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tv   Documentary  RT  December 10, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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patty is herb and that's just by virtue of your being here. lu. ringback ready because she changed with forced um nasa requita which was obviously you still when you have a couple of lights from when you do, i don't but hold a call with national jumping a pacific up there from wanted a voice a,
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a a wrong one. i just don't know. i mean you have to figure out this thing because the advocate an engagement, it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. oh, well, she's news munoz cards and like if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about about because it was for a couple don't put your human symbols on display
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a little space each night. all right, so you guys don't talk to strangers. 7 i avoid noisy gatherings and rallies a mushroom, even your colleagues, and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because you'll russian much, naya the bomb. so what my doing was my, i'm sick little detail. glad to with these being in t a by needful b. i wasn't sure if i need specific social consign mm. in the processing dearly is riley said last week,
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israel and the united states carried out to an exercise of simulating an attack or on your assessment. how likely are these countries to launch a military operation against iran? in that scenario? would iran on to take a preemptive strike? not even see the name yet. there's a lot of money in the name of allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful. we have children in iran who like to play, pretend acting as if they were grown ups, but it's all in their imagination. that's the only way to look at these war games by the israelis and the americans. oh, they do is pretend to act out there a day dream deep down. however, they know that no military can home, the islamic republic, a barometer. they understand very well. that hand of the islamic republic is raised to strike at the zionist regime. and it israel that so rest assured that they will not de, used the military option against the interests of iran. at the same time, the islamic republic is prepared to defend its interests in the region. and we'll respond with a strong counter attack against america and the zionist regime. i thought when was
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the 2nd set of, what did you piece coming on? the reports that yvonne has started construction of a new nuclear power plant in the west of the country as well. how are you planning to use the energy? pity stack? will the facility be open to international inspectors by the air? the sofa is full. he's full use of atomic energy as a globally recognized practice. we are an official member of the international atomic energy agency. several months ago we signed a protocol with the agency regarding inspections. and we did that voluntarily. enrichment of uranium by wrong was authorized under the joint comprehensive plan of action. like all members of the i, e a were entitled to use this peaceful energy to drive our country's progress. the agency is well aware of our work as a few days ago. we even informed i a e, a inspectors that would produced uranium in rich to 60 percent. we are in no way
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violating international laws or i. e, a regulations which is what we told the inspectors was up at 7 know at the same level. yes. but the west has its own way of seeing developments like these in their eyes. it's always some kind of a threat. is they ran in government consent that this move could further strain relations with the west to them? or has yvonne already given up hud for constructive dialogue with the west nations? the eleanor returned to the nuclear deal. mother yags a. we have a saying, and iran a smart man wouldn't jump over the same hole twice. at the j. c, p, o, a negotiations. we did our best to reassure both the european countries and the u. s. and to alleviate their concerns about our advances and the peaceful use of the ass. hm. and how did they respond? they did not on a single commitment. they had made people around the world seemed to think that it was america alone that walked back on its promises after trump came to power and withdrew from the j. c. p. away. in truth, when it comes to keeping one's word,
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the europeans just as bad. after trump left the white house, the europeans had us believe they would take america's vacant place with respect to nuclear commitments. but in reality, not any did they fail to take americas place. they also reneged on their own obligations. america is not a nation that seeks truth, america disrespects international law. from america's perspective, the language of international relations is that of power. today, the u. s. is making the argument that it is more power than every one else. which means that all international conventions, laws and agreements must only be used as part of america's own agenda. had the expensive independent nations. in the past 43 years, we've come to know america. well, we've seen what it's capable of was the one thing we've not experienced saw dealings with us after the revolution is on the state. consider this, many of our neighbors in the region have no such thing as democratic elections.
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until a year or 2 ago, women were not allowed to drive cars. but these slamming republic women actively involved in all spheres of life. you can see it for yourself, yet we still get accused of as they put it, human rights violations, et cetera. in other words, america only recognizes one truth can do whatever you please, as long as you do it under america's banner. it has been 43 years since we stepped out from under that banner. oh, we're at law yet on. is iran planning to shift away from its partnership with russia now that terran has come under pressure sanctions and passed by countries like canada as punishment for allegedly supplying arms to the russian slice. but a certain who's that among women? what do you think my job is as head of a ron's commission of national security and foreign policy. when it comes to our relations with russia. we don't need some countries permission to develop our partnership with russia, a with any other nation for that matter. the one thing that's important to us,
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the only thing that guides ron's policy, is that our national interests for many years we've enjoy close relations with russia. and in recent years we were able to make even more progress. this year rushes the steam president vladimir putin had full meetings with our president, his excellency, mr. racy. president. putin met twice with our supreme leader, iranian, and russian ministers and officials hold regular meetings, go on reciprocal visits and conclude agreements beneficial to both countries. well, this is a clear indicated that russia and iran are aimed to establish strategic cooperation, both in politics and security and economically. russia is a massive country around to has considerable potential. if we were able to combine our needs with our respective strengths, it was shorty, be of the greatest benefit to both on nations. then neither russia nor ron would have any reason to worry about america or some power hungry european nations. over these last few years, as i met with russian officials, i saw there is
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a lot of potential will in russia to make that happen. i felt that in the words and statements of my russian friends, i've seen that commitment to strengthening relations with the islamic republic, with no conditions or limitations him in no way to. we recognize american and european sanctions against russia that we view them as unjust. we ourselves have just been subject to unilateral us sanctions before he is russians. no more than any one how well we handle these sanctions. over the years we've unlocked a potential that would never have been available to us, were it not the sanctions another classiest lydia leasing this dialogue with iran will be continued that i will v e n b i. e, a be able to lift at least some sanctions in the future. is there help? what do you think? living in tahoe dream sanctions are an instrument that america and europe used to exert political influence on independent countries. the same happened to russia.
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obviously it was sanction for pursuing its national interests. the same can be said about iran officially. we do not recognize these sanctions. the nuclear deal talks reached to a certain point by the end of last year. we raised some agreements with the americans, but when the next year started, they didn't express much desire to continue the talks. we believe that america and some european countries like the u. k. france and germany, the behind the events that have been taking place in iran over the last couple of months will definitely respond when the right time comes. at this point, i don't see any possibility of a positive outcome for the nuclear talks. we don't want to go back to the negotiating table right now and discuss on nuclear program with america and the european countries. if they going to respect our national interests, they should stop meddling and our internal affairs. what after that we can continue the nuclear deal talks. right now i don't see any clear future for these talks around doesn't really care about the sanctions. positive changes happened under the new government economic growth, new solutions in the economy. all these transformations don't have anything to do
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with the nuclear talks. economy and foreign policy have different paths. we have achieved certain economic results during the past year. and if god winning they continue will be able to relieve the economic difficulties in our country. like a key hustler, what makes she say that the west is behind the events in iran, and what sort of response are you talking about? a villain in the coin was festival li americans hinted that this would happen and around the b, b, c. and the international service broadcasting from london is supported by the u. k . and america. germany initiated the anti iran resolution in the u. n. but they're violating international law. yes, germany is basically the author of the u. n's, anti iran resolution. and to think that german companies supply the saddam hussein regime with components for chemical weapons during iraq's war with iran. those chemical weapons were used against our troops and civilians. are people still have the scars from the wounds of that war? they attacked one of our cities with chemical bombs and it was the germans who
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supply saddam hussein with components for chemical weapons. the c i a and ma, sad have admitted in their reports that they have vulnerable and couldn't deliver one powerful blow to destroy iran. so they decided to use the tactic, a thousands of small cuts just listened to the interviews of israel and american officials. they are clearly meddling us secretary of state, even the president, support the rebels in wrong, said i, i have a question for you and your audience. can you name any part of the world where dozens of police officers were killed and st rights like in iran? there are about 8000 wounded and injured law enforcement officers. look at the yellow vest protests in france. about 30 people were killed and none of them were police. and they were only a handful of officers among the $1500.00 injured in france. in iran, on the other hand, dozens of place and security officers was shot from lethal weapons. as on the counter revolutionary forces in iraq's curtis down that threaten on national
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interests, arrive and joined the protests organizing rights in some of our cities. that i have the full support of israel and america. i don't even know what other evidence you need. i think it should be pretty obvious to your audience that american israel secretly support the rights in our country. mujahid dean organization that is active in america and europe, advocates, the overthrowing of the islamic republic. we've detained a number of its members in iran, and they admitted that they were involved in such activities that are all these people, members of these groups killed, 17000 people in our streets, not too long ago. evil on the list. you mentioned that you're working on some sort of response to the wes meddling. can he took roarback? well, and we responded with sanctions to the european sanctions for the 1st time the islamic republic was sanctioned by european countries. and it responded if a sanctioned off citizens and companies, we do the same to their representatives,
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politicians and media organizations that have become part of the conflict through the riots or some complaints of voice in the format of international organizations . the u. k. has immediate regulated that issues licenses is not news for you than in europe. media outlets. instagram, social media cannot promote violence if any of them somehow let publish an instruction on how to make a molotov cocktail, which is an incendiary compound. that'll get blocked. inevitably, our embassies were attacked in 11 european countries. these molotov cocktails were thrown at our diplomats. we filed claims against those countries under the vienna convention to the international institutions about their failure to honor that legal obligations regarding the territories of the islamic republic of iran. our embassies diplomats and other affiliates. this is the free world they produce to the international community. they also want to free us, was a, for somebody decided to free them. they'll faced their colonial past. america an
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entire nation has existed for emily, 300 years. just look at what they've done to africans to native americans, canada as well. let's introduce sanctions against iran and russia. and he recently, mass graves of canadian indigenous peoples school children have been discovered. nobody even cared to apologize. a few days ago in an interview, canadian school children indigenous people burial sites, mass graves. canadian officials never apologized. i've seen an interview of the prime minister where he said he ordered the police to treat harshly protested who blocked streets. and that he approved such measures. but that, but a focus on solving the energy crisis that will only aggravate this winter rather than into fairing and rounds domestic affairs. and also abstain from burning coal for heating as it would greatly pollute the environment. that let is to that i want to protest in iran started media was telling that the iranian government tend to russia asking for help and stabilizing the situation. is it truly so?
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yes, and if it's true, why russia a sudden, missouri, in fact, there are no grounds for such speculations. rushes security council delegation came to to run on a scheduled visit, our enemies, the western media distorted the facts, and tried to take advantage of the visit. they rushed to portray the visitors admitted to convey some informational security and riots and iran, and other such lies with grown used to it. it was a shed old visit that had nothing to do with the protests. we discussed the security issues of the region, including the situation in syria, afghanistan and yemen, as well as our nuclear program and bilateral security issues. our agenda was so tight we simply had no time nor opportunity to discuss the situation in iran. suffer. americans are concerned about bilateral meetings since they know what this means better than anybody else. mutual visits and high level meetings undermined the interests of the us. that's why they try to trick the public into believing. the reason for the visit was
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a ron's internal affairs special. i told them to pursue, so why in your opinion, it would have benefited them for the public to believe iran asked to russia to help her teresa. i've recently explained that they've spread rumors recently that the supreme lead his health was getting worse before that after the ukrainian crisis broke out. they said president putin was ill and his days were numbered. these a fake news you could only laugh at, and i see you smile. they wanted to deceive the world and prevent the global media from covering this visit correctly. we had so many matters to attend. we simply had no opportunity to address the protests, and the russian side also didn't express any wish to bring up this topic. so it wasn't included in the talks. the events of the last 2 months, stint ready gain much momentum. it's the western media that tries to stir it up, rainy and people will break the storm. our government has a solid footing and people support. so the people can handle any protests and
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critique on their own. a high ranking officials said on more than one occasion that they will welcome constructive criticism for the benefit of a rom i think success plan. what steps is the government taking to stabilize the situation after the potassium? and is it true you're going to dismiss in morality? police? is there a grain of truth? and this is the name of allen i. look, we could have solved all our problems our own way. if not for the western interference in their immediate domination, not a single sphere of public life was hampered by these events. over the 2 or 3 months of the protests and to round the nation continued to develop as nothing had happened. just as our supreme leader wished, all public institutions and ministries continued normal operations to answer your question, i'll say this. one of the objectives of the united states was to impede development of the islamic republic of iran, with god's help and our people support that plan has failed. the situation in iran is currently stable in some areas in cities. there are still mild protests underway,
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but everything is under control of the law enforcement. as for the morality play, see of aust about it was just a way to implement the law and that can be different ways. if the government decides to make changes to the waste, the law is implemented. it's our internal affair. and it's something we can take care of. this isn't anything to be concerned about. i would like to tell you as well about the entire russian audience and anyone in the world that around conflict with the united states is not about the morality police. the core of the conflict is that we a different civilizations with different views of the world. us wants to turn the world into a uni paola global democracy with liberal values. the countries like iran won't give into the liberal and democratic pressure. we have our own governance and political system. and if a rom has a domestic issue, we will address that issue internally. and we did not need american intervention. i want to recap of the tensions between the u. s. and iran for the past 43 years, had not been about the nuclear program, all the human rights,
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or the rights of women, all the morality place. the true reason is that the u. s. is looking for a lackey, they want to loyal regime at iran, the kind mohammed reza shah was they want iran to bow and say to them, your wish is my command. but this is not going to happen that people around made their choice during the islamic revolution, free themselves from the american yoke. also. ethic, i know there's a vast suckling thought i of, of course it's your culture and your last. but i'm sure that many of our, yes would like to know if the morality police is going to be cancelled. and whether there will be any change or you are the plan to keep it the way it has been until now. cashed is shut. the eagle community, the morality place in iran, is nothing extraordinary. it's worth discussing on tv. it's mainly doing of the western media. i was hoping to discuss here on rti things that really matters such as our bilateral relations and global issues. i'm going to be absolutely straight with you. what we need to do now is think about the new world order and what role
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iran and brush will play in its significant powers. us realizes, it looks at possible isolation in the new world because the opposition to the u. s . lead, unipolar world is growing. and that's inevitable. america is interested in us discussing minor issues such as the morality police and ron were in russia or any other thing as long as we stay away from these serious global problems. which is why i hope that the russian media can recognize this hybrid wall. mind game trap that they're pushing us into for what it is and focus on the bilateral and global issues that really massa. yes, sich us or sion version of upper also southern the oil is a very important issue, especially at the time of the global energy crisis. we're experiencing right now. how important our oil expos for on today, do they account for a lot share of the countries income boy and what is your take on iran soil on the international market? has it whacking today? don't your family daycare? it is clear to the world that iran has been gradually reducing its dependence on
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oil trade. and it's one of the blessings in disguise. iran receive thanks to the sanctions in absence of sanctions. iran would have no reason to look for other ways to make profit. iran's oil exports have been sanction for many years, so oil sales have been going down, which gave us a unique opportunity to build our economy all over again and find new ways to raise funds for the state budget arounds, r and d intensive companies. all they benefactors of this process they've been developing and now enjoy strong economic relations with many countries in the world. united states want every one else to say the u. s. and a few european countries wang as much as the rest of the world. but we don't think so. we can sit at russia and china major players to money. we're very fond of latin america and promote our cooperation with it actively. and he, country of the, well try to maintain good relations with its neighbors around borders on as many as 16 countries. how can one the sanction a nation like this? so we went on developing other industries instead of the oil business. as you can
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say, despite the sanctions, iran has been successfully administered and making progress. surely if all the sanctions were to be lifted our economy with thrive, but it doesn't mean that as soon as the u. s. lifts the sanctions, we will shake its hand and give up our own interests. i think it's close to the us now that all these sanctions have fail to work and it's better to engage in a dialogue with a wrong enough. the only reason present byne brought up the joint comprehensive plan of action again, is because sanctioning iran didn't work. if russia stands its grounds, you'll say that in the end, they will approach you and revisit their own views on sanctions as a or squatted him that in africa that remains to be seen, of course. so we'll have to see how it goes. if it doesn't, we'll have to think of something. iran surely has a wealth of experience of living under sanctions and staying the course despite the pressure. thank you very much for this interview. bye for man. i would like to say just one more thing. the time has come when the world is no longer in america's hands, but in the hands of many independent nations and states,
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and with god's help, we need to be strong and stick to the agenda that is in the interests of our nations. thank you. thank you so much. many thanks. thank you very much. ah . so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on offensive, very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult. time. time to sit down and talk and willing of them. i saw booty toria know cranium. t coyer through anemia idea. she
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ship of duckling. that ship border control in particular boards. so she's, she'll delete it via them, awarded aleki system, really premium. did not sing the what's the process of missy leon? yeah. or we can do to our partner chance, actually, jim's out arkell room. dish browley, dra bertha leona. okay. excuse me to where you store. lot of the my saw glenn but just dory. yes, john sally shave elise, get us whichever shipped them. that yes, they go to 2. 0, a video gift or she'll take him over to them. i need a little circus as their new train school. so that is a visual one. they reached over the course and you've actually reached who can ensure that natural buddies rules go to work. you don't feel good global. i'm saying here's how much she took on the job these to broadview enough with go double
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play. you have to go so good. i'm not a glad aisha graphic. what is the best time to go about them? this is a little bit of a lady with what i say school for carbonate for backwards, but something, something that might give me a port to me cut order. the stuff that is not on there last week on your snow crime . skip part of the stairwell, which it is said to jeff. i knew the minimum is gone, can be comma, listen and be a communist. somebody empty community that the comma a lovely knob is all like it's supposed to start up. making sure affected dor liada to i did meet it with us. that's a disclaimer,
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but then was the building just leaving it right. nobody for you to do is looking at them during the summer because i've met with people much pretty them. we can, i love chris, was it was the was a and then you bigger so after you go there sure. i see it. it's an open pick up and i wish to have a win of over love and us to get to know something. oh is your media reflection of reality in the world transformed? what role make you feel safe? ah, isolation, whole community?
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are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? direct? what is true? what is faith? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, 3 with water in the older bowl, national forest, a federal step in this country out the last dance have to do what i deal with sprung from dodger. hours from them to do it in b. c. do training a good gift away in the pals teacher skills on the edge on the on a ship or was to let them know diagnosed in a little bulk. um yeah,
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the crucial chest middle school is all senior wookey loan is not good. p t d still not off with the leukemia. well they need to work with us. he should be missed if they need to in the middle sophomore, and you can give us the opportunity as opposed to the list of these material. but it just, i don't even know so great. you should update those my database. you still open it . it doesn't help at all with me. she go, she returned with a note up there normally square yet. so do you do most of you normally shot, especially with lisa. there's openings and it took you to bring piecemeal. oh wow.
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i am, i isn't that i'm way out. origin made the good news or met in my already with bill with western really it is 3 i live by national advanced internet, but i from same number sewland what it, what i just got done, what i can put a lot of you know, are you nicholson those the same but you only did one of those and that those 2 o'clock, you know what, okay, and that's all she's, is it clearly not that i know it, but as right now, now some of that other national risk, nathan is struggling with the problem is you still from a point again when you go up or you think emergent within 2 years, you just know that's be so it's a little bit quicker. lawyers are put the key for you. you can.


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