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tv   News  RT  December 10, 2022 11:00am-11:30am EST

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boomerang, with with headlights on off he international victim boot gives his 1st t v interview in an exclusive to our teeth. after spending 11 years and a u. s. victor boot says that the west has lost itself in spiraling down here. what's happening in the west is the suicide of civilization. if this suicide is not provided, at least in the territory of the non well and the entire climate will commit suicide, it's going all over the place l, g, b, t, drugs, one civilian is killed. and through word it as a light, it ukrainian or shutting of the republic, according to local authorities. or they say that residential areas were targeted by key, of course, is using nato,
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supplied with an air raid sirens sounding in cities in the north of kosovo up. so the block roads leading to christina and sold and protested the arrest of a former police officer from the area and opening a new chapter in relations with gulf states. the unprecedented visit of china is president of saudi arabia. deals agreed on everything from nuclear, with military cooperation with 7 o'clock on saturday night here at moscow. so good of you to join us here. plenty of your heavy hitters in tonight's program on audience. so newly freed russian citizen, victor boot, has warned the danger of the west losing itself and his pursuit of values. it comes
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off. the food was released from us custody where he had spent more than a decade behind bars. he was freed, in a high level prisoner exchange between moscow and washington. back in 2012. he was sentenced by us authorities to 25 years behind bars on charges of awning terrorists and inspiring to kill americans without 55 year old as always, staunchly, deny those accusations. now ultimately he was a traded for american basketball player. brittany greiner, who had been convicted of drug offenses here in russia. the russian citizen gave his 1st t v interview exclusively to r t. and he says he's now happy to be home, as he believes the future for russia looked bright. what would you consider as the most important event all the years that is passed and in prison reach events international? well, there's no name international supporting. oh okay. bye. well it's, i guess i would be in the history as a starting point. it's
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a tony point of russia finally, stand above that nice, proud, strong, marching for can do hate america. not. you know, in fact and knowing many mates, i figure out who sharing way more common. mid america is very much sin miller. look, it's the same size you, they have all, it's the same kind of this and when you talk to them, there is nothing they even to beef about. we are naturally, you know, born not to be enemies. and whenever this conflict, it's elise, you know, every, you know, american i met in the prison, who is a from rural area, was very easy to deal with. she has no problem with russia. and he was curious about russia, despite all propaganda, they losing their christian values, losing their families, that losing literally their contracts. it stopped anymore. the same card to renew
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america who used to be a model for entire world. and lead a be an example. you know, like they say, a shiny town on the, you know, sparkling town on a hill. and this is of course pity. it was a strong country who was really age. you know, industrial might, you know, this one and look for city for to years. the industrialization drug problem, crime waves you can understand and i feel more empathy to american off of as experience than i would feel any hate. 14 years ago. when your, if you would have known that it's going to happen with you, and you're going to spend 14 years away from your family, from your lather land, what do you have? or would you do something differently in your life? it's difficult to leave on the colleagues of your heart, but if you listen in your heart, no, no, yes, you're gonna,
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sometimes you get into trouble. but you never betrayed yourself. you know, in this inner peace give you enough strength to go through everything. why? because you don't have a coffee inside of you, doesn't matter what you have, peace and tranquility. because you trusting your heart, your trust in callings of your blood, your trusting, and you never fly, think who you are. i just try to be where. well, there's another american who serving a 16 year sentence at a russian penal colony pull whelan was detained in moscow in 2018 convicted of espionage charges. 2 years later, the former marian express frustration surrounding the recent prisoner swap, specifically, decisions taken by that of the bite and administration. i am very disappointed that more has not been done for my release,
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especially as the 4th anniversary of my arrest approaches. i was led to believe that things were moving in the right direction and that the governments were negotiating and that something would happen fairly soon. i was arrested for a crime that never occurred. i don't understand why i'm still sitting here. but some commentators have alleged that the release of brittany griner rather than poll whelan was more in thing with the current us political agenda. and while the former officials in washington called the trade a defeat for the us, the white house spokesperson took the time to lay praised on the released american . as the president said this morning, she represents the best of america. she is an important role model and inspiration to millions of americans, particularly the g p t q i plus americans and women of color. the boot for greiner prisoner swap is not a trade. it's an american surrender. this is not what american strength looks like . terrorists and rogue states are smiling. what kind of
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a deal is it to swore brittany griner, a basketball player who openly hated country for them and known as the merchant of death. what a stupid an unpatriotic embarrassment for us say, this is all politics again. why was she chosen or not. busy or, well, in purely politics, again, she fit the stereotype of abiding political base of support. right. so he wants to cater to them. he, he's free. he's brought home one of their own. it's entirely political decision because certainly ok, she's a very talented and successful. amazing basketball player, but aren't all lies equal to we all be equal poll. well, i'm not a great basketball player as far as i know. and, but isn't he also have rights as an american citizen? why did they choose him? well, again, this is purely blue. it was a political decision why she was chosen and not him. he's someone who is most likely we can probably guess is probably probably a conservative. so we can leave him in, in the president of moscow. but let's say the l g b t,
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save the lesbian basketball player. that's very important. our air raid sirens have been sounding in the north of cause of our roster subs blocked roads and that part of the break away province to prevent a member of the cause of the police from being taken to push dina off the he was arrested earlier today ok, so basically what a form, remember of course the police forces withdrew on the 5th of november as on the same day when the all of the service left police forces was the rest of the day without any charges. the man basically left corso today. so she'll cross the border earlier this day to go with his wife to do some private fairs in the city or 20 miles from the administrative line. so she entered without any he exit the constable without any problems. and later on when he returns was trying to return home. he was arrested without any charges or anything. he was just shank off and
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put into into their their police station that was built a few months ago near the administrative crossings. and as local say, he is a man without any, any state names. he's couriers. he wasn't even a part of the war in 1099. so he has not to be accused of. and they arrested him as serbs from also in the middle say as an example. so serves were self organized at the moment and quickly locked on the roads. potentially not the gap because they don't want him to be within to prison their so as we speak serves are increasing their president. they are protesting their god street. there are books and there are better kids with the numbers. it's police forces me through that they should have been present there for several
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days already and have been harassing the local serbs with the excuse of securing the ability in those areas. c are getting to some of the lakers from don bass, what ukrainian shelling of residential areas and they don't, don't ask. republic has resumed. it's according to local officials, as we and dozens of shells have also been loss of the center of the city as well as some of the latest attacks across the republic. at least one civilian killed. 2 more wounded and some footage are coming off. one house hit by shutting was completely raised to the ground. runningtime ne apartment buildings in cars were also damaged. now, officials se ukrainian forces launched more than $200.00 shells towards the don't yet square public on friday. the, the more of the off them off the regions, capital, local authorities, ikea was using nato supplied weapons in the attacks. russia has pointed to the ongoing, shutting up. don't you ask in the latest un security council meeting?
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a concerns were raised as well about om supplied, the key of ending up at the hands of terrorists. moscow's ambassador also said ukrainian forces have been using western supplied weaponry to kill civilians. the thing he did is done is a real massacre with the use of western weapons has been taking place in den that's can recent weeks as a crane forces great pushed by western countries who are trying to literally destroy the city. they conduct daily, intact on residential area and see where there are no military target. this is when we go crowded places are being hit during rush hour. there have been significant casualties and destruction just before the un security council meeting began in manhattan at the un chamber. i'm just before it began the attack on done as we had already begun. so the remarks made by the russian ambassador were white rolliger as he was describing what was going on. he described attacks on civilians. he described how the forces, based in cuba,
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how they've been using the weapons provided to them by the united states, the crimes against civilians they have committed. here is some of what the russian ambassador sad when addressing the un security council. so did you, persona was among the supplied weapons, the u. s. high mars multiple launch rockets. systems are particularly noteworthy, but we know for sure and key of in washington have repeatedly indirectly confirmed . this is what that american specialists are involved in. the operation of these installation, the sort of the targeting with the high mars, is conducted with the help of u. s. military satellite service, while us military personnel on the ground coordinate with the intelligence forces or the representatives of keith themselves, have admittedly not a single attack with the highmore system has taken place without the consent to the united states. now, the russian ambassador, scribe, the ferocity has been committed against civilian and how united states claims that the weapons it provides are very accurate and precise. and so if that is the case,
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our, all these civilians being killed. if the act weapons are as accurate and precise as the act states claims they are, it would seem that the number of civilians killed in ganache can. lance can other places, eyes, perhaps intentional. he went on to say that rushes carefully documenting the war crimes that are being committed and says that such crimes do have legal consequences. furthermore, he went on to describe what was the point that was raised throughout the meeting, which is the danger of his weapons that the united states is supplying to the criminal government and possibly flowing into the hands of criminal organizations, terrorists, and other groups. there could be a security concern and could pose a danger, not just to russia and ukraine, but to many countries throughout europe, getting them when the major difficult topic is a weapon sent to ukraine or being smuggled around the world. we have already warrens about the risks of weapons falling into the hands of terrorists and other criminals group. this is not speculation the morning concerning the european states
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themselves on the problem of fact, of weapons from ukrainian military warehouses appeared a long time ago. if the situation has already got out of control weapons intended for our surfacing on the black market, not only in europe but also in the middle east and africa. now, when the representative of the united states spoke before the un security council, he responded as is typical. when u. s. leaders respond to russia, he's simply dismissed everything that russia, that despite all the evidence and the careful documentation dismissed at all, is just this information. and it's also important to note that russia brought forward experts to speak before the un security council. some of those experts were able to speak, but others were blocked and prevented. russia wanted to bring forward a number of experts to testify before that this team member body that leads the united nation about the dangerous flow of weapons and how, you know, the us,
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they. busy unloading all these weapons and the key of how it could have global security implications that could threaten many countries, not just russia and ukraine. so that was the meeting that took place in the un security council chamber. it's good to have your company this evening. a russia is demanding the government of finland, investigate and punish the actions of extremists who set a russian flag on fire in helsinki. the video published across social media shows a group of people involved with all occurred during a traditional procession. marking helsinki is independence day. for the russian foreign ministry has slammed the act as well unacceptable of use of the country's national symbol for the demanding that finish. officials bring those responsible for justice. well, it's another case of open mouth insert foot for the youth top diplomat, after insulting africans who have expressed support for russia. joseph burrell said
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that they don't know, quote where don bassett is, or even who is vladimir putin. russia is able to the fled, blame to east reality and to find an audience in some parts of the world. i have seen in the tv screen, it is an african young people on this bridge. obama goal will be bought, same boat dean sang. you have saved the don bus and now you will save us. it's really a shock it, well, you can see that these people don't know where the dorm bases maybe then don't even know who is 14, but they are getting more relies on districts. while these comments by joseph burrell, do not surprise many on the continent, and they explain why africa keeps looking eastwards for corporation as well as development. these gone as well as the burrell, really and not just racist which offend many on the continent,
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but they also come to be expected if the kind of cake thought they have led many european countries to come up africa, divide a people support conflict and only really come to africa when they bring the cameras and aid. europe has never really held africa in terms of is development and for what they have taken from the african continent. one would imagine that they would give back the burrell and the history of commons really put, paid to what we on the continent. that was where you thought we've wondered what kind of skills you would need to have in order to become a policy chief let alone. and you probably see chief, mister brown does not have the wherewithal with which he keeps saying the same thing statement is not only about africans, but people of the rest of the world to how is he able to travel the world and still represent europe on a global phase of community that consider itself need us and such comments. and
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like you guys are doing is still a buffle to many of us. the rest of there will most of the rest of the goal. it's a jungle and the jungle could invade the garden. the gardeners have to go to the jump the to be in. this has to be much more engage with the rest of the world. for that why the rest of the world will invade us less dub barella was not the only mind in the house. some sanity prevailed with as lim demit out, who actually represented with a new kind of europe should prevent. i do think that this arrogant tone and the lack of respect that is heard coming from the european union towards africa is part of the problem leading to africans, perhaps thinking that salvation is going to come from russia. and that is the kind of european mindset that africans would like to at least engage with. and not that
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i have mentality that we've seen from mr. brown, people in africa, the european for what they are. we see them as they divert aid that would have otherwise helped people in africa and the pilot on all in the drug. the one time that's gone to ukraine following the conflict has really opened the eyes of, of the rest of the world with regard to where we are please. in terms of priorities for the european continent. they opened up and boarded, following that conflict. well come ukrainians with open arms while africans get chased back on the small little de both and they have to make that fade for crossing again to the mother, lead to grief. now they're being actually armed, faster is outside a roman settlement. it's following a police shooting of a teen. and just wanna keep earlier this week. have a look at this the little tough to tell
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him the pictures, but it's been the sun, hundreds of protests of gas. it increases 2nd largest economy with justice, the claim, the boy was shot due to anti roma sentiment, held by authorities during the class has gone short to a heard a police use tear gas to disposed from violence response to the 16 year old sustained injury as well. fleeing from off that claim, he left the gas station without paying his bill. the policeman who opened fire is now under house arrest. the protest over the boy shooting came shortly after the annual anti police brutality protest in athens. over $11000.00 people took the streets at the school and dropped the pastures and the rest. the demonstration is held to commemorate the death of 15 year olds who were shot and killed by police in 2008. so it made an unprecedented visit over china's president to saudi arabia. this week, gigi ping praised collaboration with gulf states. but his words were also backed up
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with sweeping action deals, links on everything from well, from military cooperation to nuclear research security issues. and of course, the decision to move away from the us dollar in oil trade. now with this report from c, g, t, and chinese presidents, champagne, and leaders of the era world have wrapped up what many describe as their highest level of diplomatic exchanges. so far, a lot of statements and results came out of their 3 summits and bilateral talks. and while i followed them, i was able to see 3 very consistent themes. firstly, the friendly relations between china and the arab world are the result of deep mutual trust. china and arab countries support each other in maintaining sovereignty territorial integrity and the right of self determination. they champion the principle of non interference in internal affairs, an advocate for true multilateralism in the multi polar world order. china supports
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the resolution of international and regional issues under multilateral platforms, like the u. n. and g 20. and many eric countries stand by china on key issues from shins, young, hong kong to tie want secondly, or the deep economic ties between china and aero countries. with china's huge energy market and the rich natural resources of the middle east leaders discussed and hands and collaboration in oil, gas, and clean energy and using the chinese to an to settle energy deals. also, while china has a well rounded industry chain, the middle east has a huge need for infrastructure building and high tech upgrades as it looked to diversify away from oil. that's why many of the statements from the past few days, often included cooperation agreement on areas such as 5 g, e commerce, audible bill, medical finance, and nuclear energy as well. china and gulf cooperation council countries will establish a forum on the peaceful use of nuclear energy and nuclear technology and set up
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a nuclear safety center to train talents. the 3rd theme is the strong willingness between china and arab countries to explore a long term friendship. china's president spoke of his desire to build a shared future in the new era. what started a relationship centered around most the energy has now evolved into not only industrial and investment collaboration, but also many cultural exchanges as well. leaders talk about initiative such as language schools and media collaboration, as they strive for an ever evolving friendship in the years to come down to see from c g t, n 4 r t. we were talking with the asia political risk. analysts ross find gold. he says, the reason to clear why the 2 countries are well seeking to diversify their global partnerships. it's inevitable, it's inevitable that saudi arabia and china would look to expand their relations across different spheres. and why use that? well, frankly, n b s has said,
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so he said that he wants to diversify the economy, diversify trading partners, day even if relations with the us were better, there's been some friction between saudi arabia in the united states. recently. i think saudi arabia would still be pursuing this and obviously for china they, they've been very active in the middle east for decades. they've had close relationships with many of the arab countries going back 5060 years long before trying to establish diplomatic relations with israel. but again, i think we, she really look at this as 2 countries that are diversified, their trading partners, the energy obviously being an important component of that shoddy radiated makes other kinds of outbound investments as part of diversifying the economy with the dollars it generates from the oil trade and china is very active in overseas infrastructure projects,
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and that's something that saudi arabia is offering the opportunity to do as well. iran's nuclear chief has set the traces of enrich uranium found on his territory by un inspectors the aging and secret nuclear typically as well. the us international atomic energy agency has been pressing to ron to explain the presence of the nuclear material at 3 on declared sites. discovery has complicated efforts to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal, which the us withdrew for the 2018 under donald trump. at the head of iran, atomic energy organizations at the traces actually came. the traces i'd say from the waste will actually was brought into iran from iraq and other country as well. let's try and get a clearer picture if possible. here's a contributor, rachel mazda for years. now, washington has been obsessed by the idea that iran could use this nuclear energy program to make a nuclear weapon and washington as routine. we use that potential to justify
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economic sanctions against iran and to turn it into an actual pariah for western allies like those here in europe. we're actually ready to do business with iran, but can't because the us section where you've got to wonder, what's the point of all this western henry over iran, nuclear potential. when there's another country that has nuclear warheads in the region, israel and yes, for the emerald is probably yes them as well as saudi arabia ever dies in the u. s . cell has been trying to sell nuclear technology to saudi arabia since at least 2012. that doesn't seem to bother them in any way. but it's israel that 1st planted its flag in the middle eastern nuclear. i was raised. but notice how washington never talks about israel knew you'd hardly even though that a so my time for israel to open up the camaro and let folks have a peach at their atomic stash. both countries in the world apparently big. so when the united nations general assembly voted this week on a resolution introduced by mostly middle eastern and african countries to address
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the risk of nuclear proliferation in the middle east. israel that was in a heartbeat with the actual nuclear warheads. excellent. iran ladies and overwhelming $149.00 countries voted in favor of israel renouncing its next, joining the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons treaty and allowing access to international inspection. just 5 nation voted against the idea israel itself, us canada, and the nations. the collab micronesia and 24 got with lenders or the or a p and apparently hid under the desk or outside the bathroom break when a vote came up and said, so for all washington, talk of the need to secure peace in the middle east. well, it turns out that the united states actually support new in the region, but just for israel, it was only a few days ago. the us president joe biden was engaging in a favorite pastime of american presidents bashing iran for nuclear weapons that it doesn't yet have. we also stand with the people rude and then the french in the
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united states are working together and hold accountable those responsible for the human rights abuses to counter ranch support for the rushes war. and to ensure that around does not, does not. it does not ever acquire nuclear weapons. yeah, well, there was an actual mechanism in place to prevent precisely that a multilateral deal. but the us withdrew from that agreement unilaterally. so now they're back to tell day on the death. what's the point of yelling from the side? what about the threat of nuclear weapons in the middle east? while later we vote in favor of security? there continue to exist part before we wrap up with our broke off to an international. some concerns about anti semitism and france are again emerging software. a pair of t v host question that jewish guest about the traditional religious kathy was wearing a, deeming it not appropriate for the broadcast loser. we,
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i want to ask you a question, which is, concerning many people in the audience, it's not related to medicines. many people are wondering why is the professor wearing a religious symbol in our studio because we're middle result of that. why i, where it's every day i make a coffee table. hospitals, what on earth transparent for me to my where it's every day i this isn't blue, they especially call your show empty one, it will corner you understand don't. she'll know that our 2nd choice, i would just crash up reggie. this is not against religion, but just the one that you should keep you really general to yourself. don't you understand? hold on, i'm a coed go, i wouldn't want to get my religion to my so i came from israel to where or not to where he palm the video, the professor grilled about religious symbol. he as a jew, boots on every morning as divided public opinion on one hand, they was drawn negative reaction. disgusting, anti semitism on french
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t. v. a professor attacked and belittled for wearing jewish symbols. why do you wear a religious symbol in the studio? keep your jewish identity for yourself is this 19 thirties? europe shocking anti semitism on french t. v. where a professor is harassed and shamed by the host for wearing jewish symbols. it's 2022 and this is how jews are treated on national tv in france. no tall if a jew wearing a kipper makes you uncomfortable, that's your problem, not his problem. but there is, boy hasn't been homogeneous in this regard. here is also common to the trans has a very strong secular tradition that is written in it's all to do. she added to that 2000 and french law vance, people from wearing religious symbols. well, all of them a state school. so this videos for me to debate.


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