tv News RT December 14, 2022 10:00am-10:31am EST
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your to with so i used to show you can do stuff with in your see what your scenario speaker for girl who's with the headlines on all of the international tensions on the rise. and this self came to a public of course. so that caused the bow off, the accused, christina of thieving populated area, and then north of the region. we bring you the latest this out, the usb, this africa summit to highlight what it holds russia and china is quite the stabilizing activities in the region with us in washington, shipped from africa as acute issues. that leads paging far from the contact with africa is not gonna re enough a big public games, but the loan,
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the target of all the tree prussia from any country old person, washington should respect the will of the african people. that's the latest ukrainian shelling of russians don't. yes, for public leaves, at least one person killed and several wounded correspondence catches up with russian troops on the front lines as winter simple stoves like this one. they provide the much needed woo, under the hint. come foot amid the very difficult conditions here with very welcome. this is anti international with the latest world news uptake is good to have you. what does this our now tensions are spiraling in northern coast of i was a 3rd being representative to the region has accused pristine as governments of carrying out the force, both seizure of power and the majority of area of mitchell with help from the local
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police. now this comes just ours, off to the officials of south for came cause the officially applied for e u membership. with belgrade, condemning the move on durgin brussels to block it ortiz contributor nicholas visual, bring the lakers from the ground later, there's our stay with us for us. moving on for now. the, with the u. s. africa summers in full swing, washington is already pushing it so narrative accusing russia and china of the stabilizing activities in the region. now, as the 3 day event hits, it's 2nd day, the us defense secretary sets out his own priorities. we're witnessing the peer to expand its footprint a on, on a continent on a daily basis, and that creates problems that will be eventually destabilizing if they're not already. or we see russia continuing to puddle, cheap weapons, employ mercenaries across the continent. and so the combination of those activities
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by those 2 countries are, i think, are that bears watching. and certainly i think their influence, again, can be the stabilizer is really disappointing to hear these kinds of warnings. still being lamented when american president joe biden, from is a relationship of mutual respect with africa and one that will be different. but there are to, rick is still pretty much the same. the comments by you as a defense, he really was almost expected by african countries. i mean, african countries have only as for one thing, and one thing only can you, can you let us make our own decision when it comes to who we want to trade with? who we want to be friends with? because only we are the custodians of our own development, but there is not america and true to american form. they cannot engage in much without necessarily dictating terms. now,
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it's true that america has lost much of its ground here on the continent, particularly economically. you know, to, to the likes of china who move it in one of the americans created that way. but it's kind of rich for the americans to start talking about things like that. when you know the immediate actual needs of the continent are still there within their reach and within their gruff, i mean, you look at countries in this a hell that are going through really difficulty in terms of, in terms of conflict in terms of people being displaced and food insecurity is really acute in areas like that, but that is not what you're finding what you're fine. it is that america did not invite their leaders to this washington shindig, where they will be at availing the new relationship with africa is pretty much the same old, same old and very, very conditional. i was a bit surprised when i, when i saw, especially the kinds of comments that have been leveled to was russia and towards
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china. the rush of a comment is that they are peddling cheap weapons on the continent and being could lead to a civilization. and one don't really know, one written one, there's just how long the american memory is. i mean, ticket situation like libya, libya was a stable country, and dom warmer godaddy come 2011 denito led coalition, which was during obama's administration. you look at libya now. no paused, conflict funds, no post conflict plane and has really been left in ruins and china. on the other hand, i guess it came with the territory that it had to be accused and accusation here is that china is lending african stains money and an unsustainable debt and sustainable range getting them in a death threat. but, and that's not according to their justice. the u. k. based organization has other than african states. oh, more to west then banks,
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asset managers as well as oil traders than they do to china. in fact, almost 3 times more that says something about the, the open temp that the western banks and institutions have head to africa. what china and righteous entry into africa than is allowed the continent to move on to look is to explore other friendships. and not only be tied by friends that hold and know where your finger only to tell us what we can't and cannot do. but here is the chinese official res ones to that accusation about easy and available chinese money porter or me. yes, she, what we hope to us could view china africa cooperation with an open mind. africa is not an arena big power game. so let alone the target of arbitrary prussia from any country. all person, washington should respect the will the african people and take concrete actions to help africa's development art. instead of concentrating its efforts on smearing and attacking other countries. and that is really ally in that america this i large
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uses who they used to live taking turn or they leave. they look at africa in separated means and in their engagement even the renewed again and it's still harm freely. much feels like the same old same old script america have been devoid of the continent did. they've left a voice here that has been filled because it will eventually had to be filled. they still didn't feel like the people who recognized a potential of africa, especially youth demographic, to come into the fall and be a real force over the next couple of decades. that was seen by friends in the east africa analyst kofi kwaku. i believe it's the west. so though, initially washington's broken promises that have led the continent into dire situation, it's in today. it's really sad to see the united states having a strategy best based on the u. b. only concern for the united states is concerned
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by proxy because other powers are getting africa like russia, like china, like tricky, like arabic countries for the past 6 years, 7 years or so. they've been all of these promises by the western expression stage that there was that bill here was if you look at, it's very little been done. the african nations who sort of, you know, trusted the staged to hell or to bill to find ways for the economy. and if the partnership with the united states, both the west, where really what they're promising african countries wouldn't be where they are today, this very complicated and paradoxical situation where you know, you rich rich in resources, somebody else is extracting. ah, several suspects have appeared in court for
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a close that pre trial hearing over an unprecedented corruption scandal in the european parliament, which is already seen several high profile resignations under rest, sim, brussels, a number of m p 's from the socialist block. i've also been asked to step down amidst the investigation as cross to all to contribute to rachel morrison. for more details on this now re to lovely, to see you what exactly all the allegations in brussels and just how serious this is, collection scandal for the you itself. while the blast radius of the scandal seems to be growing by the day, the belgian prosecutor's office treated the hollow grounds of the european parliament like a giant crime scene this week. seizing tech equipment to prevent data sensibly from potentially vanishing. meanwhile, right wing politicians who have been accused by the e. u in the past of using corruption allegations as a political sledge hammer in an effort to marginalize them are now having a pretty good laugh and pointing out how all this is directly touching darlings of
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the e u establishment and not a bunch of price european union loves to give lessons to the entire world. it would do much better to start cleaning its own house. the european parliament is not a transparent institution and support for socialists like eva kylie, exposes the values of the european parliament and ridicules this e u institution. beltran authorities are now talking about 20 separate searches and 750000 euros. seized, including several 100000, just sitting around in a suitcase in a hotel room in brussels. how intriguing and dramatic it sounds like someone involved in this fiasco watch, too many hollywood dramas had decided to become the main character, one of their own european commission. president ursula vander line has now proposed an independent ethics body for you institutions where there are quote, very clear rules. yeah. how about like use
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a bank and not your luggage to store cash. if you're an elected official, maybe she said that it would be quote, a big step forward. yeah, i guess it would hold european officials to the same high standards as teenagers who might be tempted to dip into the till during their shift at the local fast food restaurant and take home the proceeds. since authorities also said that a 150000 euros were found in a euro deputy, so member of parliament apartment. there are now 6 people arrested, including 4 members of european parliament, most notably former you parliament, vice president, eva collie who was just stripped of her title in a vote. all this loose cache has been tied to could tori lobbying efforts, but doha denies having anything to do with it. so while this investigation is still ongoing. rachel, how was cass? i responded to the allegations sofa. yeah,
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well they're saying that they really have nothing to do with this and they put out a statement today and i have a listen. the state of guitar categorically rejects any attempts to associated with accusations of misconduct. any association of the katara government with the reported claims as baseless and gravely misinformed. so it's probably worth pointing out that state officials don't usually carry around and hand out 2 cases full of cash or wives of cash or anything like that. if that's going to happen, it's generally what middleman and cat outs are for here in france, for example, there have been countless bribery and corruption scandals and they almost never ever bring down the highest level officials. well, not the smart ones anyway, but that may not be the case at the you where this is a particularly flagrant case of idiocy that just seems to be taking shape. right.
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how many, thanks for those details. i thought a contributor rachel marston, that thanks now an organization founded to protect the rights of journalists worldwide, has refused to support russian media outlets and individuals. amid reports of lumina e u sanctions asked by r t, if it would support russian reporters, the committee to protect journalists said it does not view them as unbiased, therefore, would do nothing to help. c p. j protects journalists facing reprisal for the journalistic activity. as long as they adhere to the principles of unbiased objective reporting, when we looked at the names of people associated with the media outlets you mentioned in your e mail and who can be included in the new list of sanctioned individuals. we found out that they did not follow this rule of unbiased journalism, therefore we cannot protect them as well. thank you. blacklist reportedly includes r, t, and states hello vision and radio company v g t r k, which could potentially have the assets frozen and e u countries where we see
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a one, the ren tv and other channels could lose their broadcast licenses. over $100.00 russian media personalities including popular tv present, it could also be blacklisted. i mean, while the committee continues actively supporting global pro western media outlets earlier this month, they demand the band be listed on us funded broadcast. the radio free europe, radio, liberty, and i'm gonna stone my last month it demanded access be restored to the broadcast. this kid gives website the committee failure to live up to its international promise come to the member of germany's main opposition party attempts to start his own campaign against russian media, christine social union representative. andrea didn't hold sounds proposed to the creation of a committee to control this part of so called russian distance. eventually, this information, the danger of russian propaganda and as information in germany should not be underestimated, especially now when everything is getting more expensive, there is
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a risk that people will become more receptive to pro russian fakes. according to german media reports the art have german uses. 3rd party outlets and youtube channels to spread information. journalists, the publish circled pro russian information, said to be connected to russian controlled media course. now as a form agree combat the under my name is chris on poplar many thanks for joining us on the program. very nice to see you today. so what did you make of this proposal to create an office reporting on a ledge rush and this information is this really about fighting so called propaganda with it about cracking down on freedom of speech? well, it's basically cracking down on freedom of speech. the european union has already taken a terrible measures which i have condemned in the past fascist measures that would not allow us here in greece and in the west to hear what russia today has to say.
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so that we can all said we ourselves could form our own opinion on what the situation is. and now the germans come to remind us of nazi germany. all right. we remembered that during nazi germany. everything was controlled by the state. at the end, what happened? they lost the war and so we learned everything that happened during the time of oppression. i mean, i find it and it totally unacceptable. zach the germans are calling controls on russia, propaganda, and media track down. i mean, we are going towards the country towards a europe of fascist. not only that, but i listen previously to your or don't know what's happening in the you with the corrections capital. that is something that has been hidden, has been totally hidden all these years. and since i was working in on e, you affairs from the seventy's, there was always an issue of oh,
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of bribery or the agenda. and this is something that has always been hidden in the western in the so called western press. so what the germans are doing now, it will backfire on them because at the end we will listen to the truth. i have many driven friends in germany who are telling me that it's difficult for them, but they're able to access sources that allow them to see what's happening in, in reality and not to listen to all this propaganda of the west. so for me, it's totally unacceptable. what the germans are trying to do, and it reminds me over that to germany and i hope we're not heading towards that direction. it does say that there is a rising frustration within the west that people on getting the full picture on that t v. screens and their news, especially at this and especially with the protests against the sanctions which
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haven't been reported on which are to have been reporting on of course. so what do you make in this case of the german government? so track down on this particular tunnel r t in the country, including the freezing of assets can be justified at all. no, it could not be justified with heather. and you should be proud of both rti because it shows that our team is doing an excellent job. and that's why our team is being attacked by germany and by the west. i've been, i'm very proud of our tea during the time that i had access to it. i was able to be informed on what's happening in the world and to make my own decisions or how i see things. so i think that our fee should be proud of itself. we'll look at drop that story. do you think it would be fair to say that with it's been r t the german government is trying to wear high to the real picture of what's going on in ukraine, for instance, along with the truth of european energy crisis and other things?
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of course it is because the friends of mine that i'm, that i'm speaking in, in germany, are telling me that the german press is reporting that a russia is losing every day. there are victories in the ukraine, while in reality, i'm getting the totally different for information from friends of mine living in the ukraine, which are showing which are telling me the advances that the russian military is making in ukraine, for example, here today was bombed. there's no report of that in the western press, and i, and i learned this from my sources that they have here in there as, as were discussing earlier, christine social union representative. andrea lind halls has proposed the creation of the committee to control the spread of so called russian dis, information. and what would german lead to me actually stand to gain from this
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other than a bipolar politician? this particular politician being able to say, look what i've done, i've created best. what was the aim here? what's the point? absolutely, absolutely nothing. because at the end we would all go. we will learn the truth because the system would collapse and the truth would, would come out as it did during nazi germany. you don't have to have a war to, to do this. i mean, we will find out what is going on. and there's a whole system is going to collapse at the end. so she has nothing to gain by this, by the story because the truth will come out as it always comes out. and what do you think the issue of so called russian propaganda remain such a hot topic for their western media outlets? i believe that it's new to stupidity, of the european union of, of the west who are trying to impose a,
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a democratic system of informing the people of europe and the people of europe are not buying this anymore. so i mean, we're going back to fascist. i hope not, but we, the european people are going to fight against them. many thanks for joining us on the program. daily need us chris, on topple as former greek ambassador and diplomat. really appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. the 1st news, another news from the ukrainian capital where the man has said this several explosions of woke here of suburbs and sense of leaving air raid sirens ringing out across the city. officials at the wall that administrative building had been damaged and meanwhile, in don't batteries, one person is being killed and 2 wounded off ukrainian artillery lawrence denali morning blit. from a public official say, care troops reigned dozens of shells. many nato supplies on residential areas. similar strikes on the republics capital city on tuesday, left,
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3 people dead. the selling is reportedly ongoing or that as fierce bottles continue to wage across the front lines where russian troops are reportedly making some progress on the coast on of visiting the terrain in which one such regiment is fighting. and dumbass getting to russia's frontline positions is to day a challenge in itself. only a fraction of civilian vehicles are capable of winning the struggle against these muddy country roads. you're different from this sport. there's only about 3 kilometers of sludgy to rain and patches of pine trees between russian and ukrainian troops. popella who had been here for, you know, it was the author, the vehicle of did one thing that the 2 armies have in common here is having to
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facilitate their survival, amid mud, under a mutual hail of bombs are p, jeez hand military optics. they neighbor here with simple stoves like this one. they provide the much needed warmth and the hint at comfort, amid the very difficult conditions here, basically, temperatures here, they drop into freezing territories regularly into changing with down pose. all of that adds as yet another item on the already very long list of hardships. the most mundane of tasks like keeping clothes, clean and dry, turned into a gamble with death at the front line. now whatever dangers there were, they have increased by an order of magnitude. the kitchen vehicle changed its route and went to collect the injured from another position after the shelling the roads
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in trenches or muddy. the weather changes. sometimes it rains and then its freezing . we have to fix them all the time, some fight as he learned the ropes of life and the war zone as they go. crane soldiers have been shuffled here with those who have been recently mobilized in of all parallel hardship. though few of them regret trading the comfort of civilian life. for this critique, our task is to protect the homeland. i packed my things and went to the front line though i could have stayed just like many of us could have both. but were there with winter being only into its 1st month? no one here, hob, as the illusion? conditions will improve any time soon. it will get worse before it gets better, and whoever adapts best will have the upper hand and combat over the enemy. survival of the fittest has never been more real and makers done of reporting from the dumbass oxy and is not chest that those on the dumbass
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front lines have been having a hard time in all across the region. so just being severely injured on a daily basis, and you can watch the 1st episode of our t a film and marines at strong and spirits a hair of their path to where they had rehabilitation as a short accept. oh, true is at some point we found ourselves in an unfamiliar area different from where we had scouted. ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback modesty them something exploded in front of me. there was no pain, fear or shock. i felt my leg, it was hit. i was thinking that i need to hide because more fire was on the way. i tried to turn towards the trench and jumped down, but i realized i couldn't control my leg. i was full of so much a general and it felt as if everything was in slow motion. mm. mission of washed. my father told me not to worry. he
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would buy me the best. ringback prosthesis, i scribbled and i was asking walk prosthesis. my mother then told me that i had lost my leg. i felt no way. it's not possible. this can't be happening to me, no more than it registered, that it's a done deal. this is my reality. it, there's nothing i can do to undo it too. it makes no sense to waste time beating myself up our it doesn't put those artificial limbs play a major role in a person's life, and it's important to get them just right. and mr. to have growing up, but outcome unless you get your faults in order, you might lose it and even try to do something silly. but that's on the if you a conflict it broke in between marines wouldn't break. and else through distraught left will never be the same. that's when i just paul with through it. and reminded myself that even though life changes, it goes over where you can find more enlightening documentaries than of course all the latest news updates on our website. r t dot com will be back at the top of the
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hour with the very latest news update and see and then with l look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about, on personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to great trust, rather than fear a take on various job with artificial intelligence. real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with
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is 2 days we love in this country its cache and freedom. but anybody that have been poor here can tell you that in america, if you got no cash, got no freedom, shackle jackal. do a job that explored you shackle to get interest right. this apps you draw, shackled to medical bills for ailments, so old they could have their own student loans, their default. they know it's an oppressive and disheartening state of affairs. that leaves people doing whatever they can just describe by because they don't have any other choice. and that's not freedom, but a universal basic income can give you freedom, lots of free freedom to go back to school, to learn new skills for them to take care of an aging parents. the freedom to start
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a small business to freedom, to leave an abusive relationship, the freedom to just not have to worry about money every single 2nd of every day. ah, i mean up until literally last 2 years. and my live lives been like one emergency situation away from complete financial catastrophe. basically, i just live in paycheck to paycheck, not having any extra money for any thing at all. and you know, things happen. my name is tre crowder. i got attention on the internet for these videos i made featuring a character called the liberal read try crowd or little read try crowd or long time, no scheme. i want to talk to you about something.
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