tv News RT December 10, 2022 6:00am-6:31am EST
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i don't know, i just will go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve it. and just by virtue of your being here, ah, one civilian is killed and 2 wounded in the latest ukrainian shelling of it done yet. rep help like nowadays, according to local authorities, date states, residential areas where targeted bike he of course is using nato supplied with so ad on the program r t speaks exclusively to victor boot the man of the merchant of death in the west . following his release from a u. s. jail in a prisoner swap between moscow on washington. so shoot you another school need to realize these feelings. i like to words to describe it all. my wife is here with me now. so we have finally reunited more revelations,
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emerged from the sodium twitter files, the leak documents, not purport to show that companies decision to found. donald trump was a long time in the making with staff members having allegedly spent months looking for a presentable reason with 2 in the afternoon here in the russian capital, i'm una neil, 30 minutes of news and views start. we begin with the latest from don boss where ukrainian shelling of residential areas in the den yet republic house resumed, according to local officials, dozens of shells have hit the area over the past 24 hours. at least one civilian has been killed there on 2 more wounded in attack to authority say among the targets here was a house that was engulfed in flames after it's was hit by the shelling. as you can
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see, it's been completely raised to the current multiple apartment buildings and cars were also heavily damaged. will officially say ukrainian forces launch more than $200.00 shells towards the done yet republic on friday. this is the daylight some more of the aftermath in the capital city of the region. residential buildings and shops in the city center were damaged local authorities. by the way, se key, i've used the nato supplied shells to do those attacks. but russia pointed to be ongoing shelling of done yet in the latest un security council meeting concerns were raised to about arms supply to key of ending up in the hands of ter risk moscow's. and foster also said ukrainian forces have been using western supplied weaponry to kill civilians right across the bus. when you did have done this, a real massacre with the use of western weapons has been taking place into nets can
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recent weeks as ukraine forces pushed by western countries are trying to literally destroy the city. they conduct daily attacks on residential areas where there are no military targets. crowded places are being hit during rush hour. there have been significant casualties and destruction just before the un security council meeting began in manhattan at the you and chamber. i'm just before it began, the attack on done asked, had already begun. so the remarks made by the russian ambassador were quite relevant. as he was describing what was going on. he described attacks on civilians . he described a how the forces based in cuba, how they've been using the weapons provided to them by the united states, the crimes against civilians they have committed. here is some of what the russian ambassador sad when addressing the un security council. so did you pull soto, board of among the supplied weapons,
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the u. s. high mars multiple launch rockets. systems are particularly noteworthy. we know for sure, and key of and washington have repeatedly indirectly confirmed this, that american specialists are involved in the operation of these installations. the targeting with the high mars is conducted with the help of u. s. military satellites. while u. s. military personnel on the ground coordinate with the intelligence forces, representatives of teeth themselves. have admitted that not a single attack with a high more system has taken place without the consent of the united states. now, the russian ambassador describe the atrocities being committed against civilians and how the united states claims that the weapons it provides are very accurate and precise. and so if that is the case, our all these civilians being killed. if the act weapons are as accurate and precise as the united states claims they are, it would seem that the number of civilians killed in gun gnats, and lawns and other places eyes. perhaps intentional. he went on to say that rushes carefully documenting the war crimes that are being committed and says that such
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crimes do have legal consequences. ready furthermore, he went on to describe what was the point that was raised throughout the meeting, which is the danger of these weapons that the states is supplying to the criminal government and possibly flowing into the hands of criminal organizations, terrorists, and other groups. there could be a security concern and could pose a danger, not just to russia and ukraine, but to many countries throughout europe. again, the major difficult topic is a weapon sent to ukraine are being smuggled around the world. we have already warned about the risks of weapons falling into the hands of terrorists and other criminal groups. this is not speculation if it is a warning concern expressed by european states themselves. the problem of theft of weapons from ukrainian military warehouses appeared a long time ago. the situation has already got out of control weapons intended for the key of our surfacing on the black market. not only in europe, but also in the middle east and africa. now,
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when the representative of the united states spoke before the un security council, he responded as is typical, when us leaders responds to russia, he simply dismissed everything that russia, that despite all the evidence and the careful documentation dismissed at all, is just this information. and it's also important to note that russia brought forward experts to speak before the un security council. some of those experts were able to speak, but others were blocked and prevented. russia wanted to bring forward a number of experts to testify before the 15 member body that leads the united nation about the dangerous flow of weapons and how, you know, the us, they unloading all these weapons and how it could have global security implications that could threaten many countries, not just russia and ukraine, so that was the meeting that took place in the un security council chamber. kendall, the story we're across today. the use top diplomat has put himself in an awkward
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situation after insulting the intelligence of africans who express support for russia, usurper l sayer. during the week they probably don't know quote, we're don, boss is, or even who let them or politeness. russia is able to the fled, blame twist reality and define an audience in some part of the world. i have seen in the tv screen, it is an african young people on the streets. obama gold, where the billboard same foot dean sang. you have saved the don bus and now you will save us. it's a really shocking. well, again, consider this. people don't know where the dorm versus maybe then don't even know who is 14, but get the movie lies on the streets. while the comment is by joseph burrell, do not surprise many on the continent,
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and they explain why africa keeps looking eastwards for corporation as well as development. these gone as well as the burrell, really and not just racist which offend many on the continent, but they also come to be expected the kind of cakes on that have led many european countries to come up africa, divide, people support conflict and only really come to africa, when they bring the cameras and aid europe has never really held africa in terms of is development and for what they have taken from the african continent. one would imagine that they would give beg, mr. burrell and the history of commons really put, paid to what we on the continent was where you thought we've wondered what kind of skills you would need to have in order to become a policy chief, let alone and policy chief, mister burrell does not have the wherewithal with which he keeps saying the same thing statement is not only about africans,
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but people of the rest of the world. true. how is he able to travel the world and still represent europe on a global phase of community that considers itself, leaders and such commons and such guys is still a buffle to many of us. the rest of the world must have the rest of the goal. it's a jungle and the jungle could invade the garden. the gardeners have to go to the jungle, to be in. it has to be much more engage with the rest of the world. for that, why the rest of the world will invade us less. barella was not the only mind in the house. some sanity prevailed with as lim be mailed out, who actually represented with a new kind of europe should represent. i do think that this arrogant tone and the lack of respect that is heard coming from the european union towards africa is part
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of the problem leading to africans, perhaps thinking that salivation is going to come from russia. and that is the kind of european mindset that africans would like to at least engage with. and not that i came mentality that we've seen from mr. burrell, people in africa, the european for what they are. we see them as the diverse age that would have otherwise helped people in africa and the pilot on all in the drug. the one time that i've gone to ukraine following the conflict has really opened the eyes of, of the rest of the world with regard to where we played in terms of priorities for the european continent. they opened up for the following. that conflict well come ukrainians with open arms while africans get chase bank one, they had small little pinky boats and they have to make that fade for crossing again to the motherland. victor boot the man dug by the west of the
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merchant of death has been released from a u. s. prison falling more than a decade in custody. he's now back in his homeland russian. the business man was freed in a high level prisoner exchange between moscow and washington. mister boat landed out in a report in the russian capital on thursday night where he was met by his wife and mother. back in 2012. he was sentenced by us authorities to a quarter of a century in prison on charges of arming terrorists, conspiring to kill american citizens. the knife he 5 girl staunchly denied those accusations. he was traded for american brittany greiner, who had been convicted of drug offenses in russia. the basketball player plead guilty and was sentenced to 9 years behind bars in this summer, or the swap was conducted in the united arab emirates. after months of negotiations, rti was the 1st i'd lead to in for you, victor boot, following his release with
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a phone conversation recorded forrest by russian parliament member maria boots, anna, who herself had served a prison term in the u. s. tele, please. how are you feeling now that you're back home on? so shoot him another was of a still need to realize these feelings. i lack the words to describe it. all. my wife is here with me now, so we have finally reunited schedule person. what do you think of the timing of the exchange? why now? leaning out so you know, when it comes to american politics, any view and why something happened would be inappropriate, and it just happened and thank god it did what you assess, what you, what's up. and then what is that new western media claims you? i a very important person from the russian government interestingly, for president potentially. what would you say to that then, boomers? i don't think i'm somehow important in the sphere of russian politics. the thing is all this time i've been supported by moscow, by all of you here. as you see, we understand what is happening to russians abroad now, and russia simply cannot stand it. and it was important because just that russia does not abandon its own people, right. lot distasteful. do you see yourself as
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a victim of the west semester? fall dash thank you. measure i don't think so. you see you have to be very careful with the terminology here. i think it's just a consequence of the fact that the west believes they didn't finish us off in the 19 ninety's when the soviet union began to disintegrate. and since they see that russia is now striving towards independence, choosing its own life, depending on what people want that shocking for them. and they think they can just well break us up again, divide russian to many parts. so to score among the russian people of various nationalities so that some kind of civil wars begin again in thus gain control of russian territory, pneumonia go at edge thought some believe that extension you for you as basketball player is a sign washington's weakness, which do you think they cave dame or americans of c. as for americans, all their politics always take place at a childish level of street boys. look, you're weak. you didn't stand the challenge. i'm sure the russian leadership and decision makers don't think by such categories, whether you're weak or you're aren't weak, to power,
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never needs any kind of cheap manifestation. there's no point proving this exchange as a sign of weakness or strength. i think the very fact that this swap deal took place, 1st of all means that common ground was found. otherwise the steel would not have happened. well, there is another american who's serving a 16 year sentence in a penal colony in russia. paul whelan was detained in moscow in 2018 and convicted of espionage. 2 years after that, the former us marine express frustration surrounding the recent prisoner swap, specifically decisions taken by the biden administration. i am very disappointed that more has not been done for my release, especially as the 4th anniversary of my arrest approaches. i was led to believe that things were moving in the right direction and that the governments were negotiating and that something would happen fairly soon. i was arrested for a crime that never occurred. i don't understand why i am still sitting here. well, commentators have alleged out the release of brittany griner rather than paul
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whelan was more in sync with the current us political agenda. while former officials in washington have call the trade a defeat, the white hi spokeswoman took the time to lay praise on the release. the american. as the president said this morning, she represents the best of america. she is an important role model and inspiration to millions of americans, particularly the l g b t q i plus americans and women of color. the boot for greiner prisoner swap is not a trade. it's an american surrender. this is not what american strength looks like . terrorists and rogue states are smiling. what kind of a deal is it to swore brittany griner, a basketball player who openly hated country for the man known as the merchant of death. what a stupid an unpatriotic embarrassment for the usa. this is all politics again. why were she chosen and not all well and purely politics?
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again, she fits the stereotype of, of biden's political base of support. right. so he wants to cater to them. he, he's free is brought home one of their own it's, it's entirely political decision because certainly okay, she's a very talented and successful, amazing basketball player. but aren't all lives equal? should we all be equal? i mean, you're paul. well, i'm not a great basketball player as far as i know and, but isn't he also have rights as an american citizen? why did they choose him? well, again, this is purely blue. it was a political decision why she was chosen and not him, or he's someone who is most likely we can probably guess is probably probably a conservative. so we can leave him in, in the prison of moscow. but let's save the l g b t a, save the lesbian basketball player. that's very important. ah, china's president has praise collaboration with gulf states. they made an unprecedented series of summits hosted by saudi arabia. she jin pink said his
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country would help set up a nuclear research and security center as part of a strengthening partnership in the region c g t n correspondent, young chang. she can tell us more about her. chinese president, champagne, and leaders of the arab world have wrapped up what many describe as their highest level diplomatic exchanges. so far a lot of statement and results came out of their 3 summits and bilateral talks. and while i follow them, i was able to see 3 very consistent themes. firstly, the friendly relations between china and the arrow world are the result of deep mutual trust. china and arab countries support each other in maintaining sovereignty territorial integrity and the right of self determination. they champion the principle of non interference in internal affairs, an advocate for true multilateralism in the multi polar world order. china supports the resolution of international and regional issues under multi lateral platforms
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like d, u, n, and g 20. and many era countries stand by china on key issues from since young hong kong to taiwan. secondly, or the deep economic ties between china and aero countries. with china's huge energy market and the rich natural resources of the middle east leaders discussed and hands and collaboration in oil, gas, and clean energy and using the chinese to an to settle energy deals. also, while china has a well rounded industry chain, the middle east has a huge need for infrastructure building and high tech upgrades as it looked to diversify away from oil. that's why many of the statements from the past few days often included cooperation agreement on areas such as 5 g, e commerce, audible bill, medical finance, and nuclear energy as well. china and gulf cooperation council countries will establish a forum on the peaceful use of nuclear energy and nuclear technology and set up a nuclear safety center to train tullocks. the 3rd theme is the strong willingness
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between china and era countries to explore a long term friendship. china, as president spoke of his desire to build a shared future in the new era. what started so relationships centered around most the energy has now evolved into not only industrial and investment collaboration, but also many cultural exchanges as well. leaders talked about initiatives such as language schools and media collaboration as they strive for an ever evolving friendship in the years to come down to see from c t n for our t. well, asia, political risk analyst, ross fine, gold sees thus saudi arabia and china have both been seeking to diversify their trade partnerships. it's inevitable. it's inevitable that saudi arabia and china would look to expand their relations across different spheres. it. and why is that? well, frankly, n b s has said, so he said that he wants to diversify the economy, diversify trading partners,
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day even if relations with the us were better, there's been some friction between saudi arabia in the united states. recently. i think saudi arabia would still be pursuing this and obviously for trying to they, they've been very active in the middle east for decades. they've had close relationships with many of the arab countries going back 56 years long before trying to establish diplomatic relations with israel. but again, i think we should really look at this as 2 countries that are diversified, they're trading partners, the energy obviously being an important component of that. saudi arabia makes other kinds of outbound investments as part of diversifying the economy with the dollars it generates from the oil trade. and china is very active in overseas infrastructure projects. and that's something that saudi arabia is offering an opportunity to do as well. can want to bring, you know,
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to germany for some breaking news. police are reporting about an armed man has taken hostages in a shopping center in the eastern city of dresden media reports on verified i should out at this point state that one person has been killed after the suspect. open fire the earlier state had done norman had 1st tried to break into the radio dresden, at building before heading to the mall near by. police have evacuated people from the area on a nearby, a christmas market for a popular interest in the christmas market, especially as we approached the festive season. this saturday, i would suggest the locals there help enough to avoid the area. with more on this developing story, we will bring it to you as soon as it comes into us here in our tv. ah, no, the so call twitter files recently revealed by american investigative journalists
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have reported more explosive claims including that this social media giants had been looking for ways to bond donald trump long before last year's capitol hill on rest that it's cited as the official reason twitter executives removed trump in part over what one executive called the context surrounding actions by trump and supporters over the course of the election. and frankly, last 4 plus years, the bulk of the internal debate leading to trump's ban took place in those 3 january days. however, the intellectual framework was laid in the months preceding the capital riots. while the twitter files were initially published last weekend with support from the social networks, new ball ceylon musk. they alleged that some of the platforms highest ranking staff members conspired to suppress information that could have been harmful to jo biden's presidential election campaign 2 years ago. in particular that twitter
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sought out the time to stop the spread of corruption allegations about biden san hunter. when we spoke to michael rectinwald's, michael is north, her aunt has road google archipelago, the digital q, like on the simulation of freedom. now he is of the view that recent revelations prove twitter had basically been functioning as a u. s. government agency. well, it shows that they have been, they had been targeting trump for a long time, and this is just part of an overall establishment campaign to destroy him. i mean, they ran a legal operations to attempt to connect him to russia in the russian collusion narrative and some of the people that worked at twitter, including james baker were also active in that russian collusion expedition. so it tells me that the twitter has been operating as a state agent, and they had a definite they have prompt in the crosshairs,
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just waiting for him to step over the line or what they consider to be over the line. he never violated twitter rules. they just associated his speech with the violence or the mark violence really that took place on january 6 at the capital. so they were what they were laying in. wait, looking for an excuse to ban him from, from the platform. among other discoveries, the twitter files also claim the company shadow band users to course, right wing or even conservative opinions, and then tried to cover up a new twitter fall investigation reveals that teams of twitter, employees build blacklists, prevent his favorite tweets from trending and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts, or even trending topics in secret without informing uses. so we now know that twitter employees are allowed to build blacklist,
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prevent certain suite from trending and limit the visibility over the entire accounts and all that done in secret without your knowledge. and also it turns out that shadow banning is a real thing and not the conspiracy. what many people call shadow banning twitter executives and the employee school visibly filtering all the f multiple high level sources confirmed its meaning. we control visibly quite a bit and we control the amplification of your context quite a bit. and normal people do not know how much we do. one twitter engineer told us 2 additional to which amp luis confirmed. it's worth noting that the 2nd batch of so called twitter files game just a few days after ill a mosque fire, the company's attorney, who is also a for my airbag therapy, should the general counsel who had reportedly filtered what went into the 1st batch of twitter e mails without elaine's knowledge of it, if you will take us back, what did twitter say before in the recent past? about the whole shadow by an idea, did they,
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did they recognize that the company limited account or, or that of a post visibility? did they admit to this? no, and moreover, in 2018, they denied the allegations made by vice news that twitter was leading appearances or from an republican accounts. we do not shadow ban. you are always able to see the tweets from accounts you follow, although you may have to do more work to find them like go directly to their profile. and we certainly don't shadow band based on political viewpoints or ideology bag than twitter c o jack dorsey. it's weighted caulked ah, we don't shadow ban and we certainly don't shadow band based on political viewpoints. his bands must be on fire right now, sophia little man, the middleman, the big man. what about blow back, what about reaction yet? what can you tell us about that? as people have been doubting the transparency of their companies for a while now, for example, the 20th, when you pure survey revealed that 75 percent of americans thing that social media platforms, sensor political view is dead. they find objectionable,
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and not surprisingly, the right wing that especially outrage, given that they been accusing twitter of having a liberal bias and muting conservative viewpoints in the searches for a while. now, i can't even come up with a hyperbolic way to describe how big this now is. and i feel like they're just getting started in terms of their revelations. this needs to lead directly to criminal prosecutions. and they need to paper all of this because there were wise in congressional testimony, there were wise in all sorts of public statements where you are not allowed to be why under the government rules, i want these guys to be charged with crimes. this, if this is going on, it's winter, it's going on at facebook, it's going on it instagram, it's going on. you tube, it's going on a google. let's talk about blow back sophia. what about consequences these revelations could have, i mean, well, what about twitter potentially changing policy?
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well, it's hard to say because it all comes down to section 230 that provides social media platforms with them uniquely from being sued for was being published there. because the lord treat them as a public forums and not as publishers, but ill in moscow, proposed an idea that that would give users more control over their accounts. twitter is working on a software update that will show your true account status. so, you know, clearly if you've been shadow band, the reason why and how to appeal, well, hopefully help because so let's face it, the sex censorship is just out of control. my colleagues, sophia nunez and researcher, talking us through that. while michael rectinwald's again believes further details in the scandal will soon be revealed, but possibly only to an extent, because he must have business ties with the government. twitter operated as an organ of the democratic party and the state that they run unilaterally in the united states. so it tells us that twitter has been a propaganda, oregon, and
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a censorship, oregon, and a surveillance, oregon for the state. and for the democratic party that runs it. we suspected this or rather we knew it now it's merely just been verified. more information is bound to come out that will indict twitter for these practices and more and probably show collusion with the f b i and the department of homeland security these. this is already in the news that homeland security and f. b, i officials both met with social media executives to instruct them as to what content to suppress and ban. so we'll expect more at some point since, you know, it's not as if elan mosque has no connections with the state. after all, he's got contracts for his space x program with the,
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with the government. so there could be a moment at which he'll reach where he can't go any further with these revelations . we'll see ok before we go on a show you this concerns about anti semitism in france or emerging again after a per t b host question. there are jewish gas that by the traditional religious count he was wearing deeming. it's not appropriate attire for the broadcast booth. we want to ask you a question, which is concerning many people in the audience, it's not related to medicine. many people are wondering why is the professor wearing and religious symbol in our studio? and the 2 reasons why i wear it every day. and then i told him that to when we were at the coffee table, cost the home, what full transparency and it's my where it's every day i didn't do this, especially for your show, was it.
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