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tv   News  RT  December 12, 2022 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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a tremendous another with a yet another revelation on the so called plato files stuff that was apparently pushed to buy the u. s. president. at the time, donald trump is quite an internal company monitor, saying that would violate policy. a few claims national security service practice down on domestic clarity, considering the russian orthodox church, including seizing their assets in dozens of raids, of religious thought throughout the country. mass demonstrations erupt in belgrade,
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in support of ethnic says in the break way. province, of course, of all the reports i'll report to be deployed on both sides of the administrative board and a senior. a u official says the block is disgraced by its latest corruption scandal . as a european parliament and vice president is suspended for allegedly taking bribes. my middle eastern power a whatever you are in the world, welcome to our international is gone for am here in the russian capital, and it's great to have you with us. i'm right, i'm mommy. let's take a look at today's top stories. yet another round of the so called twitter files has revealed, sent within the ranks at the company, and some staff members pushed for bombing the us prison at the time. donald trump,
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despite them internally, wanted to sing, but would violate policy as was live out of c correspondent, caleb, more than in neil. kate of great to see you as always, cables. what has exactly been revealed in these latest round of lakes? well, this concerns the process through which then president donald trump was removed from the platform. his tweets were shown, and it was indicated from those tweets that he should be banned. but now the latest batch of information that's been revealed from the twitter files shows that if you look at these tweets, it says 75000000, great american patriots voted for me. america 1st, they will not be disrespected in any way. he said he wouldn't be attending the presidential and not a ration of joe biden, on the 28th of january, the internal discussions that went on between quarter employees. i show that they
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really didn't think that these tweets really violated the policies. this is what's been reveal i'm still struggling to understand the decision not to ban trump altogether given. he's inciting people to violence that has led to people being killed and i think we owe people next pollination externally. i think we have a hard time saying this is incitement. it's pretty clear he's saying the american patrice of the ones who voted for him and not the terrorist. we can call them right . don't see the incitement angle here. so if you look at it, even though they were clear that those tweets did not violate their policies, that they were adamant that they wanted. donald trump to be removed from the platform. company themselves tear itself out. she make any statements or assessments. and to that move, well, they were quite adamant about the fact that donald trump should be banned from the
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platform, but yet they conducted an internal review of their decision to do so. and this is what was determined in their internal review. i also not seen clear, cogent incitement in the d. j t to is i'll respond in the lexus channel and say that our team has assessed and found no violations for the d j t one. this looks like yet another example of blatant partisan political activity by a social media giants. this is the 5th batch of revelations about twitter that's been released by matt i. e, bay coordination with him on mosque. so one wonders what will come up next as we just see example, after example, after example, a twitter being used in a partisan political way to essentially metal and american politics. indeed indeed are kind of, it's really quite concerning. let's see what else comes out in the next few weeks.
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we'll talk again soon. thanks again for your time. if so early leaks claimed twitter solve have suppressed information that could have been unflattering to the immigrant. joe biden, as he was running for president a couple of years ago of platform, is also alleged of use, a so called shadow binding system to limit the visibility of to his by prominent republican uses legal and me the alas lionel says government agencies have been conspicuous these silent amid the twits of scandal, because the interests are intertwined with the powerful in 2005, a number of major league baseball players basically lied about steroid use. nothing happened in 994 before congress. tobacco executives lied about whether they thought nicotine, believe it or not, was addictive. nobody ever prosecuted them. so don't hold your breath. may i
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provide you the real question was their state action. this is critical in a 1st amendment analysis in our legal system. did the government seek social media to act in essence as a proxy, as an agent to quash, to quell to abrupt 1st amendment speech that the government couldn't normally get to do you use these folks as agents? why have inherited you media reported one thing on this subject. now does anybody think that facebook and instagram and google and you tube that they don't censure? does anybody think that censorship is not going on right now as we speak? and who believes this idea of i hate to personally bubbles of eli mosque as this white knight in truth savior. why did elected officials, a law enforcement meet was social media platforms. how commonplace is this? who, who still banned on twitter in 1975,
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our own church committee said that reveals that we called operation mockingbird, where our intelligence agencies worked with media. this is nothing new. no, no, this is new. and where is the g o p? where are the republicans, or where, what, what happens is, i have a, a strong feeling that social media absorb all of the energy. that's where all of this goes not into the house because in 3 days this is going to be forgotten. this is the tip of the iceberg. this is so critical and it's, it's international to that just here. but do you think anybody's going to go any further? no, you're going to look at the 1st level of this and focus on this. it's low hanging fruit because you've got these interesting characters who look funny. it looks range and whether we're lifestyles. but the point that is being missed is simply this. what the government around the world can't do. you get social media to do for
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you? now to the latest of elements in the dumbass, local officials say 5 civilians will confirm killed and another 5 wounded from recent ukraine artillery attacks on the city of don't ask authority say you colonel force is conducted dozens of similar attacks targeting residential areas throughout the domestic republic, in the past 24 hours, homes and stools were left bodily damaged. the clinic in the regional capital took a direct hit ah, the grinning government has also been conducting a crackdown on religious figures deemed to be connected with the russian orthodox church. authorities seized assets from several senior domestic clergymen, as dozens of orthodox christian sites were rated throughout the country. all these eager, son of how's the story? russia, the ultimate red rag for ukraine. since the start of the war,
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key of authorities have been spinning the witch hunt against anything russian. they arrested politicians. they detained oligarchs. no one was immune and nothing is sacred. now. president zalinski has imposed sanctions against 7 clergymen of the ukrainian orthodox church. but what sin did, all these people of faith commit against ukraine will after the fall of the soviet union, the church remained under the authority of the moscow patriarchy, but come to the war. the you see denounced and divorced russia, the church scrubbed, all mention of moscow from its statute in hope of a toning. but for key of that was not enough to grant absolution. when you call in, you call that those of all we will never allow anyone to build an empire inside the ukrainian soul. all body is responsible for ensuring national security must intensify measures to identify and counter the subversive activities of russian
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special services in the religious environment of ukraine and apply personal sanctions. the surnames will be made public soon, for the 7 clerks and question sanctions means they will have their assets frozen. they are banned from land ownership and essentially restricted from traveling outside the country. and this is just the tip of the persecution, iceberg. hundreds of religious buildings, including some of the most sacred ones, have been rated by ukraine security services. and more than 800 people have been investigated. agents even crashed the funeral over ukrainian soldier, leaving the devastated mother to beg to leave them in peace, your pursuing. he's got them in the mean time and then when they go on their way, such an approach by the authorities has inspired vigilante groups to hope on this
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bandwagon to hear a group of ukrainian nationalists stormed a church in an attempt to have believers swapped prayers and sermons for singing, the national anthem, a you with a fee is that the zalinski government is essentially paving the way towards the total ban of the ukranian orthodox church. have prompted moscow to condemn this as intimidation. the ukrainian government has been at war with the russian orthodox church for a long time. i would say that this should be considered as another link in the
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chain of these military actions against the russian orthodoxy. and so far, this is the only official voice of condemnation in this anti church choir. which leaves key of with a very clear understanding that it has a total carte blanche over this. and make as done of reporting from the dumbass r t. 10 situation in the balkans as master massages of a ruptured in belgrade in support of ethnic serbs who faced off against authorities in the braithwaite province of crossover. devastated gathering in the heart of val laid burning close to the flags. i'm singing pink chilton songs, they chanted back close over is serbia, and a denounced western backing of the breakaway region. his odds, he contributed. nicola drove it with his take on the latest developments to creation on the call swimming for he has been fighting better. it has been
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a peaceful to warm or hot of day today regarding the barricades and the the roadblocks. situation is unchanged except for me to gather up on the barricades . on the other hand, they arrested, served for his lawyer said proceed now wants to put him into custody for today's to question whether or not there is presence of any criminal activities around him, which he has been accused of. and i would like to remind all the viewers that his arrest was the start of the battery kids and the roadblocks in kosovo. so in that manner sort of skipped now come up with formal requests. so they have several press. one of them is of course release of their fellow citizen than the other one is to withdraw off qualities special police forces from the north of
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corso. and they request the serbian military and police forces to return to causal according to resolution from 4 to 4 of the security council from admissions at 1000 of them because from a crush me so foreign affairs that the standing serbian de support disturbing cause expressed support for subs in kosovo and the top here on the other hand, christina is still pushing k for to dismantle the barricade themselves, and they threatened to do otherwise in their own matter. so just some of the barricades currently is peaceful, but pensions are still very present and both sides are on the watch. cause of our plans to submit an application to join the e u in the coming days. well, way to strongly condemn that move and customer is not recognized as independent by every member state. the e. u has meanwhile call for the escalation of tensions in the fall of how balkan
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region. we've heard from a former senior official who said of m of it, depression of local, ethnic, sir anthony. we do not need anything from others. we only want to save our own our families, the actions of the serbian people, our reaction to the unilateral steps taken by pristina. we demand peace. we demand reason from all parties. first of all, christina, and we demand that our unjustly and unconstitutionally detained citizens be released. and that albin cutty, withdraw all the units that he sent to the north. for him to stop bullying our children and stop hunting serbs. the new wave of escalation in corrupted on the weekend when ethnic served demonstrates his origins. barricades prevent a prominent serbian national from being taken by authorities to close with his capital. said in armed forces, who reportedly deployed to the admitted to buddha,
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with crossover claim to be response sooner. measures taken by close of authorities, cause of unilaterally declared independence from serbia. back in 2008. phone is susan. devastating was in the former yugoslavia. belgrade has also insisted that crossover is part of serbia. a government backed australian think tank says the country should spend tens of billions of dollars in a new fleet of u. s. self bombers and made rising tensions with china. we've enjoyed the benefit of a tyranny of distance from china, but that could end very quickly. we need to prepare for an increasingly ambitious chinese communist party and in increasingly powerful people's liberation army. we are say, a 6 digit policy institute positions itself as an independent impartial organization . but it admits that it's funded by both the national government as was foreign powers, including the u. s. pentagon and the state department. last year,
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the u. s. government granted about one half $1000000.00 to the think tank. this issue has urged australia to purchase a dozen b $21.00 stealth bombers, insisting that it would be a better investment than nuclear submarines. the i cross radar absorbing construction and, and especially long range capabilities are presented as the main advantages. but even the u. s. has said the bombers are still in the testing phase. and as company, not a concrete time frame for when that could be delivered to discuss the issue and now crossing lived at sim anderson director the center for counter hedge a monic studies. tim, thanks for joining us here. arching. now the seems to be look at some external influences in the purge of these new untested be $21.00. stealth aircraft also take on the findings of this big tank. yes, will this, as you alluded to this,
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think tank is founded by the u. s. military to a fair degree and the australian government. and of course, the fact that a u. s. funded the think tank is urging purchases. australian purchases of u. s. military equipment is at the least a serious conflict of interest, then probably at the worse, some serious corruption going on there. but we have to understand this in the context of the operations of destroying military which are largely to serve as an adjunct for the u. s. military adventures all round the world, so the military or the hardware, let's say. and also the strategic planning of, of the strong military has been mostly not to defend australia, but the 2 ladies at junk role in all of the u. s. military adventures. whether they be in vietnam in afghanistan, in iraq and syria, but this is a serious abuse all of public money. and it's really not declared openly that there
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is this serious conflict of interest in this particular think tank is interesting. i mean, relation to not in china has been great, but is this threat from china viable? this is one of the most serious threats to you, straight in body politic, really in many decades. because while you may say the blow back or the backlash from all of the other wars that we've been dragged into, china has done nothing against australia is particularly interest. china has in fact been major trading partner and potentially a major investor in australia and to raise the specter of some direct confrontation with china. it could well pose an existential threat to the australian system. so i think you had people across the political spectrum in australia, very alarmed about the possibility of a potential conflict with china. why there's no particular rational reason for except that the, the governing body and camera is indebted to, or in slave to this
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u. s. foreign policy, right now we have this all cos alliance formed quite recently. is it more with aggression or dialogue? i mean, what's your view? what might be the point of, you know, insisting on purchasing these bombers, but haven't been checked? well yes, the orchestra alliance was announced when they astray, the previous australian government made a u turn from buying some submarines from france to buying nuclear power or a plan to buy nuclear power submarines from the us. it's not clear what use if any, this may be to australia or in the future because a sub minds may become obsolete where it with the, the advent of under c drones and the type of surveillance technology that's available. but it was also linked into the adventures that the u. s. is pushing in the south china sea and is led to australia warships for this irrational against
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australian interest activity, or quoting australian warships into the south china sea. and then complaining about china imposing some sort of surveillance on these 4 ships in the south. honestly, what is a stray you're doing in the south china sea? in any case, really, a stride is mine, trade interests have been with china. so again, it fits into the same pattern, right. so i would have one more question for you if you don't my, i appreciate your time. how influential is this thing tank? i mean, would it influence the australian government in any way? yes, it probably would in a say in a sense it's an echo chamber because the state and government is funding at the u. s. military is funding at the u. s. military is funding a lot of institutions and universities in this country. and of course, what they're saying, resonates with what the, the elite and it's a bipartisan elite is interested in, effectively playing with subordinate role to the u. s. in its latest adventures.
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and unfortunately, this is one that has the greatest implications for a stranger as a country. so interesting are the u. s. s. i which influence in the region or to i'm the director of the center of counseling about say that a pleasure, sir. thank you so much for joining us here at ot with rehab insignificant. right, move on now. a senior indian government official has come to see the annual bite. actual summit with russia won't take place this year because of scheduling issues. there's been a lot of western media guesswork recently about the true state of relations between the 2 countries. all tease regional sherman has the details. 3 days ago, blue book flashed an exclusive scoop, saying that the annual more deep within summit has been cancelled. now, while it's true to the summit, has indeed been cancelled, but nor to because the reason the western media is citing. the reason they gave was
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that mr. fulton threatened to use nuclear weapons in the war, new green, after which mister moore, the decided not to go to moscow. fourthly, no such threats would made. and secondly, i've spoken to senior officials in the government of india, and they have told me very categorically that the decision old mr. moore, the not going to moscow this here has got nothing to do with any statements or comments made by mister booth. and in fact, as decision was taken weeks ago, this happened because of scheduling issues. it's been a pact. time for india for the prime minister as well in the are saw state elections in good drop as well as the marshal for the is also the winter session. of the end in parliament has just started. it's been a busy time. and therefore, because the scheduling issues, the annual summit between more the in booth in which happens every year last year wouldn't have come down to india. this year movie was supposed to go. that summit
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of course, has been cancelled. i'm again reiterating north because the reasons that the western media is trying to side. but because of scheduling issues, as india are, isn't factor is maintaining. let me also point out here that up no matter what the western media is saying or the reason they are citing, they need to perhaps digest this bitter truth that india is nor taking any fights in this war. also the level of engagement that we've seen between your deleon moscow. after 24, the february we've seen the health minister of india b a with the to moscow. we've also seen the national security advisor, a jeep the wall, r as well as the foreign minister of india alpha as j shankar. oh, who recently was it in moscow? so that's the level of engagement between new deleon, moscow that we are talking about. perhaps that leaves a question mark on the credibility of western media. and all of these reports that
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are making rounds. perhaps experts believe that this has been done to created riffs, whitting, india, and russia are, but it seems like that is not happening. be now a senior e u official says the block has been disgraced by its latest corruption scandal in which a european parliament vice president has been suspended for allegedly taking bribes . my middle eastern power of the top european officials have also spoke him out about the case. we heard from archie, contribute to rachel madison, as well with her opinions on the matter. if members of the european parliament and other politicians can be bought to say certain things to vote in certain ways, it's a disgrace and it makes europe weaker. this for awful scandal erupt at the heart of the european union with 4 people charged by belgian authorities, including that vice president of the european parliament. eva cai leave from greece
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. there was a rate on the home of a belgian euro. deputy market tera, bella, who's the vice chair of the east delegation for relations with the error peninsula . belgian authorities paid another no not visit to the home of an assistant to yet another euro deputy. so 16 raids altogether resulting and reported 600000 euros in cash seized on friday by a belgian police and allegations from the belgian federal prosecutors office of quote, participation in a criminal organization, money laundering, and corruption. hey, you know, it sounds like maybe ukraine really would fit into the you right about now as the most crock country in europe, per transparency international. so i guess it's no wonder european commission, president ursula vander line isn't really sweating ukraine's corruption problems. it's like out, you know, pay come on in. yeah, you know, keep your shoes on. everyone else has there. she's on no problem here. but to be fair vander line did call the allegations, quote of utmost concern,
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very serious. and that's pretty measured. coming from queen ursula of europe for once. she also proposed the creation of an independent ethics body for the e. u and it's institutions. you mean that didn't already exist? maybe that's part of the bravo for an institution, like the european union that preaches to other countries about how to clean up their act. you think that they'd have some strong guard rails in place to prevent the kind of things that these charges allege the western mainstream media, though, is trying to frame it as a cutter problem. just check out the headlights european parliament shaken by her corruption scandal. cut our corruption, scandal, rocks, the e u. parliament, world cup a missed opportunity to protest. cutter corruption, morality you, parliament, under scrutiny as cut our corruption, prob expanse. why is this not considered 1st and foremost,
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a european union corruption prob, and problem shifting blame ought to cut her only really serves to stop looking right there were caught her stops. but how many other countries could be enjoying similar ah, lobbying arrangements with folks in positions of political power and influence and brussels transparency international suggest that this kind of thing is actually pretty commonplace. this is not an isolated incident that many decades the parliament has allowed a culture of impunity to develop where the combination of lacks financial rules and controls and a complete lack of independence or indeed any ethics oversight that does this over again. so the big question that really should be asked now the big elephants in the middle of the room is if this is the visible tip of the iceberg, when it comes to shady activities at the e. u, then just how big is the actual iceberg? and is anyone truly interested in digging any deeper to find out
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while the rows of the news, our up next pitiless bell is on a quote for their home addition will be back on the top of the out. see them with ah ah
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ah ah ah, ah hello and welcome to cross stock were all things are considered on funeral level. what is the possibility of a negotiated end to the conflict in ukraine? there are some indications. nato has shifted its position from total victory on the battlefield to the need of negotiations. at this point, this is unclear. the biggest barrier of course is the lack of trust. ah.


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