tv News RT December 12, 2022 6:00am-6:31am EST
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is ok, so place is nish in the sand to so long as often dental insurance. and my son is boom, financial by my daughter. now let me look on the ones when i spawns and dawson with ah, this was i have a question for american partners. tell us which legal act you and christina respect, name, at least one b as liter islam being self declared republic of kosovo and its western backers over a border escalation with special forces, reportedly deployed on both sides. also ahead in the program. these systems, the backbone of the russian artillery here, every crew, like this one daily, gets a list of target dozens of cruise. they're operating here every day on our team. crew reports from a flash point area and that done bus front lines observing the combat operations of
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a russian artillery with a full or vice chancellor of austria. admit that you house in fact harmed itself with sanctions meant to quote, bring moscow to its needs. leaped internal twitter messages up here to show that platform intentionally broke its own rules to bad. and donald trump, while he was u. s. president with fly from our international new center in moscow. this is our t. i'm you know neil hello and welcome to the program. tensions are on the rise in the balkans as belgrade say's that western bank break away republic of kosovo has been violating established peace of courts. not really some off come up. they created a monster 23 years ago and finished making it in 2008. i have a question for our american partners. tell us which legal act to you and christina
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respect to respect the un charter or resolution $1244.00 or the brussels agreement . or is it the washington agreement? me about it name at least one of these acts. the christina respects name one the you to the americans, respect one's name, at least one of the, one of the can put them that protests in cost of wrapped it up the weekend when ethnic sir of demonstrators erected roadblocks to prevent a prominent serbian national from taken by. busy authorities, the cost of those capital constable officials gave the protest deadline to remove that barricades by sunday night. but the roadblocks reportedly remain in place while serbia's leader has said, downgrade is ready to officially inform nato. it will send troops into the territory, our t contributor and nicholas he'll bitch offer some more insight into events done present for the press conference after the meeting of serbian security council. and
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he stated that the serbian government will stand firmly with people in corso. and here, and advise them may not provoke in any manner the national courses there that is the k for and of course the members of the course of the police forces. and he said in the same way that our locations on the other side. and he said he expects and he has speculations, that may be obedient, who tried to conduct fiber ration to attack the international forces and to q setups for that. so they have reason that is an excuse to attack and remove the barricades in the road as well. now better kids are staying walks will still be there is also as president, would you send this night to be the hardest since he became president of
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serbia? and he said that our army is directly on the administrative line between corso and central serbia, and that it will answer to any type of provocations. if you took curtis toward the serbs, situation currently is beautiful at the barricades, but nobody can tell with certainty what tomorrow will bring. okay, perhaps a good time to give an overview of the last few days. serbian armed forces were reportedly deployed to the administrative border with cost of allegedly, in response to similar measures taken by ca, civil authorities. but its bel grade, which has come in for a criticism from the west, germany foreign miniature said sir b as actions were on acceptable. a charge completely rejected by belgrade patrols from the use peacekeeping mission in the self declared republic. then arrived at the barricades. those local serbs attempted to keep possible police outs of their neighborhoods. we discussed the powder keg situation with
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a serbian political analyst. he's of the view western powers have turned a blind eye to crimes committed by constable obedience because it serves their own political interest. they won't rest until they have a clean call so which can join made and you know, that's the game. that's the end game have kosovo, united, sardanio, and to enlarge nato. the west react only one, the serbs, jackson, self defense. they never react. absolutely never. when close to, well, danny is engaged in aggression violence against the serbia minority. they've made incursions into the north. they kidnapped people, they beat most people. they've arrested people without cause. they've broken into people's houses. and the nate, nate, oh the you haven't done single thing. you know, nobody has,
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has faced any consequences. you know, this is a big geopolitical game and they're using a people as pawns and they don't care if there's going to be another ethnic cleansing, or another genocide. in fact, they're encouraging kosovo unilaterally declared independence from serbia back in 2000 and eights following a series of devastating wars in the former yugoslavia. that independence has been recognized by some western countries, including the u. s. uncertain e u. member states. while belgrade and other nations, most notably russia have always insisted that kosovo is part of serbia. a parallel sal been drawn between the current bulk intentions on the ukraine conflict, those serbia's president address the reported statement by former german shops. there angler merkel. let's just go through that. she was cited by the media saying last decades minsk cease, fire agreements were primarily meant to give key of time to strengthen its military
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. oh, no. we saw that historically important statement by angela merkel. i'm surprised and i'm still checking in every way to see whether it's possible that she said that she is a woman that i greatly appreciated. for me, that statement is almost unbelievable if it is confirmed. if keith had not wanted to fulfill the minsk agreements, that sheds a completely new light, it cannot change the fact of who attacked whom. but in many ways the changes the fact and relationships within what has been happening since 2014. and that's a clear signal to me whom you shouldn't trust. well, alex, under publish again, touched alma tissue, saying that the west has essentially had that kosovo, the tools to use in its independence movement. it looks the same thing the west was doing with ukraine buying a time so that it could arm itself. so it has to go through a natal training while over the past 9 years, you know, nato has been training,
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postal dance. they've been building an army for them, which is totally illegal. the same practically the same situation as with many agreements and ukraine, meaning the west, that's one side here, the barriers and cost of all, and you crane to can government where the side that's not required to fulfill any part of the agreement that it's signed. thinks that it can do what it wants and actually feels who have the support of the west to actually commit aggression. commit ethnic cleansing. ah, right, let's turn attention to developments and dawn. but at least 9 people have been reported wounded in artillery. shelling by ukrainian forces or authority say civilian areas where targeted in done yet. city. local officials also state nato supplied. artillery was used along with grad rocket launches. not,
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not as significant because the latter are not precise weapons under designed to cause destruction on a wider skew, a blaze erupt. it of a market that was struck in the attack. dozens of residential buildings were also reported damage to kindergarten and hospital. we heard from a resident of one apartment building that was due to large. they've been firing since 5. am it here right here. i fell out of the chair that came on site and there was already a fire. the windows blew out. i don't know what to do. know a fierce battle, something raging on the front lines of don bass between russian and ukrainian forces are t correspondent, eager shut down. i've got access to one such flush point where he observed, rushing hardware, an action fine weather is hardly a good omen here to the ukrainian theatre of war. this week in the gloom of
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december, made way for tentative sunshine for russia and ukraine. it only meant they could finally take full advantage of the drones, as both armies rushed headlong into attack. these rocket miss our systems are the backbone of the russian artillery. here with every crew like this one daily gets a list of targets and at least can be more than 10 targets long. and basically, dozens of crews like this dozens of vehicles like this. they're operating here in the forest between criminal and lehman and spots of our every day grab rocket launcher makes an immediate escape. the slightest delay can easily turn it
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from predator into prey. this sunday, so both armies attack on a collision course and russia made a point in overwhelming the enemy in artillery fire. to nip every assault in the bud. i philip at unit our targets are mainly the enemies manpower. we are also targeting fortified enemy positions. if there is something more significant, we hit the headquarters, the positions of enemy artillery, our intelligence is working. so we have visual confirmations of the strikes on video. in the months of war with ukraine, russia grew, it's prisoner, exchange funds to the extent of thousands and sources on the ground. tell me over the weekend battles have yielded fresh harvest of captives for moscow. soldiers duped it out on the battlefield to the tune of caves. fresh attacks against cities under russian control, a fiery inferno engulfed a market in the next. a rare sports of civilian bustle in the otherwise battered city. the shelling followed an overnight high mars attack against
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a holiday recreation center in melee, topple. local officials revealed it left at least 2 people killed and 10 wounded. all expectations that russia's infamous winter frost could push both sides towards a low in the fighting, shattered against bloody reality. the endless darkness of war is all that dwells in the morbid conflict between russia and ukraine. i'm a good done of reporting from the don bass r t to another headline story to day. a former austrian vice chancellor has admitted that the western sanctions against russia are backfired, causing grave damage to the ease economy. oh, we've been through a lot lately, which survived the sanctions policy that misled us under the pretext that the sanctions policy would bring russia to its knees. the russians have doubled their
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business. there is no question of bringing russia to its knees. it's all on the country, we say how austria homes itself and how europe homes itself, where we ourselves actually suffered more from the sanctions. and we see rising prices for electricity and gas for food in europe. more more people will suffer from this. so after the european union cutting itself off from russian oil and russian gas, european industry and households can't afford to pay the high costs of the remaining gas, either that's in the reserves or imported liquefied natural gas from the u. s. priced at 2 to 4 times the u. s. market rate as french president emanuel macklin complained to joe biden, during his state visit to the white house earlier this month. so europe made a mass of its own economy with its own sanctions and is forcing every one to lie in this mass. as european politicians are now routinely pointing out foolish, the problem is we're going to destroy what's left over from our industry,
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or the few businesses who stayed are contemplating moving to another country. for example, to the u. s. where energy is much cheaper. one last thing, the genius of our ecologists in our elliots, you noticed that with the conflict and ukraine, we gave up on russian gas and a rush towards american guess the famous ellen. gee, you noticed that even nicole just stopped criticizing this type of guess? what do you know where it comes from? just a glucose russian guess it's putting who stop deliveries, toe, it's hero, not in camels. no, it's us who boycotted the russian guest supplies. we said we don't want it any more . and he said, we will not supply to you any more then it's been far too long. since european commission president ursula vander line, promised europeans, some relief, even as energy bells continue to pile up. so what's brussels and brilliant idea to fix its mass to cap the price of gas now, and it seems that they're desperate to fix the situation of girl making as kremlin spokesman. dmitri passcode explains, amid the absurd and frantic desire as the europeans say,
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to get rid of their dependence on russia. they do not say at the same time that they want to exchange one dependence for another. that is, they have now changed their dependence on russia for dependence on american liquefied natural gas. it's exactly the same dependence. there is much less reciprocity. and now when the europeans lose billions of euro's every day, the united states is now earning billions of dollars there. but there's another problem, the european commission knows full well that setting the cat to low could mean screwing up the blocks energy market even more than it already has. there's also the question of which countries could actually stop selling gas to europe altogether. because, well, since when does the customer demand a certain price that they will pay? we're talking about global energy markets here by the e is basically saying that it wants to haggle over the price of gas. like it's a dog eared 4th hand comic book on sale at the local neighborhood draw sale even
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the european central bank is warning of the risk of financial instability with this move as are some you countries like germany and the netherlands. the european commission knows the risks, which is why it's just paying lip service to the idea with a price caps so high. that's virtually useless at $275.00 euros per megawatt hour. europe's natural gas is trading right now at about a $135.00 euros per megawatt hour. and even at that price, people in businesses are struggling. so there are 12 you countries now demanding a lower price cap somewhere between $200.00 and a $150.00 euros. and those 12 countries could very well, vito, anything hire as the blocks energy ministers meet to tackle this issue. this week. not only has brussels jeopardize its own energy security and economic security, but also its military security,
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as it ships its weapons off to ukraine. that hasn't gone unnoticed either by european political and industrial figures. melchor's stalks had disappeared altogether, but who continued the sans arms and ammunition to zalinski? let's stop this complete madness burned us fair. previously it had more than 2000 leopard 2 tanks. now there are about $300.00 of them. it may still be able to defend osburg with them, but not berlin. the good news is that it's still not too late to pull out of the nose dive. but unfortunately, the pilots at the controls here in europe seem more interested in proving that everyone is on board and united as they hurdle towards earth cheering. bam, take that boom will. as rachel just took us through, the e. u has been bearing the brunt of the anti russian sanctions. in particular, the blocks largest economy, germany. now some of its top manufacturers struggle with the worsening energy
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crisis. high natural gas prices have created a situation where importing ammonia from overseas was cheaper than manufacturing it ourselves. it's the company's biggest crisis since the 2nd world war, where living hand to mouth. germany's industrial sector has been hit particularly hard by disruptions and supplies of russian natural gas. the majority of companies in a recent survey said they would consider reducing production or halting completely to cope with escalating energy costs. allow german struggle to heat their homes this winter. the former german colony of namibia has invited them to come enjoy the warmer climes of southern africa. germans are welcome to come here. now me be is known as german. his little sister will have cities that look like german cities. this is your 2nd home here. a piece of germany in africa you can live and work here at tier in the winter. you dont have to fear the high heat and costs in germany.
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and like in germany there is no threat of a black out here. we always have electricity and they have a plan behind that. namibia has introduced a special visa for so called digital nomads, facilitating temporary residency for germans who can work locally to qualify. one must have an income of at least 2000 euro a month, which the government says would be enough, or more than enough really to have a nice life in the nation, including with a traditional german staples bureau and sausages. but not every african country is that welcoming of germans, south africa's ambassador to russia, how strongly criticized berlin's energy policy towards the continent. the germans are quite aggressively pursuing their policy in search of new markets. they came to south africa to discuss green energy transition issues. at the same time, they themselves increased the import of call from south africa on
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a huge scale. the irony lies in the fact that south africa has practically suspended the production and use of coal for its own needs, and now sells it to germany. it should be pointed out that earlier this month, germany is economy minister made headlines when on a trip to south africa and namibia, calling on both countries to resume coal mining for export. that of course, is this by continuous western pressure from the continent to switch to green energy . we heard from a namibian journalist who said african states must be treated fairly in global trade. they were your politics of change. now it's better that there was such looking at each other leki core partner, just like everyone has been calling for presume that some of the sentiments regretted that maybe people look it up for me and they explained it to people that looking at it like they're dealing with an equal butler in terms of trade, africa is pretty much be needed by any other part of the story. but i think it's even more interesting that the interest in africa proceed from recognition is
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becoming bigger. the question rather is that with us we can countries doing enough to that much already about it. and so that could come with the supplemental interest be from that you or anyone else in the world. the most of the relationship between africa in pressure in general is that you put it, i think it was since so many as ring back into colonial times when we go up to fight to independence. may be the what is that you talk to you the relationship between africa inverse, it keeps depending and also keeps growing. then the context in the fight to access africa. what materials might actually be difficult africans might end up preparing to do may do that. i should something else to tell you about the new boss or twitter isla musk safe. the company seems like both a social network and a crime scene. after a leak of internal company chaps. ledge to show the platform broke its own rules, the bound then u. s. president donald trump, in the past we exempt
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a to policy of all asian from a world leader due to the public interest value. are we dropping the public interest now and any new violation could be a trigger for me to understand. in this specific case where a change in our public interest approach for his account to say any violation will result in suspension. the bond on mister co violated twitter is policy of on biased moderation on recently exclaim company stuff had spent months seeking a way to do it. the internal messages appeared to show that some employees initially resisted calls to bond, then president, but pressure soon ramped up on the move went ahead. this might be an unpopular opinion, but one off ad hoc decisions like this, the don't to pay a rooted in policy or in my humble opinion as slippery slope. this now appears to be a fit by an online platform c o. with a global presence that can gate keeps speech for the entire world. ilan must carol's been
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a supporting efforts to expose our legit wrongdoing by the companies. former management, loving foods, claims twitter staff had suppressed information that could have been on fluttering to democrat joe biden. as he was running for president 2 years ago, while leaks purport to confirm that platform, use the so called shadow banning system to limit the visibility of tweets by conservative users. we spoke to broadcaster on political commentator, steve gil, this is mosque is trying to rehabilitate twitter after deceitful moves by the companies past management. i think because we're seeing what's actually in the twitter files, the emails that went back and forth, what we're seeing can be trusted. it is interesting. you're not seeing the f b, i the, the intelligence agencies, the other businesses. they're not denying the accuracy of these emails and tweets. they don't like them, but they're not denying the accuracy. and i think as we see more and more coming
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out and it looks like the next big trying to information is going to relate to what was being done with coven vaccines. we now have a senior officials or some of the vaccine companies at bidding that it was not tested as thoroughly was not as safe as they claim. so this goes beyond just the political entry that was being dealt through twitter. it goes to be propaganda. that was put out that was forcing people in the vaccines that were not nearly as safe as we were told, not as test because we were told. so a lot more revelations are going to come to light that i think are going to be found credible by those who are actually in the arena. was it just donald trump that they were banding? they were banding conservative voices that were bending other media outlets. they were even banding comedy sites like babylon be, and others that were satirical. they were doing anything they could to silence anything that would hurt the by did ministration. the intelligence officials who were operating with them department of justice officials who were operating with them. this was essentially a to in the dark at twitter and now it's coming to light and hopefully there will
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be full prosecution of those who are involved. i think ultimately trump will return to twitter and full force in part because his alternative truth social has not got the traction. i think you would have liked. and i think all of the attention on twitter, people coming back to twitter, lead donald trump, to look for where he can have the loudest voice. i think moving forward, that's going to be back to twitter. steve, go taking us to the end of this new stock. next we follow a former renowned german roughly, turned humanitarian, who spent a lot of the past 8 years in don boss, experiencing 1st homes, what the locals there had to injure. it's a harrowing watch at times, but it's also a hopeful to try to head to i
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look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. and the point obviously is to place trust, rather than fear with various job with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with a 1st time in history and entire countries. culture has been canceled to the very modern weapon cancelled culture. really
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desert wonder global sheffield my last lot in william frog yet. just me sitting there with the phrase now particularly refers to counseling russian culture from yet don't know what to create the fuel. because if you, when you're miles for fuel put you over your, there is killing me so that though the most of the temperature random e, normally what rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question, partially condemned, reviled and rejected to sit in line and your cell phone at the bill of bell, there's a lot closer on a whole bunch. thank you said a little short list. joining total condemnation, gross daily, and now includes dostoevsky to cascade, shostakovich that i need to you all to left. but yes, she says that me to spell that w
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in the world transformed what will make you feel safe, isolation, whole community? are you going the right way or are you being led to somewhere? direct? what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah ah, i am that i said, i see no k a brush to lock up, gnashing and muscular is up of them or cheese, maybe not. hello me by me. look at my q. m. it must close fella. jeremiah. hi jas.
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basil. authentic are the cause of silly or to see if you wrote it or see any of these sammy nymphs, pneumonia by ness, which will be early. but the shall keep poly doroty with ukraine will remain unshakable from day one on. europe has stood at ukraine's side with weapons, with funds, and with a toughest sanctions. the world has ever seen rusty blue book, dolo shuttle will let you will be with us. let those by me a bun be to go. because italy, motion, but dorman mccord. e, get one you up a fellow that you are familiar. gone from the heart of sushi of the name, but you won't be put on the keep them only to clam. i used to shing ash thought, luke, i teach to chess off that adds to some with silicone digits, and i really don't want to whip yes. would that help us when jim yours or what my obama yours by.
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