tv Cross Talk RT December 7, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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sidney, the disclosures here. ah, anything. yes. lemme the suggestions of quincy william hogan with ah, ah ah. hello and welcome to cross stop. were all things are considered. i am peter lavelle as the e u, finalized as yet another round of sanctions against russia. there is a growing awareness among europeans that washington stands to gain economically from the west proxy war on moscow. western sanctions are punishing europeans. is this what the europeans signed up for? ah,
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cross stocking transatlantic tensions. i'm joined by my guess by in, in los angeles. he's a strategic planning consultant, a private equity advisor and an independent economic analyst. and in paris we cross the shock appear. he's professor emeritus at the school for advanced studies in social sciences. i gentlemen. crosstalk rosen, the fact that music can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate, i let me go to you in los angeles. you got up earlier for the program. we much very much appreciate it. i want to start out with this news 1st here. this price cap on russian oil, but it has been sponsored by the g 7 and others. what do you assess it to be? because the, you know, this is a commodity that a certain number of countries say that you want to control the price on a one particular producer. isn't good at work. and should russia be worried? go ahead in los angeles. well,
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the west is throwing the kitchen sink at eurasian and west station monetary integration. essentially, that's the bottom line. it's not going to be discussed. obvious in western press, but those of the underlying stakes like price capping oil is a flacid hail mary. pass to use a football analogy, just the whole concept of a quote unquote buyers. cartel dictating price caps against major energy producers, shows desperation against losing essentially obsolete monopoly pricing power is from dangerously over leverage, speculative market centers mean london, not ensuring russian energy transport vessels as pointless as well. because moscow's already arranged for alternative asian ensure. so the stuff is just optics . immediately russia is going to simply call the west bluff and prohibit crude exports at any price lower than assign caps, or really at this point at any price, the moscow gm's as a floor. where will this makeup of that cheap russian oil or natural gas
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a supply come from ultimately iran, venezuela, or the saudis, all of whom are leaning further eastward anyway. north american gas via c transport an obscene price multiple to russian gas. any reduce russian energy supply is going to just boomerang on the set price caps, while russia simply continue selling energy to inevitable cap defectors, who are its longstanding, loyal customers. anyway. i mean, that's because in contrast to fee money, oil and natural gas cannot be printed, neither can gold, silver, platter, palladium or any other vital industrial commodities. hence, momentum as with the east, which sits on these physical commodities. and i know these customers of russia going to continue to just benefit at presume discounts while all of europe freezes to death. oh, i did want to stay with just one more 2nd here, i do see price distortions as a result of this because this is what some people are claiming that the price of
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oil actually could go much, much higher because of this price cap. yes, and that's, you know, because at the core of it and you know, the oil price caps, you're going to see distortions, you going to see fluctuations is, can ultimately benefit the suppose it ah, victims of the caps. because again, they sit on the commodity itself, the oil price capture ultimately about beating back rapidly building eurasian momentum against over a century of transatlantic global monetary. standard. dominants be a by the dollar now or by the pound, sterling before gold and other vital commodities back digital currencies are being introduced by russia, and it's close ally china to specifically replace the at this point, i think nearly half a century old u. s. petro dollar reserve recycling standard, as russian china have been hoarding physical goal for this very purpose for years now, coupled against a wider building, recession, a hand imminent global sovereign debt crisis. the economic invest,
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political stakes for the west have never been higher, and hence they're willing to, you know, further can continue to sacrifice their own consumer base with out of control inflation, which in turn is dictated by energy prices for most, which then dictate to all other commodities, agricultural or otherwise, in order to try and buckle this building, momentum back east. well, the shockey here in paris i'm, i hope it's not getting too cold there. but this is a choice at the europeans have made here. um, and they talk about getting through the winter, but not just this winter. there's a huge displacement going on here. have the europeans actually thought this out? because as high as said, you know, of many countries in the world by russian oil, the europe peons don't have any kind of corner on the market here. jack, go ahead in paris. well, actually i think that the price caps, he's a kind of mature of do the spiration from european countries.
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and as a g 7, of course the, everybody knows that that will not work. everybody knows that russia add a lot of time to prepare for the application of price caps, and we'll probably introduce some count him his use for that. and, you know, in the end, i saying that you're going countries, you countries will not be very, very hope to say, as it will be very uncomfortable with this kind of news which has been proposed mostly for political effects. you know, governments where the pressure to do some think ok. but once the deed was something stupid and now is they have to leave with
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the consequences of what the deed. so i think that this problem, we love be a major problem for russia. even if, even if it reduce the volume of some or export. yes, that's quite possible. but the major problem will be you and probably the oil price. we'll try and, but again, you know, that right now is, are slightly more than 80 st dollar a barrel. i'm talking in breadth of course and a cool move up to the ninety's, maybe of the one hundreds in the day to cops and this will again arise. arrays,
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major a problem. i know the issue is the endo grew on the years of shoe and that is possibly important because a large port of just oil, which was consumed in europe was imported from russia. now, if you are not importing just oil from russia, dr. so will climb back. remember what exactly you're saying here, is that ok, the europeans will have to import other oil from other agrees. there will be much higher in price while russia is selling its oil to other countries at a discount, right? yes, yes, yes, the republican sold really what happened was india and china and mostly india. you know that india isn't, is now reselling to europe to eat you. countries and
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refrained products are at of course the market price, but z got boost oil at the discount price. so, well that's, that's very good for indian refiners, but the good a for a you and certainly not also you industries. okay, where pi so you know, so what we're going to do is he, the indians realised that the europeans became rich off of cheap, reliable russian energy. now they're going to do the same thing. ok. this is not difficult to understand pine. yeah, the other thing you are both of you just mentioned, i agree with jack on his analysis is, i mean this is like 5th degree of 5th dimension. chests, whatever the analogy you want to use, because ah, as the oil price spike saturn, or $200.00 a barrel of it, you know, and yet india and china and these kind of traditional loyal customers to russian
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oil and natural gas benefit from cheaper pricing. all of this will gradually dovetail geopolitically into serving what i mentioned earlier, this eastern currency play, which seeks to replace the petro dollar standard. and it's aimed at doing that in order to make it attractive. a showing the dysfunctions of western stayed, you know, obsolete pricing of powers while disabling sanctions at the same time against russian or partners. and while lowering inevitably lowering energy prices for these consuming countries, which will then become attractive to europe, north america, and other parts of the world that are like, what are we doing wrong? whereas india and southeast asia and east asia are paying such attractive prices and growing as a result and not freezing to death and pi at the same time. these countries will be buying the oil, not in dollars, very important. not in dollars, correct?
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yes, i mean that's what's being essentially set up is an alternative that's been an years since the make. i mean that the chinese were very vocal about a 12 years ago, 2010 to the west saying look, this is unsustainable to discontinue, to have a dollar monopoly on pricing of, of these vital commodities. so gradually, a very patiently they've been putting the mechanisms in place in order to essentially marry oil to gold. i mean, what this is, if you, if you think about it and you know, just skin at laser torpedo, the death star center, cor, reactor, exploding the battle station to just to marry gold and oil. 2 of the most vital, a monetary and consumable commodities on the planet. eurasian gold marrying oil pricing and trading is essentially toto pulling the dog, pulling the green curtain back on the wizard of oz while he's yelping. pay no attention to the man behind the cur. the 50 year old monetary coffin,
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it's trick established by the saudis. and the nixon admins, an administration with kissinger spearheading the tactical strategy. all of that is about to get, optically overturn, thereby triggering a derivatives crisis. that'll bankrupt the largest financial institutions. if it's a lie, a gloomy node pie, we have to get a go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on transit atlantic tension state with our t ah ah, once, and it was a lie in this country. if i give money thus stolen, this is shakira shorter went in and i'm matching his daily. i feel good ain scan. now when i went back with that teacher, just out session on a finance national z m,
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welcome back across stock. were all things are considered. i'm peter about remind you we're discussing trans atlantic tensions with he's got like a shock in paris here. french, the french president mc chrome was visiting the united states on a state visit, and he kind of make actually pointed out to biden, that when the u. s. administration is doing the visa b, europe is well, very, very painful. the inflation reduction act, obviously miss named, but it's beginning to pence now is really beginning to pinch that the americans are, are, are really damaging the european economy to the point where i've been saying over the last few months with my guess is it b, d, and the industrialization of europe, it's real. go ahead in paris. yes, yes, yes, yes, it's centrally real, of course prisoner my call, as for queues to on the inflation reduction act. and it's
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a protectionist content bath, is a main problem, is the fact that with higher energy price in europe and higher energy price will stay with us for years. because just, you know, are changing from a gas o to gas and to ellen g. yes. ease to increase a cost of energy by cearti to $50.00 persons. so a problem of industrialization because of i a cost in energy is a very, very real question. and a problem is not just because inflation reduction act of worse. it's a protectionist act, the by the united states. but by the way, it's not the 1st time in the united states are doing that and we don't have to be so much surprised by that. no. the main problem is the cost is a general cost of energy and all the muses taken. you know,
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all these sanctions will raise the cost of energy to a considerable extent. and this will create a tremendous burst to ward d industrialization, are off to rock and re location off. most of industries, either in united states or in also a country, or like maybe a, a gera, or morocco. ok, love it. hi. i mean, the, the, the u. s is really a, is aware of what it's doing to it's great allies in europe and their common cause with ukraine. i mean, this is a, this is robbery. and, and, and the europeans are going along with it. i mean, they're complaining a little or they're pointing it out gently pointing it out. but the, you know, they put themselves into a straight jacket pi. yes. yes, yeah, i mean the masses across europe as jak just intimated, are increasingly on the side of what essentially german industry, ugh,
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pre merkel. and even during merkel og, we're leaning towards the east. i mean the rational people and they're also endangered now. and so, yeah, i mean, this used to work as a lever. oh, geopolitical lever, obviously, and decades past in the mid eighty's, the collusion a between washington and the saudis, and opec essentially being run by london and new york and switch banks. would do things like tactically, drop the price in order to torpedo the shelby the economy. it was that was a reprise of what had happened like roughly 10 years earlier against an obstinate sha b. ron, who wanted to start to set his own pastor, they torpedoed his you know when you, when you tweak the oil price, you're able to do many things. this time i think it's boomerang. why? because a deep recession is imminent in the u. s. which will only worsen what the financial crisis kicked off in the way of chronic unemployment and diminishing consumer
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returns. again, right, when the dollar is being a challenged is world reserve currency. so russia and china know what they're doing, the repricing gold away from the corrupt london bullion market association in new york call max while they're tying it to oil. all of this will grant fair. ready why pricing for those monetary metals along with oil eventually, while taking weaponized economic hammers away from the us treasury department and not just against russia or its allies, but against really anybody? well, shock and wait with the pressure on energy prices here. then prosperity in europe essentially comes to an end because it was cheap, reliable energy that made that possible, that they're not going to make up for it. then there's, they're not going to have any new technology to replace this, or at least anytime soon. i mean, politically that is untenable. how much longer can this go on? go ahead and paris. oh ah, we don't know. the basic fact is, we don't know. it's absolutely sure that this will lay to an info,
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very richmond of europe. by the way, you know, even us some kind of politician like charlotte, michelle's we is of course, one of the leaders of the e. you said that he was europe ease on its way to get impoverished. now the main problem is will we be able to implement a kind of major, restrict ration all for economies and, or industries, you know, trying to protect allies on the very high technologies. so to be able to lower as a general cost, only be cool, of course, depreciate euro, but then we will run into a large conflict with as a german opinion, public opinion. so by the way,
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what is quite sure now is that in richmond, off, you will stay with us for at least 3 to 5 years after that. that will depend of course of bullish c. adopt, but i don't see right now. any kind of policy which cool get us up from this trap. and this is very, very disturbing. you have been pie, this is all done intentionally. i mean, it's not like russia sanctioning europe. europe is sanctioning russia and this is the result here. this was a craven choice on the part of the west. go ahead by. yeah, but it's not the craven choice of the people. i mean, i'm a good boy. good point. this is really kind of forcing the issue over who's in charge, and i don't mean, i don't mean just, yeah, who's in charge of the european union. i'm in hand to was macro ones then and perhaps a perennial boss. but who is essentially trans atlantic in charge dictating policies
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regardless of how opaque we run or you know, clinically retarded. they are, i mean, it's almost begging the question over a wider strategic aim at depopulation 425-2400 1000000. 450000000 people across europe. what are they anticipating being in order to deal with on serviceable of dad and, and a public obligations and pensions and everything to try and buy what 2030, get it down to. half of that may i know it sounds like extreme thinking, but when you're, when you're looking at a who is dictating policies that are not popular at the, to say the least and will have very serious blow back. unless there's just full blown war. it really begs the question over a wider agenda involving just completely remaking the european map, not just geopolitically, but population wise,
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and just the general makeup of what it is so that you know d industrialization at the least. i mean, i'm very concerned about what the european con and whether you are a member of the eel or not. i mean it's almost like a sacrificial lamb being set up in order to maintain the power structures of those that have been dictating, essentially, currency and monetary platforms for over a century. now, image jacket, the that is not sustainable over time. okay. i mean, there is still the something called democracy, at least, you know, in a little bit of it left in europe. i mean, people are gonna start voting here. i mean, this is an unsustainable. oh, i'm not sure you know, on as these kind of situation could perfectly be sustain aysa boy reducing the level of democracy in all countries or by i playing with internal divisions, you know. and right now you have
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a lot of government which are as matter of fact, military tree, a government look at germany, look at for all of a worse, you know, and macro m as less than 30 persons of water and the 1st round. and it has been elected by default, and this is also true in a lot of other country. so we called work where we could do with a lot off. i would say millimeter in government. oh, to with a problem in suppressing some 4th or some kind of demonstration or with reducing the level of democracy. and yes, ah, in the, in this situation, cosby sustainable, this is the, is a major tragedy. by the way, this situation will not be sustainable. then they're called b as some kind of, oh,
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we call say yes of course, and people will react and this will in, into a major change of policy. but, well, i'm not very sure of that. and of course, we called the always be surprised, a look at what happened and just in the ra, a right now. but nevertheless, i seeing that the power in place as a so much and hand on every single engine made years in different kind of way or for suppressing a dissenting opinions there. i mean, it may shakira mean that there, that we could have differences of opinion arising populism been pi i having food and warm, that these are kind of basic things. and again, on a continent that got used to that being rich pi. wow, says prologue. go ahead, jack. no, go ahead, pye. go ahead. when did you go ahead? okay, just a quick a. what jack?
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i was just mentioned, just made me think the past is prologue. there are playbooks. playbooks were just tactically, deployed with regard to stoking what happened in the ukraine in 2014 and sense. and i sense that trend will be applied by the quote unquote powers that be across the european continent. i essentially sri stoking fascism just like 90 years ago and for the same purposes to take on a researching eastern block, a eurasian power that, that is unprecedented right now in every way. ah, so, but you know the fascism than the fascism imminent will be stoked while blaming the hordes of, of, you know, mongrels or whatever the terms will be used from asia, from the southern hemisphere that are quote, unquote, looking to destroy our way of life. expect a further disturbing eastern pivot based on who's running that as well. and we all know who to blame the elite that rule over us. it's all the time we have gentlemen
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many, thanks my guess in paris and in los angeles. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at ortiz, see you next time. remember, cross huggles. ah ah. oh, is your media a reflection of reality? ah, in a world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation, whole community. are you going the right way, or are you being led to direct? what is true? what is faith?
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ah, annette. august 2022 for several months. the city's been on the intent, shelly from the ukrainian on a hospital resemble military infirmary, most admitted with wounds caused by ukrainian shells from various mines and shrapnel. a book before 3 for our own way, which in digital with stations are among the most common operations here.
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