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tv   News  RT  December 7, 2022 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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want to stay in the world corrupted. you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, we do work with the government to provide real time intelligence with leading us defense contracts are made, helping the government feed military intelligence to ukraine. despite washington's denial of any direct involvement from the cause, we were forward from saudi arabia where china as president had arrived, boy summit to base bating golf type in both countries as trained relations with the u. s. the washington side line plus long standing objections to the end of the house and in situation. washington oppose it balances
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. there is international criminal court law safe either the killing of its journalist back in may. despite the fact that the flame palestinian reports also held the u. s citizenship. we hear from one of her clothes, but there was no justice here and the international community is hippocratic. americans are here because it's clear that there is a strategic relationship between a usa and design a very welcome from all of our team here in moscow. you're watching all t international with the very latest news updates. happy with the u. s. government is involved in helping ukraine's military pickets targets on the battlefield. that's according to the chief of raytheon technologies. one of the pillars of the u . s. military industrial complex. the admission flies in the face of washington's claims that it is not playing an active role in the conflict. we do work with the
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government to provide real time intelligence from the battlefield. ukraine. we can see russian tank, we can see a russian, apc, we can see a russian missile get launched and that information gets fed to the ukrainians and they could actually add a little almost immediately, which is something i think the russians in liver contemplated when they invaded the governments raytheon is one of the largest defense contractors in the united states, generating nearly $65000000000.00 in revenue last year alone. and while they have been very open about the fact that they are supplying ukraine with weapons, this appears to be the 1st time that they are admitting that they are also supplying real time intelligence. and that's according to c. e o. greg hayes, who spoke out in a recent appearance, and he seemed particularly proud of the work that his company is doing with the u. s. government when it comes to ukraine, even saying that he believes this is something that russia would have never contemplated. now the u. s military has been very open about the fact that it
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shares intelligence with ukraine, but it appears to be one of the 1st times and we're seeing raytheon actually speak out and say that it is also directly involved. now, washington has always said a wants to avoid getting directly involved in the situation in ukraine, hasn't it? so how does that statement look now? right, we continue to see sort of his back and forth with almost blurry lines there when it comes to what the u. s is saying versus what it's actually doing regarding it's involvement in this conflict. and yet the bind administration continues to say that it is just helping ukraine and that it is not directly involved in a proxy war against russia. here is one of those statements. are we effectively at war with russia? no, we're not. not at all. russia is at war inside ukraine. and despite the rhetoric we heard from bruton last night, trying once again to make this about the west versus russia, the united states versus russia, or nato versus russia, nothing at least 2 russian ships. here's the pentagon, had to say about that. we got them off the ship, put them on some flatbed trucks,
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but the harpoons modules on the flatbed truck and then the different type of truck for the power source connected to cable between it figured out was exportable, bought the ukrainians to train on it over memorial day weekend and our country will be moral day, weekend and next week to rush and shifts were sunk with those harpoons. so again, we continue to see the u. s, saying it's not directly involved. well, at the same time, showing evidence that it is very much involved in this conflict. so now we have this admission, what kind of ramifications could this development bring for the scale of international involvement in ukraine? well, we have to remember that russia has repeatedly been warning about those commercial satellites and about the fact that they could become what they refer to as legitimate targets. if it is proven that they are helping to aid ukraine in this conflict, let's take a listen. no one of those warnings that was said earlier was the civilian infrastructure, maybe a legitimate target for a retaliatory strike. we're talking about involvement of components of civilian and
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commercial infrastructure in space by the us and its allies in arms, conflicts, western actions, create unnecessary risks for the sustainability of peaceful activity in space. now russia has also warned that if it is proven that these commercial satellites are being used to help you train in the conflict, then it would break the outer space treaty that dates back to the 1960. so it's one thing for raytheon, c, e o to be bragging about how involved they are. but given that admission, this discussion is likely just getting started. russia is focusing on peaceful approaches, but we'll fight to defend its interests by all available means that's according to the russian president. speaking at a summit of the countries, human rights council bluff may appear to also accuse west and human rights groups have been used as tools against russia on this people. so she's really shit. the existing approaches require a comprehensive analysis as they have been used to achieve some different malicious
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goal that is going in particular the declaration of human rights is being used to undermine state sovereignty. in order to justify political, financial economy and ideological the dominance of the can, they mean western human rights organizations were created not as quite for human rights, but primarily as a tool to influence the internal politics of russia and other countries of the former soviet union. this is clearly proven by the fact that these organisations ignored the tragedy taking place and don babbs for each year. indeed the strikes having in directly targeting residential areas there. and there is no way for anyone to avoid knowing that. and yet they all keep silent. and nothing is happening, he surely let him, or putin said that it's important to record and investigate all the crimes committed by the ukrainian military, especially those attacks on residential areas. he said that it is worth considering establishing a special commission that will oversee this. and he is really dumbfounded that
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international human rights organizations have been ignoring this tendency of by the cranes military. and he also said, of course, that it's important to take a look at how the international human rights doctrine is consistently being used to justify the ideological domination of the wife. let you do the ones who are supposed to be monitoring is human rights. don't actually care about them. it's not that they considered them 2nd class people when they consider russia. the 2nd class can you read, which simply has no right for us at all, with a lot of our routes and warned that the special military operations could take a long time. here. we all know that there were a solution in the very beginning that there are no doubt tissues now and that we may see some more, which is why it's important to prevent them by communicating with those who are on the front line in order to improve the efficiency and the quality of the operation
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. we also address certain rumors, for example, russian soldiers apparently abandoned in their position and mass and be in the shop on the spot. he dismissed status. like you said, this is what we've seen happen on the ukranian side, but not on the russian side. he said, of course, naturally there are soldiers who abandoned their position, but no one is being shot on the spot. no one is being sent to any special time. so special zone, something that we've seen reported in western media. and he also underlined that in fact, the majority of those who have deserted their positions ended up returning even after being injured. another rumor that he addressed was that russia is planning another mass mobilization. he student out of 300000 mobilized fighters, 150000 are now in the special military operation. so half of that force is inside the combat area itself. while the rest are on the 2nd and 3rd line, as territorial defense forces were still in the middle of training,
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the remaining 150000 are still stationed at military bases. it's a lot of a combat reserve force. there is simply no point. you're talking about any additional mobilization it does. he also reiterate said that moscow is as always, focusing on a peaceful solutions and peaceful mechanisms to resolve this issue. but it is always ready to defend itself using all available means if need be china's president has arrived in saudi arabia for a summit to boost strategic partnerships between beijing and gulf countries. i had of touching down in re, at the chinese latest plane was provided an all an honorary escort by saudi military jets. the upcoming summit will cover a wide range of spares, of co operation between bathing and its saudi partners. if it comes as relation to in both countries in the us of soured as an oil production and influence in the middle east, c, g, t, and correspondent young change. she isn't with the the, the,
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the shooting thing is visiting in re out today and we'll meet with the heads of arab states and leaders of international organizations in what could be china, the biggest and highest level with the medic move concerning the arab region. since the founding of the people's republic of china in 1949 president, she is having a busy schedule and says there are 3 major events taking place. first is of course the state visit to saudi arabia, followed by a summit between the chinese leader and leaders of the gulf cooperation council country. there's also a highly anticipated 1st ever a china arab summit between presidency and has of states that represent the interests of much of the arab world. now, officials have held this visit as a continuation of the long historical friendship between china and the arab region . since the ancient road, but of course, the strengthening of modern relations also played a big role. i should say there are deep synergies between the development
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strategies of china and the era region. take saudi arabia, for example. it's ambitious. saudi efficient, 2030 pioneered by the crown prince mohammed, since i'm on create huge infrastructure need from both hardware construction for smart city solutions. so these are exactly the kinds of expertise that many chinese companies can offer under the belt of road initiative. more cooperation experts they could naturally follow. now it speaks volumes that president, she is listening ria, high tension between saudi arabia and its biggest traditional allies, the united states. and on the other hand, the message that president is bringing along on the strip is to build a shared community with a common destiny with the arrow broad. but your political message here is that china, police, asian, and the arab world should both champion multilateralism respect each other sovereignty and the right of self determination. this analysts say is a common core interest, served as a foundation for economic, technological,
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and cultural cooperation between the 2 sides here from city and 4 r t is not only china and the arab world championing multilateralism as india is also point to take a leading global world that's according to russia is foreign minister. so i was replying to a question from the audience at the prima cove readings, international forum in moscow. when you refer to it multiple know now in increasingly fractured scenario, what are the attributes required for the full and the best of the loser? when a country becomes a leader in its region 2 this year on the global arena, india is wonders and countries and economic growth. if not the 1st. it will very soon become the most populous country in the world, which india has vast little massacre assurance authority, reputation. it's regions throughout this years. prima called readings forum is called the transformation of the world order. the ration dimension to discuss
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issues of global as well as regional importance. number of experts from around the world have gathered here in attendance. there are also a number of high ranking russian officials as well to circ elaborate mentioned the fact that the west has basically given no consideration the treaties in europe that are supposed to prevent military alliances from expanding at the expense of the national security interests of other countries involved, it directly ties into a comment made recently by a white house official, john kirby. that laugh rob spoke about john kirby said that russia is facing no threats right now. well, leverage retorted to that. he said that in moscow is perfectly capable of making that determination for itself, and that it's easy to make judgments like that from the safety of across the atlantic ocean. so according to lab of all this basically shows that nato is not a defensive alliance, but it's actually bent on dividing nations around the world to accomplish its foreign policy goals center through you. and here are your programs of sue for that
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organization. the north atlantic alliance not only declares its dominance in europe, but at the madrid summit, they proclaimed new approaches, including new responsibility in the, in the pacific region to try to turn india against china. and your concept of into visibility of security has appeared. but in a different sense than in the o. s. seeing now they say the security of the euro atlantic and the in the pacific region cannot be separated her. now we also heard a lot of criticism of us backed regime change around the world. specifically, the fact that the collective west labeled mar gadhafi of libya and saddam hussein of iraq as dictators. and then unilaterally made the decision to support the people who killed them in over through their government lever. i've also mentioned that libya and iraq actually had significant social programs for its people as well as protections for human rights in comparison to the kind of t arctic situation. we see in those countries post us back to post to western back
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to what a regime change in those countries. so that's basically a rundown of the name topics that were discussed by survey leverage and what other experts here we're talking about as well. we don't, we caught up with a prominent duration studies excellent at the forum. he says russia and india will continue to cooperate as they both want a multi polar welt. given the similarity of views that india and russia have about the was, i'm not surprised that this relationship has actually grown strong despite the crisis that started in february, both countries wanted multiple or was and that will ensure because it's a multiple or was that the 2 of them will stay engaged with each other. the combined with lead by the united states is fighting to retain its way of running the world when india started buying russian oil in large quantities. questions about or funding the ukraine war and all that. but today,
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if you notice all the best and leaders who come to india saying that, well, this is a sovereign decision of a. so i think they've understood that in their does not respond to well depression . and that will take decisions based on its national interest. the us say that oppose is a request for the international criminal court to probe the killing of a palestinian al jazeera journalist. he was shot dead in the west bank of despite the fact that she read clear, also had american citizenship. that works. legal team says the new evidence to prove the killing was a deliberate attack by israeli forces. but the us state department does not support an independent investigation. when it comes to the i c. c, we maintain our long standing objections to the investigation into the house and in situation in the end, the position, the acquisition, focus on its core mission and that, or mission of serving as
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a court of last resort. and how to and deterring atrocity crimes. on tuesday out there was that it have filed a lawsuit to the i c. c. following an investigation by the channel legal team. the network is demanding. the court identify individuals involved in the killing is to read other actually which both palestinian authorities on the report his family have accused. israel of. we spoke to a close friend of the reporter who said, washington is acting in its own interests and nobody but the i. c. c can reinstate justice in the case. i, lynne justice, i feel unjust. let us know, just the seo and the international community is hippocratic and the americans are hippocratic. it's a clear that there is a strategic relationship between usa and israel, and usa has dean predicting as an own international organization. regardless what the, automated to me,
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it has commented if the criminal court was not the predictable athenian people who should. and in the case of serene sri, was killed and sure in m as a symbol of daily teenie beanie and who lived daily under israeli. a corporation and under life, that level of thing. and people are suffering not only from day to vision, but from the american best, the best towards israel. the idea has initially rejected any involvement there were forces death, but later admitted there was a high possibility. she was accidentally killed by israeli fire. however, television has strongly objected to allowing anyone to probe its troops. no one will investigate idea of soldiers, and no one will preach to us about morals and warfare. certainly not al jazeera.
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well, just to remind you of the events back in may that have since cor was much outweighed on control. the say, a warning you may find the following footage, disturbing sharina other aqua was killed on the 11th of may well covering any wally military raid on a refugee comp and occupied westbank. this mike, clearly wearing a blue press, vest and helmet reported, was shot in the head with an almost here from bullitt, apparently fired from a sniper rifles. she was rushed to hospital where doctors were unable to save her life. she'd been working for al jazeera for 25 years from a director of the palestinian non governmental organizations networks in the us did the ones as well to be held accountable. and since then, 2 years ago, they are escalating their violation against human rights and but it's, it's contradicted by slow if anyone letting you know that it's the punish people or getting people supposed to hold the
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son or the government to the accountability is no accountability in this case and the other kid is for the building settlements conference, getting land and historically united to administration is that from the edition against the human rights, the other. but a big thing is that you're able to see the 112 as a government to the accountability given police say the arrest, the 25 people and suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. some $3000.00 offices took part in a swift operation across the country. and this comes with a seemingly convenient time for berlin as they are thought he's trying to distract the public from a spiraling economic crisis. as a german language correspondent dominate ryker to explain, it was the largest correct down police track down in germany. that happened since
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the existence of the federal republic of germany targeting potentially violent far right groups. as you said, 3000 a police officers were involved. a total of $150.00 buildings were rated in 11 off of the 16 federal states of germany and $25.00 individuals were arrested charge. but with being members or supporters of local terrorist groups, they're associated with the so called iceberg. our movement, which is um, defined by people who are generally i'm not under the impression that germany as a sovereign state, rather that the occupation that happened afterwards were to, has never actually ended. and some of these life burger people they are violent and, and according to media report say, plans to rate the government to install a new government and germany and also foreign. and you army,
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among those people that were targeted by the crackdown were many ex, military officials, including those of high ranks or special forces and also members of the formal a former german royal family. well, you have to acknowledge that this actually benefits the current government a lot 1st, because i'm, they are, they have gotten into some hot waters recently because of the energy crisis, of course, which affects the economic situation a lot there. many people protesting the current direction off the government, and now with this a large correct on the government can paint himself itself in the light of a strong forest that cracks down on those who are trying to attack democracy. and at the same time that of course hurts the oppositional groups which are in danger of being associated risk with those are far right. violent and people who are trying to make change in the government in a, in
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a non democratic way. and then this is also been supported by the fact that there been a lot of life reports this morning. so a lot of journalists were definitely informed beforehand, even though this was supposed to be a secret operation. so the secrecy of the operation was potentially compromised by trying to get as much publicity for it as possible. we also got the reaction from ralph ny, my chairman of the german counts of the constitution and sovereignty. he's a far right politicians gain popularity because they tend to provide simple but unrealistic solutions to the ears problems. well, 1st of all, i won't have any support by the time and faith. i mean, if you ask people here in the city of frank but industry, i spoke with many german services today that was sent to me. they are stopped by what they are hearing. and the news this more in general in europe is staring at this terrible situation of the energy crisis. and they see that there is
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of course balance between right extremists who say does simple solutions, which dont, i mean they are always complex diplomatic solutions that it would meet or direct talks between the european union, germany, they not, it says of america and russia. so as long as we don't have these talks and that's all the piece talk, you know, whatever people have just energy classes and the sang cheese and so we have to overcome that. but this has to be, as i said, peacefully and rhetoric that for the lakers news update, debate and discussion, you can check our website r t dot com. thanks for keeping us company here on out the international the oh, the engine,
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there's too much sensible. would you like me to do that, but almost done with your local what do you get with the commission to me suddenly wait, am i get you down with to push it up with a no i did,
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but send it off with the 1st thing it was they switched simple block that, is it a voicemail, but i unions seem to come by at a school with yes name way at the suggestion is up with as the e you finalize is yet another round of sanctions against russia. there is a growing awareness among europeans that washington stands to gain economically from the west proxy war on moscow. western sanctions are punishing europeans. is this what the europeans find out for?
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ah ah ah, ah, ah .
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a august 2022. for several months. the city's been on the intent showing from the ukrainian on a gl hospitals resemble military infirmary. most of it with when school was by you clean the shells from various mines and shrapnel with us before 3 for our own way. which in digital with us currently being put to teach kids with stations are among the most common operations here these days are mine won't, it's virtually impossible to save damage limits
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with me on friday, but i switch the shipper noon. nobody can sustain your percent on a quick lunch because it's showing me what was you know, don't want to just get out of creation. a secret question of issues to which was going to exhibit your same order. and additionally, if is easier, schedule years with the, she'll walk you through actually the portal during the near junior, but does anyone us to place? and i mean, i want to point out no voice dos, go to what you just want to call somebody to let you know. tom was in kenya or somebody, what are your questions or show or show don't talk sent to me. that'll be not to deb, car wash doesn't got can you talk still good old in the should just be sure to join you in regards to mutual funds. you don't hear from our district where we're not a checklist to see you so much. you've been
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a pleasure for you just a message for sure. for sure. when did you get with .


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