because, well, the u. s. continues the claim that holds the one china policy,
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meaning that it does not recognize time. one is independent. washington has been stepping up as a military support for the disputed island. so does the one china policy really still mean anything to america? and if it doesn't actually work, then why keep pretending? yes is a typical. ready example of what that is known as a strategic ambiguity, and i think the rest of the world should see quite clearly what the one china policy means to the american goes. but i hope over time, people will still come to the realization that we should be respectful to each other. because after all, we're not living in the jungle. we are living in a civilized world where human beings, today's world, it's not going to be decided by the law of the mighty it's, it's based on mutual respect and. busy when it comes to the rule based older i,
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i heard one of this because, you know, just now said it quite clear indian gentlemen. i believe that there is only one rules based older, which is the united nations and the un charter and the international law. so it's not going to be the world is not going to be decided by any particular country that believes they are exceptional, that they can decide what the world, you know, how the world is going to function according to their own liking. so i think that more and more countries have woken up now among vice chairman of the shanghai sent for room pack and international studies. many thanks for joining us on the program this evening. we really appreciate your thoughts and your insight. thank you. ah, i think the latest from dumbass now when multiple walk it attacks left at least 3 people dead and the city of don yeske on strike hit the city center heavily damaging pocket costs and,
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and multi story residential building for kit remnants could be seen as scattered on the street, another strike, a local electricity sub station, needing spending, billowing from the building on emergency services battled ablaze. oh, so a local market was hates leaving it in flames, although it would be no need of casualties. how correspondence from on cause or of arrived at the market minutes after it was struck from where he sent his this report don't ask was just sheldon again by ukrainian nationalists we can see blooms of smoke rising right in a center of the city will see multiple ambulances rushing to the sea, and we are also on our way there right now to find out exactly what's going on. we are right in the center of the city. looks like the strike ukrainian artillery. i hit the market right here in the center of the city. fire fighters are already on the scene. there are also ambulances. i can see multiple cars that were destroyed.
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the police are here, the army are here as well. we still don't know whether anyone was injured, but the market is working at the moment as and as we can see, it was a direct hit into one of the stores. it looks like it was a rocket from a multiple launcher rocket system. grad, a flower shop was africa. one of the cars is also on the fire. now we are afraid that it might explode at any moment, so we better step away. we still don't know whether there are. there were any people inside the store, but if there were, it's hard to say if they survived or not, these are the remains of the shell that landed right here, according locals, they were at least said hits. and so one of them struck that shop. now this is the confirmation that this is a, a shell from a multiple launch. rockets system,
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cold grad ukrainian nationalist continue. there are a key arctic and indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas. i here in a don't, that's fair. this market is very popular among the locals. it's right in the center of the city were yet to find out whether there were any victims. the cars on fire could hear multiple explosions as probably fuel fuel tank fans. we have to get out of here. we also hear shutting continues, so we're better leave this area or right now and get to safety remark offer if archie don't have republic among hunt continues in russia. southern region of ross stalls off to an unidentified gunman attack to police patrol. officer officials say one officer was wounded in the early afternoon shooting. the local authorities of told residents of the town of another shack tends to stay in
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doors off to the man wearing a camouflage jacket. open fire with a machine gun report, se road in and out of the town have been sealed as the man heinz continues. please have a stop is checkpoints to inspect cause, as part of the operation. and the russian national guard are now helping innocent with a senseless anti were thick killing. as our journalists don's human rights experts have described, the death of al jazeera journalist sharing up an ugly who died in may while covering in his round defense forces rate in the west bank. the tv network has now filed a lawsuit against israel at the international criminal court, accusing the idea of the killing and calling out quote, israel's a systematic policy of targeting journalists in palestine, his ortiz maria phenomena with more as there is legal team. working on these case
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says that the official request that the network submits to the international criminal court includes a huge dossier on a comprehensive 6 month long investigation done. biology 0 that gather is all available eyewitness evidence and video footage. that all together overturn the claims by these rally authorities that the journalist was killed in the crossfire and point and said at these railey arm. and this is why algy uri soon a's rail charee now go off live 51 year old palestinian american correspondent who had been without 0 for 25 years was shot dead earlier in may these here a while she was covering these rally army raid toner, refugee campaign jeanine and no than all to pied west bank, and that is a war crime on the article number 8 of the i. c c's, charter, i vizier says, stressing that they now want all those responsible for sharina death to be held accountable. something that surprisingly didn't happen so far. the request also
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includes other incidents of journalists to work in in palestine been under attack. and we can already say now that this case is going to be a very hard battle. shortly after the news about this submission emerged. these railey defense minister responded by saying that it was a combat scenario, adding that there is no other military in the world that operates under moral standards of the idea. and here is these rally prime minister, a former journalist himself using even stronger words. no one will investigate id of soldiers and no one will preach to us about morals and warfare. certainly not al jazeera. and as there is a legal team responded to that, that they are not surprisingly they rarely position the hand or they expect a lot of challenges on a lot of obstacles on their way. but it will not stop them and it will not change their determination to achieve justice. for serene desire cannot continue acting as
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a country above the international law. and they are responsible for this crime. even if they don't admit, or they did want to cooperate with the international community or the osi, we were expecting this from the star and we never expected them to even investigate . they've been unwilling from day one to investigate. and this is clear incitement at the end of the day. this is the very justification why independent justice is needed. there is a lot of criticism of the west being silent and turn a blind eye to israel's wrongdoings. and not only from the ages you're a network like in this recent case, but beyond, it is utterly utterly unconscionable that we can say on the one hand, we most and we most investigate the war crimes and atrocities of latter mere putin
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and remain silent as you did when you spoke beside the israeli prime minister? i did not say a word, not a word of 17 years of ongoing crimes against humanity. do we talk about investigating the war crimes of israel? no. do we sanction israel for these crimes as we've sanctioned russia? no, and getting back to our 0. so in israel, the network now says that is going to be a test case for the international criminal court. and we have to wait and see whether the i c. c is going to open a criminal investigation following this official request or not. thousands of people have flooded the streets of mongolia is capital to protest, alleged corruption in the countries. coal industry protest is brave. the freezing call to demand the governments take action over storing inflation and deal with the alleged craft reports claim that mongolian officials have stolen coal,
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it worth $12900000000.00 pound for china, but never ended up that demonstrated according on authorities to name those responsibility ah, for the latest news updates and plenty more, you can check out our website r t dot com. that will be back in 30 minutes with more. so we'll see you then. ah, ah ah
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. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on, often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk to ah ah ah 1950. the wools had been over the summer
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time and the country was returning to peaceful life. you factories and plans, a signage in the birth rate, but most soviet citizens were unaware that tom gangs was still killing people in the ukrainian sr. it went unreported in the newspapers and on the radio, there were only rumors, according to investigative reports. these crimes were being committed by the o u n, and g u, p a. the organization of ukrainian nationalists and the ukranian insurgent army respectively. for huge was a vessel that that was below, but i shouldn't be self still be what you would be wise to review. i'd wish to preserve all postal view id manual on the bridge or grace mobility. and the video will be on palladium is cedric, i, me, lou, on the, on my, should the old can i ask one michelin trust? rational at the omnia is here at the lum mo, bombarded one thank jojo brush in your school.


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