tv News RT December 8, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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ah, a high level prisoner for the russian business on the return home off the wall, the decade in us custody. exchange, american basketball player, brittany, growing up 15 years ago, the us government devised a plot, if you will, to create a crime of this retired russian citizen in moscow. committing no crime against any one of his lawyers. his exclusive take on the journey he made to see him quite free of the decade,
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imprison survey. it is sending a 1000 truth into the course of a made an escalation of tensions over the breakaway region. a good evening where everyone in the world welcome to international broadcasting live from moscow is just gone. 6 am here in the russian capital i'm. it was a mommy and it's great to have you with us. let's take a look at the top floor. is this our a high level prison swap between moscow and washington as a russian businessman, victor boot in the u. s. custody for decades on arms trading convention has returned to his home that he was exchanged for american boss will play a brittany greiner, who had been convicted of drug offenses in russia booth was sentenced by us authorities back in 2012 to a quarter century in prison. on allegations of army terrorists and conspiring to
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kill american citizens, he denies all the accusations. moscow said his case was solicitously motivated. the exchange was conducted in the u. e. off the months of negotiations. fixer boot was elated to return to his homeland your video in some you, i had no doubt to stay with commerce, i suppose. many thanks to everyone who participated, who helped, who cared. so i'm just incredibly glad her gotten i just the sick that of course we always had ad hope that makes her was return home all these years, especially in the last 6 month when information began to surface that his release was possible level. when maria brought in and called me and said, when you're hanging there, i realised in heart beat that the exchange has been carried out. i mediately got the shakes in my heart was beating so fast, but i'm in charlotte. another said, look at joe biden, how he's fighting for his son. he should think about all the kids. his keep him locked up. he whitewashed his son in connection with ukraine and some other things
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in america who were very grateful. tell president, and as a mother i sincerely sank our foreign ministry little by sake. i love her off that diplomats. their employees visit him no matter what. even during a bizarre in new york, they make sure people do not lose hope and knows that their motherland does not forget them all. we heard from vick. so this lawyer, steve, this is who serves the us government framed his wife, hilda, take him into custody on dubious charges and sit politically charged case. 15 years ago, the u. s. government devised a plot, if you will, to create a crime of this retired russian citizen living in moscow. committing no crime against anyone. they target him simply because they didn't like what they thought he had been doing in previous years. and as you know, and your and your audience knows in the us and in other parts of the world he was,
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he was named or dubbed the the merchant of death. and so when i took over the case couple years ago, the 1st challenge, of course, was to correct the narrative. you know, some people say create the narrative, changed the narrative. it wasn't, it wasn't that it was more accurately destroy, described and directing the narrative. that was, that was the main challenge to get folks in the u. s. and around the world to appreciate the fact that this, this merchant of death label that they put on him was really unfair. and that the way he was, he was this, this, this retired russian citizen living in moscow was targeted by the u. s. was, was, it was really a terrible, a front to, to russian, russian sovereignty. and as a result of that, i'm jumping in a little bit. as
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a result of that you, you can actually in point the deterioration of relations between the us and russia. to that moment when one victor was target. and, and as, as i've said many times the u. s. agencies involved decided to target victor booed because because they could, without any giving any thought to whether or not they should and the repercussions that follow. so, you know, step number one is when take over a case that, you know, when i took it over is 13 years old. but, but by that time it's a struggle to change the narrative. but a lot of a lot of helpful things happened along the way and it starts with all a boot victors wife who never gave up and never hired of trying to ensure that he would be freed president pollutant,
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who never gave up the notion that and victor booth was wrongfully taken from from, from his fellow citizens in his family. and i should say for mister low, ralph was was insistently in victor's corner, as was ambassador, and taught off who even recently went to visit victor in, in the prison. that is, that is referred to as in america as the, the guantanamo of the north. that's how bad the conditions are there. i'm surprised to survive because you know, you don't, it's not like, you know, the older you get, the more, the more likely you are to suffer some sort of catastrophic illness a suddenly and, you know, you just don't get interest, don't you don't call 911 there they don't have actual physicians, you know, they don't ship you off to the hospital unless you're in a coma. so he had several serious elements. but victor is exceedingly strong.
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man. he knows how to take care of himself to protect himself. he make sure to get to the extent that he can eat properly. so there were times when i was concerned that he would, he would even survive to make it to the swap. both victim and brittany griner received presidential pardons before they was set free on teams kind of more than looks into the details of the booth high profile case. after almost 15 years in captivity and half the eye sting operation frame up the sham trial. and in addition to that, solitary confinement and difficulty even being able to visit his family, victor boot is now free and back home in russia. the negotiations were kept secret, and even victor's wife had no idea what was coming. so let's review the details of this high profile case. while back in the 900 ninety's western leaders started psyching up the public against him. the british home office labeled him the
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merchant of death and hollywood movie demonizing, him called lord of war, was even released in reality. victor is the son of a book keeper. he served in the soviet military before starting his own cargo company. u. s. officials alleged that he ran guns for al qaeda and that he was involved in supplying weapons to various sides of african conflicts and across eastern europe. these are allegations he has repeatedly denied. while us leaders seem to have no problem supplying weapons to some radical groups. it seems like after this, hollywood movie was released, and after victor's name had been dropped by various officials, they felt it was time to grand stand against him. victor had his assets frozen, but there was no law at that point under which they could prosecute him for his international business dealings. so u. s. officials decided to go to the f b i. a sting operation was set up and eventually he was entrapped in thailand.
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so under cover f b i agents pretending that they were members of the fark rebel group and columbia approached him and had a hypothetical conversation about a possible arms deal. no crime actually ever took place. that's what doctor told me when i interviewed him back in 2019. this is a 100 percent qualify as a political prisoner because i'm healed off my nationality and i was denied to corporate side and i'm standing up. they didn't do anything else. i know we'll fight for my innocence. i'm a state department. couple years ago we have met gonna keep him. as example, as a model was a boy for weeping. father rations would be more polite. the corporate with us when
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they go off, there are up through us leaders clearly had a motive for grabbing him after he was dragged to the united states from thailand due to an extradition agreement. he was then allegedly offered a deal to bring forward dirty laundry about the russian government and president, well, they've been doing pre trial during the trial where they've been through the public defender, they approach and said, well, we're going to get you and all your primary green car can settle you there if you know some dirt about food turn and how car up this regime time. so i said, i know you came to the person for all the deal. that's why i went through the trial . russian authorities offered victor support throughout the lengthy legal proceedings, and they also described how us officials abducting him and dragging them to the united states from thailand was an example of how they felt they have license to do whatever they want in the international arena times to us, there is no doubt that they have the doctor,
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the russians citizen in the 3rd country. we have a consular convention with the us, and we have a treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. under these agreements, the u. s. should inform us of any suspicions they may have about a russian citizen. yet they failed to do so. this was the case and a number of instances with victor boots konstantin yet shan't go for them. and a number of other people who are transferred to the u. s. with the tacit approval of 3rd countries. now, victor is journey home, did not easily the negotiations took place at a time when relations between the usa and russia or anything but good. needless to say, a lot of hard work has gone in to making sure this russian citizen could finally return home and be with his family fail at martin archie new york glider hadn't been detained by murphy, apple customs officers back in february off of lethal found cannabis oil in her luggage, in july she pleaded guilty to drug smuggling charges. this white st was an honest
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mistake. she was sentenced to 9 years to fall in appeal, which was rejected by a russian court. joe biden, in turn, has said aglena was wrongfully detained in russia, but despite the fact she had actually admitted to bringing drugs into the country, did you leave to finally be heading home? and the fact remains that she's lost months of her life experience for needless trauma. she deserves space privacy in time with her loans to recover and heal from her time being wrong. 3 detained. these allow me to alice. laurence says, of the u. s. media would have acted very differently if the deal had been made under the previous republican president on trump. the 1st thing which i find interesting is a notion of parity. you are having somebody here who cnn has described as being called the merchant of death. the merchant of death right off the bat. this
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is what story after story has called in consider mr. booth fight. the merchant of death has been re, i guess, swapped for a woman, a basketball player who was caught with cannabis vate, being devices, allegedly, or what have you. now, the 1st question people have is, is that any sense of parity? they have to add this in, this is what i think is most interesting as well. if we took exactly the same situation as we have right and changed it, is that our president biden, we had president trump same fax, same everything, merging of death, basketball star swan. what do you think? cnn would then have said about, and i, you see in an, as an example, not that they're the target of this, but what would they have said to this swap? they would have said, this is proof positive of some kind of collusion or some type of something,
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illegal, same facts. but depending upon who the actors are, the media will ski with differently. liberal media will now elevate her to some type of a hero status, which nobody will question. so again, looking at this, if, if you had you go to miss greiner and say, you were exchange who for somebody else who was charge, where they drug offense. no. you are exchange for the merchant of death. it just it, it, it, it, it, it begs analysis at best ah, or on like so when i u. s. second, real estate, i'm the lincoln has said, it's basically a done deal for sweden and finland to join the nato alliance. i'm confident that nato will formally welcome philip sweden's member soon since the nato summit in madrid. ah,
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both countries have taken significant concrete actions to fulfill their commitments or including those related to the security concerns on the part of our i'll, i, turkey. but sweden has refused to comply with nato member since he is request for it to expedite to people suspected of ties to a terrorist organization. swedish authorities of said they did not have sufficient grounds to believe those people committed a criminal offense to hear her say that it would not let sweet enjoy the alarm unless it conducts those expeditions as the fly down to sara found as a co director of international action center, i'm and she will organization, sir, thanks so much for joining us here. at our see now, the euro segment status said nato will soon welcome to new members, feminist sweden. how likely is this really to happen? well, whether turkey agrees to this hungry agrees to it or it goes forward,
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officially, unofficially, it is happening in the same way that ukraine was not a member of nato, but that didn't stop. thousands and thousands of nato trainers, tons, and tons of nato weapons even before the russian special operation into ukraine. so whether or not this officially goes forward in a real sense, it is a done deal and it shows that the u. s. is absolutely has no interest in peace and diplomacy or negotiation. they are all about aggressive us war planning. moving that forward aggressively. and they are willing to stage provocations to get their way they are willing to utilize, as we can see in the ukraine, down to the last soldier, they're going to utilize other people in it. so yes,
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it shows that they want nato expansion official or unofficial. and they're willing to wheel and deal for including with occurred who they supposedly, where the protector off. so it's simplicity on every stand. but it shows natal aggression and it shows no interest in peace, nato founded on defense. and i believe the whole perspective, all that. okay, so how i mean, well it was never, i think it was never about defense. it was always about how to encircle how to threaten at that time, the soviet union and later russia. and that is still its purpose. in my opinion today, same same about the all right, now let's look at to start sale. to see there are a couple of people that too, is interested in, wants them back or want some expedited named to, to keep being in the country. it's not likely that when they have the power to veto any new membership,
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well they certainly have the power to and for now they've been holding out that sweden and finland, not join nato. but as i say, unofficially, this is already happening. it is already a done deal. has the us ever really listen to turkey? i know they tried to actually overthrow they tried to regime change operation against turkey and turkey. i knows this and so, so world, so there any real agreement officially by nato requirements. i don't think the us before the stand and wait for moving forward, you know, very, very dangerous way to further expand nato to attempt to further in circle russia to really make this for nato lake. yeah, i mean, you play, that means that you say that, but i'm inclined to believe that to care has
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a bit more power than perhaps america will. the us thinks, i mean, come strong on to care to make a decision like this. no, they can't actually turkey has a great deal of leverage right now in the black sea in trade agreements and having a very actually the largest number of military in nato today in europe is held by turkey. so they have lots of leverage if they choose to use it. certainly the u. s. is trying to pressure them intensely to arrive at a deal and they're willing to, i would think they're willing to trade kurds who supposedly they were protecting in order to get their g m. o at work. go forward. we don't know, but we do know it means real aggression further aggression is being planned. this
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is not a piece plan. this is an expand nato and plan new private patients plan. a very, very worrying indeed. so far as thank you so much for joining me today. it was a pleasure talking to i think i'm in q a survey or has been considering sending a 1000 troops into kosovo off the 100 of police officers in the break way. region sees pause of majority district sada, you may, which you recruited, has continued with the legal actions aimed at occupying the north of kosovo and mental health. no grade will consider the return of 1000 members of our security forces to the area of kosovo, mon tokyo, in accordance with resolution 1244, not part of the survey. and god has said, cost of, of police have committed crimes against majority areas in the break way province,
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including drive in all the vehicle into the yard of a kindergarten. i'm sitting. why moving it? local, correspondent, nuclear you'll. they sent us this report from belgrade. tonight, around 9 o'clock in the evening, will be over 200 armed men. came to the north. most was the sort of live and they are now as we speak all around the town to as they see secure ability and the indian part of you can say they are policeman of so called the problem. because among them there are special forces from the sofa and other members of the unit. so we cannot speak about the concrete military or police formation. we are not certain. what are we talking about exactly what kinds of units or police force there is different. the 2nd publication of the day, or even 3rd,
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because during the day we already had the one incident in which one of the 4 municipalities in the north are more this weekend station where police forces are also entered kindergarten when, where children were sleeping and they interrupted the work or is it also invalid? what's sort of been an club near article that they took over 40000 please. there's a wind from local, turbulent producers wind. and they also banned construction workers for or from putting on and bathing the road, leading to only serving left in the region. so we get federal procures to the day and this came as the last. unfortunately,
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the also bad news for the as you speak with the police forces and other horses armed men in general are present imports from interest. there are disturbing locals there as we gather information from threats. and as people paula said, remit to see what's the student sufficient? like, there we go over the, you know, medical for thought also present albanian army thought or regular military forces of, of been year which were present here in vanka horta, and oracle us, which is a violation ofa resolution $124.00 to $4.00 of united nations. and of every other agreement signed by serbia and coastal. so ah, the prime minister of so called causal code fee is continuing his provocations. and his intentions to violently solve the problem or serve leaving this deuces of so called possible
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a month ago. and to try to impose bit of his wheel on them due to the fact that he needs to organize the elections which serves will boycott as things are for now with the new vocations in, in future. this is all for tonight and hopefully the last of the bad news for these already. a really bad day. we are live from a belgrade. my name is nick williams. one at st. europe, german leda aloft. salsa said. the country's military should be strengthened to such an extent the nation will become quote, europe's main guarantor of security. germans are intent on becoming the guarantor of european security that our allies expect us to be. the crucial role for germany at this moment is a step up as one of the main providers of security in europe. by investing in our military strengthening the european defense industry, beefing up our military presence on nato's eastern flank and training and equipping
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ukraine's armed forces. so made those comments in a place in which he said, the crane conflict has catalyzed germany to strengthen its military. he said that providing security for the continent would make germany a dominant force from mending relations in the e. u. we heard from geopolitical expert peer, emanuel coleman, who says that this move could actually fracture the block even more research report to ukraine. no creates more or divisions when you they euro didn't shaw. so coin to implement means agreements and vis, supplied already weapons to ukraine. and germany trying to be the leader and defense. we create mo franco german chopper to arrive better. we, we the new building because a france would like to be for lead or, or in europe and defense. we've been, you an or so now germany claims to be val, guarantor of security of the, for europe to been mean, e you,
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because you is not all of europe. so you will create franco, german or rivalry, orval, or can they serve delivery danbury, a weapon to you, queen of cool sir, are, is weakening armies, or are we be new member states themself? this is true. ah, tony's present thing is in riyadh for a summit aimed at ford and sung the ties between beijing and gulf countries. saudi crown prince mom had been some unwelcome the chinese prison in what the chinese pharmacy has described as an epoch making or epoch making summit. according to unconfirmed reports, 34 investment agreements were signed shortly before jeez arrival. this continues an upturn in china, saudi trade, which as amounted to $300000000000.00 since 2017. we spoke to see dtn
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correspondent yang shang she who told us about the many areas where co operation is improving between the 2 countries. now tony present it in writing the yacht on wednesday on his birthday here in the 1000 capital, she would pop the official building thing monday and grounding mama since i'm on and find important was ration documents with the kingdom now president, she is also said to attend our summit with leaders of golf and why the, why the world after the bilateral meeting with the leader. let's look at some of the results so far. if you said 1000 and chinese companies, i'm 30 for investment agreement, sell covering a wide range of specter look green energy information technology, asportation, health care, housing, and factory construction. there's yet to be solid evidence to support the claimed that a middle eastern country cooperating with its largest trading partner on economic
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and tech development. it's not abusive to international order. officials from both countries reiterated unprecedented opportunity, brought by the synergy between the 2 countries. strategic initiative named the china belt enrollment. and the valuation 2030. the radio is on track to become, you know, technology and innovation up and chinese peters have made it very clear that the country is looking forward to working with them on the, on the anti defamation league has expressed support for you trades as all battalion saying it has moved away from its founding near enough c. ideologies. the controversial statement was made in a letter to the great news outlets. in essence, there was a split between the military unit as off and the political goals of its founding members. of course, this is not to say that they have successfully removed all far right elements from their ranks, but our center on extremism also does not see the as
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a regime as the far right group. it once was the gray zone i had all the anti defamation league for his view on the u. s. defense department having awarded him as a soldier who had a neo nazi tattoo. the soldier covered up the symbol of black son during the award ceremony. the anti defamation league earlier said the, as of the target is the, is an extremist group with ties to american near nazi organizations. investigative journalists, alex rubenstein, says the u turn is a hypocritical acts of white washing. the anti defamation league is closely connected to the democratic party. it's, it's current president, jonathan green. black was a administration official of obama. so one might expect it to feel particularly sensitive to issues of national socialism. neo nazi isn't that sort of
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thing on their, their proximity in their inclusion within the no democratic party propaganda machine forces them to, to whitewash the as a battalion because of as obs, importance to the war against russia, which is of course, you know, something overwhelmingly supported by democrats. meanwhile, a you couldn't delegation, visiting the u. s. congress white to their shoes, the flag of the domestic republic us congressional sofa. miller said that the flag was, quote, especially good for polishing shoes, and that the route proceeded to stomp on the flag. video of the incident was released by a ukrainian delegates, russian officials responded with condemnation. we heard from the geopolitical alice and from the us marine john mock doogan, who says the move showed the true colors of those ukrainian politicians. i think it's absolutely disgusting. behave.
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