tv News RT December 10, 2022 10:00am-10:31am EST
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as i pointed that out on the beach, just to submerge, allude you, what i see the student both, whose though group you lation says use a gumbo sub . ah, the headlines off the international as russian citizen victim boot gives his 1st big t v interview exclusively to r t of course is following a prisoner swap between moscow and washington. after we spent 11 years in a u. s. jail one civilian is killed in 2 wounded in the latest ukrainian shelling of the go next group public that is according to local authorities. they say that residential areas were targeted by key a force is using nato, supplied weapons. and opening a new chapter in relations with gulf states, the unprecedented visit of china as president of saudi arabia sees deals agreed on everything from nuclear research to military cooperation
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with no way to saturday night in the city that never sleeps. it's great to happy with us with this i was program from moscow. so victor boot is now back in his homeland here in russia after being released from us prison following more than a decade in custody. he was freed in a high level prisoner exchange between moscow and washington. now mister booth law didn't that at an airport in the russian capital thursday night where he was met by his wife and mother. back in 2012. he was sentenced by us authorities to 25 years behind bars on charges of arming terrorists and conspiring to kill americans than our 55 year olds as well in staunch we did on those accusations since day one that he was traded for american. brittany greiner, who had been convicted on drug offenses here in russia, the basketball player pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 9 years behind bars in
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the summer of what was actually conducted in the united arab emirates. after months of negotiations, as we understand. and the russian citizen gave his 1st t v interview exclusively to us here at ot see, he believed that his detention was all about the west putting pressure on russia. yep. what is happening to me happened to my country? i was probably like on the 1st a testing sample like in a lamp. so they tried this experiment with me 1st. and the most interesting thing here is that commer sand back in 2016, the newspaper published in the apartment market that victor booth will sit his whole sentence and we must by make him an example. for other russians are ready for anything that are ground games that are political games. so i respect the agents who arrested me and who wanted to tell me that
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nothing personal victor of this is just business. i have been under sanctions since 2000 a music. so i was unable to make any bank transfers. i know they tried to arrest me, so i've seen it all. and over the past the 30 years, at least 22 years, i have been under sanctions more than a. so there is nothing new about this or considering what is happening with us. and they started this undeclared war against me and my family. and then they started spreading it so that this was spilled over to encompass everyone. and they started this war against all the russians in 2022. i did not have any relations with the television. and when there was an escape, this heroic escape. and they were an example for me. they served as role models for
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me. the taliban. good prize on my head. and how can anyone say that i worked with the taliban just unthinkable. and yet the american press, just talking about that. like you were dealing in arms to top pull regimes through the room and you could then your words and you know, well the americans don't take the weapons anywhere. they accuse me of delivering to hundreds t 900. thanks to the taliban. how can you do this? 200 flies to afghanistan. so where is the evidence? well, there's another american who serving a 16 year sentence in a penal colony in russia pull even right there, detained in moscow in 2018 convicted of a espionage, 2 years later from a marine express frustration surrounding the recent prisoners. 12, specifically,
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decisions taken by the biden administration. i am very disappointed that more has not been done for my release, especially as the 4th anniversary of my arrest approaches. was led to believe that things were moving in the right direction and that the governments were negotiating and that something would happen fairly soon. i was arrested for a crime that never occurred. i don't understand why i'm still sitting here. the commentators of alleged that the release of britain griner rather than poll wieland was more in thing with the current us political agenda. and while the former officials in washington called the trade a defeat for the us, the white house spokeswoman took the time to lay praise on the released american. as the president said this morning, she represents the best of america. she is an important role model and inspiration to millions of americans, particularly the l g b t q i plus americans and women of color. the boot for greiner prisoner
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swap is not a trade. it's an american surrender. this is not what american strength looks like . terrorists and rogue states are smiling. what kind of a deal is it to swore brittany griner, a basketball player who openly hated country for them and known as a merchant of death. what a stupid an unpatriotic embarrassment for us say, this is all politics again. why were she chosen and not. busy welling purely politics and again she fit the stereotype of a bite in political base of support. right. so he wants to cater to them. he, he's free. he's brought home one of their own. it's entirely political decision because certainly ok, she's a very talented and successful. amazing basketball player, but aren't all lies equal here we all be equal. i mean paul, well, i'm not a great basketball player as far as i know. and, but isn't he also have rights as an american citizen? why did they choose him? well, again, this is purely political, it was
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a political decision why she was chosen and not him. he's someone who is most likely we can probably guess is probably probably a conservative. so we can leave him in, in the president of moscow. but let's say the l g b t, save the lesbian basketball player. that's very important. let's get straight to the story right now. air raid sirens have been sounding in the north of cause a vote off the subs blocked roads and that part of the break away province to prevent a member of the cause of a police to be taken to pristina after he was arrested earlier today. because more about this right now, crossing live here on our to international, to watch you contributor nicola job rich micheler. good to see you. thanks for coming on so quickly with this, we understand the tensions have been rising for some time. now. can you bring us up to speed as to what's been happening today and what are the allegations against the man arrested today? ok, so basically what a form. remember, of course, the police forces withdrew on a piece of november as on the same day when the all of the service left police forces was the rest of the day without any charges. and as local say, he is
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a man without any, any stay names. he's couriers. he wasn't even part of the war in 1999. so he says not to be accused of and they arrest him as serbs from. also in the middle say as an example. so serves or self organize at the moment and quickly blocked off the roads, potentially will be not the gap because they don't want him to be put into prison there. so as we speak sort of are increasing their presence there, protesting they're going got street. there are books and they're better kids with numbers. it's police, police forces in the posts for me they have been president there for several days already and have been harassing the local serbs with the excuse of securing the
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ability in those areas. i'd ocoee to artic, and you should say, nicola job is joining us here on our team, and also the very latest without flare up. thank you very much. we'll see you soon . are now to some of the very latest from don bass, where ukrainian shelling of residential areas and the dot net square public has resumed its according to local officials. or we understand dozens of shells have been sliding into the area over the past 24 hours. at least one civilian has been killed and 2 more wounded in attacks. it's according to authorities. this footage, coming up for you in a moment or a house hit by shutting is essentially being raised to the ground. or we understand many apartment buildings and cars will also damage. now, officials say that ukrainian forces lost more than $200.00 shells towards the next republic on friday. this is some more of the aftermath of the regions capital. clearly, in daylight hours, a local authorities say the key f was using nato supplied weapons in these attacks . well,
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russia pointed to the ongoing shuttling of don't ask the latest un security council beating concerns were raised to about supply to key f winding up at the hands of terrorists. moscow down baset are also said, ukrainian forces have been using western supplied weaponry to kill civilians. when he did of the onions, a real massacre with the use of western weapons has been taking place. and in that's can recent weeks as ukraine forces pushed by western countries are trying to literally destroy the city. they conduct daily attacks on residential areas where there are no military targets. crowded places are being hit during rush hour. there have been significant crandall cheese and destruction just before the un security council meeting began in manhattan at the you and chamber. i'm just before it began the attack on done asked, had already begun. so the remarks made by the russian ambassador were quite relegates as he was describing what was going on. he described attacks on civilians
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. he described a how the forces based in cuba, how they've been using the weapons provided to them by the united states, the crimes against civilians they have committed. here is some of what the russian ambassador sad when addressing the un security council. so people started moving among the supplied weapons, the u. s. high mars multiple launch rockets, systems are particularly noteworthy. we know for sure and key of and washington have repeatedly indirectly confirmed this, that american specialists are involved in the operation of these installations. the targeting with the high mars is conducted with the help of u. s. military satellites. while u. s. military personnel on the ground coordinate with the intelligence forces, representatives of teeth themselves have admitted that not a single attack with high mar system has taken place without the consent of the united states. now, the russian ambassador describe the atrocities being committed against civilians and how the united states claims that the weapons it provides are very accurate and
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precise. and so if that is the case, our all these civilians being killed. if the act weapons are as accurate and precise as the act states claims they are, it would seem that the number of civilians killed in dannetta can launch and other places eyes. perhaps intentional. he went on to say that russia is carefully documenting the war crimes that are being committed and says that such crimes do have legal consequences. ready furthermore, he went on to describe what was the point that was raised throughout the meeting, which is the danger of these weapons that the states is supplying to the criminal government and possibly flowing into the hands of criminal organizations, terrorists, and other groups. there could be a security concern and could pose a danger, not just to russia and ukraine, but to many countries throughout europe. getting a major difficult topic is a weapon sent to ukraine or being smuggled around the world. we have already warned about the risks of weapons falling into the hands of terrorists and other criminal
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groups. this is not speculation. it is a warning concern expressed by european states themselves. the problem of theft of weapons from ukrainian military warehouses appeared a long time ago. the situation has already got out of control weapons intended for the key of our surfacing on the black market. not only in europe, but also in the middle east and africa. now, when the representative of the united states spoke before the un security council, he responded as is typical. when u. s. leaders respond to russia, he simply dismissed everything that russia said, despite all the evidence and the careful documentation dismissed at all, is just this information. and it's also important to note that russia brought forward experts to speak before the un security council. some of those experts were able to speak, but others were blocked and prevented. russia wanted to bring forward a number of experts to testify before the 15 member body that leads the united nation about the dangerous flow of weapons and how the usa unloading all these
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weapons and how it could have global security implications that could threaten many countries, not just russia and ukraine, so that was the meeting that took place in the un security council chamber. well, it's another case of open mouth, insert foot for the use top diplomat. after he insulted africans who have expressed support for russia. joseph burrell said that they don't know, quote where don bass is, or even who is vladimir putin. russia is able to, the fled, blame to east reality and to find an audience. in some parts of the world. i have seen in the tv screen, it is an african young people on district obama. go with bill board saying foot dean sang, you have saved a don bus and now you will save us. it's
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a really shocking. well, you can see that these people don't know where the don buzz is. maybe then don't even know who is 14, but they are getting more relies on the streets while the comment is by joseph burrell. do not surprised many on the continent, and they explain why africa keeps looking eastwards for corporation as well as development. these come as well as the burrell really and not just racist which offend many on the continent, but they also come to be expected the kind of cake thought that have led many european countries to come up africa, divide a people support conflict and only really come to africa when they bring the cameras and aid europe has never really held africa in terms of is development and for what they have taken from the african continent. one would imagine that they would give beg, mr. burrell and the history of commons really put,
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paid to what we on the continent. that was what he thought, we've wondered what kind of skills you would need to have in order to become a policy chief, let alone and policy chief. mister brown does not have the wherewithal with which he keeps saying the same thing. statement is not only about africans, but people of the rest of the world to how is he able to travel the world and feel, represent europe, and a global phase of community that consider itself need us and such comments and such guy. this is still a buffle to many of us. the rest of there will, most of the rest of the goal is the jungle. and the jungle could invade the garden . the gardeners have to go to the jungle. the, to be in. this has to be much more engage with the rest of the world for that, why the rest of the world will invade us less. barella was not the only mind in the house. some sanity prevailed with as demit out,
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who actually represented with a new kind of europe should prevent. i do think that this arrogant tone and the lack of respect that is heard coming from the european union towards africa is part of the problem leading to africans. perhaps thinking that salivation is going to come from russia, and that is the kind of european mindset that africans would like to at least engage with. and not that i k l t that we've seen from mr. brown, people in africa, the european for what they are. we see them as the divert aid that would have otherwise held people in africa and the pilot on all in the drug. the one time that have gone to ukraine following the conflict has really opened the eyes of, of the rest of the world with regard to where we are placed in terms of priorities for the european continent. they opened up for the following. that conflict well
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come ukrainians with open arms while africans get chased back on the small little dingey both and they have to make that fade for crossing again to the motherland. returning our attention now to greece, where they have been armed classrooms outside of roma settlement. it's following a police shooting of a scene in fest. wanna keep it. it was just just a bit earlier in the way the hundreds of protesters gathered increases 2nd largest at he qualified justice training. the boy was shot due to anti roma sentiment, fell by authorities. during the class years, a gunshot to a 100 and police use tear gas to dispose the crowds. the violence was fog off the 16 year old sustained his injuries while fleeing from police off the claims he left the gas station without paying his bill. the policeman who opened fire is now under house arrest. well, protest over the boy's shooting came shortly after the annual,
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and the police brutality protest in athens. look at the pictures here. over $11000.00 people took to the streets for it ended up in the inevitable pastures and arrest. well, the demonstration has helped to commemorate the death of a young 15 year old, who was shot and killed by police back in 2008. it is a big story. i made an unprecedented visit of china's president to saudi arabia this week. gigi ping proved collaboration with gulf states, but his words were also backed up with sweeping action, beall's ink on everything from military cooperation to nuclear research security issues. and of course, the inevitable decision to move away from the us dollar in oil trade more now with c, g, t, and correspondent john tenchi. chinese president, champagne, and leaders of the arab world have wrapped up what many describe as their highest level diplomatic exchanges. so far a lot of statement and results came out of their 3 summits and bilateral talks. and
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while i follow them, i was able to see 3 very consistent themes. firstly, the friendly relations between china, andi arab world are the result of deep mutual trust. china and arab countries support each other in maintaining sovereignty territorial integrity and the right of self determination. they champion the principle of non interference in internal affairs, an advocate for true multilateralism in the multi polar world order. china supports the resolution of international and regional issues under multi lateral platforms like d, u, n, and g 20. and many era countries stand by china on key issues from since young hong kong to taiwan. secondly, or the deep economic ties between china and aero countries, with china's huge energy market and the rich natural resources of the middle east. leaders discussed and hands and collaboration in oil, gas and clean energy, and using the chinese to an to settle energy deals. also, while china has
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a well rounded industry chain, the middle east has a huge need for infrastructure building and high tech upgrades as it looked to diversify away from oil. that's why many of the statements from the past few days often included cooperation agreements on areas such as 5 g, e commerce, audible bill, medical finance, and nuclear energy as well. china and gulf cooperation council countries will establish a forum on the peaceful use of nuclear energy and nuclear technology and set up a nuclear safety center to train talents. the 3rd theme is the strong willingness between china and era countries to explore a long term friendship. china, as president spoke of his desire to build a shared future in the new era. what started the relationships centered around most the energy has now evolved into not only industrial and investment collaboration, but also many cultural exchanges as well. leaders talked about initiatives such as
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language schools and media collaboration as they strive for an ever evolving friendship in the years to come down to see from c 210 for r t we were talking earlier with a asian political risk analyst are ross, find gold who says the reasons a clear why the 2 countries are seeking to diversify their global partnerships. it's inevitable, it's inevitable that saudi arabia and china would look to expand their relations across different spheres. and why is that? well, frankly, n b s has sent. so he said that he wants to diversify the economy, diversify trading partners, day, even if relations with the us were better. there's been some friction between saudi arabia in the united states. recently. i think saudi arabia would still be pursuing this. and obviously for china, they, they've been very active in the middle east for decades. they've had close relationships with many of the arab countries going back 5060 years long before
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trying to establish diplomatic relations with israel. but again, i think we should really look at this as 2 countries that are diversified, they're trading partners, the energy obviously being an important component of that shoddy, radiate makes other kinds of outbound investments. is party diversifying economy with the dollars it generates from the oil trade? and china is very active in overseas infrastructure projects. and that's something that saudi arabia is offering an opportunity to do as well too. it's iran where iran's nuclear chief has said that the traces of enriched uranium found on his territory by un inspectors. years ago were actually brought into the country from abroad. a toronto eyes rested, accusations of engaging and secret nuclear activities of the us international atomic energy agency has been pressing to iran to explain the presence of the nuclear material. it 3 on declared sites. that discovery has complicated efforts to
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revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal. which the u. s. withdrew from 2018 under that of donald trump, the head of iran, so told mackenzie organizations that the traces came from waste brought into iran from iraq and other countries. well, that's at least get the take now from archie contributor here. it's rachel marston for years now. washington has been obsessed by the idea that iran could use this nuclear energy program to make a nuclear weapon and washington as routine. we use that potential to justify economic sanctions against iran and to turn it into an untouchable prior for western allies like those here in europe. we're actually really key to do business with iran, but can't because of us action. you wonder, what's the point of all this western henry over iran, nuclear potential, when there's another country that has nuclear warheads in the region, israel and yeah, for the emerald city. probably. yes them as well as saudi arabia ever dies and the
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u. s. salad has been trying to sell nuclear technology to saudi arabia since at least 2012. that doesn't seem to bother them in any way. but it's israel that 1st planted its flag in the middle eastern nuclear arms race. but notice how washington never talks about israel knew you'd hardly even though that a so is my time for israel to open up the camaro and let folks have a peach at their atomic stash. both countries in the world apparently big. so when the united nations general assembly voted this week on the resolution introduced by mostly middle eastern and african countries to address the risk of nuclear proliferation in the middle east. israel that is in a heartbeat with its actual nuclear warhead iran, and overwhelming $149.00 countries voted in favor of israel renouncing its next, joining the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons treaty and allowing access to international inspection. just 5 nation voted against the idea. israel itself,
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us canada, and the island nation. the palazzo and micronesia and 24 wonders of europe. ian union apparently hit under the desk or out of the bathroom break when the vote came and abstain. so, for all washington's talk of the need to secure peace in the middle east, well, turns out that the united states actually support new in the region. but just for israel, it was only a few days ago, the us president joe biden was engaging in a favorite pastime of american president. actually iran for nuclear weapons that it doesn't yet have. we also stand with the people rated and then the french in the united states are working together and hold accountable those responsible for the human rights abuses to counter ranch support for the rushes war and to ensure that land does not, does not. it does not ever acquire nuclear weapons. yeah, well, there was an actual mechanism in place to prevent precisely that a multilateral deal where iran gave up any nuclear weapons potential exchange for
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sections released. but the us withdrew from that agreement, unilateral. so now they're back to tell they on the death. what's the point of yelling from the side of the boat, the threat of nuclear weapons in the middle east, while literally voting in favor of security. their continued existence are great companies. we get to the, basically the final story in today's rundown, and some concerns are rising, i should say about, well, anti semitism in france. it's after a pair of tv hosts question the jewish guest about the traditional religious copy was wearing the host deeming it inappropriate for the broadcast watch. this boozer, we, yeah, i want to ask you a question, which is concerning many people in the audience, it's not related to medicines. many people are wondering why is that profess a wearing a religious symbol in our studio because we're middle result or that why i where it's every day, there's 100 for them. i told him that to when we were at the coffee table,
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hospitals were a full transparency mc. my, where it's every day i didn't do this, especially for your show, the whether it will help or no, you understand. don't you know that our salaries as our discretion? this is not against religion, but you should keep your religion to yourself. don't you understand? i'm a cohen. why would you want me to keep my religion to myself? i came from israel to where or not to where he found the video, the professor grilled about religious symbol. he as a jew, leads on every morning as divided public opinion on one hand, they were strong negative reaction. disgusting. anti semitism on french t. v. a. professor attacked and belittled for wearing jewish symbols. why do you wear a religious symbol in the studio? keep your jewish identity for yourself. is this 19 thirties? europe shocking anti semitism on french t. v. where a professor is harassed and shamed by the host for wearing jewish symbols. it's
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2022 and this is how jews are treated on national tv in france. no, to all. if a jew wearing a kipper makes you uncomfortable, that's your problem, not his problem. but the response hadn't been homogeneous in this regard. here is also coming to the front has a very strong secular tradition that is written in its own confusion, added to that 2004 french law. many people from wearing religious symbols. well, all of them in state school. so this video debate where old slides do agree that the professor in the field incredibly uncomfortable and to so many signs of the wider atmosphere in front regarding the community. that's all from earlier, the theory showed that 85 percent of jews in front believe entity is widespread. and in fact 78 percent of the regulatory, whereas called cap have been verbally physically assault and ethnic ones. it's also
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interesting that such an uncomfortable to sound hostile act take place so publicly on a french tv. after all, when it comes to french policy abroad, told about tolerance, acceptance and quality. every single example in net female are running actively raising their right to where or not where if you job it is woman launch this revolution. they say stop. i don't want to wear the veil. i don't want the subjugation. i want to emphasize all respect and all admiration in the context of the revolution they leading at home. the. this is ration is different from last year and moving saturday from flooding with bars running in a local election because she was photographed where every se job for a campaign poster. and now seems. ron's is also a nation where tv feels rather comfortable suppressed.
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