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tv   News  RT  December 7, 2022 8:00am-8:30am EST

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ah, the a massive police rate across germany results in the arrest of 25 people on suspicion of planning to violently overthrow the government to the members of the far right. challenging the legitimacy of molten germany. also this our we do work with the government to provide real time intelligence on the battlefield . ukraine, a leading us defense contractor admitted helping the government, the military intelligence ukraine, to find washington's denial of any direct involvement. and we report from saudi arabia where china is president, tim fits to arrive for
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a stomach to boost bating dose ties as far as countries that strained relations with us, the washington signed by the a very welcome from all of our team here in moscow. this is in to national with the latest news that is great to have with us. now jim police say they've arrested 25 people in a series of nationwide rates on suspicion of planning to violently open. the government and some 3000 officers took part in rates across the country. a suspect so said to be members or supporters of the like, movement. umbrella 5 for several far right out. it's whose aim is to get rid of the current governments and replace it with that own police insist those arrested high concrete plans to overthrow the government with an aristocrat described as prince henry, the 13th to be the country's leader. the nobleman is among those detained u
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. s. government is involved in helping ukraine's military pickets targets on the battlefield. not according to the chief of raphael technologies. one of the pillars of the u. s. military industrial complex, with his admission flying in the face of washington's claims, but it is not playing an active role in the conflicts. we do work with the government to provide real time intelligence on the battlefield. crane. we can see russian tank, we can see a russian, apc, we can see a russian missile, get launched in blood information, gets fed to the ukrainians, and they can actually act on it almost immediately, which is something i think the russians never contemplated when they invaded the government, or joining me in the studio with the details now is r t that rachel blevins way too many thanks to coming in to bring the details on. what exactly does the raytheon chiefs admission mean for the conflicts in ukraine? will raytheon as one of the largest defense contractors in the u. s. generating
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nearly $65000000000.00 in revenue last year alone. and they're now revealing that they're not just helping ukraine by supplying weapons, but also by supplying real time intelligence. and that's according to ceo greg hayes, who spoke out in a recent appearance, and he's on a particularly proud of the work that his company was doing with the u. s. government. even claiming that this was something that the russians quote, never contemplated. now the u. s. military has been very clear about the fact that they do supply intelligence to ukraine and have been doing so over the last 9 months. but this appears to be one of the 1st times that we're hearing from a company like raytheon saying out in the public that they are also supplying that intelligence as well. your washington is claimed that it wants to avoid getting directly involved in this situation. ukraine, but how does it look that look now following this statement? well, this is yet another reminder that there's kind of some blurry winds when it comes to what the u. s. as in what it is actually doing. and yet, when we look at what the, by an administration has said,
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they continue to claim that they are just helping ukraine and not finding a proxy war against russia. with statements made like this one. take a listen. we got them off the ship, put them on some flatbed trucks, but the harpoons modules on the flatbed truck and then the different type of truck for the power source connected to cable between it figured i was exportable, bought the ukrainians to train on it over memorial day weekends and our country will be moral day, weekend, and next week to russian ships were sunk with those harpoons. however, this is of course not the 1st time that we've had those concerns that the u. s. is getting a little too involved in a direct proxy war against russia. in fact, back in june, the pentagon admitted that it was directly training ukrainian soldiers who reportedly were involved in thinking to russian ship. here's what the pentagon had to say about that. are we effectively at a war with russia? no, we're not. not at all. russia is at war inside ukraine. and despite the rhetoric we heard from bruton last night, trying once again to make this about the west versus russia,
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the united states versus russia, or nato versus russia. nothing could be farther from the truth. so again, it comes back to those blurry lines with the u. s saying one thing and apparently doing another thing here racial what sort of ramifications could this development bring for the scale of international involvement in ukraine? right, well, it's one thing for raytheon, c, e o to be bragging about that involvement. but at the same time, we also have to remember that russia is foreign ministry has repeatedly warned about commercial satellites becoming what they refer to as legitimate target. if it is found that they are involved in the conflict, here's what was said. and not warning quasi civilian infrastructure, maybe a legitimate target for a retaliatory strike. we're talking about involvement of components of civilian and commercial infrastructure in space by the us and its allies in arms, conflicts, western actions, create unnecessary risks for the sustainability of peaceful activity in space. now russia has also said that if it is found that those commercial satellites are
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involved in even ukraine in the conflicts that, that would violate the outer space treaty, which dates back to the $960.00. so the conversation is likely just beginning as we get that admission from raytheon ceo rachel many thanks for coming in with those details. i thought that rachel evans now taking new partners china the president, is said to arrive in saudi arabia for a chinese, our summit to boost strategic partnerships. that comes as relations between both countries on the us of sour over oil production and influence in the middle east. young, she is in reality to walk us through what to expect shooting thing is visiting and re out today. and we'll meet with heads of arab states and leaders of international organizations in what could be china, the biggest and highest level with the magic move concerning the era of region. since the founding of the people's republic of china, in 1949 president, she is having
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a busy schedule and there are 3 major event taking place. first is of course the state visit to saudi arabia, followed by a summit between the chinese leader and leaders of the gulf cooperation council country. there's also a highly anticipated 1st ever a china arab summit between presidency and heads of states that represent the interests of much of the arab world. now, officials have held this visit as a continuation of the long historical friendship between china and the arab region . since the ancient road, but of course, the strengthening of modern relations also played a big role. i should say there are deep synergies between the development strategies of china and the era region. take saudi arabia, for example. it's ambitious. saudi vision 2030 pioneered by the crown prince mohammed, ben som on create huge infrastructure need from both hardware construction, smart city solutions. so these are exactly the kinds of expertise that many chinese companies can offer under the belt
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a road initiative. walker operation expert se could naturally follow. now it speaks volumes that president, she explicitly react, admit high tension between saudi arabia and its biggest traditional allies, the united states. and on the other hand, the message that president is bringing along on the strip is to build a shared community with a common destiny with the arrow broad. but your political message here is that china believe beijing and the arab world should both champion multilateralism respect each other sovereignty and the right of self determination. this analysts say is a common core interest that serves as a foundation for economic, technological, and cultural cooperation between the 2 sides here. from to t n. r t. the us congress that democrats have blocked in order to be nearly $20000000000.00 and military a washington has sent to ukraine. a republican will make a behind the initiative has slammed the results of the us house votes on the proposal. as completely political democrats on the foreign
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affairs committee refused to support an audit of ukraine because they are blinded by hate for me and made the resolution purely political pathetic. you're hearing marjorie taylor grain. she argues that this is a partisan political move. ready this is simply about her, but if you listen to the foreign affairs committee meeting and when they discussed this resolution and the possibility, the democrats seem to give the idea that they were open to some kind of transparency about all the money the united states is provided to a country that's been described by the new york times and other outlets as notoriously corrupt. they just seemed to think that the time wasn't right. that was the argument that democrats were using to argue that it was not time to open the books for transparency and accountability, but not in this resolution. not now the author of this resolution who said november 4th, if the republicans, when the majority and the election, quote,
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not another penny will go to ukraine, unquote. that would suggest that the sincerity behind this resolution isn't there. that what really is the agenda here is to cut off all aid to ukraine, and that's why this member believes this is the wrong time to do that. so as you can see, a rather than discussing lead problem of where weapons have been ending out the an unanswered questions about all the minds dumped into kiya. instead they made it a personal attack on marjorie taylor brain. the member of the us congress who put forward the resolution, but many people are looking on and realizing that there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. the recent audit of the pentagon turned out all kinds of money that was on, accounted for, and that prompted a journalist to confront the department of defense representative and asked some questions about what this could indicate for ukraine. how do we know that you can
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keep track of pentagon inventories going to ukraine, that you're not sending them stuff and then come together, you have a major short focus. you, you don't have a good enough inventory. this going to come up as an issue at simplistic right, but i don't want to give you a sense to chance to x and get ahead of that. town ability is important here, and we can always improve the ways that we do things here at the pentagon. and the way we are accountable to the american people. so ukraine is certainly a teachable moment for that representatives is set to shane his hands in january, when a new congress is sworn in republicans will have control of the lower house of the u. s. congress. so marjorie taylor, green and others that indicated that they may change this policy and we may be getting some answers and the flow of cash from the united states to kia may not be as generous as it currently is. india is poised to take
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a leading vault in multi polar well, according to russia's foreign minister, said a lot, ralph was we're trying to a question from the audience that the prima cough readings international forum in moscow when you refer to it multi bono. now increasingly fracture scenario, what are the attributes required for the food of the best on us from loser? when a country becomes a lead in its region through this and in the global arena, india is one of the leading countries and economic growth. if not the 1st, it will very soon become the most populous country in the world. india has vast diplomatic experience or 40 and reputation in its regions throughout all this years . prima called readings forum is called the transformation of the world order. the ration dimension to discuss issues of global as well as regional importance. number of experts from around the world have gathered here in attendance. and there are also a number of high ranking russian officials as well. sir gallagher,
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i mentioned the fact that the west has basically given no consideration to treaties in europe that are supposed to prevent military alliances from expanding at the expense of the national security interests of other countries involved and directly ties into a comment made recently by a white house official, john kirby, that laugh rob spoke about john kirby said that russia is facing no threats right now. well, live rav retorted to that. he said that moscow is perfectly capable of making that determination for itself. and that it's easy to make judgments like that from the safety of across the atlantic ocean. so, according the latter of all, this basically shows that nato is not a defensive alliance, but it's actually bent on dividing nations around the world to accomplish its foreign policy goals. i refer to reserve so that organisation the north atlantic alliance not only declares its dominance in europe, but at the madrid summit had proclaimed new approaches, including new responsibility in the in the pacific region to try to turn india
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against china and your concept of into visibility of security has appeared, but in a different sense than in the o. s. c. now they say the security of the euro atlantic and the in the pacific region cannot be separated. now we also heard a lot of criticism of us backed regime change around the world. specifically the fact that the collective west labeled mar gadhafi of libya and saddam hussein of iraq as dictators. and then unilaterally made the decision to support the people who killed them in over through their governments lab. or i've also mentioned that libya and iraq actually had significant social programs for its people as well as protections for human rights in comparison to the kind of chaotic situation we see in those countries post us backed post to western fact a regime change in those countries so that's basically a rundown of the main topics that were discussed by survey lab rav and what other
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experts here we're talking about as well. this return now to our top story, jim and police say they've arrested 25 people in a series of nationwide rates on suspicion of planning to violently overthrow the government as cross life to i guess now to find out more we have a ralph t 9. my a chairman of the gym and counsel for constitution and sovereign, see many thanks for joining us on the program. it's nice to see you at. could you festival town? isn't it a little bit more about the movement allegedly involved, the reich spoke on what kind of danger they pose what we have seen this. busy morning is very shocking because obviously as we've seen in germany, we are interested in over throwing government just in the government, germany by violence, by force. this is, of course, nothing that the, from our constitutional committee would ever support. so, be our distancing ourselves immediately from all those actions. we say that germany
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doesn't, to the common defendant and suburbs from the united states of america. because we are fresh that this time, the only gas supplies that we are not able to, to get from russia anymore. because of sanctions that the americans so we say we want to have a situation, we want to submarine it to a and we want to have a peace treaty. but of course, oldest him only be achieved by piece, but just by respond movements and only by the gentleman and legal use of non violent thoughts. it's been a very long time since they were talks of qu, the newer peon countries lisa bowl. and one of the most developed germany, how feasible do you think the idea of overthrowing a federal government in this day and age is? well, it's present why it won't have any support by the time. and i mean,
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if you ask people here in the city of frank but industry, i spoke with many time and said this is all set to me. they are stopped by what they were hearing. and the news this more, since 6 o'clock, the prosecutors are storming about 20 properties and 11 at both state drive. and the center of it is actually franklin. somebody is open not a single this, but i have the feeling that could also be some inside job. maybe some of the security forces are trying to steer this come to say, in order to be legitimize peaceful projects that we austin. and to give us all a bad name. we even raised the question up treatments suffer, and it's a pre generally how much support is there for the far right? politics in germany these days. what about europe, in general, in general,
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in europe? is they all staring at this terrible situation of the energy crisis and lation? that is of course balance between right extremists who say the simplest solution which dont, i mean they are always complex diplomatic solutions at hand, would meet or direct talks between the european union, germany, they not have set up america and russia. so as long as we don't have these talks, and that's all the piece talk, well, you know, whatever people have just energy prices and the same cheese. and so we have to overcome that. but this has to be, as us, at least fully replicate the report. the saying that the group plan to install a 71 year old aristocrat, prince hon, rick 100, the 13th as the new german leader. why this guy, and what kind of background do you suspect the other members have? well, this is a ryan as to who believes that actually the german lodge of 1871 has
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a bandage, which is of course nonsense because we lived in the passport another 50 years and different bombs up states, not in a democracy. so we are, you know, people like that isolated, they have no power, i'm no real follow ship some crazy maybe. but if he stood up in the streets and gave a speech saying, i'm going to be your king because i'm the throne of russia, which does not exist. and i mean, people would laugh at it. i mean, he's, he's low drug man and maybe has every right to, to his heritage and all that. but he has no political maxim. nope, nobody wants to have a king or a such in germany and more than germany, democracy, and royalty. many thanks to speak interest, i really appreciate your thoughts and you're inside ralph ny, my chairman of the german council for constitution and sovereignty. thank you for
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the us say that oppose is a request for the international criminal court to probe the death of a palestinian al jazeera journalist who was shot dead in the west bank in may this year. that's the spot, the fox that you read and other is also an american citizen. and that works legal team of said they have new evidence proving the killing to have been a deliberate attack by israel. here's what was said by the us state department spokesperson. when it comes to the i p c, we maintain our long standing objections to the investigation and of allison in situation in the, in the position the acquisition focus on its core mission and that core mission of serving as a court of last resort. and how to seeing and deterring atrocity crimes. on tuesday, al jazeera said it had found a law suit to the i. c. c. following an investigation by the channels legal team that work is demanding. the court identify individuals involved in the killing,
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which both palestinian authorities are the reporters family of accused israel of. but israel insists the reporter died in crossfire with palestinian militants, while the countries pre prime minister, strongly opposes any investigation. no one will investigate idea of soldiers and no one will preach to us about morals and warfare . certainly not al jazeera or just to remind you of the events back in may that have since caused much outlay. john's control the say, a warning he may find the following footage disturbing, serene up was killed on the 11th of may this year while she was covering the israeli defense both his raid on the palestinian palestinian territory. he was short in the head and immediately taken to hospital western that comes to her when she'd been working for algae 0 for 25 years. going to guess that discuss the developments with most and oper, abu ramada and former director of the palestinian non governmental organizations.
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net was many thanks for joining us on a program today as a what's your response to the us government's position on this case? hey, mr. kelly, yeah, united, the said administration and protect it from their validation against the human rights. in this case in particular, the asking is either troops to do investigation and they accept that is that before they say it's shown in front of the public opinion. and so maybe they are a fleming is or a disorder, and their snipers who are killing gay, shooting a black leather fema santos, from ad jazeera. but they don't want to use it as a tool for a book. but i had to israel to respect their, been a senior in human rights and to protect the right of her, her right of expression and right of. but i spared sons to do their jobs. are there
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a war that to very is or that they are asking at a 0 to stubborn efforts for it is a god this simplified to the i c c international criminal court because they want to protect israel. so there is a double standard policy. it's not accept acceptable anymore, and it's contradicted by international human rights slow. if anyone ever letting you human rights and punish share people or killing people are supposed to hold the split pearson or the his government to accountability. there is no accountability in this case. and, and other cases for building settlements, confiscating land and the suicide in good people and killing people are innocent. people like what have been for years ago when we are killed
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for the front of the chick point to a united states policy may be in general, we are protecting as a regular policy. they don't want to hold as a government to the accountability, but sometimes they use these papers to both the brochure to, to natalie or her for instance, or other person in order to accept some compromise issues relating the iceland of negotiation or accept the blue medical tactics for initiation, but they also did the best on the 2 state solution. this is for just a propaganda and for development they can issue. but one thing just supporting is that i it's washington. so i see, i see stated to stick to its core mission of serving in the course of last resort in punishing and deterring a trustee. crime. what do you make of that statement?
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doesn't seem to suggest that the journalist killing was not actually a crime. i see you see it's called for individuals not just for the not for the, for the states. so then family should in a block on the breast for instance, or any person can it is the profile or fide to the i c. c. in order to ask the son who are doing version for human rights to, to hold him and on here or his government accountability and the sanctions and punishment to the government. but unfortunately, he is sending money emissions to you could and under the justification of russia volition for the human rights. but they didn't do it,
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but they didn't send any emission to but let us time despite of their decision and 2021 was last year they took a decision to send him a mission for investigation. but they did intend pill. no, there is no some and use said that they will send emission by there is nothing in particular. and so i think that they are, believe this is the, i'll just say where it says it has new ideas to deliberate, to talk on the journalists. but even if the international criminal court listens, how would that be able to change anything on the u. s. and is ready side of this case. it depends on the eyes you see, is there one to have a common commitment for justice and the implementing international human rights law . they will accept it in terms of yes and the clear that there's
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a that so just by his name. but he is intended to kill shitty and a barclay because he don't want to cover the violation of it to the innocence in genie income. so this evidence is very clear, the money organization ward wide, including a social associate, the associated with which it says that the famous, but it was why it's american $1.00 is even see the blandness that i consider is that the government supposed to hold his hips to the accountability and to, to stop the validation against media appears on the spirit that goes with a few people as it was looking at the broader issues. the idea has intensified is
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rates on the palestinian territory than this year. could reportedly become the deadliest for palestinians in the west bank. how do you assess these reports and cut the ever be a solution to this crisis? the israeli, it isn't, is that i didn't get them. and since 2 years ago, they are escalating their violation against the human rights and, but it's time. so they're killing innocent people in the 3 year, confiscating land decking, get far mas vanishing, but isn't as but as it's for the freedom in front of every scene and people point of view. and this kind of issues including settlement, including a 2nd guess the king was
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the didn't receive bullshit. and the action from the international community for the community, for on american shit are going to administration the just sometimes asking them to keep the silent but escalating their tools against the senior people. i think the international community is supposed to use the international under blue medical, the human rights tools for booking, but our shuttle isn't in order to stop volition and stop to the people by ending the acute bitch and cover of the dental go. that as far as the ship showed by to committee by general assembly in the united nations. so no, no resolution from them implemented the the asking for self determination asking for, for the senior to have the resources of the land and government continue to
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confiscate land land and extended their settlement and implementing collective punishment against the sea and be able to end up being on that need as a bit a senior and it was for as still being these and hold as to the accountability, the exempt and national security council resolution and international law as a tool for ending the conflict. many thanks for joining us on the program. really appreciate your insight most and up of ramadan, former director of the palestinian non governmental organizations network. thank you. now the democratic republic of congo continued its fight for peace with negotiations between the government and rebel groups wrapping up with more promises the results. local.


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