tv The 360 View RT December 6, 2022 3:30pm-4:01pm EST
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we're going to talk to a controversial figure. laughter starting, his transition, changed his mind. and he was now an advocate against a youth transgender surgery. let's get started. there are very few in society who can look at themselves and say they are 100 percent happy. with their physical self, in fact, we have built a multi $1000000000.00 industry and plastic surgery, fashion and fitness for those who would like to adjust their looks more to their liking. but if you decide you want to change everything about your physical being, which goes along with a certain gender, the discussion goes from minor tweaks to a lifelong, major, physical, and emotional undertakings. and while this is no simple decision, unfortunately and reasons society, it seems like this is a growing trend, which is the latest push by the woke movement. sadly, just like one might realize they made a mistake when they change their hair color or style of clothing. some can realize
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they made a. ready mistake in their transition of gender. it is this community of transition regret who find themselves lacking the support they need to go back to the original birth gender. and while this group is smaller number, maybe only 8 to 10 percent of those who have gone or started through the transition process. joining me now as a guest who's actually gone through the beginning of the process and believe proper support is lacking both in the explanation of transitioning as well as the de transitioning process, especially for those of a younger age. join me now is ali london, his life story is fascinating for so many and he now wants to take the lessons he's learned and try to help those who might be grappling with some of the same issues. he has had ali, thank you so much for joining your. it's just been a delight talking to you getting ready for this. i want to give a little background and we'll start with obviously the gender transition. i think question people always ask what made you ultimately decide that you wanted to take
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that step? i think my whole life, i was so unhappy with who i was the way i looked when i look in the mirror as a teenager, i really hated myself. so it was kind of that self hate trades i. i never felt accepted. people used to bully me from my looks that really led me to stop my plastic surgery journey. and then i got to a point earlier this year where i was still so unhappy. i had dozens and dozens of surgery covered in scars. i'm thinking, i'm not happy, you know, i'm, i trapped in the wrong body. so i went for facial feminisation surgery. i started looking more feminine. i got her extension. i started wearing dresses even in public and i was, i was still thinking is this to me and i was thinking maybe the reason i'm unhappy is because i feel trapped in the wrong body. maybe i meant to be trends. so, you know, i became trans to 6 months, i would go out in public in the dress and heels and that wasn't fun wearing heels. it's not easy. so yeah, so i did that and i just got to a point recently a few months ago where i was like, i'm still not happy. what am i missing in my life? so i started going to church and that was when i realized, you know,
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i should just stay the way that god made me. why am i doing this? you know, i am a man, i just want to be myself. i want to find myself and i need to stop with all the crazy surgery i need to stop, you know, trying to be something i'm not and just find happiness with them. if you could look back at yourself, you said that you are unhappy as a child, talks about your upbringing, your background, your family. did that have an impact you think i where that unhappiness was coming from. so i actually had a really nice upbringing in the countryside and you went to fantastic school. it was church of england school. so as yeah, had a great upbringing, but it was just as a teenager when used to go to school people a bully may, every single day i would even make myself sick and physically throw up so i wouldn't have to go to school so i wouldn't get bullied, so that was really where everything stem from. so is the bullying. and then over time, just you know, feeling rejected from society. you know, people just being cruel to me. so that's really why i wanted to change myself. and you know, i wanted to start looking more like a k pop star, and now then i became like a trans women. and then i realized like, what am i doing to myself?
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this is, this is not normal. talk about the reality after you started changing yourself. what was that like? was that exactly what you were expecting? i think when it comes to surgery and changing yourself, you get some surgery and then you feel happy for a short period of time. so it's almost temporary happiness, i get the surgery, i'd be swollen, i'm thinking, oh wow, look amazing. now, even though i look a little bit messed up, think wow, the steps good. and then also back to a free month that feeling with where off the serotonin would disappear. and then add one more. so it's almost like an addiction. you know, people don't really talk about plastic surgery and addiction, but it kind of, it's, you know, comparable to our call. some people get addicted and they can stop. and you know, i'm thankful that i've got to this point now where i've found guidance going to church. i found faith in christianity and that has really made me open my eyes and realize, you know, just be the way that god made me stop doing all this craziness. it's not natural, it's not normal. and it's not even given me happiness. so you talked about as a kid, the mental aspects and the bullying, that's nothing new, but i think we can all agree that post demick that has been definitely something
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that's been even more registered with kids. post panoramic. don't know how to socialize a lot with each other. bullying has gotten worse. online media is gotten worse with it. what is your advice to those kids on that side of it is going how to handle that? how could you handle that different? so actually when i grew up, there wasn't really social media. i do feel so sorry for kids these days. they have so much pressure on them. no kids go on the instagram, they'll get a, a bullying comment. you know, they'll get something nasty, some moment, send them hate about their parents and that has such a deep impact on a child's psychology. and you know, i think parents need to be more why they need to be more careful of what that kids are looking at 9 because it is dangerous things out that like can take to you have influences like villa moving a who is i think it's very dangerous influence to these people, jelena is a 25 years. let's go a dylan on the when i could deal is i become a real recent thing where he is a man who has transition not fully. he doesn't go through the surgeries and he's doing his day by day count of being a woman and what he thinks being
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a woman is like that being said, he's getting notoriety. he's actually been and he was divided by joe biden. i've been to the white house given that platform. what kind of danger do you think he introduces into the confusion of already some mentally challenge teenagers these days? so i think, you know, dillon has 8000000 followers. a lot of those people are young people. so when they see something on tick tock, they almost want to become that person they want to emulate that person. they think it's cool and trendy. and the danger of dylan is dylan actually starts out as an actor on a comedy act. they used to party women, they used to mock women, and then suddenly they realized that was lucrative. they could get all of the views . so they continue to that. and now that you know, making hundreds of thousands of dollars from women and girls talking about days of gal her talking about going through puberty, which i think is a very dangerous thing for 25 year olds mail to say. but the fact that he was invited to the white house to speak about this, i think it's just so wrong. and it sends such a bad signal to people in america. he's doing such a superficial aspect of the fun things you would think of being
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a girl with. but this transition surgery is actually very, very hard. it's very involved a lot of different processes on it. when you were thinking about it, were the resources there, do you think being honest about what transition surgery wasn't? if they weren't being honest with you as an adult, what do you think they're calling these youth? so yeah, i mean, if you look at the education system in america, if you look at the media, the narrative is that it's easy to transition, it's trendy, it's called take a pill and guess why you're hender, but you know, you don't see the resources out there online that say you're going to be stopped taking medication for your entire life. it's a lot of health issues with best physical immensely. there's a high suicide, right? high depression, right? people don't see that. it's all, you know, spoon fed this narrative on the mainstream media that this is great. this is cool. we've got dylan movie in the white house. you can be like this to all you need to do is a bit later has surgery, which is all dylan's done by the wife. just had to have a baby. and that said she hasn't had surgery. sorry, he hasn't done anything at all. no pills. my whole mind, nothing. so i, you know,
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it's a real danger and there's no resources out there. so i think the danger is kids are being pushed to do something that is trendy right now. but they don't realize the devastating impact is going to have, you know, you have teenage girls in some states that under 16 to having double mastectomy, which is like, it's like a hard movie. like how is that allowed to happen? you know, these medical boards, these hospitals performing this, they really should know, have their licenses revoked. i think it's child abuse. do you think this is all on purpose and you've been a part of the creative, obviously talked with other committee. is that a part of the plan and we did find out that obviously hospitals are making a lot of money off this transition. do you think this deception is a part of it? and what role are these parents, should they be held accountable for pushing this on? there are a lot of them making that decision for them. yeah, i think that's definitely an agenda out that you know 30 years ago you might have a few people transitioning. why has it suddenly all of a sudden become cool, become trendy. you've got, you know, tens of thousands of people transitioning. having puberty blockers having h r t for pe, it's just gone crazy. and i think as billions of dollars being made from these.
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ready hospitals and these medical institutes and the education system is pushing its own kids. you have teachers being told they don't even agree with it. some of the time they're being told to teach kids at the age of 5, about sexual reproductive organs, about changing agenda. about pronouns mean what is going on, you know, that making a lot of money from this and it's, it's just all for them. i really do hope it changes. and that's the reason i'm speaking up because, you know, kids easily influenced. now they might want to change as a kids, you know, but as an adult, they would have regret it, that they would have destroyed themselves. and i think if i can help save, you know, one child in america from going through this surgery, they'll say to tell parents, you know, have a conversation with your child most the time. it's just a phase, it's gender dysphoria. don't be even considering taking this child to get puberty blockers or, you know, surgery that just children just let them live their lives. one of the things that are happening in america, we're seeing an obviously expand, i think being woke is a part of the biggest part export of united states for now into other cultures,
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other cultures. they're still trying to hold onto their traditions. what is the danger of this? i mean, you're obviously from the u. k. that's sort of like the united states. are you seeing this possibly going, international and more and more countries starting to adapt to just like the u. s. has definitely, i think, you know, with globalization with social media, everybody has access to see these things. so, you know, when you're seeing america kind of sets the training for the while. so when you're going on take talk and you're saying people like to move any, making it cool, you know, really mocking women, but trying to make it easy and trendy that it's called transition. it's coach tend to pronounce other people in parts of the world. you know, want to be like that because america is a trend setter. they think. okay, that's cool. i'm going to transition. i'm going to go to a doctor and do this. you know, they don't realize this so many devastating consequences to this. so i definitely think, yeah, with globalization social media is playing a huge role in pushing these to other countries. thankfully the u. k. it's strict from the u. s. they don't allow teenagers to have these surgeries anymore. and the health services recently changed that guidance. basically saying it's wrong to be doing this to kids. so i hope america follows and i hope the rest of the world know
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doesn't go into this crazy whiteness because it's just, you know, destroying livelihoods. do you think it's also about comfort and the fact that they're not comfortable with this idea whether we're talking about the g, b t, q community? is it fair to put the 2 together when you're talking on international, are they 2 separate issues that need to be addressed? i mean, i definitely think you could put it together internationally. i think the l g b t movement, you know, used to be about just spreading love, letting people at their lives. now i think that movement has been hijacked by the trends lobby. you know, there are people that pushing this agenda, pushing people to transition and making it a trends, you know, 30 years ago we didn't have this now you've got, you know, men self identifying as women going into restrooms, assault, sexually assaulting women in some cases. right. and you know, if people speak up for these women, they are actually cancelled j. k. rowling, the famous off of canceled the speaking up for women. so why are we allowing this very small minority population to hijack the l g b t community to hijack know this movement and to try and push women into
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a corner and silence them and you know, put women and girls at risk. it kind of is almost anti feminism. what are we scheduling had with them on the side they, we worked so hard at least the united states to get right. so obviously are coming kind of backtracking. but yes, also look at the comfort level of the united states. it's almost like once again getting it to and do you think these other cultures around the world? i know you travel, they actually are not comfortable with this type of situation. is that a reflection on them, or is that actually them being good and sticking with the traditional roles of males and females within their said within their country. yeah, but what you're talking about is kind of predominant in asia. so asia, it's very traditional, know china, korea, japan, they like to stick to instructional male and female. you don't have all these pronouns, you just got male and female. you know, they like to stick to that, you know, which i think is the right thing to do. i respect everyone, however they want to identify, but i think they're right to do that. they're trying to protect, protect traditional values and morals. and they also want the best but as citizens,
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you know, they don't want kids being, you know, messed up with mental health issues. or physical health issues, you know, they just want everyone to succeed in work in life and everything. sorry. no, i think they have better kind of interested citizens whereas and fortune, this country, the trends we are just pushing these things on kids and know it's really going out to control. well, alternately, i think we've decided this wasn't, you know, you decided this wasn't the right choice for you or not, your national board gender. what is your message to those right now who actually might be considering gender transition surgery, something that they might not be hearing from anyone else? well, you know, a lot of kids do get confused, especially when they become a teenager. they go to puberty. people will confuse people on shore. people also that teenagers have low self esteem. they have low self confidence and they're also very easily influence. so i would just say, you know, to the majority of these people, they all going through a phase in their life, which will pass as they get older. they will find comfort, they will find happiness in their own body,
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and they will learn to love and self accept themselves. but, you know, pleased to all the kids and teens watching this, you know, don't do something, you're going to regret, you know, because some people will be happy, but most people will regret this. and most people will have health issues. so, you know, don't do something, you'll regret and don't listen to people pushing these ideas on. you don't give into social pressure, just fine. come for yourself. know, find god and just be happy with your born as well. gender was not the only transition that you are concerned. there's another more as well, but it also to do with what your career was, your career as an artist. now after the break, we're going to talk more about this other choice that all you was making. and why some people considered to be racist. say, with the ah,
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not another while you while you easy while furnace us. ah. yeah. do you have one slide? yes. south. yeah. thrashing south with angela with bethany garza boys now watch them up all me at that. i'll pull up my pizza is emma? yeah. pulls gary of sure. sure. let me just kim's room. she thought city is safe to watch the ela. a bill? yes, my thought or gender again. your fortune very up. my. be a lot about it more than just financial. ah
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1950 to you i saw was returning to peaceful life, but the newspapers didn't report on going massacres and the ukrainian ssr, according to intelligence ukrainian nationalists and the ukranian insurgent army, led by romans forgive, each perpetrated these atrocities to huge reserves about hold that, that was going well, but i shouldn't be self thought. me why you would be wise review. i was please. of course we'll do a menu or i will to the plant of was the head of the n. k b d sabotaged department of the time he was tasked with stopping the atrocities in ukraine for a good reason general. so the planter was very familiar with the situation he had experienced fighting the nationalist before the war. get the movie me, pull up the printer name, let's take on get a 0. do it in need of
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a sudden then they'll carry me, but it is black, unbroken. me. the task was tremendously difficult, but suit up blunt. it was determined to complete it. we had personal accounts to settle with the ukrainian nationalists. i'm willing of them. i saw booty, dorian know graham t coyer actually enough idea. she ship. dr. lien that she put a control in put you on board. so she'll she'll go did etivia. i'm a wadell by like you, sister, really be near them. did not sing device such that's anthony lucy lee. yeah. well, we can do bu, pocono channels. actually, jim's out arkell room news, but i live dra bertha leona. oh crazy, that's a very strong modern date. my subway, but just dory. yes or no, it's i live sheba least get us, butch, i, we shipped them. so just figured that, you know,
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i needed his daughter to take him over to them. i need a new train school bus with us and he is a visual one they reached that or where you can actually reach. couldn't she had not turned the usual go to work. you don't feel good to breathe, global. the machine years about how she took on a job, these to broadview nestle, few creatures, take a picture, go double play. you have to go. so good. i'm up with you for. welcome back from only london is an artist and influencer. and now start to become an activist. and the last thing that we talked about was his transition gender and go back to the natural state. but he also has decided to go down the path of transitioning to look more like his k pop audience. now this was
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a bit controversial and all the one and joins us to continue. this discussion. you're an artist, artist, are known for being a very creative and trying to find ways to get attention were on the side. plastic surgery, actually the 1000000000 dollar industry with both men and women, constantly tried to make themselves look different from how they were born, not a crime beauties in the eyes of beholder. so how is what you, what we're trying to do, different from anyone else who just had looked at, they preferred for themselves and they wanted to make themselves look like it. i mean, i personally think what i do is the same as everyone else when you actually in asia, all of the cable starts have plastic surgery. they have, they want to have big a nose is big eyes to look more west. and so it's a very normal thing. so, and you know, it's thing is a lot of things do have plastic surgery to look better because, you know, when you're doing music videos, you want to look your best for me. particular, i'm obsessive korean culture and korea music. i make my own career music and it's important for me to have a certain look to my audience. they expect to start. and you know, if i'm
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a cape up thing, i need to look like a pop star. so, you know, i don't see anything wrong and what i'm doing, it's just the same as someone getting surgery in asia to look more west than which so many people do. so the fact that people tried to call me racist, or cultural appropriating, i just think is just crazy. it just shows how the whiteness is just going to absolutely mad. it's like, i'm not doing anything harmful. the korean people actually think it's pretty sweet . what i do, i'm appreciate that culture. one of the cities in career even asked me to be a cultural ambassador because they love me so much. so i'm promoting that culture. i'm probably providing that plastic surgery and district as well. so. but you know, there's nothing wrong with what i'm doing. i think it's perfectly normal. so if you take the haters, i mean, i said we talked about the gender issue, but now you have, you're doing a whole new idea. they even went as far as to call you racist on it. do you believe that they were just saying that's just because haters are gonna have haters. i think of haters just love to hate. you know, they see someone online that they take a dislike to, or they just, they just that, you know, they just start with their lives that kind of loses die. they just take out that i'm going frustration on other people. so they love to talk me. you know,
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i'm different to other people. you know, i'm, you know, i'm doing things to other people don't do so they think it's ok to bully me, to talk me to somebody. death threats. i'm not doing anything racist. you know, everyone that knows me knows i'm not racist. i respect all people around the world . i don't judge people by their color. i don't judge people from why they're from that these people are judging me. they are trying to state something done. i'm not ok. so you are a visa card as an artist, thrive on this attention, whether it's organic or driven. i think a lot of the criticism about the transgender community is people like chris jenner are doing it just to get attention, seek some fame, whatever started to drop, drop off. do you think you still would have been compelled to make this transition, both in gender and nationally? if you are in a career path that did not involve the public spotlight like an accountant? i don't think so. you know, i feel like a lot of pressure to look a certain way. i make a pop music. people expect a start tonight. all cape up idols. pretty much 99 percent. they'll never admit it, but they will have plastic surgery. they change the entire face. it's
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a normal part of the entertainment industry. everyone had surgery, look at a car, for example. so it's normal. so you know, i feel like i do have this pressure to look a certain way. i need to maintain my luck. so i did also feel the pressure to look pretty. i slipped more beautiful from my audience. so i guess that was part of the reason why i thought, you know, maybe i should be a woman, maybe look better and you know, then i realize now it's really not to me. i didn't feel right. and you know, i was just chasing perfection which i know it's an achievable. but you know, everybody in a and state industry does it in korea, it's so start normal, but i don't get why people try to call me races for having surgery. everybody does it on that side of it. well, and because of that, that caused a lot of hatred to come your way on the internet, which is obviously evolving about it's changing. they say they're trying to help and try to curtail some of this. you know, bullying the happening, do you believe it's actually the government or even the private social media platforms, their job to do? or you think this is kind of just excuse they're using to continue to give away at
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people's rights, not only here domestically in the united states, but around the world. why really believe in freedom of speech. and i believe people should be able to express themselves. however, they feel, but you know, i definitely think that needs to be something in place just to protect people from abuse. you know, i don't think it's right to send people death threats or harassment or hate, you know, i. so i think, you know, social media does have responsibility, especially when it comes to children. i think it's crazy, not all the kids are addicted to take talking stuff, which is, which is fun. where does your activity, where you are me that you are to i am to, you know, you have kids as young as 5 good on tick, tock and stuff and you know, they get abuse, you know, they get hate and that can lead to serious side that can lead to severe consequences. so now i think needs to be some checks and balances, but at the same time, freedom of speech is so important. and it's so important to protect that. and i think some of these social media companies, especially twitter, before musk took over, they were trying to silence certain voices that wasn't about hate speech. they were trying to silence conservative voices that were just sharing their opinion, showing what they believed and which is totally wrong. and that's an attack on
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freedom of speech. but in terms of protecting people, i think that needs to be some checks and balances for abuse. you know, you know, people that consistently abuse people and i don't think they should be allowed to be using that particular platform because they're sending hate to someone. and this can have an impact on young people. what you've spoken about. it's not anything. i think it's more common sense and controversial, i think deemed as a very controversial figure. we were talking about people that are willing to give you a chance to hear things that actually speak what you're saying. what are you finding the reception to your message? because obviously it's against a certain narrative that's being push, who's responded you who's wanting to allowing you to let your voice be heard to reach out. so, you know, i always believe and sharing, you know, to help other people. so that's the reason i wanted to share my de transition story and you know, help the millions of kids to the struggling across america. you know, and i've had such great reception from the christian community from the conservative communities in the public. and which is, which is amazing and where you are, where you are republican going into the id support republicans, you know,
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i suppose growing your, has your political views evolved the way people have treated, you know, it's changed. i'm always very open minded. i'm kind of an independent thinker, but you know, i feel what's going on in america right now. there's a real attack on democracy and freedom of speech. and i feel like the liberal and democrats, you know, they are trying to silence certain voices. you know, they tried to silence conservatives and again, with the transitioning, you know, they don't talk about that nbcc and then they don't talk about that. they just want to talk about the positive success stories of the child transitioning and how amazing it is, how we should celebrate that the not talking about the kids that kill themselves because they're so unhappy with what they've done to themselves. so you know, i'm very grateful to the conservative outlets. they've given me a platform and i think the liberal me to have an agenda to hide this. you know, there's a lot of money in pushing this trans ideology flow lobbyists out of the pushing this. so, you know, there's definitely the woke side. they don't want to talk about it. they want to silence people, you know, they're attacking these teenagers that are coming out and to talk and saying that
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the transitioning 16 year olds, these liberals are sending them abuse. they're telling them to kill themselves. how is that allowed? whereas the conservatives actually embracing people and conservatives not having to say, but they're not anything. they're just trying to help people. they want the best for everyone in america, you know, and that's why i appreciate everything that they've done. and so many people reach out to me. you know, i'm all about freedom of speech. these people just want to protect the kids. they want to protect the children from doing something that's regrettable and i'm all for that. and i think it's wrong that the mainstream media, like cnn and stuff, are trying to silence these voices. this is very fascinating conversation and i really appreciate you joining us and giving us kind of the sole insight into the journey and how it's affected you. thank you very much. god bless. so this is been your 360 view. thanks for watching this
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well, i wish it was there lay it to begin with and then it was part of their original reservation. and it was somewhere in the 1920s that they lost oak flat, but it's always been considered sacred to that a. but altogether within this resolution copper project area, there are approximately $800.00 archaeological sites that would be destroyed. oh wow. wow, that is right in the heart of where meaning we're culture where you know would be the same if you fire bomb the vatican. i hope that this country
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recognizes need from can ceremonious cerebral ceremony in rounds sacred sites. because that's where our hardy said we belong to mother earth. we're doing our own mother. we belong to watch for me for is your media reflection of reality in the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation for community. are you getting the right way? where are you being that somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great?
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in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. a headlines on our t international russia becomes india is leaving oil supplier for a 2nd month in a row in defiance of western pressure from low country to joint sanctions against moscow's energy exports. also coming up with it looks like it was a raw kids over multiple launch a rocket system. grab a flower shop was a frog. one of the cars is also on the fire. we report on the scene a belated ukrainian shilling of russia on 43 people that killed off the rocket head this with.
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