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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 8, 2022 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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and yes, it will do. thanks again. they get ah, okay, this is ana, serbia has been considering sending a 1000 troops into caught up after hundreds of police officers in the break way. read and sees parts of the serb majority city. sada, you may, which you recruited, has continued with the legal actions aimed at occupy a north of kosovo. a mentor here or belgrade will consider the return of 1000 members of our security forces to the area of kosovo metal here, in accordance with resolution, 1244, not part of the serve in go has said cause of a police have committed crimes against the serb majority areas in the break way region, including driving an armored vehicle into the yard of a kindergarten and stealing wine from a vineyards low who corresponded nicola your which sent us this report from bell. great, tonight, around 9 o'clock and evening will, over 200 armed men came to the other, most was
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a sort of live and they are now as we speak all around the town to as they say, secure stability. an indian part of you can say they are policeman of so called the public because among them there are special forces from the sofa and other members of the unit. so we cannot speak about the concrete military or police formation. we are not certain. what are we talking about exactly what kind of unit or police force there is? this is the 2nd publication of the day, or even 3rd, because during the day we already had the one incident in the so each one of the 4 municipalities in the north, there are believe we can station where police forces are so, but also in kindergarten. when where children were over sleeping and they
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interrupted the work or also indelicate sort of serbian and club near article. but they took over $40000.00 fleet. there's a wind from local, turbulent producers, wind. and they also banned construction workers for, for, from putting on and fading the road, leading to only serving left in the region. so we can federal procure since to the day. and these came as the last. i'm fortunate the also bad news for the as you speak, lead the police forces and other horses armed men in general are present in the, in or disturbing locals there. as we gather information from 3 and as people
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call us every minute to see what's the student nutrition like, there we go over the, you know, medical ports are also present albanian army thought or regular military forces of albania, which were present here in veronica quarter. and oracle, which is a violation of a resolution $124.00 to $4.00 or united nations and every other agreement signed by serbia and coastal. so are the prime minister of so called causal code is continuing his publications and his intentions to violently solve the problem. all serbs leaving this deuces of so called possible a month ago and to try to impose his will on them due to the fact that he needs to organize new elections which serves will boycott as things are for now with the new location in, in future this is all for tonight and hopefully the last of the bad news for these
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already really bad day. we are live from belgrade. my name is required by the hope of the news out of the vowel, the up night from buffalo pan wanted more international news. and i told them to lay out a with hello and welcome to cross top. were all things considered? i'm peter lavelle, by joining washington's ukraine proxy war against russia. europe is made an irreversible choice. it is consigned itself to being a, a regional power in a multi polar world. cutting itself up from russia. europe has all but assured it
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will be overly dependent on the united states. that dependency will be costly. the cross talking europe's choice. i'm joined by my guess. i seen the food because in london, he is professor of international relations at the university of east london as well as editor of the journal of balkan and near eastern studies in north florida. we have tom one go, he's publisher of gold, goats and guns, blog, and newsletter, and in prague we have brad blankenship. he's a com this at c g p. n, a freelance reporter in law as well as an r t contributor or a gentleman cross i girls in effect, that means you can jump in anytime you want. and i always appreciated, tom, let me go to you 1st in north florida. did i overstate my introduction that europe is consigning itself to be a regional minor regional power in a multi polar world? it's getting pretty bleak for the european future. i would say your thoughts, tom?
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yeah, i would agree with you on that peter. the, the issue for europe is that it's very clear that the, that russia is done with them and that's a bigger issue. and now knowing that this, this oil price cap is gone into place. the, the funny part now is that, you know, the headlines are all being written that russia is going to have to cut production and this is gonna hurt their money. they're, they're the, the bottom line above all bought. and it's always framed in terms of how bad it is for russia, but nobody actually talks about whether food has actually a game plan for this, whether it has now a strategic move. cuz as far as i'm concerned, after the, the recent drawn strikes inside russia. we're looking at the de facto start for a major or kinetic war, and if i'm prudent, i'm not selling oil under any circumstances to my enemies. okay, let's see. let's say in london, basically the same question here because i liked how, what tom said in the beginning of his answer is that, you know, the, the, the russians have had it with the europeans. ok. but obviously in western media,
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it's always framed in a very the opposite way here. really? tom's absolutely. right. i mean, they need reliable partners. europe has shown itself to be unreliable, particularly in energy. we had a former chance. merkel come out and basically say, yeah, the min scope processes were just deploy, they're showing their hand, they're showing their, i'm sorry, they're really gross this on it's dishonesty. the russians are done with them. ok, now the euro pass to pay the price. go ahead in london. yes, thank you. i don't disagree with what i heard, especially with those who what, what form says, what i would like just to give or take a deeper packing that in this discussion with in the triangle between us, europe and russia. it has really ever been viewed open, independent political actor in global affairs. i doubt it was always dependent on the united states title in leaving. even the production of the hero was pretty much
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a project encouraged by the united states. so mitch court call relationship between 0 and the united states. very strong alliance of the world. and then so what that invest in this is always been sold back on all united states terms. exactly. united states was always 6. hello russia. from that project, i mentioned the 2nd to the end of the, of the 2nd world war that was the united states project with russia, from european past. so that this is, my knowledge is correct. i think that russia despise all the prize stop by. we can start the article in russia, she never stop talking to europe. never, that's my, that's my, my, my understanding of is jason in particular now in the mean
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a period in which globalization seems as we know, it seems to be at the end or at the 9. we need to factor in sila, you know, in this war you're getting way ahead of me. it's on my checklist of questions, right? because you're not going to get great minds think alike. ok. grad basically the same question. but, you know, a bradley pacific says that, you know, russia needs to keep talking to year, but i mean, if europe wants to control the conversation, what is the point of having a conversation? ok. i mean, it has to be a 2 way street. it's not that way right now. i don't think it's going to be that way for a very, very long time. go ahead, brad. you know, i can see that that's true because, you know, i think that there is, there is this kind of been a desire from people within europe to be politically autonomy, even though their entire political system do,
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you is been beholden to the united states. but at the same time, the politicians here lack the courage to stand up to washington, even though they know that washington is undermining their interests. but ironically, the same time, these politicians, these pro, you pro western politicians that are put in europe down this path. they don't really have any leverage here. i mean, there's kind of this running joke now in europe that we're going to be, you know, like a summer holiday destination for the chinese in the americans because of the industry here is going to be completely got it. and without cheap russian energy industry in central europe in germany is completely screwed. i mean, you know, when, when you look at central banks all over the world use energy, you use energy usage as a primary predictor of economic growth. and we've seen that that the demand for energy is gone down. and the same time you politicians are saying that there is a positive thing that we're, you know, building up our gas supplies,
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in case russia hall, the flow of energy to euro. but that's a bad thing. that means that economic growth here is going to go down. that means we're going to be in a recession for years, if not decades, potentially without, you know, cheap ration energy that we can use for industry here. and i don't see that these politicians have any leverage, and i think that this is going to usher in just the industrialization of europe as a result. well, again, you have great minds think alike that was going to be my question for tom, is this, is this a, an intentional plan to de industrialized europe on the part of the americans? tom, i don't think it's the americans solely. that's doing this is the, this is the great heresy. on my part, i'm sorry, as an american, i see the old colonial hand of europe desperately trying to hold sway over the way they run. they use us as the tip of the spear i, i really think that this whole thing is ideologically driven. i, the europeans, they're the ones out there screaming about european values and democracy. we have
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to save democracy, but destroying it and all the rest of it. if you look at people like vandalay and michelle and barrel, and the rest of them, they're all ideologues for this thing in the americans are simply, they are cynical, ground troops and i, and that's the way i see this. and i, and it's almost impossible to get me off of this point despite that, it's very important that we stop just framing all of this is oh, look at the evil americans pushing it with. i mean, little it's, i don't think it's for, it's for deep lynette. this is absolutely, i tell you this is important in europe is absolutely. um they're, they're lock step with the european with this they want this war as much as everybody else. okay. when, who blew up the pipelines, then the sealants. okay. i mean, obviously the u. s. benefited greatly from that at the ca. sure. germans in the cost of europeans would a lot. and let me, let me go to our get going to go to my guess line is in the hang on hang. sermons were top vetting and the germans went along with it because the german grandmother
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wants to do a let me go to my guest in london. basil is what do you think about that? because it gave the americans enormous leverage by but having those, having those pipelines blow up, go ahead in london taxi. very a winner of this world to the united states because it increases on your blog, complete and germany from, from, from russia and oil and gas. as well, by the same time, the united states american protection south in jason and subsidizes its, you call, making its companies more competitive with a 430000000000 the face and reduction. i mean, united states is very much a consensus, actually always was no disengage european energy policy from from rash circle every european by the spicy berlin g, which is not even enough. that's why that's why russia doesn't continue,
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continue to be found. although they kept it now, they want to cover the price, but even this is not, not going to be too much if you want to describe this later on. and russia has many alternatives that but my nice point, i think you should be taking a board. why? because it depends on what kind of solution we want on here for that. what do you want an american solution? what do you want a solution which is marked by the stand by europeans and russians and chinese, you want a european rage in solution or in america so. so that's the big question. right? that's a very interesting question. we'd like to feel that go ahead. yeah, i mean, you know, i think that we, you know, the question of whether or not the europeans or the americans or whoever is running to show us for sure. the americans, i mean, you know, that's definitely true that the europeans, i mean that america is definitely
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a product of the colonialists, meaning, peerless mediocrities that emerge in europe. better indigenous this continent here . but the, but the united spaces is the crystallization about. i mean, like not these said that the greatest moment in the, in the history of white power is the creation of united states of america. everything that is wicked about the west is, is, is ramping in washington. and the solution that they're putting forward is, is everything that's evil and dastardly about the west, that's the solution they're putting forward. it's domination in joe biden. gives a speech a t s m c. the new headquarters that so being states and says that we're putting out american products, this is not just a signal to the chinese, you know, that there is a trade war against china. this is also talking about south korea. we're talking about japan. this is talking about europe, especially, you know, that the industrialization of europe will benefit america with, as the other guests mentioned the, the inflation act. yeah. you know,
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the united states is setting themselves up to benefit greatly from the industrialization europe and the death. that's going to come on this continent here, even though supposedly we're lock step, supposedly we are equal partners with the americans. but that's not true. well, i mean, i saw one sided and trying on guy usa gone guys. i have to go to a break gentlemen. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on europe, joy, stay with the news. the news ah,
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welcome back. across stock were all things are considered on peter level to remind you we're discussing europe's choice. ah hey, let's go back to common north florida. it's already been brought up in this program . i think it's really worth talking about more is a we experiencing the end of globalization as we've understood it for the last half century. because it seems to me that with this gambit that the u. s. is a playing visa v. russia and using the proxy, war and kit in ukraine, is that the u. s. wants to go on its own controlled globalization, which europe would be part of, and they'll be other globalization of china we can talk about as well. it seems to me that there is a parting of the waters as it were. go ahead. tom and north florida. i agree with all that. i also think, oh, most of it i what i really think is going on here,
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don't get me wrong. i'm not trying to absolve the americans for their part in what's happening out here. it's clear that that's what's going on. i just don't want anybody to, to think that europe didn't make a conscious choice here. that these, that the perceived weakness of european leaders is as being subordinate or vassal sedans. it's, it's just nonsense. it doesn't, it's not real. so when you look at what's happening, but i think is happening is very clearly that there are forces within the united states or that are working to try and save what's left of what's been hauled out over here. while others are still trying to sell it out, i think the by the ministration is trying to sell it out. i think we're, we've seen a pushed by the federal reserve in the near sand, near money center banks in order to stop that process really somewhat. and we see with the end of globalization, with the clear end of the dollar reserve standard on the horizon, there is a breaking of the system and europe is going to be left in the dust. and it's in geo politics. arono allies are only interest and as far as i'm concerned,
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you install a fungus like biden, for the purposes of doing, of tax normalization with europe's your ruinous tax policy. energy policy that's inst, lockstep with cop 27 and all that stuff. like at the end of the day, i don't see the biden administrations working for the united states. and i think this is part of the, the real disconnect here. and that's the issue for me and the, and i see all of these, these, these things happening. i don't disagree with that, but the yes on the big trend, they just don't think that the americans are the sole evil empire here. i think that's a very, that's a very dangerous narrative and letting the europeans off the hook for your complicity in this because they want to do this. the destruction, the middle class in your is not a bug. it's not a bug created by the americans. it's a feature of what, what europe wants to do to transform itself into the next version of the ussr. his that's what the e was becoming. well, i mean, democratic poet, bureau ed, i know, been traveling. i absolutely agree with that here. but one thing if i go back to
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our guests in london, i mean there's one commonality here and we know who, who is a top of the totem pole. we can all discuss that and killer all blue in the face. but they do have one thing in common is ideology. they're all ideologically possessed. is neil liberal ideology. that is one thing that they all have in common here. and it's disastrous for middle class is all across the western world. go ahead in london. ok. yes i, i can't say i disagree with who are the head, but he said it's important that we get our priorities right. who raised the dominant power today in the global system, in the west european union or the united. so you're looking, it doesn't look even qualify to be called the state is not, doesn't have federal sector, has some some primitive. busy federal structures, but it doesn't have a few on unity, there is no even a union of the banking sector after the massive or biking crisis. we had the
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leaders in crisis. so you'll be in unit can be very well defined us an international organization or should be more time on the, on the nation. so we don't, we don't deal here with unified actor. that should be taken away. that's so crucial . it is so so crucial to understand that nathan, institutionalized, the dependency of europe for the united states, the boys hear their voice. the peons have is pretty much a boy's of the elite abuto p o business inc. that is with the lips of the united states business interests and also they can book on security security medicines. so do not be surprised if i tell you that so many splits that are within the european probably european commission. and so, and there is no one point, that's why i keep, say, keep talking to your p s. if you don't want to play the u. s. game of excluding russia from european affairs, russia should not be excluded from your well, ok, but,
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but let's see, let's say, you know, who is excluding home here in europe. it is excluding russia. ok. not the other way around. ok. well, you know, and, and, and it came to a finer point here. as you've already said, this program, russian energy is still going to europe. ok. they didn't cut it off. it's a europeans that are cutting off russian energy. let me go to brian. he may go to brad in prague here. you know, one of the things that we're hearing is that the, the, the americans want the, the europeans to go along with their policies against china. that's not going to go down very well in europe. brad. yeah, actually i just wrote a piece about this and then back, you know, you'd bind people like just to bro, even have the courage to say that european countries don't want to have to choose between beijing and washington. and that's because it's just in their plain self interest. i mean majoring the china has a lot to offer the european union trying to consumer market within the next decade
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will be bigger than united states. and they are hungry for european goods. i mean, as long as those guys are cheap and not, you know, completely screwed on price because irrational energy is not accessible to the market of course. but, you know, there's, there's a lot of fruitful cooperation there. and, you know, i think there's a lot of nato allies not locked up on this. i think i would like to come with the other get. so i think we also definitely have to be very crystal clear that europe is budding out russia. but that is to be had to be american. i mean, they have tens of thousands of troops here. they spy on a european politics and these are demonstrated will fax. we know that you can you walk out your door here in europe and you see it, they are colonizing europe. europe is a vassal state, the united states, the you, it's not a country. this is disjointed countries that are being forced against each other. and just as you know, the globalization has created
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a natural relationship between russia and the you integrating both of these economies. i think that there is a natural relationship between the russian people and people in europe. here, there is a natural political relationship just as globalization has been fruitful from both sides in russian energy creating europe's industrial base. i believe that the russian people are inextricably connected to people here in europe, not least because they are european of course, you know, i think that we have to be clear that it's washington doing this. and i think that russia should continue to engage in europe because russia needs to be a political actor in europe. and that's also because the united it part of its grand strategy is to force it to compete with china by pushing it out of europe, forcing it to be an asian power in forcing china and russia to compete against each other. perhaps, you know, breaking their strategic co operation, which would be detrimental to the world. the strategic cooperation between russia and china is so important in keeping this multi portal polar world,
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emerging multiple world order together. one that is against american hedge money. and that is so important. ok, tom, d. e a, i saw you nodding your head there you are in agreement. go ahead tom. i agree that i agree that russia and china need to be, than they need the same walks up with one another and, and in no way than anything bride to say. tells me that that's not going to happen . what they just moved to strategic bombers across it to, to each other's air basis for hi say nothing. the u. s. is doing is stopping right there, trying desperately to drive a wedge. that's what policy going to taiwan was about. that's what the chips act was about. and i, i get that, but understand that you listen, sitting in prague, you cannot see what's happening here in the united states, which is our institutions are being destroyed from within, from foreign powers. and it's very obvious, none of these people work for the united states. they are all trying to normalize our or even make worse, our ability to handle capital and make it handle capital worse than they already
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handle it in europe. ok, because capital flows were capital was treated best. and right now, it's still treated best by the united states. 21 percent corporate tax rate versus a 20 percent 26 percent france they want, but buying wants to raise it to $28.00. now, why would he want to do that if he's actually acting in the american, her american interest, he's not. ok, none of this is about keeping the right nice states alive. this is about this, this is them. i literally breaking up the united states and to many people are actually going to tear this and this is go and this is a bad idea. not that i'm a huge fan of the united states in any way, manner, shape or form. but all of these things are being driven, as peter mentioned, as by ideologically possess, people who believe that we can move to a different type of system. ok, and it's not necessarily just the americans driving this. there are, it is, it is at the end of the day whether we are going to have public formation of have public, capital formation or private capital formation. and there are forces within the us that still believe in private capital formation. and the people at the top of our
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political system are aligned with europe that we need to have public capital formation, the end of the, the end of commercial banking, the end of all of that stuff. and this is all the subtext of what's going on with the, with the, the situation in ukraine and how it's being handled. but the don't kid yourself in any way, shape or form. this is about the destruction of the united states. and everybody thinks that that will be a great thing. i got news for you at the united states falls apart and in the worst way imaginable, no one is going to be happy about the results. nobody. well, the russians of the europeans, not any. ok because of us, you think the do you think the end of the ussr was, was ugly. you just wait to see what happens with united states. well, if it goes down, it's going to take a good part of the world with it. there's no doubt about that. ok. i see live in london kick in the european union survive because you know what, you know, people talk about getting through this winter. ok. they're going to get through this winter. it will be uncomfortable, but they will. but what about the next 5 winters? that's where the real challenges go ahead in london. either i can look at it. it
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will be tough for everybody. again, you have to realize i didn't, i think people a few of understand what is wrong with the fear for us in relationship go back to normal as it were, both it wasn't, it was a native of germany. lots. if i thought, i think it was an english night station pipelines, the northern steam and so on, there were, these are here in germany. and this is what we like to stop the european snow. the elite snow very well. well, when they speak, they speak with america language, that's my point, is not unity to heavily depend or stoop to shape it and is up to russia to liberate 3 months to fade europe. from a great, i mean 9097 brzezinski wrote a book, patterns of book guns as part of the purpose of that book was how to avoid
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the americans having to face the situation in which europe moscow and china. we'll have a united appraisal exit, and i, we've run out of time gentlemen, but i think that's why we have the answer. that's why ukraine happened in the 1st place to, to address what we just heard in london. that's all the time we have gentlemen. many thanks. so my guess in london, prague and in north florida. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at ortiz, see you next time. remember, cross top ah, ah, ah, ah
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. a high level prisoner for russia business on the return home off the wall, the decade in us custody. exchange, american basketball player, brittany, growing up 15 years ago the us government devised a plot, if you will, to create a crime of this retired russian citizen in moscow. committing no crime against any one of his lawyers. his exclusive take on the journey he made to see in flight 3 of them.


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