tv News RT December 15, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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i'm not gonna make it a with the u. s. ordered a crack down on the protesters, and through that, supporting to the outfit president better feel who has now been sentenced to at least 18 months in jail by peruse new u. s. government. the africa leader summit wraps up in washington with america's top diplomat, bringing up the west colonial past to criticize russia. the un overwhelmingly adopt a russian brockton resolution to fight to force occasion of naziism. this fight you prayed, and multiple western countries voting against them both with
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good morning, from moscow to wherever you may be, watching. welcome to the hours most, pressing new stories from the globe. i'm here i'll is about peruse. supreme court has ruled that ousted president federal castillo must remain and pre trial detention accused of inciting a rebellion. the former leader wrote, were made in custody for the next 18 months. while the new government builds a case against them, the verdict comes as crew's. new leadership announces a 30 days state of national emergency in response to federal castillo supporters entering their 2nd week of protest, leaving the country and deadlock protests erupt. it after congress impeach the former president and ordered military vehicles into the nation's capital at decision be ousted leader, believes was made at the behest of the us ambassador,
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who has fully packed the newly sworn in government. political analysts, didi air ortiz, explains the west involvement in the southern transition of power. if castillo were to be set free to day, he could go to the pallets. you will have thousands of people with him. you will have the crowd of people with him. many officers would hesitate to resist an order from him. those are the facts of the matter. they will try to keep them in jail as much as they can for as long as they can in the harshest conditions that they can possibly do to president allegedly former president. i think that this is a house of cards. the peruvian state is going all out suppressed the protest. they have troops on the ground that have been murdering the people. they have been meeting with the ambassador to the of the united states to pursue elisa kenner met
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with the minister of the friends of peru just a couple of days before the co. the u. s. government has always had its hands improve in politics. if you look at the layout of politics, there is plenty of, and cios from germany, from the united states, from britain that seek to rome, if you will, or the next generation of political operatives in peru period. so that is say western influence and cios and other operatives can try to take away our country and install and neil colony of the united states. the african liter summit has concluded in washington with u. s. secretary of state anthony blank and speaking to journalist, to wrap up the event, he didn't miss the opportunity to criticize russia, making a comparison to the west own colonial past. it's very powerful because you hear countries that are, were here in washington this week,
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gonna kenya. so many others that had been the victims of imperialism in the past, and who see that now happening to ukraine by russia. throughout the 3 day summit, the united states declared the importance of the region in solving global problems in a bit to compete with africa as other partners, china and russia. the u. s. has already signed deals with $15000000000.00 and voice support for the african unions initiative for permanent g 20 membership. with the u . s. secretary of defense accusing russia and china of dealing with charities in the region. beijing responded by urging the u. s. to stop using africa as a power games are renowned, contact whoever, not, all african countries were invited to the summit. guineas, sudan, a re 3 are molly. and bettina faso didn't receive an invitation due to their
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contrasting political views. we spoke with locals in those countries who shared their opinions about us intentions in the region. walk a law firm, if france in the usa rejected in africa due to their politics. this initiative is a way to preserve their image in africa, wishes to have a trusted partner who is on it to bring good ideas in the right equipment to help us to fight this phenomenon on our territory. it's an opportunity for joe biden to bring the us back to their former position in africa because united states of america are trying to take advantage of it for a long time. we've been under the leadership of europeans, it's them who colonized this and they all the origin of all these things. i believe the u. s. is targeting europe place in africa and we spoke with john kerry, aka host of the whistleblowers, who thinks that the real reason for not inviting these countries is a lack of benefit for the us. even when the new governments of these countries have
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pledged a return to democracy and of in some cases scheduled democratic elections that still wasn't good enough for the united states. and so these 5 countries weren't invited. and i'll add that these 5 countries are 5 that in which the united states can't make any money right now, russia is very popular in africa. china, a china is very popular in africa. and the western countries are not there, not because they ignored the needs of the child of the african people and the african governments for many, many years. the u. s. presence is literally a one of, of war. the only real us presence in any of these countries is a paramilitary force. look at molly, for example, or mauritania, or any of the other of this a hell countries need air. we only know by accident because of
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a leak that the united states has a military presence there. a military presence that has not been approved by congress, whose job it is just to, to kill people. and to try to keep these host governments in, in power. ah, the un general assembly has adopted a russian drafted resolution to combat the glorification of naziism and racial discrimination with the majority of countries voting in its favor. the resolution lays out a plan to fight fascism and other factors which fuel racism, discrimination is that in a phobia and related and tolerances over $100.00 members voted in favor of the bill and 50, including the u. s. ukraine, germany and italy voted against heads off resolution one. well discussed this now with terry harrison radio host of kerry harrison dot com. welcome. welcome. thank
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you. are welcome to me. thank you. so were you surprised to see countries like ukraine and the u. s. as well as germany in italy, among those who objected to this landmark resolution. well, reasonably, let's understand where the united states, germany, austria, others are coming from. the argument on the west here is that it's a free speech issue. we do not prohibit or prescribe or ban, or block, generally under our constitution, anybody's right to say anything politically they can be on either side. they can be fundamentalist christians, they can be absolute naked pagans. it does not matter. and we protect and enshrined that in our constitution. that is the argument from his side. the argument from russia is that russia is somehow this bastion of protecting from xena phobia and giving all these glorious human rights. if there is a true record of that, that i think that also ought to be revealed. likewise to make the argument that the
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only reason for going into ukraine is that it's full of nazis. let's not forget 939, the molotov ribbon tropic cord. where the soviet union joined with nazi germany and divided poland as friends and buddies. so i think it's, there's a lot more to sort here to really understand what's going on. interesting, you mentioned that since the, there has been so much censorship from the west to regarding this issue. but this isn't the 1st time russia has pushed such a resolution with germany and italy voting against it with their country's histories. i mean, shouldn't they be the 1st ones to vote in favor? well again, in sort of headline print, it looks like a very noble and honorable thing. it's true if you're german, anything nazi, you're probably going to say no, not a good idea. make it go away. but understanding what the russians are saying,
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and it is true that far right groups in ukraine have been funded by ned and e d. and a lot of different american us based initiatives to overthrow government which happens successfully. and then of course as far right groups went and are currently fighting with the ukranian troops and being funded by the us. so i think every side is in between a rock and a hard place has everyone seems to play with the same people. i think we can all admit that and it is uncomfortable. terry harrison radio host of kerry harrison dot com. thank you very much. thank you. meanwhile, in a swipe at moscow to us, lawmakers have asked congress to vote on a proposal to remove russia from the un security council. here's how the bipartisan congressman justified their draft resolution. the russian federation has carried out in the legal premeditated unprovoked and brutal war against ukraine. resolved that the house of representatives urges the president of the united states
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to limit suspend or terminate rights and privileges that the russian federation exercises in the security council of the united nations. that we've heard the u. s . ambassador to the un make noise around such an idea before, but there's really no mechanism for making this happen. there is no mechanism. busy in the un charter for removing a permanent member of the un security council, permanent means permanent. and there is no procedure for removing the members of the un security council that are prominent members. so if you look over the resolution, it's 11 pages long written by these to you as lawmakers. then it basically argues that because they consider russia's intervention in to ukraine to be improper. that because of that, russia should be barred from participating in the un security council. now what's interesting is they're, they're citing. the faculty un charter gives only 2 criteria for when
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a country may carry out a military operation. one is self defense and to as being done with the the, the permission of the un security council. if that was the grounds upon which a country could be removed from the 15 member body, that leads the you add the united states would have been removed quite a long time ago. let's recall the 1999 bombing of serbia by the united states. that was not done with the approval of the security council. let's recall the nato invasion of afghanistan of 2000. and one was, or we can recall the 2003 us invasion of iraq, which the un secretary general at the time even admitted was a violation of the un charter was illegal. here's what he said, the time i have indicated it was not in conformity with the un charter from our point of view. from the charter point of view, it was illegal. now the 2011 us nato intervention libya was done under very spurious grounds and un only approved
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a basically in arms embargo and then the united states moved in to where the new, the no fly zone and eventually a military intervention. then you'll also recall in 20, in more recently 2017, the united states conducted air strikes targeting the syrian era republic, a sovereign country. the usa continues to violate the terry of tauriel integrity of syria with us troops in syria, without the permission of the internationally recognized government. so if you look over, if you look over the list of u. s. activities that have been carried out if a country simply intervening militarily in another country is enough to remove a country usa should have been removed a long time ago. but this kind of activity fits a pattern of the united states and its allies trying to politicize the activities of the united nations. recently, we saw iran being ousted from the women's rights council of the united nations. now, many of pointed out that this sets a dangerous precedent when one country can essentially be ganged up on by the
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united states and its allies, em removed from international bodies. this kind of violates the purpose of the united nations, which is to bring countries together to work on problems that affect the whole global community. even a lot of countries, disgusted by a ron's behavior would have preferred something milder, like temporarily suspending iran from the commission on the status of women. but the u. s. effectively forced other members to get in line by announcing the initiative with very little warning. now iranian leaders, the pointed out this sets a very dangerous precedent. country is facing some international disapproval. then that gives the rest of the countries the ability to kind of gang up on them and force them out of international bodies, which is quite dangerous. now it's also been reported that the representative of the military government of me and mar, has been blocked from reaching the united nations and taking his country seat. and
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the united states is kind of arbitrarily preventing the military government of b and mar, from representing itself as a member of the united nations body. and all of this points to the united nations essentially being abuse. the un is, is essentially becoming a mechanism for the united states to carry out its international agenda and violation with proper proceedings. iran has spoken up about us abuses of the us. here's what's been said to stick with is simply the, i know that a stack example of us hypocrisy the u. s. has made it a standard practice to abuse and derives such valued concept as human right. in order to achieve it, to make political goal. and it has achieved so by utilizing you and platform and resources and the. busy organization and multilateralism of united nations were exposed to have countries working together to carry out their goal. these, these, these goals don't seem to be being carried out. we see a situation where it appears that the united states using the un for political
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purposes. this latest move to try and introduce legislation in the states that with them i'll lead to russia being removed as a permanent member of the un security council. it has no legal basis in the un charter. there is no mechanism for removing a permanent member of the security council, but it, it companies and decreased effort by the united states to politicize the activities of the united nations. and now to the balkans where the serbian president has criticized co supposed application to the e u, stating its membership would be a violation of the block contract g. o. so what are they? what they do today? certain countries in the e u is a breach of the e u contract because one of the conditions for asking for you membership is to be a european state. i don't know which criteria is used to classify something as a state. is that the opinion of some of the biggest countries in the e u,
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or is it according to the u. n. membership? we're used to all that and we'll have to oppose it and protect our national and state interests as much as possible. no, actually christina submitted an application to join the e. u earlier this week with belgrade calling for its cancellation, serbia, along with other un members do not recognize kosovo as an independent republic. meanwhile, tensions between belgrade and kosovo authorities and the northern part of the region continue. serbian protestors put up barricades last week, demonstrating against the arrests of a former kosovo sir police officer. local residents shared their reactions to the current situation. the counting cost of his application to join the e. u. i think pushin and loud this because there are full sage and it's humiliating for sab. yet, while the politicians on waging their own battles ordinary people are suffering, i think the situation could escalate into something more than trace. if there is
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not enough wisdom and raising of both sides. a hell dish will be solved in a peaceful manner because layman like this is really an humane deputy throughout your po, live. the current situation is concerning because we have never reached this type of boiling point, even in 2000 a night where they declared independence. we see the large oppression and systematic expelling of serbs from kosovo and meto. he r plus arrests of innocent people without any reasoning or people being frightened into leaving the circle. so some spanish pro serves here are frightened and living in great fear, awaiting future events. the north of kosovo is blocked by barricades and we hope that the violations of human rights will stop and that the arrested serbs will be free and that they can at least defend themselves from outside of jail and who was listening for people. so we just finished another meeting of the crisis staff, which is made of political representatives of serbs along with higher officials, professors, doctors, and businessman, in which we discuss a situation in kosovo and mentor. here,
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we once again appeal to our citizens to remain firm and calm and to respect international representatives. it is necessary to do everything to achieve peace. course of a special forces must withdraw from the north of kosovo and middle. here it is evident that their presence, especially in multicultural places in northern metropolis, inspires fear into our citizens. because fully armed, special forces are marching near their homes. they harass citizens bully them and violently search their vehicles. we have a situation where people cannot leave their homes peacefully and it is urgently needed for those units to withdraw from it because they're not contributing to bees . here. the u. s. is to name and you warship, after notorious battles, it in their raft in $22004.00 in which human rights groups claim washington committed war crimes, something the u. s. denies. earlier my colleague spoke to dawn quarter about why the navy had chosen to glorify its role of its marine corps despite the grim legacy
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of the battles. it's an honor for me and for our nation to memorialize the marines . the soldiers and coalition forces that fold valiantly and those who sacrificed their lives during both bottles of fallujah. this namesake deserves to be in the pantheon of iconic marine cool bottles. all, it's probably not the best idea to immortalize an event that is remembered by most people as one of the bloodiest episodes of the u. s. is a military occupation in iraq. i mean, just look at the civilian casualties over 600 unarmed men, women and children were killed in the 1st battle for felicia and another 500 of those people, unarmed men, women and children were killed by the end of the 2nd battle for it. there was even an instance in which u. s. troops fired upon a crowd of protesters and killed 13 people that were simply demanding an end to the u. s. military occupation there. but for many observers, probably the most scandalous thing that happened was the fact that the u. s. used
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white phosphorus as a chemical weapon in civilian areas. and then on top of that, they lied about it for years. it was only after actually a documentary came out showing previously and shown unseen footage and interviews that we started. c u. s. troops coming clean about this kind of stuff. i will proceed from the us department point for susan, susan consumes, who? li roommates enemy since through this trim sous the rain fresh from use helicopters and we'll seeking solution of these attempts to manipulate the narrative of what happens didn't even stop at these lies about white phosphorus either. i mean, the international press institute accused the u. s. a. violating, press freedom in iraq because it said that the u. s. was delaying the publication of photographs that showed us troops abusing prisoners. why apparently the military top brass thought that that would make their job. and felicia a lot more difficult and i haven't ever the battle so well. and now here we are
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almost 2 decades later. i can't believe that one legacy has events left behind for the people living that of course, the usage of chemical weapons on the people of fallujah has had a serious negative long term consequences for the people living there. i mean, horrific birth defects began to be reported, incidents in which babies were dying within the 1st 30 minutes of being born or were reported as well. and we even saw a 12 fold rise in the rate of childhood cancer in felicia, after the battles of 2004 there, there have been a lot of reports that have been made since then that linked these types of illnesses to the battlefield. findings suggest the enriched uranium exposure is either a primary cause or related to the cause of the congenital anomaly. and cancer increases . questions are thus raised about the characteristics and composition of weapons now being deployed in modern battlefields. so the u. s. military's trying to name the ship, of course, after felicia, in an attempt to honor its troops. but really,
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it's more likely that it's just going to remind most people around the world of the horrific human suffering that us troops inflicted on the people of felicia, former marine, an author of the sacking of fallujah says the new name only serves to rewrite history by further stigmatizing those who suffered the city of lucia, even within the rock, has become stigmatized because of the propaganda. the u. s. military was conducting during the course of these operations. this is kind of a new propaganda apparatus. in the u. s. military, they called information operations, and it was doing this not just after the fact as propaganda is traditionally been done to sort of val arise the, the actions of this or that military. but this was going on during the battle. so to manage the public's perceptions of what was happening in one of the aspects of this propaganda campaign was to characterize the, the rebel fighters and from the,
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as terrorist associated with it. and then later, when i says took over the city that even further entrenched this perception of felicia as being. ready with extreme listen to this day, people iraq is living in felicia, suffer because less isolated from the rest of the rock and they're still suffering due to the war pollution. it's very difficult to do humanitarian work because of the can security and political atmosphere there. so i think doing something like naming a battleship pollution just further contribute to this false sense of what happened there. i think it's inappropriate, at the same time. it's not all that shocking. this is something the u. s. military doing for a long time. i long understood the importance of creating and disseminating victor's history of the wars and battles. and
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the headquarters of french president emanuel microns party were reportedly rated by prosecutors as part of an inquiry into the government. usage of consulting firms. prosecutor suspect that several of consulting firm mackenzie's employees, worked as volunteers on mac, ron's victorious presidential campaigns in 20172020. the investigation focuses on whether there was any false election campaign accounting. as well as whether favoritism was a factor in selecting who the lucrative government contracts went to earlier. frank, president, micron had given his speech and bl, keena, fossils capital, promising that france would in finance, groups involved and corruption left off and nervously through france will no longer invest solely in order to conduct a government to government transactions with no benefits for local people. it will
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no longer invest and allow major groups to sometimes take part in organized corruption, but it will be vigilant. along with you, mister president, and all african leaders and young people to ensure that others to day do not replicate. sometimes with an incredible kind of fascination, the mistakes we made together in the past for investors from all over the world and for the whole african continent. i want us to share this requirements. i will have for france. we spoke with fed, how co boob, associate professor at denison university and the president of the global institute for a sustainable prosperity. who said the investigation reflects the failure of the french public administration's tradition. i think the, the investigation will take its time and will reveal its, its outcome. but, but really what's, what's important from, from this mckinsey gate for situation is 2 things. one is
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a reflection of the failure of the french public administration tradition. and number 2, it reflects the failure of the euro zone system that squeezed public finances to the point of not allowing the french government to actually hire and train and administer its own strategies and policies. i think the potential consequences would be similar to what happened to nicholas stuck with a potential prison sentence for individuals who are directly implicated. you know, providing volunteers during a campaign from a major, multinational corporations with the understanding that the government will reciprocate the elected government will reciprocate by providing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of preferential treatment and contracts to the same. multinational corporations is, if proven to be a crime, would,
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would definitely bring quite a few people down. we've been microns party and also within mackenzie as a firm. in the latest episode of ortiz going underground option returns, the speaks with professor one jane, who deconstruct the u. s stereotypes about china. you can watch the full version on saturday in the meantime, here's a short preview. we are mindful of the influence, the china is trying to grow around the world. and of course this in the context of the fact that u. s. agencies have already labeled china the number one enemy of the united states . sir, do you think her there's a battle in washington that to be in one by those who see joiner as an enemy rather than as a partner to cooperate with for a more prosperous world? there are some people, of course, are you washington d. c. and the united states same china as a. ready number one aly me or rival, but law official line of washington, d. c, that chinese and most, you know,
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serious challenger to the u. s. and the u. s. lead in the national honor, in europe and the united states, quite apart from the fact that the saudis, the u. e. the middle east is routinely condemned over human rights issues. china is routinely on the bbc and cnn, and other television, nerve broadcasters, as a, as a grocer, human rights violator. of them all, with concentration camps. i'm not sure quite how they argue the choice about the fact that the saudi arabia is the guardian of the holy places of his slum. whilst scheiner is supposed to simultaneously be anti muslim, but is the narrative. last, this narrative has 3 parts. number one, and only that is loose like the people who accused china and other countries as the human rights violations loose lack of them perfect. they don't have any problems that i am 80 my lation on human rights, which is are slowly launching nachos,
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if you had history all at present. those people who are accused china, i mean the people are united states or europe. they have a good, bloody history of violation. coffee marat's, if you are to blame the 1st washed blame united, a struggle with a nice little stars child punish channels. for example, the use you or solvents use some payments to try to sancho against if united states is trying to use us dollars, which is like local currency grow up when we're currently at a womanizer for political purpose. of course, the st. louis sheely message to anyone who use us not us because they could be a little in a natural list, literature good, united states, i use dollars to panza. ah, and those were the hours most vital stories from around the world for more up to the minute years had over to r t dot com. and don't forget to follow us on odyssey, rebel a gap.
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