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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 16, 2022 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] with ah, breaking news in the latest act of censorship against media. the e. u targets are teens parent company with another round of sanctions ordering a freeze of the company's assets in europe. a terror attack on russia's humanitarian office in the central african republic leave the head of mission seriously wounded. plus the russian and indian leaders discuss bilateral ties over the phone following video. rumors that the indian pm backed out of a meeting with lot of mere pollutants, which the kremlin dismissed as a misunderstanding
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with hello from our to international studios in moscow and from wherever you are. welcome to the hours most vital news stories worldwide. i'm fearless about we start with breaking news, the e. u is tightening the screws on media freedom. a new sanctions package is freezing our teas, european assets, in an effort to censor criticism from russian media. joining me live in the studio now as our teeth marina close to revo. welcome. so marina, what are the details of these, this latest move and how is it being justified by brussels? or this is now the nines package of sanctions and they're supposed to be hard hitting as the european union has called them. and basically what we're seeing with our seas that there sanction in our power company are now to be enormous the in
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europe. so basically, brussels is seizing funds and acids belonging to r c, as well as some other of its panels. and not only that, they also want to make sure that there are no funds or economic resources made available to them, whether it's directly or indirectly and not only affects entities, but also people associated with the company. this is what's interesting and also another aspect to this is that there are more more russian channels being sanctioned as well. some of them have just one news outlet, one news broadcast every day for example. and what else do we know about this latest round of e u sanctions? well, it's a huge list of not only people being sanctioned, but also different industries. so for example, we have now the latest, the number is that there around the $1386.00 people who are sanctions in total and
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$171.00 organizations. and they're really wants to make sure that it, it hits russia where it hurts according to them. so, for example, there are really target thing, the russians military industrial complex. they're looking at export restriction when it comes to technologies that contributes russia's military takes abilities and also its ability to work on certain technologies they're trying to make to we can russia when it comes to its military, there is also and other and the energy sector for example, no new investments can be made by a foreign companies with, in russia's energy sector. there's also a vh. and for example, more banks have been added. and what's interesting, they're cutting rushes access to drones. so not only is the direct exports of drone engines now forbidden to russia, but also to other countries that may circumvent this. and then, for example, through other countries,
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exports it to raso. so that's also not allowed. what out there? so this is a multifaceted attack on russia. absolutely, and through different industries, but particularly the military industrial complex. this is what they're really focusing on. and they want to make sure that russia is weekends on the battle ground. and some experts have already come out and set it, for example, with the freezing of the assets when it comes to our table. clearly what they've done so far by binding the channel on on youtube for example, that hasn't worked. we know that there was a pole in germany recently where people that still want to watch, it's still find ways to watch it and you and i know that you can watch r t not just on satellite cd, but you can go online and people have been re posting lots of videos, so that's what they're not happy with. and they're trying to make sure that it's shut down by cutting any funds that are made available to our t or any ways in which russia concert convent the sanctions and is remaining up and
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running that. and also the military aspect is very important. that's what they're trying to do to weaken. it's also the same time. this is what we're talking about. the european union has been saying all along that it's all for freedom of speech. while this doesn't look very much like freedom of speech when you're trying to completely shut down the other angle of the story and entire attack on russia's economic sector and military sector as well. thank you, marine, i'm sure you'll be updating us and for more we're joined by legal, immediate analyst line. all welcome. why no, thank you. what do you make of the latest sanctions on our teens parent company? i mean, including the freezing of its assets. well, here's my 1st question. let's is. so what would you do? well, one thing you could, you could say, what would you like us to do not talk about it? is there anything that we could do to change it?
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it's absurd. if you wanted to negotiate this, and he wanted to say, all right, in, in, in lieu of this, don't talk about that military operation, or should we talk about it in a way that doesn't in any way either appear to benefit or reflect reality that my 8 is who do, how are you supposed to handle this? and in addition with all that's going on lately to why have to remind everybody who has been coming out in favor of not marry pose is an in foreign over john mearsheimer, jonathan powell, noam chomsky. scott ritter, that late stephen cohen, colonel douglas mcgregor, and i mean, are these folks as well?
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could they be subsumed into this, you don't last night and your fox news era, an individual, he was a person who was a, apparently a journalist who went to russian that sanctions, apparently are almost non existent, that things aren't as bad as people. i'm sorry, i know we're having some technical issue this problem with you. i apologize. we're having some technical issues. we'll be right back. i'm so we'll have our guest right back once we fix our technical issues. but meanwhile, as the you ramps up is aggressive, sanctioning the block has also been criticizing its own allies with foreign policy chief around calling entre kia to join in with their latest restrictions drying anger from kara, and that's coming up on the program. now 2 other news ahead of russia's humanitarian mission in the central african republic is being treated in the hospital after
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a parcel bomb exploded in his hands. we've obtained this exclusive footage from the crime scene. we're local. investigators are now sifting through forensic evidence. the african republics police have paul, the incident a terror attack. the russian humanitarian official dimitry safety opened the explosive package right in his office. moscow's foreign ministry has slammed the top strong. we condemn this criminal act, which is clearly aims against activities of the russian house and bungie, and more broadly just as successful developmental friendly relations between our 2 countries. images from the office also show a note left on the table. it's written in russian and says, this is for you from all the french. now, the french foreign minister has denied allegations of involvement in the bombing. the russian business met and co founder of the wagner military group says this,
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know, came with the package. an echo similar threats in the past. on november 11th, dmitri city received a package from togo with a photograph of his son who lives in france. it contained a note saying that next time he would get the head of his son. if the russians do not get out of the african continent and open the doors for the french today, he got another package. despite all the instructions for observing security measures. dmitri city, being in an emotional state, opens the parcel. there was an explosion before losing consciousness. dmitri sitting managed to say that he saw a note saying, this is for you from all the french, the russians will get out of africa. among the other things that we know is that unless somebody goshen has as lobbied the russian foreign ministry to launch an investigation into this particular incident. but he also goes further to say that he would like to see france in particular being declared as paid. sponsor of
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terror by the russian federation. from what we do know, the puzzle itself was sent from lo may the capital city of toll. it was also delivered by the h l. this is what we understand from our reliable sources on the ground in, in central african republic. but i thought it was very interesting. the statement that emanated from the russian foreign ministry, and our as myself, in whose interest it would be to carry out this kind of a tag. and what we do know is that mr. city dmitri city, that is, has long been in the central african republic. and from about 2019, he has been a moderator in the conflict. the ongoing conflict between the central african republics authorities as well as the many reb. busy groups in that country, the country itself has really been in the midst of,
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of instability since the civil war veteran occurred in 2019, despite the former colonizer france, deploying some 1600 troops to that country, to restore peace and stabilize some of the conflicts we have seen in that region, there has been systematically and over a long period of time, tensions between north and south, which have led to some of the conflicts that we have seen. and the area itself that the central african republic is around the same hel region. which has really been dealing with insurgency for the better part of the decade. and it remains a political and conflict hot bed in the african region. the administrator of the russian humanitarian mission in the central african republic has called the bombing an attempt to hinder piece making efforts in the country by 60,
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by seeing if i bundle hose. there isn't any good in what happened. i know dmitri, he works for the benefit of peace in the central african republic. he works around the clock for the betterment of our society, those who want to bring chaos and make our country vulnerable to everything, to stop by our society achieving peace locals. no, dmitri, everybody knows him. people ask us how dimitry feels, and i can assure you that our hearts and thoughts are now with him. we hope he gets better soon. we need his help in our work to bring peace to the country. we hope state and law enforcement will conduct a proper investigation and punish those responsible for the attack. these people are enemies of the central african republic. we count on our governments and those ready to assist us to paved the way for peace. many thanks to those who have been asking about demetrius condition, we hope he will recover as soon as possible. thank you. now a reminder of our breaking news here on our teen or national. the
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e. u is tightening the screws on media freedom. a new sanctions package is raising our tease european assets in an effort to censor criticism from russian media. now we're back with legal and media analyst line, or in apologies, and hopefully we've restored the connection. so i will, i know what do you make of the latest sanctions on our cheese parent company including the freezing of its assets? well, the, the question i have is, what exactly is our tea supposed to do to avoid sanctions? not talk about ukraine, adopt a particular id, ology that is not consistent with that of, of russia. i don't understand something. normally you tell somebody you're saying something that's wrong, correct? it. okay, what would you like me to? correct. don't talk about ukraine. what don't, don't say anything that could be construed as positive. don't, don't issue propaganda. that's my favorite. no,
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this is the point. i don't understand. what exactly are you supposed to say? what exactly are you supposed to report? nothing, and in addition, do i have to remind everyone as of late look at who has been involved in saying things that if you didn't know it might be construed by some folks as being propaganda? i mentioned before, barry posen in foreign affairs, henry kissinger, john mearsheimer, jonathan powell, noam chomsky. scott ritter, the late stephen cohen, colonel douglas mcgregor. now i mentioned this last evening and as you know, the new york times went ballistic over the fact of these right wing news organizations basically providing propaganda. but last evening on the tucker carlson show on fox news. there was a interview with a journalist and american journalist who went to russia and reported that the sanctions aren't working, that,
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that grocery stores were filled with food and people were happy. now. is that propaganda? is fox news going to be sanctioned by the you? i mean, what exactly do people want others to report? let me also say something that the, the international media or the media here are in a twitter, over a twitter because elan must dared to ban or shadow ban or suspend people who docked him and his private jet. now, if they're going this bananas throws half of a better word over a twitter account, calling that censorship and agree just a constriction of free speech. where is everybody talking about this? how are people supposed to discuss what is happening in a military operation? where are the media? what are you supposed to do?
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just be quiet. don't say anything, and are you going to be sanctioning the aforementioned and others who wanted open and realistic dialogue as to what's going on in the time of a military action? i mean, this is, this is just mind boggling at what frightens me even more are the number of people who just sit back and say, well, what are you supposed to do? after all, is propaganda. you don't want this. so this, this is, you know, this apologise media, apologies, media. this is, this again, goes to show you, where are the journalists of the world? where are they, where are the institutions who are determined and who were, who were resolved to, to provide the free exchange of ideas and the commerce of free speech? it's mind boggling. it seems like the term propaganda is being loosely applied here to attack economic sectors of russia. so what do you think this asset freeze means
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for the future of r t and europe? well, for the, i mean, well, let me, let me ask it this way. assuming you wanted to negotiate, assuming you wanted to say, okay, let's comply. what would you like us to do? what don't talk about this. there is no answer. what they're basically saying is go away. don't be, don't exist. everybody in the world can speak, except you don't say anything. we don't want to hear from you. when we think about this is the world with all of the speech in all of the exchanges of ideas, propaganda. i mean, they were using, this is the 17th century vatike in term from pope gregory up again, listen to this. they should frighten the everybody, my god,
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if ever there was the time to speak and to exchange ideas and thought it. now, in speaking of, of the timing, what do you make of the timing of these sanctions? i mean, why is this asset freeze happening now? where we're at in this conflicts? well, if you're asking the $1000000.00 question or, or, or the trillion dollar question, what is this, the 9th trash, the 9th, i mean, can you, 9th, who's keeping track of this? is, is there a score card somewhere? how has the world benefited? how has piece been accelerated? how has a resolution been been a speeded up by by this? i don't understand this now as far as timing goes. who knows? and but all i, all i know and what, what i'm here to discuss is the idea of more and more it at every angle of our existence, whether it's social media, television, media, cable news,
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it doesn't matter there. somebody new telling us shut up. don't say that, keep your mouth shut that misinformation dis, information. you're an apologist. this is hate speech, this is what is going to be accepted in the future. what. what are we going to say? what will satisfy all of the, the various unions and blocks and organizations, government entities. what, just nodding, collective obeisance choreographed. yes, man, i don't know. this is frightening. you mentioned that uh, where are the journalists, right? and the e. u has tried to justify these sanctions by claiming that r t spreads this information and as the disgust we really don't know what disinformation is. what propaganda is, do you expect any other journalists to say something about this in the you? well, i won't. the thing is, is in the e. u, i don't know. but as i've said,
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the people who have been ab and i'm not talking about tepid. have you heard john mearsheimer from the university of chicago for have you heard me noam chomsky not exactly a right winger that there there is, there is a cook coffee county if you will, of individuals who have spoken about not, not just about this, but the whole notion of containment and in expansionism and, and, and, and nato. and i mean, if you can't believe in terms of how forceful they've been. so, the, the question is, is it because the subject matter is rather recondite? is it because it's rather arcane, is that how it was messed, but i'll tell you what, what, what's gonna happen right now is it, we have become habituated to the notion of more censorship. so the real issue that people should be having is, is anybody going to pay attention to this? can you keep track of the sanctions? can, can you do?
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do you have any grasp of where we are in terms of what's being sanctioned? what effect is his head? are we still having momentary operations? what are we doing here? what is what? what is the net effect? that's the issue. but i guarantee you today nothing's going to be said about. there's nothing because i don't think people really understand that. and again, i think people are habituated to it, and frankly, people are more interested in twitter and what's going on at the local tick tock level. and that's, that's even more frightening. legal and media analyst, lionel, thank elaina. thank you. the russian president, vladimir putin, has held a phone call with the indian prime minister to discuss the 2 countries as bilateral relationship, including trade and energy cooperation that stays after the russian foreign ministry called reports that mowdy had refused to meet with food. and a simple quote, misunderstanding our tea room. new sharma has more listen thought to is assist
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telephone conversation of between the prime minister into more the antecedent, vladimir putin of visio for the 1st time. they spoke on 24th of february when the conflict had begun. after that, twice in march shop, then on 1st of july and then to the 16th of december. but to this conversation, in fact, as a follow up of their rock in person meeting, which happened on the sidelines on this. even with summit in a summer gunther now as far as the indian beat out is concerned, it seems that prime minister, not into more debriefed president vladimir putin on india's ongoing presidency of g 20, highlighting the key priorities for india are, but also look to afford to both countries a walking to the other during in del zach ship of the if you are also, as far as the 2 leaders are concerned, they reviewed our there'd bilateral relationship on several respect. some of the p
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3 key areas being of course are feed energy as well as the defense saw are. but it's interesting because this new law comes off, diaz, off jaw rob. they were talk so feminist in at angel moore. the not traveling to moscow. the c o for the an was in the out, russia from it. and of course, in that sense, this conversation becomes very important, very critical of the 2 leaders in fact have agreed to remain in regular touch. who is he to assess our relations with russia? that's what through key as president is asking as he slams the youth foreign policy chief for questioning on cars ties with moscow. it's an ugly statement, and parrell can't define and formalize our relations with russia. he has neither the qualifications know the ability to make such decisions. who is he to assess our relations with russia, with respect to sanctions?
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ardon lashed out at the official while speaking to reporters on his return from a trip to turkmenistan, adding that joseph morale has no right to try and interfere in relations between non kara and moscow. or de one also underlined diplomatic protocols. stressing that bordeaux should only be addressing foreign ministers and not presidents like the turkish leader. we discuss the story with a for news editor at turkey is haber tv. when you. 9 look at the when you will have to hire a key between international institutions. you know that a more of the chief would not actually recur or talk to or initiate any kind of movement about the position of the president at the end of the may. this is going to be the position off the coordination. if sure, t one they go on and be alive with everyone you know, find
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a middle place in which he's trying to do while, when will continue to do it is going to happen. he did, in fact, initiate the grading deal did in fact try to become a bridge between your work and russia, the mass and the ease because the actually didn't amenable thing. so the 10 trick your radio covers the word about it here. ah, slovak is coalition government has lost a no confidence vote following months of political crisis. that's after the opposition to accused that of failing to cope with high energy costs and skyrocketing inflation. the countries highest into decades are t contributor rachel mars then has more on the story. well, it's like the longer the conflict in ukraine drags on the higher the chance of key regime changing its own allies right out of power. so here's what just happened. in
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slovakia the center right freedom and solidarity party withdrew from the governing coalition of the prime minister. also sent her right last september. now that seems center right, ally of the center right? prime minister edward hugger is also the party that just tabled and one this non confidence vote which succeeded due to the leftist opposition pushing it over the line. quite a stunning case of cooperation between ideological opponents on the right and the left to oust the current government. so what was so bad that they all wanted to do that well, despite their opposing ideologies, both sides seemed to agree on one thing that the prime minister edward harker wasn't doing enough for the average person amid the energy and cost of living crisis, sparked by the european union's anti russian sanctions. now over the summer, the prime minister seen as very much pro western,
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made it clear that supporting neighboring ukraine was top of his mind. little supporter crane. they must, when will support them with the human adriana, but also military because they defending themselves ukrainian present virus. zalinski even made a point of thanking slovakia for its support earlier this month. but the opposition has been growing increasingly skeptical about continuing to supply weapons to ukraine. remember slovakia and journey at that deal over the summer for slovakia to give up some of its soviet era tanks to ukraine in exchange for some german leopard tanks to replace them. but fueling the conflict rather than pushing for a trip to the negotiating table, is not without consequence for the slacking people, not only as the country dealing with refugees coming over from ukraine re next door . but it's also contending with an inflation rate of 15.4 percent
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a to decade record high. a 2.6 percent cut in industrial production and an 18 percent drop in electricity consumption by businesses the results of higher energy prices. so businesses and citizens of slovakia look over to hungry which listens to whatever the you says about anti russian sanctions and then cuts new energy deals with russia anyway. and you can imagine that they might be tempted to compare their government's policies and management with hungers and unfavorably. so now the chairman of the party that triggered than on confidence vote certainly sounds like he's pretty fed up with the direction of the government's been taking. the country since the onset of the conflict in ukraine for half a year, we have witness constant chaos, an unacceptable style of governance. this government does not deserve our trust. now elections, art set until 2024, and $2.00 thirds of parliament would need to vote to trigger that any time before. now in the meantime,
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the slacking president can decide to either let hoggard continue in a limited capacity as prime minister, which would make him a lame duck ultimately. or she can decide to give some one else a shot at governing. but that person could also lack sufficient parliamentary confidence to get anything done. now in the mean time, it looks like political gridlock for one of keith's biggest allies leaving a big question mark over the future of that support. amid the political instability that it's generating for one of its best friends that's arrived on the hours breaking news and vital stories from around the globe for more 247 coverage had over to r t dot com. and don't forget to follow us on odyssey. gavin rumble, we'll see you again at the top of the hour. i a
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brush in the west to revive the cold war because both recognized and practice the concept of indivisibility of security. one country should not attempt to attain security at the expense of another country. this is exactly what the west has done against russia to the point of claiming russia has no right to any security guarantees. a because she needs pension with new task force to marceau a career which was mostly due to to my job as a make up to release them when to do i don't but hold a


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