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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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then its own image also appears to be on the way as a result, should we expect new regional and block globalization ah, ah, as the reports emerge on upcoming a u sanctions targeting russian media, the committee to protect journalists, fix claims, who it deems worthy of safeguarding or not. and the former c, e o of a crypto currency exchange, which collapsed, leaving over a 1000000 predators as been arrested in the bahamas a day before he was set to testify before the u. s. congress is rural it. meds, it's highly probable. its troops accidentally killed a teenage palestinian during a weekend rate in the west bank city of jeanine.
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ah, good morning for martine or national studios in moscow, and from wherever you may be catching us, welcome to the hours most pressing news stories from around the globe. i'm fiorella is about an organization founded to protect the rights of journalists around the world has refused to support russian media, outlets and individuals. a big reports over looming, you sanctions, in their response to ortiz, request for comment the committees that it does not view the journalist as on bias, therefore would do nothing to help. c, p. j protects journalists facing reprisals for the journalistic activity as long as they adhere to the principles of unbiased objective reporting. when we looked at the names of people associated with the media outlets you mentioned in your e mail and who can be included in the new list of sanctioned individuals. we found out that they did not follow this rule of unbiased journalism. therefore,
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we cannot protect them. that's as e u reportedly plans to bring in a new wave of sanctions targeting russian media r t as well as estate television and radio company v g t r k. could potentially have their assets frozen while rossier one and ran t v along with other channels, could reportedly lose their broadcasting licenses over $100.00 media personalities, including popular tv prisoners could also be blacklisted. legal and media analysts line all told us that media outlets often get accused of bias without an explanation as to how or why is fascinating to me that the reason why you are not going to be allowed to speak or to. oh, pine is because you were biased, that you are not able to give an opinion because of a bias. does anybody understand what that means?
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can anybody define what bias is? where are the journalists around the world? where do people, where are they when they hear this, what does this mean to tell somebody we are worried? you are a priori. limit your ability to speak because of your bias without explaining what this even means. can you explain it? have you heard a definition? listen, if you want to put all of the warnings warning, you know, the following may be biased, fine, let me hear it. but these terms misinformation, dis, information, bias is biased. did this, that me? oh my favorite. how could i forget propaganda? this is prop again death. what is that mean? how does that fit in the hierarchy of true? is propaganda ever true? does it mean it's exaggerated truth? does that mean to me, i disagree with these terms. me nothing. but we are nodding our heads in this
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collective obeisance, and that frightens me even more. we're becoming condition everywhere, to just accept it. who is going to finally say enough, when? well, journalists around the world, finally say that the dissemination and the exchange of information is a basic human right. whether on the individual level, the national level, the corporate level, they say something that is some way apparently, we're ost max of truth because you know, the old expression, you only take flak when you're over the target bone. a say something that is piquant. i'm shut down and i say again to the point of redundancy, i kind of understand that. i don't understand how the world is deaf is mum, is mute, is saying nothing because they're in your to this, they're there, they're indoctrinated to that. they're, they're becoming habituated to it. that scares me more than anything. a member of
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germany's leading political party has proposed the creation of a committee to control the sprite of so called russian disinformation. the danger of russian propaganda and his information in germany should not be underestimated, especially now when everything is getting more expensive, there is a risk that people will become more receptive to pro russian fakes. according to german media reports archie deutsch uses 3rd party outlets and you tube channels to spread information. journalists who publish so called pro russian information are set to be connected to russia who controlled media. let's get a reaction on this from sermon american journalist napoleon, mileage, welcome to the program learning. why do you make of the proposal of a german parliament member to create an office reporting on the a legit russian? this information is this about fighting the so called russian propaganda or is it
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more about cracking down on free speech? well, my 1st reaction of us, oh goody germans are making blacklists again. because that hasn't historically going well for them or for their intended victims. i mean, i'm originally from an area that had brushes with germans and world war one in world war 2. and neither of them is turned out really well for anyone. i mean, this is the, the germans are, this is not about misinformation or this information. this is in the mission of that one m p. you know if, if people's a condition get sufficiently bad, they might question the reality that the government wants them to believe in. and this is, this is what is all about. this whole sovereign citizen, rice burger. so cold, cool that they just allegedly thwarted, they honestly want people to believe the 25 individuals wanted to restore to monarchy that's been gone for over a century. and then they are, they're somehow
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a threat. this is literally just, you know, throwing the people a curve ball and expecting them to, to be distracted by it. look, i've been in, in this business for very many years, and i've seen all sorts of propaganda and i've never seen it never thinks seen things that this bad and this censorious and this repressive, not even in the ninety's with, with the given is ation of the serbs and lobby that that was, that was child's play compared to this and my own, the only explanation, it makes any sort of sense is that these western governments, whether it's the americans or german, french with british, especially the british, they're afraid the, their entire structure of power rests on this notion that they get the media monopoly, they get the monopoly on the truth. and clearly the fact that they are contemplating
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this type of mass span and black listing of people. and you've got these fake and g o saying all, well, you're not a non biased journalist. we can't protect you. this is proves that they never believed in free speech. they believe in power, and they feel it slipping away. and this is why they're trying to band, anybody who might be a challenge, and the harder to squeeze, the more people will slip through their grasp and with other censorship, they even officials are also worried about the popularity of so called russian propaganda. there's also been much of a discussion about the apparent threats that such propaganda poses. what kind of threats do you think they're talking about? exactly. so here's the thing, every single social protest in europe, both your, especially this year, but even previously has you've, you've had these unscrupulous politicians basically saying, oh, this is russian propaganda. this is your, by this information, you know, macro,
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and famously blamed the yellow vests on, you know, russia. you've obviously had, you know, in the americans for the past 5 years, blamed everything on russia. you had the check prime minister who saw this massive st purchased in prague saying, oh, these are all russian ages are motivated by russian propagate, essentially blaming russia. is this get out of jail free card for every single european technocrat who was not at all responsible to their own people? you had the german 4 mister literally say at a conference. i don't care what my german voters think or what i am committed to ukraine, for example. and so here are these people who have nothing but contempt for their own citizens. and they're using this bug beer of russian propaganda as a ready made excuse to shut down any dissented hold. it's purely political, it's purely more motivated at domestic repression. they're trying to basically silence their own people more so more so than any russian journalists really. but i
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mean, this is overly aimed at russia journalist, but the target or the germans, the checks the french, the brits and so on who are actually being condemned to sit down, shut up and do what they're told. and you know, come election time to have a choice between this and coke and pepsi across across different flavors of the same oppression. right? it seems like russia is a scapegoat for right full criticism. now, according to recent german media investigation, russian linked outlets are spreading information about protests over the economic crisis in europe. so it's freedom of press coverage is so pivotal for the blog. why aren't you repeat media reporting more extensively on the protest themselves? so people don't want to have to turn to russian sources of information. because again, freedom of press isn't a fundamental value of the you. their charter of human rights says, you know, we believe in free speech bought and then lists all sorts of conditions which are
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so vague that, that the european bureaucrats basically get to interpret them as, as long as you don't say anything. we object to that disagrees with us, that contradicts our beliefs that offends people that we take orders from its own and so forth. we don't believe in st. louis in free speech, even in america, we're free speech is defined, a mental pillar of the constitution. they don't believe in free speech in practice, and they keep making up these pretext like misinformation or incitement of violence . basically creating these exceptions that enable them to drive the 6th fleet through when they want to fly to route. it's manifestly true that you will not see media report on things that are inconvenient for the establishment, not the government, not specific parties and power because that happens all the time. it's part and parcel of the scheming, but the political establishment, if something is threatening the political establishment,
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then it gets suppressed and still because the current orthodoxy imposed for brussels is that however difficult may get. it's worth it because ukraine, if you criticize it, if you report it, if you dare mention that you wrote a medically declared a russian age, that's how it works. so we've seen the mass demonstrations in the u, again, sanctions against russia. we've seen them against nato. do you think that the people in the you are actually choosing to get their information from russian media and why do you think that is clearly a lot of people have been lied to by a lot of media for a lot for the past several years, especially during the pandemic, but even before and the panoramic, i think in particular, woke up a lot of people to the fact that they've been lied to and deceived. and so they seek out information. if you know, if you're, if you having something i, or there's an anecdote i remember for the bosnian war,
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somebody was criticized propagated and set the government central saying, well, you know, we have to do this. look, if a tankless sitting outside my house and you're telling me there is no take, i'm going to check the media out. what that tells me there is a pink because i want to know what's going on. and so that's, that's basically what's happening. people are looking for sources of information that will tell them what's going on and that their eyes, kids, and they won't go to places that will tell them that what they're seeing is, is, doesn't exist. this is how you lose trust. and with the censorship of people who do confirm with people's i see you lose even more trust. this is why the sensor strategy works for a little while, but eventually fails. and this is what you're regrets. don't understand. and that was, what was your knowledge survey are american journalists. thank you. the c e o of f t x exchange has been arrested in the bahamas at the request of us
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prosecutors in connection with one of the biggest fraud cases in us history. however, some us lawmakers are questioning the timing of his detention. he was scheduled to testify under oath before this committee today. unfortunately, the timing of his wrist denies the public opportunity to get the answers they deserve. house g o p was ready to grill him 6 ways to sunday. why not allow him to 1st testify tomorrow and answer are many questions. same bank min freeze arrest comes just a day before he was set to testify before us congress to explain the circumstances around the f t x exchange collapse which led to billions of dollars and losses for creditors. his appearance will now be cancelled due to his detention f t. x founded and run by bank men. fried was one of the world's largest crypto currency
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exchange platforms. it went bankrupt in november of this year, leaving potentially over a 1000000 creditors with missing money. us prosecutors are pursuing a charges against bank men freed, including conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering. he so far denies any wrong doing t v. host and political commentator, steve malls berg, believe the arrest doesn't give the prosecution a chance to use anything. bakeman freed could have said in congress, in their case, southern district of new york usually takes a lot of time before they know they've got to investigate a case and then they eventually make an arrest. this was done like that. that's number one number to think about this year. and if he had testified before congress on tuesday in washington, the way he was supposed to have testified, everything he said would have been under oath to he would have been under oath. and
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all of that could have been used in a case by the prosecution, by the people who arrested him on, in a case against him for a show. the prosecution stop 20 the defendant. the suspect that the purpose of the person they have under, under an arrest from incriminating himself. usually that's what the defense team would do. if he's sitting there and testifying, and a republican asked him, i want you to name all the congress people that you contributed to. all the recall, the democrats and republicans. i think that what would have happened all hell would have brought broke loose to arrest him on a day before they could have waited another day on a day before they would have given him up themselves so much ammunition to proceed with the prosecution in a court of law, all of that they could have used that they had none of it. why and now to
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the don bass were the head of the daniel republic says the region is being shelled with unprecedented ferocity. ukrainian forces have targeted 3 cities in the don. yes. republic on tuesday, that's according to local officials, around 40 residential buildings and 8 objects of civilian infrastructure were damaged by ukrainian attacks. over the past few days, our correspondent igor stuff reports from the frontline getting to rushes. frontline positions is to day a challenge in itself. only a fraction of civilian vehicles are capable of winning the struggle against these muddy country roads. with, from this sport is only about 3 kilometers of sludgy to rain and patches of pine trees between russian and ukrainian troops. popella upon whom
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1st mm deal as it has been good. i did. one thing that the 2 armies have in common here is having to facilitate this survival, amid mud, under a mutual hail of bombs, or p, jeez hand military optics. they neighbor here with simple stoves like this one. they provide the much needed warm and the hint at comfort, amid the very difficult conditions here, basically, temperatures, they drop into freezing territories. regularly, interchanging with down pose. all of that adds as yet another item on the already very long list of hardships. the most mundane of tasks like keeping clothes, clean and dry, turn into a gamble with death at the front line. now whatever dangers there were,
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they have increased by an order of magnitude. the kitchen vehicle changed its route and went to collect the injured from another position after the shelling the roads in trenches or muddy, the weather changes, sometimes it rains and then it's freezing. we have to fix them all the time, some fight as he learned the ropes of life and the war soon as they go. crane soldiers have been shuffled here with those who have been recently mobilized. in spite of all peril and hardship, though few of them regret trading the comfort of civilian life. for this critique, our task is to protect the homeland. i packed my things and went to the front line though i could have stayed just like many of us could have bought, but were there with winter being only into its 1st month, no one here, harbours the illusion. conditions will improve any time soon. it will get worse before it gets better, and whoever adapt best will have the upper hand and combat over the enemy. survival
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of the fittest has never been more real amish. dawn of reporting from the dorm bass . r t. the u. s. department of defense is malling over whether to send more troops . ukraine, to track the vast amount of weapons provided to cab that's according to n b. c. news. washington says a small number of soldiers are already assigned to making sure weapons reach their intended recipient. however, they're only said to have visited, 2 locations outside have to track the supplies. officials are said to be eager to pick up the piece, the pace of the checks before january, when there will be more pressure for accountability from house republicans. meanwhile, a new visual graphic has been published by an independent american data scientist showing washington's 8 to you brain, with each dot representing $100000.00. as you can see, the red dots represent military aid,
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blue dots show assistance for the kiosk government, and the yellow dots represent humanitarian aid. the total sum total more than $100000000000.00. the original video depicting the flow of 8 is more than 2 minutes long. former pentagon, senior security policy analysts, michael maloof, doesn't believe accountability can be achieved in ukraine, given the vast amount of weapons and money already sent to the country. the sudden need for co accountability is that republicans increasingly are asking for it. and secondly, they are going to be in charge of the house of representatives come january. and they have signalled already that they plan to scrutinize more more of these giveaways to ukraine because they cannot because they don't feel that that there's justification for that amount of money. secondly, for the pentagon now to announce this coming at this time is to show congress the
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incoming congress, especially that they are doing something about it. but the reality is, it's all ridiculous. it's, it's, it's just window dressing. there's no way that any accountability will ever be achieved. i presume they're going to be using us contractors that they can rely on to give them some semblance of what's out there. but in no way will this be this, the accountability that congress has been expecting and a palestinian girl was shot dead on sunday during a raid in the west bank city of janine, the israeli military has admitted its highly probable idea of troops accidentally killed the teenager. during a battle with god, men are cheese. maria for notion has more a horrible incident indeed and sad to say, yet another one,
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as israel's military rates that have become an almost daily reality for the residence of the occupied west bank. here often lead to fatalities often included among civilian population and including among the children. this recent tragedy happened in the city of daneen. in the northern part of the west bank, the 16 year old girl called jana, was shot dead near her house. we have been able to speak to john his family, and this is how they describe the circumstances of this killing that they witnessed the humble others. but after these really armies stormed the jetting camp and started shooting. jenna was in the house looking for her pet cat. she opened the door and tried to get her cap into the cage. that is when the occupations soldier for 13 bullets at her, of which 4 boats hit her body, says about the valley element of the shooting was close to us about 50 meters away or even less. the detectives of the palestinian authority, made preliminary investigations and found out that these railey soldiers were the
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ones who killed her. they examined the gunshots, which were extracted from her body, and proved to be identical with the ones found inside the house. this terrible case has already attracted international attention. the un special representative for children and armed conflicts is currently on her visit to the west bank and the gaza strip. and she claimed on monday that she is aware of the daily crimes committed against palestinian children. this is quotation, and she also said that she affirmed the you as close corp and coordination with the palestinian authority in order to protect palestinian children, quotation in light of the escalating israeli violations and settlers violence. israel though teams has a different position. this is what one of the members of these railey far right jewish national for on potty claim last week in an interview call. michelle silva corby and his global because of a very clean at the almost sog me that you have left secrete cream. when you get
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a commercial shimoda la name room out of himself, you may say leave the hut buffer or alexey mouthful as field before. i shall, if he mouthful a senior difficult. that's a racist policy for a government to her. not going to tell me though to hominum. yours must not secured eliza kasheila visa. the u. s. has now also reacted calling for accountability after these railey army said a soldier likely accidentally showed this 16 year old john a dad. let's take a listen. we do express our profound condolences to the family of jonah zach khana, the young teenage girl who was killed. we understand the idea is undertaking an investigation to what happened. we hope to see accountability in this case. again, this is not the 1st case. unfortunately, the palestine in authority claims that since the beginning of this year alone, the israeli occupation forces executive. this is the word they use more than 50 to
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palestine and children, the palestinian prime minister, a cold for an international investigation into the killing of john on her family. now host said, well those responsible will be punished and they will be able to achieve justice for their beloved daughter. and in india, retail inflation rate has dropped to an 11 month low. this comes as analysts forecast the future growth of the country's economy. artes room june sharma brings us the details. all was in the us economy managed to do well amidst that to buy global prices with a re all the nations he already a detailed analysis of in the us growth project tree and how rarer experts analytics and agencies are praising in there for being successful. and it's a global economic turmoil. let's start with the world bank, which recently said that the indian economy is not only better pleased to handle
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global headwinds than it's emerging market counterparts, but lifted up in deals g d p growth for the current fiscal year to 6.9 percent. slightly higher than the 6.5 percent it projected for the year at the end of september, india's economy has been remarkably resilient to the deteriorating external environment and strong macro economic fundamentals which have placed it in good stead compared to other emerging market economies. while the world bang bumps up india's growth projection, it also dropped in dallas october inflation to 6.77 percent from 7.41 percent in the preceding month, mainly due to easing prizes in the food basket. the world bank forecasts inflation in india to keep declining next year to 5 point one percent. but it's not the world bank loan praising india's economic development as and be global as well as morgan
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stanley. how recently showed their forecasts on in the us economic future, and it looks fright. india has the conditions in place for an economic boom field by off shoring investment and manufacturing energy transition, and the countries advanced digital infrastructure. these drivers will make india the world's 3rd largest economy in stock market before the end of the decade. meanwhile, india else prime minister, larry the more the recently said, the country canada for to miss the for thing just to revolution. some, some play over when the 1st industrial revolution came, india could not take benefit from it. we lagged behind in the 2nd and 3rd industrial revolution, but to day, when it's time for the 4th industrial revolution, india cannot miss it. a long term vision is pivotal for stable growth and development. india cannot miss the 4th industrial revolution. opportunity won't
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come again, not despite the current economic unrest in the world, india has managed to become a safe haven for multi nationals according to analysis by the economic times, nearly a dozen multi nationals such as nestle, pepsi go. coca cola, l'oreal and others are doubling down on india with higher investments. increase spending and selective hiring in their annual operating plans for next year. having identified it as amongst the few markets that are growing. economic growth opportunities, a huge. we're adding new or investment categories and incrementally increasing spending. as we make our plans for the next year. we have identified that this is the decade of india. and that's not all yet. according to goldman sachs, india is about to overtake the u. s. economically by 2075 and by 2015, india is expected to be in the walls, top 3 economies. as the global economy currently isn't titles,
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all eyes are on india, luncheon sharma, r t, new delhi. and those were the top news stories for this our, for 247 updates. check out our t v dot com. and don't forget to follow us on odyssey rumble. and gab, thanks for tuning and we'll see you again next hour. ah, ah, ah, ah.


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