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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2022 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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i don't know, i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve it. just about virtue of your being here. ah, as reports and merge on upcoming you sanctions targeting russian media, the committee to protect journalist explains who it deems worthy of safeguarding or not. the former ceo of a crypto currency exchange, which collapse leaving over a 1000000 predators has been arrested in the bahamas a day before he was set to testify before the us congress. israel admit it's highly probable, its troops accidentally killed a teenage house city, and during a weekend raid in the west bank city of jeanine,
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ah, good morning for mark, international studios in moscow, and from wherever you may be. welcome to the hours most vital news. stories from around the globe. i'm fearless about an organization founded to protect the rights of journalist around the world has refused to support russia, media outlets, and individuals and mid reports over looming you sanctions. in their response to ortiz request for comment, the committee said it does not view the journalist as unbiased, therefore, would do nothing to help. c, p. j protects journalists facing reprisal for the journalistic activity. as long as they adhere to the principles of unbiased objective reporting. when we looked at the names of people associated with the media outlets you mentioned in your e mail and who can be included in the new list of sanctioned individuals. we found out that they did not follow this rule of unbiased journalism. therefore, we cannot protect them that says the e reportedly plans to bring in
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a new wave of sanctions targeting russian media r t as well as the state television and radio company v g t r k. could potentially have their assets are frozen. while we saw it one and run t, v, along with other channels, could reportedly loser broadcasting licenses over $100.00 media personalities, including popular tv prisoners could also be blacklisted. let's not go live to legal and media analyst, lionel. welcome, lionel. thank you. what do you make of the committee to protect journalists as response to our request for comment on the potential new sanctions on russian media? it is fascinating to me that the reason why you are not going to be allowed to speak are true o pine is because you were biased,
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that you are not able to give an opinion because of a bias. does anybody understand what that means? can anybody define what bias is? is it all bias? is it some forms of bias? is it some bias or some particular articles of, of interest that deal with particular subject matter? can you believe? 2 things? number one, what you're saying? but also, where are the journalists around the world? where do people, where are they when they hear this, what does this mean to tell somebody we are always, you are priori, limit your ability to speak, because if you're bias without explaining what this even means, can you explain it? have you heard a definition? right, and i mean, they talk about bias and we're talking about also the fact that western media is mostly what the directors board of the committee appears to represent. and we know
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western media has their bias. this the associated press, for instance, in the washington post are some of the examples of whom they represent. and given the make up of the board. is it surprising that they've taken up this position? no, nothing. listen, i've got to ask the question, if you didn't know anything and you were just a regular, just an ordinary, common sense person. what didn't you ask the question? why don't you want me to hear what somebody has to say, and isn't it interesting how certain people, certain countries, certain affiliate, certain groups, are they fall susceptible to this over here to be talked to china or britain or germany or any other country? do they not have bias news sources? you know, we're now weapon ising information to the point that the entire world is under a tremendous dis, this cloak, this dis yolk of censorship. and if ever there was,
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i know this sounds corny, it sound pollyanna ish but i'm going to see it anyway. if ever we needed to speak more to understand what everybody was saying, unfiltered it, now, that's the point i don't understand. if i tell you ahead of time, i don't want to hear what you're saying because you are prone to it issue the cycle misinformation and disinformation. what does that mean? what scares me even more is at the world and citizens around the world are becoming more and more use of this. we're having our social media platform centered. we're having our news center. we're having what we see centered. we're being shut up and shut down. and we're being shadow ban and we're moved out of the way at every conceivable level. and what we're doing is we're habituated to it. we're becoming used to it. we're becoming to the point right now. we're, we're asking ourselves,
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how is it that we do this? how is it that we see are, are, are, are so susceptible to this or we don't even challenge it any more and we're becoming basically indoctrinated and used to it. this is, i've never seen anything like that. listen, if you want to put all of warnings, warning, you know, the following may be biased, fine, let me hear it. but these terms misinformation, dis, information, bias is biased. did this, that me, oh, my favorite. how could i forget propaganda? this is propaganda. what is that mean? how does that fit in the hierarchy of true? is propaganda ever true? does it mean it's exaggerated truth? does that mean to be, i disagree with these terms? me nothing. but we are nodding our heads in this collective obeisance, and that frightens me even more. we're becoming condition. every word should just accept it. who was going to finally say enough. and when we're talking about
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propaganda and we're talking about this orwellian censorship, we can ignore the finances, the c p g earlier demanded. the unfreezes of the car gets san branch of radio, free europe, spank accounts, the outlet, we know it's financed by the us. why the contracting stances on the very media outlets without i'll let you use your skull dugger we on that one. it is a fascinating question. here is the next. the next thing i want to know, do you think there will ever be any kind of an international tribunal which will add which, which, which will throw into the mix of civil rights and human rights. the ability to speak, the ability to hear information, just like you would be able to drink and eat and breathe. when is somebody going to go a step further? when will the po for when will congress or when we're will the you when? when? well, journalists around the world,
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finally say that the dissemination and the exchange of information is a basic human right. whether on the individual level, the national level, the corporate level, this is something you know, we're missing because we're, we're finding out right now and i'm seeing it all here is that people are accepting the fact that if i say something, maybe it's about a war, maybe it's about a virus, maybe it's about cov, it, maybe it's about something, maybe it's about something that happened in history that you know, like my version of it. when i say something that is some way, apparently we're at post max of truth because you know the old expression, you only take flak when you're over the target bone. a say something that is piquant. i'm shut down. and i say again to the point of redundancy, i kind of understand what i don't understand how the world is. death is mum, is mute, is seen nothing because they're in your to this, they're there, they're indoctrinated to that. they're,
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they're becoming habituated to it. that scares me more than anything. well, let me ask you this line. we're seeing more outlets speak about julian assange, but we're also still seeing this attack, particularly on russia and irradiance, state media, a german boon. the staff members suggested creating an office reporting on russian . this information, emphasizing, of course, the work of r t n deutsch. what do you make of this development and why do you think so many journalists themselves are so silent? do, do you think they think they're immune from this sort of targeting? well, we could do a couple of things. first of all, there is this kind of this, this might, this, i was a mob mentality, dis, o'clock, receive. but there is this, this is kind of a movement, you know, the psychology of groups. but you mentioned julian, a sorry, this is the part that again, i'm doing nothing but exhibiting, being flabbergasted. this is the person who basically did exactly what our own
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daniel ellsberg did in the pentagon papers exactly the same day. he basically provided something that was taken by somebody else, and yet nobody understands the distinction between the 2. and as far as having an organization, i would love to read the manual to read the statute as to what determines for what is or is not miss or dis information. that's what i want to know. define this for me. is it a lie? is it not true, and do you have a sub, a subsequent or an adjacent tribunal to determine what isn't, isn't mis information misinformation this information propaganda? i never, i mean, you, you mentioned orwellian eric blair, mr. or, well, could not believe what we are doing and how we are using language to
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pars, should truth. we're basically taking information and we're giving it a new name and a new label. and the world is nodding in affirmation, ok, well after all, if it's misinformation or you forgot one hate speech. oh, if it's hate now that hate and this information and propaganda at the same time 3 strikes you're out. i mean, look at that, look at how we're coming up with new and new names to basically describe the sensation of the commerce of ideas, whether they're right or wrong. let me decide on the consumer. i'll decide i'm an adult. i kid him. that's exactly it. who decides and how serious, i mean, do you think the consequences of not only the c p, jeez position, but the silence of so many people. what does this mean in your opinion for press freedom and for the rights of journalist across the world. obviously not limited to julianna's dodge, but to everybody that's being censored,
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maligned and silenced at this moment by certain agencies. you know, i think one of the reasons in this, a very good question. i think we are so bathe in all of this, this information we're at. we're so collectively. oh, what's the we're we're, we're just saturated in this. we're, we're, we're a washer this, that we think, well, there's plenty of news around this isn't all news. it's, oh, i don't. oh, a bureau here, an online f here it is not that much. we have plenty of news. i. it's not like news is something that we can find with all of our devices. but what are you getting? what do you think you're getting? and the thing is, the most important thing we're finding is, is citizen and civilian and alternative and foreign media. the most important
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people, you know, have often said, if you want to see what's going on in your country, listen to what somebody says elsewhere because they see you in a completely different light. now, what is the, the chances of that being considered misinformation by having another country? because sometimes there's no spot on. they see something, look, it's a very simple concept. what have you ever known that you wish you didn't know what information tell me that you wish? oh, i've been harmed by the truth. i've been hurt by the truth. i've never had it happen once. what hurts me is either a lie or that non truth, the non information, the cessation, the withholding of information. that's what hurts me, is depriving me of oxygen. i needed. i'm getting really flowery and poetic here, but it's true. legal and media analyst align all. thank you very much for that discussion. thank you. o. the ceo of f t
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x exchange has been arrested in the bahamas at the request of u. s. prosecutors in connection with one of the biggest frauds in u. s. history. however, some us lawmakers are questioning the timing of his detention the american public deserves to hear directly from mister back on friday, about the actions. they've hummed a 1000000 people and wiped out the hardened life shaving section many, the public has been waiting eagerly to get these offices under oath before congress and the time, and now does arrest in nicely public digit, patina. chie. the arrest of sank. make man freed comes a day before he was set to testify before the u. s. congress to explain the circumstances, the f t x as exchange collapse, which led to billions of dollars in losses for creditors. his appearance will now be cancelled due to his detention f t. x founded and run by bank mon fried,
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was one of the world's largest crypto currency exchange platforms. it went bankrupt in november this year, potentially leaving over a 1000000 creditors missing their money. us prosecutors are pursuing a charges against same bakeman and fried, including conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering. he denies any wrongdoing . we are going live now to steve malls, bird t v. house and political commentator. welcome rabbit b. b. so same beckman fried was arrested a day before he was set to testify before the u. s. congress is the timing of his arrests significant? i mean, why not allow him to be questioned by congress? first, the timing smells to high heaven. that's how much it stinks. first of all, the southern district of new york usually takes a lot of time before they,
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you know, they've got to investigate a pace and then they eventually make an arrest. this was done like that. that's number one number to think about this. if he had testified before congress on tuesday in washington, the way he was supposed to have testified, everything he said would have been under oath. he would have been under oath and all of that could have been used in a case by the prosecution, by the people who arrested him in a case against him. so the prosecution stopped the defendant, the suspect that the person, the person they have under, under, in arrests from incriminating himself. usually that's what the defense team would do. a defense attorney would do. what in this case that's help his on his all is and how suspicious it is. the prosecution by their timing of the arrest said whoa,
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we don't want him to incriminate himself. we don't want this testimony under oath that we could then use in trial against him. now, this man who was arrested and, and thankfully, i mean he's, he needed to be arrested eventually. he gave, or his companies gave a lot of money to a lot of people in congress, overwhelmingly to democrats, $67000000.00, reportedly and $45.00 democrats benefited. 6 republicans, some of that went to packs as well as individual candidates. so you tell me if he's sitting there and testifying, and a republican asked him, i want you to name all the congress people that you contributed to. all the recall, the democrats and republicans, what would have happened? all hell would have brought broke loose. so i could think of no other reason for the the again the prosecution, the people who are prosecuting him to arrest him on
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a day before they could have waited another day on a day before they would have given him some themselves. so much ammunition to proceed with the prosecution in a court of law. all of that they could have used now they have none of it. why? i mean, yeah, i need to and we talk about the connections of saying thank me for as well. i mean, he was a very well connected is a very well connected individual. what could we have potentially else could we have found out about the collapse of the platform and perhaps other information that could have potentially involved other vital people if the testimony had gone ahead in your opinion? well, you know, that's one thing. it's like, it's like with the jeffrey epstein hanging himself in prison. you know, there's a lot we, we never learned a lot. we'll never find out. i personally don't think we'll ever see the trial of nancy that the gentleman the dog, if he did it,
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who hit nancy pelosi has been over the head with the hammer. i don't think that'll ever go to trial. i think he'll take some kind of plea because then we'll have to see the video up here, all the facts to come out. and there's a lot of conflicting information about what really happened inside that house. so i just think, yes, we would have found out a whole lot about how the operation was run, who knew? now there's been talk about regulating crypto for a long time. did these contributions that he made to elected office holders on both sides? mostly democrats, though, did these contributions help influence the congress from standing back laying off regulation of crypto was a tit for tat type of situation. we don't know, but that's something else that that could have come out. absolutely. and who knows
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what else he knows about who and that's look it's, it's obvious there could be there's no other reason for not waiting one more day to arrest that man. and you mentioned that he had donated many millions to us politicians and party of fail affiliated groups, mostly, of course, to democrats. now, do you think these links would ever harm the party at this point, and what do you think will be the reaction to the people who received these donations? well, there are calls for anybody who got a donation from him to give it back. so i could go to some kind of bankruptcy fund where the, as you said prop, maybe a 1000000 people lost not if not all, much of their life savings in this. what could be a ponzi scheme looks like that to some people. so give the money back, it will go into the funds will be re dispersed, and i haven't heard
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a lot of calls for that. i've heard some and i've heard people say, oh, well we, we donated it to a charity. you know, this congressman donated it to this charity or that charity. i don't think that's good enough. not by a long shot. i think every political action committee that got money, contributions from him, every individual representative that took money from him has to give it all back. now, what will the reaction be? what will people think? what will the voters think? let me tell you something. what you and i are saying right now is not going to be heard on the mainstream media. they don't care if it involves democrats. if it involves the possibility that democrats, who knows who could look bad, they're not going to talk about it. they're not talking about what twitter it has done, what the revelations have come out the last few days. what the at that, what they did to trump, how they did it to trump,
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what they've done to conservatives, how they did it to conservatives. it's a non story to them, and when you talk about hunter biden, they mocking all they're going to go after the president's family has nothing to do with going after the present family has to do with seeing if the president son compromised in china or elsewhere. and that could be used to influence a blackmail the president and did the president benefit, even though he said he didn't, but they mock it, or they don't report it. when the mainstream media this country doesn't have a story that fits their left wing narrative. they ignore it, it never happened. and that's what i think, to a great extent. i mean, we'll hear some of it, but to a great extent, it's good to fade away. well, the white house has also refused to comment on whether joe biden's 2020 campaign donations came from st. bakeman fried at all. why do you think this delayed response and how do you think things will unfold from here on out? well, if the wire and i hadn't heard that, thank you. if the wife,
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the white house isn't commenting, if they in fact said no comment or we're not going to discuss that. if it was no, i think i'd proudly stand up and say no, like i heard a couple of congress, people who were interviewed on fox and elsewhere today. say i didn't take any money from them, but the people who did should give it back. so if it's no, it's no, if it's we're not going to talk about it. you know, you got to figure, chances are the answer could be yes. i don't think there'll be much pressure. again, pressure comes from the media, them, the media really controls the narrative. and if the media doesn't press joe biden, to find out if you know if, if his campaign took money in there, why what they feel about and all that kind of stuff. if the answers come from corinne, jean pierre and she stutters and stammers away through, basically a no common answer when it says and then eventually refuses by saying, i've addressed that. we've discussed that. let's move on, which is what she's very good at doing. we're not going to know much and again,
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this is not, but i mean to the people who lost the money. absolutely. but this is not something that the average person it's going to occupy their, their, their, their time or their mind or their, their, their interests that much longer as it fades away. believe me, steve marg, tv, house and political commentator. thank you very much. my pleasure. ah, a palestinian girl was shot dead on sunday during a raid in the west bank city of janine israeli military has admitted it's highly probable. the i d. f. troops accidentally killed a teenager during a battle with gunmen r t 's. maria from ocean not has more. a horrible incident indeed and sad to say yet another one as israel's military rage that have become an almost daily reality for the residence of the occupied west bank. here often lead to fatalities often
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included among civilian population and including among the children. this recent tragedy happened in the city of daneen. in the northern part of the west bank, the 16 year old girl called jana, was shot dead near her house. we have been able to speak to john his family, and this is how they describe the circumstances of this killing that they witnessed the humble evidence below. after these really armies stormed the german camp and started shooting. jenna was in the house looking for her pet cat. she opened the door and tried to get her cap into the cage. that is when the occupations soldier, for 13 bullets at her, of which 4 boats hit her body about the value of the shooting was close to us about 50 meters away or even less. the detective of the palestinian authority, made preliminary investigations and found out that these railey soldiers worth it was who killed her. they examined the gunshots, which were extracted from her body and proved to be identical with the ones found
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inside the house. this terrible case has already attracted international attention . the un special representative for children and on conflicts is currently on her visit to the west bank and the gaza strip. and she claimed on monday that she is aware of the daily crimes committed against palestinian children. this is quotation and she also said that she affirms the you as close cooperation and coordination with the palestinian authority in order to protect palestine and children, quotation in light of the escalating israeli violations and settlers violence. israel though teams has a different position. this is what one of the members of these railey far ride jewish national for on potty claim last week in an interview call. michelle silly is gonna be a new gob over herself. very clean at the almost suddenly the tilt high of love secret korean. then you give a commercial shimoda, a name, remodel. hymns of you may say,
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leave the hot buffer or elephant oddfellows field before i sure elsie mouthful, a senior. that's a racist policy for a government to her. not gonna tell me, though, the hominem years. marcenough secured. eliza kasheila museum. the u. s. has now also reacted calling for accountability after these railey army said a soldier likely accidentally short this 16 year old john a dad. let's take a listen. we do express our profound condolences to the family of jonah zach connor . the young teenage girl who was killed, we understand the idea of his undertaking an investigation and to what happened. we hoped to see accountability in this case. again, this is not the 1st case. unfortunately, the palestine an authority claims that since the beginning of this year alone, the israeli occupation forces exaggerated. this is the word they use more than 50 to palestine and children, the palestinian prime minister, a cold for an international investigation into the killing of john on her family.
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now hope that will those responsible will be punished and they will be able to achieve justice for their beloved daughter. and that's all the top new stories for this our, for more up to the minute use checkout r t dot com. and don't forget to follow us on odyssey rumble and gab. thanks for tuning in. we'll see you again next hour. here are we witnessing the end of globalization as we have known it for about the last half century? it would certainly seem so. the west, the ability to shape the world and its own image also appears to be on the way. as a result, should we expect new regional and block globalization with
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with mm. welcome to worlds apart. as shakespeare contented for centuries ago, war makes for strange bedfellows. a principle that turkey seems to have taken too hard in the current ukrainian conflict. on the one hand present, aradonda calls on nature to take concrete steps to deter the so called russian aggression. on the other hand, anchor kids deepening its relationship with moscow and handsomely benefiting from it. what is turkey's game? well, to discuss it, i'm now joined by you now to because a member of the turkish parliament and the countries form ambassador to re breton, and as ever john, it's
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a great pleasure to talk to you. thank you very much for your time. thank you for inviting me. now. i mentioned the war in ukraine in my introduction and we are going to mar the 10 month anniversary of it soon. and what's interesting about it is it is a very peculiar synchronicity because you and your party issue the statement 2 days before the official launch of that operation in which you warrant about the increased risk of a burning conflict. did you see that were coming before it began that the war sells? but so we actually predicted a kind of a military operation. and we simply thought that it would be dangerous for the whole region. because since the disintegration of the former soviet union, turkey has developed equitable relations, both russia and ukraine and war countries are neighbors at the black sea by the sea side of course, of course. so if those 2 countries.


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