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tv   Documentary  RT  December 6, 2022 10:30am-11:01am EST

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1969, the war had been over some time, and the country was returning to peaceful life, new factories and plants as such in the birth race. but much soviet citizens were unaware that tom gangs was still killing people in the ukrainian sr. it went unreported in the newspapers and on the radio, there were only room was, according to investigative reports. these crimes were being committed by the o u n. and you pay the organization of ukrainian nationalists and the ukrainian insurgents, tommy, respectively, to here shortly before that that was a little, but i shouldn't be self still be what you would be wise review. i just presume i'll post or do i did my renewal on the british mobility and the video will be on palladium. is sort of guy me, lou on the ones. much at the old crash coalition in trust. rational at the omnia at the lamb. mo, bombarded one, thank you. i brush initially, secretary of the communist party of ukraine. nikita who, shelf central points,
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bulky envelopes labeled top secret one after another to moscow. state security minister, victor, about whom of analyze this intelligence and realize that come on to these operations was being exercised from within ukraine from a single centre, which distributed money and weapons and gave orders to kill in order to disrupt this gangland activity. the leaders of the ukrainian nationalists had to be found and eliminated. it was this mission that soviet agent general cobble to the plot of by then already legend was ordered to carry out fish.
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after the war, gangs were active in many previously occupied soviet territories. bad reports from ukraine was shocking in both scale and brutality. a teacher was raped and murdered in the new guns region of pharma was thrown into a threshing machine in the roving region. in the laval of suburbs, the body of a come some mol, activist, was found in a well along with his 3 year old daughter. 14 people were killed in a single day. according to the m g. b, 's preliminary estimates up to 60000 bandits divided into compact groups. may have been covertly operating in the ukranian, sr, an army no less. and you by she me like you me, i'd rather me by the i'd say that it's chilly, extra just hold on. this is emily, i'm to them was carol and there isn't a deal in my big in law and you know, such nurse ineos and she'll go on the nice helium. so yes, go to the c,
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i a and m i. 6 funded the gang is operating in the ussr. however, it was mainly west german intelligence that directly supervised them during the war, nancy general reinhardt galen, was in charge of the agents network on soviet territory. he recruited them mainly from among prisoners of war. he subsequently offered his archives to the americans and was hired by them. so galen went back to his usual business of organizing, sabotage and collecting intelligence on soviet territory in ukraine. he already had an extensive network of o u n members trained during the war under slack nymph averted to stop o'reilly. i would surely, dear thing what us per hour. oh he's short finish. labs are at the same change depending on the choice for him, a sliver name, some errands. i was group women to me as can see what they say about a finish to possibly
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a soviet union tried to combat these gang sunday. in 1947, they even reassigned internal troops to the ministry of state security. but over several years, they failed to achieve any decisive success. ah ah, bill, through the blood of the then head of the n. k b. d. sabotage, department was assigned to this operation for a reason. he knew the situation in ukraine. well, he'd fought against local nationalists before the war. so he was the one about whom of charge with wiping out the o. u. n. it was a very difficult task, but showed up lot of was not in the least bit discouraged. he was eager to get started. he had held a longstanding personal grudge against the ukrainian nationalists and against the former so called u. p, a commander in chief romance u. k, which they were born in the same year. one radhika of ill evolved on the other in
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mealy children. but from a young age they were on different sides. she gave us joined the bandit underground while should applaud, have placed his allegiance with the people's government. the idea of a just society had captivated baba. at the age of 12, he lay to run away from home and joined the red army. the quick witted teenager from a large mutual family was appreciated immediately. he was appointed to the communications section of the red armies, 44th infantry division which was fighting the city riflemen, a detachment made up a form of prisoners from galicia and book albina. men who'd been returning home from captivity for several years. their leader was yet gainey kind of violets. after one of the clashes bubble and his old comrades were taken prisoner. con violets ordered the situation saying,
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your dead masika with by sheer luck, they managed to escape. 2 years later suit applauds of older brother nikolai was killed in a battle against com, a valid his men the sich rifleman had failed to retain key in the early 920 as kind of valid set up a new ukranian military organization in the 4th, where he rented a room in judge shapiro, his house from there, he recruited. so just for the organizations combat wing, the host youngest son roman, admired the tenant lumala. go show you a spot q o. carter kimball got that one for huge on conditional skull bush room. after the tier, the only almost an hour you're from here. is it worth was to put out? i feel so it is they will be to watch will by vision really any of those thoughts for fuel walk, stop last style or are curious to my phone? sure. i'm up. last of sport. acute they watched or not so not least of most of the 2 for new theory organ. later after the establishment of the u. n. in $1029.00
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roman shoe here, which would become carnival, it says close untrusted companion. at the age of $22.00, he was already leading the organization is combat wing. despite his youth, he had enough experience with his friend bog done. the guy, ne, eliminated poli, school superintendent. stanislavsky. other assassinations followed. he craved more blood and impunity gave him more courage. by that time, pablo to the plant had become a fully fledged chickies. he'd worked his way out from cipher officer to commissioner in the information department of the ukrainian sr state political director. it he learned about the massacres you gave, which was involved in from a port sent from the western regions. 1950. these are just a few pages from a multi volume dosier detailing atrocities committed by. oh you and you p a leader romance yuki beach. over a peer of several decades. the m g
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b had little doubt that he was in charge of all the local gangs. mm. the investigation of ukrainian nationalist leda shockey which was code name, locals case. but how had this huge organization been able to operate with impunity for so long to to plot of believe the obvious blunders of ukrainian communist party. first secretary, nikita khrushchev with a cause on that, no show that you but it'll go through a vis you post a normal. i do not, but i was not shocked. have done boss, bruce, you always go, we've got out a little should upload. when most goes, i'll stop at the door go pretty with combusted in you should boss more years. national credit will yes or a bit not sure that i've seen that was pushed up left wizard concert, cancelled stadium snell. who's sure doesn't. i shall merely go in the shed. beard.
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i'm scared of mere nicholas. no, but i got on with mitchell, are you? what that does about blood smoke sparkling those plan. you're always employed good . actually suit a plan to believe that disseminating merger. reports around ukraine wouldn't necessarily yield positive results. the most combat ready gangs were operating in the west in the vault region where they enjoyed some support among the population. from here, the o u. n rated other parts of the country. there was no doubt the general was well aware of how the ukrainian nationalist movement was organized. no one in the m g. b had better knowledge in the 19th thirty's bravo sit up. lots of i to infiltrate at the o u n. and his objective than had been the same to eliminate their leader. get the movie. yeah. well named lovelyn, she concordia due to native lady based residents in the lisky,
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mealy men and me. and i knew, well that's so didn't know crazy, but it was school that just drove me math so me a job massively mean beast, nation living actually a 19 seventies ukrainian nationalist unleashed a reign of terror in weston ukraine. murder of the police commissioner, the same envoy, other punish officials and teachers. awesome destruction of residential and administrative buildings and warehouses. book to be a 33 at your proposal. p a. c. been no such. no go ahead. just say yes. or i need to still decide to sort of, but that will be still under a mile on sugarloaf area, which was so what it wanted to say a score is done there with a new at or why did your most or for huge on a mission. also more cities over in payroll and not just of snow shit. i'm not sure
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not a huge ball molar for here is so small world on is could i be a 6 foot up what, what this frozen is it miss? it's new. so small water, if you wore a court. what with a division? i said, larry, still one go cross feels for going to my wife. at the time of the plans have was already stationed in moscow. working as an operative of the o. g p u. s. foreign department, few people knew a mile of also worked in the department that he and to the plant if were friends. in fact, they were so close that travel would later name his son andre opt in. my love o g p u chief, we just laugh machine ski declared war on the un, which post a long standing threat to peace and ukraine. there were reports that they were also trying to establish contact with hitler who had come to power in germany, the nazi movement was growing rapidly. good of so how powerful it was and rushed to
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meet the future fewer. he later published an article titled, hitler under ukrainian cause in his youth paper now stone rashid, he called on these comrades in arms to rally in a dense cossack formation to the side of hitler who will create a gateway to the east. i knew it. i could only see, i knew at least leave the poor concordia, or as this they do the school and they still go to get that were still my, me and my child away. so i will do it. oh no, cuz i wish my deal is as i said, the best bishop a dish. ah, the question was there lay it to begin with and then it was part of their original reservation. and it was somewhere in the 1920s that they lost oak flat. but it's
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always been considered sacred to them a but altogether within this resolution copper project area, there are approximately $800.00 archaeological sites that would be destroyed. oh wow. wow, that is right in the heart of where meaning we're culture, where you know would be the same if you fire bomb the vatican. think i hope that this country record mary's native american, ceremonious cerebral ceremonial grounds sacred sites because that's where our hardy said we belong to mother earth. we're doing our own mother. we belong to one for
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ah, ah ah, i'm calling you to begin with celia was this because they did to squint a pretty new year. oh for like teach their way. know i'm reaching out to school and you have a valuable would you repeat the sheila wishing i cheat? i'm a new model,
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but the woman was mo william with from bush. not so not submit any amount. they're glad to book then you what they continued that almost i did. i use one load scholarly, imo, i did some of that with the carson rod. i used to finish this is just a i'm a fraction of when it comes when you book friday. yes. my boy, you ordered a shirt interim. any other that was all fit it in touch with a positive was ordered to infiltrate the o u n. but what would make kind of violence would always being highly secretive. want to meet him, time pass, but nothing worked. then so the plot of suggested using one kind of analysis
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weaknesses that he was incapable of surrendering even a little bit of his power. doubtless, he'd be interested to know that one of his comrades in arms was planning to take over the leadership of the organization. when you get this is tim up, but is as good, but to be in an us a bullet, a says m a c as a, be fish in your oh, great year job. russia a will of which is great. share is new. lastly, opera put your when your 3 year old book on you, then you refill in august 1934 to the plot of cave face to face with his sworn enemy. their 1st conversation took place in secrecy. valence was wary at 1st with the soviet intelligence officer managed to william over fairly quickly. so the plaintiff was accepted into the o. u. n. central division and sent to the secret nazi school in leipzig for
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training the that in the yeah, a lot of going she will get a minute for she's a get a minute. little reduced with the all it as well. yeah. bill, a video of national, narrow literary teachers school you are going to use that to fan with when you're done with okay, i guess you could okay. have a mirror to the narrow. maybe if he can scare again you that yeah. bill now are in there yet. for you now, my ceiling, you little boys vs that newer schuman olga dealer, with our gear o grows or school studies, credits. i show that there was no police officer. i was at the will war crimes cro wisco are going to that's got the rebuttal, car deal. you can come out. it's
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a glance how fast on valuable information to the center. more than 2000 nationalists and can these, here by dina and book athena were ready for active combat. the fighters would cross the soviet border when order to and launched terrorist attacks throughout the soviet union. this entail made it possible to counter spy cells in the usa saw an intercept savage to swiftly. his agent's failures didn't bother konover. at the time, he was on good terms with hitler and trim too much more. all the high ranking o u and officers had received military training in germany and that even received german officer ranks a force was being created that was to wipe out the communists and paved the way. but his triumphant returned to ukraine a violence, his direct dealings with hit to the became so dangerous that stalin got involved personally. a reason that it was necessary to break this connection as soon as
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possible. and the best way to do this was to eliminate kind of violets of the old, hitler only valued personal ties. so it would be some time before anyone else from the o u. n would be able to get his attention to the plaintiff was given the task no other check. his could have approached the o. u anita without arousing suspicion of alice's confidence to the plot of quickly found a reason to meet you wanted to discuss the impending betrayal. he suggested disguising a bomb as a box of chocolates. violet was very fond of sweets and wouldn't refuse such a gift. last occurred on may the 23rd, 1938 in the into hotels, cafe and rotterdam. it was then that the soviet agent had arranged a meeting with a chief ukrainian terrorist. he put the sweet gift for key in front of him, and then politely asked to be excused for a moment. implicitly feel that seek and my wife look,
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i'd probably search by you by law resentful. let us call old dose of them will. yes . clearly if we need bullies, you thank you really yet let the bandana even in law. she and a boy. thank you. talk to you in the she a minute but include one dish which here is a gear and you've shipped, but there's only one barrel. almost there on bo, this is michelle eric dark. we were kim session. decrease our court in your you'll know that there with her was up in the city. are you unless you push men new bo boyd? it the quote originally. yes. good. so a 100 south, by the time the o u. n has lost its undisputed lisa romaneli savage. i gained overwhelming support among ukrainian nationalists and like the others, he was a practicing militant. there was a reason why kind of violence had sent him to the elite german intelligence school and unique. although apparently the schools commanders and cadets didn't like
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shockey, which i thought i'd give you a. what is your daughter your daughter called true. she said that is did to teacher julia or chin milky, i thought, but it isn't, which is to review variously rich things. kiwi or soil. joe or his school in british school or west virginia is not what i would in your capitulate will limits or to everyone surprise, typical. oh you and member should give. if you decided to take over. he was well aware that whoever gained the germans trust would gain power. of course, in you would be possible to arrange a meeting with hitler, but he could reach out to canary ahead of the up there, to ga, which found a pretext for the meeting, the formation of ukrainian nationalist combat units within the german army. that was how his name became no to the pura. the secret of their schools were stablished in the pony cities of franco. the canada shook. yeah. which was appointed chief
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inspector and personally trained the instructors. however, he was unaware that in the eyes of the german leadership, both he and the entire o u. n will be a cannon photo fit only to do dirty work. through the plaza was well aware of the o u. n. 's history up to the beginning of the war, he de, immersed himself in the roll so much so that he could even think like an o u. s. member. he realised to find she'll give it now after more than a decade. early nights and fifty's. he'd have to study the final chapters of his case thoroughly. she gave it must have left some traces that would lead to the wolf . spring 1941. under shook gave it his direct command. the special nasty girl battalion was created. room roughly skipped off a bunk bed a bunk bed
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a comes from restore her and you can reach them. are friendly with the guys news just before which a for you to for, to do to partition today for a part of my lack of what the, what does i need the hardest mutual suit or can you hear me chill or your curb? disapprove. you're from a scholar, i should put the corner show apartments. the outbreak of war was like a final exam for roman suki, which on june, the 30th 1941, the battalion conducted a murderous operation in revolved within just 24 hours. they did eliminated over 4000 people. it passed the exam for anybody more fortunate patrol for under scrooge or abuse to 1st current school starts to put it to jeremiah. that's his group for justin could i suppose to find a peaceful m o. m. suppose from yesco, corbett, so when i'm with chuck gave a chest, now is it preparing the mazda 3 months before the wall by intelligence? either quad addresses and names of family members desk,
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you will to post piece competitive. she'll come when use a few. but if i go with that, i should do it to, to, to my boys features problem, the bulk one, the creator, to sit the stress, notice number. mm hm. in the autumn of 1941, she'll give it to see him command at the north group. the south group was led by richard jerry once kind of violence, his right hand man. they were both members of the up is brandon, the divisions. furthermore, you ukrainian nationalists outfits. what constantly being formed in west a new crane. these new a full month's shopping. all of those got it. i'm to put it on skip what that is. you didn't hear anybody any music for them to push for the park. reg needed what they do. not enough to grab the mrs. fordham with miss cameron, or paul knows that she missed school come on, but when she took us that's for here,
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we should thought well, guard their own kind of the way my scholarship was enough because all of them know that. but also in the premier store, an apple cello or 9 you missed school when i wasn't sure that you just that the what about the situation worse and every month in just the 1st half of 942 know you and members killed as a 24000 people. meanwhile, the nazis were moving resources out of ukraine with impunity. with betty, any delay trains did they, but military ca go to the front line. at the same time, the partisan movement was gaining momentum desk launch the rails military train, destroy headquarters and german garrison. they even engaged the armed forces of the democracy. which phil questions, could you shortly hear my phone issue of lee? they were there and you thought so?
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no, i said they don't put all your bill t we should i see what if the police his, him go for some over you would prefer like but hi, sheila brown, cedar cough fucked. an experienced commander and civil war veteran managed to turn disorganized parties and attachments into a strong, almost invincible army numbering, many thousands, light blue shirt phone. for him social studies, ship career center suite article saw me somebody at the police here. flash led them syria. can that have me any emotional sort them games to be less good? i can scan more chew. the thing is to ensure that g school, sure it's more the code watch. i know the regulatory games. unlike in other occupied territories,
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ukrainian partisans weren't just facing the occupiers. that german back o u. n. gangs were even more dangerous. they knew the local surroundings and residents routines. what's more, families could be divided with one member, joining the partisans, and another, the un mm. in addition to the central headquarters of the parties and movement, a separate ukrainian headquarters of the movement was informed to expand corp. its tasks included fighting nationalists to, among other things, trying to implicate the vigilantes, but disguising themselves as such, and then robbing and killing people in this cause. great anger among the population with
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boston, do i just need them good. i didn't miss you owe it to them. with key at the ocean because keep the process please, can you do like a you get you what i need with you as a professional id even to walk you through the list of all but yet with ah ah, this is the only for a lot in other words, you recall with
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stock reality that that's a good is your media reflection of reality in the world transformed what will make you feel a selection whole community? are you going the right way or are you being direct? what is true? what is great in the world corrupted. you need to send
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a. ready join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, headlines on, on the international where he becomes, is leading oil supplier for a 2nd month than it was in defiance of western pleasure from all countries to join sanctions against moscow. the energy export also coming up, it looks like it was a rocky multiple launch rocket system. garage. a flower shop was a strong one of the car is also or no fire. we report from the scene of the lakers ukrainian shelling a brush and don't yet where at least 3 people killed the rocket hit the market. plus with thing.


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