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tv   News  RT  December 8, 2022 10:00am-10:31am EST

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ah ah, breaking news this our on our, the russian business man, the booth is handed over by washington after more than a decade. an american custody. that for an exchange for a u. s. basketball thought killed in russia. both on the program, an epoch making milestone for the multi polar world as the saudi crown prince house, china is president for a key summit. mid waning us. influence in the middle east. we report from we up this hour and time august, the names ukraine. president, a person of the year, despite previously warning the key as far as the movement has inspired a global ideology that has led to more terrorist attacks us. and he's like, extreme with
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you live from all studios in moscow, you're watching r t international. my name is peter scott. we start with some braking use this out . welcome to the programmer. moscow and washington have carried out a high profile, a prisoner swap, where some business money big boots are convicted on arms, dealing charges in the u. s. has been handed over to moscow and that's an exchange for american basketball star. brittany greiner, who was sentenced to 9 years in a russian prison for drug trafficking. both of them received presidential pardons from vladimir putin and joe barnum, respectively, before they were set free. moscow had been pushing for beach released for years. washington categorically rejected any cooperation with russia and the exchange came . nevertheless, we continued active efforts to rescue our citizen. as a result is became possible to organize the exchange with the american side, victor boot has returned to his homeland. let's go live now to our new york
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correspondence, caleb moore pin. good evening you, caleb. so this prisoner exchange has finally happened. after months of reports and negotiations, what else can you tell us about the details of the deal? well, we understand that the prisoners swap happened in abu dhabi in the united arab emirates, the u. e. the individuals were exchanged and victor boot has returned home to russia after being held since 20082008. he was in thailand. he was set up in some kind of sting operation conducted by us officials, us individuals operating and thailand. he was then taken to the united states. he stood trial and 2011 and was found guilty on conspiracy charges. he described the interview. the trial is essentially a sham trial where he wasn't really able to adequately defend himself. all the charges were conspiracy charges, no actual crime had been committed. it was all based on allegations that in some
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conversation, he hinted he might do something or something to that effect. and he'd been held in the united states and federal prison that time. now, brittany griner was detained in russia in february and convicted of having a cannabis based substance in her bag. and she was convicted of drug trafficking, drug charges on she's been, she'd been held in russia and we heard from biden, he spoke and he did not reference victor food at any point. and it's remarks that gave the press you simply referenced brittany griner, had relatives of brittany greiner with him. while he spoke to the press, he refused to answer any questions from the media about what exchanges had been made. but we understand at this point that victor boot is returned to russia and. ready was a prisoner swap that took place in abi davi,
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in the united arab emirates. now i had the opportunity to interview victor booth from u. s. federal prison when he was being held and he described to me the condition in which he was being held. he wasn't able to visit his family until donald trump was elected president, and the trump administration made arrangements that he could even visit is relatives described being held in solitary confinement and conditions that the united nations have described as torture. the highlighted different cases of political prisoners in the united states. it was really a great opportunity to speak to victor booth when he was being held in the us prison on trumped up charges. basically how the scribe out with force and not force but, but pressured rather to try and say negative things about the russian government to exchange for a better deal or exchange for release or the ability to see his family. all kinds of pressure was put on to help feed into anti russian narratives and how he was
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held. but yet he refused to make any deals. and now we understand that after years and years of being held in us federal facilities on trumped up charges that now that your boot is back home in russia. so this is from my interview with doctor while he was being held in a u. s. federal prison based in colorado. this is the conversation that we had a lord of war and a merchant of death. and that's how western media describes victor boot. for moscow, he's a political prisoner, rejecting his case as unfounded and biased from the start. at his trial, he pled not guilty, and he called the accusations against him, a bunch of wise the court decided otherwise and jailed him for 25 years. he's now served a 3rd of that sentence, and he's agreed to talk to me from prison. because your case is highly political, are you being treated differently? well, of course i've been treated differently because my family is in
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b. okay. deciding that diamond is special or is group or whatever. i'm a general population, but on the other very strict supervision and control, victor boot describes himself as a political prisoner. i asked him what that means. this is a 100 percent qualify as a political prisoner because if i'm off my nationality, i deny to call a total size and i'm standing. they didn't do anything else and we'll fight for my innocence. i misstated bossman couple years ago. i'm gonna keep him, as example, as a model was a boy for weeping. so all the russians would be my, why the corporate with us when to go off. so there are up 3, g mm. i asked him about deals that had been offered to him in the past and currently, well, they've been doing pre trial during the trial where they've been through a public defender and they approach and said, well, we're going to get through it all your primary green car conceptual you there if
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you know that some dirt about food turn in how car off this regime times all i know you can to the person for of the deal. that's why i went to the trial. victor boot offered up a pretty strong and consistent critique of the u. s. legal system. and how he says it has been used against russian citizens boot points to what he calls conspiracy laws as a method of imprisoning people. not for actually committing crimes, but for off hand comment made 2 undercover officers who says he's not the only political prisoner being held and that the efforts of the russian embassy have definitely improved circumstances. caleb martin r t new york or joe biden had said that brittany green is case that she'd been unjustly detained in russia. and despite the fact that she just defeated guilty to bringing drugs into the country, which funded her 9 year prison term is relieved to finally be heading home. and the
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fact remains that she's lost months of her life experience. and needless trauma, she says, are space privacy in time with her lovers recovering. he'll from her time being wrong through detain was detained by moscow. pulled customs officers back in february after a police dog found cannabis oil in her luggage. in july, she pleaded guilty in court to drug smuggling charges. the defense team said the green and made the admission to show her bravery. that's a positive example for this. she was sentenced to 9 years and later found an appeal which was eventually rejected by a russian court. well, let's go live now. there are no delay international lawyer. thanks for joining us. no. now 1st of all, i just like to get your take on this prisoner exchange. how significant do you think it is? well, obviously it's very significant in the sense that victor is very important person knows a lot of secrets. he has acted with american authorities. although as
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many will tell you, but, you know, obviously was at the center of the intersection of all the post the 1st cold war, post cold war era. and, you know, was a lot of secrets and obviously when that's why to, during the way, the, a single progression entire. and the idea was to try to pressuring to criticize the russian government obviously, and use the magic book against our tool. so you start to, we've gone obviously, and this laid out wonderful the volume because obviously was able to count on the authorities country to get him back home. now washington, obviously long been refusing to sort of engage in dialogue and effects change. why do you think that is taking place now, given that relations between the us and russia, are, you know,
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a level there's not been seen for decades? well, obviously this is more something to do with the fighter that means freshman needing some kind of p r who committed themselves for just the onset of this situation with brittany or ryder wineries, i w, be a superstar such as she's, she's the vocal point of a very intense campaign to get a release. so in that situation, basically the russian government said ok you want brian or by you want victor about back. and so then the negotiation began. but let me remind you that initially the deal was supposed to involve also, and it's visual by the name of john whelan, the marine boy officer. and for some reason, the bottom of the hill. so we can assume that negotiation both down and the other 2
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side agreed on it all needed result result in this transaction. and so just you'd have to wait. do you think we were likely to see further exchanges between russia and the u. s. in the future in lights of this one. well, i think this is going to be a recurring picture of what it is to be a 2nd world war. now, you know, that's on the way. and as in the 1st one, there will be behind the scene truck difference between the both size on an ad on the fashion. ready to resolve some situation in a discrete fashion. but yes, those present slaps are likely to become more and more of a regular, just your phone now on. no, president joe biden has said the griner was wrongfully detained and said that she's a political prisoner. but she did plead guilty to
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a drug charge in russian courts. what's your reaction to that? while the sucks are pretty straightforward. she was intercepted at the airport in moscow on the way haines. she was supposed to be playing for a club in the off season. american basketball player come to russia and other countries to stay in shape and keep up the skills. and it turns out that she's allegedly to what she claimed she's under treatment, which involves the use of cannabis oil. but you have to understand it in russia. laws ice cream stringent in the as far as drugs are concerned, and there are no exceptions bearing on the medical exceptions to it. so he was search, does anybody search when they're coming to the airport? and they found that she was in charge of the boss. and so she was
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again and let her come pick this for position. use h and carry drugs picking up think is a little bit too much. but holding hearing and using which obviously will are no delay international law. i'm afraid we're going to leave it there, but thank you very much for your take on that prisoner swap today. like you earlier i spoke with russian lawmaker maria brew to know who shed the details of the agreements. can you just tell us a little bit about the details of the agreements? how difficult it was to broker on about the significance of it? cuz well, look and see how difficult it was no in there geopolitical situation and there how the united states treats russia today in russian citizens. what i would have suffered through is unbelievable for so many years. however, he is wife, i just talk to her. she has been
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a wonderful wife all these years. she has stayed next to her husband despite of his imprisonment, be corey's ortho russian position that we never give up our people. and we will all this i for every russian here is now kind of home brushing was pushing and pushing hard all these days and years. and finally, are they negotiated the deal? and it's a great big thing for a russian to policy, despite relations between russia and the u. s. been at the lowest, they've been for decades that the 2 countries can still agree even, you know, in a prison supply this oh, i wish i would say that it's because both country is just our core values human lives. but i do believe it's russian positions. the united states was the site and said that we don't want it and want them just to show you that we have
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the russians and look at them is horrible. it's like we moving on now ukraine's president volume is dylan ski has been named time magazines, person of the year, one another western outlet politico has called him the most powerful purse in europe for 2023. this comes just a year after some of the same media warned the kids far right as old moving poses a huge threat to the western world. as even inspired more terrorist attacks in the u. s. done islamic extremism. i discussed the story earlier in our studio with our correspondent rachel blevins. all time has made it official. they're calling him now in the, the person of the year, but also the most influential person in europe. and it's notable because there have been a number of people who have been quick to russia, social media calling out this decision saying that they don't agree with it. and also referring to the hypocrisy surrounding it. and that includes fox news host tucker carlson. take a listen to it, he had to say about it,
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the lens he has no interest in freedom and democracy. in fact, once he is far closer to women than to george washington, he's a dictator. he's a dangerous authoritarian who was used a $100000000000.00 and us tax dollars to erect a one party police state in ukraine. and that's not an overstatement. over the past 2 years, lensky has banned opposition parties. he shut down critical media by force. he's arrested his political opponents. he has sent soldiers into churches. the wednesday secret police have rated monasteries across ukraine, even a convent full of nuns, and in the face of this, the bite administration has said nothing, not one word. so time magazine's glowing praise of zelinski in his article is really trying to overshadow the fact that the western media has openly acknowledged the ways in which he has targeted anyone. he views as a threat and not includes everyone from officials within his own government to churches to entire media organizations. so there's a lot that is going on,
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sad with that title that he is now getting when talking about time magazine last year they published an article warning about the apparent threat that's posed by the far as old battalion to, to european security. and that was under zelinski, so 10 years president was changed since then re and you know, it's interesting, that's another one of those things that they kind of quietly leave out, which is the ways in which those white nationalist extremists have really gain even more power under someone's skis, watch. now speaking of that article, that time magazine did publish back in 2021. let's take a look at what they had to say about the threat that was posed there. a for a group that is increasingly been linked to violence around the world. at the agency, he expressed a desire to travel to craig, to fight with the phone right here, a military group with american. he also treated ukraine phase off
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with now that article was especially notable because it brought up the ways in which there were some figures at the time calling on the last government to be aware of who it was funding with in the as all battalion. and also to pay attention to the fact that this militia has brought in around $17000.00 foreign fighters in 6 years from 50 countries. so that threat that they were warning of appears to be no more was so staying with the same topic, google's published is list of most search for names and searches in ukraine itself, known as a zalinski, has been named time person of the it appears that within ukraine itself, he's not one of the most boss search for people on google. can we read anything for that? well, it certainly is a reminder of the ways in which time is basing this off, right? they're not going off of the most popular person necessarily, and they're also clearly not going on the streets of ukraine and asking them who
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they believe is their person of the year. instead, they are saying this is the person of the, or based on how the western media views it. and this is very much an indicator as we see that title handed down chinese presidents using ping has arrived in riyadh for some it's aimed at forging stronger ties between beijing and gulf countries. saudi chrome principal has been sol mon welcomed the chinese president. and according to unconfirmed reports she's visit is already bearing fruit. a 3rd for investment agreement have been signed. and if something use an upturn in china, the saudi trade, which is amounted to more than $300000000000.00 in 2017. as using things visit has already been compared to the us presence chip to be out earlier this year, just by joe biden trans aren't friendly and even during the fist with the saudi crown prince, they failed to reach any significance agreements. just months later, the opec plus group of oil exports is including saudi arabia, while they agreed to slash the oil outputs with the moves parking criticism from
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washington. earlier we spoke to c g t, n correspondent, young chang. he who told us about the wide ranging areas of improving corporation. tony present it in writing the yacht on wednesday. on his birthday here in a 1000 capital, she was topsail the official soothing thing fell monday and grumbling mamma. since i'm on an important operation document with the kingdom now president, she is also said to attend our summit with leaders of golf country and why the wide world after the bilateral meeting with the leader. let's look at some of the results so far. that 1000 and chinese companies, i'm 30 sort investment agreement covering a wide range of specter look green energy information technology, transportation and health care, housing and factory construction. there's, you have to be solid evidence to support the claimed that a middle eastern country cooperating with its largest trading partner on economic and tech development. it's not abusive to international order officials from both
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countries that reiterated, unprecedented opportunity brought by the synergy between the 2 countries. strategic initiative named the china belt and wrote initiative and the cell division on the 30, the radio is on track to become you know, technology and innovation up and chinese peters have made it very clear that the country is looking forward to working with them on the we got reaction from dot, so mohammed alpha bon, who's a former senior adviser, saudi arabia's energy minister, and he says, the middle east and china are benefiting greatly from neutral ties. i go way out of trying long time and graphically by our economic partners. we know better than china. so corporate kitty's, a little cooperation wisdom, especially that china is brand new worldwide. the vicious
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one when they, when they, when different confidence. however, i think visually with the huge it is they're not sure. i mean, it's not the best laid we'll try and so i don't think that this is a expense of anybody. we get off with me that we cannot make lee our economy. we please to was going be our what does it mean that we're not be you know,
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we cannot limit our one when ally when i lie and leave on the execute that we are the employees of the european central bank off fuming after the demand for a pay rise in line with inflation weren't met, or the many central banks worldwide still going to battle skyrocketing inflation. we're not happy with inflation in germany and the euro area likely around 8.5 percent this year. a lack of a pay rise means a substantial loss in purchasing power. this is damaging workers morale and also their trust toward the institution. will the pay rise on offer is just over 4 percent, while current inflation, for example, in germany, is now twice dots, e. c. b president christine le. gov warns warranted late november against wage price. spirals, which prove, self defeating and supporting real incomes. economy white means wage rises would eventually to higher inflation rates,
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which in turn would lead to way drivers and the high inflation rates a vicious circle. so joining me now live in the few to help break this story down for us is financial take on shopping out, chris and chris, thanks for joining us again today. thanks for now the c b a said that he doesn't want to increase the wages of it stuff because he's worried, as it says that it would fuel a damaging wage price spiral. define the argument convincing not so i think anyone with half a brain cannot believe that argument. if you've got to a business, an organization, a company and your employees are struggling due to inflation. it, you know, in my opinion, it's your moral responsibility to make sure that they can feed themselves and close their children. well, yeah. you know, my next question now the, the c b, i mean the funny thing is although not for stuff is that the c, b has missed its own inflation target and it pay like its employees and not paying for it. do you think that he has a duty of care through stuff or other certain facts such as your politics are just
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currently alphabets control? i think again we're going back to kind of what we just said and point number one here. of course you have a duty, it's not a, i don't think it's a political and sort of a political and political pundit tree going on here and talking about that if people can't eat and they can't feed their children. and really, i mean, they're saying that inflation is up. this percentage reality is real times inflation for people is a lot higher. you only just have to ask anyone living in europe right now, as we know a lot of people living in europe coming from there originally and, and the price, the real terms, price of everything from energy to food, to transport. everything is way higher. you know, some people even saying it's, you know, 20 percent more in real time. now that you see be, you know, somebody subjects, so national laws and rates under its own rules. do you think it should be subject to some sort of oversight? and so he would do that, the world bank efforts are really, really good question. so absolutely. i think when we're looking at the whole global
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financial system, specifically the, the you, as you said, is it's kind of a self governing entity where, which doesn't report to any kind of other democratic institution. so, so when we're getting all these numbers about inflation, the things might, might be question to them as well. who's got oversight? who's critiquing those numbers because they could be completely and fully made up for we die now just tried to play devil's advocate. now chris did the c, b did introduce a remote working policy, allowing his stuff to work from home for ubs, i think a 110 days a year. do you think that goes some way towards compensating for the real term rise in living costs? i mean, these employees would save on time and fuel costs, you know, do you think that would help? yeah, i think it away. it may help. however, i don't understand why that is a huge benefit for the employee. i think it's far more of a big benefit to the employer because you don't then have staff in your offices. you're not heating the office. you're probably not filling out the coffee machine and the printer that's probably on the, on,
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on the cost of the employee. if they need you specifically like that, so really i would say i don't quite understand how that's of benefit to anyone, right? except that, that's okay. and so if the cb were to raise the wages of its employees as they are demanding, do you think that would so set some sort of precedent for all the national banks and do you think there will be a full effect where employees, employers, excuse me, would base the way just so lately that would what we would hope that would be the effect that surely that's a good thing, right? we're seeing across, across europe, we're seeing, you know, well on the u. k, that's the u. k. right now we've got nurse is about to go on strike. we've got rail work is going on strike. they're not really asking for much pizza, what they're asking. it's, it's to be paid enough so that they can not be out of pocket for the bad necessities that become way more expensive because of institutions and the decisions that have been made by, by western government. there's no doubt about that. they will say that they're saying, look, we, we've made decisions over the last year that of course, the problem and you are going to pay for it. well, that's not fair. we bought
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a stuff as well. many u. k. ports are also trying to strike over christmas. now i me might have not to step in funding. chris. one question, do you think the, if the employees, the c b, do decide to strike in january, that it will make you turn on raise the sellers with a really hard thing to predict. i say no ball, there's no, there's no crystal no here. unfortunately, it really depends, i think based on what results is they have whether they can go without having these people. they're deaf agnes speak if it crashes the year, but then i think they'll give in. but if they've got another mechanism which they probably have, i don't think they will. another tickled asleep anyway. well, chris, fintech entrepreneur, thanks very much for breaking down the story for today. thank you to be to the before we go recap of our breaking news. this our moscow and washington have carried out a high profile prison, a swab deal for some business. when the victor boots are convicted on alms dealing charges in the u. s. has been handed over to moscow and exchange for american
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basketball star. brittany greiner, who was sentenced to 9 years in a russian prison for drug traffic in both of them received presidential pardons from let me putin and jo button respectfully before they were set free. moscow had been pushing for boots, released for yes. well from all on the story, do head over to all websites r t dot com. in the meantime, money's fetus. got me back again at the top of the all wheel. de lacey's breaking using updates. thanks for joining. ah
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i then lou, my lou lou. my la la la la la la la la la la la, it gives me a baby that made that made to my mom in my.


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