tv Documentary RT December 9, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm EST
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weapons in order to create a false narrative about our assistance. that spurious, li discredits ukraine and seeks to weaken international support for ukraine. self defense. the ukrainian government has committed to appropriately safeguarding and accounting for transfer defense equipment. it is important that we remind ourselves that this equipment is vital to ukraine's defense. and so ukraine has a strong incentive to protect it. we welcome the ukrainian governments formation of a commission to strengthen the monitoring of donated military equipment. just this summer. we continue to work closely with our ukrainian government partners to ensure all assistance continues to be properly used and safeguarded. as ukraine defends its sovereignty and territorial integrity against russia's ongoing aggression. helping ukraine keep and regain control of its sovereign territory is an important factor and limiting potential illicit diversion by russia's forces.
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russia's proxies, criminal groups, terrorist organizations, or other non state actors. consistent with our commitment to the serious responsibility of safeguarding against aversion and october the united states government published the u. s. plan to counter elicit diversion of certain advanced conventional weapons and eastern europe. this was a comprehensive whole of government approach that also engages our allies and partners. while this is a recent publication, it is not a new plan. we've been working to address the risk of diversion since well before last february, including in close cooperation with our allies and key partners. this plan has 3 main lines of effort, real quickly. first working with ukraine's authorities to monitor and control sensitive and dangerous arms. secondly, strengthening border controls inside and around ukraine, and 3rd,
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enhancing law enforcement capability in neighboring countries. manner president, while the russian government is heavily invested in spreading disinformation to justify and distract the international community from russia's unprovoked war against ukraine. we and our allies remained firmly committed to supporting ukraine as it defends its territorial integrity and civilian population against russia's aggression. and so we take these allegations of diversion of u. s. origin weapons from russia's officials or pro kremlin sources with a healthy dose of skepticism. i will conclude on the subject of diversion with a statement of fact the most effective path toward reducing conflict and any risk of alyssa diversion of arms would be for russia to end the war that it started in withdraw its forces from all of ukraine sovereign territory this may begin to
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relieve russia of its dependence on its many corrosive fictions. thank you, madam president. i thank the representative of the united states for their statement. i give the floor to gabble mfc. madame. thank you. met him president. i thank the hi representative for disarmament affairs is amena commit sue and mr. dental clinic for their respective briefings. i welcome to participation in this meeting of the ambassador of ukraine . president discount. so is meeting once again to day for the 2nd time this week on the war in ukraine. i wish to reiterate our rejection of the wall. i also reiterate my country's constant appeal to the parties for negotiations in good faith with a view to finding
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a diplomatic solution. nobody can predict the destabilizing potential and the insecurity which would be caused by the numerous deliveries of weapons used in this war. my country calls upon the parties to comply with their commitments and the international humanitarian law. by abstaining from using our weapons of mass destruction at or targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, the parties have an obligation to avoid civilians falling victim to land mines. the parties must avoid any action which could inflict further suffering on civilians on must allow for unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid. resident, as the war becomes entrenched, accusations are increasingly flying back and forth about threats of the use of weapons of mass destruction or even nuclear weapons. such an outcome would render
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the perpetrators responsible for a catastrophe with irreparable consequences. may country condemns any use of weapons with indiscriminate effects or use of an crude weapons whose targets are civilians. re urge the parties to cease from any verbal or military escalation or any actions which could fan the flames of antagonism. it is time to silence the weapons in ukraine. more weapons will undoubtedly mean more war, more death, more destruction, more distress, and more civilian victims. one up from an ship in this area can benefit nobody. it will jeopardize attempts to achieve peace and will merely stoke antagonism. i wish to conclude by recording that this council has a crucial role to play in seeking peace. my country will continue to stand shoulder
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to shoulder with those who are proposing alternatives to the language of weapons. i thank you. i thank the representative of gabrielle for their statement. i give the floor to mexico. we'll drive it out of here. thank you very much madam president. i thank thee hi representative like a mid sir and mr. carbolic for their briefings. as we said last september, and throughout all of the months of debate in the security council on the conflict in ukraine, mexico has constantly referred to the importance and necessity to pay particular attention to the implications of weapons transfers. recognizing article $51.00 of the charge of the united nations,
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mexico's concern regarding transfers of arms is not restricted merely to the current situation. it goes back to the beginnings of the conflict in the east of ukraine. in 2014, the impact of the weapons used in this conflict is omnipresent. the highest price is paid by civilians with their lives and with the destruction of residential zones and infrastructure including hospitals and schools. whilst some exporters have made declarations regarding the precautions that they have taken regarding the sales and supplies of weapons. given the high volume of transfers, it is practically impossible to maintain control over the whole life cycle
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of these weapons. not to mention the inherent risks of the trafficking and diversion of weapons. such circumstances are inevitably exploited by criminal organizations. the proliferation of weapons in the hands of civilians has many and very risky implications. more recently, we have noted various allegations regarding the transfers of un crude vehicles wherever they came from. these have also been used against civilians and civilian infrastructure, which is a clear violation of international humanitarian law. the small arms survey organisation has published reports on the transfers of a wide range of weapons from rifles to portable air defense systems.
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such reports also warn of the growing number of weapons were in the hands of civilians which are completely unregistered. in the middle of november, a caught in the netherlands handed down a ruling against those involved in the downing of flight m h. 17 of malaysia airlines in the east of ukraine. in 2014, arguing that it was the result of the transfer of a so called book surface to air missiles system. all of these reports suggest that there is not effective control of arms transfers. all countries which are parted to the arms trade treaty must abide by its provisions,
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particularly with regard to the denial of any transfers which would be in violation of the treating. and also with regard to implementing strict risk analysis as stipulated by the treaty itself. but we also call upon those countries who are not yet party to the 80 to comply responsibly with the highest standards of precaution. in fact, transfers with objective criteria above and beyond the interests of private companies or of a g, a strategic nature. the matter is there for a critical one since the lives of thousands of person people do depend upon it. we therefore stress that above and beyond recurrent decisions for the approval of new sales or transfers, it is time to start establishing specific measures more specific measures for
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weapons control. before we get to the post conflict stage, which we will get to the more time goes by, the more difficult it will be to do this. and the consequences of not having planned in time will fall upon civilians. it is possible president that this is one of the last occasions when mexico will discuss the conflict in ukraine as an elected member of this council. i therefore wish to reiterate the stance of my country. the military track does not proffer a swift or a viable solution. it is time for the security council and the international community to focus on better promoting dialogue and diplomatic understandings. mediation options must not be ruled out mediation options that are already known
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and could arise. bringing in end to supply the weapons will require negotiations under truce. madam president, mexico reiterates its commitment to the respect for the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. thank you very much. i thank mexico for this statement and i now give the floor to prison. thank you madam president. i would like to thank hi representative if you would like me to. and mr. village for the inputs. madam president, over the years, this council has sought to incorporate into its agenda issues whose relationship with international peace and security is not always clear.
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interestingly, the next us between weapons and armed conflict has received less attention. this linkage is explicitly recognized by the main instrument of international law on conventional exports. the arms trade treaty, which commits exports and states to consider whether arms transfers would contribute to or undermine peace and security. on the other hand, all states have the inherent right to self defense as enshrined in the you ensure and consequently the right to acquire arms for the security, including from outside sources. it should also be recalled that the a t t explicitly prohibits transfers of arms and ammunition that would be used in the commission of genocide, crimes against humanity, great breaches of the geneva conventions of 949 attacks directed against civilian
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objects or civilians protected as such or other world war crimes. in the past years, we have witnessed the phenomenon of the growing organizations of conflicts, the increasing involvement of non state actors, and the use of methods and means of war that do not comply with the principles of distinction and proportionality. additionally, we see a risk regarding the problem of elicit trafficking of conventional weapons and ammunition. the weapons now being used in the conflict in ukraine will possibly feel in the future, other conflicts in different regions of the world. as to the case in point, it should be recognised that the supply of arms and ammunition to the parties to the conflict in ukraine might result in prolonging it and in more suffering for the
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civilian population. on the other hand, it is undeniable that the state has a right to self defense in case of violation of its sovereignty and its territory integrity. it is a principle in try and in the un charter. this discussion, however, destructs distracts us from fulfilling or mandate, which is to maintain peace and security, and therefore work towards a cease fire and negotiations. we must bear in mind that international humanitarian law, norms, and principles are mandatory at all times. and under all circumstances. respecting an insuring respect for international humanitarian law is not only a legal obligation, but also an effective way to protect civilians. madam president, i want to go 33 of the you in charter, a science of the council,
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the responsibility to explore avenues of dialogue in favor of the peaceful solution of disputes. my quote, the security council shall, when it deems necessary to call upon the parties to settle the disputes. by such means. in quote, after more than 9 months of conflict in ukraine, we must recognize that this body has still to fulfill its mandate. brazil is concerned the science of openness to dialogue have been in short supply. last july, the black sea green initiative provided in the words of u. s. g. rosemary decarlo. he beacon of hope for all in face of a global food crisis. they have also been occasional arrangements to exchange prisoners of war the harsh reality,
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how i for his doctor belief in the 5th feasibility of military solution continues to be present and not only by the parties to the conflict, whatever the cost in terms of human suffering. madam president, once again we reiterate the call for an immediate cease fire. without preconditions saving human lives must take precedence over any consideration, including the just desire for reparations and punishing those responsible for war crimes. brazil adds its voice to those of other members in favor of dialogue and recalls that the world looks to this council in the expectation that it will fully exercise its responsibility to stop the spiral of violence. i thank you madam president. i thank brazil for this statement. i give the floor to island
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. thank you madam president on thank you. hi, representative not to meet. so for your briefing. i note the presence of mister coverlet. madam president, the facts surrounding the war in ukraine, our kia ukraine was a peaceful, independent country. russia chose to open that peace and to violate ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity. it did so in 2014, when it's illegally annex crimea. it did so again, this year when the launch is brought to the war of aggression. what is less clear? is it just cation, if it saves meeting, call it by the russian federation. ukraine did not commit or threatened to commit an arm to talk against russia. it was russia which attacked ukraine and which typically sought to justify its invasion by invoking article $51.00 of the un charter. it is russia, which no seeks to deny ukraine. it's entirely the right of self defense. i've been trying in the un charter ireland, along with all you remember,
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states rigorously implements are international obligations. we applied to a common position under which each member states assess exports of military technology. i'm equipment against a range of criteria, including a specific criterion on risk of diversion attempts by the russian federation to frame this origins, unnecessary support for ukraine's defense. as an uncontrolled supply weapons are once again afford attempt obfuscating degree. this actions to you and member states are determined to support to support ukraine for as long as it takes we are greatly concerned, but the manner in which russia is acquiring and using on mind aerial vehicles in ukraine, as well as reports of ballistic missiles obtained from iran in contravention. resolution 2231. the comments by the d. p. okay. and buster to moscow that his country is to supply russia with ballistic missiles. in contravention of resolution, 1718 is also a serious concern. russia's actions risk undermining these essential resolutions on
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the authority of discounts. for its part, ukraine has sought to restore peace, president the landscape offered a roadmap to peace. his 10 point piece planned to end dissenters war, russia has responded to barrage of misses strikes being forward to death destruction. for the worst thing that you monetary in crisis, which rushes war has caused. modern president, we ask that russia stop trying to use this council as a platform for this information to paint itself as a victim of its own aggression in the face of the hideous actions it has committed . instead of using this information to false, to blame others, russia should seeks as aggression against ukraine, and to do so immediately. arden once again, calls on russia to withdraw its troops and engage in good faith in dialog on diplomacy to bring about a peaceful resolution of the conflict. in line with international law under un charter,
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millions of lives in ukraine depend upon this. thank you. thank you. i would now like to deliver the following remarks in my national capacity. at the outset, we thank on the sick, preach and refer to someone to face miss assuming not come eat soup for her detail leafy the trajectory of the ukraine conflict as a matter of profound concern for the entire international community. we believe that internationally agreed principles and regimes should be respected and upheld by all countries. this council would recall that since the commencement of the conflict in ukraine, india has been consistently calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities and for an end to violence. the events besides the dialogue and diplomacy are the only we forward actions that exacerbate the conflict, should be avoided. rather all effort should be made to de escalate and bring both sides to the negotiating table. as our prime minister has said, today's era is not an era of war. in a globalized world,
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the impact of the conflict has not just been limited to europe. we've all experienced its consequences in terms of searching costs and shortages of food grains, fertilizes and fuel. the global south, in particular, is feeling the pain acutely. we must, therefore not initiate the measures that further complicate the struggling global economy. on our part, we are providing humanitarian assistance to ukraine and economic support to our neighbors under economic distress. we very much hope that the international community will continue to respond positively to the call for humanitarian assistance. india has dispatch 12 consignments of humanitarian aid to ukraine so far, and we stand ready to do more. india is approach will be to promote dialogue and diplomacy with an overarching aim to in the ongoing conflict and worked with other partners to mitigate emerging economic challenges, particularly to the developing countries. colleagues,
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it is in our collective interest to work constructively, both inside the united nations and outside, toward seeking an early resolution to this conflict. in conclusion, i reiterate that the global order is anchored in the principles of the un charter international law and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states. thank i now resume my duties. as the president of the council, the representative of the russian federation has asked for the floor to make a further statement. i give them the floor especially thank him and present. to listen very carefully to everyone and to ask to floor the floors was to draw your attention to the following under the ear topic. oh, for the meeting for to day the consequences of supplying weapons to ukraine. our weston, a partners, have not managed to squeeze out a word out of themselves,
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and this is just by the fact the facts and evidence were provided today. you simply have nothing to say. and that is why you continue using the narrative, which consists of repeating the same, talking points at every meeting. according to your view of the world, russia is the guilty of everything everywhere. there are no explanations and you haven't had any odd explanations for a long time. and in this kind of blindness of yours, you continue on the pathway that could lead to global consequences. and this has become even more clear to us after the meeting we have today. so ladies and gentlemen, i would like to underscore the following. you will not be able to place the blame on to russia, the blame for the fact that the ukrainian and punish her. i'm using your weapons
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a by killing the peaceful citizens of don barza. they have been terrorizing said 2014 all the blame for the fact that because of the blooming corruption of ukrainian american and european officials, they weapons from ukraine, a proceeds to the hands of international terrorism and helps fuel conflicts and other regions of the world and killed peaceful civilians there no one who can watch our meetings will be left with any doubt about the consequences of what you're doing, the consequences they will have an undermining international peace and security. and the denial into the microphone by our marin colleagues over obvious accent transfer. there ah, desire to continue uncontrollably, a pumping ukraine with weapons, and will be fully assess by the an unbiased members of the united nations, but also the american taxpayers themselves. and if only because of that fact
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convening the meeting today was definitely a worthwhile undertaking. i thank you. i thank the representative of russia for their statement. i now give the floor to the representative of ukraine. oh, thank you madam president, distinguished members of the security council on the secretary general naca me to i also recognize the remainder of representatives of terrorist russia in the permanent seat of the soviet union. it is becoming grotesque and soon it won't be a surprise to see leo told stories. major wore cold, special operation and peace to comply with spoons laws.
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after all, it is also a mix of fixing no narrative history and often perverse philosophy. like many russian statements in these chamber if somebody writing your face tells you that i know quote, easton ukraine had good reason to join russia and of quote or, and even more delusional. quote, rushers, intervention in ukraine is legal, under international law and of quote, who in their right mind would refer to the author of these statements as an authoritative source in these global watchdog of international law and
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order. of course, there is freedom of speech in this country, including fro for alumni or for otherwise respectable university. before, for good sake, even in a city where cannabis is now legal, there is no need to fill this chamber with the smoke of conspiracy spam. russia, again, attempts to legitimize his search flagrant violations of the un charter by using the council as a platform for circulating his propaganda narratives. it is a very simple algorithm. but moscow has explored since soviet times. but as you said yourself, mister kabbalists,
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you are an american and you can say what you want. of course you can. but why in the world to waste all the time? neither american taxpayers nor ours do approve this free to ring away their money. let me remind you that the largest country in the world, the russian federation pays less than 2 percent of un regular budget. it hardly covers these debauchery. first you have to blame the victim. and the more resolutely the victim resist, the more assistance it receives from responsible nations. the grave of the activation should be, 2nd belie,
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should be wrapped up in numerous terms and names, technical characteristics, and numbers. all these are supposed to make fakes look like that. in particular, we have never heard from moscow why mosse graves and torture chambers have been found only in the places the russian troops they're deployed. we can only imagine what we, what we will find in the territories that still remain on the russian occupation. what we do know for sure he's the sooner these territories are liberated, the more ukrainians can be saved. we will before continue to death by our sovereign territories in strict accordance with article 51 of the un charter. any other option would be a betrayal of our competitor.
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