tv News RT December 16, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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ah ah ah, breaking news is the latest with breaking news in the latest act of censorship against media. the e. u targets are teens parent company with another round of sanctions, ordering a freeze of the company's assets in europe. the united nations has condemned a terror attack on russia's humanitarian offices in the central african republic, where the head of the mission was seriously wounded. party sources say us manufactured in supply draws were used by you praying in recent strikes on russian
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territory. that's despite washington's claims, that u. s. weapons have not been used to hit targets inside russia. ah, hello, and good morning for martine, are national studios in moscow, and for wherever you are watching us, welcome to the hours. most vital news stories worldwide. i'm fearless about. we start with breaking news, the e u is tightening the screws on media freedom. a new sanctions package is freezing . our t is european assets in an effort to censor criticism from russian media. i discuss the latest updates with our teeth. marina cassava, all this is now the nines package of sanctions and they are supposed to be hard hitting as the european union has called them. and basically what we're seeing with our t's that there sanction in our it's,
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he's paying company i know to the novice the in europe. so basically brussels is season funds and assets belonging to our c as well as some other over channels. and not only that, they also want to make sure that there are no funds or economic resources made available to them, whether it's directly or indirectly and not only affects entities, but also people associated with the company. this is what's interesting and also another aspect to this is that there are more russian channels being sanctioned as well. some of them have just one news broadcast every day, for example. and what else do we know about this latest round of e u sanctions? well it's a huge list of. busy not only people being sanctioned, but also different industries. so for example, we have now the latest, the number is up there. $1386.00 people who are sanctions in total and $171.00 organizations. and they're really wants to make sure that it,
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it hits rush out where it hurts according to them. so for example, there are really target thing. the ross has military industrial complex. they're looking at export restriction when it comes to technologies that contributes rushes, military takes the abilities and also its ability to work on certain technologies. they're trying to, we can russia when it comes to its military. there is also and other and the energy sector, for example, no new investments can be made by foreign companies within roches energy sector. there's also a v, a sion and for example, more banks have been added. and what's interesting, they're cutting rushes access to drones. so not only is the direct exports of drone engines now forbidden to russia, but so to other countries that may circumvent this. and then for example, through other countries, exports it to ross so, so that's also not allowed. so this is a multifaceted attack on russia. absolutely. and through different industries,
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but particularly the military and dust real complex. this is what they're really focusing on. and they want to make sure that russia is weekends on the battle ground. and some experts have already come out and set it. for example, with the freezing of the assets when it comes to our table clearly what they've done so far by binding the channel on soup. for example, that hasn't worked. we know that there was a pole in germany recently where people that still wants to watch it. so find ways to watch it and you and i know that you can watch a r c not just on satellite cd, but you can go online and people have been re posting lots of videos. so that's what they're not happy with. and they're trying to make sure that it's shutting down by cutting any funds that are made available to r t or any ways in which russia can circumvent the sanctions and is remaining up and running that. and also the military aspect is very important. that's what they're trying to do to weaken it, but also at the same time, this is what we're talking about. european union has been saying all along that
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it's all for freedom of speech. while this doesn't look very much like freedom of speech when you're trying to completely shut down the other angle of the story are now joined by serbian american journalists, napoleon, mileage. welcome. hello. what do you make of the latest sanctions on our cheese parent company including the freezing of the assets? i certainly hope that the rti sparing company thought ahead and didn't have any assets in the european union. but i was sort of expecting this to happen because the e u has shown that they don't really happened in principles over the past 10 months or so. they've basically been saying that, you know, only their version of the narrative is allowed and acceptable. and any sort of commitment to freedom of speech or a property rights or anything in between is purely an illusion and subject to the whims of the european commissars. i'm honestly,
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i didn't believe they would be so knuckle headed this demonstrated to the entire world. but as a bro recently said, the european garden and the rest of the world is a jungle. and this is the message they want to send out there. so, you know, if the want to demonstrate their true nature to latin america, asia, and africa, i guess who am i to stop them, right? yeah, why mean? and it's no secret that are to carries an alternative viewpoint on what's happening in the ukraine. i mean, especially now and across europe, but what do you think this asset freeze means for the future of r t and europe? do you think that western viewers will keep watching? regardless of sanctions? was this the other day western viewers have discovered over the past several years . and especially since r t has been around that you don't r t offers a different perspective and urges him to question more. whereas a lot of these establishment media channels, legacy media channels, their government broadcasters have basically like to them. they've discovered that
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during the pandemic, especially. but you know, as the censorship grew harsher and more repressive, more people have realized, wait a 2nd, something doesn't add up here. and so they seek out sources of information that match what their eyes can observe on the ground. and so those people will always find a way to get their information from r t or somewhere else, regardless of the sense should be in fact, the will, the will be even further incentivized by censorship because they would reason. and rightly so, that if, if these alter voices are being censored, there must be something to it. whereas the people who were perfectly happy to get their information from government broadcasters, they weren't interested in ortiz message to begin with. so really what, what you was doing is they're doubling down on a policy that's already failed. well, we look at the state of the conflict, the state of the you as well. what do you make of the timing of these sanctions?
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it weeks to me of desperation, i think the, the entire you strategy such, such as it can be called because again, the, you doesn't have agency does whatever washington tells it to do. it looks a lot like napoleon attempt, you know, 200 plus years ago to cut off europe from trading with great britain at the time, and that absolutely un abjectly failed. and when that embargo failed, he mounted a massive expedition to russia, which basically marked the end of his empire. they think, in a way as a trade historian, always, you know, careful of making these parallels because history never repeats itself. exactly, but it's certainly right. and we're, we're seeing, you know, people who haven't learned anything from history being almost doomed to repeat it. well in the e. u has tried to justify its sanctions by claiming the usual that our to spreading disinformation is, it's really about fighting this propaganda or could it be seen as
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a crackdown on media freedom will mean who decides what this information i can probably you know, give me 3 days and i can come up with a list of every single bit of fake news that was put together by any of the, you know, government broadcasters, in any of the european country. you countries, you know, who are day going to be taken off. you know, i mean, in, in the system of values that they claim to champion the market, the audience would decide whom to give their trust. and yet, here are, these are elected commissars. basically saying, no, we decide what is the truth. and if you don't watch or listen or read what we tell you to, you know, everything else is disinformation. well, i'm sorry, but that's not either freedom or democracy or human rights or anything like that, that the very antithesis. and i find it especially ominous, given that this year the, you know, the,
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do you have standard un resolution condemning glorification? naziism was not opposed just by the united states and ukraine, but also by all the for breakfast countries, including germany, italy and austria. and so this is, this is one of those, you know, your opinion is saying in one breath that, you know, the russian claim that they're fighting naziism is just propaganda. and then the next press, the act just like the nazis and we're supposed to buy this, the face value. it's been congress certainly says a lot serbian american journalists know bush mileage. thank you. thank you. on the very same day the, you targeted russian media, the german foreign ministry said freedom of the press cannot be switched off, commenting on the suspension of twitter account of several us journalists. freedom of the press must not be switched on and off at will. as of today, the journalist below can no longer follow comment or criticize us. we have
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a problem with that. twitter has suspended the accounts of around half a dozen journalists, including reporters from the new york times, washington post and cnn. all the company, c o u r. musk, accuse them of safety regulation violations. u. s. media are fuming at the move to not suspension of the twitter cans of the number of prominent journalists including the new york times. ryan mac is questionable and unfortunate, neither at times nor ryan had received an explanation about why this occurred. we hope that all of these journalists accounts are reinstated, and the twitter provides a satisfying explanation for this action. last night, car carrying little x in l. a was followed by a crazy stalker thinking it was me, collated blocked car from moving and climbs on to hood. any account docs in real time location info of any one will be suspended as it is a physical safety violation. this includes posting links to sites with real time
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location info. well, have you look into the details. there is a lot of outrage coming from democrats, mostly at this point, and they are upset about the fact that these accounts have been suspended. these journalists have had their accounts taken down. they say this is simply a case of retaliation. this isn't an attempt to silence critics of the last alarm mosque on the other hand says that a car that his child was in was stalked out. he's concerned about his personal safety and doc sing. what's worth noting is the hypocrisy that we're seeing here are some voices that have been quite in favor of tech censorship before are now speaking up in pretty loud terms. take a o. c, for example. you're a public figure, an extremely controversial and powerful one i get feeding unsafe, but descending until the use of paula plus erratically banning gen less only increases the intensity around you take a beat and nail the protein facia and maybe try pitting down your phone. that's
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quite heated language we're hearing from a o. c. they're pro tow fascism. she's quite fired up. but in the past we've heard a o. c herself calling for more media censorship. and in addition to that i o. c has been sued for blocking her critics and preventing her critics from being able to challenge her on social media. ah, now it's also worth reviewing of the role played by cnn's. brian's delta i, he's been a voice that is very outspoken. now again, still on moms, here's what you said. who knows? i think that's a, that's a, that's an example of a broader question for twitter, which is, if you, if you get invited to something where there are no rules, worthers total freedom ever, ever, everybody do you actually want to go to that party or, or you decide to stay home. so that was brian stell dirt zoning about his concern that alon mosley would not engage in enough censorship. there wouldn't be enough
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shutting down of certain views. but now that certain views have been shut down in these journalists have been suspended. ah, he's speaking up and referring to alon mosque as a tyrant, and that seems to be the way these voices are framing this. they're seeing alon mosque as a tyrant. he's a tyrannical ceo using his power to shut down critics. but they didn't speak the same way about jack dorsey. and jack dorsey was running twitter and silencing many conservatives and other critics of the status quo of they defended him. they didn't speak of him in the same language and term. so let's review how they spoke of jack dorsey compared to how they now speak of a law mosque is relevant there. a private company can make the own independent decisions in line with a published terms of service. i don't know what happened to him, but if he'll a muscle doesn't fix this within the hour with an explanation by morning i'll be on capitol hill to morrow to monday that he behold in front of congress. now let's
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recall when donald trump was still the president of the united states, after the january 6th events was banned from social media. there didn't seem to be a huge flurry of outrage about that. the fact that a sitting president was being silenced by a major social media app. ah, however, this recent round of the dance is got the european union wang and getting it's opinion. here's what we heard from the european union. news about arbitrary suspension of journalists and twitter is worrying is digital services act requires respect to media, freedom, and from mental rights. this is reinforced under our media freedom act. human mosque should be aware of that. the red red lines, and sanction soon, the media freedom act. talk about freedom of speech and suppression of freedom of the press. what about the fact?
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european union has blocked and shut down russian media outlets. r. t has been silent by the european union for quite a few months. we've seen suppression of russian media outlets across the country and by the you itself. so the hypocrisy of all of the very, very easy to detect here are very selected outrage. these folks were calling for all kinds of tech censorship, but now that alon must, someone doesn't seem to be in there. camp is the one making the rules. they're crying foul and screaming about tyranny and suppression. it's worth noting how these things are playing out. the united nations has condemned a terror attack on the head of the russian humanitarian mission in the central african republic. the official is currently being treated in a hospital after a parcel bomb exploded in his hands. we obviously very much hope that this gentleman makes a recovery. we have not been asked in any way to assist with the investigation,
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but we obviously condemn these types of attacks. we've obtained exclusive footage from the crime scene war. local investigators are now sifting through forensic evidence. local police have described the incident as a terror attack with moscow foreign ministry condemning the incident. some locals have come to the hospital where the russian official is being treated to show their support by more so. so miss susan, we've come to donate blood for a transfusion. for dimitry. he came to the central african republic. he fought and did a lot for us. he came to save us and to day it's our turn to visit him in the hospital . some of the russian humanitarian official demetrius city, opened the explosive package in his office. images from the scene also show a note left on the table. it's written in russian and says, this is for you from all the french. the french foreign minister has denied
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allegations of involvement in the bombing, the russian businessman and co founder of the wagner military groups as the note came with the package and echo similar threats. in the past. on november 11th, dmitri city received a package from togo with a photograph of a son who lives in france, as contained a note saying that next time he would get the head of his son. if the russians do not get out of the african continent and open the doors for the french to day, he got another package. despite all the instructions for observing security measures. dmitri city, being in an emotional state, open to the parcel. there was an explosion before losing consciousness. dmitri seating, managed to say that he saw a note saying, this is for you from all the french, the russians will get out of africa. among the other things that we know is that unless subjugation has sir, has lobbied ver, russian foreign ministry to a launch an investigation into this particular incident. but also avoid further to
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say that he would like to see france in particular being declared as faith once out of hara, by the russian federation. from what we do know, the parcel itself was sent from lo may the capital city of toll. it was also delivered by the h l. this is what we understand from our reliable sources on the ground in, in central african republic. but i thought it was very interesting. the statement that emanated from the russian foreign ministry, we strongly condemned this criminal act, which is clearly ain't against activities of the russian house in bungie and more broadly against the successful development of friendly relations between our 2 countries. what we do know is that left the 13 to me, 330, that is has long been in the central african republic and from about 2019, he has been a moderator in the conflict. the ongoing conflict between the central african
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republics authorities, as well as the many rebel groups in that country, by the, by signifying bunfield. i know dmitri, he works for the benefit of peace in the central african republic. he works around the clock for the betterment of our society, those who want to bring chaos and make our country vulnerable, do everything to stop our society, achieving peace locals. no, dmitri, everybody knows him. people ask us how dmitri feels, and i can assure you that our hearts and thoughts are now with him. we hope he gets better soon. we need his help in our work to bring peace to the country. we hope state and law enforcement will conduct a proper investigation and punish those responsible for the attack. these people are enemies of the central african republic. we count on our government and those very 2 sisters to paved the way for peace. many thanks. those who've been asking about to me trees, condition, we hope he will recover as soon as possible. the country itself has really been in the midst of, of instability since the civil war that occurred in 2019,
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despite the former colonizer fronts, deploying some 1600 troops to that country, to restore peace and stabilize some of the conflicts we have seen in that region that has been systematically and over a long period of time, tensions between north and south, which have led to some of the conflicts that we have seen. and the area itself that the central african republic is around the sa hell region, which has really been dealing with insurgency for the better part of the decade. and it remains a political and conflict hot bed in the african region. the central african republic minister, 1st strategic investments, said that paris is responsible for the attack of no russian humanitarian had. for
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me, it is from now to like to push as defined games was like for the child was this use of the legs are trying to destroy a free trial and you know, to, to, to just organize to various ring, meet the very we're talking, you know, like the michelle there's a lot to fight against colonization or france and also for the freedom and relation for ada. and now today we need to read also to our center press 2. now details of africa to country to bring peace on the u. s. has produced and supplied drones to ukraine, to target russian infrastructure. that's according to our tea sources. that's us by
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washington's claims, that weapons supplied to kiev have not been used to hit russian territory. it's been determined that the ab onyx and control stations of the drones were manufactured by american company scepter works, which performed their initial calibration and testing at scottsdale airport. and arizona analysis of the electronic units of intercepted drones showed that the ukrainian military also used these a, these 2 attack infrastructure facilities in some stop all, as well as the belgrade curse can varone as regions sources familiar with the story told us that final drone assembly and test flight were conducted near a polish airport, which was used as the main natal hub for supply weapons to the u. a. these are said to have been launched from the ukranian cities of odessa increased wardrobe. the revelation contradict washington's claims, that weapons supplied to cab have not been used to bomb sites inside russia. we
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have not provided ukraine with weapons that is to use inside of russia. we've been very clear that these are defensive slots. we are, the president said very clearly, some time ago. we are not enabling ukraine to strike behind beyond its borders. anyone who has been following as the conflict, even only in the west media. we'll see how it's apparent how the west is tripping up over its own lies. i'm not surprised by the allegation of poland assistance. we've had it reported even in western media about a polish mercenaries who tragically getting caught up in this and having to be buried in large cemeteries in poland when it comes to the united states. it's almost an ongoing farcical pantomime as we hear from john kirby and antony blinking . both i believe on record saying we neither enabled nor encouraged crime to strike
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beyond his borders. and yeah, i believe, as i recall m triple 7. how it says have, have participate in such tax on one, such as belgrade we have in says on the ground of the white house, claiming that they oversee the targeting of targets 1st and they give the green light. and yet i've been on the ground and goal of career to where high mars struck and people that could not explain to me how these 2 claimed realities can exist in the same power diamond. same world, we have requested the pentagon's comment on the revelation, but have yet to receive a response. peruse, military has been accused of using extreme violence to suppress protests against the ousting of former president pedro castillo. the country's official human rights organization has claimed that the military use helicopters to shoot protesters and
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dropped tear gas on them. in these unverified images, you can see what appears to be an army helicopter opening fire on demonstrators. the military has yet to respond to the accusations. the crisis escalated after deena boulevard there was so in as peruse, new president last week after x president castillo was removed via impeachment, vote by congress. the u. s. ambassador to peru praise the country's new leadership on her social media account, describing them as democratic with. i met with president bullet washy to reiterate the u. s. commitment to the defense of democracy and respect for institutions together with the previous president on the union city government. this promise to form, we hope to strengthen our bilateral relationship. this statement was released as mass protest enter their 2nd week after the countries officials announced a 30 day stay of national emergency. here's how the turmoil in peru has been
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unfolding ah, the conscious mm hm . the situation reportedly destabilized shortly after the u. s. ambassador to peru met with the country's defense minister shortly before castiel was impeached. the minister was apparently one of the military leaders responsible for castillo ousting. a closer look into the background of the ambassador reveals she previously
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worked for the c i a that's according to the us state department website. independent journalist, ben norton says it's common for the us to overthrow progressive governments when it suits their interests. it's a typical example in latin america. there are dozens of examples throughout history where the working class of the region poor and working people. they elect a progressive left wing leader who represents their economic interests, who is then overthrown by the elite oligarchy, inch interests backed by the u. s. there, there are literally dozens of examples and pretty much every country in latin america. anyone in latin america knows that the united states is a very long history of organizing and supporting cruise data across the region. very famous examples include the cia coo that overthrew guatemala elected president archival utterance back in 1954. there's also the famous cia coo and she lay
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against somebody in the democratic elected president and $973.00. we have all of the historical documents proving that the cia was involved in organizing those who is of course, more recent crews. we've seen that the u. s. government has supported them. we don't have concrete evidence yet showing conclusively that the c i organize them. but it certainly does raised some eyebrows to see that a cia officer who is now at the u. s. ambassador to peru, and as they say in the u. s. is really no such thing as a former cia agent. the reality is that many people around the world know that the u. s. embassy is used to organize coups and it's used for intelligence and spying operations. and in latin america, there is a joke that you often hear people say they say, why is that as there never been a coup in washington? and that the answer is because there's no u. s embassy in washington. 3 explosions have brought the city of daniel over night. 6 grad missiles were fired at
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a residential area. according to local authorities. one of the buildings reportedly caught fire with windows blown out and an entire floor destroyed in another whiteness as say, some missile fragments hid a car, injuring a family and side. we heard from local residents about their life under constant shelling lane, cities, units of blood, the option, the ukrainian regime ignores all the rules and targets purely civilian areas. there are no military personnel, they're only local residence, small children leave here. i have no idea what they're doing and when it will end those 3 vanilla, there was massive shelling. 2 old women got so scared they fainted. we hope some one will help us, but i am not a day goes by and announced without casualties and destruction. and the reason for this is the key of regimes heavy shelling of residential areas. this shelling only grows more powerful day by day mother ukrainian shells.
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